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I built a new pc a few months ago with windows 10 but since support for windows 10 Is ending next year, i was thinking of upgrading to windows 11, however, i just wanted to know if there were any issues with compatibility or anything with windows 11 or should I stick with windows 10?
You can use Windows 10 LTSC. It has support until 2027, and it's less bloated than the regular W10. Go to /g/'s "Friendly Windows Thread" for more info.
In terms of usability and features it's not an upgrade at all. If you have a ryzen cpu with multiple chiplets or intel with both p-cores and e-cores, win11 supposedly gives better and more efficient performance. I'm not sure exactly how much of a difference it makes. If you have a monolithic cpu with only one type of cores, I can think of no reason to change from win10 to win11.
linux mint.. youll fiddle with things abit cause it aint windows .. but on the plus side , it aint windows.. Can handle top hardware and the most modern games no probs.. Also did i mention it isnt windows? Try it. Its not just a meme. Also its free so why not.
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Just install win7 you fuckin tard. Or if you must linux.
Why would anyone suffer an OS that literally injects LGBQT flags and candy crush ads into your fucking start menu....
that is over 365 days you can enjoy better windows
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I donnno anon, only one of the worst operating systems MS put out. Tell me of a single benefit you are looking for in win11.
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>Install windows 7
>Connect to internet
>Go to one sketchy website
>Computer blows up and is filled with ransomware
>Still using windows that is filled with telemetry and is essentially spyware when linux mint exists
fuck off freetard
You won't have any issues. It's also pretty much the same shit as Windows 10 at the end of the day. Get professional version to use group policy if you want to enable/disable shit you don't want. Use a local account if you don't like telemetry (you can avoid it by disconnecting your internet in initial configuration, like it has been since MS has tried to force you to create an account since like Windows Vista)
The day all the hardware and software I use works out the box without a hitch on linux mint, I am going linux on bare metal
Until then, I ride with win 10.
Not stubborn, just got serious usecase. I caused my peers problems in the past by trying to do my work on mint.
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>Small amount of effort to run 90% of the things via wine, can usually get something to work in less than a few minutes and a google search

>Not stubborn
>pretending antivirus magically stops working
stop going to sketchy websites dumbass
>switch to gnu/linux in 2013
>never look back
if you can't make it work, i feel bad for you son
Winaero Tweaker exists. Might be pajeet shit but it works.
Probably not, I'm going to swap to some flavor of linux once w10 iot ltsc stops getting updates. OIder MMO private servers I play have started seeing some success on linux so my excuses no long remain. I pray I don't troon out once I make the change.
Actually its the same as windows 10 for the most part. Just make sure you install the PRO version and during installation choose the option to create the installation for an organization so you are able to create an old style offline account instead of signing in with a MS account.
its not stubborn its lazy and i agree with him
How does one side grade their win 10 home to ltsc?
Would it be a full reinstall?
How does it manage the verification?
>he doesn't dualboot
next you'll say you only have a 128GB SSD and not 512 that you split in half for both Windows and Linux.

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