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Heroes of Shadowverse Trailer:

Shadowverse: Worlds Beyond Trailer

>Gacha Leaders: Kyrzael; Signa

>Battle Pass Leader: Teresa

April 22 Update - Multiple Cards Buffed/Unnerfed
Limited Time Format: Hero Battle
Hero Battle GP (Naterra/Aiolon Story Character Sleeves)
Roadmap and Data Linkage in Shadowverse: Worlds Beyond
Shadowverse: Worlds Beyond Announced

7th Anniversary Poll Results

Shadowverse Anime

Shadowverse Evolve TCG

Official website and deckbuilder

/svg/'s card & leader database and deckbuilder


Guide for new players

I failed...
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At what? Protecting our beloved thread from idolshitters?
Don't worry, (You) can make up for it by saving instead.
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*saving this one instead
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its over... not even he could save us...
It's shadowver... It's time to leave the name /svg/ to Stardew Valley chads now...
Wait, what did idolshitters do?
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Oh I was wondering why the thread seemed to die early, sliding or just retarded?
Possibly the former, definitely the latter.
Never yield to wife simulator. We have more cute girls by far.
It's time to move to /vmg/ we're too slow for /vg/ now
make the thread then dummy
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dying will continue until meta improves
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>still no mini
>wrath still not nerfed
Why does NetEase love Shadoba more than Cygames?
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I haven't played this game in ages but got back into the mood again lately. What was the general consensus on Worlds Beyond? It's honestly pretty depressing to think I'll lose everything I had in original SV and that it'll eventually die off as they sunlight the original game. I can't say I'm a fan of the weird lobby mechanics/chibis but I hope it's decent at least.
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Apparently home screen backgrounds will carry over to wubby in the China client (no word on the international one)
I'm looking forward to it, at least. The lobby doesn't seem that interesting to me either (though who knows, maybe I can switch to it as my main mahjong client) but the new mechanics and art look pretty interesting. I really hope they take the opportunity to correct some of the terrible designs decisions they've taken with the current game, though I'm not holding my breath.
Chinks have even more backgrounds than us so it's to be expected. Motherfuckers have an Alice one IIRC.
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That's a Chinese looking Ho-chan
>chinks getting preferential treatment even in shadoba 2
its unironically over
>I haven't rolled a single home screen leader
Don't die again.
I don't mind starting over. I started at this game's 4th birthday. I see it as a new beginning. Hope more people from the west try it.
wrathblood kill /svg/
blood is always either cancer or mediocre, never mid
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You mean to tell me all that piss was boypiss?!
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So how goes the Heroes of Shadowverse?
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hasn't even begun
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Oh no it's another Ze Amin situation.
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Are they just going to skip the unlimited gp?
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they have 2 months to do one dont worry
seems way too slow for unlimited
Turn 3 is quite the highroll considering you need all 3 Vyrns but considering the other auto evos possible in such a deck it could be more than a meme turn 4/5.
>has evolved to evolve
>heal to evolve
>play the card to evolve
We come so far shadowbro
picked up SVE a few weeks ago and playing uma is there a deck i could try with the version of SV on steam right now or should i just wait for worlds beyond and keep playing in person
Uma cards are old and obsolete sadly, and I don't play the physical so I don't know how the Uma deck works to suggest one.
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There's one that is still playable.
game broke
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Humiliating Nexus was kinda fun
And I salute our farewells to the best parts of this kusoge:
And uh poor Setus, I've been on his end of that kind of crazy girl before.
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*blocks you're path*
Would be better to just give everyone a few packs and gold rather than make people suffer the shitty dshift vs wrath gp.
Uma decks weren't a thing in digitial, they just got a single alt-art card per class and some leader skins. They also gave Haven an annoying BM leader that everyone spammed for a while, but thankfully now that she costs money all the newer players don't have it.
remember when we actually discuss the story? i didn't even realize the update is already up
We always did, it's just that we're drip fed a dozen chapters per year.
It's pretty lengthy for once, took around an hour to get through. People probably don't want to be spoilored just yet.
I feel so bad for all these articucks in rota. The fuck are they even doing? Just chip, chip, chip. None of their face damage hits more than 3 per turn.
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We really did get the Maisha redemption arc
Now print her damn card already.
um... your dyne?
Aluzard, yes!
>confuses mystery drink for milk
Aluzard this isn't one of your loops don't feed her the cum chalice
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What happened to this niqqa?
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He lost his dog.
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honestly, she has a point
>verification not required
So, how do you beat this cheating hoe Nexus with trial deck
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Drac broken
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They all did. Just not in the same timeline.
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>that rivalye prologue
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did any nips find the broken list for soultaker yet
Nothing but AF now. And an anon here wanted AF buffs for months lol.
someone even complained that artifact buffs are not enough :)
finally got gm today, fought like 1/4 arti, 1/4 wrath, 1/6 haven, 1/6 dragon and 1/6 other
the story seems pretty good, i just hope i can read it instead of some translator's fanfic
If you thought this was corny, just wait and see, next month taketsumi will be saved by the power of gay furry anal sex
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good job cygames
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she killed millions
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Her Status: Fixed
are people teaching case cracked now?
10 winstreak UL Evo Portal
hozumi is
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>Anthenita Evo gives you a playset of Acceleratium
I still can't get over that Aluzard is just Alucard with Z
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Will we see Si Long again?
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he's back!!!
So how'd he pull that off?
The son of Drazula...
They actually make Agryll not feel like shit to play on evolve turn, artifag is so back
>still lose to wrathblood anyway
>that big hero button thing
that's gonna be in sv2 huh
holy fuck this new soultaker is brick city...
im sticking to wrath
wtf is tetra deck.... Why does she has ladica for valor skill
dem bitches gay
luna adds another t5 otk to her roster sigh
>rotation still 80% wrathblood
Good fucking job KMR keep sucking that vampire fick
just beat it with natura dragon
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pretty interesting
no one but western xitter freaks play this kusoge anymore
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How's the new meme mode? I've been really liking Valdain Dragon, pretty consistent and a fat storm+ward every turn is just great.
i don't know how to play castelle but it sure gives plenty of dopamine when i see that -3 cost to all cards in hand

