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Thread for discussion of Blue Archive's Japanese Server
Did you enjoy the band event with the After School Sweets Club?
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odyssey next, being introduced during summer c&c with half anni neru
>two more weeks until new content
I really want to know what we'll be getting for the next couple months. Are the first set of swimsuits in late June?
Miyako(sex) was June 21 so probably
Hopefully finally a story update in mid-June.
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What is this new thing
An option to let you clear and 3-star a stage without doing the puzzle stuff. IIRC there are two caveats, you don't complete the separate achievement mission for "clearing under X turns" unless you do the regular version with the puzzle, and you can't pick up the extra gem pack on the map. But the regular rewards are the same and 3-starring the boss only lets you sweep the stage so it's great QoL if you're in a hurry and just want the basic rewards when a new stage comes out, you can do the quick clear and sweep and then later on at your own pace follow a guide on the puzzle for the one-time achievements.
when i started i wasted a lot of stamina on low level maps because i didn't feel like doing the puzzle stuff for like 50 stages so it's def a good update
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Next banner
Rumi, Mina, Shun, Kokona
Finally I'll become the pvp cancer I was always meant to be
uh oh, another year another skip because i need to save crystal for 1.5 anniv
would they really rerun that event without reijo though, might be same as kirara i guess, milk her in a separate banner
Good thing I have every single one of those students
already have kokona and the other three are hags so i'm good
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Happy birthday Mika
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i wonder how big are the pvp brackets, i got in pretty late yesterday so didn't rush to rank 1, seeing a lot of bots even at the 500 range
Should be 800 people in top level brackets. We'll see latecomers filter up over the week, not everyone refreshes for the reset rush
No reijo?
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>no Reijo on rerun
>there is a chance that Meru's event rerun won't have Takane
>rush to 1st place after maint
>expect to be #100 or a lower rank by the next day
>only fell to #31
I heard some people who regularly get into top 10 don't bother refreshing a lot because they know they'll get to the top anyway so I guess I'll get pushed into the lower ranks in the next few days.
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comfy JFD
Lower ranks might also be a clusterfuck since the season is so different
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I’m starting to find players in my bracket climb. How do I build for this season?
that's just how low levels are
What are the odds they have something big lined up for the second half of the month? Because so far May is looking pretty dead.
The band event takes place a week before the Trinity Carnival so I assume we're getting an event about that soon.
I hope you're right, and that it delivers.
Who would we even get for it? Don't tell me it's Seia.
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Possible hints we have so far are idol alts for Fubuki Kirino and Mari, theater alts for Tsurugi and Ichika, and maybe gondolier/undine alts. I do hope Seia is involved and rollable though, would be cool to see her in charge of organizing the event while Nagisa is focused on her fancy art gallery.
I kinda hope it's not the Valkyrie girls because those idol outfits aren't doing it for me. I doubt Tsurugi of all characters is getting a second alt either.
I did not feel a desire to roll for a single new banner since the last anni
I've become jaded
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when are they adding michiru's elephs in the expert permit shop?
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How high can this get? Borrowing a UE40 5/7/7/7 Boshimi. Just did 49 without a proper TL and with Hina missing the red orb multiple times(why is this a thing)
She should be in there starting in June.
Move D.Ako and Kokona to the right side of the formation screen, because the characters next to the left pillar get a huge damage debuff.
I'd do Hanako (bond 20 gear) instead of Serina to lower the chance of dying for small damage loss
sHanako Shun Yuuka Marina sAyane sShiroko should be strong enough
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>get attacked even though there's still plenty of bots around
fucking hell
any suggestions for a pvp team with my pityful box? assuming I can raise level and skills but not stars
yuuka, eimi, shanako, mika, iroha, utaha
i'm not sure of the meta for positioning yet, so just 1 tank on each left/right end i guess
is it worth raising nagisa or minori instead?
wait for the meta to settle first
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Don't forget the hidden Sakurako.
You can probably do 99 with enough practice, just need to replace Serina+Nagisa with another combination like S.Shiroko(or Himari for cope) and Hanako or Kaede. The hardest part will be keeping Kazusa and Yoshimi alive rather than the damage requirement. If they can't be kept alive with what you got then you should try to finish at a breakpoint to get books like 97, 96 (for all attack books), 87, 86 etc.
I don't have Shiroko or Kaede
I do have Yoshimi but I'm not gonna spend elephs on her to borrow something else. (I also don't have enough trinity mats to raise both her and Hanako this month)
Then go with Himari Hanako. That's what the or means.
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31 michiru shards from the archive
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bro your Karin? she can OHKO them reliably with a crit, no debuffs needed
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>floor 87
well that's a pain, seems like the key is to have an aoe heal on standby for every aoes during <1:30 time, and would still need kokona to keep yoshimi alive
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okay who do i watch instead of kiriha then
buruaka youtuber drama
I watch Natsuki Karin for general advice. For comps and timelines, just search whatever the quest is and reference whatever video works for you.
How do i keep shanako behind in A4
if the enemy is using TTSA(750) you can't put sHanako on D4
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list of 100 bond students
Mika love
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fucking based
I really wish you could look at the stamina timer whenever you want and not just on the main screen.
Japanese players all watch 無名の司祭
Holy based Mikachads
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I would reply 花エ. Students are not ready for my puns.
hanae is too pure she would casually reply 先生も大好き
i wish my iori was that strong...
She killed Greg tomato
my iori did no such thing

