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I just want a small farm with khajiit slaves
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"Dragonborn... be my guest"
can we ban mentions of this faggy game
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>"'Move along!"
Bethesda are cowards for not giving us a Khajiit gf in Skyrim.
You can be one, I guess
Khajiit are clever animals, and useful servants when trained from early youth, and so long as they are kept away from skooma. They are compulsive thieves and liars, lamentable traits that can be amended by stern punishment. By Imperial law, free Khajiit have the rights of citizens. Now there are Khajiit thieves everywhere.
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It's time to move on from our ancient practices, Khajiit and Argonians are people.
Time to go back to discord, nwah
The empire was a mistake
Only an evil twisted Thalmor spy or ash creature could hate the glorious multicultural imperium and it's mission to turn the world into a single uniform biomass that consumes product.
>put down slave revolt
>rewarded with a ring that shoots overpowered fireballs
Is this from some ESO book?
the Hlaalu wanted this
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fat ass sweaty lizard slaves bumping soil for big massa' daddy on my sugar plantation get my velothi blood going
>fat ass sweaty lizard slaves bumping soil for big massa' daddy on my sugar plantation
Have you learned nothing?
just mod in some fields and npcs around Rethan Manor
Hlaalo stronghold is the best. I just wish it was fleshed out more beyond the mine nonsense.
I'm fine with fur and tails but I just can't get over the animal face/snout. It's like having a cat and then...you start making out with it out of the blue. That's fucking weird.
Ok but what does this have to do with Morrowind?
Get your argussy dimadomed
With great power comes great responsibility.

The next time some uppity landowner decides to use unpaid laborers as a means of production, he’ll remember the fireballs and think twice on it.
>Main Skyrim quest line implies Nords are racist
>Meanwhile, ancient Nords:
How is this ok but bear sex in BG3 is not?
To be clear, I'm saying that both are disgusting
Playing as an Argonian for my first time when playing Morrowind, it was satisfying to see what became of them in the expansion for Skyrim.
Firstly, kahjit etc. are humanoid and can speak, while bear form is 100% animal and cant speak. So the ES furries are still like 30% less weird beastiality shit.
Secondly, we have never been presented with an in-game sex scene with them. Some small references sparsely spaced across the series is completely different than a straight up bestiality scene played in front of your eyes.

The differences are fairly obvious.
Animals can speak in BG3 They even show mastery of grammar and fairly adequate reasoning skills. Moreover, the bear in question is a druid, a humanoid. Thirdly, there is no in game sex scene with a bear, you don't actually see the act of coitus (or anal if you're a guy), it's merely implied
If you wanna take it a step further, Khajit forms are entirely dependent on the phase of the moons. An ohmes is basically indistinguishable from a boomer and an Ohmes-raht is just a lore friendly cat girl/boy.
*Bosmer. Autocorrect decides to work at the dumbest times.
Nice digits. What became of the Argonians?
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>What became of the Argonians?
Then one day, for no reason at all, the Nords elected Rolff Stone-Fist into power
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I learned from my daddy and his daddy that the lizard women have insatiable sexual appetites, and my duty as big massa' is to ensure that my gods-given property is treated firmly, yet tenderly.

Do you understand me now, lizard boy?
So fucking based
Is there an equivalent to Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul for Morrowind? I've played Oblivion modded for years, but for some reason, have only ever played Morrowind vanilla, for hundreds of hours.
Anon, the fireball ring goes to the person who HELPED the landowner by putting down the farm equipment riots. Those fireballs are coming your way, not your opponent's.
>Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul for Morrowind?
IDK, just want something different after literally hundreds of hours of vanilla. I don't mean a literal 1:1 copy of OOO for Morrowind. I just mean a large-scale overhaul that changes the game.
I don't think so? Maybe Adventurer's Mod, but I think it's old as fuck at this point and nowhere near as encompassing.
Morrowind Rebirth. Some people shit on it but that's usually because retards often suggest it for a first time playthrough. But it adds a ton of shit, expands towns, new dungeons, new enemies, and thankfully it doesn't really touch quests, so the writing isn't tainted by "harry potter is my favorite book" modders like Tamriel Rebuilt is.

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