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For all lesbian Persona-summoners, devil summoners, and even Avatar Tuners.
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yukari is so lucky
What's the consensus on Soul Hackers 2?
I haven't watched a playthrough of it yet, but it seems this Figue girl could be a potential girlfriend for Ringo. Gameplay and story-wise, the recpetion doesn't seem too hot.
Pic related is the very first SH2 yuri pic, 17 days after release.
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I finished Soul Hackers 2. There is some gay stuff between Ringo and Figue in the true ending, Ringo tells Figue that she wants nothing but to be with her forever, even in a void. I'm not sure if it would have been more or less gay had they refered each other as sisters rather than friends.
The rest of the game is severely mediocre in every aspect, one of the most forgettable games in the series.
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AU where Ren never goes to Tokyo and none of the Phantom Thieves get saved from their shitty circumstances.
After Shiho successfully kills herself on her second attempt, Kamoshida leaves Shujin to train at a high-profile University
and leaves the teacher's cabinet holding the bad regarding all of his past abuse. Since Ann was the closest one to his biggest
victim, she knows some big dirt that could destroy the school's reputation and from her hatred towards them turns into a delinquent
that terrorizes everyone. Teachers can't really do much since they know she can destroy them by leaking the Shiho situation.
At the start of her 4th year, a new freshman by the name of Sakura Futaba catches her attention. Weak and introverted, she's
the perfect target for her harassment. Ann plays around with her in all kinds of ways, including a forced stripping on the school's
roof. After that breaking point, Ann fully accepts that Futaba's torment turns her on and starts spending most of her after-school
hours messing her up in different ways.
Other idea was Haru x Makoto where the class president got blackmailed by Kaneshiro into becoming a prostitute and dropping out of highschool
to live with him. Few years later one of her female clients turns out to be the heir of the Okumura family that has been forced into a political
relationship with a man against her will. Haru starts seeking out Makoto's services more and more often until their strictly service relationship develops
into something more.
not my fault that all P5 fanfics are the most tame vanilla shit ever with the most extreme shit being a palace ruler shadow acting mean while finger-fucking one of the girls
Not an excuse to have characters acting OOC or plain dumb (why wouldn't Makoto ask Sae for help?).
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it would be like those girl wrestling shows
yuri enough for those kinds of fans
damn I love that style. would you happen to know the name of the artist ? google brings up some italian dude but his name doesn't seem to match the unreadable signature at the corner of the picture
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it's "omar dogan"
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Game-wise? Shit. Easily one of the most mediocre games Atlus has put out in years.
Gay-wise? As far as I went before dropping the game, Milady is canonically straight and the robot girls are robots.
They're not robots, they're fully organic. Anyway, like I said here >>3815256, there is some stuff between Ringo and Figue, just not worth the rest of the game.
Also, there hasn't been any new yuri of the characters. In fact, there's almost no porn at all, nobody gave a shit about this game.
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Why is Ann/Makoto so rare?
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>most popular P5 yuri pair
There's a female protagonist mod for Persona 5 in the works: https://gamebanana.com/mods/440088

So far it's only graphics, voice, and some small changes. The main story and romances changes are planned in future updates. Assuming the mod is ever finished, the FeMC will be able to romance a few (not all) of the girls the male protagonist could.
>Haru, Hifumi, Takemi, Ann
>Kasumi will have an interest in the protag but isn't romanceable
I would've expected Futaba as a pick since she's already the most vocal about checking out girls, but still neat.
I would actually buy the game if they add a Futaba romance with this mod.
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I don't really have anything concrete to post but bump anyway for the culture.
Your MakotoxAnn docking pic is appreciated anyway.
damn, this guy's doing god's work
Rarepair offering.
If this had been in the game since the beginning I probably would have chosen it. Now I just can't see it as anything but crossdressing Joker. They could really benefit from separating the design more. It's not like Kotone is just a gender swapped Makoto
yeah I'm not a fan of the design, but someone may come along with their own add-on that has a more distinct appearance if this proves popular. I'm more interested in how they'll change dialogue and events to reflect playing as a girl.
These are the two basic problems with genderswapping. Not only does it seem weird to see a character as the opposite sex despite otherwise looking identical, but sex is such a basic and fundamental aspect of socialisation that it changes all interactions and relationships that character has.
In the case of Joker, being female would change how she's seen by her classmates, because girls aren't usually thought of as violent delinquents. The whole thing with pretending to be Makoto's boyfriend too.
for what its worth, the mod author seems to be thoughtful about that stuff, since lots of overworld dialogue will be changed. but the broader stuff like Sojiro off as starting super hostile, Makoto's confidant, and how you start off the Kawakami confidant by hiring a sex worker with your goon friends would all come off weird.
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Any hope for the P3 remake?
You can cope with thinking that Kotone will get her own trailer, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Maybe a DLC when they release the full price definitive Persona 3 Reload Azure in 4 years.
I think that the announcement says to me to hold no hope for more female protagonists. Even when the conceptual framework of the content is there they can't put any resources towards it. There's no way they are making P6 have a female mc only and now it shows they are never making it an option.

