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Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.craftegg.band
IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/バンドリ-ガールズバンドパーティ/id1195834442?mt=8
APK: https://apps.qoo-app.com/app/4847


Bandori Live Finder app

Infodump: https://pastebin.com/BaSPtAga
Song of the "Day": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbzFK3D_QvE

Previous Dream: >>471622375
Crayji girl
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Silly Soyo could never seal her natural healing abilities.
Alternatively she could have brought along Rinrin's emergency tent for crowds
Save that for the camping one
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Catbrain seems to be dire this time of year
Yukina desperately desires a mixed event with all of Home Street's cats
Won't forget Sayo's handmade cat brownies
(Limited Yukina birthday edition)
Stealing Mana's cat donuts~
Don't do that
Raana will probably wander into the studio to do that
No wonder she never made it back
Hoping they continue to get new songs unlike CHiSPA
Juicy juicy
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Oh yeah!
Karaoke spying went too far
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Anon reminded me how cute these are.
Bassist healing is always wonderful
Drummers have to be general support specced if bassists are healing focused.
Funny healing Nyamu
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Dumb cute big Ako
Family cat
Be responsible and wake it again today.
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This one was worth using all my power on
Not pictured:
1-B was fed for weeks
Uiko was off-screen recording it in her quest journal as usual.
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Double wan
I guess she would've preferred dog biscuits over cat donuts.
Hina is a real trendsetter in the idol world
Don't let her give Yukinya weird ideas
Looking at some of the event reactions from Japan could cause some kind of mass delusion regarding Chiyu and Reona's engagement
Someone had better draw little Chu appealing to Pareo parents before it ends.
Customer serviceface
Chu's poor track record of convincing her elders will lead to a comedic scene.
Sakiface on raid comms
Please be soft on Nyamu, she's still a new player
Mu getting typecast as the healer is sadder when you remember typical blame assignment.
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Pick「Life on the Lily」
Lotus might not be lily, but they're still high on the cool flower list.
Mu of Twenty Faces
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Balance your Saki and Oblivio energy responsibly
I'm hoping for Sakitaki to have their awkward reunion encounter on the bus or train where neither can leave.
It'd be more awkward if they picked team bike
Dumb double seaters
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That evil producer better not do anything to sully Ran's triumph over RAS
I had to think if that meant Chu or the other evil producer.
Angel Chu is a force of good now
Let Reona's parents believe that until its too late
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3D Ave Mujica does things like that
They should rebrand into panda choco instead.
Takiko won't fool anyone with her cute phone wallpaper and icon
Yukina will teach her the art of secrecy
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She wasn't supposed to say what everyone but Obliviko was thinking.
Don't be mean to the inheritor of Masshi's secret notebook.
Uiko is pretty high level if she's writing those lyrics
Waiting for the next shape song~
Cover this one
Chu is already covering Re:birthday so I guess that's fair.
Roselia's legal department is too lax
That explains Sayo's career choice.
Bloody la vie en rose lover
Do one with dashing rose in mouth Uika.
Dumb dork
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Dashing Yukina will have to teach that technique to her.
Rose Chisato is a much stronger influence
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I can't believe they never released the expansion pack.
Releasing a level set on Takiko's head would've been far too overpowering.
Circle Arcade just wasn't profitable
The kids would rather play Girl's Blossom Project on their phones at home
Take a Munap
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Sweet Mu dreams
I bet Mu sleeps with her eyes open
She's just photosynthesizing
Don't misunderstand
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Dumb Chu is just listing usual keyboard maid duties.
Keyboard housewife rebranding
Don't neglect ZYAKI duty
I just naturally assumed that was included in the RAS manager responsibilities.
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Piano maiding~
Including the power of piano and key together would be stepping on Obliviko's toes.
Chu stepping wouldn't hurt
Just ask Pareo stool
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Another missed merchandising opportunity
For Chu's use only
The bootleg jumbo doll industry could see a boom.
Collect the whole PAREO wig set
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Full Armor Tomo
It might be just out of season but I'll always accept new fluffy coats
It would be funny if Raanya got normal costumes during water-wear season since, unlike Chiyu, she's a real cat.
