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Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1315
Protecting the Cute from the Weak Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
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Ah, got it. I did do some basic override stuff, but it's definitely a weak point of mine I need to work on. Looking at and taking notes from other people's cards is definitely a priority. Once again, thanks for the advice and answering my questions

I completely forget about the monocle she has. Oops. Some of her cards make it a lot harder to see it, so it slipped my mind. The gradient is also a good idea I need to do. And yeah I should give her a crown or hat, unfortunately it looks like nobody's made models of her online from my semi-brief searching so I'll have to so with a different head accessory.
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We're nearing three weeks into a very successful Maker May!
Lots of great cards from the participants so far this year... Make sure you're trying those cards out and commenting on them! Give the makers ideas for their next cards too, while you're at it!

Post cards!
Post classes!
Post WIPs!
Post charts!

Very nearly done with my second bonus card.
You mean I am her little pogchamp?
Lay it on me!
NTA, but what is that?
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why did she hid all her cards again
dude she only hid her TR cards because she's updating them again

and looks like in order
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I only hid my tokyo revengers cards, you silly anon...
The cards on the Empress21Flowers account were entirely hidden.
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Oh, that one!
Well, because I don't use that account anymore. It's as simple as that

Why you ask? you forgot, you want them or something?
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A nurse for today!

It looks like someone beat me to the punch today.
no they didn't!!!!!
too fat
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Wait a second... my card for the day is ALSO a nurse! Are you copying me? Because that would be perfectly fine and I'm kind of hoping that Brandy releases Lynette on the same day as me, too.

JMCP either comes with, or has an other option for, supporting the male-on-female sex poses for female-on-female. Futas would want to make use of this. It's certainly linked in one of our guides.
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i was not expecting to see the stuff i made on the thread image, very cool!!!
she looks so good
you forgot "badonkas". but chesticles is new to me and i shall adopt it to my vocabulary
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ackshually, my dear anon...
I didn't forget badonkas, because in the picture I am making reference to a S3RL song called "shoulder boulders" that was made 11 years ago and back then, the word badonkas wasn't really a thing.
I see
updated inupi waiting room
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>some half assed himari
I like how hopeful u are about Inupi
u make me happy, anon :3
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just gonna drop this here because I CAN
ive made my own linker for slots that the current harderlinker manager (faiz) doesn't consider usable enough, it should hopefully work ok alongside the harderlinker itself. so far only contains some skirts for slot 220... for now
anon98 has set a bad example.
Someone should tag it with ai_generated or deceptive card face.
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Day 15 (19), carefree gyaru.
>{"error":"User has disabled tags from other users"}
Off course they did... Sorry for dragging you into that.
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i made some cards in a way that i could put them side by side in the charts, but it did not go well. because i thought it was day 15 when i uploaded Amelia, poka and blondy have a wall separating them...
oops i thought you were simply stating the many ways of saying tits
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You got it.
A discount version, I saw fanart of her and thought she was cute.
Yay! Cute girl hugs!
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It's okay!

love ur cards btw
especially julian
>some half assed poli
What is this?
Will it allow the character to sex females and cum like a man but otherwise be fucked like a female?
Ya Allah someone did not follow the install doc
It does not sound like you read our installation guide and you really should do that before trying to do anything in-game.
Pretty much an ESSENTIAL mod
I thought it said use with caution?
I read it two years ago when I first installed aa2mini, though...iirc I was very drunk when I did so.
Wip state Russian PhysEd teacher.
Don't think I'll leave the eyelash highlighting enabled at release but I thought it was a neat idea.
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Forgot the image.
PhysEd? She looks like she teaches Sex Ed!
I agree with >>478362798
That is not the face of a phys ed teacher
Use my fucking cock with caution, FOLLOW THE INSTALL DOC.
As I recall there was some element of sex ed involved in PhysEd.
You'll have to read her back story. It might just be what you thought.
>JMCP adds even more sex positions to the game, currently it's still incompleted so use with caution and expect more updates in the future. This mod conflicts with 19_morecumpos_262.ppx so use one or the other.
Not a single person uses that one. JMCP is universal. You are retarded.
Then why not actually include it in the installation instructions instead of all the way at the bottom under misc?
It doesn't say to install it in the install doc, it's just included in it.
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if i keep pregnancy on, does it mean that pregnancy is enabled or that it forces pregnancy to consider that all days work as the option highlighted? (as in, i have normal selected, so every day will be forced to have a normal risk of pregnancy)
Don't argue with people that haven't actually read the installation instructions.
Yeah, you can use it to force the days.
Sounds like you two haven't either.
Thanks man.
so if the option is toggled off, that means pregnancy works as intended?
yes, each girl has a menstrual cycle and the option toggle is to replace the cycle with specific days universally. You will get dialogue hint sometimes on which days the girl is in
thank you! turns out i've been playing the wrong way the entire time
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This is a fancy looking bonus card.
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Are we posting charts? We should post charts.

Natasha is cute too! My favorites from you so far are Poka, Nihmune, and Yukiko.

Thank you! Here's hoping that the two do get merged after all, since having two hardlinkers would be very inconvenient.

My brain read that as "coffee gyaru" and I immediately wondered what you meant by that. "Is she powered by coffee? Coffee-colored? What could it mean!?"

I love a good OC that is inspired by another character.

She's just a humble delicious brown girl from a dead game, I swear! Put the gun down!
I still need to work on mine... I'm getting too lazy.
Very shiny!
Another duo for today.
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Day 20: Wubba-dubba-dubba, 'zat true? Wow, you go big guy!

bonus scene:
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Updated chart before sleep.
I like Sukina, Celine, and Tsukimi.
I can't remember the last time I saw this. Nice work!
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>some half assed karryl
You said that about the real Karyl card too
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A chill boy to hang out with... if he shows up to the academy
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which AA2 personality would fit her?
a quick search on the character and her voice, I'd say kk emotionless
Without looking up anything about her, Frisky.
Why is Karyl getting punched in the face?
Pose for the fans!
Why do you color your cards like ice cream pops?
wow. you know how to copy paste... commendable.
He did this for a solid year last time, there is no point in acknowledging him in any way. Just ignore and hide his posts.
palette randomizer
I think one anon is trying to troll a dead thread. Strange choice. Oh hold up, wait, school just got out didn't it. Now it kinda makes sense
fair points.
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what anon said
cigarette .xa? nice.
Are they sisters?
Her card exists, I think.
which card on the right...
I think that anon is redoing the card and asking for suggestions.
I do not miss Sweet Poison
maker may this year is kinda mid
You ever wonder why dark skinned characters are always unpopular? Well now you know why.
I like her cards...;_;
they're very plapular for me
I still don’t know why
Wrong thread
It needs you to join the cause!
Two poorly-put-together fox girl twins for days 16 and 17, since I got sick for a few days there and since then haven't been able to catch up. The samurai girl's overrides are actually pretty buggy (they do NOT like her sliders, apparently) and the ninja girl is thin because I wasn't going to try to make a version of her outfit that fits Normal.

No nice picture because I'm sick of working on or looking at these two and just wanna get them out the door.

>I HATE my own work
>here you go take them
Neat twins, but I must be critical of one thing:
>using the save version of that back hair
Don't pay any attention when I post my own girl of the day later today, who is using that same back hair.

That's a cute reporter. I'd give her an exclusive interview on my casting couch.

Ruki, Maha, and Saya are winning so far in my book.

Tell that hippie to get a job!
Put on your white wig or the answer is still NO!
I don't fuck in public, jezebel
Lady I've been fucked for quite awhile now.
Foxes are nice. I like foxes.
Imagine being twins but your sister is more rare than you.
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Card 21: Himeko! She's got fancy moving iris shine tech from tot, that other people might enjoy taking a look at.
It requires a pretty large amount of setup, unfortunately. Ideally there could be a Faceparts update for that but... someone would have to DO it.

