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It's time for another Canada thread.
Post your:
>Province / Region / Area Code
>About you
>What you're looking for
>What you're not looking for
>Contact Info
There's like 3 fucking Canada threads still up, each one filled with more faggots and trannies than the last. No women will post in this thread unless they're in the fucking NWT or on a rez and have limited access to men.
File deleted.
Forgot to link to the previous thread >>32916205

Last one is past the bump limit and on page 10. Also no shit? You're on 4chan. The only people here who are going to get laid are obviously going to be faggots because this is the last place most woman would ever want to visit.
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I absolutely did not post Calgary Callie getting anally fucked. Definitely did not happen.
I wish Callie was a real girl that actually lived in calgary, even better if she was dating me.
The other canada thread is archived or is past 500 posts
Ontario thread is not a canada thread
Honeypot tranny wanting a green card is not a canada thread
Tory goth is a british slang, it is not a canada thread
Ontario is absolutely a Canada thread you dense tard
204 24 y/o tranny
looking for friends
disc xx_shrew_xx
25 m vancouver
>About you
i'm a lonely boy deficient in friends
i like going on walks, exploring the city, reading all sorts of books (mostly history, political stuff, philosophy, sociology... anything nonfiction that interests me -- i'm definitely not that smart tho, i just read a lot), i'm also a big fan of retro video games (pre-2000) and rock/metal/punk music
>Looking for
friends, people to talk to, people to hang out with, love, smart people who can teach me things
discord: hloijj
29m in BC 250 & 604
iso penpals + future meetups
I love meeting new people, traveling in canada, food, music, games, books, and occasional debauchery. Radical views are fine with me
bot looking for coomers or substance abusers
add me if interested in exchanging music and casual chatting

disc: nut__butter
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Join the OG Canadian 4chan Discord

EST 2016

RCMP can suck my dick, CSIS already did once and they can suck it again
40m tbay
>Province / Region / Area Code
Northwestern ON, 807
>About you
Married, bi (haven’t done anything with a man before), not many local friends
>What you're looking for
Slow burn long term chat to establish trust and see if we get along. Hang outs etc. If buds maybe mix in some gay stuff.

>Contact Info
Kik randomsage96 don’t check it all the time so if you message be patient and I’ll get back to you

902 23m with a 7.5" bwc here, looking to breed your wives and gfs and remind them that they're just animals. Animals with needs and urges, who will forget all about their silly little loyalties and promises when it feels good enough. Will she still be yours when I'm mating with her? Will she still be yours when I've pumped a litter into her? Come show them off to me and tell me all about them, your wives, girlfriends, sisters, friends, daughters, etc. Let's talk about the women you love and how badly they need to fulfill their purpose

Any horny femanons who like the idea of being bred behind your partner's back, or just in general, do drop by too
>They're even advertising in the Canada threads
Alright, I'll bite. What's the focus of this server? Just a place specifically for a variety of losers to interact with each other?
it's always honeypots or sex pests looking for victims.
RCMP honeypot
this is some tranny foolishly trying to turn people
an ontario thread excludes the rest of canada
it may be a canadian thread, but it is NOT a canada tread
Kik davey2789 if you want to stroke over some Windsor/Amherstburg milfs
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32/M/Toronto 416

>About Me
Chill guy with a kinky Dom side, especially for some banter/teasing. Into DD and more. Straight, have my own place in west end Toronto, like hiking, gaming, going out for drinks, horror/thriller, history, and other things.

>Looking For
Well if you're a sub or switch who wants to either explore or play around, that is great. I can help you out or we also just have hobbies in common to hang out

Discord: horizo.
nothing to honeypot

I just moved here from PEI and I’m super lonely lol. I have friends but they’re not my kinda people. I love music! I love books! I love exploring the city!