Do you really need more than these 3? For banner advice when i'm unsure or do not want to think I just generally ask my circle since I joined a tryhard one where everyone malds torment.
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Her 5head looks even bigger in the anime somehow
>Huge head in game
>Long head in the anime.
I'm enjoying my top 10 daily rewards at least
I had a goddamn nightmare that Kazusa (Band) is going to be a better buffer than Hare (Camp) for the raid.
Kiriha is the Enviosity of Blue Archive from my own perspective

Dude was able to visit Yostar JP's office and met the CEO. How would you fucking react if he brags that he's going to be the only motherfucker to ever been praised by the wider community?

The only thing I'll agree from his view is Azusa isn't flat. Period.
Same but replace top 10 with top 500
>Band event
meanwhile my life is pain as I fall to 160~200 and climb to 60~99 every day
>Kiriha is the Enviosity of Blue Archive from my own perspective
did he have a video where he cries for two hours over not being invited to a party with a heart monitor on screen and seethed over loli repeatedly?
Ez pickings, got all the cancerous, retard AI-proof meta setups to always force 50/50s within top ten while gatekeeping everyone else.
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Sengaikyou or Shanghaijing? Is the whole city Sengaikyou and the school Shanghaijing? Are they interchangable and the jp name is flavor like the madeup names in three kingdoms?
It's just different readings of the same kanji in Japanese and Chinese respectively.
Having heard the voiceclips in the game I'd say the Japanese reading is the primary one.
Then again in the swimsuit anime short, they used the actual kanji reading of Pandemonium Society「万魔殿」"Manmaden" instead of what the characters actually say in the game, since then they seem to consistently stick with the regular name though.
Funny since I'd read it as Banmaden. But seriously, the school emblem has Shanghaijin written on it in romaji in the jp version.
>Then again in the swimsuit anime short, they used the actual kanji reading of Pandemonium Society「万魔殿」"Manmaden"
This one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXVco22ZCw8
I watched it and didn't hear it.
There's no way farming reports from the event shop is worth it with 80% drop increase, right? My brainlet math says factory M is on average way better.
confirmed to have no reijo then
what campaign comes next?
To roll or to remain a shunlet, that's the question
You know how when you attempt to say "Shanghaijing" with your white mouth, what comes out is nowhere close to how a Chinese native would say it?
Sengaikyou is the Japanese version of that.
Wtf no it's not. シャンハイジン, Shanhaijin would be that.
okay to be perfectly correct you have to add 1000 years of mutation through continued adaptation of mispronunciation
As a general rule, Asians suck at pronouncing each others' names and Europeans suck at pronouncing each others' names because of all of the cultural osmosis resulting in everything having a certain slightly differently version of neighboring country names. It's easy to laugh at Japanese pronunciations of Chinese names but if you compare it to how English speakers mispronounce Georg from Germany and Ivan from Russia it becomes more easily understandable.
we've had some older events that were rerun last year go permanent but i'm pretty sure this is the first real rerun for 2nd anni players. feels good to be caught up except i still haven't read bunny chaser or valentines because we've had no downtime to waste stamina on them
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2024 is a good year, i'm not kokonalet and ny.fuukalet anymore
i don't care about pvp but still see shun used in other stuff, should i roll? i got 3 sparks
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Also all the Latin and Greek roots completely changed how they sound in English words
Do you think the next event will be the Trinity Festival, or something related to Shanghaijing?
Double chink? No I don't think so.
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new sorting for daikessen is neat
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how do I stop this from happening? no matter who I put on position 2 and 3 they both move here
Trinity festival -> Summer Arius -> Summer C&C
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Check this out. Current rank 9's yellow clear.