Those are cute foxes! Do not bully thin - she has enough problems as it is without being put down! D:<
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An airsoft player for today!
She chose wrong and risky outfit for the game. Let alone if she joins an airsoft game that lasts more than a day. She probably get banged by her teammates or the opposing team.
Slight crtique from my perspective. She's got a kind of cartoon head stuck on a real body look goin on there. Don't know if it's the pose, but it looks a little odd.
prob the pose
The eternal struggle of ponytails... they're obstructed in most poses from the front!
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Don't punch the kot.
No, punch the cat.
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>using the save version of that back hair
It fit her hair nicely.
Siblings are great, you should pose them together.
She turned out really cute.
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Day 16 (20), obligatory typecast creepy
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thank you! julian likes you too...probably.
i like 8 of the cards you made in that chart, but i really like celine, xiang and tsukina. i also got an idea when i saw your Chiori card... so i hope you dont mind this little crossover
>my favorites from you so far are Poka...
then you're in luck, the saga of poka and blondy hasnt ended yet
kenta was a nice addition
my card plays with guns too! unfortunately they cant handle true authentic firepower in airsoft matches
reminds me of needy girl overdose
I don't like her eyes. It's too vertical.
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Dudette? Dudine?
She looks scary. Kind reminds me of an angler fish.
Is she okay?
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day You Stupid: a timelord...
AA2Edit sucks at non-oc
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smelly, chubby anime lover that wants to get friends
What makes you say that? We have tons of great nonOC cards.
I thought of naming her Postal Doe (actual name of Dude's female counterpart), Postal Dudette and Postal Chick. I found that Postal Chick was the one that fit the most
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for you, I guess...
is there any way to tone down the amount of interactions?

The slutty characters are very annoying sometimes
Lower their sociability or be less popular yourself.
That has the best ring to it. You chose wisely.
Lazy shouldn’t have to rub her muff alone.
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Just an ordinary for today.
She shouldn't smoke inside.
she thinks it looks cool
it's a candy cigarette
I don’t believe you
I'll headpat you you lil devil
she should smoke inside because smoking is freaking cool
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where is she and how soon can i impregnate her
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It's time for my second cowgirl of Maker May, Rosa!

It is a nice hair, I can't lie.
>she's cute

She needs a good washboard-appreciator in her life.

Why is the Postal Chick like this!?
I do not trust that horse
I do not trust HER.

She reminds me of those lore-fucking things from New Vegas Lonesome Road.

Did she a word?

Girls like her always find friends. Girls are rare in those hobbies so they're welcomed right in!

As I get older I have found myself wondering if smoking is actually healthy, and all the anti-smoking stuff was just propaganda set against big tobacco because they weren't playing ball with the government. Cigs were way better than pot.
raping all my favorite card makers and modders
Why are women like this?
how do i know which club i'm setting my character in the maker? it goes from club 0 to club 7 but i've no idea what clubs they are
well anon, lets think about it logically, what are the clubs listed as top to bottom in the game itself
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A very cheery girl for today!
She's cute, but I'm not sure how I feel about this.
Why is she so cheery?
Isn't that your first yellow bunny suit? That's not normal at all!

Her smile is infectious!
I'm very happy that Cheerful is finally getting the attention she deserved all along.
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It's swimsuit day.
I think that is the first yellow bunny suit for the class.
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It's not Halloween yet.
I would say "Nice Reimu" but this is actually kind of hideous...
I know right, it came out awful, I love her
I respect your spirit anon. godspeed to ye
was meant for >>478632276 but I am retarded
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What's a matter? Can't stand the sight of a strong cowgirl woman?

Swimsuit days are the best days.
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why are the shadows reddish? any way i can change them??
i'm about to be her horse
The shadows you're seeing are normal, and you can change them with SMSH rules in the body tab. The AAU guide explains this and lots of cards on the DB use them. You'll want to add rules for the body, ana, kao, tume, and ude, at the least.
oh okay thanks
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A modest swimsuit day for Akeno.
I think you can archive override the body shadow as well. A custom blue or gray one might work for anon's girl.
Damn, JMCP has a lot of new positions
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I almost forgot to mention! You should make sure you have the NoPan outfit collections. There are 3 of them, and even if you don't care for them on Chiori, they should still serve you well.
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It wasn't easy to create non-oc with accuracy. We only use what's the AA2Edit could offer if you are a beginner or don't have the necessary skills yet.
Being it not easy means it could not attract more people to play AA2 to stay the community affloat.
With low number of accurately depicted non-ocs is an indication that AA2 sucks, and should be abandoned and move on more lively community
It's May 22nd!
Happy Birthday to that one Anon that wanted milfs for today!

you should post milf cards
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Holo is a milf. Isn't that anon super dead, though?
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That sounds like a personal problem. Whether you make new assets or not, AA2 has lots of tools for nonOC creation; more now than ever before.
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Day 17. Bright but hopeless romantic.
stop posting this fuglo counterfeit knockoff
No, fuck you.
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studying in a diverse academy is hard. you never know who's the actual god, beast, fish or a simple cosplayer
she's hot
>why is the postal chick like this?!
there was a demand for supressor and the supply happened to be right in front of her
>I think you can archive override the body shadow as well. A custom blue or gray one might work for anon's girl.
i'd like to know what file to replace cause i saw a folder in body overrides called "body shadows" but i'm too tired and i'm gonna sleep now
i was wondering why chiori had panties even though her description said she did not. it was the perfect opportunity for that last scene... where can i get this collections?
keep posting this cute knockoff
I wish there was more anime sim's games like aa2.
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It's a trendy for day 22.
Nice swimsuits, if only swimsuit day lasted forever.
What is she going to eat?
>Holo is a milf.
Genuine is best.
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Week 3 cards. No obvious theme, though very few might recognize them as remakes of old cards.
Why do people care so much about non-ocs? You can't bring their behavior or speech pattern and especially their voice into the game, whatever you made in maker is never that character anyway.
good girls
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day Tutu: gay little cheerleader bird porkymans idfk
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Hi! Just wanted to express gratitude to everyone publishing their stuff. It's first maker may that I'm witnessing and I couldn't imagine so many great cards rolling out each day. Lately I've been checking the DB per day basis and it indeed feels like a small holiday, like advent calendar even

My favourite cardmakers are Anon98 (<3<3<3), SamefaceAnon(89), Ejeb, Goat and Boron-11. But it's just a matter of my preferences, please don't mind it. I know for sure everyone here puts effort into what they're doing. Someone out there values your effort, be certain about it!

Over and out
no one cares faggot
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a sandwich!
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I care
and hope u are having a wonderful time in ur life!
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>didn't make it to list of favourite card makers
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How many mushrooms did she eat to get this big?
I really wish this game had more things to do and more interactions.
Lack of threesomes, multi-relationships and any content other than wooing girls (and pregnancy game over / no pregnancy content) kinda kills it.
it will be included in AA4
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Asshole rich guy
The card people actually want
Mostly laid back landlady, just don't be late on your rent money.
Might help if I put up my stupid picture I spent time working on also.
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Also, wanted to say thanks, anon
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Looks like I fucked up my game somehow, and I'm not sure what exactly caused this, but some interactions (I was able to constantly reproduse it with double follow me) lead to the state where girl dialogue progress furhther, but audio of her next dialogue line not played, time is constantly passing (cursor goes to red in seconds), but after that nothing happens and I stuck on dialogue screen (game reacts to input, so I can open menu or hide textbox, but nothing more).
I tried to disable modules in AAU but no luck there, no errors in AAU console, and if I change log lvl it start to show to much garbage logs so I kinda stuck right now, maybe someone had something similar?
Last thing that I made to my game was updating tot and installing friendly personality mod.
UPD: looks like it happens when character is in horny mood and I ask her to follow me, not sure if other dialuge options will lead to this for now.
I really don't want to reinstall my game with all mods
liking my cards is a common symptom of brain cancer. You might want to get that checked out
It's just forced perspective anon, like the hobbits
dude trust me illgames is gonna do it in 2045 truuuust me man
Who is in the class? It might be relevant.
I noticed this on different class roster, so I restarted game and replaced oldest cards with newer ones, so about 30-40% of class roster were changed, but it still in place.
Also I slightly changed PC modules and hair, but I doubt that this is causing my issue, cuz disabling modules in AAU did not fix it.
fix your bot fags
Why are rich people always evil?
She looks like she's lewd.
Narcissists become rich
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Anna time.
How does naming corrupted and pure styles for the corruption module work? If I create a style named pure4, will it more or less pure?
Check Link’s Sola card. She is the poster child for the module.
Alright, which one of you goons did this?
Will do, thanks.
Could be a nodim issue. Show your data folder.
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Hopefully she's not too smart; girls like that tend to kill their own romantic chances.