The snack filled summer festival idea sounds more realistic
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Summer festival pictures will probably do better on A̶n̶o̶'s̶ Mygo's social media
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The cult has gone to the dogs
Vote for nyancracy
Takiko must have upped the bribes since the last collab.
Cats like fishnets
Poor bassists are losing their top joke.
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Bassists are always poor anyways
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Bassists and cats can share Takiko
Don't forget ガルステ day
The schedule is so sporadic that I always forget they're still doing those.
I can believe they'll finally show Circlecraft mode
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Little young babby
Ran needs to conquer her ghosts now that she has a young admirer.
It's easy to imagine a scenario where they become friends after bonding during a spooky event.
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Comedians in the same hole
I thought stationday was the 24th but
Nap another day
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My favorite was when they had the Chu car as the art of the week.
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Umiko opted for the used edition
A consequence of the wan boom
I've seen that dangerous interpretation of Umiri several times already so it's not too farfetched.
The eternal battle between cats and dogs over who gets to sit in their angel's lap
At the end bunnies will be the winners
Sleep instead
ムジナ hibernation season is over
Leave the hole at your own peril
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Cute little mammals are more fit for the cafe faction than Home Street's usual cats & dogs
I like how the Uiko fashion is just her normal style but not dressed by herself
It's all thanks to Nyamucat
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It's too dangerous when they suddenly call each other by their real names
My only regret is that Reona will be sealed for awhile
Wait for serious exam mode Reona
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There's nothing wrong with Uiko's perfect disguise.
Perfect for catching beetles
why are avemygo trying so hard to act like normal bands?
do they hate idol culture so much?
Anon's timing with the bug catching is kind of perfect too
Avoiding the tall grass~
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Rinrin didn't do that. Or maybe she did since its a legendary
Dumb Udagawanko failed to protect her
It wouldn't be Rinkat if she wasn't distressed over something.
At least she was finally brushed
Cat nap it
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Don't forget the real ガルステday now that I remembered it wasn't actually yesterday.
Call it responsibly early instead of forgetting
Tomori's hand drawn menu is the secret weapon
Don't put bugs on the menu
Or rocks
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1-B should be the home of the designated newspaper club girl.
Finally they remembered Lost birthdays
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Her Everyday Lily column will be wildly popular but evil adults would probably try to shut it down for not being proper news.
It's better to be scammed less
Dumb Akofes
Cool Rei
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Hina is busy being serious about something so Nao has to laugh at Aya instead
Responsible Rei stitching her initials to the jacket in case it gets lost.
Suilenlette Dance
I can't believe AIa was real
I can't believe Misono put Kokoro in a tube
HALO has scary implications
It just means she's an angel
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This is even dumber than the usual nonsense I post, but despite hearing the instrumental version many times before, for a split second when this begun playing during the live I thought they had accidentally put Master of Puppets on.
I'd believe that if it was Mortis.
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Make a Doggo room
It's only a matter of time until Pareo's Pastel dolls are real now.
Can't defy the Sakigirl
Don't get too S𐐬yobrained over CRYCHIC Saki or you won't be able to return.
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I'm gonna finger bang bang you into the night
Girl you like to finger bang and that's alright
Council charged~
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Uika missed another beetle
I can believe Ako is dead
Afterglow and their little sister sure get sick often
Won't forget that awkwardly paced Wafterglo digest manga where the acorn just dies out of nowhere.
Sudden illness developments are エモい
It's funny seeing 5 millions scores when I was still thinking around 3 was a lot.
Thankfully the evil meta players can't pick team songs
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Using up more healing items than Yukinya
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Anon actually didn't steer me wrong with the team this time.
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There's some kind of joke to be had about steering bikes.
Steering team train sounds dangerous
Don't do that
Team Rocket
Only Hina commutes like that
Galactic Chu does things like that.
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You might have to steer a hijacked bus
Genius detective Saki's 1300 IQ~
They look more like a group of useless detectives.
A song and MV overflowing with RASNESS
Good kids only drink JUICE
It looks like Pareobot had something a little stronger.
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Please don't throw Mu's tomatoes at the cat.
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She had it coming
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Early Nyamucat day
Dr. Oblivio petting her cat as the heroes arrive in her throne room.
