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why did this series disappear? I would love a new wizardry game. my only stipulation would be it needs to have yamada akihiro or yoshitaka amano style artwork.
what's up with the rapid fire shit threads today
IIRC it's Sir-Tech intellectual property, but Sir-Tech has been defunct for decades so the franchise is stuck in licensing hell.
Don't the japs make like a new one of these every month?
iirc the last game was labyrinth of lost souls on the ps3 and they have just been putting out mobile tier remakes since.
I think your on the wrong board >>>/lgbt/
>I would love a new wizardry game
why? what do you want from them besides the name?
Just play grimrock or grimoire
Yeah they're not the same but what can you do
wizardry jp>wizardry
RPGs, both in Japan and in the west have completely abandoned the Dungeon crawling paradigm.
Heavy emphasis on storytelling is the new thing, compelling character arcs, cinematic cutscnes etc. You even see that in modern traditional forms of RPGs ie ttrpgs.
That said, its not exactly over as well. Many successors for Wizardry have popped up and some are still release, such Etrian Odyssey. Its not the same thing, but It shows that the genre still appeal to some people.
I think a revival is emminent, It Will come some day, many wizardry-likes have Begin to pop up in western indie scene and such, so its only time until one escapes into mainstream. Might take some time though
>iirc the last game was labyrinth of lost souls on the ps3
Prisoners of the Lost City came out after Labyrinth of Lost Souls. Alas, it remains Japan exclusive. Also, there was that roguelike spinoff, and the now-defunct MMO. Then, there's the updated The Five Ordeals with the all new scenario that wasn't in the original version. And, we are still awaiting Variants Daphne.
kill yourself
again, what do you want from a wizardry game besides the name? it's pointless. can you tards just let go of a franchise for once in your life?
wizardry is a pretty specific dungeon crawler. Not even recentish games like Grimrock capture it well.
Have you even ever played wizardry?
grimrock has nothing to do with wizardry at all, it's a dungeon master clone and real time. i've been playing wizardry games since 1993, which is why i'm asking you to tell me specifically what you want from a "wizardry" game now that it's just a name and some flavour attached to drpgs.
NTA but nips treated wizardry better than the west, like most things fantasy nowadays.
That evil fuck you difficulty and kino pixel art on the snes was something memorable still.
>it's cursed, fuck you
>dive in this magick pool, maybe you're fucked, or maybe you'll be made a god

Grimrock is legit but idk there was something there with its own style.
I'm not masochistic enough to forgo automapping though, my time has an actual monetary value in the real world.

There's definitely an 'alone against the mad dungeon that barely makes sense' vibe that is fun in these which is missing from overwrought VN in crpg that have a tabletop mode sometimes attached.
You have to lean into that vibe instead of try to straddle the difference with loli bullshit.
Eye of the beholder was also refined DM but also had this vibe.
Ravenloft successfully put that vibe into a rudimentary open world (lol in crawler) beginnings.
It was going somewhere, but casuals got thrown off the track mid ride.
Man, coming from someone for whom wizardry 6/7 was the peak of the franchise, this is such a weird sentiment to me. The jp wizardry games after 8 (not their ports, their ports of the first few wizardry games to various consoles are actually excellent and in many cases better than the originals) feel like they're stuck in the past. Like the devs are devoid of any creativity, don't know how to recreate the magic and feeling behind 6/7, and kept remaking the first 5 sans 4 over and over again because it's easy and requires no real thought.
Oops, forgot to add in my post. Tired. Grimoire definitely feels like the spiritual successor I always wanted to 7 but never got. Really scratched that itch I felt for a similar game. Looking forward to replaying it in another few years once it fades a bit from my mind and some point after I replay 6/7 again to better compare them.

I enjoyed grimrock 1/2 for what they were, successor to a different franchise, but I don't like square dancing. Was never a huge fan of DM either. But they were fun.