It would have been sad if taking the fish out of water had ACTUALLY killed the fish.
The NoPan outfits are all linked in the Modder reference guide in the OP, but here's the mega link:
It's 30 outfits in total.
The modder reference has links to all the standalone outfits that aren't in the big packs.

I will keep posting my Lynette!

That color scheme is kinda gloomy for a Trendy, is it not?
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Thanks, I'm glad you like my cards.
Maybe a bit.
Hmm, even with JMCP my futa character still refuses to cum inside females, did I install JMCP wrong?
Should probably check to see which of the clothing .pps you already have in .ppx format. I think some of them were included in 21_CCC_CIV_v2_3a.ppx at some point.
At the very least you have some conflicting mods in that regard.
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Great stuff! Girl in the back looks kinda creepy, what's her story?

Maybe YOU can't. IN 2014, anon ported two whole personalities from Clannad into AA2. This is first-year AA2 modding; it's entirely doable if your nonOC has spoken lines and a personality.

Those eyes are quite unsettling, not gonna lie.

Great to see Haruka-anon again but
>didn't make the list
damn, that stings.

Chibiko is salve for the wound, though.
Also I am getting the dildo overlaying atop the dick, am I just SoL?
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That's a feelsbadman.
You can toggle the dildo off; and do you have the futa module on your character?
>You can toggle the dildo off
I..did not know this, thank you.
a-and the cum/pregnancy?
>a perfectly good card ruined with freckles
Just why?
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if i hypothetically was to maker this girl, how would i make it so she only has a single horn?
You're asking the wrong first question. Do you have a two-horned version to start with?
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A rather dignified girl today!
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Just starting out with this AAMini thing, read the installation doc and everything.
Do I enable Triggers_Supplemental in AAU console when I boot the game, or should I leave it alone?
That should be on by default.
mine wasn't...so it SHOULD be on then?
Is there anything in sets?
Mine is on so yours can be on.
Do you have the "futanari" module on your character?
Thanks friend.
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i found that these horns look nice enough for me to use it. but i'd only like to make the character if it's single horned. otherwise i'll move on to other characters
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I wonder if this miscoloring is on my end or if it's for everyone.

So... is she single too? The mom, I mean.

A wild old lady appears!

You hit Follow and then Follow again and it softlocks? I can't honestly say that I've heard of that before. It does sound like something that would maybe be trigger-related.

It's a 2016 card from a long-dead anon.
What number is that horn, anon? C'mon, don't make me pull teeth to try to help you!
oh sorrys,,,its side hair 154f
You can absolutely remove one of the horns and use that as an override, but that requires metasequoia and sb3u and a basic knowledge of how to use them and edit meshes.
I'm honestly not sure why it wouldn't work.
>I wonder if this miscoloring is on my end or if it's for everyone.
He does that for me too, sometimes. Not sure what causes it.
Am I supposed to also have the Male Ejaculation SE mod installed?
You could try looking up the tag "dragon" or "demon"on the database and see if something already exists. Might be worth a search?
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As the other anon said, this would indeed be easy but it would require using a 3D modelling program. Metasequoia is very beginner friendly, so I'd recommend that (but if you're already a Blender user you can easily use that).

If you're interested, here are the first parts of the walkthrough:

First export the xx file from your HEXAOC (presumably using ppexcli if you're on Mini)
Download SB3U from the OP Google doc with the card megas, in the bookmarks tab, and drag the xx file into it.
(at this point, you'll be able to see what I show here)
Click the mesh and export it in metaseq format.
Open the file in metaseq and delete the horn you don't want. save the file.
Drag that mqo file into SB3U.
Non-OCs barely makes the community afloat. OC are the real deal here and we have like 99% of it.
i wish i could do this more efficiently but my internet sucks at the moment
thanks!!! i'll try and see if i can do this later and this will be huge a huge help
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As far as I know she's an artist's gijinka of a poisonous mushroom (nicknamed Destroying Angel).
>internet sucks at the moment
Fair enough. It'll be more rewarding for you to make the part in the long run. The anon >>478767275
here can show you a lot of what you need.
but I love aa2 bodies...
It was mostly the angle and the single visible eye. Now she's cute.
Clownpiece, FMDonkey, Stupid Hair, Goat, Anon98, Ejeb, tot, Kunigunde, Boron-11... pretty much everyone else who still with us and not quitting on us
It might be worth trying. I've never tried using a futa in game, so I've no idea if even mine work. I'll try giving it a test.
Appears to be a negatory, no cum for the futa char I guess
you only included one shadow set for both JMCP and the Male Mod SE right?
NTA but for the normal JMCP you're supposed to only have one of the shadow sets?
Check the readme and get back to us.
I thought that was only referring to the male mod though
Any luck on your end, mate?
did you not look at the readme?
SE stands for "sound effects." I don't think futa cares about it, but I could be wrong.
That would make a lot of sense.
>supposed to only have one of the shadow sets?
Only one of the shadow sets included with jmcp. If I'm understanding what you're asking.
Thanks anon, that is what I was asking.
Wait a minute, have any of you ever gotten futanari to work with cum and H-poses?
I always thought it was just a broken module.
No, futas don't have a bukkake option or the choice to use male foreplay positions in my game.
Darn, well thanks for trying anyways.
This would require a sex pose list which certainly exists for JMCP, since Goat is a futafag and he's in charge of aa2d.
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Once you have the mesh and you've dragged it into SB3U, you just drag the mesh into the exported xx file's frame list as shown. Select the rules shown here and you're done! Save it with an edited file name and make and archive override, and you're officially a modder.
I'm surprised that's not included or linked somewhere.
I kid of figured it would be in the install guide with the JMCP link, but I assume it's not?
it is not
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I'm surprised! But that just means someone would have to read the instructions in the modder doc and make one. Then we'd have one!
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Day 18*, the class president, who only became class president because she's popular. Otherwise completely incompetent at any sort of leadership. Means well, but irresponsible.
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My day17-day21's got corrupted so I couldn't upload them :(. Thankfully I have backups I'll redo them tomorrow + my day23.

Day22- ft. Sanami Tsukimi

Why is always the pinks...
Stop harassing women in the women's bathroom.
Blinded by the White
Does he work in the clothing menu?
Welcome aboard friendo. Reading was your first quest and asking questions your second. You passed. Enjoy the ride!
Wow thats alot of eyeshadow. Nice
So does a nekomancer... summon cats?
Where are the cats then?
What a giggly girl
>Stolen card
What's she smug about this time?
Despite the rough edges, cute. No further comments.
>everyone here puts effort into what they're doing.
>Someone out there values your effort.
haha... I sure hope so.
>monster girl
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>mass replying
>Why is it always the pinks
Pink is the color of stupid
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MM day 14 (22 ;-;) https://db.bepis.moe/aa2/view/63686
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Day 69/3: cute deer girl who likes to play rough
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always be careful when indulging yourself
i read her description and she seems to have a very effective battle tactic
she's so pretty!!! i knew i saw something good through that blurry maker may chart slot
>It would have been sad if taking the fish out of water had ACTUALLY killed the fish.
good think mershark was simply being playful
>The NoPan outfits are all linked in the Modder reference guide in the OP, but here's the mega link...
there will be lots
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Learn to accept appreciation, jerks
She’s very pretty. My new favorite from you this May!
god I LOVE aa2 bodies
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>left is all like
You shouldn't be on anyone's list.
I can think of a few lists he should be on
top worst cardmakers
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Girl that has traded in their smarts for baseball playing ability
>singular “their”
Uhh… anon?
I assure you she is 100% girl there.
You should download the card so you can check for yourself :>
>she is 100% girl
>not always
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Got around to updating this now
Maker Dead 2024
There are only like, a handful of cards worth saving coming every day. I thought we started stronger than this.
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Stupid Hair's cards are great! I especially love the earlier ones, those that aren't too shabby

