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>my friend got married, found partner through this app, recommends me too

>ok lets give it a shit
>make profile, select "Intimacy, without commandment"
>no matches for days. Wtf

>change to "long term relationship" and "marriage"
>10 matches already

So basically online dating only works when you're just looking to get married right? Or do I try Tinder for casual stuff?
The game is to just let people believe you're going to marry them, get what you want, and dip. Next. No woman is going to actually say they want to get dicked down on these apps. They want you to work for it and will give you shitty 2-word replies until you do something that makes you "deserving" of their attention. It's fucked up and I hate how retarded dating has become but apparently asking someone out in real life is sexual harrassment now.
people on apps are a lot different than IRL, they will be so picky and look for specifics because women get infinite attention from apps
It's all just bland/boring people with main character syndrome thinking they're better than everyone like I need an unemployed mom of 2 in my life.
>The game is to just let people believe you're going to marry them, get what you want, and dip.
You’re the problem.
>online dating only works when you're just looking to get married
Basically none of those girls are looking to get married, or even for long term dating, they just want you to play along and pretend, because being honest with themselves feels bad.
This way when you do what they want, they can be like >>33098488 and pretend that they feel bad because of what you did rather than feeling bad due to their own choices and actions.
They weren't advocating that people do that, just stating that women overwhelmingly act like that on these apps due to the huge gender imbalance. If you're incapable of understanding that or empathising with the male perspective, *you're* the problem.
You're genuinely an idiot or don't have a clue how female psychology works.
genuine question coming from a femanon, how should a woman act in order to not be treated this way if clearly stating "I want a long term relationship/marriage" isn't enough? Is not being on dating apps (and not dressing like a whore i assume) enough?
Being sub-servient to men.
>The game is to just let people believe you're going to marry them, get what you want, and dip. Next.
youre a retarded edgelord haha. no one does this irl. there are a ton of women who just want sex and they wont outright say it but they will signal it in a way thats obvious if you arent hopelessly autistic.
just withhold sex/discard anyone who is overtly sexual when you havent known each for a while. you will be treated as a whore by some men no matter what you do. youll simply have to be able to step back when it happens.
I met my wife on plenty of fish more than 10 years ago. She was a foreign student and I had just split up with another woman. We were a super unlikely match and essentially had nothing in common. The old adage that opposites attract is actually true, by being wildly different people you actually have things to talk about because you aren't just talking to yourself.

I told her I wanted to be married and have kids before I turned 30. I got what I wanted.
I don't even get matches anymore I swear you hit your 30s and you better have that bag already.
>how should a woman act in order to not be treated this way
When one of your friends is doing it, call her out, shame her, tell her to stop lying to herself and teaching men that women are untrustworthy, make her understand that she's making everything worse for everyone.
Until a genuinely honest woman is the expectation and the norm, you will continue to be outnumbered and every man will have the experience to know you're probably only pretending, just like the other girls.

This is probably a generational project that you will not see significantly achieved in your lifetime. Which is reasonable, since it took a few generations for women to fuck it up for themselves.
Only got a single match. This was her bullshit message and bio. The only thing she said after my response was, quite literally, just "good hbu"

Women, why are you like this?
Other than not being on apps and not giving it up to a guy on the first date?
Withhold sex for months or a year, be sweet to him in every other regard and give him just about everything else he wants to make him feel powerful (which is the psychological equivalent to a man of making a woman feel cared for and cherished btw) but don't actually sleep with him until you've dated 6 months or more
The bigger problem is expecations, most men expect it because they see all the chads getting pussy thrown at them on the first date and decide to up the ante, so the long term large scale play is unironically bring back slut-shaming
Shaming guys for their libido doesn't work, the last hundred thousand years of your female ancestors made sure of that
Wanna talk about it on discord and see about being my egf btw?
>not being on apps
So where else do you go then? The cutesy romantic fantasy of locking eyes in a bookshop is impossible in 2024 because men are worried about being labelled as "creeps" if they approach a woman in public. And the TikToks of neurotic Staceys deeming men feral for looking at her direction for half a second while she's working out in the gym haven't helped. Men are being told things like "the woman in the cafe is there because she wants a coffee, not a boyfriend!" I even know a man whose parents met like this, yet he still told me he'd feel hesitant to approach a woman in public.
What tf is she supposed to say why would she put extra effort into specifically you
because men are entitled narcissists to everything that exists. it’s in their genes, unfortunately.
You asked how she's doing, she answered, then you're upset by that? Just answer the question and ask about her interests you moron
>The cutesy romantic fantasy of locking eyes in a bookshop is impossible in 2024 because men are worried about being labelled as "creeps" if they approach a woman in public.
I could just be projecting here, but I suspect this is more your own social anxiety/inexperience that's speaking. It's not "impossible", you can just end an encounter quickly if a woman shows obvious signs of disinterest.
A) Most people still date and meet in person, you use a dating app