Not sure what else to look forward to in the genre. Mystic lands is coming out at some point and looks like it could be good. There's a few indie titles I've been following on and off on the codex but I doubt they'll be complete within a few years.
It's still the same old story:
>I want gaem like old but nu!
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Just play Etrian Odyssey, old SMT, or the Dark Spire.
Or if you want something more experimental try these indie DRPGs, they both have demos.
Wizardry 6-7-8 tried to be different just for the sake of it ruining everything

Thankfully japs knpw what REAL wizardry is about so you get jap sequels and spiritual successors like Elminage

The problem is the west doesn't cares about drpgs, they want quirky characters to have gay sex with since the IE games ruined wrpgs and their communities forever
>IIRC it's Sir-Tech intellectual property
Wrong, the IP was bought shortly after Sir-Tech's death, problem is it kept passing through various hands and it's currently in Drecom's hands, which is not what you'd call a good situation.
>Wizardry 6-7-8 tried to be different just for the sake of it ruining everything
holy cope, but
>conflating 8 with 6 and 7
You can ignore his opinion safely, he sounds like the kind of anon with identity politics brain rot that has never actually played the games he considers "based"
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>which is why i'm asking you to tell me specifically what you want from a "wizardry" game now that it's just a name and some flavour attached to drpgs
Its a shitpost thread to posture and pretend the bradley games don't exist. (while never playing any wizardry games, including the original trilogy)
7-8 went for a shitty wannabe sci fi setting that's impossible to take seriously

6 and 7 are probably among the most ugly looking rpgs ever made too
you get on the spaceship at the end of 6, fairly normal to mix sci-fi and fantasy in those days. 7 looks great and even 6 has really nice monster sprites. pleb secondary detected.
>7-8 went for a shitty wannabe sci fi setting that's impossible to take seriously
Do you read, anon? The line between sci-fi and fantasy used to be pretty blurry in old pulp fiction stories when the genre was taking off in the early to mid 1900s. And a lot of fantasy and sci-fi authors took inspiration from that later.

I think it's a shame now that people's common impression of what fantasy "should" be always comes down to fake vaguely medieval europe with magic and dragons based on pop culture cliches and tropes.
>why did this series disappear?
Failed to remain relevant and most of its main drawing points are either too niche or presented in a more palatable manner by others.
While it was the biggest pioneer of the dungeon crawler experience, it didn't address the issues of the early games (stuff that might have worked on tabletop rpgs but didn't translate as well to pc games) until many competitors had already stolen a big portion of the pie.
The lack of personality by lacking a strong art direction or characters also didn't help so it kinda blended along with its competitors in the casual's eyes.
Rpgs eventually moved onto games focused on plot and reactive settings or faster paced action like Diablo so it went from being the biggest rpg to an acquired taste. It also has a hard time getting a revival since Japanese dungeon crawlers inspired by it started doing the same but with a bigger focus on visuals and music.

I'd still buy a compilation of these games based on the snes ports or with a similar visual flair day 1 but those interested in the series (much less an actual sequel) are the minority
Super famicom wizardry 6 looks great.
7 is pretty good looking as well, not sure what you are going on about.
About themes, there isnt much to say besides that its a really retarded take. Do you want every fantasy game you play to be yet another D&D clone?
8 sucks, I agree, especially when It comes to aesthetics, and its a whole different game compared to previous entries.
>I'd still buy a compilation of these games based on the snes ports or with a similar visual flair day 1 but those interested in the series (much less an actual sequel) are the minority

This is why the new remake for Wizardry 1 is just nuts to me.
>$30 early access
>worse aesthetic and visual style than earlier remakes/ports of Wiz1
>only wizardry 1, no party export/import

Why someone wouldn't just play one of the other ports with a more consistent, tied together visual style and party export/import for the first 3 games for FREE really blows my mind.
Indeed, it feels like something a bedroom developer or small indie team would produce, rather than the remake a classic would get.
The cost is too high for something that looks so basic and it is early access so buying it is a coin toss, who knows when it is going to be a finished, well-polished product it ever.
It being just the first game is what baffles me the most.
Whoever currently owns the rights to Wizardry feels like they're completely devoid of creativity and are just coasting by on the name making the same games over and over again, either as slightly different clones and now as remakes. I think there's a mobile title coming out now too.
Actual mentally handicapped opinion. The jap games are nothing but glib facsimiles of the originals, but with worse art.
>worse art
Nothing can be worse than the ugly fucks you play as in 6 and 7, would rather not a use portrait at all
7 has good portraits. Have you only played the awful Gold version everyone warned you against?
Based busin zero enjoyer.
I love Japanese wizardry
Did someone say a new remake?
>feel like they're stuck in the past. Like the devs are devoid of any creativity, don't know how to recreate the magic and feeling behind 6/7, and kept remaking the first 5 sans 4 over and over again because it's easy and requires no real thought.
That's just genuinely Japanese mentality more than anything. When a Japanese man makes a pot, his mindset is turned towards mastery of that pot. He focuses on the flaws that keep it from being the idealized version of what a pot is, then he focuses on remaking that same exact pot without those flaws. He will make 10,000 pots over and over again, just perfecting this one simple design.