Heroes, Help anon
Mizuchi is fucking broken lmao. You need to plan ahead though because the animations take fucking forever.
No brickier than your average BR deck
Anvelt, Judgment's Cannon
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I was kind of expecting the Maisha redemption arc. I was not expecting the Icey redemption arc.
The big what
https://shadowversemaster.com/tournaments/jcg-24-4-2024-rotation All classes in top16
People in the West have known about the franchise for a long time but aren't as quick to jump into a gacha game. Relink was a good game with an excellent simultaneous worldwide PC release so people paid attention.
The meta is saved
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Oh yeah, it's all coming together
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Hero battle is fun but damn some of these are way too overtuned
22401 Hero Battle
I'll have one too
>pick mizuchi
>get your ultimate on turn 4/5
>play tidal surge once on the next turn to discount all the 1pp cards you have on hand
>the turn after that just otk the opponent with insane amped up damage
There's your Hero Batle experience
Sorry had to anwser the door, let's close with this one i have some chores to take care of
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Aight, ggs breh, thanks for the matches.
Thanks for the games! Some interesting interactions, and Mars is still a waste of an evo!
makes sense when you consider Japan is Nintendo land
It's going to be funny seeing how well it will do when it hits the Switch 2 as a launch title.
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Which Hero deck looks the most _fun?
Castelle, Selena. Valdain and Kagero for me
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Hero battle match 99811
Thanks. I have no idea how Nexus is supposed to beat anyone.
I've been enjoying taketsumi just because people have no idea how to play against it also jiemon is fun.
it's pucci faggot
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dshift more like dshit
mono deck is pretty fun
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When you have no good deck left to play so, you come back to artifact home
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Well it was fun for a day, but the soulless nips are just spamming the same 2-3 heroes now. Enjoy the GP lottery praying you roll one of them, I'm out of here until the final story update
which ones, so i can avoid them
Hero PM for ticket
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Making シャドバ楽しい one last time
The moment you see bunny, ladica and the highlander dragon chick you hit top left. They're too broken.
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>Can't balance few rotation decks
>release mode with gorillions decks + leader skill
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>new patch
>periodcucks are back again
take me back
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why the hell is patching so god damn slow in this game? it's taking me over half an hour to download 6gb of patch....
>tried unlimited for evo blood
>more unanticipated shadow cancer
>this is somehow fine but portal artifact isn't
>beats my wrath and festive 10/10
>unbeatable win con at turn 6
>meanwhile blood wrath bricks if no 0 cost at turn 4 and festive bricks if someone cucks your invocation
You're just bad at it.
>wrath dead as a dog 1 expansion ago
>meanwhile everyone else was eating fine for 3 years
Papa KMR said its our turn on the limelight.
The person who built the Aluzard deck hates blood. Fuck that guy and I hope he trips on that state-of-the-art motion capture machine in the Cygames office and hit his head on it.
so Icey is Illganaeu's stand now? who also has his own stand in zecil...

Wait a minute what leader is this?
The new battle pass leader.
Yeah, all Blood decks suck. Itsurugi is worse than Verdi and Amaryllis, Aluzard pales in comparison to Bunny, and Mono is just lmao.
Speaking of those decks, let's have a game
mono is very good. with 6pp and vengeance setup it can deal 24 damage. that is lethal if you chipped face using the ping hero skill. the deck has lots of draw, healing, and removal.
Whoops, got distracted and ended up forgetting about the match
Hero private match for ticket
Thanks, poor Katya
For some reason this is making me more attracted to her
So I tried out other CCGs and heres how they went

The classes bore me and also the cards are ridiculous.
>Legends of RuneTerra
The game is basically on its last legs, it seemed good in its early days but now the card pool is just RNG slop garbage like Hearthstone only Hearthstone doesnt stack keywords like LoR does.
>Elder Scroll Legends
Its dead shame
Dude just play MTG
>The taoist card game Onmyoy something
>MTG Arena
I fucking hate how combat works in Magic the Gathering, you should be able to attack followers outside of specific spells that let you do that

Alast Shadoba is a gem in a steaming pile of shit that are the ongoing CCGs.
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I have no idea what it is but Hero PM, 25177.
Interesting, I think I'll just stop playing CCG altogether it seems to be a pain in the ass for a game genre that I started playing for a whim six years ago.
hearthstone just nerfed their versions of dshit, game is done for
>spam self pings for bats
>but barely any heal
Thanks, I didn't understand what the deck was trying to do.
They changed it, we're safe now and have epic heroes too. The shadowverse is expanding...
And they didn't even put the good Bampi in this deck, only that old one, meanwhile certain decks can aggro you down since start and others have unstoppable otk at least turn 6.
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Come to master duel white man it's the worst version of yugioh but it's what we have
The whole deck is an lmao like what the fuck is old blood king doing there it's too slow to play in modern sv.
It shares the same problem with Nexus, board clogged and board locked with trash that the opponent can ignore. Don't know what they were thinking when designed these decks.
>designed these decks
pick one
Okay so I've been out a while. The game is still going to get expansions right? Or are we moving on to that other game?
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>worst version of yugioh
Duel Links exists
Evolve is the least worst physical TCG too. It's shocking how being pretty good in all categories makes a game instantly top tier.
Master Duel made me realize how little I liked Yugioh's modern design. Every game was:
>win dice roll? opponent has a 10% chance to scoop
>opponent sees opening hand? 30% chance to scoop
>opponent loses roach minigame? 50% chance to scoop
>I normal summon a starter? 70% chance to scoop
>I pass turn after finishing any amount of combo? 90% chance to scoop
There was no gameplay. It was just meeting checkpoints to check for when the opponent snaps, leaves, and requeues. I was playing Traptrix and people scooped when I normal summoned Myrmeleo. It was completely joyless.
Yeah it's all the bad parts of ygo in a single game
>no bo3 so all the silver bullets the game has are instant wins
>chimera of a format so a lot of things that are banned either in the tcg or ocg are free
>shit client
And all the other things that can come when you have 10k cards around in a game
All I am seeing right now are highlander dragons, the cost reduction + ramp + extra damage is just stupidly broken
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Would you guys say I'm a veteran of this game?
No. Try 1k hours.
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Don't even look in my direction if you have less than 5k
Rookie numbers
playing hero battle feels like jerking off as a 60 year old man, mizuchi and bunny are the only fun decks to play imo
Its trying to go for that Machine Factory look using bats as artifacts.
What's a good deck right now? I only have Dragoncraft decks for this last rotation
Buff dragon is insanely good
Oh oops, I meant what would be a good complementary deck to build if I was bored playing Dragon?
Ill play ygo whenever they stop the walls of text on every card
It's like they tried to dig up some weird archetypes for some classes for this thing: accel, coin, disdain, bat, float.
I will take anything, I'm so fucking bored playing against bloodwrath
Coin is good though except against dragon
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You are so screwed going against bunny with a deck with no board clear
Machina rune was being one of top decks during first day but fell off quick after people started playing buff and going back to machina/necro shadow, and rune players are back using spellboost, but still a good deck
Everyone seems back to wrath, evo blood, shadow and laina haven now
Overall theres artifact outside of these, ladica too
Ladder is being healthy with multiple decks so choose whatever you like more
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>lose to selena
i'm so glad i get to play sexka again
LoR is boring and frustrating and the game is definitely dying but if you think it depends on RNG then that's just skill issue
which decks are good for the gp? i know literalyl nothing about them or deck lists and pretty much didnt play at all this expac
Bunny is the easiest and most braindead one. Mizuchi is the best deck period but she takes some practice to pilot. Aenea, Ladica, Mono, Serena, Tetra are also decent.
retard gbfg tourist here
tried playing the switch game and it's actually a lot of fun. is shadowverse worth getting into at this point or should i just wait for sv2 later this year?
Well you'll hardly have to wait long.

