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Welcome to /wfg/! your thread to communicate with other trainers.

This is the thread for all your Trading, Battling, Raiding and Camping needs!
Missing a version exclusive?
Want try that team you are building?
Maybe need a Pokemon or two to fill your Pokedex?
Wanna do a Giveaway?
Need a carry for a difficult Raid?
Feel like doing a BBQ with other trainers?
Say no more!

Please try to not offer clones or modified Pokémon, or at least warn about them and no "hacked/injected" Pokemon please!
Have fun Anon, and be excellent to each other!

>Prepare to Face a Mighty Primarina!
Catch a Primarina with the Mightiest Mark! and will be available:
Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. PDT to Sunday, May 12, 2024, at 4:59 p.m. PDT
Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. PDT to Sunday, May 19, 2024, at 4:59 p.m. PDT.

>Ranked Battles Season 18 Is Under Way!
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet Ranked Battles Season 18 has begun!
Running until Friday, May 31, 2024, at 4:59 p.m. PDT, Ranked Battles Season 18 will follow Regulation Set G

>Current Mystery Gifts
>Mythical Pecha Berry Gift
(No code - Receive via the Internet)
>Neo-Kitakami Case for Rotom Phone
>Flutter Mane
987W1THSPECS (May 7th 2024 - 21:59 PT)
L1KEAFLUTE (31st Aug 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>1x Sweet Herba Mystica / 1x Spicy Herba Mystica
SWEET0RSP1CY (30th Sep 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Sprigatito with Partner Ribbon
L1K0W1TH906 (30th Sep 2024 - 06:59 PT)
TEAMSTAR (31st Oct, 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Chest-Form Gimmighoul
SEEY0U1NPALDEA (30th Nov, 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Terastal Cap
WEARTERASTALCAP (30th Nov, 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Expert Belt
SUPEREFFECT1VE (28th Feb 2025 - 06:59 PT)
>30 Quick Balls
G0TCHAP0KEM0N (28th Feb 2025 - 06:59 PT)
Y0AS0B1B1R1B1R1 (28th Feb 2025 - 06:59 PT)

>Previously on /wfg/
Wow, it's like a terrible Ravi OP
I can assume full responsibility to keep the general alive, at least until we get enough playerbase to keep it alive naturally.
Fine I'll help you out. But honestly I just wanted to see if the thread still had the conviction to keep it going.
>I just wanted to see if the thread still had the conviction to keep it going.
Going by how it keeps dying and the general, high quality posts, this is somewhat doubtful.
Reg G practice games doko?
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Hey all, still working on my Beast Ball Living Dex. I recently finished up Gen 7, which I've been sort of putting off for a while since, because I still have SM/USUM it was easy to catch them all in Beast Balls, so it was very low priority. Almost all of the families I need for it have been completed, the only one left is Minior and its forms which I still need to breed

I also managed to evolve all the trade evos I could in SV save for Slowking. I completely forgot to breed a Slowpoke for that purpose, so I'll have to do that sometime soon. Aside from that, the only trade evos I have left are exclusive to SWSH, though I'm waiting until I have all of them ready before I evolve them, only one I'm missing is the Spritzee family

Speaking of trading in SWSH, Wynn, let me know a time when you're able to trade. I'll be here all day, so any time is fine for me. Also, let me know what other Luxury Ball mons you still need and I'll be more than happy to get them for you. If I recall, you said you wanted some Syrupy Apples in SV since I guess you don't have the DLC

Aside from that, there are a few non-SWSH mons that I still need to get. Namely, the Sunkern, Phanpy, Slakoth, Numel, Zangoose, Chingling, Kricketot, Pachirisu, Stunky, Deerling, Cubchoo, Skiddo, Skwovet, Silicobra, Pawmi, Fidough, Wattrel, Bramblin, Flittle, Bombirdier, Orthworm and Flamigo Lines
I can get any of these in SV so they're not the highest priority just yet. If anyone wants to help, feel free to drop a reply. I have some good things to trade in exchange, so just ask me what you're looking for and I might be able to help
If one were to start a fresh livingdex using only DS/3DS games which game would be the best to start? HGSS and/or USUM?
HGSS can net you pretty much all the Pokemon from Gens 1-3 aside from Mythicals and the Regis, and most of Gen 4's Pokemon barring Legendaries and Mythicals. However, you'll have to contend with a lot of obscure bullshit, including waiting around 3 months to get Riolu in the Johto Safari Zone. You'll also have to do multiple runs if you want to get each Starter, since you can only pick one of each and the Kanto and Hoenn Starters can only be found in the postgame