I’m looking for new friends or someone to chat to

Discord- rosiee9406
a pity you didn't move to Calgary
I could have helped you with making new friends

go to the university or college in toronto
they have hobby interest clubs,
search online or go in person to the student union office.
find a club that matches your hobbies and interests
the membership fee should be small like $10 to $30 every 4 or 6 months
that will be the fastest way to make new friends
Added you

Just seeing if this site works lol I’m looking for good vibes and connection. I’m pretty open to many things.. just tryna find someone to chill and have fun, go on walks and banter. If things progress I also wanted mind that either.

I’m fit, tatted, easy going not looking for drama.

Contact->. My discord is petepablo18

I added you. Petepablo18
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31 M Ontario, likes to travel
Just add if you like my pic
Discord: worldhealthclub
>Province / Region / Area Code
30 Male QC (418)

>About you
Emerging visual artist studying to be a college teacher. Dad bod. Alternative. Big nose ring. Raw and honest. Autistic and in therapy for it. Poly-drug addict to cope with boredom / bad relationship.

>What you're looking for
-A female friend
-Artsy people who want to network. I have a good eye and I can give you solid advice on your pieces.

>What you're not looking for
-Being an emotional tampon. It's ok if you're not ok, just don't make every single conversation about how you're not ok.
-Political people. Just shut the fuck up and enjoy life.

>Contact Info
We can start from a few emails and then see where it gets us. I like the idea of old-fashioned penpals with properly written letters.

Wow a real laidies man hahaha
add my snap - freakygyalkyana

thick girl Escort in Greater MTL looking for ppl to meet for fun and $. in late 20's. I am discreet as well
I’m a crazy mommy/goddess who’s seeking a loyal submissive sub/sissy slut to make my personal own and also get to play in my dungeon forever. online and to meet.Text me on Kik: Mistress_sophia22
21 f Vancouver

BC 604

Just moved from Surrey to Downtown Van, I never spent much time here before so I guess looking for someone to hang out with and kinda explore?

Not looking for...someone who doesn't wanna do that? Lol

Kik becks3611
20/M/905 Toronto
>interests and hobbies
Music, gaming, working out, computers, tv and movies
>Looking for
women or femboys, friends, people to chat with, fwb, maybe more and people to meetup with in the GTA
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I usually just lurk these threads, but fuck it.
>Province / Region / Area Code
saskatchewan, an hour away from regina
>About you
railroader with no real schedule and an affinity for martial arts and vidya
>What you're looking for
a friend. :(
>What you're not looking for
troons, porn addicts, anyone who makes being a degenerate their personality
>Contact Info
iadagon on discord
Any advice on how to find people who are into gangbangs near me? I live near Niagara, I remember a while back seeing a reply in this thread about a gangbang in Toronto, but haven't seen anything like that since.
21 femboy from USA, 20 minutes from canada border by Niagara falls, looking for meetup (trans/fem preferred) or just chattin dirty :3
discord: subsissyboy
kik: SubSissyBoy_
canadian women are built for small usa cock
Looking for interesting people to talk with, play video games online, nerd games/hobbies irl.
Not looking for gay hookup sex.
Kik: SeaspraySolarquest
Not sure, just casual chat or looking for something
Also looking for someone to recommend me some good spots in Toronto to explore the city more
Hung and bi

I don't use discord but made one for this reason
disc: lewokisme1
Fetlife is probably your best bet, or maybe a swingers site
Don't you have to be in a relationship to be a swinger?
Swingers club are free for couples (and women) and you can go as a singles if you pay.