She shouldn't try to copy Yukina until getting enough badges to properly control her cat.
There aren't enough badges in circulation to control cats
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Nonoka is actually a big girl...
Stay away from Muberry's knife
Soyo is gonna take 9,999 damage from her counterattack
Poor Mu always has the perfect color scheme for funny monsters.
She should try growing a cute dancing cactus in the garden.
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I almost assumed this one was a secret repost
That's only for birthday l*ziness
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Don't try to get away with repainting old PAREOs or else
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Drinking straight from the bottle will definitely earn a lecture from PAREO.
Guess they never covered that because Chu likes cats too much
Pick that in the survey
Won't forget angela Mujica this time
Putting it off and then complaining when I miss it~
It's too bad they didn't create GLOW as well for the full five robo fighting force.
You need all 8 bots to fight LOCKman
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The warming up qualities are too powerful
Curse the end of frosty season
Use technology to keep it going forever.
Extremely supervillain-like
Ponytail Taki is very cute ngl
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Event ends in twenty four hours.
I already remembered to defeat evil bicycles
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Taki and Maki should compose a cool swing song for their future event.
I still believe in the swing,sing Revolt
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Things will never be the same once Rimi surprises the audience with her saxophone at a Popipa live
Jazz revolt is a future plotline for sure
A lot is missing from the world by not hearing about Sayo's recent school life exploits
Probably just a lot of missed classes for NFO
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Blocking an account calling the new Ako and LAYER ugly~
They don't know a thing
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Pink expansion phenomenon
I can see Tomori actually yelling that
This calls for an emergency meeting of pink leaders.
Convene at the cake shop
With Masuki around the optimal meeting place might be Chu's house
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Revive the ancient clock song craze
Confirm Saki's opinion on automaton dolls before asking for those
I think I once had a list of those but
I listened to something with a high clockness recently but now can't figure out what it was. Bad memory is the worst
Timoris in charge of clockery
DJ Chu should sample her tick-tocks
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Big cat
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That's just first year Raana next loop
Anon didn't tell me about dupe week.
It's actually called Golden Week because you only get 星3
Event ends in four hours.
Little Ui
Event ends NOW!!
Keep up the good work
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Apparently it was one of those Korean Wafterglo days
They do have a lot of those.
It's all thanks to Himari's ambassador work
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From the thumbnail Raana looks surprisingly like Eve
Raana could fit the batoru junkie archetype if you gave her an Eve sword.
Grandma giving her an axe instead may have saved the lives of countless evildoers on Home Street.
A deck of cards would have worked too
Send all of Ririko and Takiko's snacks to the shadow realm
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Benevolent Obliviosaki has time for all her dolls.
They sure have been pushing hard the TakiRana.
Dolls take that by force anyway
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Mortis gently holding Obliviko's hand is simply the best.
Mortis having the same brooch as Mudoll is also still the cutest
That’s her Rosa Mystica
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I like those so much that I'll now be compelled to complain if the future alternatives don't match up.
Do that
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It's both two years and divide/ day.
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Time is marching forward too quickly. Wait no, we need to reach 2025 faster.
Obliviko needs to set up another scavenger hunt while we wait.
Dumb box
Streaming the cute scared reactions of all the visitors was such a genius idea
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Ancient times
Don't tell Kidani or the black suits that I'll expect a super prompt phantom thief upload.
The suits are on the move too so make sure you watch it just as promptly.
Raana uploads the whole concert online
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amita's child, i hope it's a girl and she'll grow up as beautiful as her mother
Pick 『フレっとパレットFight Song!!』
Mixing the Fight Song with ありふれたBattle Song~
Dumb evil spam clogging up the discussion tags.
I can't believe we'll get to see youthful spring chicken Owner from two years ago again.
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It was also the lesser known ましつく day
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Nice veggies day
Send uneaten veggies to Mu's compost pile.
But you can't leave the table until those are eaten
Rules are rules
Cruel rules like that must be why Saki was cursing at her father
Reasonably oppressive
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That could have been dangerous since Mu doesn't actually need to come up for air.
Mu is more human than human.
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I still confuse that as the Pareo song every time.