You can actually see this paradigm a lot in their culture as well. For example, they did the same thing with Lode Runner. While the west started to branch out from the original design by doing things with isometric designs in Lode Runner 2, adding in items and terrain in Lode Runner Returns, or doing 3D levels with Lode Runner 3D, Japan instead kept reproducing the design mechanics of Lode Runner the original, but just made the levels FAR more challenging then their western counterparts, making the far more difficult to complete while still retaining the same concepts.

Another non-video game example of this is their Galapagos Phone. I think recently the trend began reversing itself, but even as far as 2017, Japan had been developing and innovating on flip phone designs instead of switching over to the iPhone/Android smart phone designs, creating uniquely advanced flip phones that probably would have been insane had they been produced in 2005. But they just focused on improving the ONE thing, including its core ideas, over and over again.
Which is a problem when they try to copy and perfect something that wasn't good in the first place, like Western society or corporate structures or rap music.
This is true, especially so when the thing they get out of the product is not the particular thing that I like from it, and they improve on that. Like the fact that Compile Hearts tends to heavily focus onthe combat alone, with very little to do with actual dungeon exploring, which is the part I'm more interested in.

However, the Western mentality of "solve the problems with a new design" can also lead to issues as well. For example, if you really look into the game design through the ages and ask the same questions they ask, you can actually clearly see the real reason why adventure games "died out". They didn't die, they actually just turned into movie games and walking simulators.

Text Based Adventure Games:
>Gee, I can't see shit. It's hard to imagine.
Graphics Based Adventure Games:
>I'm still fighting with the interpreter. It never understands me.
Classic Sentence-Constructed Adventure Games:
>There are way too many verbs! I never know what the game wants!
9-Verb Adventure Games:
>I mean, honestly, I only really want to interact with certain objects in certain ways.
3-Symbol Dial AG:
>Can't I just click on the object and it knows what I want?
Context-Sensitive PnC:
>I just want to walk up to non-hidden items and click on them, and the story moves forward. Why am I still pointing and clicking?
Games with adventure elements (like Survival Horror)
>Why am I carrying all this crap around? Let me just talk to them and solve it.
"Mystery" Games like Heavy Rain
>In fact, let me make all my choices matter. I don't want game overs.
Walking Dead-style Visual Novels

It's a long chain, but nobody noticed that we went from incredibly tough puzzle games that involved heavy documentation and mapping, exploration, and intentionality, to literal movies, because we just kept innovating things over and over again until nobody wants to even think about another Zork.
Oh, I agree. Progress for progress's sake isn't good. But Wizardry 7 really was better than earlier Wizardries. I think there really is a degree of just not liking change that leads to a rejection of real improvement that doesn't destroy essence.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to have pure versions of either, with the magical/fantasy settings having completely different laws governing reality. But the approach of "magic really is sufficiently advanced technology" and "grugs wearing hides and swinging crude axes is a result of somewhat recent civilizational collapse" definitely has a right to exist too.
Real variety is always good.
What is best way to play wizardry I-IV? I heard the snes and psx ports change a lot from the original apple II games. I want to play the versions that the closest to the original quadrilogy.
The PSX versions don't change much from the originals, in fact they're mostly ports of one of the Japanese PC releases. The biggest difference is just having auto-mapping (which you can off if you want).
RPGs too went into the exact same direction really. They got so oversimplified that many recent rpgs are simply big numbers go up story driven light novels.
Is it good?
I always find it funny when people say JRPGs are just VNs when one of the most popular and well-regarded WRPGs in the past 5 years is Disco Elysium, a game with no combat that is really just a VN with dice rolls.
Oh no, I was not by ALL means implying that this is exclusive to jrpgs.
Disco elysium is in fact probably one of the worst offenders, and perfectly fits into my description. Its a light novel with dice Rolls for padding
Once again I wrote light novel but what I actually meant to say in both replies was visual novel. I know the contexto implied that It was a mistake, but It good to correct nonetheless.
Played Grimrock, but what's "grimoire"?
Grimoire is a shitposr, the dev is more interesting than the game
>Oh no, I was not by ALL means implying that this is exclusive to jrpgs.
I wasn't implying that you were
I like Disco (probably because I enjoy VNs) but WRPGs honestly seem to focus more on narrative over gameplay than JRPGs these days. Modern RPGs also have the problem of focusing way too much on romance, but I guess it's popular so it's what sells, like BG3 and Persona 5.