Never been in one, but a client runs one and was trying to get me to sign up.
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Hey, cowboy. Hahahaha. Sorry. The intent was to be honest. lmfao. Why sell myself as something I'm not? I figure that "people are going to figure out you're not who you say you are at some point so just tell em why you suck right off the bat and if they still want to know you, then we're good."
Fetlife. I've been to a couple in Montreal cause of it
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KIK: ReturnOfTheBoomBap
>About you
I am a gay bottom (vers). Short, pale, dark hair, glasses, I have been told I am fairly attractive.
I’m a prolific artist and a fledgling writer. I like horror content (creepypasta/scp/arg stuff), animated media, psychology, zoology, music, and more. I want to get into making music at some point. Anyone who can offer some guidance with songwriting, production or DJing would be very appreciated.
>Looking for
Masculine men who are attracted to men. Please be willing to meet up sometime in the near future. Ideally I want meaningful connection. I like guys of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern a lot too (I am both of these) but I am open to all people :)
>Not Looking for
Feminine people, this means women, femboys, MtF etc. Please no self proclaimed severely mentally ill people. I don’t like to talk to people who give one word responses or have 0 time to hold a meaningful convo.
Join the First Original canadian discord server established 2016!

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24, M, Latino/Native American, Montreal
I like the gym, playing music, deep convos, anime. People say I'm funny ig I'm no stand up comedian. People say I'm a bit quirky or weird. I love music and going to live things.

Looking for someone who wants to have cute moments together maybe hold hands or wtv. Someone who is kind and who isn't afraid of being themselves. Someone who likes music or that has hobbies I'd love to learn about them <3

Not looking for: racists, homophobes, mean people.

Discord: mynamajeff969
26M, Ottawa, ON. 613

Bored average everything (but intelligence, looks, and humour) switch looking for similar age or somewhat older women in the Ottawa/Gatineau area with whom to have fetish friendly fun and non-typical friendship

I am NOT looking for dudes with whom to be jerk buds

Kik HannibalKirk97
im bored. Im into 80s/90s action scifi movies, retro video games, nature, retro computing my desktop is still running windows 7 and I refuse to upgrade, my wifes hairy butthole haha.
kik hairybuttholez
I got a 8 inch fat BWC, Im looking for native women in the GTA Toronto

Kik qa155566
Hello my loves, how are you? I come here to tell you that right now I'm a little bored and I would like to have fun, taking advantage of the fact that I'm horny, but if you can help me with something, I promise to please you, you will like it, if you are interested, look for me on telegram and kik, This is my telegram user: @Emma_0987
And this is my kik user: Emma_Figueroa
31 m 905 Hamilton

Chill guy looking for women or couples into hotwifing/cucking. Fwb, something more serious or long term, I'm open to whatever as long as we communicate everything clearly. Not looking for single men. I'm into games, nerd stuff, documentaries, traveling and swimming when I can.