Reona should've gotten a song too.
The perfect dumb pun of keyboard and ZYAKI might have been too high level
Sunshiny lost cat and a breeze
Not noticing it was uploaded 12 hours ago~
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You're in for a surprise
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The evil black suits must be running interference
Getting to see individual song uploads was enough to prevent me from entering a negativity spiral at least.
Remember to re:read the Reona event
Not letting penniless Saki watch it was too mean
Also don't forget your end of month cube reminder
End of month reminders are traditionally much more reliable than first day of month reminders.
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There have been a lot of these since Osaka
Usually the cat is in snake school
But I guess the long cat is kind of snake-like
The movie will have her meeting with Yukinya and longcat.
Make one today
I guess the moral of this event was band fans are better than idol fans
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Poor Ayumi is still doomed to be mute even with the recent movement to voice more clones.
Maybe PASTEL can fill in those gaps.
A Rimibot could immortalize her after she leaves for detective school
Arisa with a crazy look in her eyes doing that would make for a funny Pico
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The new generation is full of great thinkers
1-B's inevitable makeup exam event
Yukina's inspirational story will give them the strength to succeed.
She kind of cheated the system with her department choice.
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I wonder if any of the younger cast members will end up like this after loosening up a bit
You forgot metal Mortis and her cool poses
Rimiwoo's top disciple
Raanya must take after Hana with all the mic headbutting
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Cats do that
Metal Mortis just sounds like a cool power up.
PASTEL stole the metal idol title from Mu.
I could have had a dumb BERSER-KEY the metal idol idea now that I think about it.
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Roselia has gone to the cats and dogs
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The movie is a perfect time to let Raana sing a few more songs
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Surely little Nyamukitten will get a movie too
Dumb dupe week is more unforgiving than usual.
Getting scammed is very as usual
I did just notice that they opted to not add 星5 to the exchange with some inflated price like I was imagining
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The new songs are great. This and forte are their best stuff yet.
Too bad Minions Takiko didn't catch on too
Those are evil
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Thralls are kind of minion-like
I'll hope for a big Umipire boom on actual Halloween if there's already been so many outside of it.
Obliviko will demand setting appropriate costumes
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Attacking little cats with a brush~
Rincat hates things like that.
She had turned over a new leaf and was no longer a scary cat the last time I checked.
She has to remain well groomed now with Nyamu lurking around looking for content to film.
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Lady Oblivion's guitar maid
Mu can spec into the keyboard maid tree since she plays piano
Chu is a known dual-wielder as well
Yukina can probably do that too
The original plan was clearly to have her wield her Yukina guitar on stage.
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Do an event where she has a guitar duel against her rival.
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Maybe Mu should hold off on the guitar maidery so Uika can fulfill that role
Getting half scammed for a dumb cute rat~
Discounted Akos
Those seem to have come with a debilitating bug
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Raiding was never fun
That fairy is just mad someone ninja looted her boots
Poor Mu getting passed over for loot every time.
Mu has no needs, only greeds
Pickles will be meta
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Apparently it was Sakitaki day on the mainland
It's been awhile since a birthday, so a recharge with newly founded days is okay too.
May is drummerday month
Guest starring Soyo
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Soyo should switch with Nyamuko
For a dreamer to both ascend to the stars and receive healing from Rimi herself is truly the greatest miracle one could ever ask for
Little Rimi heal~
Rimi can't leave when all the young bassists need her guidance.
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It was Poppin' TV day
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Devil Lisa's exam prep must have been traumatizing
Wafterglo has been going through all those problems and haven't even started studying for exams yet.
Dumb cute Ako branded uniforms
Worthy rival of ANON TOKYO
Collab with Touko's brand to really get under Soyo's skin
They're saving that funny for when they play there.
Saki climbing her way up from phone duty is an inspiring story.
Future idea:
Aya's rise to Bandonald's manager
I can't recall Aya mentioning her real career in awhile.Hopefully her idol tournament arc won't hinder her promotions odds.
Hii-chan's contributions to the industry have been forgotten
Working there probably wasn't very good for her diet
Twintails day was over
It feels like Takiko popularizes a new hairstyle every week
Takikopter mode
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Burn your Akos
I actually didn't notice it was one of those bonfire events in the first place.