I guess the main problem is that these days RPGs only sell super well when the RPG part is downplayed for something else, like the romance stuff in BG3, Persona 5, or any Bioware game.
What a retarded thing to say. It's a full Wiz 7 clone.
t. Sape
Wizardry started getting good with 6
>I think there's a mobile title coming out now too.
It's a fucking NFT game too.
That's certainly and interesting way to think about it. Haven't looked at it that way before and it would explain a lot.

The PSX version (Llyllgamyn saga) is superb. Minimal changes, option for better graphics that still fit aesthetically and feel good, all 3 games with export/import party features on one disc.

>There's nothing wrong with wanting to have pure versions of either, with the magical/fantasy settings having completely different laws governing reality.
Oh, I wholeheartedly agree. I wouldn't bash a fantasy setting for not having sci-fi elements and vice versa. I just think pure fantasy (as envisioned by the west, aping vaguely medieval Europe) is way too oversaturated at the moment. I know it's debatable but imo Wiz 6/7 would be worse off as pure fantasy. As far as dungeon crawlers go the setting was very unique compared to its competitors.

Grimoire is probably the best spiritual successor to Wiz 6/7 that we're ever going to see. The market is way too niche for anyone barring serious autists to invest that much time and effort into making a similar game that even comes close.

anon get yer eye's checked out RIGHT NOW m8 their sprites aged great!
That's not how these games look like on crts and the shaders available on the net don't make it look right either
>I just think pure fantasy (as envisioned by the west, aping vaguely medieval Europe) is way too oversaturated at the moment.
True. I have a hunch that it mostly stems from the people making them today not caring in the least for as long as they get their paycheck. In the bygone times it was nerds who also wanted to make a living from their passion.
Did Might & Magic ever make it to nipland? How was the reception?
I'm not super familiar with M&M, but I know the first 3 games got console ports and the first 5 games had Japanese PC ports, and VIII even got a Japan-only PS2 port. It also looks like all of VI onward got official Japanese language releases but they're hard to find like Japanese versions of any late 90s to mid 2000s CRPGs.

From what I can roughly gather, it seems like the I & II were pretty popular at the time, just below early Wizardry and Ultima. III to V seem less so, I'm guessing because it changed the gameplay a lot and the more "Western-looking" artstyle was more upfront, but they were still decently popular in the Japanese PC space at the time. But VI onward seems to be outright obscure unless you were a hardcore westaboo RPG fan.
MM VIII actually has a Japanese exclusive ps2 port that adds a short tutorial to the game. No idea how popular it was though.

