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ASMR streams/youtubers/whatever,
He is Risen edition.
*Check the archives if you don't understand how things work around here and don't be a retard and reply to bait/offtopic shit

Previous thread >>1291355


Part 60: 1215562
Part 61: 1222870
Part 62: 1232199
Part 63: 1241365
Part 64: 1246029
Part 65: 1249881
Part 66: 1256421
Part 67: 1262319
Part 68: 1267694
Part 69: 1276658
Part 70: 1283155
Part 71: 1291355
Oh good, I was hoping the last thread would die cause it was clinging onto page 10 x2
Anyways whose dick do I need to suck to find an Uise archive
Can someone share a link to the new R vods
Not mine that is for sure. Thanks as always aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9xekRZQ3U=
I forgot to add there is still two videos uploading right now
New rica just dropped

contains edited version
i couldn't see it live so I can't say for sure what was cut.
Yeah she cut nothing of importance, all the actual tease is still there. She cut 30 minutes at the end which was just thanking supporters, and the 2 cuts you see when she puts the mic to her chest are there just to edit out the mic picking up the sound of rustling clothes.
is the link dead? or is the website having issues? cant seem to download it, keep getting errors
thanks kbro, i wish shit was uncensored
The last R is good compared to the last ones. R showing her cleavage gives me a slight hope that she might get back to what she was doing before.
we are so back!
I want to see R's chin
It's just a chin https://a.cockfile.com/rTtmuu.png
ty for the share
anyone got more miori or just the one from last thread? (or better to just ask /vt/?)
is the emiliano anon that shared .ts perori and kanase gone?
Based, Thanks Rbro
Yeah, she is willingly showing her cleavage on this one. Big Difference from the previous ones.
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It's over...
Don't import drama nigger
So Riz just nuked all her archived vods on Youtube, anyone have a collection of those?
It was YouTube not her
She uploaded them to the FC so they're easy to get.
I ask once again for recommendation for a chick who is focused on kissing more than earlicking

some streams from aogiri tamako and natsume https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-XHk4-BNYY
I want Miori Celesta's lewd stuff.
>She uploaded them to the FC

The vods are paywalled on her FC, aren't they?
No, not on the frontpage so you have to go to the videos tab, and access the site from a non-firefox browser, but they're there and you don't even need an account.
any bros willing to let me into the discord server (if theres one)? thanks in advance
there's no more
Guess no one is going to make a new server, the sharing will still continue anyway.
discord is garbage and you shouldnt use that shit. its free the same way stds are free.
that's a shame. thanks for letting me know anon
Uise is really getting lewder these days
>gofile 41k downloads in 5 days
Holy shit
Request 3/31 unedited version if its out there somewhere...
thanks anon
Good stuff but who?
Does Mare bro not do any of her 2D FCs? Don't see any in the folder.
Just noticed M has an R18 tier on Fantia now for 50k yen. Please, oil baron-sama, just one month....
They're mostly just random game streams with like a 20-30 minute zatsu portion at the end. They're fun if you like Mare (her lusting over the shounen in the shitty train horror game was funny) but I'm pretty sure none of the coomers in this thread would care
RJ01171192 soon.
for that money you should pay a girl that you actually get laid by her for real >.> . you pay that much for like 1 video? that ammount of money should get you laid by the girl lol.
Okay seanig
Oh I see, I only ask because she talked about getting a coomer L2D a while back guess she hasn't debuted yet.
rope yourself
Hi german retard, are you ever gonna get tired of getting shit on for every dumb post you make or are you just gonna keep on trucking
Is there still an updating folder that has masquerade's non-live action premium content? I remember I had it bookmarked but it's gone now and I don't remember if it had stopped updating, died, or if I just fucked up and lost the link.
anything from yam?
Is it me bugging or is the Setsune NN+ archive down
i m looking for asmr with earliking + handjob sound, i love when they do countdown at the end. any suggestion?
today was a restream from P of Masq. apperentely this was originaly from 3/15 unarchived

does anyone have or similar? pls halp.
Here, I put together a little variety pack for you, you may have listened to some of these already and they don't all have everything you want but hopefully you'll enjoy.
Very Nice. The old stuff is trapped on my old laptop. Whatever happened to the girl with the orange hair? I remember her being my favorite since her content was really good.
Kirari? She goes by Makai Riri now and mostly does live action masturbation. Like so:
>she talked about getting a coomer L2D a while back
my dick can already barely handle standard 2D mare, she did that combined with flesh cam and i'm gonna coom to death
hey man, this is really good list, appreciate it.