USUM has a grand total of 400 Pokemon in its Dex alone, covering a huge variety of Pokemon from all across Gens 1-7. This includes one of each Legendary Pokemon and Ultra Beasts via Ultra Wormholes, some of which are version exclusive, numerous non-Pokedex Pokemon such as Yanmega and Heliolisk, and the Mythical Pokemon Magearna that can be obtained whenever with its QR Code provided you become Champion. There's also Island Scan, which adds more families not natively found in Alola. They're not version exclusive, however they do differ from what can be found in base Sun & Moon so keep that in mind

If I had to pick one to start with, I'd go with USUM due to its larger variety of Pokemon and access to pretty much every Legendary Pokemon and Magearna, which has yet to be rereleased outside of HOME's 100% completion bonus, and even then it isn't the normal form. Only issue with that is having to actually play through USUM. HGSS is still a good place to start, especially if you care a lot about covering specific Gens in their entirety instead of doing a patchwork of a whole bunch of Gens, however doing that necessitates at least one Gen V game if you want to bring them all up to HOME
you're team a shit
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>HGSS can net you pretty much all the Pokemon []
Meet this smug cat only available in three games
What the fuck were they thinking?
If we're only counting mainline games and no remakes, Delcatty can be found in Pearl, White 2, ORAS and L:A, so it's actually 4 (5 if we count OR and AS as separate games)
Still uncommon as fuck, but arguably better than the elemental monkeys
Anyone got ideas for the raid? I'm probably doing Light Screen, Helping Hand, Sunny Day, life dew blissey. Buff and spam healing on teammates.
Bitch please, that's no Delcatty.
PLA does not factor into a
>fresh livingdex using only DS/3DS gamess
If it would you'ds also have to count SP.
And while it theoretically is available in W2 hidden grottos,
this is only true for two very specific Funfest mission (37+38)
>Bitch please, that's no Delcatty
Oh sorry, my mistake, I meant Glameow. Dunno why I said Delcatty. Although that's also a Pokemon you don't see as often
>PLA does not factor into a "fresh livingdex using only DS/3DS games". If it would you'd also have to count SP.
Oh right, completely forgot about that
>And while it theoretically is available in W2 hidden grottos, this is only true for two very specific Funfest mission (37+38)
You know, I've never played the Funfest Missions. Dunno if they can still be played today, though
Whoops, mean to reply to
>Dunno if they can still be played today, though
Sure they can, they are however not fun and instead total bullshit.
Have anyone here have success with the GTS? Is it worth it to just put up a pokemon and wait or will it be a waste of time?
It depends what you are looking for.
Dexfiller should ne easy.
It depends on a lot of factors: What you're looking for, what you're offering, how common/popular what you're looking for/offering is, and how generous other people are willing to be
Typically the rarer your offer, the sooner you'll get a trade. If your trade is some random shitmon and you're asking for another shitmon, odds are good you'll get a trade in decently short order
I just want an exclusive mon so I wanted to trade it for my exclusive mon but I just want to know if it would be a waste of my time.

I mean your not wrong but it's considered a 'cool' mon so they are asking for legendries. And I've only seen one person asking for something reasonable but it was gone by the time I got everything ready to trade. But I don't have anything to lose at this point so I might just do it already.
ok /wfg/ this is the thing, found a shiny Dunseparse last week on VC Crystal and had the urge to know how many of them would take to evolve into a 3-segmented Dudunsparce on SV so I mass cloned it on still Gen2.
as you know VC pokemon moved to BANK are assigned random values even to identical clones effectively turning them in different Pokemon.
now I got the 3 segment one after evolving exactly 298 Dunseparses and ended up with a really big number of leftovers so... if you want some feel free to reply to this post, I can give you virtually any number you may want (have over 200 left)
aloha bud! I have your stuff ready on Shield, let me know if you're on, you don't have an idea of how many balls it took me to catch the 4 galarian fossils on Best balls, but hey, they're here waiting for you
both gen4 and gen5 are quite active
I've put up trades on gen4 and got same day trades many times
Just throw a useful item on, and dont ask for something fucking stupid
Hey Wynn, I'm here and ready
Drop me the code and we'll get to trading
sorry went for a coffe and got entertained with other things, code is 1316 1316
but right now I have just half your stuff, the others are on HOME and it's going to be under maint for an extra hour
>but right now I have just half your stuff, the others are on HOME and it's going to be under maint for an extra hour
Okay, that's fine, so long as we can trade something
Searching now
we're not matching, let me try again
I've been searching the code for the last 10 minutes
Did you turn on internet in the Y-Comm?
yup, my map is filled with random trainers, i'm on the entrance of the wild area, near the troll onyx
man I miss using the galarian fossils, I pray next gen finall allows a full nat dex season, UBs, Paradoxes, Tapus, Megas, teras, primals, Gigas, dynas, ultra negrozma and z-moves, you name it, like gen 7 but with gen8 and 9's gimmick in the mix too
that's all for now, give me 20mins to get you a box of random shitmons to give you more beastballs
I fucking wish. Hell, I don't even need everything back, just give me Megas and Ultra Necrozma back and I'll be happy. Z-Moves are whatever and Dynamax is kinda lame. Tera can stay, though, I actually really like it
I really hope the next Legends game is set entirely in Ultra Space and we get to fuck around with alien Pokemon, that'd be so fucking cool