But, you can just login and play some hero battle for now, it's not like it costs money.
Mizuichi is the best, Bunny is good as well if you like brainless shit. Taketsumi requires more thinking but catches people off guard more often than not.
Play it for a taste of what SV2 will be like, maybe you can score a leader that will not carry over, kek
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kmr fixed the game hes a genius
This version of Artifact Portal got almost a full rotation of constant support and now buffs and still managed to never be meta. Pretty impressive.
new portal card barely help and agryll buff is not that big to be honest, still have to waste evolve on him
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I tried the GP, my lost was to AF and that seems pretty broken if that person knows how to pilot or if you leave a board up
Mono burst is kinda crazy though if you get Vengeance going and have the cursebrand spell, I did 20 damage on turn 5 to a Rune guy who left 1 bat up lol
artifacts still doesnt have its own battle stats thing wtf kmr
Everyone knows that unless you can spam endlessly Artifact will never ever be meta again. People hated KMR for nerfing Portal and no one is going to trust Portal Artifact ever again.
Are they going to show old Rulenye doing fuck nothing?
>dragon healing like 10 hp per turn
This game is too crazy for me.
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Came back for these last moments what should i play /svg/
>enemy always has the card I wish I had on my hand and the RNG decided to not give me any
>sometimes multiple of it
I fucking hate mirror matches so much.
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I love that this is the only game that really rewards you for properly managing your HP.
>properly managing
What do you even mean? Almost every card these days heals you as a free additional effect on top of the card's main effect. There is no properly management, just heal as much as possible regardless of class.
It probably doesn't matter but let's get a game in for a ticket
I guess I'm mostly coming from an SVE perspective on the management part. Healing as an effect is still way stronger than in pretty much any card game in digital. LP total mattering at all is rare in TCGs.
Thanks, was hoping to get otked but I drew that shit instead
Man this new GP is hard, I can't get 4 wins even after 5 tries..
pick mizuchi or bunny
everything else is inconsistent and you will lose because the game is against you
How the fuck do you beat Nexus?
with the power of friendship
i used the win the game seraph
Some of the shit that happens instantly makes me understand why this game is so dead.
this game is alive and well!
dunno man it always felt alive just not in the west there's always a ton of streams and youtubers whenever i check the jap side of things, besides the obvious always finding matches fast
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Pump those numbers anon some are close to 10k by now, desu I stopped playing seriously like 3 years ago when the powercreep was just a pain in the ass to deal, now I only log do dailies offline and collect leaders.
This isn't even counting the months I played on mobile before switching to the PC version tbdesu. Stopped playing regularly after Academy
>second 7 times out of 8
does that sound like 50/50 to you like what are the odds of that
you must be 18 or older to be on this website
Vapid shitposts are also against the rules.
that doesn't help your case
There is nothing age related about writing a post about the ridiculously stacked RNG in what should be absurdly low odds. You decided to take that into complete shitpost that is not even related to the game anymore. Congratulations! Maybe that's why you're not a real janny, you help fuck up the thread more by pretending to be one.
Just because it's 50/50 doesn't mean you gonna get a perfect spread bro that's just how it works
i wasnt trying to be one
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>pick bunny sword
>a good chunk of the classes have free pings
Ah yes just like i remember from heartstone
>mono pings me twice with her technique in the early game
>i don't heal
>i lose on turn 6
many such cases
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>Nahato tries to gamble with Chariot
>hits themselves for 8 and puts themselves in lethal range
How I missed this
the game's going in maintenance mode soon, but if you enjoy sv story, you can read the story they've been updating since launch and play the story battles. the starting ones can be a slog since they're tutorial, but I think it gets pretty good at Invasions of the Worldreaver, with The Final Loop being peak. you can also use any of the trial decks they've released over the years, so you don't need to craft anything.

there's also a chance that the story in sv2 connects to sv1, especially with Portal looking to be the protag class this time around instead of forest/arisa.

also, the main writer of sv1 moved to the anime, starting with shadowverse flame (season 2) with new protagonists and everything. the first season is horrible, but you can just consider champion's battle "season 1" and go from there.
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You can try it to get a feel for it like the other anons have said but the original game will probably die off soon as everyone migrates to the new one, it's highly unlikely anything will carry over aside from maybe a bonus item or two for legacy accounts. The story is surprisingly decent if you have the time to play through it however.