but can it be on gofile or cybe? :*(
Aki Rosenthal apparantly
who? ok honestly shes pretty much a who? in hololive . people actually care about her ?
This may be surprising to you but being a literal who in hololive still means having tens of thousands of dedicated fans and hundreds of thousands of fairweather ones
Nevermind, I didn't already delete the folder like I thought and gofile is being cooperative, it's your lucky day.
Not that anon but she gets me hard and it's all I care about.
If Akirose doesn't make your balls go into reproductive overdrive you're a turbofaggot
I wish she'd just go whole hog into the lewd stuff, if she's fine doing it at all why not give her fans the goods regularly?

Same with Okayu, she hasn't done any roommate lewd stuff that I know of but you just know she likes the idea of making her fans cum.
Okayu's member ASMR streams are peak jack-off content when she goes full kisses and zero-distance whispering

added a video in the tamapro links

knowing that okayu is fat in real life makes it for me impossible to get turned on from her . >>1300187
or i simply dont like old hags. sorry i dont share your milf fetish. i dont know her actual age but its weird that hololive canon claims shes haachamas mother. that would already mean shes past 40 (unless she had haachama in early teen years) while i doubt shes actually her mother its still weird.
What? She's a high schooler by "hololive canon"
She does kisses? Why did no one tell me before?
>kanase doesn't hide her nipple slipping in one video but does in the other

If you are watching vtubers thinking on their roomates then you are doing it wrong. You better stick to 3DDP whores my friend, this way you won't get disappointed.
Are you guys talking about Akirose? You know she's old af right? She had a face slip years ago are you guys new to Hololive or something?
Ok... and? No one said that wasn't the case.
She may not be able to reproduce but Im pretty sure her holes are working fine.
Maybe some people enjoy her voice
Kill yourself German retard
She's younger than M yet M somehow still gets discussed here
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From November 2021, these are the kiss timestamps for what is in my opinion probably her best ASMR stream
why are retards talking about roommates when they don't even know basic facts? aki had 2 sons long before hololive was a thing
ok seanig
Mare bro where are u
Link? My membership ends on the 14th so I need to archive anything good.
just get the membership torrent on mogu
i also watch roomates thinking of their vtuber avatars
I feel retarded whenever I use mogu. Like when I have searched for Okayu in the past using latin and japanese characters very few results come up, and none being that great.
anyone know where to find up2date otonashi kurumi stuff?
Any chance i can beg for a link?
>okayu is fat
Outdated information, she got more confident as she got thinner
mogu dot holopirates dot moe/view/192
it was in the 2nd page. there's only 4 of them.
>okayu is fat in real life
Stop living in the past.
Thanks, I was looking waiting for someone to upload the Manon/Lala one after I saw her preview on Twitter and it didn't disappoint.

She probably missed it, I've seen a few missing shit like areola and nipple slips as well as pussy shots and anus shots with pussy slips being rarer however golden since they are uncensored.
Not only did she get more confident but she also got hornier which is fucking golden. Kinda sad she isn't allowed to remove the jacket on her ASMR model during her member ASMR streams since they could get flagged spammed by antis as porn.
Would you happen to have any timestamps or stream dates for Kanase?