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Owner's ancient recording technology
It's not ancient until she stops to put in a new VHS.
Not even Layer is old enough to know what that is.
「BanG Dream! It’s MyGO!!!!!」official guidebook FOOTPRINTS
I can't believe Tomomom and Tomodad have names. What a high honor for parents.
Oblivioparents will definitely have those for further contrast
Wake it today
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Anon forgot
Anon would never forget her guitar practice.
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Had a dream where Anon got a fes animation doing something like this with Tomori's club starbook
I'd vote that as a Saki card idea
Adding CRYCHIC era cards could be a great way to extract revenue from Mujica fans trying to hoard.
I'd like to see those, but it feels like something they'd save in the vault
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It is hard to imagine such things occurring before the doll band story gets added
Brush attack on Mu
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The visual update changed Mu's mask into glasses
It's not a bug, it just adapted to her setting.
I like the character setting that calls for Anon's big dumb glasses.
They should expand customization in such a way to allow Moca to wield Eve's sword along with Layer's new red jacket while manifesting Ako's devil powers
Eve's cursed blade has too many class restrictions
I'll settle for her borrowing a pair of guns from RAS.
I can't believe the Revolt revived yet again
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There have been a lot of rebirths lately
Re:Revolt is very dumb ideaful
Being cast as the one with tuberculosis is totally Mu-like
Still catching illnesses despite eating cucumbers is too cruel
Anon didn't remind me of 4月31日!
Propose a second Fools day on the 31st to whoever is in charge of the Home Street calendar.
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Giving Nanami an extra day would be a cute abnormal charm point
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I'm surprised the cat faction haven't filed a complaint over Rinkat having wan ears.
It's all part of Yukinya's detailed worldview
Rosencatz tour
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1-B's lily clone needs to boom even more so she can get an official name like Anon's friends.
Poor Anonmom doesn't even get a name
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A glimpse at Rei's future
I can't believe she went and divorced HANAZONO.
Bomberzono can be very volatile
Rei and Hana have been so sage-like lately it's extremely hard to envision some problem causing them to break up
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Dangerous Ano
Anosleep instead
It's impossible since her bed has been occupied by cats forever.
Evil cat
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I like to believe Raanya intended to take Maki's entire room after securing a bed for her guitar
That's a perfect movie two extra scene
Weaponizing a lovingly grown Mu cucumber is far more evil than squatting.
Don't think of cats when you pick「Für immer」
It's too late
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It's always nice to see Yukina enjoying her Floral Haven
I've been waiting on the Rinrin brush attack forever
Oblivionis doing it must've reminded everyone of Rinrin's fate
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Nyamuko accidentally set it to her birth year
Nyamu running into Rinko and Ako immediately before meeting with someone from the internet was some sort of subliminal
They're going to run out of dumb stage challenge space at this rate with all the recent tours.
I'd do them if there were higher stage wages but
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Macaron need a silly event recharge by year end.
Return of the 6th Wafterglo
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Mad dolls
Well behaved Timoris is an example for all misbehaving dogs.
She's already imprinted on another
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Dogs bring weird things home
Cool beetles are at least better than a lot of possible horror options.
Destroy the settings of two bands at once by having Doloris and Mashiro do beetle rider poses together
Uiko has unlimited collab possibilities
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An even more evil cat
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A very popular trend going around right now looks a lot like these pages from the old Roselia manga
Won't forget Sayo's evil band
Sayo never realized that poor forehead girl just wanted to be her friend
They would have thrived in the era of dysfunctional human relations.
Umiko of deep thoughts
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Dumb cute
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It was baby day
Buy official pandajamas
Moca's panjamas are a cute peaceful alternative
Taki will purchase both
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I can believe Moca is the only lifeform more peaceful than pandas.
Goddess Moca had questionable morality
Beyond human understanding perhaps
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A crazy fusion possibility for sure.
Make a late wake room today
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I'd like to think Uika's room is a combined planequarium for harnessing lily energy.
Bugs had to be moved to the backyard
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Hanajo's top delinquents
Recruit bad Misono to the gang. She's an expert prankster.