Anyone have Miyu? I'd like to try it. Replacing Miyu with Kazusa does net a 1T, but for me not as high a score.
>Summer C&C
Surely not
I'd rather take the gamers again
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Will torment hiero be enough for plat or will it be like when it was red hiero with 30k+ torment clears?
Should be enough, red might as well have been an insane but this still feels like a torment.
What's the formation plan for the current PvP season? Seeing some people try 1 tank/3 backline but I keep getting a back unit running up to steal the cover from Yuuka and dying instantly like in >>1472299
I thought the AI used a sort of "first come first served" priority with whoever has the cover enter their range first, but even when I put Yuuka in one of the middle two slots (so she should approach the middle cover first) sometimes she just stands aside and lets someone else take the cover and aggro
Team C.Utaha, O.Chinatsu, Arisu, D.Ako, Serina, Nagisa
Hiero insane (blue)
Bugs out audio that most of the voice lines are cut off. Does it on both mobile and emulator consistently. Can anyone else try?
When are we getting news for the next event? Friday?
what is the last event with 5 challenge quest?
I *think* it was the one just before Trinity Summer 2. I have a pretty strong memory of doing the ex challenge from that as the first ex challenge.
That would be SRT Summer, and yeah it does have 5 challenge quests
I win damn near every defense and lose damn near every attack.

It's all SHanako coinflips. For attack I often switch out Atsuko for Hoshino and Utaha for Mashiro. It doesn't seem like it really matters, it's just trying to survive and use SHanako first.
No UE50 Miyu has manifested, so I just used my own (UE30 5M99 with bond gear T2). SShiroko use made survival a bit too difficult, imo, so I tried out OShigure instead to significantly better results. I was also a little sloppy with SHoshino timing so damage wasn't absolutely optimal. Still, this is a solid comp and I can see why it was rank 9 on the first day (27,607,104 points on yellow with a UE50 Miyu)
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looks likes someone used it to an even better score since the last time I saw it

It does certainly make mincemeat of Yellow Greg
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the first part is confusing. do i have to unlink my current email from the old Yostar ID first before linking to the new one? isn't that kinda risky for your game account?
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oh, nevermind. i had assumed the Yostar ID:A, ID:B thing was referring to the old and new Yostar IDs
Is it just basically like, "if you're linked to yostar already with an email, you can smoothly transition to a yostar ID"?
Well, regardless just in case I'm saving all my account information
How about salted email ?
>gamer rerun
This would make sense if Akira is part of the Trinity festival but we just had Band limiteds so I can't see Akira any time soon.
Dunno what to expect now
Why would Akira not be a possibility for 3.5?
3.5 isn't soon, it's over two months out.
It's the soonest limited.
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>2 event reruns in a row
>possibly with no new students
the fuck they doing
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I'm hoping the gamer rerun is 2 weeks so I can comfortably get mYuzu to UE50
...yes and I was talking about how we just had limiteds so it'll be a while before the next.
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first ever torment clear
now I just gotta do it with a real ticket
If it's another rerun without a new student I'm gonna kill myself
>New rerun character, there's a chance this will be not-limited
If this isn't Akira, I'll skip this event banners, again.
This season just seems really biased towards defence, they can go 1 tank 3 dps and there's a perfect cover for all of them but trying to do the same on attack always leads to them directly getting shot or killing themselves on a closer cover.
for me it's the opposite, I keep winning pvp atk and def
how many parties?
did Torment. It's...okay? Kind of fucking annoying because honestly, the worst part for me is "cleanup"/the last team. It's a slog of 25 or 17 bars of health left.
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Three teams

4* nyKayoko
UE30 sHosh
UE30 Kokona
UE50 Wakamo (borrow)
3* Himari
UE30 sShizuko
19.7m hp left

3* cHare
4* tMari
UE40 Wakamo
UE30 tYuuka
3* nyFuuka
UE30 sShiroko
3.3m hp left

UE40 sIzuna
3* cUtaha
UE30 nyMutsuki
UE40 Yuuka
UE40 Serina
4* oShigure
OK, did it for real instead of this >>1473109 (which was mock)

Almost lost my ticket to "man, Izuna really is not who you should bring to this". She actually can survive pretty well for the most part despite the bad armor type, but she has this fucking extremely bad habit of moving ahead of tanks for cover. A classic Izuna issue. She will move right back into cover even if you send her away using her ex. Also I had a fair share of bad luck curses. Got lucky with my last team since groggy and super were roughly lined up. I was able to cancel the 1HP attack with Haruna without issue.

I'll do a thing explaining the ins and outs tomorrow. It's a 3T though
Basic things:
NYKayoko / SHoshino / Wakamo / Kokona + SShizuko / Himari
Start: Kokona > 9 > Wakamo > SHoshino > Kokona (when the lantern isn't debuffed) > 9.5 > Wakamo > Himari > NYKayoko

Izuna / Wakamo / SPYuuka / Koharu + OShigure / SShiroko
Start: Koharu (don't interrupt her normal) > SShiroko (lantern) > 7 > Wakamo > OShigure
The basic idea is "only use SPYuuka after the 1HP attack is used". You can use it earlier but without using it everyone will be fine.