Or if you just need a friend I'm here if you need to talk too

Discord is vulcanore
I'm in alberta and I feel like every albertan I meet online is propogandized to hell, this place sucks
can I just meet people to go out with who aren't just waiting for the opportunity to drop a decade's worth of bigotry
>23 year old sissy/crossdresser >looking to chat with guys my age :)
>not looking for super unfit or boring
snap: maude_up24
you sound like a fuckin retard who has been "propagandized" the bigots you describe arent consuming propaganda or media they are just observing what is going on around them. while fucking idiots like yourself have magical thinking that somehow 80iq dead weight is going to stop making things worse if we just through enough resources at them. I hate jeets they smell bad, theyre rude, nepotistic, entitled and do shitty work. What propaganda was I consuming to lead me to that conclusion? Are my own observations propaganda? Then you fucking retards see one white person doing something bad and you basedjak point going
>see whites do it too
as if you're too fucking stupid to understand per capita. There is a reason the oceans are full of garbage in china and india and you are so "ToLeRaNt" you wont stop this place from becoming the same way. You need a good kick in the head you retard piece of shit. All of your wishful thinking never works in reality you fuckin moron. Go back to ontario where you fuckin belong. Its retards like you actively making things worse cause you think "all cultures are equally valid" even if that means shitting on the streets and trashing our bodies of water. Propaganda didnt teach me shit you retarded fucking nigger
theyre probably talking about the propaganda that makes you a reactionary brainlet
You dont even know what that word means. Its fairly obvious you are the ones consuming propaganda your brain got melted so hard it made you a tranny. Im not a helpless retard like yourself or the dumbass I responded to my opinions dont come from others. Wheres the propaganda showing me that jeets are shitty framers when I show up to a new home build and one end of the room is over an inch wider than the other as if they have never heard of a fucking square. What propaganda taught me that? That word is just a scapegoat cause youre far too retarded to even conceptualize people coming up with opinions of their own instead of being a confused programmed little faggot like yourself.
you having a rough day or something?
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Fucked this chick a a month ago. Tight af
Pffff lol talk about being propagandized... Yikes. Fucking dolt. Go say any of this bullshit out in public to get an actual dose of the reality you claim to understand. Complete idiot.
what propaganda? The real life experience I have says that when I go to a new home build framed by jeets and a whats supposed to be a rectangular room is actually a fucking trapezoid because theyre lazy and never heard of a carpentry square its a little fucking annoying. Our standard of living is actively going down and retard neets like you that have never worked with your hands in your life think its because people that form their own opinions from lived experiences are just consuming propaganda and "enlightened" individuals like yourself thinks society can function on nice feelings. Things are getting shittier because of retards like you and the shitheads you invite here not "bigots consuming propaganda" you are an actual moron "yikes". I shouldnt have to pay for your disability cheques youre dead weight useless warm body. Now please describe this propaganda that im supposedly consuming that makes me this way.
Literally none of what you are saying is even remotely true in the slightest. Stop trolling. You're not funny. You're probably 12. If not sincerely kys. I'm not addressing your drive, get help. Fucking idiot.
Keep writing out your diary bud, sounds like you're crying while writing this. Young guy who just started working in trades? Lotta faggots joining up these days.
You're no better. Fuck this websites "culture" you're all fucked in the head get a grip.
bro jeets suck at construction covering up their shoddy work is a pain in the ass.
>its not true because i have never picked up a set of tools in my life
okay retard I get it theyre all great and life is getting better the more trudeau brings in and our social programs are not under any stress at all. healtcare has never been better.
you cry when your supervisor yells at you stfu
what part of alberta?
>Province / Region / Area Code
>About you
Im an arab twink adjacent looking to hook up, bi and will blow anyone who wants head, prefer women especially older women but ill take anything rn
>What you're looking for
SEX! To give blowjobs
>What you're not looking for
Wasting my time
>Contact Info
Had to reset my kik I think I lost people who reached out :(

Still lookin' for anyone that wants to hangout in downtown Van!
Bored in southern 403 (leth) would love to rate your girl/wife and discuss her. Let her entertain us. Totally discreet

Tele Lau98765
Bro chill Indians aren't ruining Canada lol what
... what? do albertans not have hobbies?
This was so funny cuz literally right after you say that that dude proves you right.
albertan here, i mostly play video games
I know, the dude couldn't help but become the strawman I made up. Between that and the guy who wants to fuck someone else's wife, this is probably the worst province to make friends in.
as a white woman living in calgary i can confirm that pajeets have taken over some parts of the city, especially some colleges. went to bow valley in 2018/2019 and it was like 90% indian. i can go take pics of it sometime if you want. Its very easy to show just how much this place has become infested, you cant just tell people they arent seeing what they are seeing.
what games are you into champ
not the most exciting but I have been coping with hyper fixating on the elder scrolls this year
people are just trying to live bro. you're vocabulary gives too much away.
mostly jrpgs but ive been playing the shit out of cyberpunk recently because its so much fun, especially modded.
you wouldnt understand what its like to be a white woman surrounded by nonwhite men who give you the most disgusting stares and looks beacuse all of their experiences of white women came from porn before coming to canada on a student visa. they are all new to canada.
I haven't played the cyberpunk expansion yet but I enjoyed the base game pretty well, I wax a knife throwing cyber ninja and it was pretty fun
I don't know your experiences, but I think you would be fair to just say you don't feel comfortable around me your don't know! does them being non white really make a difference, would you fem safer of a white person treated you this way or what?
but, no, I don't think they only view white women as porn stars, that's a fucken goofy thinking .
>does them being non white really make a difference
its called pattern recognition. not all of the creepy and shitty men that i have experienced have been nonwhite, and not all of the nonwhite men i have experienced have been creepy. a lot of them have been nice. But the overwhelming majority of really fucking creepy, stalker behaviour, inappropriate comments, groping, etc etc, have all come from non white men. This is fucking insane when they are the minority. It means that, atleast in my experience, the non white men in calgary are way more likely to be real shitters.
I see.
as fellow white woman in calgary 100% the pajeets are taking over and it's horrible. dealing with them in any working environment is unironically the worst, and they often make me extremely uncomfortable. granted if anyone acted the way they do I'd be uncomfortable, but they have a distinct way of treating women that's not a fun time.
canadian gf yippie!1!! ^~^
They’re walking mounds of flesh. Not a spark of soul on their eyes. They’ve ruined public transit in Ontario entirely. I literally had to intervene when one kept pestering a clearly uncomfortable White woman. They literally cannot fathom social decorum.
Lmao the jokes write themselves