Not gonna lie that Manon/Lala video is kind of nasty, especially on how soiled the bedsheets get from the anal play.
NTA but here
Unfortunately I don't have time stamps of Kanase, I tend to just save the stuff and after viewing it but never keep timestamps unless someone takes a screenshot then I'll rename the screenshot with the video name and put the time on the picture.
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I am once again fishing to see if anybody has any of rinetto kyandies non-youtube stuff that you can't pay for anymore.
anyone get C 3/31 nnd by any chance?
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Just posting here to give my thanks to the anon who gave me all that chacha stuff, i didn't got the chance before sorry for that, and thanks bro, i can finally sleep like a log
any got anything from yamin from this year? she's been going wild lately
oh someone finally posted it to suke, nvm
thanks, pretty good

She hasn't even released anything since january. She's probably been offpako with her biggest whales
I wonder how much someone withe her popularity will charge
She got groomed extremely hard into doing porn to begin with so I'm sure the ones that pushed her into it get a discount.
FYI okayu is still fat till now. Just saw a 2024 picture of her and she is still a chubby pig-faced orc prolly the ugliest in holoJP kek
Ah shit I forgot about Ayame. Both Okayu and her are hideous it's ridiculous
once again /vt faggots ruining this thread, heres your "you" you dumb nigger
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So? The only good thing about women is the noises they can make.
theres no recent pics of okayu, last 1 is years old, hes just lying on the internet to try to get the other anon upset. kind of pathetic
Looking for paywalled/privated Haewon (Haewon The Witch, Haewon The Heartstring) ASMR and audio content.
just enjoy her stuff as Alias now.
Any Koinoya Mai fanbox content?
>he doesn't know
Step up your research game. She is still ugly and fat as ever, if you think that Okayu's body size right now isn't fat then you are coping. You might be fat too thats why you defend her so hard, fucking orc kek
ok, go back to iketog faggot
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okayu got me into fat chicks so this is a good thing
ugai_asmr Please
If anyone can download it and upload it on in a different site this is the10k plan of riz of february
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1keGRu9smiHK8a3CKEZauew?pwd=2tvk rar 202402
There are no recent pics. Don't be a faggot.
>t. a knower
There are no pics to prove this. It's all speculation. Don't be retarded. Kyriakos Grizzly isn't a shredded body builder just because he goes to the gym 7 days a week.
On another note, where do all you newfags come from? This thread used to be tolerable.
Riz Lize
Has Charlotte Sylvilia stuffs got shared here?
I remember she also do some ear licking in one stream . I can't remember the date
If you have any of her stuff feel free to share, I don't think I have seen her shared on here.
When she streamed regularly before going full porn she was a regularly shared alphabet girl. Think the real problem is just that she goes months without doing anything now
bros.. I formatted my pc and I lost my Uise link
Any bros have the link or can point me to past acrhive #
I can't understand japanese
Any good english-speaker ones that you can tell they are horny and not just going by their script?
Last night C NND drinking stream please
Just use whisper for transcription
Uise's moving to a nico+ based website. rip
That's good though? She can have R18 stuff there if she wants.
Well it's bad if they fix the exploits with the update on the 18th
The nico+ sites are r15 limited. The nipples are going to be hidden again and she'll crank it off screen.
based on her public post in fanbox I think she's still keeping it for r18 content
Well it says R15
*keeping her fanbox, I mean
I recently realized how good Uise is, is there an archive?
I've been putting most of the stuff people post up on mega
being topless doesn't necessarily mean something isn't R15 but the onani streams are definitely not R15.
everyone else's FCs are also "R15" so there's that
and as >>1301132 said, her actual R18 will still be on fanbox
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Anyone knows what happened to rebochan yanka?
Didn't she quit because people kept leaking her content?

Is there really no stash for Ayamy's live action ASMR? I know they used to be shared, but I haven't seen any in over a year.

anyone grab uise's fc today?

She's a vtuber now, isn't doing adult content anymore.
Remember when Riz used to make gross piss content?
not to me