Literally just 2 pictures in and it's already ugly as fuck
I know MM1 had a Very competent and good looking port to NES, If that is any indicative.
You have the taste of a white woman. Back to moviegames with you
This is awful.
It looks really bad compared to Might and Magic 3 which was released less than a year later.
The sprites aren't bad, but the limited palette did them no favours and the background dungeon being featureless grey walls was mindnumbing. It was liked in spite of its graphics. Wizardry 7 looked pretty good though.
Wizardry 6 on the Super Famicom looks great too, If that is such a big deal for this anon
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Let's try that again, didn't realize mobygames was resizing it.
>adds a short tutorial to the game
Why? Dagger Wound Island is a giant tutorial until you get means of reaching the two higher level/threat islands not connected by portals. And you can still rush one of them very early on if you're good at the games.
Wizardry 7 does look way way better, despite this it's still has its graphical issues
>we've upgraded from one generic background to FOUR whole backgrounds
>every area is either a city with yellow bricks, a forest, a cave or a dungeon
>game is like three times the size of 6 so they get old pretty fast
>unlike wizardry 6, it has less enemy sprites for some reason so they reuse the ones they do have far more often and with no palette swapping
>there's fucking 15 absolutely visually identical rat enemies in the game
Graphics were never the series' strong suit. Even 8 had hilariously outdated blocky graphics when it released in 2001.
the japanese wizardry 7 port on PSX looks cursed as fuck

I've never finished a single Wizardry game but I really enjoyed Grimoire. It reminded me a lot of Might and Magic but just a bit more complex. People meme on Cleve but it's a genuinely good game and a pretty good newbie introduction to 90s dungeon crawlers.

just like the ultia underworld port that the west never got!
Japanese wizardry games whole approach of making their wiz games "real" 3D but with a mix of 2D sprites and 3D assets feels so garish.
Wizardry: The Five Ordeals seems kind of cool so far.
I'm still holding on to my wizardry 8 saves. I just know that 9 is gonna come out any day now!
>Variants Daphne never ever
I enjoyed the Dark Spire, but I really disliked how they limited you to 4 party members and still maintained fairly firm niche protection which I suppose why you get multi-class unlocks later on.

One of my favorite things about Wizardry is having that bit of slack that allows me to customize my party without dropping a really important skill set.

It's less of a "dungeon crawling paradigm" and more they've basically cut off so much compelling but unstated gameplay (map making, note taking, resource management through encumbrance, quest journals/markers, etc) and cut the need for any of those for "QoL" that basically renders the stated gameplay/mechanics as boring.

Which is why they started opting for mechanical complexity/synergy like a deck building game like MtG. Hell, even DQ stopped being a proper RPG in the spirit of Ultima after the first game. Their environments are effectively hallways that you can now map a story/dramatic outcomes on to.

I still think Ultima is the ultimate synthesis of RPG mechanics married to an adventure game (Zork, Colossal Cave Adventure, etc) structure. Anyway, play Nox Archaist.
The Children of Selune was a DOPE scenario. I like Wizardry scenarios with believable map designs, way less interested in convoluted paths unless they're trying to map a cave system or something else that makes sense. Selune feels like you are actually exploring a castle.
They're good games, but I hate that they redesigned the "qualifier" classes like Lord, Ninja, Bishop as orthogonal to the starter classes and introduced a bunch of furry races.

Wizardry 4 is still the best scenario. I made a WERDNA LIVES patch for my TTRPG book bag for when I run games at the FLGS and some old-timers recognized it.
>furry races
you can't really fault oldschool games for this kind of thing. this is before furries were a thing, when animal people was just something cool and not a sexual fetish for creeps.
I blame the influence of SW personally and how popular genre-mashing was during the late 80's/90's.

