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Any other black anons here? Post in this thread!
What's going on man?
Nothing. Just waiting for the big booty black femcels to show up.
Ass is avg but my thighs are huge, hi
Haha got them birthing hips ;]
Words mean nothing, pics can change the world
If you got a discord, hmu haha

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How do we start a sex cult like Nature Boy?
and my cock is massive
That nigga is in PRISON
Yeah but imagine if he wasn't all rapey and psychotic. It was actually a solid idea, just led by the wrong guy.
You are a black man, don’t say cock!!
Lmao, got added, but now I feel I need to clarify. I am just a white guy who likes dark girls
You're welcome to the party, larry bryd.
I'm always torn between skinny, dark skinned otaku boys and thick, light skinned resting bitch face girls
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Fuck light skin girls
I feel like the trick is to find a girl with natural hair
I just want a girl who won't wear a bonnet 16 hours a day.
add me black queens
Haha thanks anon
Fucking love these pics
i like reading, cooking and playing video games. i'm a pretty boring person. sorry.
>looking for
black anons to be friends with, males and females, i don't have a preference.
>not looking for
non black anons and coomers.

white muscly english guy here looking for a cute black gf

snap: potchuck
why do these threads always get infiltrated by the (very cleary and definitely not) racist white dudes

race fetishism is weird
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Evening, blackanons.
Yeah, not gonna put my tag unless there's interest. Last time I had multiple adds from racist russian dudes.

If anyone is looking for friends: 27, Male. USA located. Nigerian-American. Can drop my discorrd if anyone's interested.

Not looking for weird raceplay stuff
Am I the only black dicklet here?

Which tribe?
I'm Black, 30, and from Virginia. I look forward to Assassin's creed shadows, bros. Stay strong, and don't internalize any of the idiotic racism you against us you see on the internet.

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21 m tx
Kinda lonely, looking for a chick to get high and have deep conversations with (or b horny)
Can be a quickie if u want, discord is blackyangenergy
What’s your discord
r u a girl (vagina)?
homies over hoes
Fellow dicklet here I'm the same size as the big aniki himself
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All I want in this life is to find a cute black girl to marry, is so rare to see blacks in my city period, and I don't know any in my inner social circle, everyone around me is white including me, but God cursed me to be into Chocolate, I simped so long for this weeb black girl back in highschool and I even went to some dates with her, but her family clearly hated me so much due to my whiteness and social retardation.
So is every brown skin cartoon character black to you?
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Black girls hmu
Discord: jadedindividual
Hah ur brown
do any black femanons here want a slav bf? im dead serious. just dont be fat.
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I am once again asking if any qt black girls would like a /fit/ slav bf

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Added (I assume that's discord?)
Black-Brit, 22 UK.
Any black [spoiler]trans[/spoiler]girls online?
>Niganon thread

Anyone in the northeast? would prefer a girl but just want a buddy to go to conventions with
Would it be a faux pas for a white man to come here in search of a black wife?
Nope. Looking for a white husband. add my discord montreal.badgyal98
from your past posts i'm not what you're looking for anon, but i wish you luck finding your future husband <3
this is such a great thread i would love to talk to other black ppl or just white ppl into black femanons ig

kik: strwbryspit
murdoch_industries on dc im accepting everyone
server: /WHBFhyew
>non black anons
Holup das racist! (jk)
Why would the russian dudes be interested in you? Sounds strange.
Don't do that, Vadim, bitches are temporary, the bloodline is eternal. We don't want another Pushkin, do we?
Black Chicago anon here recently lost my virginity to a white girl
Hey alice, you lurking? Hope you broke up with your bf
literally check your discord
>Town is filled with other blacks, whites, and asians
>Asians stick to their own community and hate darker skinned people
>White girls call me ugly and don't want me because I don't act like a stereotype even though they're all mostly overweight or have attitude problems
>Black women want tyrones, but the ones with actual sense only want white men
>Most became single moms by early 20s limiting my dating pool further
>Was a Virgin until I was 31 and only because someone took pity on me
>Halfway through being 32 with issues approaching relationships

Tired man. Didn't really have anywhere else to type this but to all my other brothers and sisters out there I hope you find someone nice
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Be honest am I black enough to be here even if I'm a mega Mulatto? Also rate if you're here, I guess.
Yoruba lol

Idk mate, let's use some critical thinking here. They're obv there to troll me around lol
Look like a typical muttley to me, yep ur black :)
aww you're cute, and yes you are black enough.
can we date?
Post your discord to find out.
YESSSS IM A BLACK ANON!!! Discord is landminebunny_ would love to speak to a fellow brother/ sister of color
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Discord: fentanylcore

I’ve learned how to emulate the quirked up whiteboy sexual style, hmu for the method real yakub shit g
White guy who loves black girls.

Any cuties in UK?

Discord: btb2690
The light skinned/dark skinned discourse is cringe. People will find anything to cause division.
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Anyone in Baltimore wanna go out or something?

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