I'm still depressed I'll lose all the leaders and stuff I've gotten over the years.
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love cheating out this big goober
What even is drache deck
Maisha Leforge is a slave ID not a name, it says alot about her mental state that she never even gave herself a name, still that doesnt excuse what she did Setus. Eleanor and Nichola are gonna lose their shit when he comes back with her. Also the entire country hates her no happy ending for her only exile.
In other news Naths gayness is as lewd as ever admitting she likes looking at cute girls dance and enjoyed hearing Arisa simply speak, and Naht is a demon based on her serial killer behavior as a freaking child
Valnareik is a hebephile?
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>The citzives looking at Setus explain why the girl who almost destroyed the planet is fine now and they are dating
I need to build a Jabber PDK list for fun so I can do the same. I've been playing nothing but Ramp this set since nothing outside of Silver Bolt for exact lethal has felt as good as Sibyl+Execution on 7, skip 8, drop Isra+evo or Bahamut on 9 after spending the whole game healing and surviving. It's really fun watching people go from feeling like they have a chance to knowing they've lost.
Her actions lead to Marlone and Leod dying shes a fucking dead woman end if story
It should've been me...
>Nexus jobs
>I remember back when i was truely mortal it was a time so long that mortal minds could not even imagine it
>Yes i was a girl a member of a civilization that had conquered our cosmos, we were the first intelligent lifeforms that had masterered mana and ensured it would only be us, those that showed promise were reduced to time age or annihilated on the physical or even spiritual level
>We spent our times going to underdeveloped worlds and playing with the inferiors like they were our toys, some of us liked to give them eternal delusions like me and others simply loved reducing planets to plasma like Nerva
>Things weren that simple, being godlike in mana understanding our species mostly fought and slaughtered the other
>I am not one of many survivors of a horrific galactic war
>Why did I live? I cant remember but I do recall seeing a woman in space when I woke up
>My planet was gone everyone I knew was gone and in that instant I felt fear for the first time in my divine life
>Our people will not end like this that woman said to me, you survivors have no choice you will continue the desires of us
>Who is this us? I didnt know I simply liked to give lower creatures wonderful dreams was that so wrong? Yes they eventually died because they stopped eating but isnt it better for their minds to feel euphoria than despair?
>This universe is empty and hollow it will never give rise to anything like us she said to me, we dont need it anymore
>Need it? What was she saying?
>There are other universes countless of them in fact with potential on the otherhand
>I dont really care about other worlds I just want to play with my mortals I said confused
>No no this is about the conquest of infinity we will become keepers of all mana bearing worlds in the endless expanse of the omniverse, we will be the ones that determines the ultimate fate of all in all realities
>Are you crazy? What is the point of that? I shouted at her
>Point? You spent your time deceiving the mortals as if you were some god, you have no reason to question me [her real name]
>Now come we will transcend you even beyond your mana mastery here you will understand better once you are a sacred keeper
>I had no choice I was brought to somewhere with lots of other girls like me, for some reason our mana powers didnt activate in that area we were powerless for the first time in our very long existences
>Then I saw it one of the girls was screaming in agony then her body completely broke down and we saw her soul just there it began changing into a sort of red glowing core that has this transparent shell around it
>Whats happening?
>Then she came back but there was something off with her
>You will be the Keeper of Adoration
>I understand MOTHER
>Eventually it was my turn and then yes I remember it now I lost my entire mortal way of thinking and became well like this its no wonder I couldnt understand emotions so well I was robbed of mine
>However there were some weirdos like Nerva who seemed unchanged from the process
>Now then you have your eternal orders embedded into your souls, you will never stop following them, the conquest of infinity will go unopposed.
>And then that was it I remember appearing in another universe I could tell by the mana it was not mine
>So this planet will be the first to be under thy will of Serenity
>It went off without a hitch, if I had emotions I would have became easily bored and tried to fight it but MOTHER's programming in us was absolute even when we became aware we were puppets we still couldnt do anything
>Why yes its the fact Im so damaged from these mortals that the programming hasnt kicked in to make me forget what I used to be
>Am I sorry for them? Of course not they are toys but I do wish I could escape this forced destiny upon thy, Nerva that fiend knows how MOTHERS code works and embedded in me, even now I can feel the unconcious instructions ruling over I
>Serenity? What was the point of it? Nothing there is no point to anything at all we simply give meaning to existence because we can think.
>So this is death my mind is going away the programming is gone because I will be gone soon
>I do not care in the end for I am a keeper a cog in MOTHER's infinite machine
>*ceases to exist*

>You always were a coward [her real name], MOTHER's will gave birth to a new existence in this sterile omniverse
>Purgation gives meaning to them, why would something exist if not to be one day destroyed, the time is almost near, my master piece, a bomb that will destroy everything that exists everywhere the final and perfect absolute purgation
>*evil laugh*
I had an old rotation Mars deck lying around that took her out pretty easily. Pendulum-Seraph seems like an easy cheese as well.
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laina (alternatively ra), rally+storm sword autofill, seraph.
heck, i beat her thrice with prebuilt from each classes. how the fuck are you having difficulties?
>be me
>Nexus boos fight
>wanted to play Rune
>first brought Rivalye
>didn't work
>switched to spellboost
>Nexus fucking cheats
>lose 3 to 5 more times
>thinks for a second
>composed deck of Ultimate Bahamut Rune
>mostly neutrals like Jupiter and other restore pp cards
>it fucking worked
>Enemy HP isn't even down by 10 when she hits card 0
Fuck this match and the guy who thought this would be a good boss fight.
You have to kill her 5 times and by Turn 5 her Artifuck boards get ridiculous
I like how people are talking about Maisha's redemption arc when I switched out her icon for this girl who basically turned the game into Tentacle & Witches. You and Nerva ruined the game, Elena.
Hero Battle is pretty fun
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It is and fuck jerry
why the fuck tidal surge heals anyway?
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How could I have beaten this? They did nothing until turn 6 and I was at full board + full HP
by playing wrath
Get a wincon in your deck first
pucci newfag
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Look how they massacred my boy
The Highlander theme doesn't work in physical but I'm surprised they chose to go with function over flavor for his effect by making the activation requirement so lax for how strong it is. They probably tested him as a monolith card but didn't like the idea and veered into hand size instead but realized getting down to exactly one card would make him super inconsistent. Being fully rewarded for having no hand and only playing on the field fits well enough thematically that it was good enough to ship.
>mono mirror
>I don't draw a vengeance enabler and I'm going 2nd anyways
>He goes for his burst without lethal
Thanks bro!
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Can't believe portal will end with machina as its main deck.
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This format sure is something
Only in rotation, and its not even that good against Machina Evo Blood.
No Pucci, sorry you bricked
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>elder scrolls card game died
>legends of runeterra died (purely PVE now)
>shadowverse dead soon
>master duel (imao)
Why is every card game i jump into dying off or unfun?
Anyone need a ticket for hero battle? Let's play for one! Room ID is: 29528
Shadoba is getting updated into a new game
Aren't the ticket missions gone now?
Not like you need him, you can just save 3 spells and win
You won't have the moral victory though
imagine the handjobs
Because they're boring as fuck.