Okay, sure thing. I'll be here for at least the next hour
I should note, I only have 7 Luxury Ball mons left in Shield right now to give you
I have a few more, but they're in HOME and they can't be traded in SWSH
ok, it's ok, I can give you beast balls in SV too if you want, yeah, once home is back I can net you more things
>I can give you beast balls in SV too if you want, yeah, once home is back I can net you more things
Sure, I'd appreciate that as well. Once HOME comes back online I'll bring those Luxury Ball mons over to Scarlet
By the way, be sure to let me know what Luxury Ball mons you'd like me to get for you. I know you need some Syrupy Apples for Hydrapple, as well as two Own Tempo Rockruffs and two Dusk Form Lycanrocs, so... yeah, let me know what else you'd need
right now I think I already got every hard to get mon except for a few like huntail, gorebyss, legit/antique teas (those are just a matter of re-rolling outbreaks), and some stage 1 pokemon I'm too lazy to breed like lotad, seedot or litwick
>Huntail and Gorebyss
They can be found in the wild in USUM via SOS from a Clamperl. They're a bit of a pain in the ass to find, but it's not too bad. Hell, that's how I found mine
>Legit/Antique Teas
Even without an outbreak it's not the worst thing. Definitely harder to find Poltchageist because of all the other spawns around it. So many Heracross would get in my way as I'm trying to look for the mark and the camera seldom wants to cooperate, plus it has Memento
>and some stage 1 pokemon I'm too lazy to breed like lotad, seedot or litwick
Better start making a list, then. Gives me something to shoot for
I wish 30th anniversary brings us a new Stadium. All Gens available all gimmicks possible, heck even a mix and match by setting up your own rules (set up your own tournament where you only allow certain gimmicks, assign a limited number of bans, etc) or looking up for battles that match your preferred rules. New minigames, new Gym Leader towers and the same Battle Facilities from Gen 3/4 with revamped rosters, in fact make it so they award the exact same Ribbons from their generations
just by looking at my current Galardex:
>mr. fucking 1% spawn rate Dhelmise
>Jangmo-O line
>Zacian so now I have a proper excuse to restart Sword
and like usual, just got a Dhelmise, and shiny on top of that, complaining on /vp/ does affect reality
I take partial credit for this for being indirectly responsible for the bitching
jaja, yeah, by the way, I fell asleep, sorry about that and look, HOME 's back so I can get you the rest of your stuff
I haven't been here in a while. Are you collecting a bunch of guys in beast balls?

Also sup wynn
Okay, sounds good. It's pretty late, so maybe we should wait until tomorrow to do more. I'll be here all day tomorrow as well, so pop in whenever

>I haven't been here in a while. Are you collecting a bunch of guys in beast balls?
First of all, welcome back. Second, yeah, I'm still working on it. I've made pretty great progress, Gens 1, 2, 4 and 7 are just about done, I only have a few left for each. Gen 3 is getting close to done, as well as Gens 6 and 8. Gen 9 still has a ways to go, and some of the remaining ones are going to be a bit tough to get, but it shouldn't be too bad

I've also got quite a few Legendaries in Beast Balls as well, but I'm gonna focus on that until I finish the non-Legendary mons first
I need to see if I caught the kyogre in dynamax adventures in one, I want it for a rain team.
I think I might have an extra sinistchai in one? I was trying to catch a rainy/stormy authentic shiny in a beast ball for the same team but I could only eventually find a cloudy, which is fine.
ok then, get a box of shitmons ready for your deliveries and multiple Beast Ball deliverymons, same for SV, got a box of randomons holding Beast Balls ready, I should have like 100+ BBs on Scarlet that, to be honest you can keep if you want
Will do, thanks!
and give me your missing lists, since I'm scavenging on UM, Shield w/DLCs (soon Sword too) and both of Scarlet's DLCs I may as well get you stuff from there
out of the legends I got you a Latias and Yveltal on Beast Balls and I don't need more unga Entei/Unga Raikou in case you need them in beast balls
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>and give me your missing lists
Alright, here's where I'm at right now. Anything with a * at the end means I've already got one/need to breed or trade evolve it, so you don't need to worry about it. For example, I already have a Slowpoke and Onix that I can evolve into Slowking and Steelix. I also now have Bunnelby, so all I have to do is breed it and evolve one of them into Diggersby