Too bad good times can't last forever, right? You're welcome to help it be that way though, post more of your cards
Are you posting your own cards? What about the cards that you liked and downloaded?
post your cards
May is getting too hot.
how the hell is she commuting to school?!
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this is you
Shenron card never…
Yes, lol. I said a few a day. There are some I don’t bother downloading because I don’t like the card. It’s not “oh I’m not downloading anything from this maker” or anything because that’s retarded, anyone can make a decent card or one who has overrides worth stealing. I think I’ve downloaded a card from everyone who’s made one save for a couple this may, but for the most part we were stronger earlier in the month. There are definitely fewer uploads now.
I am. Retard. It’s May.
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One of my cards that I've made over the years never shown it to anyone ever. I'm complete noob at taking screenshots
Sure thing retard. Post your bepis account with your cards.
Oh I have to show my fucking license to have an opinion on others’ cards? Get fucking real. All you really want is a name to cry over for being slightly critical.
Oi mate, you got a loicense for that critischism?
Post your cards.
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another one
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I probably forgot
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>Kitty made a cameo in the Iruma-kun manga during her birthday month
I've never heard of this manga before but I'm very happy about this.
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An elf for day 23!
Cute girls!
Lotta nice cards here so far.
Me when I lie:
It's Slop Card month. What do you expect? Even your cards are slop.
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>Stupid Hair's cards are great!
you fell off
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thanks everyone!! i managed to maker her appearance wise. i think i found a segmented horn that i can use for her (instead of taking 154f and drawing cope lines on them) and i think the hardest part will be to maker all of her tan (the one present is a placeholder, it's the "marking1" by goat). but i found some other body tribal looking tans so its all fine

she probably has online classes
they're cute. the blue one seems distressed due to the invisible monster grabbing her skirt
i like stupid hairs cards
But what? Forgot what?
To change her eyebrow outlines. I just checked. I made the color and everything I just straight up FORGOT to change it.
So they're default and don't match her hair. Rip.
Oh. Damn, that's a 0/10 from me.
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Brandy may have made a better version, but I don't have Brandy's version and my dick demanded to fuck a Genshin catgirl. Lynette is up!

She'll go down in history as the greatest Class Rep ever and her successor will get all the blame and be called ugly too.

You forgot the link!
>Stop harassing
>Stolen card
>Does he work in the clothing menu?
He does! I did not expect that.

Hang in there! Other than the face tan, she's great!

I didn't know that deer also had the horizontal pupils sometimes.
>I like stupid hair cards

You're lying
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From her color scheme, at first I thought you'd made Rosaria from Genshin.
Why is Postal Chick yelling at the crack pipes? Did they take her money?

Fuck yeah!

Wait what the fuck, what did I do wrong!? I wanna be the very best! Like no one ever was!

Same, my brother.

Cute girls don't need smarts, and the ability to handle balls and bats will serve her well.
ewwwww... fuglo >:0000....
>I wanna be the very best! Like no one ever was!

Keep dreaming
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Are you replying to cards and images that get posted? I am seeing a lot of posts get ignored, so why are you ignoring them?
Encourage activity by engaging with it!
Anna's snowflake should have gotten some kind of response... Not the card, I mean the snowflake itself.

There's always a taper off in Maker May because it's not easy to make 31 (34 if you do the bonuses) cards in 31 days. With that said, I just downloaded 9 new cards today. I'd call that a darn good haul for a Thursday!

Thank you! I didn't know anyone liked Taeko, so please take good care of her.

These are nice! Why have you been hiding them away? Blondie in particular seems like the type who'd want to show off.
You really love white hair, dontcha?
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An irritable look alike today!
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Another swimsuit day.
She's looking great so far.
Cats are nice.
Looks cute!
Nice cards, ejeb
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Cute elf! I wish that hair pairing weren't so restrictive, but thankfully it doesn't get used all that much so it stays fresh.

Excellent progress, anon!
I think we do have a better base horn than that, but I'm not sure if it was ever brought to HEXAOC. It's 46 in this image, at the top.
The horns are on the 2chan reup mega - they're jg2e02_01_hrndevil46.
Tans can be a hassle, but if you use the Special Wireframe as a guide you'll be able to make your goal.

Sakura is beautiful!

It's not the same after I call attention to it!
Nice work! Keep it up!
shut the fuck up
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pretty basic looking kot
That head is FULL of dreams!
Also you should consider changing your hair highlight - the default is too oily for most people.
Thanks for advice.
What does " head is FULL of dreams" mean?
It is something of an in-joke from an old episode of Daria, where a mascot character says "My head is too big" and a second character replies "that's because it's so full of dreams." It is a gentle way of saying that the character's head is quite large when compared to the body.
If I had to guess I'd say anon thinks it's a bit oversize.
I see. thanks you for clarification, she is smaller so I made head larger for proportioning.
It's all good. If you're happy with her, you're golden!
Meant >>478916502 to reply here >>478916143
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I get that, but just curious, how many heads tall is she right now? Five heads? I feel like that's really short, even for a girl.
Oh I give up...
So smol.
yes, estimate of 145-155 cm I think, hard to tall based on AA2Edit
The default character heights are about 142/160/180cm, if that helps. Normal is estimated as 160, and short/tall are increased/reduced by 12.5%.
sorry, meant 135-145
Ah, I see.
Then estimate was correct where she is ~140ish
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>pokemon evolution chart
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is it possible to change the inner mouth color? i'd like to make it really dark

i am not
>Why is Postal Chick yelling at the crack pipes? Did they take her money?
they make her feel like shit
pretty eyes
>She's looking great so far.
thank you
all of this will help a lot, thank you!!! that horn really seems to fit and 090 gave me an idea to make yet another monster girl
>Nice work! Keep it up!
thank you!!
i want her to grill me
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Memories of Chibiko's rampage...
>is it possible to change the inner mouth color?
I have to spend some time to find the right image though unless someone with a better memory can help out?
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The mouth is in the sclera tecture.
It may look like Chibikozilla, but due to international copyright laws, it is not
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Just put a censor bar over the eyes and you can get away with it.
I think it would be funny...
Thank you! Couldn't remember to save my soul... Now I can fix my chrome girl!
What a majestic creature.
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Unfortunately it was Sunday in my game, and I had a terrible date with Holo. I am sad...

I would see this as an absolute win.
Also, comparing me to the god of wisdom is quite the compliment!
Jokes on you. I wish my cards be compared too
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i would have never, in a bajillion years, figured out that the mouth would be located in the sclera texture, but thank you! now i can stick my dick into 3 holes of the void instead of only 2
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Succubus woman. Day 15 of MM
Holo is a fickle mistress.
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Day 19*, totally awesome and rad big sister with absolutely no caveats (seriously)
>comparing a released card that works in-game and in-poser
>to unreleased poser-only asset cards.
one of them is released, one of them isn't.
one of them works fine, one of them will probably get un-released if somebody finds out they break slightly.
it's almost a [current year] indie vs AAA games comparison.
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In response to the large number of people using my poses Chibiko has implemented a new macaron tax that is to be paid each time a pose or scene is used
Failure to pay will result in having tiny pebbles thrown at you
put a pebble in their shoe too for good mesure
Any attack on me is an act of war and the small and illegitimate state of Chibistan will be met with the true power of the sun.
comparing an 'indie' into a triple A is actually a shame for the latter. Stupid Hair's is the Palworld, while Brandy's is just the pokemon
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being dragged into the abyss wasnt part of the workout routine
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day (20)24: RIBBON MANIA
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Dang, she's ribbon'd up.
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>Forgot the link
Shit. You right.
Days 1-23 have been uploaded.

Day23- ft. Shoggoth. Tried some prop/room stuff again too.

