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What’s the best option for AtLA toys? Mattel was the first but they only really did book 1 era characters and stopped, looked pretty bad though as well. McFarlane and Best Axn both have a 5 inch line, both look and pose cheap from what I can tell. As far as I can tell, there’s best Axn 5 inch (all characters are 5 inch and so they don’t scale together) and mcfarlane 5 inch which do scale together, mcfarlane also did appa and the fire rhino. There’s also the mcfarlane 7 inch line. Curious which one seems the best, all of them don’t seem that good but which one is the best?
Diamond Select is decent.
Best at this point is merging the BST AXN and 5" McFarlane lines together somehow.
>McFarlane 5" is probably the best on sculpts and character variety, but has the worst articulation and are the most barebones
>McFarlane 7" has the best articulation, but only did Aang, Zuko, and Sokka, and they scale large even compared to Todd's other lines
>BST AXN have more articulation and accessories, but worse sculpts for the most part and seem to experience more breakages
>DST has mostly decent sculpts and the second best character variety, but has limited articulation and inconsistent character looks
Honestly, after years of trying to settle on a toy line I just gave up. I went with the Avatar Gallery Select statues and am happy with them. Hope they make Azula, Ozai, and somehow Sokka.
This 100%. Each line from each company is good in some areas, and horrible in others. It sucks that each one was so shitty.

BST AXN figures are some of most nicely sculpted figures we have, but the articulation and engineering is SO FUCKING BAD that they are just garbage. I'm talking like double hinged elbows were one half doesn't have the proper clearance to move, butterfly shoulder that are sunk so far into the torso that they are completely useless, torso swivels that should be able to rotate 360 degrees and tilt, but were designed so poorly they hardly even rotate.
Also to add, I love McFarlanes 5" ones with how cheap ($10 ea) and easy to get they were, plus the relatively deep character selections, but they are basically only good for standing on your shelf since the articulation is so limited. I'd have been happy with that if that was the only issue, but they also tried to oddly make their clothing hyper realistic and they all have this exaggerated cloth/leather/armor texture on everything that is so far from what the character models looked like in the animation, it just throws off the entire look IMO. If those had all been smooth sculpted, they would likely have been mu ideal line even with the super limited joints.
What scale are the Diamond select ones?
7 I think.
If tou guys could have any company pick up an avatar line, who would you chose?
Figma 100%. They’d capture the look the best and come with a good amount of accessories. Plus Goodsmile has made Nendoroids for it so they have the license in some capacity. Second would be amazing yamaguchi since they have great posability and could probably pull off some cool poses with bending powers.
Yes to both. And as far as domestic companies, Hasbro would do the best with engineering and articulation. They usually do much better with lines that are starting from scratch and don't have a back log of parts they try to re-use which causes them to make engineering and articulation sacrifices (Looking at you Legends)
Just wait for SHF
I doubt they’d do it, none of the avatar lines have really sold well so it seems like nobody will probably ever tackle it again. Or if SHF did it’d be the live action version monkey paw like they did with one piece.
I agree. Seems unlikely. I think so many different companies have attempted ATLA figures n various scales that the fan base is so splintered and most casuals already have figures from one line or another. Sucks.
I wanted Tricerhino, but I also want joints
Isn’t this the video that youtube thumbnail is from?


Weird list.
Huh, I didn’t watch the video the image came from I just did a quick google search. What’s weird about the list though?
So it's like Fornite in that way?
Funnily enough they added AtLA to fortnite a few weeks ago
Do you think there'd be a decent market for it now with zoomzooms reaching the age where they might start being interested in """"adult collectibles"""""? Genuinely asking

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