B) If a woman wants to get dicked down, she just asks. if you have never seen this, a woman has never asked you to dick her down.

C) No one in real life goes through that amount of retarded effort to fuck women, they just go and fuck women. if you don't know this, you're not fucking women.
>Most people still date and meet in person, you use a dating app
That doesn't seem to be true in the English-speaking world at least.
There are men with an intense sex drive and men with a more gentle, calmer sex drive. The former are not good at being husbands, the later one are great at being husbands. Unfortunately sex drive and having lots of sex are not always the same thing. There are creeps with a high sex drive, but they are too creepy so they end up as incels.
They're all boring as fuck too. Online dating gets miserable even if you manage to have success with it.

The only winning move is not to play.
>bring back slut-shaming
The problem isn't sluts, per se.
The problem is attention whores.
Good girls who are jealous of honest sluts, and so they put on a slut costume, too, and then act like guys are doing something wrong by giving her the sort of attention sluts want.
And, conversely, sluts who are jealous of the good girls, and so they put on a pretense that they don't fuck on the first date (but still want to anyway).

If your "Good Girl" friend is on a night out wearing a slut costume and starts bitching about guys treating her the way she has chosen to communicate she wants to be treated, ask her if she's too fucking stupid to understand what wearing a slut costume advertises.

If your slutty friend strings a guy along and then gets dumped after she goes from zero to turboslut after whatever arbitrary rule she's made to pretend not to be a slut, ask her if she's too fucking stupid to understand that fucking like a slut is a dead giveaway whether it's the first date or after months of waiting.
The funniest thing about this propaganda is that the men who worry about being seen as creepy are more likely to be men who ARE NOT creepy... so over time the set of men who "approach women" shifts further and further towards having more genuine creeps.
This feedsback into putting more women on guard and hostile about being approached, which discourages more non-crerpy men, which increases the proportion of creepy approachers, and so on, and so on.
>why would she put extra effort into specifically you
She chose to start the conversation.
I don't particularly mind people who start a conversation like they would an IRL interaction with a "Hey." or similar, but if you start talking to me, it's your role to provide a reason for me to continue talking to you.
You have had the time to read my profile and think of things to say BEFORE you decided to message me. I'm playing catch-up. Me having to steer and/or carry this conversation YOU STARTED is a count against you.
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Ive got the bag, an easy life, etc. Etc.

The dating scene irl jn my area is non-existent and i have never gotten anywhere on a dating app besides wanting to hang myself. Those apps and the way people interact there are pure cancer to the point i thought i might try looking here for some generally more like minded people. And then i discover the women here arent sny better about just speaking openly about what they want and ghost at the drop of a hat. I give man. Just gonna start dropping money into my hobbies instead of holding out. At least ill have fun

