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anyone know what happened to 4chan minecraft ? Now it just seems a bunch of random retards make servers and post them here with no connection to 4chan in general.
Kinda miss dat stuff. Anyone got good links to one?
This is a general discussion thread btw of 4chan related minecraft servers. any intcraft guys around?
We all play this really awesome server called GrimurRP. You should check it out, lots of lore and stuff.

Aren't you guys the reddit trannies with 500 rules and banned all the intcraft guys and have a ded srbr now?
wtf does connection to 4chan mean, like you said there's a fuckton of servers to chose from, you need to be reminded of an imageboard while you're playing?
id rather play with people dat stay with in da community than a bunch of weirdo randos who get mad if i slip up and call them a beaner
They have pronouns on their forum so the members don't accidentally stick their dicks in the wrong hole during their gay khajiit erotic roleplay sessions...
My god, for a mere $38.99/$37.99 the admin will even add a custom Advanced Smokableā„¢ or Top Shelf Drinkā„¢ of your choice to the game, and for a meager $12.99 they'll even include your last steamy discord jack off session as a playable disc!
I haven't even touched on the custom models or monthly ranks ($68.99 btw) yet, I'm quite surprised I didn't come across any lootboxes.
I don't want to imagine what kind of things happen in their discord server.
I played the last intcraf but I dont know if theres another one
4crap is dead
thats very sad. cant beleive they are charging this much for this shit

I got u nigga, I know u guys hate discord, but we trying to keep the trannies and shit out. come join:
lol what nation r u
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i been workin on some stuff, hopefully people get to see it
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>and post them here with no connection to 4chan in general.
welcome to 4chan post-2016
normalfags and journos just use this place for their own personal gain now
like when's the last time you saw someone host a fucking Ace of Spades server?
>Towering, creating pillars to scale walls higher than five blocks, is not allowed.

>Skybridging, creating bridges in the sky (especially during war) is not allowed. Likewise creating platforms at sky limit or high in the sky to avoid being claimed is not permitted, a platform refers to unnatural looking builds in the sky.

>Players engaging in towering will face escalating punishments, starting with a 24-hour ban.
4chan vintage story since they never had a discord have been connected to here
idk man vintage story thread seems like the best thread on blocktism rn on 4chan
>making servers with no connection to 4chan
yeah welcome to the sunken ship post 2016
I have a server I made for a thread over on /v/, no it's not very old but there are regulars that go on it every couple days. Could do with some more people if anyone's interested, paper 1.20.4 with no chat reporting and some mmo levels.

poolsclosed DOT us DOT to

if anyone wants to join
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I'm hosting a server with multiple anons, it has an old theme running on 1.8.9, running some plugins we developed ourselves, to enhance the vanilla experience. soon the webchat will be open so that anons can get whitelisted more anonymously. the server is open for cracked and all kinds of anons.
>>>1172779 for more info
dead server made by manchildren who were rightfully banned from another server and then proceeded to bitch about it in the thread of that sever for over a year
What? Who?
>server made by manchildren who were rightfully banned from another server
so anoncraft?
>big ass map
>everyone locked in their echo chambers 500000 blocks away from spawn
>basically a stripped down survival server with le fancy biomes
>get accused of being some retard's alt in the first 20 minutes of playtime
everything checks out for a 4chan server
ICA from /v/craft, aka a bunch of spastic autists who would wither spawn every week and generally be an insufferable nuisance
pretty sure they just infested anoncraft, clovermc is their creation
shareholderino is my favorite femboy to molest
Lmao still rent free after a year+
nah, who ASKED?????
It's a little empty, but pretty nice.
i made a server and thread last december
4 people joined and that was it
the 0.54/0.75 version war doesn't help things either
what happened to the yearly fourcraft server that's only up for a week or so?
>even mentioning it marks your post as spam
can someone give me a QRD?
>not connected to muh 4chan
this is such a dumb fucking take. maybe check the servers out instead of being a boomer cuck addicted to nostalgia.

waaah Im such 4channer I identify with it so much why are these servers not anarachy and grief fre, why cant I use my cracked client.

such cucks
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IP: heroesandempires.modded.fun
Version: 1.18.2
4chan minecraft died 4 or 5 years ago entirely as a result of discord drama and autistic children growing up into autistic niggerish adults
hi spicles
>my name is shareholderino and I wanna killlll myself
he finally killed himself, I took a flight to france just to piss on his grave
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/v/craft... home. at least it used to be until I fucked everything up.
how do I play this?

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