The ones I can't get myself are Solrock (only in sword), Iron Boulder and Iron Crown (I only have Scarlet), so you should probably prioritize those if you can.
>out of the legends I got you a Latias and Yveltal on Beast Balls
Ah yes, those two. Don't remember asking for Latias but I'll gladly take it
>and I don't need more unga Entei/Unga Raikou in case you need them in beast balls
I'll take one of each if you don't mind, definitely saves me having to do another playthrough to get them myself
got it, well, see you tomorrow bud, good night
Yep, see you tomorrow
And thanks again for all your help, really appreciate it
>both gen4 and gen5 are quite active
>I've put up trades on gen4 and got same day trades many times
>Just throw a useful item on, and dont ask for something fucking stupid
That's actually good to know. Thanks anon.
>now I got the 3 segment one after evolving exactly 298 Dunseparses and ended up with a really big number of leftovers so... if you want some feel free to reply to this post, I can give you virtually any number you may want (have over 200 left)
I'll take one if you got any extras. Also when do I start getting easy access to beast balls and luxury balls? I want to help you out with your pokedex.
Is there any easy way to get Blueberry Points?
Play with 4 people
Anyone have a Gouging Fire they don't mind getting rid off and what can I offer in exchange, Pokémon or item-wise
sure, you can have it just tell me when you're ready, as for Luxury/Beast Balls, Luxury are available as soon as you get like 6 medals or so via Delibird Stores, Beast balls are are harder to get you get like one or two via dex completion but you can't actually grind them unless you have the DLC with the Item Printer or randomly via Ace Tournament on the postgame
play with people. lots of people
I still have a lot of spare ones, as for what I want... a luvdisc. nothing else maybe something interesting inside a luxury ball, but the luvdisc is fine
Hey Wynn, I got some of the mons you wanted on this list >>55853175 in Luxury Balls, one male and one female of each: Lotad, Seedot, Nuzleaf (Seedot2 I think?), Quagsire, Munchlax and the Jangmo-o Line. Let me know when you want to trade for them, also which game you want to trade them in
How is one supposed to have spare ones? I thought you can only catch one of them
Make an alternative account for your Switch and start a new game with that file. From there, just play through the game as normal until you get to whatever it is you want
a few months ago when I was first rebuilding my livingdex I farmed Shield's and Scarlet's legendaries as tradebait for difficult shit, the DLCs on both sides are easy to marathon but the issue was getting shield doggo/eternatus/unga bike since you need to clear the story for them, in the end I ended up with way too many rterapagos/ogrepon/ursaluna/unga entei, unga raikou, koraidons that are just sitting on my HOME collecting dust now since I pretty much re-recompleted my livingdex+balltism+forms+genders
sup bro, I got you a few paradoxes on BBs and used BBs to get trade fodder/bb delivery pokemon on shield... got tired to do that on scarlet, I dunno why but I was sure it had a x1 modifier like luxuries on anything but UBs but man, it's x0.1 the idiot who thought that should be stoned to death with BB props, getting even route 1 shitmons can take multiple balls even under sleep and 1hp.
anyways, I'm sorting my HOME with everything I catch today so give me a few mins to finish it, I pretty much completed Kitakimi again so I'm back to less than 100mons to finish my Living dex I think
In that case I'll gladly take one if you got some to spare. Would Raging Bolt be too much to ask as well? I got some 5IV leftovers for trade + any item to your liking(I hope)
>I dunno why but I was sure it had a x1 modifier like luxuries on anything but UBs but man, it's x0.1
Yep, 5x on Ultra Beasts and 0.1x on everything else
>getting even route 1 shitmons can take multiple balls even under sleep and 1hp.
That's one of the reasons this has taken so long, and why I primarily used USUM to get the lion's share of the Pokemon. It's the only game where you can easily and readily obtain Beast Balls
>anyways, I'm sorting my HOME with everything I catch today so give me a few mins to finish it,
Take your time, let me know when you're ready to trade
>I pretty much completed Kitakimi again so I'm back to less than 100mons to finish my Living dex I think
That's great to hear! Not surprising that you caught up so quickly, since you're not doing any breeding for good IVs and natures like I am
So I just checked my boxes. I have a stormy beast ball sinistchai, it's not shiny but that mark is such a pain in the ass to get. I have a shiny cloudy one for my rain team but I wanted the stormy + shiny combo in a beast ball...
Not sure what do.
I've got TWO shiny Phantumps. If anyone's willing to help me evolve one, they can have the other.
>If anyone's willing to help me evolve one
What do you need me to do anon?
Sure, I can help, which game?
It's a trade evolution