>ahehyee shoggoth hnahh
Macaron tax you say...
Oooh a harsh succubi.
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Then she'll simply attack only at night
Brandy always wins
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Damn it! You bitch! Not again....
>tfw just realized aa2 has no tentacle content
The one on the left just got released. I’m not sure if Nahida is from Brandy or Faiz.
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>one on the left
Your own fault for not being specific. They’re all great cards.
That violates the Chibi of Versailles.
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Boy that wants everyone to get along. Might get bullied but others might not like that.
what a punchable face
People won’t like that he gets bullied? What’re they gonna do about it?
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Not bad but I think you need to deviate more from the default looks of faces and default iris/highlights.
>captcha: NTROK8
Yea It's more quantity over quality for me and finding the right iris/highlights are just pain in the ass and time consuming.
too fat
Lynette is a good girl
Would it upset you if I said that I like some of Maker May cards more than your pre-Maker May cards?
Because I do.
>eyebrow color doesn't match hair color
Every single time.
She dyed her hair
not necessarily white haired, but more like tall and big bosom
Uh, m-ma'am, your, uh...um...
Fare thee well anon, pray, enjoy your time away from this place.
Nahida is from Faiz
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Happy to help, and nice work with her! I'm her she and Midir will be great friends.

It's true; we made up right afterward.

I bet she's a blast at parties.

I gotta be real with you: "ribbons in her hair" would not make her stand out compared to https://db.bepis.moe/aa2/view/63489
She is, comparatively, a perfectly normal girl!
Is this AI slop from a gallery somewhere?
probably, best thing to do is report and ignore it.
Why would I do that? I want more of it.
in that case, just continue to reply to it or make your own, it isn't difficult.
In this particular case, it's because i don't like the way white eyebrows look in this game. But the reason my cards tend to have eyebrows of different color compared to the hair is because they use hair dye :p
Don't worry, i also do to.
shit, wrong reply. It was meant for this one.
uhhhh any cool mods this year? I ask because for some reason I had a dream unironically some anon reverse engineered the code for modding, and people were adding new rooms and stuff
It's been a pretty quiet year so far, minus Maker May. Well, nothing "hug" but there have been new hairs, outfits, etc. More of the stuff we love but no expansions of the school or crazy stuff like that.
Nothing "huge"
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My knockoff brand fighting game girl is done and on the DB!
Cute fighting game gal!
Want a "hug" mod
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Excellent stuff!
I should have made more girls with size-50 boobs though.

The Chib is a cunning hunter...

He's very brave to leave the house dressed like that. His sincerity is inspiring me!

But where are the DB or mega links!?
What's wrong with white eyebrows?
Man I’m just out of ideas for appearances. Like just completely dry. Flipping aimlessly through the hairs does nothing.
Show your chart and I can offer a recommendation!
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Fuckin better than nothing I guess
You should make a Joyful with very, very long dark hair. Below-her-ass long.
well yeah but hoshi isn't the one in the audience is she
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A loose party girl for today!
I dunno if I agree with her being Lively but I love her design. Very nice colors.
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Time for a ditzy.
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But it does...

I feel like Ditzy has the same problem as Brave in that no one uses her.
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this is amazing!!! the room fits really well with her character, i never expected that a slime girl could have such smooth and agile moves
only bully away from the public
>I'm sure she and Midir will be great friends.
most likely...both done in maker may, are purple, non-ocs, abysall gals, with one of the hair selections being the same. although Midir looks like she would rather eat humans than serving one
Nice belly.
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>Ishioka Masaki by multii
Rate irritated, let's get more than two ratings also :3

>Brave - 4.8
>Kind - 8.2
>Yandere - 5
>Gyaru - 6.9 (nice?)
>Dignified - 7.8
>Wise - 8.4
>Ordinary - 7.3
>Joyful 7.8
Shinpo irritated I would give 1 5/10.
Mizumoto and every other Irritated, I give a 8/10
Dang, I forgot to vote for the last two... would've been 8 for both.

Anyways, Irritated is a 10 for me. I love irritated.
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Long time no see anons how is going?

damn now i want to see more of her tan lines
yay more cute girls with freckles
finally time to enjoy that cowgirl
Just seeing him and i wanted to punch him so hard
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Women with a nicotine addiction >>>>>>>

Day 16 (24) of MM. https://db.bepis.moe/aa2/view/63710
>throwing hands
That's the roughest volleyball I've ever witnessed.
It's merely personal preference. I don't like the way light colored eyebrows look both irl and in-game.
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8.5/10 for irritated, kinda hilarious how she has the 'I'm tsundere' thing written all over the place.
Make it so the hair goes above her ass.
Then you should maybe try a dark blue hair, and maybe blunt ends.
Give her green eyes also, I think they would look good.
I love irritated, 9.5/10
I like irritated, easily a 9 outta 10.
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Day24- ft. Bouncing Toaster(?)

>size-50 boobs
I think I can do it will all body types now, it just so happens that normal size-50 is the default and the easiest
*clap clap clap*
>Loose party girl
I... have ideas but also don't wanna know.
I had MGE Shoggoth and lovecraftian Shoggoth in mind. I was also interested in the color scheme and found a fitting room to recolor. The stars aligned quite nicely.
I don't understand smokers. I mean it's hot, but the smell is not.
Agreed. But they're more tsun than dere I feel.
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It's weird, because I think ditzy is a good port.
>damn now i want to see more of her tan lines
You got it.
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day 25+B1: some glitch Pokemon sisters. Hyoto comes from Yellow, Woimazupa (the bonus card) comes from Red/Blue.
Thanks Anon <3
Is this the year of the smoking girls?
You forgot your tax for Chibiko
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Bit of an airheaded Genuine but tries her best
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one for me
one for chibi
I've used it a few times now. I'd give irritated a 9/10.
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Happy weekend!
Irritated is barely tsun enough to be considered tsundere, but she IS cute. I'd call her a 9/10.


Why are they fighting? This seems like it would be a penalty...

I wonder what it is that makes smoking so attractive to look at. Also, cigs were a WAY better state-sponsored drug than weed and I want to go back so fucking badly I lack the words to express it.
nta. I think anon might be referring to Tace's irritated redo card. not 100% sure though.
Isn't it safer to assume he just means "the default irritated" in that case?
Why did you reply to me? I'm not making a Joyful with long hair!
I want to learn swimming from her... as long as I get to swim behind her.

Boobs are still pretty picky, sadly.
>I... have ideas but also don't wanna know.
Got a problem with the friendly neighborhood tentacle monster?

Very cute.

Where is your macaron!?
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What will you do?
Is there anything I CAN do!?
is there a way to force people but into private rooms like the ambusher trait but for me?
If you don't specifically want rape, that's one of the geass abilities.
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Summer vibes!

It's not even summer and this temperatures making me want to kill myself.

Also holy shit that's my card
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Anyone want a Frisky foxgirl?
Time for a Frisky foxgirl!

Yellow would have had the same glitches as Red/Blue, wouldn't it? Missingno. had a sister that I've forgotten about?

All Genuines deserve love! Especially the airheaded ones.

I wonder if Chibiko would instinctively sense the danger of taking food from Kasetsu...
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>Also holy shit that's my card

You. Don't be surprised, your cards are appreciated. Someone has already mentioned it, but your latest (MakerMay to be precise) cards are even better than earlier ones, keep up the great work. And enjoy summer, though I hate the temperature too

whats geass?
seconding this
very good cards and an inspiration for people starting (like me) to make ocs
Mind control module. You can even modify it so that you can send people in who has different INT to you instead of exploitable trait or massive difference in INT.
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It's named after Code Geass and it gives you absolute control over NPCs, if you enable the ability.
It's hotkey-controlled.
based thank you this works
can't you just hold right click for the same thing?
...holding right click IS Geass.
Is there a way to edit card's modules? Not traits, but the scripts called modules. For example, some cards have saturday clothing. Is there a way to disable that feature? If yes, how does one do it?
Aau tab in the maker. Remove the module from the card with the arrow that points back to the list entry.
meant. module tab in the aau maker.
I don't think I understand. There's AA2QtEdit and AA2Edit though AAUnlimited launcher. Both don't have said module tab
that shit built into the game man
No, it's not. Geass is a mod feature that was first introduced in the Frontier launcher, and then AAU incorporated it.
turn it off right now go in game and hold right click on dialogue and it will 999% it, same with bringing people into rooms etc etc, been using this button ingame since like 2014 because that's when my exe and folder date back to
Okay, I've figured it out. I swear it is nowhere stated that in order to run the AAUnlimited version of AA2Edit you have to press "Launch the editor" with AA2Unlimited tab selected in the launcher. AAUnlimited is an additional window to the editor and it does not appear if you launch it with Graphics tab selected (which is the default one)