Post 30 dating is a dead scene man
"Online" is not synonymous with "dating app".
just avoid the ones that appear offline all the time, its a very good filter that has not failed me yet.
don't add women off of here, let them add you. the ones posting their info are only looking for short term attention and usually BPDemons
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>just filter literally everyone ive spoken to so far
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>better have the bag already
well one more year until it is over, don't worry I'll join the STI riddled passport bros and become part of the problem.
dating apps are the worst shit for anything other than finding a dry hole with a wet cardboard personality
every woman you'll run into is some combination of the following
>empty/zero info bio
>gin & tonic
>taylor swift
>astrology mentioned
>no hobbies besides gym and bar hopping
>dotted with generic flash tattoos
>unemployed or has a made up admin job
>passenger princess (can't drive)
>photos of her fat ass/tits hanging out of her swimsuit
>super mom to 3 kids and if you do the math she had them when she was 16
>''''''ethical non monogamy''''''
>one word replies
its a dead end
as a woman? Drop this dream you have a romantic happenstance
The last girl I knew who specifically set out to meet men with the intention of forming a long term relationship posted here, talked seriously, respectfully and earnestly with dozens if not over a hundred dudes (including myself) as well as tried approaching dudes she thought were cute in person
She approached modern dating like a man, she saw it for what it was, a numbers game where you have to take time to talk to people and vet them
If they get bored and ghost on you because you didn't put out right away? That's part of the vetting process and you have to try your best not to get too hung up on it
You could always just be a little more direct with men in your personal life you like, try being more willing to talk seriously with dudes on this site (again, me) and hope to get lucky to find a connection, and if you do happen to get lucky you should absolutely take it, run with it and be thankful for it
But understand that luck will only get you so far in our modern society, realistic expectations and measured persistence will certainly get you farther
>calling women out for being attention whores
Not to be pedantic but is that not basically slut-shaming?
keep your fucking legs closed, and you can't be pump-n-dumped. but this is a balancing act, as if you withhold from a decent guy too long, he will bounce. now also factor in that you made your good guy wait for sex, and if you let other guys hit it immediately for free, this will enrage your good guy. sex and support is what men want from a relationship with a woman. if you find a guy you think is marriageable, you need to show him you are capable of giving him sex and support (feed him & fuck him) if you want to keep him around.
>most men expect [sex]
whoa, let's sort this for the sake of accuracy, shall we. the only men who have a legit expectation of sex are rapists and men who are already in a long term relationship and have communicated clearly to their consenting partner of that expectation. most guys just hope for sex and if she doesn't give it, the guys with self respect will walk away from her. it's variable how long before he walks away, but he will eventually leave due to a sexless relationship. personally i can go 2 months before assuming she's just using me. my efforts need to be reciprocated with something other than vapid female companionship or else i'm gone.
>Not to be pedantic but is that not basically slut-shaming?
Actual honest sluts are not the problem.
It's the girls pretending to be something they are not in order to scam attention, drinks, etc. who are the problem.
Those are who women need to police and get under control.
If she's a virgin then she'll be able to get a male virgin waiting for marriage (if she can find one lmao)
For sure a follow through issue.
The honest whores are exactly that, whores.
The attention whores see the honest whores getting all kinds of attention naturally, so they try to play along but don't follow through with the whoring.
The honest whore let you fuck after a few drinks, the attention whore wants a month of dinners and dates before she'll maybe give you a handy. But you leave before then, and they can't understand why.
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tindr for casual
bumble for getting pegged
hinge for serious

The bumble people actually just made yet another 1 called "Rizz" or some other zoomer shit which is the worst 1 yet. your dms are viewable and voteable by the public.
very true,
so I want to set up a good tinder account for casual stuff
what sort of pics should I use?
>your dms are viewable and voteable by the public
>your dms are viewable and voteable by the public.
Time to start quoting Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest-Slavery.
hinge is the best for casual too, dont put what you're looking for and bait every girl into giving their number, then pop the "im only looking for sex" after you get their number and half of them will agree to it
They all vary by geography.
In some places all the sluts are on XYZ and all the Serious Relationship people are on ABC, and then some other place it will be the other way around.
>bumble for getting pegged
where in my profile do i enable this setting? please
yeah but the formula doesn't really change.
>avoid the most popular one. probably full of esc/of or ultra-normie retards
>second popular: same normies but more civilized, and a little mix of acceptable people. experience vastly depends on your profile and who you appeal to.
>third popular: either long-term healthy relationship or absolute insane shit.
just write liberal weeb stuff in your bio
Problem is it may not be immediately obvious which is which if you're just swiping while waiting in baggage claim in a city you haven't previously visited.
But sticking your dick in crazy in a city you don't visit very often may be an acceptable risk.
Got matched with a lady about a decade older than me. She texts like 4 but her profile is like a 7. Met her the first time for a date yesterday and the moment she came close to me I realized she has a facial deformity, like her nose and jaw are caved in. This isnt apparent when her face facing towards my direction but when she looks sideways its pretty evident. Also when she speaks I can't make out 30% of the words at times depending o the word. She gave me no indication she had this deformity at all before meeting. I went ahead with the date pretending there wasnt this massive elephant in the room. It remains unaddressed throughout the date