Misono's schemes will be unstoppable once she recruits two goofy henchmen.
Swapping Kokoro's sugar and salt~
Yukina is 4x weak to that.
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Jellyfish became a hot topic as expected.
Never underestimate the power of aquariums
Tomori and Sakiko seem to be in the sea a lot
The contrast between the surface's light and dark depths of the sea creates an environment even more suited for lily growth than an aquarium
Lost at sea
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Mu in charge of keytar
It's almost time for the survey to expire, so remember to not do it and complain later about forgetting.
Don't tell Kidani, but I did complain a lot in this one
I had to make up for forgetting the others
Anon is blacklisted by the suits now
I was thinking they could let Morfonica do a live with Glitter Green's vocalist as a reward for Amane's loyal service but suggesting such a thing now wouldn't be appropriate
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Dumb Sayo clearly prioritized her own interests
That's a genius design for a cat toy.
Make one with puppet strings for cult cats
Event ends in twenty four hours.
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Obviously the technology to do this does not exist, but I was hoping to see Maya dance when it came up in the story.
Moving her sprite around like she's dancing would be fuuny enough
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Rare cool Nyamu
It's not her fault she has to handle the funny business
Cool Nyamu will be super common a year from now once we've seen what she drives
Real Nyamu could be Raychell's cool little sister
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Make it
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Finally some new Pasupare after almost a year! Cool song too!
Radiate Nappers
I hope anon complained about Eve not having enough patriotic songs in the survey.
Yes Bushido
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It's too bad Umiko never got to bully her while wearing her height boosters
Wait for the cat to do that after her growth spurt.
Owner was famously cool and tall before her growth shrink
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Rinrin is the strongest
Devil Nyako
Nao was cute as usual but I guess she's too old for fan artists to notice.
You get one of those about once a year along with Harumi and Marina
Raanya reviving Owner and Lily gave me unreasonable expectations
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Nyamu is recording weird things again
Doing things which would result in demonetization is a genius way to remove Nyamuko's incentive to film
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Incinerate a modest number of Akos
Game idea: Super Band Wars
Event ends in four hours.
I had to remember because of the dumb expensive 星4 ticket.
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Guitarists are dangerous
Cats and rabbits aren't so different
Mu will help recover the crazy guitar group's image with her deep thoughts and well-timed advice.
All I can think of is her funny implementation of Sakiko's advice.
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Event ends NOW!!
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Takiko on drums and guitar
Kasumi would be proud someone finally inherited her 1000 arm skill.
Kanon did that too
Lets all properly watch it later.
They'll have to upload them within an hour like the others to remain competitive.
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The masked cat idea is good too
Use the bone mask for Cultoween
The art council still can't seem to agree on S𐐬yo's color.
Kind of like Risa eyes
Lisa eyes were designed for the sole purpose of ruining eyedori streaks
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Evil veggies
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Muteki ACE
I believe in the cucumber empire
I think the next one should technically be Takiko and her cat in the interest of fair distribution, but that already happened recently so
Maybe something silly with Ann and the two of them
Yukina following a promising young guitarist around town for reasons unrelated to cat brain
She just wants to return her maccha point card
It was エモい instead
Point cards are more Moka's thing since Raana doesn't actually purchase any of her snacks
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Weird cult art recharge
Spiritual, so spiritual
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The stripe seems to be disintegrating
If she's going to retire she may as well give it to Taki before it turns to white ash
That would match the monochrome theme pretty well
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This duo being so dangerous to Sakiko slipped under my radar
She's going to need a bandage for her heart.
Tomori's healing is a direct hit on the soul
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I particularly like the Raana and mask shirts
Nyamu is probably going to have to be entirely in charge of the funnyface quota next year.
She'll cover effective ways to do that on her channel
Guest starring Arisa
Ako and Hina are too strong for the game party
Little leader doesn't stand a chance
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Mu having similar fashion sense as Sakiko is very true to the setting
Slumber it
The cult has some powerful PR options with Uiko and Muko.
That's not in the Mortis contract
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HANAZONO will misunderstand that
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Maid day
Maid Hana would've gone well with butler Rei
Maid day is kind of panda-like
It feels like a great time for a new Lost mini episode.

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