Don't make sense imo, but well, guess this is how it is. Thank you
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What the hell are you talking about? What were you doing if it WASN'T pressing the gigantic "launch game" button in the bottom of the window?
I'm not sure whether it's a malfunction of my AA2Unlimited instance or my brain, but the AAUnlimited tab didn't appear until I pressed "Launch the editor" with AA2Unlimited tab selected in the header. All this time I had no AAUnlimited window in the editor and was using the default set of options

I'm sorry for the confusion, thanks for help and forget about it
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A vampire for day 25.
>Where is your macaron!?
My brother you are literally committing war crimes against Chibiko. Think about what you're doing!
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You're right, I cannot afford a war against Chibiko right now.
With that view, now I want to be a chibi!
Is there a way of editing the card while preserving it's thumbnail? For instance, I want to edit a style and remove/add some modules. Would that be possible to do that and keep the original thumbnail?
yes, copy card, use qxedit and import the copied cardface after you do the changes
Sankyu, worked like charm
You can also hold ctrl as you click save on AA2Edit and just unmark all options before saving, it will keep the previous thumbnails.
...I didn't know this, saving this information for future endeavors.
making this card took so long...but it's the price to pay for a mostly accurate non-oc
fools... they'll break their hands punching like that and they'll be side by side in the infirmary, glaring at each other powerlessly
the background made me want to attempt at r63'ing hotline miami characters...i'm not sure how that would look like and i'd like to see how it turns out but unfortunately i got a MGE thing going on at the moment
oh good thing i'm not the only one who wants to r63 mfs who shoot people
Open your save's json file and set the "Saturday style" module to false.
Or do what anon said if you want to edit the card itself
Hey I just did a fresh install, am I doing something wrong that causes even brand new NPCs to always say I'm talking to them too much? They're also coming into locations I'm in to tell me to stop following them lol
You are either missing or have a corrupt copy of NoDim.
Weird, I used the file in the link on the OP, is there anywhere I can get the mod?
There are two versions of NoDim in the OP. Try the other one.
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Red/Blue and Yellow both have MissingNo., but they also have glitch Pokemon at other indices that differ between versions. One example would be the glitch at index FF: in Red/Blue it's a hybrid of Charizard called 'M, while in Yellow it's a Starmie hybrid called Q ◣.
What is she installing?
>I wonder if Chibiko would instinctively sense the danger of taking food from Kasetsu...
What if Chibisetsu convinces her to
Chibisetsu is arguably the only chibi who is less of a menace than her "real thing."
A kind girl for today!

4chan really doesn't want me to upload her image!
i'm not the only one??? i've been trying to post my amazoness scene associated with >>479175990 and i just cant do iit
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Surprisingly (not really), this is the first dark skinned girl i've done so far this month.

MM day 6 (25) https://db.bepis.moe/aa2/view/63729
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Works for me
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what kind of history did I miss in this place?
You guys must learn something from >>479017461
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It's taken me years, but at last... progress!
The girl is done, but I just need a bit more work on outfit overrides, like giving this outfit pantyhose.

I was about to praise them but then the DB went down for me again. ;_;
well, now that i think of it, the image i wanted to post was pretty racy, even though no genitals were exposed...probably best to post something family friendlier
I have a pantyhose version of the outfit. You'd need to work the boots into it though.
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the card that i was referring to in >>479175990 now in appropriate edition
unfortunately there is only one kind of shooting in aa2 so mfs who shoot people cant be their true selves in the game
so pretty!!! instant download
maybe now it works
i like her style, will she be posted?
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Much appreciated! Unfortunately I won't be able to use that one though, since I'm also replacing the pantyhose texture with the mesh from one of the bunny girls.
The issue is that, for no reason that I can determine, the mesh pantyhose won't show up with the boots. They show up in ever other KP state, but specifically not the one with the boots.

Be careful Chibiko!

>i like her style, will she be posted?
Of course! She's my Bonus 3 for Maker May.
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Every other shoe state allows this, but the boots are fighting.
Did the Marino Shinpo card have something like that?
I didn't really understood what u meant to say

but anyway
time to make military men as anime girls
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Not as far as I can tell.

Interestingly, the mesh IS present in the leg. Just... inside the leg. And this is only the case when pairing it with the boots.
Guess I didn't release it...
I worked around it by leaving the stockings frame in the skirt with the shorts.
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I think I had her wear it for the Rome scene.
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I was able to brute force it in a way that I am COMPLETELY not proud of (added the boots to every KP state, removed the pieces of shoe from those KP meshes and luckily, KPU fits), but it works. Fuck it!

That is a neat version on Marino - I probably missed it since I was only skimming legs while she was nude.
If it works, it works!
I realized why I didn't release it after I took the boots off.
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And there we go! With Gwen's outfit complete, I have completed my Maker May for the year!
I am quite pleased with how it turned out.

Wh-what happened with the boots?
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she ends up looking like a hobit
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Guy that doesn't really want to do anything with the academy, which is a wonder why he is there at all.
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Day 26 is a bunny sensei for sunday.
Or a vampbit.
Cute cards!
He looks cool.
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day 26: the LITERAL goddess of loser nerds.
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it was cum. i meant cum. shooting cum
>Of course!
i think that the cards are great and there's a lot of variety which i really like
hot, need
ohh, shooting cum...

does the squirting count? (ノ°▽°)ノ
Legally required to say “no”
Built for foot fetishists...
She came out really well. Nice job, anon.
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Having nice girls in your class is great, but don't we forget about guys? Dunno about you, but I've been playing with default ones for quite a while

Time to change that! Thank you Anon98 for awesome male cards. Pretty much noone else creates them regularly. SamefaceAnon(89)'s are also great, but there aren't much of them

Those thinking how to end the MakerMay - create male and school staff cards! Those are lacking
Your Kikuchi and Yamazaki sisters are wholesome, keep up the great work!
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I want to see some moms.

Thanks, anon. It's nice to see someone enjoying the boys, even when I am not entirely feeling them and mostly making them out of some kind of obligation.
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Four Roses is pretty good. It's odd that some images just don't want to post.
She's very pretty. What does the Japanese text say under her name?
We are, at our core, a 4chan general thread that is dedicated to a porn game. We've had some deeply, deeply disturbed people here over the years. It's really nothing special.
The japanese text is usually related to a certain characteristic of the card... However, this time i was completely out of ideas on what to put in there and also simply wanted to be done with the snowflake, so i just wrote nonsense. The text means something like, "A soul that yearns for the fire".
He's the suave and serious brother of your stoner slacker!

She appears to be highly qualified for the position.

What is the lore that makes her worthy of worship?

Why is she giving us such a stern look? Is she in need of correction?
Day 20*, exorcist to foil a bonus that I may never actually publish until July. In the meantime she's just kind of weird.
I was planning on doing a teacher. I had some males on the books but eh, nothing ever struck me. Also, some of the male stuff just look... bleh. Illusion hates males.
That is. The gayest shit I have read today. And probably this week.
Love you too girl
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Forgot the image.
I forgot to change her highlight, Hold on.
Ok it's not reflected on the snowflake, but I swear I changed it
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Yep, she's heavily inspired by Chappy. Chappy's laugh is just too infectious.

I'm happy you like them! The rest will be shared in the next couple of days, as well as the fix for Nina.

Does a fire-y Amazonian musclewoman who gives youtube lectures about TF2 count as a school staff card? Because that's what I'm releasing today!
Personally I don't think I have any talent for males, and I don't plan to use them myself, so I really don't like to make them. And I'd already made my teacher and nurse cards earlier in the month, after all.

But you're a week (two weeks?) late for Mother's Day!
So how does exactly Cuck module invited to watch work? I've been experimenting for a while now and I can't get it to trigger.
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Chicks have more outfits and overrides than dudes, so I think most people prefer having and making them. Glad you like some of my guys though.
Milfs are nice.
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Holo decided to take the lead in some private-room sex, and by "take the lead" I mean that H-AI thinks she's a complete bottom.