Hell, remember when she masturbated with insertion on camera?
Not who you're responding to but I don't, mind sharing if you have the file?
I never kept any riz stuff because of dead face but you'd need to look for stuff over a year old.
>She's a vtuber now
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if anyone can/cares to download quark links there's some new Kuro Rin
anyone have m 4/14
the irony of you calling others newfags when you haven't even seen any of okayu's more recent pictures, like the ones where she's with korone. lol irl. you're stuck thinking about a video you saw from 2016 or something. you seriously thought nothing at all would happen in almost a decade, when she's now an idol and practices dancing etc regularly? are you a retarded person?
I'm saying you're full of shit and if you had any proof whatsoever you'd share it (but you don't cus there is none), and I am saying it's completely up to speculatuon as to whether she has lost weight or not since theres no concrete proof. You are a retarded gorilla nigger pagpag.
>erm if you don't spoonfeed me everything i ask for it's all false
get off the fucking internet, you absolute child
Case in point. Sit down you utter brownoid imp.
>she's now an idol and practices dancing etc regularly
Not that anon, but do you think when Korone does those aerial cartwheels on stage, it's actually her doing it? lol
you can't afford the $3 for her membership bro?
>he doesn't know the doggo has a blackbelt in kickboxing
shiggy diggy door dinosaur
Guys, calm down. Take it to /vt/ or /jp/.
stop embarrassing yourself by debating about some 2d picture camwhore weight you maggots, or at least make it funny to read
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Not now miorifag, at least do it when she actually did r18 audio
rat utopia looking ass
hello anyone have anything for https://www.youtube.com/@kaleidoscopevc/videos
help the brother out
this guy actually thinks the dancing is real?
Of course it is, that's why some girls don't want to join holo, because they make you dance, sing and shit
They're idols
test posting
of course it's real, that's why most of them only do basic choreography
new malice doko?
RJ01171192 doko?
tamako bro onegai desu
I hope one of the Mare bros is getting their hands on her book, it comes with a link and password for a live action livestream and she's hinted that it will be pretty lewd. It's like 3500 yen and I'd order it myself if I wasn't on the opposite side of the planet
Malice just did a silly
Malice is good.
Anyone recorded malice?
What happened to malice?
haruamachi collection?
wow malice
Wtf how many people here pay for Malice and don't share shit?
They are probably the same person, just trolling.
Does anyone have the new ones from kanase? Onegai
the emoechi and riri guy tends to buy her stuff too. wait for his drop
fuck I overslept and missed the Malice stream, what did she do this time?
thanks anon
Malice PLZ
any new or upcoming riz/myd
Malice showed her face, so it was edited.
Nice. Thanks anon.
[spoiler]She's going to be one of the tamapro girls who never show nipples isn't she?[/spoiler]
Poor girl, you can absolutely see she's dying inside when that happens.
all this talk about malice yet no video, shame
riz doko.........
how do I download a paid rplay video?
Rizuna BA Toki

mare anon pls update the folder
Thank you for your service
mydbro doko


why? because I can.
nta but thanks!
whats the best c work? 2023 1-27 got me tingly
probably, but this one isn't
momiji doko?
Watch this