I'm ready to trade. Link code is number of this post
Alright. Thanks.
Scarlet and violet is bigger than I thought it would be. It must be a pain to run through the game again just for the legendries.
If you move over with HOME your fresh new starter to another file you can pump it with XP candy and rush it. If you can move the Paldea Dex too then you can even grab the Shiny Charm easily. Yes it will be a slog unless you aim for the titans to unlock Koraidon's powers first
That's still like 6-7 hours
Yes and?
Just putting some numbers on it
Can you have more than one home account on the same phone? or do you mean something else?
On Switch if you go into HOME with your main account you can move stuff to your other save files
Unlike other games you don't need to fight filler, you can run straight through the gyms if you catch something and level it up in another save and send it back.
After that you can playthrough the rest of the story with whatever you like.
hi there BBman, I'm really sorry for ghosting you last night, got carried on merging my gen 7 stuff on Bank, moving it to Home and then merging it with all the new stuff, sorting it comparing and deleting useless stuff, didn't even realize I spent the whole night on it, but at least now I know EXACTLY what do I have and what I'm missing to a T. I'm going to update my excel tomorrow, anyways, I'm going to be active nearly all night again (going to take a day off tomorrow) I'm going to be on Shield hunting stuff so give me a call when you're ready
and by the way this is the messy notepad list of my missings, currently my most wanted mofo is Swirlix and/or Slurpuff I can give you anything in exchange for it, oh and I still have my spare shiny Dunseparses if anyone wants one or two or 35 give me a call
forgot to say but I have a box ready of stuff holding BBs so prepare one too
dunno if you're still here but if you still want the unga paradoxes give me a call
>hi there BBman, I'm really sorry for ghosting you last night
Hey, Wynn. It's fine, I'm sort of used to it by now. At least you were able to trade me some Beast Balls in Shield so I could get to work on catching/breeding the mons I need specifically from there. Right now the only one from SWSH that I need but can't get is Solrock (Sword exclusive). I'd really appreciate it if you could get that for me
>forgot to say but I have a box ready of stuff holding BBs so prepare one too
I still have a few Luxury Ball mons in Shield from last time that I haven't traded yet, however it's not that much (probably 7 or so) so I'll need to get more. I have a whole box of Luxury Ball mons in Scarlet for you, though, if you don't mind switching to those games for a second
>I'm sort of used to it by now.
fug, i'm a workaholic of the worse kind, and the second I start working on shit nothing can keep me away from it for more than a minute, if you have time I can provide you a life-long supply of BB on shield.
>Sword Excs
I'm on the same boat, a friend let me burrow his sword but man replaying SwSh story feels worse than any other entry on the game, I need to hunt stuff there too but the medal clause is the worse offender this series has had regarding restrictions
>if you have time I can provide you a life-long supply of BB on shield.
Sure, I've got time, just drop me the link code. I don't have many Luxury Ball mons in Shield at the moment, but I do have a bunch of Indeedees that I bred for some reason if you don't mind that. And again, I have a box of Luxury Ball mons for you in Scarlet
don't worry just give any route1 shitmon, besides you have helped me so much that I don't mind but if you can touchtrade me a slurpuff to get the shiny charm on this shield save I would be very grateful.
I can give you BBs on SV too but I emptied it from pokemon last night so I need to catch a box of randomons
shield code is the usual, 1316 1316
>but if you can touchtrade me a slurpuff to get the shiny charm on this shield save I would be very grateful.
Sure thing

Searching now
having trouble matching?
Possibly, I dunno what's going on. It usually connects
let me resend it, otherwise try checking near hammerlocke's entrance and see if you can see me there
hey bro are you sure about the shinies? i'm more than happy with shitmons, even more if we're going to be trading back and forth to get you BBs
I was always intending to give those to you, it's no problem
ok, thanks for that, now let me equip the indedees with BBs for another round of trading
Gotta take off the Beast Balls now
man Sword's speedrun world record under any% with DLC is 4hrs long, maybe I can trample it tomorrow if I can stomach the 45 to 50mins of straight tutorials
Alright, that's all the trading I can do for tonight. Thank you very much for all the Beast Balls, Wynn. I don't even think I really need this much, but I appreciate it nonetheless