Cherino / Koyuki / Atsuko / Haruna + Hanae / Ayane
Start: Ayane (lantern) > Koyuki (other lantern (reset if it isn't destroyed in one hit--my Koyuki is UE40 btw)) > Hanae (lantern) > Atsuko
The idea is abuse the green lantern with heals and try to keep everyone alive. It's fine if Cherino dies though. Atsuko WILL at some point run away from the rest of the team and become nearly useless (she can only heal herself, the lantern if it's still around, and Haruna). Ideally she stays put for most of the fight.
Miyu strat is dead, it's the 15th best yellow now.
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I've failed two tickets so far
Need to practice the second group more
>three reruns in a row
I'm guessing (hoping) they have something big in store for the tail end of the month, but the wait is killing me
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>dropped to 25 on pvp
comfy top 10 days are over
Torment Hiero Urban Blue breakdown

not horrible... Maybe I'd rank this Torment as "middle difficulty". It's got some highly frustrating factors especially if you use Izuna. Do note that SSizuno is also frustrating--I have both foxdaughterwives maxed out but SSizuna likes to run up to the front even more than Izuna, and unlike Izuna you can't even attempt to move her out of the way. Sure, she has blue armor, but it doesn't help that much.

Worst team is still the 3rd one, though the 2nd can be annoying if shit just goes wrong (especially after you've used SPYuuka and if Izuna decides now's the time to play at being a tank)
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It's been so long since I've done one of these I forgot I needed to bring a healer or at least a tank on each team.
>scrolling through leaderboard
>1 (Uno) high bond mika using her on yellow
>most of the 100 bond guys still doing kazusa teams
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Can this team clear f97?
Your healing will probably be too slow.
>>1 (Uno) high bond mika using her on yellow
can you show the team? Mika is on the front and it's quite hard to keep alive while healing lantern as fast as you can
Depends on your tank. With Hoshino she ran forward but Tsubaki managed to keep aggro.
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less than 2200 that has cleared torment + 2x insane right now
do you think plat is guaranteed as long as torment is cleared?
found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OaZ3ulIO68
can't replicate with a UE40 kokona because my nyFuuka and himari is only 3*
2 spots open in the JP circle 13107 アオダマ
or "Aodama"

Join if you want to!
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>accidentally heal the lantern too early because the stupid fucking game is unable to show all buffs and debuffs on a unit at the same time
Also bomb RNG is fucking annoying
can you save me a spot while I'm on cooldown?
M.Momoi as expected, probably Midori tomorrow.
That's two new banners right before what is most likely going to be a new content update since I refuse to believe they're spending a literal entire month on reruns
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"safer" yellow comp, there's still the rng with kokona normal + EX not healing the orb to max
also having only done 2 color with 55m is still at 26k
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Sloppy blue clear, unconventional yellow clear, okay red clear
Inb4 they're yellow Set slaves
sure, though gimme a name so I don't let someone in who isn't you
Hmm, I guess it's pretty likely they're yellow huh, so that they can fit in an all twins team
thanks, I'll apply around this time or maybe a bit later tomorrow
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Nexon please give us a main story update next month I'm on my knees begging
There's still one more day for grand raid right
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that's 74
maybe i can do 77 if i level hanako's non-normal skills and actually use her ability but 99 seems impossible
people hate on set but i like it. it's way more fun doing my ganbarimasu without having to worry about my ranking relative to other players
i will however immediately hate it when borrowing momoi or midori is useless without the other
I actually like Set as a concept with only getting one team and trying to balance survival with dps. The thing I don't like is that in order to actually be threatening it locks out every armor type besides blue and then gets copy pasted into other armor types which just feels like low effort ways for them to create more niche units for us to roll.
We got to hear Hoshino's serious voice this episode: https://x.com/Neckotti_0928/status/1792250507102499319
when are they announcing how long the maid rerun event is? I need to know if I should hoard AP
My personal rule of thumb is, if the event has limited character in it, then it should be a 2 week long for the rerun. Otherwise, it's should be the usual 1 week for the rerun.
Yep, they should just remove damage type from Set.
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>Decide to grind some grand assault since I got nothing else to do today
>Several hour maint out of nowhere
excuse me
I'm gonna miss my headpat. It was Mika in the cafe too. Fuck you.
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Yay, free gems!
They gave one ticket of each grand assault type too, that was for this maintenance too right? Only asking because it expires in 1d
Yes, it's maintenance comp https://x.com/Blue_ArchiveJP/status/1792556144113926641
That's 2 compensations during daikessen in a row. I need 総力戦 coins though.
Don't forget to do the challenges.
Also Yume flashback maybe this week in the anime.
how many stars do i need on kokona to do insane on all 3 raids?

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