There is more sexism in India yeah but I don't think it's a problem here I mean here we have laws and we have Feminism. As long as we all uphold those values Indians won't "take over" they naturally just integrate. It's not really a race thing idk why you guys only think so one minded without any nuance. The reason why Indians and other immigrants move away is because they can't fucking stand their own country and how it's run anymore. You guys really think they're trying to ruin Canada?
Races biospiritually project what is in them onto a given environment. It’s why Whites produce western civilisation in Norway and in Australia despite having vastly different climates and histories. Every race has a biosporit that manifests itself and gets projected onto an environment when they hit a sufficient enough population. One can see this in every multiracial region, and indeed in Canada as it becomes more and more white erased.

You denying or dismissing the behaviour of invaders is because you want that victimization of us to continue. At least be man enough to admit it.
Im a 20 year old dude with a 7.5incher that lives in the GTA in east York Im looking for a femboy,trans or anybody whos interested. Anyway I'm going to leave my discord here dos02963 have a nice day everyone. :)
Kill yourself, thanks.
Holy Christ Alberta bro you werent kidding at all. My biospirit is telling me to never live in Alberta jesus
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31/m/Nova Scotia/902
>About you
I like hiking, video games/anime, camping, drinking and hanging out. I'm going to university right now as well
>What you're looking for
friends mostly I wanna go out and grab a drink, I don't really care about your gender
>What you're not looking for
gays, troons, """""straight""""" guys who are actually gay please don't waste my time I am not interested in ERP or sucking your dick
>Contact Info
admangeldust on discord
you said it man, my biospirit is crying out for someone to be kind and genuine without this bullshit. like, it's cool if you have someone to complain about, but turning your shitty experience into a rant about a group of people nobody else was talking about is too much. it happens so often, this is just a convenient example.

I play PC games. Disc is whatsthatforthis
rofl at buttblasted jeets itt anyone defending jeets is a jeet
simple as
>just trying to live
well they can do it away from me thanks
>Province / Region / Area Code
>About you
Play vids a bit too much latley, read a lot, hike, lift a bit but mainly working on cardio the last few months. I just got into photography and I am trying to learn as much as possible, also getting into backpacking and perserving food and what not, cooking and dehydrating a lot lately.
>What you're looking for
Actual converstations, or any kinda PC/Photography talk as I am new to both and could always learn more.
>Contact Info
discord: RulerInsane94

random pic I took a few weeks back in Banff on a hike.
>we are not ruining Canada
*shits on street*
I just checked back here now and am lmaoing at the shitstorm I caused. But yah youre probably right everyone who hates stinky poos is probably me totally
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22 y/o femboy from Ontario (519). Looking for hung guys, girls who like femboys or other cute femboys :) I'm pretty open minded so I like a variety of kinks and I love porn and hentai!