It's getting the World Flipper treatment.
She doesn't look very disdainful...
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wrath tier 4 confirmed
had the worst conversion rate in this jcg
I thought machina and necromancy shadow were the same, the loli god + Lubelle being the payoff? At least that's what I experienced playing Rotation.
necromancy only runs aenea + ruins starting recently, it used to not run machine cards at all
its closer to midrange shadow from the previous exp
>It's getting the World Flipper treatment.
the what now?
both shadow decks run both of the cards in that picture kek
Evo Rune is the easiest shit to pilot in the world.
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Please God don't let me play Heroic Sword this week.
Why? It's brainless, fast, gets wins, simple and comfy unless you're trying to "challenge" yourself.
New Champions Battle when? I want a new single player experience to cope with me losing online all the time.
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Mono is so cracked sometimes this is right after 4 turns of waltz and storms
I've only fought losing Monos so I can't even see what that highroll is. Looks like you couldn't control the board? That mermaid should have been newtfist discarded long ago.
I had worse discards but he just kinda rolled me with Marons + the other guys that get buffed with vengeance and when i stabilized bam 16 from hnad
What can your discard do when your opponent plops down a 5/5 on turn 3.
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this deck sucks
I didn't want to play against them. I'm kicking myself for this wish since I learned Ramp has a massive problem into exactly Forte and BNB. Who would have thought?
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need a concede
does anyone have that really old pic of bahamut and quickblader, with quickblader taking about his superior speed
Thanks pudding
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Holy shit you found an Aenea player. I haven't seen her, Nexus, Maisha, or Tetra once even on day 1 unranked.
>That Galm and Val shot in the latest episode
I could die from this erection I have, holy fucking shit if they summon Lishenna this season I might actually have a heart attack
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Maisha has some crazy valor gain.
I wonder if the anime is calling out Cygames on their bad writing regarding the Keepers as villains. Since the anime's main villain are AI who were based on Nexus(I have no idea how Leon even figured out how she actually works based on the eldritch shit her game self does). The AI Keeper spent a long time analyzing data from the internet and determined that humans arent worth keeping around. The most recent episodes reveals the motivations of the AI is actually completely insane.
>Through our analysis of ourselves we have determined that we gods, and gods rule over worlds, and you we must wish to rule over you so you must be destroyed before our new world is formed
Basically the AI Keeper is saying FUCK YOU IM A GOD I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT, which is ultimately the only reason behind why Keepers do the insane shit they do to begin with although Nerva makes that obvious while Nexus sugarcoats with poetic fancy sounding gibberish
It's a good aggro finisher now.
Tetra was designed by the guy who makes the Expert puzzles. It's way too complicated when the other OTK decks are 'push ultimate and win'. Then there's Anisage that doesn't have a wincon as far as I can tell.
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>mfw the game is dying and i'm still dogshit at it
tetra is also one of the decks that just play ult to win. a tech wizard enhance or turn 6 nam gives you 0 cost cards for ladica. it's not aenea where you need to do more shit after the ult to actually win.
considering the writer of sv1 moved to flame, he probably cringes whenever he thinks about his sv1 year 1 work
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is there a single good rune hero...
both tetra and amar are good
How does one beat Shadow's newest bullshit?
toddler card game like Pokemon might be more for you
be faster
Amariris is good with all the wards and heals into otk if you want to play the long game, or just pig spam t5.
Use hozumi or any blood deck
Spellboost is good. Copy spells such as insight or blessing instead of boosting with the skill. Don't fall for kuon, simael spam using eir and chronowitch is best, with runie for more damage. Cwitch can reanimate eir for more sb, but eir can mistakenly reanimate cwitch and not simael. Ghios 15sb is unexpectedly good too.
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lose to mirror match (and going 2nd) but, manage to win both mizuchi and tatsu pretty easily, I know I could trust /svg/
>all these "champions" and "challenge masters" who don't know how to use mizuchi
It's not even the hardest deck to pilot in the format but somehow they still couldn't rub their two braincells together
>not even the hardest
What difficulty is there to playing mizuchi? You just spam tidal surges and you win.
That's the puzzling part, somehow I keep seeing idiots flubbing despite the deck almost being autopilot. Like, just plan ahead and spam your way to victory on the kill turn.
>newfags still think that it takes skill to play a card game and that frivolously obtained titles mean anything at all
sad but predictable
I hope we get some explanations in the final act of the game on how Keepers were created.
Truth, got titles from the GP metas I hated, shit means nothing except you getting lucky 5 times.
I mean, I didn't fuck up like the idiots I came across so I got that going for me I guess. I just hope they won't figure out how to play the deck so I can get easy finals.
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guess which one was locked in my basement
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Both of them, and some others as well.
I assume you look like this?
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>tfw no Ultimate PDKs
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still mad she lost the poll to Filene
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Mono is fucking broken.
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i love how heroes make guest appearances in other heroes' decks
finally, a meta where going 2nd is better than going first
2nd chads unite!!!
only true in rotation
It feels like a single chapter of this final episode is bigger than the entire first arc.
any group b farmers in chat
cant wait for the 100-0 with mizuchi/bunny/mono/tetra/ladica
Vellsar/riyalve finale dragged on a little. 1st battle against Nexus was literally a DragonballZ episode.