Fun fact: If you catch around 5-7 Pokemon before they give you the ctching tutorial, the tutorial gets skipped
don't worry, glad to help, I already loaded another round of BBs but those can wait if you want. and I can get you BBs on SV too, just let me know. maybe I'm going to start Shield now since I really need Omanyte/Omastar.
there's anything from there you need besides the Solrock?
>I already loaded another round of BBs but those can wait if you want.
I'll be honest, I think I'm all good on Beast Balls as far as Shield is concerned. I only ever really needed enough to get the remaining mons for the living dex, so this is kind of overkill. I'll probably use these to catch the Legendaries, though, since I'll need to do that eventually anyways
>and I can get you BBs on SV too, just let me know.
Yeah, I'll need a few for Scarlet for sure, which should definitely be easier to get than in SWSH, especially since you can manip the Item Printer to give you whatever items you want. I already have a box of Luxury Ball mons ready for trade whenever you're ready.
>there's anything from there you need besides the Solrock?
The only other things I can think of would be Regidrago and Glastrier, since I'm likely to go for Regieleki and Spectrier. I also need to get Zacien and Zamazenta at some point. Aside from those two and Solrock, that's pretty much it for SWSH
ok, got it, we can leave the SV trading for tomorrow, on the meanwhile I'm going to start Sword
>Dynamax Adventures pokemon you catch obey you no matter how many badges you have
fucking neat
>Dynamax Adventures pokemon you catch obey you no matter how many badges you have
That is a false statement, Pokemon will always obey you if you are the original trainer.
Which is why you catch something and trade it to another game to level it up before sending it back to it's native game to speed run it.
>Pokemon will always obey you if you are the original trainer.
This is a false statement.
In SV, obedience is also depending on the level you caught something and your gym badges.
>dunno if you're still here but if you still want the unga paradoxes give me a call
I'm now if you're still around
sup, still here? I'm moving some stuff from the 3ds to home so hang out a bit
ok, i'm free now, are you still here?
Still am bro, Luvdisc and a random mon you wanted, right?
fug looks like all my remaining unga raikous are gone, still have unga enteis tho
room code 1316 1316
I'm coming
That's too bad. Thanks for Unga Entei though
yeah, looking at my HOME histoy the last two I had got blasted along some randomons a few days ago, I suppose when I was merging collections. have fun with you new GF
>Swirlix and Slurpuff
Out of the loop, what kind do you specifically need (ball, origin, etc)?
Will any of the dunsparces you have turn to 3 segment? Finding one is a bitch.
I'm really not looking forward to dynamax adventures once I finally start sword.
>Out of the loop, what kind do you specifically need (ball, origin, etc)?
Luxury Ball, all forms (including internal forms like Scatterbug and Spewpa), both genders for all that apply, and I don't believe he needs them all from specific games
>Will any of the dunsparces you have turn to 3 segment? Finding one is a bitch.
Seems like they're all 2 segment

Honestly, Dynamax Adventures isn't too bad. RNG is certainly a factor, but you can get a decent team more often than not even with AI partners. Zygarde's still a bitch, though, and grinding for Dynite Ore is time consuming as all hell
I said that I was going to take one last time but this time I mean it.
any doubles games....
I'm begging...
I feel like I just can't find a competitive team in reg G. every time a certain restricted feels strong someone else pops up with another crazy team with different techs/outs. It's nice that we have variety and I'm not really complaining but fuck is it hard to just commit to 6 this season.
Honestly, with so much available you won't have an answer to every team.
Just pick your favorite restricted and iterate on your team until you can handle the most common stuff, (miradon, calyrex, setup sweepers)
sup, still here? if so let me know
Bank assigns random PV values to any VC console pokemon ignoring if they're clones (before placing them on Bank obviously) I just evolved another box and got a second 3-segment one. wanna try your luck? can give you some, also I already have a box of randomons ready to deliver you BBs on SV
Yeah I'm still here, Whenever your ready.
I still can't believe that this many people picked scarlet rather than violet.
I thought Violet was winning in every poll.
Shiny and chrome motorcycle?
Goody running dinosaur?
>fancy new 7-Star raid
I guess I should finally around getting the Meganium one, I guess
I blame the paradox mons honestly. There was so, so much you could've done with the concept of pokemon from the future. But no, let's just make them all boring-ass robots. Because
>EvEryThInG iS chRoMe IN tHe FuTuRe!
>I blame the paradox mons honestly. There was so, so much you could've done with the concept of pokemon from the future. But no, let's just make them all boring-ass robots. Because
Tell me about it, I'm still hoping we get more DLC so that we have a chance of getting something good.
>HGSS can net you pretty much all the Pokemon from Gens 1-3 aside from Mythicals and the Regis
You can transfer them over from a copy of RSE if you have a DS, via the Pal Park.