Cool exorcist! What can you tell us about the ghost she must battle?

What's Ruki's relationship to Saki again?
>What's Ruki's relationship to Saki again?
Ruki and Saru are her kids.
That's some time-travel shit right there!
It's a spooky ghost that covers you in ectoplasm.
these people don't like males anyway
Whenever I use a PPX version of AA2 on windows 10, I can't get past the launch screen. The PP2 version of AA2mini runs fine though. If I can't make the ppx version work, are there still drag and drop mods in PP2?
PP2 has been obsolete for much longer than it was relevant. If your game isn't launching with ppx, then you either didn't follow our guide properly or you've got an incorrect setting somewhere.

Did you install all the stuff in the 'extra' folder, none of which is optional?
I mean I download the AA2 Mini PPX version of AA2 Mini (i have that older one from 2017~ that works in its own folder), put the override instillation for v1.10.1, tried cycling to wined3d/svp when none of the win10fix settings worked, and the game never boots under any of those settings
>install all the stuff in the 'extra' folder
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A very chatty girl for today!
I wish the thread were a bit more chatty, considering this is the LAST WEEK OF MAKER MAY!
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Short hair is cute.
well if you're a loser nerd and not an asshole she'll protect you and encourage you to do whatever it is you like doing unless its like. illegal bad shit

anywho i need card ideas
A normal fuckable girl?
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i need help...i'm trying to make a feathered beret but i dont know how to actually put the feathers in
Make sure to aim the barrel of the gun back towards your soft palate, not forwards to your hard palate.
Hope this helps with dealing with SB3U
Thank you, Google Gemini.
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1. Export the hat from the xx file.
2. Open the mqo of the hat file and drag in your feather's mqo file.
3. Select the feather's submesh and one of the hat's submeshes, and merge them into the hat's submesh.
4. IMport the saved mqo back into SB3U, and replace the hat mesh, copying normals and bones as "nearest."
This should add the feather to your hat as a new submesh, and it'll try to use the same bones as the rest of the hat. Recalc the normals, and fix the material settings.
the lack of support in several ffffucking ways chubby has makes me so pissed
how else am i supposed to make moms, how else am i supposed to make christmas cakes jesus christ. what an injustice
Short hair is the best.
What do you mean? The most recent tot outfits usually fit chubby and those are basically the best outfits ever made.
No, fuck you.
I’m going to squeeze your throat until I hear a dull crunch and or you stop breathing
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I've made more fat girls than the average person, I really don't see what you're upset about.
stupid question, do we have a new beta or something out yet for aa2unlimited yet? its been a while since the last update.
Unless something unexpected happens, it's pretty safe to assume that development with the previous team is over.
Dang, no new features?
A lot of the team is MIA. Possibly presumed dead ESPECIALLY if male and Russian. >>479351768
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I kiss every fat girl I make, but I don't see how that's relevant to the discussion.
Actually, since you said "several ways," what are you even talking about. Weight has no bearing on anything except clothing selection, at least not that comes to mind.
That’s not me dude “kys” lacks any creativity
If “few things other than clothing” do not have bearing on chubby I don’t know why my card which I haven’t changed the clothing of yet has the gimped legs when I change her to chubby. Might be a hipixel thing? Also it just has bearing on any thing that is an override for a particular body type. I’ve had it happen before with other cards.
You're not giving any specifics so it's hard to understand what you're talking about, but skin textures don't care about card weight at all. Legs getting screwy would be a sviex error, so that would care about weight.
What if AA2 was real
I don’t HAVE specifics because I don’t know WHAT could be causing it
Images, override lists, etc. Specifics.
An image would certainly tell us more than "XYZ is broken"
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thanks, i managed to do it, but i cant figure out a way to add the feather texture to the feather, the only option is the beret texture and i cant find a way to add another material...i dont even know if its possible
figured it out, nevermind! just copied the existing beret material and replaced with the feather textures
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And here I was getting an image ready for you! But yep, you can do it that way, or if there's a situation where you have the normal hair texture and need to add a pre-colored one you can drag the material from the Object Tree of one hair into a workspace, and then back into your own hair.
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[x] mating press
What is considered "short" hair? Either at or above the shoulders?
thank you
above the shoulders, probably cheek length
for me, it's shoulder length hair like >>479357829
it's cute
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and thank u too
here, have this
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day HOW ARE THERE FIVE DAYS LEFT: another obscure glitch pokemon, this time in bad girl flavor
give her headpats

I find your use of odd Pokemon glitches pretty neat with me being way too into the old games. How'd you get the idea?
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thank you very much for this!!! unfortunately, the feather looks like shit. guess it wasnt meant for it to being ripped off an asset and plastered into another. i'm debating on whether to remove it or not, i'll decide when i playtest her
You can give her headpats too, you know? :3

Cat girl or tomboy?
tomboy catgirl

Tomgirl catboy
Autism. Pure unrestrained autism. That's where I get my ideas.
Tomboy Catboy
Tomboy catTrap
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Is there a way with ppx to run both AA2Play and AA2Edit together at the same time? This is what I miss since switching from pp2.
Is there a manual for the basics of coding modules? I see that some of them are capable of pretty advanced behavior and wanted to try my hand at that.
It's annoying not being able to open the two at the same time, but the launch time is lot shorter with PPX so I don't mind closing one and going into the other that much. Maybe a second pc like a laptop and setting up file sharing between the two pc can work.
You can take a look at some of simple modules first to understand the basic and then move up the complexity, you can also always go visit AAU modclub discord and ask about triggers and modules here.
Is it a separate discord from the more general one? And how can I access it?
The problem is I'm trying to study how a module works so ideally I want edit to open at the same time to see in real time how the triggers work in the game.
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She will call you a worthless pig, and you will like it.
you should be able to find it on aaunlimited github page
That looks more like the feather is missing some aspects of its material. Where's the file from? I might be able to take a look at it today.
How do I add tummy or nipple piercings?
Overrides. I’ve done them both. Mostly they are leg overrides.
Now if you wanna smash different sets of them together that’s gonna require sb3u
Oh lord
I'm gonna call her Princess Bubblecum. How do ya like THEM apples!?
I see. Apparently I only have a single navel piercing, so that's a problem...
I can kinda take a wild guess which one it is, does it come with a mani-pedi?
There are a few others, but I have no idea if they're on the DB.
yup, and with a wristband
just wanted a simple one, but at least now I know how it works, same for manicure recolors
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the feather in the image i posted before looks like that because it was intentional, as the other option was this (i think it'd look better if i separate the 2 feather halves so it clips less)
the feather looks decent in s3bu but it gets fucked up in the maker. my theory is that these empty spaces in the meshes are getting filled up... and i have no idea how to solve that
also, the feathers come from the pirate hat in hair extension slot 33 flip 16
Only way to get them. Nice to see someone that likes the glitches as much as me.
Is there a way to change the roster image based on the active style?
If you're using the feather from the pirate hat, you might not need metaseq at all. Open both the pirate hat and the beret in SB3U and drag the feather's frame from the one hat to the other, using a workspace. That would preserve all its material properties which are part of the issue you're having.
Where can I get the item, or what is it called?
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I think a new episode came out today, right? It's time for the Wise Wolf Holo!

Did Chibiko steal her panties?

Sounds like you got it from Natalia? Check out Onimaru Tae - she has a belly piercing as well.
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Day 27 is an apricot tomboy cat.
Booty is best.
Nice to see the best koikatsu personality used.
She's looking cute.
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I'm in the mood to share all the nonOCs, so Juliette and Gwen are out too!