Wizardry 6 onwards had heavy sci-fi elements thrown in and I kind of think that races like the Mook, Dracon, Felpurr, etc were analogs of SW species or at least meant to sign post a more sci-fi bent. I mean, sci-fi was present in D&D for decades prior (Expedition to Barrier Peaks, Tekumel, etc) but I'm more noting that Wizardry had a decidedly sci-fi bent from 6 onwards compared to the earlier games.
Yes, nerds were actually nerds back then and we didn't mind our peas touching our mashed potatoes. They just wanted a reason to take your party to another planet and show that creatures all over the universe, like the spidermen T'Rang and the Rhino Umpani, were interested in the Cosmic Forge. Felpurr and Rawulf and Dracon are just cat/dog/dragon/ people, which were standard scifi and fantasy fare in the early 90s. Just like how the Kilrathi in Wing Commander were based on the Kzin from the Niven books. Cartoons and comics were unknowingly twisting people's sexuality even then, for sure, but it wasn't like Furcadia had been created and entered nerd perception yet.
>Wizardry 4 is still the best scenario. I made a WERDNA LIVES patch for my TTRPG book bag for when I run games at the FLGS and some old-timers recognized it.
>mfw I share the board with cenobites
>mfw I have no face
What does this even mean anon?
Cool cover
it's dead jim RIP BRAD!
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the eye people look kinda cool
>Wizardry thread
>It's not about wizardry at all and it's just a bunch of fat brazilian nintoddlers coping
Okay then
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If you're looking for more Wizardry-style dungeon crawling, Dungeon & Bride AKA Cuckshed RPG is coming out hopefully this year.
Are any of the Wizardry 8 mods worth playing? I wanna replay the game again, but with a twist since it's become a bit stale.
I can tolerate tentacle rape to play autism squad builder Venusblood, but I won't tolerate NTR
>Japanese wizardry games whole approach of making their wiz games "real" 3D but with a mix of 2D sprites and 3D assets feels so garish.
It's very jarring due to the visual contrast. Same with those "remasters" which use basic-bitch sprites over hi-def backgrounds, giving the whole game a "cardboard cut-out on static diorama" feel (like those fold-out playbooks from 30+ years ago).
I'm definitely not a fan of either of those.
>Even 8 had hilariously outdated blocky graphics when it released in 2001.
That was more due to the extreme pace of 3D acceleration improvement than anything. A lot of games who started development circa '98 ended up looking like utter ass when released in 2001. Wiz 8 wasn't an outlier. Even the original release of Morrowind had pretty ugly-looking textures and characters/objects, especially if you had to reduce effects/details to make it run on a less-capable system.
Regarding Wiz 6, specifically, it only supported up to EGA (with its ugly-ass CGA-derived neon-bright palette), whereas M&M3 (and Wiz 7) supported VGA, which offers a far wider/better choice of hues.
God, it's so fucking ugly.
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Has anyone beaten one of these?
yes. hall of gorrors in wiz 7 is far harder.
What's the best Wizardry game to get into it?
Depends entirely on you and your tolerances for old game jank/graphics/consoleshit/difficulty.
I should have clarified, I have a large tolerance and specifically want one of the older ones
Just play the first one and go in order. I recommend the PS1 ports of 1 to 5.
I tried going for Beast of a 1000 eyes with my shitty lvl 20-ish party and got wiped. lul
>wizardry jp>wizardry

that's just like saying Wiz1-5 > Wiz6-8
Which is a highly questionable opinion.
>japanese are the only ones who make wizardry games cause of a quirk of copyright
>they're all based on 1-3+5 instead of 6-8
Try Elminage original and Gothic, Im sure you will enjoy It even If 7 is what you consider the best.
And honestly, 8 kind of sucks, and 6 is a Dungeon crawler through and through, not much different from 1-5 in that sense
Adding to my reply, I have to admit Elminage is perhaps one of the very few good Wizardry-likes japanese devs have ever released.
Elminage is still fundamentally rooted in the classic Wizardry formula, while it does take some elements from the Dark Savant trilogy it doesn't really follow the same design structure, even if it does have really great dungeon design and class balance for the most part.
Elminage at its core is still largely about dungeon crawling, the Dark Savant games tried to integrate a broader system of roleplaying mechanics, 7 and 8 especially focus a lot on having a more interactive and expanded setting compared to previous games, Elminage doesn't really do any of that, it's still largely about self contained dungeons with a set of world hubs.
Which is good if you ask me since Dark Savant games end up being way too unfocused and finnicky, but I don't think Anon will like Elminage coming from those.
Well, since he mentioned 6 as well, I had the impression Elminage might have been fitting. It really doesnt emphasize roleplaying, but It offers much more variety than the original five wizardry games.
I have tried playing Elminage Gothic (haven't played Original) and mechanically it felt a lot like the first couple of wizardries, so while it was alright I lost interest in it pretty quickly. Pure dungeon crawling isn't really a problem for me, That's why I loved 6 and 7. Hell I would even consider 8 as being a ''dungeon'' crawler of sorts since it is still like 99% combat 1% everything else. Compare it to say something like MM6-8 where half the game is pretty standard rpg town interactions and quests.

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