>However, you'll have to contend with a lot of obscure bullshit, including waiting around 3 months to get Riolu in the Johto Safari Zone.
Just trade one over from DPPt
Trading between Pearl and HGSS is a thing, anon.
>want to make a viable vgc team with milotic
>kyurem ice is the only pair-able restricted and the milo barely does anything
i dont like this game
>Trading between Pearl and HGSS is a thing, anon.
Almost like Perl is one of the three games, huh?
Used water absorb acid spray clodsire to prep for sparkling aria, having forgotten that I’d need to defend against sing
Primarina and gamefreak must have forgotten too, because Liquid Voice = sing becomes water type = no effect = kept spamming sing because my mon was awake the whole time
Started a raid where two Gholdengos and another muddy boi synergized acid sprays and nasty plots, and the other Clodsire steel-tera’d for heavy slam
Turn 4, went from 96% health to 5%, then panicked and used shield, debuff neutralize, team debuff, double attack turn, etc., and still went down within 3 turns
I solo'ed it with vaporeon
I picked scarlet but I slightly prefer Kori over Mirai due to emoting better make it more cute
They can always do past and future again the paradox pokemon are really just that doesn't harm any chances of another go at the concept
>I thought Violet was winning in every poll.
Do you have any polls to back that up?
I want to get a shiny wingull/pelliper in alpha sapphire
What would be the fastest way?
buy s/v, go to the rock north east with a shiny charm and eat a sandwich, run on and off the rock, receive shiny within 5 minutes
I could easily get one in s/v, but I want the gorgeous royal mark.
or/as is my only choice.

Thanks though
The dexnav thing idk how it works google it
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Forgot to post this here.
I decided to MM it. 148 eggs
Got lucky with the final roll not fucking up my speed.
Good stuff, anon
I love it when shit like that works out
>I could easily get one in s/v, but I want the gorgeous royal mark.
That's in 5 other games. HOME made transferring backwards compatiable
>or/as is my only choice
No it isn't, but it's the easiest to obtain in that game
>That's in 5 other games. HOME made transferring backwards compatiable
BDSP is five games?
>Do you have any polls to back that up?
Sorry but I was going off of fan polls and general reaction to people seeing their bike forms for the first time. That and most of the streamers I saw from youtube thumbnails picked miraidon.
Can someone please join my union circle for a little bit so I can get a Palafin? The code is 1FHW37.
did you get anyone yet?
No I wasn't able to. Would you join a new circle?
Yeah I'll join for you give me a sec.
Okay the code is 1R7D92 when you're ready
Thanks man I got it
Your welcome man.
Which titan gives me the power to fly or climb? Turns out it's not as straight forward as I though it would be.
Glide: Iron Treads or Great Tusk, depends on your version
Climb: Tatsugiri
Fly: DLC, complete the Indigo Disk's storyline
By chance would any Violet-anons have a shieldon and a-sandshrew only recently have had the time to finish my bba dex. Also would any anons be willing to help in farming bbqs? I know I'm extremely late to the party.
Got both for you
Thanks, link code is post no.
I might be interested in farming BBQs?
But the captcha slider isn't working unless I use my keyboard for some reason.
Anyone wanna try shiny hunt Zyguard in Dynamax adventures?
Then that's still a ways away then darn it. But thanks at least i know where to go to now.
Never played comp before. I don't know how you guys handle it, I just don't think I have whats it takes.
would any anons be willing to run some hard ogre oustin? i played the dlc for the first time last night and managed to get through normal and stage 7 i think in hard. just not worth continuing trying to solo it with how much rng there is. just trying to get the munchlax
Does anyone knows if the USUM bot for trading is alive on SS or SV?
I thought trading went down with the end of the wifi service?
You get used to it. Start by losing a lot with a rental team with a restricted Pokemon you like
Hope that helps
No one knows. Make your own thread
What do the 3DS games have to do with HOME?
What does this conversation have to do with the fact that you can get the ribbon in more than one game?
Anyone got an extra fossilized drake for trade? I want to shiny hunt Dracovish
Sure, I can give you one. Search my post number
Thanks alot. Time for pain.
No problem, good luck on your hunt!
I'll try but don't expect me to like it...
How can I have fun using non-competitive teams? I love creating teams similar to how strong NPC teams are built like BDSP Dawn/Lucas, LGPE Red/Green/Blue, Cynthia, Leon, Nemona, Kieran etc.…
Prior to Gen 7 I could build such teams, honor them in the Hall of Fame and imagine comradery between my Pokémon through the generations.
Now I could play online but how is it fun losing over and over with my Ampharos against competitive teams?
>How can I have fun using non-competitive teams
Play doubles, singles is too snowbally.