Super cute but I would call her "Lia." It's a cuter pronunciation of the same name.
Is she a lap-cat?
never in public, slut
unfortunately, the game crashes everytime when i put the override in and select it in the editor. rip
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Makes sense,: the feathers use bones that aren't in the beret. You have to copy over that bone tree as well for them to not crash.
Once the feather has been added in this way, export the file to metaseq, move the feather to the appropriate location and orientation, and then replace only the feather, but copying "in order" instead of "nearest."
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Fats don't deserve nice outfits.
But that wasn't the discussion, princess. Fat already HAS nice outfits.
Could he not just copy the material over with a work space? Anon is going to have to fight with repositioning the feather and possible weirdness associated with moving the feather.
Due to the transparency factor, he'd also have to edit the frame or submesh hex values a bit as well. But yes, that is an option.
I think it would transfer the hex values as well if a workspace transfer is used. It's worth a shot even if it doesn't he can be coached through it easy enough if a few of us are able to show him the way.
is there a style that toggles on when a card enters a relationship? like the opposite of breakup style

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A dog girl for today!
I bet your dog and 89's cat would make a great team.
She reminds me of mimi's style. Very soft.
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Why's your school so dark and spooky bro
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It goes through phases. Every day is a different background set thanks to that script that anon put together.
...there is a script that does that?
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I have a whole bunch of ideas and I can't decide on which one to do today so now you guys get to see my list of ultimate autism. Feel free to suggest more ideas
Yes. The anon who posts Haruka made it, and the mediafire link from 3/25 is here:
This link was supposed to expire after 14 days, though, so I don't know why it's still there, or if it even works.
If it doesn't, say so here and I can mirror
the link works and I'm installing it now
cheers anon
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my hero, thank you!!! i was able to do it. turns out the lack of bones were the problem. i also used a new texture so the feather actually looks like a feather instead of a jagged line conglomerate
dont worry, i fixed it! the card is almost finished, only thing to find out is if there's a "relationship" or "marriage" style and if i'm able to modify or create a new module for that.

i suppose it counts too
they do make nice male cards
she's too rebellious, call postal chick again
i have no idea who rosie is but you should do her because it would be really funny.
koharu 2!! what's new?
>koharu 2!! what's new

- slightly new hair highlight
- new date and sunday outfits
- incredibly loyal
- new eye textures
- custom shadows!!!

and a few changes in color
I'll also be updatin' the rest of her family as well, right now, her mom is next :3
[/spoiler]also now the family will have different styles as well
and my dumbass forgot how the spoilers work......
cool! i await the mom
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almost done...
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Nekoya Lia is a cute name too.
>Is she a lap-cat?
She's more the huff catnip and toy with weaker creatures kind of cat. Also, nice to see more chocolate tomboys.
This one is for petting.
Hopefully their marriage works out better than it did for that chick and the redpanda.
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> Haruka
Who is Haruka?! It's Haruna!

Glad to know you're using the script though, the effort was worth it then
fucking disgusting
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You're entitled to your opinion~
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day 28: Tweet, twe-twe-tweet, tweet, squawk, squawk!
That hat looks great now! Happy to have helped.
>call Postal Chick
She'll be good, she promises!

A late-night typo, I assure you! Thank you again for your work.
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He runs too much, studies too much, talks too much...
i miss anon
You’re a big girl you can get on the sofa yourself
The DB has gone down twice already this morning.
I wonder how far away we are from you doing Coo-esque "character ports" of inanimate MMD models as cards.

You left out that he also possesses superhuman strength!
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Unstable Cloudflare won't stop me from uploading my card of the day!
Hopefully people like my attempt at "Brandy-style."
fucking disgusting
Is that all you can say?
Is AA2 a halal game?
from the "I'm learning" series: how do I add extra colors to hair? For example, a lighter tone to the inside part of the back hair, or colored tips?
That's not the one I was thinking of. My card has one that's tied to a mani-pedi but with SB3U it's pretty easy to take off, but it should be similar.
AA2 is halal brother alhamdulillah
Those are two wildly different things. For colored tips, you just need to change the hair texture to something that has the color you want on the ends.
For coloring the inside of the back hair you have to open up scary mesh editing programs, split the part you want colored from the part you don't, and then edit the material to use the color you want to use. It's a good deal more work than just using an override.
If you're okay with that color appearing on front, side and extension you can do it with just the hair texture tga a lot of the time. The bottom(or was it top?) section of the texture roughly corresponds to "inside" which is barely visible on most front hairs.
Yes, no pork here.
Nice, ginger twintails.
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thank you fellow plappers, I will try something about it later
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Looks like my AA1 Humble personality is broken. Check out these two dialogue examples. Is the dialogue txt file to blame? I downloaded it with the personality from one of the guide's mega link

(I've combined two screenshots into one. The replicas are displayed correctly, but their contents also have the sound file paths. Also sometimes interacting with AA2 Humble personality the game simply crashes)
Dunno about the txt file though. I'm unable to locate it, perhaps the subtitles are bundled with the personality in .ppx file itself?
...or should I just go with Personality Patch Pack (PPP) / Unified Personality Pack (UPP)?

I've just found it out: https://mega.nz/folder/7z5nXZJT#-OcSKkb2uwq1hi3pdHmPUA
Go with the UPP. It’s probably fine but it never had beta testing.
But who created it? Funny thing is that in the gdocs it says the UPP exists since 2022, but in the changelog it's as new as 2024 :thonk:

I'd better fix Humble as is, but if there are more personalities than I have in my client, then gotta try it out
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Day 28 is a choco tomboy.
The guy’s name is “So What” and he made the PPP in that year. The UPP is the new upgrade.
This has to be the ugliest card this entire month.
Look at Cuck's cards
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Card for her?
waiting for you to make her
after you start to understand how the files work, creating cards is very fun
in a couple weeks you can do it, anon!
What do you dislike about it?
Did she burn her hands on something? Bunny girl with hand bandages is a bit much…
Piece of dog shit from this thread

>Sage this shit
I am curious about those bandaged hands. Is it an override on her card?
Wait! No. Put the knife away and I'll think about it!
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Post swimsuits.
It's to protect her hands when she punches stuff.
They're from here anon98: https://db.bepis.moe/aa2/view/57022
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A dark elf for today!
Thanks for pointing me to the gloves!
im assuming this one will be in the maker may release?
Stupid hair already released her https://db.bepis.moe/aa2/view/63758
link to that card?
You posted this exact garbage already. The answer was no, and it is still no.
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Anon is right, my cards are much uglier.

Show me the card first!

>It's to protect her hands when she punches stuff.
Bunny girls should kick! Kicking power comes from the thighs! See: Kallen in Code Geass.

Delicious brown elves are always welco-what in the hell is happening to her tail?!
Thanks! that gave me enough motivation to post her!
>Delicious brown elves are always welco-what in the hell is happening to her tail?!

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i want her to rip off her top like they do in yakuza before getting into a fight
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And we made sure to provide a gift for Chibiko, including years of backtaxes. They're at the Heated Pool, but she shouldn't eat them there.
>captcha 2KKAT
Luckily for u
She does that!
well.. not exactly, she just takes it off
but it counts!!

even her original version does it lol
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day 29 + bonus 2: a berry nice mother and daughter
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Nearing the finish line for another Maker May! Don't have a fancy theme for this week, I generally just picked a hair combo that seemed interesting and built an OC off of it. Three more cards to go and an actual chart eventually.
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Days 25-28 uploaded.
Took a bit because I had good video ideas for each of them.

Day 25- ft. Wullenwever Monhrian
Day 26- ft. Konno Seira and one of the moving rooms.
Day 27- This idea came to me in a dream ever since Yumika sat on the sentry.
Day 28- I like matching Rio and Yumika's personalities through... dances.

Nice Grape and Strawberry
One of these has swimsuits!
Almost there. Holy fuck. I need to update my chart and figure out the bonuses... Busy busy.
Goodnight /aa2g/
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Always looking out for a spicy story to add into her school newspaper.
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That looks hideous what the fuck is wrong with you?
YOU'RE hideous! what the fuck is wrong with YOU!?
So I was unable to fix or even locate the files for AA1 Humble in my client. There are two versions of that personality on mega links from the guide, they both aren't installed in my client. So I probably got it from elsewhere and now unable to locate it, sigh

So I'm thinking about installing the Unified Personality Pack (UPP). Question is, would it be compatible with new personalities or pathes if it gets abandoned? I prefer modularity over big packs, it would've actually been cooler if UPP was just an archive with all the personalities stuff as standalone units other than a big mod split in three parts
She's perfect... card??
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I believe those are called "childbirthing hips."
Not everyone thinks like you
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Will someone else make the new thread?
Guess not...

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