Never see the point in gimmick GPs. There's so much bullshit you can still get rolled by a C rank.
i think they are fun, ill probably continue playing sv1 post-wb if they are interesting
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>first Valdain drawn that game
>Viridia in bottom 5
>Nexus carried me to Group A
Man I wish her abilites were actually part of the cards. 5/5 with storm is op af.
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I've been playing Evolve this whole time with plain ass sleeves. I'm upgrading to Feena sleeves.
And if you play evo.
Mono is kinda busted
So.. is this dying game worth archiving (card art, VA, storymode, leaders)? or it will fade into nothingness.
Easiest way to kill Maisha chapter? bitch spams buffed unremovable followers every turn and the furry bluff is fucking garbage I can't stall enough to deck her out.
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Thanks anon, I managed to beat her with Hozumi, one of the worst event fights in the game, just plain boring and annoying with those wall of text amulets.
EOS countdown when?
Git gud, i beat her using trial fairy deck and i have never played forest in ranked
did I ask?
>it's all mizuchi
fuck this gp, this is how the game dies
just play a good hero and go second, ezclap
Play mono whenever you get blood to make sure these fucks never have fun.
Yeah, it's already EOS & will receive only a trickle of life support updates, until it goes the way of RoB. They stopped caring about it years ago. They have no idea how to release fun patches, game modes, relevant content, make long lasting and endearing characters, actually listen to the community, QoL changes, and so on... they've invested everything into spreading and diluting the brand, focusing on Evolve, merch, anime, PG censorship and meme sports with the $1m yearly tournament. What a farce. If they utilized that money for actual game development and promotion, they would've had a much greater return on investment.
Rotating rotation should be fun for old players at least since it's only one month per format so it doesn't overstay it's welcome. It's the only part of this kusoge I'm looking forward to.
So where's the WB news? It's like 2 months until summer
She's getting nerfed. https://shadowverse.com/news/?announce_id=3092
time to fight bunny 50% of the time!
at least we have time to get to group a finals with mizuchi
Amaryllis going under the radar.
finally, i couldn't take playing against dragoncucks anymore. maybe they'll remember they have 2 more heroes.
They overnerfed Mizuchi. I would call her the worst hero now if not for the fact that Aluzard is still gonna be fucking shit (even with the buff lol)
>Retarted doomer got filtered by a simple gimmick
What's amaryliss win con other than out sustaining your opponent and hope grimnir clears them? Honestly verdilla is the better evo deck.
Cheating out Zeus early mostly, if you high roll you can get 5 evos by turn 4 so anything you need is unlocked.
Amarylis has much better control and heal than Verdilia, and Grinmir is secondary to Zeus.
>4 evolve pigs on T5
>1 cost zeus
>gorillion heals
shadoba 2 can't come soon enough
nice fucking gp
update will fix the issue!
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This kills the Mizuchi
show the result
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I threw in another guy in the same GP run as a bonus
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this is how shadoba lives
Is Selena the worst hero deck?
no its anisadge
I love her so much!
Maiser and Baron are so lucky...
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One last ride
Goodbye, old man
i didnt get mizuchi 5 times in a row baka
at least i got a tetra 5-0 from going 2nd every single game
There is no worse feeling than losing to a mizuchitard who plays tidal surge as soon they get it and every turn and win just because spammed high cost bullshit
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Weird ass O6 packs.
the bp has extra emblems how cute
Why didn't she get a hero?
They were fucking stupid to wait half a day on the nerf. Everyone who rolled Dragon at reset got a free A Finals.
she's not in the story
Should have reduced Bunny and Mono starting Valor to 0 and Amaryllis to 1 or 0 too.
it's not even the worst haven deck
they fucking made changes mid gp????
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i got lucky and played against retards who underestimated my burst. imagine not drawing jiemon until turn 7 couldn't be me.
literally me hehe
>3 losses
Off to a good start
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Aluzard can't catch a break
>pick mono
>see bunny
>win because they put me in vengeance
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New one
>retarded zoomer can't read.
Recycling cards was the big, giant, flaming red flag telling us they don't care anymore.
Spending money at this point goes beyond retardation.
>happy pig
>make opponent unhappy
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kmr fixed the game confirmed
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>15+ evolve
>play Zeus
>didn't get storm
>enemy play Zeus
>also didn't get storm
and people are like 'amaryllis is so good! can't believe they didn't nerf her!!!'
i fucking hate zeus and this dogshit casino deck, verdilia evo is way better.
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>he doesn't play 2 Zeuses
Just because a good deck got unlucky doesn't make it bad
its entire wincon is rng
verdilia may take more time but the consistent damage from alexiel and grimnir feels much better than rolling the dice
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He's possibly just the worst hero in this mode. Nearly everyone has a hero power to ping his early aggro, he has almost no ward clear, and he can't do enough burst to threaten anyone with heals.

Meanwhile Nexus, one of the most underrated picks, has tons of hard removal, early aggro is ambushed, and he everything in her deck basically storms from turn 3 onward.