I should have known better.
I'm not surprised considering that atlus never wanted her in originally and then went on to talk about how smt could never have a fem protag cause women wouldn't be able to survive. Company is sexist and pretty proud of it
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>and then went on to talk about how smt could never have a fem protag cause women wouldn't be able to survive
Who said that? Tamaki was 1994 and she was the canon mc of a game Fatlus considers part of the main series.
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That was long enough ago that they almost certainly have a new CEO.
oh yeah atlus is dogshit. i just don't buy their games anymore.

sucks ass too because persona was made with women in mind. kazuma kaneko said so himself when discussing character designs for p1.
I want more of them
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Hamuko gets around.
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There's a mod in the works to replace Kasumi as the PC for Persona 5, with dialogue rewrites. It sounds like the author plans to give her romance options with only the high school girls, no boys or adults.
That might come out better than fem!Joker. Kasumi having a design of her own helps selling her as a distinct character rather than just "Joker with long hair and curves".
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not enough Futaba x Sadayo
Just found out this exists.

Some old phone game with a girl named Yuu Kimijima (pic related between Elizabeth and Fuuka) who was gay for Aigis and gave her her ribbon.
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This counts as SMT, right?
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Crack ships, I love em. I was a Kawasami fan, Kawakami and Ms. Usami here were drawn by a drawfag here on /u/ for me back in the day and colored by another anon. I might be the only fan of it in the world, enjoy.
Thank you, crackship anon.
I'm not normally one for crackships but a weird one I have is Haru and Ophelia from Fire Emblem Fates a youtube channel I watch likes to create characters from games he's played and put them in AWE. Due to a glitch that got them both stuck on the announcers table for a good 15 minutes until one of their tag team partners wom made it a pretty popular ship on the channel. Plus I can fully see Haru joining in on Ophelia's dramatics
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Rare pairing coming through. We need a Devil Survivor 3 so bad.
Not happening. Atlus is the Persona Company now, all the old SMT branches that are not Persona are dead to them (and even mainline SMT games are made mostly out of obligation now).
Instead of making Raidou 3 they just made a discount Persona game and called it Soul Hackers 2, Devil Survivor has no chance even with a FATE system.
Rare for Confidants to get art like this. Usually the cute intimate stuff is reserved for the Phantom girls, while Confidants only get porn.
>4 year High School
this ain't Burgerland
Wait what how do you have a remake not incorporate anything of the more fleshed out editions?
Not that weird if you write her as the lesbian with lots of guy friends, “one of the guys”
Beats me. Someone at Atlus must really think that the original P3 experience is so iconic that it should not be sullied by anything that came after (either that or they think most fans believe that).
It's not like implementing either The Answer of Hamuko would be that big of a deal that would delay production for a long time, it's just a bunch of copypasted dungeons, some new dialogue, and models for Hamuko and Metis.
Quite ironic given their track record for shoehorning unwanted shit in re-released (see: Marie in Golden, the time-travelling Mary Sue from Journey Redux), but they've made so many shitty decisions since they were bought by Sega that I'm barely surprised.
AI art spotted
I think it's more likely that The Answer is being held back for a FES-type re-release, as stupid and greedy as it is to pull the "updated version with more story" move with the same content again, it's the type of Atlus move i'd expect.
Plus it'd be weird to retell the P3 story but leave it incomplete, The Answer is not only canon but it's also important for Aigis' character. As for the FeMC though, i'm not holding my breath, i think their choice of using P3P instead of FES for the "remaster" was their way of giving us FeMC fans something without having to put her in the remake.
Persona 5 Royal got a lot of shit for charging full prince for a slightly-modified version of a game that had came out a mere 3 years prior. Atlus is insane if they do that again instead of just making DLC (which if they're gonna do, they should have just included in the released version but whatever, modern gaming's gotta roll).
P5R wasn't just a slightly modified but I do admit it could have easily have been a paid DLC. To me the entire third semester was so peak I wouldn't mind paying $20 more for it.
If P5R came out as a DLC it should have been just $30 minimum not a full $60 package.
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Poor Fuuka being bullied.
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As if the slut doesn't like it.
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There needs to be more Usami out there. With her hair down and her glasses off she's lovely
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This is pretty crackish as well. But I like it.
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It's not really crack if they're friends.
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Yeah, which is why I said "pretty crackish." They're friends but Chie/Yukiko and Naoto/Rise get more stuff because they interact more and have more apparent chemistry
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Maximum copium time
Modern Atlus is not nearly based enough for this.
I'm alright being the only Kawataba shipper
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>the answer got added as dlc
just gotta hold out for persona 3 reload new special edition azure nights, sis
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the only hope i have left is that she's magically part of the definitive release in a few years, but based on what the director said, that might not be possible.

he said something along the lines of the team considered it and deduced that episode aigis would be more cost effective to produce(but he also said episode aigis wasn't coming at all, so...)

they should've just let Azusa Kido direct reload, she's the woman behind femc route, PQ, and Digital Devil Saga(the first). she wrote P4's social links too. really, she should have been in charge of reload, but her role here was "communications planning leader".
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It's over
>Additionally, the expectation is also that we make completely new games, not just remakes
guess i'm not getting reload then. i'll just have to go on playing portable.
I played 3 and 4 but never finished 5. Is there a lesbian NPC in that game whose dialogue changes throughout the game?
>Mitsuru's fangirl at the school
>the girl outside the library who studies just to see her senpai, gets cucked in the end
>also the housewife who has a crush on Naoto believing she's a pretty boy
considering that 5 is designed to appeal to male coomers, no. i don't recall seeing one.
Almost done playing P3R and I have to say Yukamitsuru is a real cute ship, they're perfect for each other
I commissioned this
Never forget about them.
them? i could never.

i have always wanted to be maya, but i'm too much like ulala.
Oh wow, that’s the first time I’ve seen someone recreate the “bumpiness” of the gspot
Sonna Occult Ariemasen
>handprint on mitsuru's ass

Environmental storytelling desu

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