To have fun either you just give up caring about winning, or you break your contrarian streak and use a team consisting of meta mons that can help ampharos get to do the things he wants to do.

But you'll need to have a gameplan for what you're trying to get ampharos to do in the first place.
He's 55 base speed so dragon cheer or screens won't be the most valued options.
His status movepool is kind of lacking too, so im thinking like:

Ampharos @ Power Herb
Ability: Static
Level: 50
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA /
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Meteor Beam
- Dragon Pulse / dazzle
- Protect
>Play doubles, singles is too snowbally.
Doubles is perfectly balanced.
If you tell your opponent everything about your time first.
And don't mind the high usage of certain mons.
Pachirisu won worlds, everything is possible!
Good bait, i'll reply

>Doubles is perfectly balanced.
Doubles is more fun and you can show more creativity than singles.
Pokemon isn't a balanced game and I would never think that.
If you want balance you can play one of the millions of romhacks that just turn your mons into perfect stat sticks with godlike coverage
>If you tell your opponent everything about your team first.
I was Anti Open team sheets at first, but when you're playing a best of 3, OTS makes the playing field even.
Otherwise the people who would win tournaments would more often than not just be those who have a big enough network to scout out all of their opponents teams and movesets beforehand.
Nothing stops you from playing closed team sheets though. In game ladder is still that.
>And don't mind the high usage of certain mons.
Every format has high usage mons.
It's not only the pokemon that are a part of the creativity that comes with this game, it's their movesets and how their EVs are built too.
>Pachirisu won worlds, everything is possible
Pachirisu wasnt even like a pet mon. it was a anti-meta call at the time and a bunch of karenfags latched onto it because it was extremely uncommon.
>Doubles is more fun and you can show more creativity than singles.
How do you objectively quantify fun and creativity?
Reads to me like you are actively pushing your own agenda.
Some people might call that trolling.
>Every format has high usage mons.
And doubles is a worse offender than most.
EVs and movesets you get in other formats as well and less contraint
by considerations like where to run Protect

Pachirisu just happened to fill it's niche the best. Because instead of balancing,
the meta "evovles" by arbitrarily banning random shit every now and then.

It's almost like singles and doubles are completely different things that cater to different people.
Both are shit and the only good format is Gen V LC Ubers Rotation!
>How do you objectively quantify fun and creativity?
fun is subjective of course, but you can't say with a straight face that having two pokemon on the field has equal or less creative expression than singles. By the very definition of the format you have twice as many things to consider.

>It's almost like singles and doubles are completely different things that cater to different people.
If you don't like what I like, you're just inferior. simple as.
>If you don't like what I like, you're just inferior. simple as.
Sorry, but my opinions are facts!

>By the very definition of the format you have twice as many things to consider.
By your logic, triples was the superior format then.
Shame it got stopped by hardware limitations...

Just doubling the amount of things on the field doesn't mean you have more to consider.
You have to consider different things.
How often do you consider hazards and counter play to them in doubles?
When was the last time you had to concentrate on a game that lasted more than 10 turns?
Triples is too big brain so they had to cut it

>How often do you consider hazards and counter play to them in doubles?
How often do you consider fake out, protects, terrain and the like?
what about trick room and tailwind? You're not setting those up in singles where you have to use a turn to swap into the mon that will take advantage of it.
not to mention the tons of abilities that are only usable in doubles like commander and sweet veil.

>When was the last time you had to concentrate on a game that lasted more than 10 turns?
I've had plenty of games reach the 20 minute time on ladder, but that was before the legendary formats.
If you see ting lu, you know you're going to be in it for the long haul.
But you're essentially taking two turns at once, of course games will be faster since theres more decisions made and more potential damage per turn.
>How often...
Yes, different formats necessitate different considerations.
It's what I meant by
>You have to consider different things.
Some people want flashy effects and big numbers, some people want slow, methodical progress making in their turn based RPGs
I'm playing through Sword. Does anyone have a Fossilized Drake and Fossilized Fish? I can trade you for a Fossilized Bird and Dino respectively.

FC: SW-1008-7658-0409
Quick bump
Which one does most people have here Sword or Sheild?
When is the next raid?
Probably in a week or two, most likely. We still have the rerun of the Primarina raid left
Feels like Sword
That's what I thought thanks.
>trying to get out of region mons for masuda breeding
>keep getting hacked lvl 100 shinies named after some faggots scam website
>releasing them doesnt discard their hacked items
>cant discard items anymore

Try Home GTS to dodge items
Keep the items as a treat for yourself unless it's something game breaking then yeah that's some garbage.

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