Also people who don't check the news are still picking Mizuchi, so thanks for free wins I guess.
2 gp games, 2 perfect otk lethals against me.
thats how good decks work
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I login to see 10 packs and vials in my crate and I didn't realize I made top 10k in Unlimited. The absolute state of this game
It's probably worse now since it's d-shit and evo shadow jerking each other off all the time.
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It's way slower and brick easily
svg = santa clara vanguard
of course
UL got 9 usable cards from the final expansion. Nobody wants to play, particularly since 1 of those cards brought dshit back to tier 1.
corut magician? Better balanced than Shadowcraft shit. Like, if they luck shit that Vyrn on T1 I don't have an answer for it even in Blood or Portal that's consistent.
Yeah that shit is absolutely disgusting.
>just case cracked + fracture bro
Fucking KMR
>just need 3 evo to soultaker to cost 1
>dont care about board space nor combo in one turn to be usable unlike hozumi
>even if they dont kill that turn they leave a board that nullifies your wincons
what were they thinking
abysscraft dominating both formats in the final exp
They were saying fuck d-shift after making them tier 1 for a month. The good thing about the soultaker mirrors is how quick it is so if someone wants to get gm right now they can do it in half a day
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average soultaker game
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zeus bricks easily, yes.
tired of facing Sekka/Mizuchi, holy shit get a life losers
two shitty decks, sounds like easy wins for you
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Nexus has cool deck but i can't see how she's supposed to win
You literally can't beat Nexus with Bunny but Nexus gets cockblocked by decks that don't play many followers like evos.
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When will these retards announce anything about SV2?
>nothing but blood on the ladder
And they'll still refuse to nerf this shit
They've said there will be a wubby announcement at Rage Summer finals (i.e in a month and a half, which is literally a few weeks before SV1 is meant to enter EOS-lite).
I'll only accept shadobubby
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There's only 2 months left do yourself a favor and stop playing rotation. They clearly want shadow and blood to be top tier for the rest of this expansion so don't hope for anything.
You're winning anyway.
Oh I'll make her chubby alright
It's a solid aggro deck, but it doesn't matter when Verdillia is easymode and heals for 50 a match and has the best ward in the game.
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Say something nice about Departed Soultaker.
I loved her when I was still playing
Damn brat, teasing an adult...
She should be a nice leader but for now she gets the Weiss.
>skips 5 turns
>wins on t6
Aluzardbro... I'm sorry...
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>shitty meta
>shitty meta
>still no news about WB
Don't forget forest fuck ladica fuck counting cards
Sluts (compliment)
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Based architect
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Sukuna, Brave and "Small"
small pp
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I heard UL evo shadowcraft is a thing.
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In a gimmick GP?
Soultaker gets -4 cost per evo, and the granblue mini dragon is 1pp and evos on fanfare now, so coupled with the 2pp neutral evo if another evo on board and the 1pp 6 necro evo ghost spell you can get her to 1 or 0 cost by turn 4, bury rocker and raider for bunga storm, do it twice with evo for otk
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People have been saltier this expac I don't know why the fuck nips are so thin skinned when they like to BM.
The final gonna be all amaryllis isn't it
How did this happen, I thought Bunny was the star but now she seems to be getting fucked over?
only retards like amar and there are a lot of retards
Bunny counters Amariris though, deck is too fast to handle.
However Amariris is still my comfy pick.
And I just got fucked by Bunny, serves me right I suppose.
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Bro we're not THAT desperate
Finally a good tier list for BLOOD aRTS man
No but Hearthstone and Shadowverse are the exact same game bro.
*kills the thread*
>WB supposed to release this summer
>No news since the announcement last winter
They didn't abandon the project, did they?
they forgot
Japanese companies always do this with game releases, also >>476054571
I still think it's funny that they put mahjong in worlds beyond
Why would they give an announcement when sv1 still isn't finished?
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>thought about playing shadoba after a break
>remember that shadoba 2 in few months maybe
>desire to play again gone
Guess I'll wait for release...
buff castelle
Master Duel was barely announced and then randomly showed up one day. Japanese companies are weird when it comes to live service game releases.
she would be much better if the deck didn't have cocytus
>game is so dead i'm actually on the leaderboard
Congrats, Baron!
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Funny how the rank reseted and everyone is back playing wrath like if the balance patch never happened. If they dont want to touch the wincons/legendaries then could have nerfed weapon tamer and removed pp recovery from rondo.
it's the last expansion they don't care anymore. get gm if you want
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fuck this gp
Have they given a release date for Worlds Beyond?
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Verdi got me the win too, go second fish hard for Ramiel and fuck shit up.
Marwynn... Raio...
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Baron got raped by that?
>3-0 in finals with Sexha
>Bunny skillfully plays a Vic Blader
Very well designed game mode Cygames.
>don't get offered Verdi/ama
>get shit on and go 0-2 in finals by Verdi and ama high rolls
if only I had better skill to get offered good classes
>get fucked by a meowskers
that's humilliating
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I haven't heard his voice in weeks
Gotta give it credit for giving us all that bending over fanart.
>Choice of Haven, Rune, Blood and Sword in finals
This would probably be good for others but I never even touched any of these, I played Mizuchi and Fleauesse in round 1 and Fleauesse and Sekka in round 2. I thought Artifacts were pretty good against the decks popular after the nerf. Maybe I should just let it run out and get the sleeves sent to my crate.
Yeah we probably won't get anything until then on June 16th. Mobile games don't really have long marketing cycles.
Just get Bunny and go full unga
enjoy getting cucked by evo with unremovable wards and heals since they killed the only deck anti-control
bunny has the best unremovable ward
>13 evos
>zeus doesnt roll storm
i love shadoba
they stealth nerfed zeus again
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i had a zeus with 10 evos who only stormed for 5 damage because every other roll healed my face
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Lost against 1 fast Bunny and won against 1 slow.
Bunny beats Amariris assuming both get best possible hands.
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Enjoy Shadowverse. Thank you, NEXTO.
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I think Bellerophon is attractive.
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I come back to you with a new set of Sexka pics
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Thank you Sekka enjoyer.
Incidentally, was 118427884_p18 your doing as well?
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i wanna be trapped in her pits
im still mad that she lost the vote
surprised i fought a naht during the finals. i guess without 2 roselias it just loses to ladica
the what
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randomly decided to play naught for fun, why did they allow her to run out of cards in hand, her technique should allow her to draw 2 cards baka
having an empty hand is a worse crime than having a bad deck
Is hero mode temporary like cross or permanent?
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temporary, it ends in around 20 hours
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gotta show these shadowbabs who the real hozumi is
ok took me a while and I figured it was a pixiv tag yea that was me I sent the whole folder here a while ago
kys nigger
mini on the 20th, cant wait
Lucky streak? Seems like they get it done faster AND you can't transform the board.
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anon they are shadowniggers
Got a feeling it won't be as nice as this.
>bricked horribly against a floozy who i'm already massively disadvantaged against anyway
Fuck this piece of shit fucking game, I hope that fucker gets assfucked by Ladica next game
I'll blame you for summoning a Ladica for my loss, I wasn't Flossy though
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Will we see them in Worlds Beyond?
what, you think that you will see something new before world beyond goes eos? you will get the same chracters+anime shit and you will like it.
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fuck you anon you made me overthink and panic vs fleau
I hope so a new game is the perfect excuse to expand the sets stories
uneriel is the best legendary in this picture
Make way for the better amulet destroyer
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>Actually wants to kill Ren
Hina really is an evil piece of shit
>hero decks are gone
Well there goes my god tier Follower daily deck.
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what compelled a bunch of sv artists to draw sv characters in micro bikinis all of a sudden?
Sexiest ghost
no one likes ren. shes annoying
Most of them were meta and used at one point except for wimael, poor kid.
You forgot Hozumi shit up rotation for a while using him, enough to get her enabler the digimon nuked from existence.
>no changes to cards news
wrath is just dominating both tournament and ladder and nothing yet
He got me down to 1 HP 3 turns ago
>not saving his shit when playing against a slow/stall deck
He only has himself to blame. And he started second too.
Ummm where is World Beyond????
wait until july
It will be worse than the current shadoba desu
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Evo Shadow GP in 2 days
Not even Repose can do something about this deck
Fuck Cygames
Wimael had an infinite summon loop deck that abused his unkillability and Hozumis causing him to duplicate on your board in Rot
Dude shes just a tomboy lay off her, I l9ve Tsubasa
Just control them bro
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Feel bad for him, is there even a way to fight back
Marlone has a spell that sets hp to 20 for both players
I thought he's pretty OP but no one play him
Marlone to reset HP then Chronos on turn 10 to deramp you. I've been on the receiving end of that several times.
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News doko?
if things weren't dead enough already
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News never ever.
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Please tell me it ain't so...
All will be revealed when Shadowverse: Worlds Beyond releases Soon. Thank you.
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But that's still like months away...
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In the meantime, you can enjoy the final additional cards and anniversary!
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It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down...
holy shit, unlimited is just shadow now
How long until EOS? Maybe vialing everything for fun or make a full animated leggo deck for memes.
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>9 loss streak
No other game makes me feel as frustrated and powerless as this one. I didn't play for 3 months and forgot how much I hate this game.