Does anyone have an archive of milkievt's stuff? Her channel got deleted again.
buy an ad
Any rizbros remember that fantia vid where she's shaking her ass and her asshole's out in the open? I remember downloading it from some mega folder a long time ago. My hard drive died and I can't find it in the archives or SC.
don't have it but damn does it sound hot
holy shit
This Choco one?
Talking about Riz, anyone mind sharing her Ririka video?
oh, if anon was talking about this i do actually have it. YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5dGRWcHdNRTA9
Oh I already downloaded this one but the one I was talking about was a bit older(1-2 years ago), it might actually be in her 10k plan. She wasn't wearing any panties and the lighting was a bit dark.
The golden times when she actually did insertion. Well she probably still does but on that new higher plan
It's on simpcity
does anyone know if there's an archive of meiji lamp's stuff? I liked her content before she nuked it for some content network that never did anything of worth
(if you know she's restarted somewhere else that'd be nice to know too)
who or what is this?
>thread called ASMR
>95% of links are not ASMR just asian camwhores
She did restart but fucked herself over pretty fast, and never did ASMR there from what I recall. I recall some older archives but honestly doubt they're alive anymore.
Does anyone have the password for koinoya mai twitcasting?
Where can you find some Tamapro content? I checked the archives/torrents 1-7 but there was only scant few
the thread being /asmr/ and not /asiancamwhores/ keeps some of the weirdos away
Malice bros...
Not him but she's a voice actor i think. haven't figured out exactly who, posts audio of herself masturbating on twitter a lot. Does a deep oho when she cums
Huh what happened? She doesn't have a subaccount so she posted with a hidden second account by mistake? Wonder what it was
I'm sure she has a personal account
They don't really stream that often. There's probably less than one lewd stream a day on average across the entire agency, in no small part because I think they all happen at the studio.
Emoechi anon posts some of their live action paid stuff, if you don't have the link just search the archives for tamapro
Anyone have any content from Nekoname Tuna's paywalled content? I've really enjoyed her intrauterine ASMR stream archives. Great stuff to fall asleep to.
Lol I found this dominatrix porn video, I'm pretty sure god made it somehow. He made the porn I'm pretty sure, but most of it was made to look amateur. With this theory, real people don't even make porn videos online. This video was different because it had 666 on it. I think this theory makes sense. God loved us so much that he made tons of beautiful girls for us to watch online.
All of it is posted on Coomer. it's frequently updated Look up Breedablecharlotte
go touch some grass please
I'm Jewish, I'm not even human. This means I don't get any pussy and only get to write about the god of one trillion evils. His list of evil deeds is literally the whole list bud. We're in hell.
Do you have a link to her twitter?
its in the filename. the anzndnc
Ah shit I'm retarded. Thanks
i saw it when it happened, she tweeted something about how she got into cosplay asmr because she thought she would get popular and she was complaining about getting DMs saying "hi, sex?" but how would she not expect that to happen when she posts that stuff on her twitter and fantia lmao
Well I imagine she wouldn't mind the "hi, sex?" DMs if she was popular.
Getting that nice looking live2d to end up with double digit viewers on her non-ero streams is probably getting to her.
link to her fantia?
uise doko?
>Check the archives if you don't understand how things work around here
I've never been here, and in fact don't know how things work. ...I should do this
>checks archive
so where is the explanation of how things work?
>checks FAQ
back to archived thread I guess.
Alright, I got a code. Now where do I put it? Looks sort of like a magnet, but it's missing the peer stuff, and the hash whatevers.
Maybe I'll chuck the code into Yandex.
>бpocaть code into Yandex
...but I don't speak russian?
this can't be that hard. I can't be this retarded. It's obviously for a file hosting site. ...but which?
Sure am glad there aren't that many of them.
>tries one
>doesn't work
maybe it's in a folder
>adds /folder/
>doesn't work
>gives up
If its a code you don't know then maybe use a multi decoder, and if something doesn't work once then try. If you have a specific question then ask the archives, its most definitely there. Try decoding the emoechi stuff for example.
Yamikura 04/22/2024
>mesh of her ass doesn't line up with the bunny suit ass

Seeing right through

> I can't be this retarded.

Really made me laugh.A man cannot understimete his own retardation.

Continue looking, this has been asked hundreds of times. I will give you 2 hints since you made me laugh: 1) is not related to any russian shit and 2) it is nothing related to a specific hosting site.
i have seen more of her outer labia than from all of the other jap asmr girls combined
dunno what she was expecting but she's a sex worker
What it surprise me is the fact she is rejecting easy money, I bet people are willing to throw thousand of dollars to sleep with her
Does anyone know how the fuck you can download videos from leakedzone?!

In particular I've been wanting to download rose477/video/10598845 and video/10598860
tamapro links updated
I figured it out.
I was making it much harder than it actually was.
Never found a solution in the archive... I guess now I'm not telling others that come after me how to do it. If I had to figure it out on my own, they do too.
Or rather, if an idiot like me can figure it out, they certainly can too.
tamako bro onegai

thanks anon
Looking for wankochan
Sweet lord anon.
How can someone with 11/10 body, 15/10 skin have such a solid 2/10 face... The world may never know..
Not enough stat points anon she went for the gold farming build
Uise's moving to candfans, because fanbox has poor video support and the external video hosting she used was becoming too expensive.
Why have magnets and their responses disappeared?
M is quick and vengeful.
People forgets she is too powerful, she managed to wipe every archive of her from multiple sites on the internet.
Also she can erase this thread with a snap
wait, there was M content posted here or you refer to malice?
anyway, malice last nnd just cus i saw magnet was removed
Malice is M's apprentice
fuck, I remember that site is not gaijin friendly
It's easy to make an account, but they only accept japanese phone numbers for sns verification which they require for payment.
Riz Idolmaster Kaede
yeterday C nnd pls
I have some of her older stuff from fanbox and some of cand fans stuff before they made it impossible to sub to her due to Japanese phone verification
New myd ci-en plz
I am humbly requesting for Akari's see-through ass-focus video https://fantia.jp/posts/2707236
Today's nuked stream, possible her best one so far.
M? Daughter of the leader of the seven legendary century's old Yakuza clans currently governing Japan from the shadows. If I'm not too careful I might get caug-
Nice, thanks