I'm a virgin so this is making it very hard for me. My dick is like I think I can do her but my mind just isnt able to fully accept the deformity and doesnt want her to be the first> I'm feeling conflicted about her
Having an expectation of long term relationship from anyone is silly, let alone someone from a dating app

Expectations change as each date progresses and as life happens overtime.
dating app people are exceptionally needy and often not in a good when on them.

instagram is lowkey the best dating app

>instagram is lowkey the best dating app
Only works if you're good looking though
*not in a good place

skill issue. 99% of people would look good if they weren't fat
the inside is what matters the most, you could fall in love with her for all you know
yeah but is she fat?
I've been ghosted many times and wondering what goes through peoples minds, it feels like we get along and have fun discussing interests. However when it comes to asking for contact details outside of the app its radio silence. Am i just coming across as desperate to women?
Most of the time, I don't exchange contact details until after we've agreed on a date.
And I'll save all the getting-to-know-you conversation, where we have fun discussing interests, for the face-to-face interaction on the date.
Shift the conversation to practical considerations of finding something to do together within the first half dozen messages.
If she's not responsive to that, she's just there for attention/affirmation.

Note: if you're enjoying the conversation per se after identifying she's wasting your time, feel free to continue it. Sometimes they manage to regain your interest.
I doubt it, her personality is a bit basic. Ironically if she had not had the facial deformity she would be like a 7-8 and probably would never have gone out with me.

But the deformity makes her like a 4-5 and I am unable to get past it. If she had an amazing personality maybe that would make up for it. Maybe

No, she is slim. Had I not been a virgin I think I would easily smash her. But I dont think am able to go through with her being my first
If you are getting ghosted then maybe you were never a serious option for her in the first place. Women have so much choice on dating apps that they will use guys a placeholders till they can climb up in matches

You need to treat it like a numbers game and not take rejection of any kind too seriously. Just keep trying to tweak your profile to maximize your matches and just keep shooting your shot.

Having said that I agree with >>33123226
>long term
>the matches keep you in a roster
>they eat more weiners than a german fest
Just date guys who wants a ltr, sure some guys only pretend but they are usually pretty obviouse (at least to me). There is no set of actions to only attract good men, or a list of "red flags" to know if he is a bad one, you just have to read each guy, If you can't read men then you're screwed lol.
Dating apps have all fallen to the shareholders. Match owns all the major ones. They have not been about finding dates for a while now. Is just about milking maximum profit out of desperate men. Not to mention they are riddled with scammers, fake profiles, and undesirable women like single mothers, obese, bad habits, etc. Do yourself a favor and stay away from them, or if you must use them never give into the temptation and give them money. Also the ratios are completely fucked. This recent duolicious fiasco shows how many more men use them vs women. You're already pitching for the losing team from the moment you download the app.
That's literally what he's saying. The women on these apps aren't going to admit they just want a one night stand even though everybody knows why they're there. Everybody has to play the game.
When I was single I decided to buy whatever the premium version of Tinder is called because I correctly figured it would help me get laid. I tried it again a year later and the price had trippled, I looked it up and apparently they alter prices based on age. I couldn't believe it.
honestly tough call, a bit sad.

I would say stick it out for a few more dates and see if she actually has a personality. If still dry and basic the fuck it leave.
I have had the same thing happen on the apps and know of others who have experience too. Prices change depending on location and how vulnerable they think you are. I paid for a week on Tinder or something and a month later the weekly price was double lol.
Thoughts on Nationalized Dating App?
>I would say stick it out for a few more dates and see if she actually has a personality. If still dry and basic the fuck it leave.
She has like a basic "bitch" personality so far. But she is sweet however comes off a bit needy at times.