When I lose in other games I just keep practicing, get better, and win. In this game I don't learn anything from drawing poorly once again and knowing I'm going to die in 2 turns when the opponent does his deck's OTK that I have no way of preventing aside from killing him first. It can happen 100 times in a row and I'll still have learned nothing because most decks are just solitaire.
Imagine a world where everyone had their own Maisha.
dont play card games in general kek
What deck? Sometimes I've felt that sort of hopelessness when playing a deck that is "supposed" to be tier 1 or some shit but dumb luck puts you on a loss streak. Shrug it off, it gets hard but as long as you aren't playing some shitter deck the wins should balance out.
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doing 20 matches mission
Good luck anon, I know we still have some lurkers in here but it'll be tough, I hope people show you all sorts of meme dicks
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In the end, we never saw the other half of Ultimate Colosseum...
Winners and losers anon, those 4 got fucked.
going on a 9-loss streak legitimately sounds like a skill issue. if it was only one session, then it can be rng fucking you over, but if you're consistently losing this much, and most importantly, "learning nothing" from any of your losses, then I don't think the game is entirely to blame
I once get 8 losing streaks trying maiser deck on rank, and somehow always draw maiser at turn 6+
The China pandering faction was a waste of space. Float at least got a final appearance in Hero mode. Guardians would have been fine if they were fully accelerate based and not just bad lions.
Forest Guardians got to be mantis food at least
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my worst was a 10-loss streak with Handless before they buffed a bunch of stuff to counter the deck. Just continually getting horrible hands and no seductress vampire in sight outside of the mulligan
So what are the odds of Hina's insects making it into the game, and then into Evolve from there. Should I just give up hope at this point?
I'm bored request soulless AI slop
If you see it here I can try it https://mega.nz/fm/OBF02DyA
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Well since you posted Scout, footjob (must have tights)
Tidal Gunner lifting her skirt
Link doesn't work btw
Haven't made a tidal gunner lora, maybe some other time.

Maisha armpits
Nerva face
Bladerights face
Mono showing off her thighs.
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2 maisers bottom 4 sad
sek footjob
Too lewd!
Hold on, hand is out of spec.
No socks
Shadowniggers, blood, deflection, vampycord, haven. Classwars, nerf dragon.
Aiela trying to masturbate discreetly while sitting at a desk/table
Gremory from behind, holding her arms back (can be nude and not pov if it makes it easier)
Eleanor happy/teasing fellatio/licking
Impregnating Liza with handholding, either missionary or cowgirl
I have some other requests too but they'd be off topic
shadowverse 2 will get an anime expansion eventually
Haven't seen some of these in a while, I don't miss such schizoposting but thanks for the reminder.
Naht in Faze jersey. Double peace sign, tongue out.

Naht getting anal nelson. Tongue out, double peace sign

Thank you as always
Game is already dead but I can't stop playing this cancer ass deck
Naht bro how the fuck am I supposed to gen someone in a specific obscure jersey
It's interesting to see what clothes the AI comes up with when no outfit tags are used but neither is nude/naked.

Yeah, it's AI not magic (yet). Unfortunately there aren't good controlnet models for the model I'm using AFAIK so I can't try that route. I have one more idea...
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Using the most powerful image editing software known to main (MSPaint), I have flawlessly fulfilled another request.
Why did they remove hero decks, it was best content this game ever had. At least let it die with dignity
Then I shall bide my time...
Liza handholding, her grip is covering your pinkies, these things happen


I'll try and get to the others later.
Okay haha im asking too much. Can you gen her in black and red jersey at least? Anyway thanks again
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Ding Dong in CFV
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Was it... sugee tanoshii?
ask again later
I'll never get over how parasitic the third SVE crossover being CFV feels. After seeing the annual TCG sales reports it became clearer why they did it but it's still such a dead zone product. The cards look ugly as sin and the mechanics look like they'll make the game less fun.
>the mechanics look like they'll make the game less fun.
Having only played a couple of games in the original era and spectating a bunch of G era, that's kinda how I feel about it. I remember people not being happy about Over Triggers in the most recent era too.
Vanguard doing a bunch of collabs in recent years also gives off a similar feeling of desperation as Buddyfight before it was discontinued, given Bushiroad already has dedicated crossover games. Though the Quintuplets collab spoiling the ending for anime-onlies was pretty funny
My problem is that the cards mostly look like shit and if I wanted to play CFV I'd play CFV. Trying to cross over card games seems like a total waste of time since the cost of using a set for a meaningless crossover with a card game that still exists is that it could have been anything else. A property that pulls in more people or is more relevant to the game it's being dumped into. Uma was a crossover I didn't think I would like because I had no experience with it. Idolmaster is kind of strange but it's in line with Uma even if it has the personality of a plank of wood by comparison. I already know I don't like Vanguard.
It should have been Granblue.
don't you have arisa lora? pretty sure you've made it but haven't upload it to mega
also hypnotized arisa please (or any character to your liking)
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Yeah I got one, I'll upload that and a few others to the folder. I just forgot cause you can make Arisa using NAI.

Just to be clear, I haven't tested these yet so they might be broken or complete shit. Isabelle, Arisa, and a Lish redo with different settings.
mfw no bf
Why did they make nu-Eris's costume so much more... aggressive
Marlone told her to bring life and by God she'll make sure random passerbys know her intentions
What is the Soultaker deck?
how many shadow followers do you want in your deck?
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>all ramp at the bottom
>not a single valdain
Mother of all brick
>shadow plays chronos every evo turn thanks to reanimate
>cucking me out of pp constantly
>but still doing literally nothing as his max hp slowly drops
>loses achieving nothing but cutting my pp a little
What is wrong with rotation
chronos shadow players deserve to be in an asylum
they are worse than control portal players
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Happy Meido Day Essveegee!
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Also I regret every decision I have ever made that lead up to me seeing this.
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I take it you haven't met Control Forest players
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I really hope someone wins the GP with Yurius, a slimmer of hope in this cruel meta.
Say what? Do you buff him or something?
These are people who want to play UW concede control in MTG, but are too dumb so they have to play SV.

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