Nooo, this anon had too much to live but I will look for reven-
Uise sex
I would sign up for candfans if I could girl
Damn that was quick
we need M nnd asap
Did she not realize you can see her moot through the panties? I thought she was playing into it.
anyone got anything new from r? also why did she stream now on some other nnd channel? i only saw it on twitter that now there was a different channel linked where she did asmr.
It's the same channel, she just renamed it. Her next stream is on the 29th. Her previous stream (yesterday) was very tame and boring.
does anyone have C nnd 04/26 yesterday ?
Any chance for a reup?
I know this isn't the case but I saw someone say that women who are naturally pretty wouldn't need makeup so ugly women do better by using it and have children more which causes women to because uglier and more reliant on makeup.
gofile being a bitch so can't upload there but here are 2 alt sites:
is the myd archive not updated anymore? did everyone switch to telegram?
Which one? I think the cyberfile one is only missing the latest cien and stream, which are both posted in this thread.
Can I get the archive I'm new to miyadi never came across it or paid enough attention
I will pay 2000 jpy to someone willing to share myd archives or the telegram that contain them you could buy one month of her plan and dl all past works 2000
My card isn't accepted yes I know I could use dlpay with points
I need to listen to this onegai
it's in the cyberfile, search the archive
it there C or M archive?
I looked in the last thread was not there how far back threads should I look,was it posted in the past 5 threads or even further back, a general estimate is enough
Or just post it here
Thanks senpai
here you go anon, i post her streams on this thread + another mydbro uploads her cien content here too. cyberfile uploads aren't working right now but i'll update it when they fix it
I found the cyberfile from >>1303480
Still thanks a lot and I'll keep an eye for mydbro and your posts
Things really wanted to come out today
latest myd stream (mp3) ill update it later when NND stops acting up
Thanks babe, big smooches for you
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With the advent of AI technology I shall marry the voice of miyadi without her consent one day.
That day is fast approaching.
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updated myd
myd's worn some skimpy outfits before but i don't think she'll do anything like c or riz, her focus is more on her voice acting and asmr
I could see her doing a lingerie stream
She should be encouraged to focus on lewder activities. It'd be a shame to waste a body and personality like hers.
Sounds hot, hope it's good.
She doesn't do free previous anymore right? And no thumbnail wearing the outfit, is like she doesn't want new members.
Oh wait she does do previews, nice outfit, though I think she already wore something similar before?
better if someone can record it
Well if no one here shares it it'll be like last month and get posted by chinks a week later.
R nylon crotch...
Reading R's chat, I doubt we'll see old R again.
What did the say? No ass?
Why do you expect that? At best we get some slips and be thankful she didn't dial back even further
last iroame pls https://nicochannel.jp/iroamesena/video/sm6wNdew7egarzuHbBstwzQe
Where is Mare bro?
In a cum induced coma
thank you!
Riz FC
anyone have any of these from kiminogeboku?
where R?
Deep in my heart, wait for chinkboys in a few days maybe someone would post it
A cooma

Is it me or her old NN+ and some of the 3K videos from her fantia are way more lewd than her 10K FC?