I was struggling to think how I could end things with her. We have made plans to go out this saturday and I have been thinking of telling her that I am unable to see it going anywhere serious. I am worried she would be fine to keep things casual which would open another dilemma for me. As I said before I am a virgin so I am unable to see her being my first to lose my virginity to. I maybe fine with fooling around wwith her but I have no idea what to say to her if she wants to fuck.

Frankly, it would be a relief if she decides to end things because she is looking for something serious
Do you mean like paid by the taxpayers?
Yes then the goal would not be profits.
Wouldnt work for the same reason you see BBC not working as intended
Hit or miss
Anon, I'm going to say don't do it. You deserve to have your first time be with someone who's actually attractive. The time will come.
You don't owe her anything and you don't have to sacrifice your own happiness for hers. There will be many other people who will fuck her, it doesn't have to be you.
This server is better than bumble. There are too many filthy fucking e girls in this shit hole that are craving cock

Break if off my man, its not worth it. Save your first time for someone you actually want to commit too.
Also if she has a deformity she's not a x/10, she's just not on the scale. The scale is for the non deformed
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The blueprint for online dating has already been laid out but most people are too stupid to realize. Go watch the tinder swindler. What are women attracted to? The key word is potential

>looks 7+
Not ugly potential kids
Potential to have an interesting life
>looking for something serious
Potential for marriage
>well dressed
Potential for showing off to her friends
>interesting stories
Potential for conversation

Just saying you want to hook up knocks out the potential for something serious AND potential for showing off to her friends. The types of pictures you use covers the different potentials listed.
haha this is me, apps are shit and my city is autistic as fuck because of weather, it's purpose etc
And yet I see couples all the time, so I guess I'm the retarded one.
I'm only here to strategize my way out of this hole
I know I need to end things with her. But my dick is like maybe the situation with her can be maneuvered into messing around in 2nd base and 3rd base.

Also I am a wizard in my mid 30s, she is in her 40s. I really do not want to end up as a 40 year old virgin. However I am feeling somewhat confident that i might be able to go out with someone else I am attracted to in all ways and lose my virginity with her
Marriage is illegal in the West. Thank the feminists.
man shut the fuck up you standardcel. you guys are the worst
That's a normal reply. You asked a boring generic question, you got a boring generic response.
>nice weather we're having..
Lady should try for a looksmatch, not hiding her deformity until meeting in real life. I guarantee there are nice men out there with similar problems.
Same hypergamy bullshit, different circumstances.
i have no good pictures or potential...
I saw this same response on r/Bumble kek
I have a physical defect and reading this reminds me that someone desperate enough might settle for me, but no one will ever want me as their first choice
Imo there are many people who would look beyond physical attributes.

There are several insecurities from my side that I would need to deal with especially losing my virginity. She could sense I have not had a serious relationship which is another insecurity I need to handle. I also have insecurities about my own looks & physique.

She also seems to be looking for something meaningful and I dont think I can give that with all these insecurities bogging me down.

After our second date on Saturday, I have pretty much decided to end things with her before a third date gets planned because I think she will be wasting her time with me. She is also said she is talking to couple more guys on Bumble which was a relief but then she said she wanted to prioritize me. So I am hoping she can land any of those other guys on Bumble, I am a bit worried about them realizing her deformity as they meet for the first time in person. But I guess its not my problem.

>I have a physical defect and reading this reminds me that someone desperate enough might settle for me, but no one will ever want me as their first choice
Apologies for ranting about my shit. Coming to what you said above most guys deal with it even if they are fine in every way but are not in the top 10% of guys. Average looking guys, short guys, chubby guys all these are not the first choice for their partners too. But we sorta accept it.

I know I am going to come off as a hypocrite but physical attributes are not the most important thing in the long term. They matter to some extent to our primal side but long term pair bonding goes beyond physical attributes. Dont hide your physical defect, it will be easier for you to find someone who will accept it. There are plenty of examples you see on Youtube wth people having way intense physical defects land a good partner

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