Or maybe is it just nostalgia because she was my first foot slut?
Depends on what you like but only in FC is she going all out masturbating, cumming for real multiple times, and letting out オホ声, she said it in that very stream yesterday, FC became that place where she lets it all out once a month a doesn't get embarrassed.
The rest of her content is more "produced"

Just watch porn. Your oshi doesn't care about you.
yeah but she isn't sticking it in anymore, and is holding back since her fc is just nico+ and thus beholden to their rules compared to what she used to do.
I can't handle much longer without my monthly R nut.
You will be disappointed this month then.
Always a god sent as usual anon
What's with the mosaics on M's stream?
Answering myself, it's to masturbate on camera behind the mosaic.
No way this is "R15" right? Only thing different from FC2 masturbation videos is that the mosaics are bigger.
my lord
luv manon
Is it me or is she kinda fat? Maybe I'm just too used to slender girls like R and Malice.
well she's kinda plump
She's always been on the tubby side. It's why she didn't show anything but cleavage for a while after reincarnating. She's probably at a delicate balance of weight that gives her a little belly but also tits.
She's a bit chubby - you can see it on her hands - but nothing deal breaking yet. Au contraire, she's at the sweet spot where the added fat deposits make her skin look extra soft and well-rounded but not like a porker
just the right amount of chub if you ask me, the things i'd do to that comfy soft body
she's quickly becoming the goat in my eyes
Peak female form imo
yes too fat
not fat enough
who was she before?
Hanakumo Rin
>No R
>No Uisex
Is it over?
the uisex is pretty boring actually
Anyone recorded metori?
No, it's the best time of the month, K's update could be out any day now.
so are uise's nipples pink or not
File: zjcupl.png (1.47 MB, 1920x1080)
1.47 MB
1.47 MB PNG
did you not watch the video from a few weeks ago where she's topless for the last section?
I saw the other ones where she's topless, but which one is this from?
That one is her first nip slip from almost a year ago. June or July 2023 IIRC.
Ah fuck I'm late too much Dota x2
I'm getting invalid torrent.
Weird. Can't even export the torrent file again. Well here's the direct magnet. Switched to files cause the magnet is long for some reason x1
> 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
Just checked and the torrent file is empty. Try opening your copy in notepad and see if it's also empty. It might have been the upload.
Remade it, I think there's problems with the magnet. Also seems the issue is with catbox cause it keeps killing the file so uploaded it elsewhere
This is working for me. Thanks kbro.
lasted R doko?
When was the last time K cute nipples were out?
Whoa that's wild, I've watched her ASMR vids before but never realized she was uisex, even rubbed some out to her normal stuff when she was run cause she sounded so hot
loud tiddies
that is a great way to describe her lol
thanks as always!
February iirc
>just now noticed Kbro's february folder is named feburary instead
Thanks Rbro
A good 80-90% of these women usually not in very good physical shape. If they were thin they probably wouldn't be doing ASMR and instead some other form of adult content instead - or they'd be aiming to be mainstream entertainers.
Thanks Kbro. Kind of a boring month for her. She has these quite frequently, it's the only reason I haven't pulled the trigger on her patreon.
>A good 80-90% of these women usually not in very good physical shape
Are they though? Pretty much every time I look at an ASMR vtuber and she does 実写 content she looks great from the neck down at least, the only place I've seen fatties is Emoechi,
>If they were thin they probably wouldn't be doing ASMR
and most of them were/are camgirls first and only picked up ASMR as part of joining the corp so I can't say I've seen much to support this either

we are so back?
Felt like she spent the entire streamed scared of even showing her tummy and constantly pulling the top down, might as well not bother.
NtA but a lot of these girls are considered chubby by Japanese standards. And it's right; they have soft bodies because they moderate their weight gain by eating less, instead of moving around more. They would look miles better if they hit the gym.
Please oil baron this is Naka's first(?) R18 work for a while.
Do you have the other streams from this year?
File: asmr who.jpg (41 KB, 1080x608)
41 KB
Anyone know who this is?
you know exactly who it is you attention whore
I honestly don't
The only time that image is ever posted is with her name so either: you are lying and you know or you can easily find out with a 1 minute archive rep
I have bonus coins I could use to buy that since you can barely use bonus coins for anything but I have no idea how to download uploaded videos from rplay. The usual stuff doesn't work since it's not a supported site yet and stream recorder needs to play the video as an in focus tab. grabbing the m3u8 manually and trying minyami also doesn't work
>grabbing the m3u8 manually and trying minyami also doesn't work
Last time I tried it worked for me after providing headers

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