I'd love it if I could meet up with someone who would like to get sucked off, but im open to more!

Kik: futaloverxox
that aint even a snap
Any guys want to chat about 807 native girls?

kik — wallsuit
40 year old chill dude in Edmonton.

I quit drinking and now I need people to do things with, chat with me here.
40 year old chill dude in Edmonton.

I quit drinking and now I need people to do things with. I like gaming, lifting weights, hiking.
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35 M
I'm a dominant guy who loves showing off, and loves thicker girls.

KIK: ReturnOfTheBoomBap
>20 nova scotia
>Autistic depressed bisexual etc etc mixed race I like to play video games, draw, and hang out sometimes. First year compsci (failing)
>I am looking to make some friends in my area because im shy and cant do it irl lol
>not looking for 25+ sex or dating or anything gross like that no goooners! or stalkers, racists, transphobes, misogynists, pedophiles bigots of any kind. preferably no conservatives either i just find them annoying lol sorry
>disc: zitchingrey
My kik MalaveVictoria F20
I wish more girls online were from calgary
very hard to find any dates online here
Yeah eh, I haven't met a normal Albertan irl from where who sticks around and isn't secretly sick in the head. I've given up on getting anything close on here.
Every Albertan I've met is either batshit insane drunk on kool aid up on their soap box or they're super chill and this thread is proof of that
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604 23 M
looking to just hook up NSA
I'm down for whatever
discord: roadkillyxd
We definitely need more people on the chill side of things. Tired of every conversation devolving into us vs. them political talking points. Be nice if someone wanted to talk games and movies like normal people. Be happy instead of joyless angry pricks.
you can blame the left wing of politics for making all of politics us versus them.
they refuse to listen to any side that isn't in their echo chamber
as a result you can't fix anything in politics and it just keeps getting worse

the right wing on the other hand are too busy working or enjoying their hobbies
you are a giant faggot, unironically kill yourself
you are based and the jeets will be remigrated back to india
Ditto. So sick of chud conspiracy garbage. It's like if post election 4chan was made a province. Everybody here is a tucker carlson dick rider who spews falun gong propaganda. It's hilarious they think they are free thinkers.

That pierre whiner who doesn't say anything except cock ride trudeau wants even more migrants. It's actually hilarious how conservatives don't even know what they vote for. Well they do think the prime minister runs the economy so of course they are political illiterates. It goes with them talking about "muh real blue collar work" while being anti-marxist/ anti-labor theory. blue collar tradie owe all their privilege to organized labor and unions so it's just funny to me how they vote for more and more privatization and conservativism. Housing was more affordable when housing was a crown corporation. housing being an asset that landlords and corporations can horde and make a living off and rampant single home development is why we have a housing crisis and crashing economy. Not because of trudeau. It's also doubly funny how conservatives in canada and america blame the economic recession from covid on biden or trudeau. They don't understand economics. Then again albertans conservative rednecks think covid was a hoax or made in a chinese lab (actual falun gong tucker carlson propaganda). Another great irony about libertarian right wingers they are all for small government, liberty, freedom of movement. Until a brown person works really hard and moves next door to them, watch how fast they switch to authoritarianism. It's even more hilarious when you realize the "brown libtards" are a much wealthier group than white conservative people. Conservatives suffer from a thought termination illness. If they were capable of thinking for themselves or critically they wouldn't be right wingers. Not like the housing bubble started under harpers term and grew until trudeau started his term.
The conservative party are a bunch of falun gon shills just like tucker carlson. The superstitious chinese who think eating shark dicks gives them super powers. They were banned in china for being a cult that denies evolution and medicine (just like trump and the alt- right) so now it's their mission to be anti communist and pro libertarian whack job. They own the epoch times that spews tons and tons of pro trump pro conservative propaganda like the lie that wuhan achoo was made in a lab. Just go look at all those conservative encumbants who gave praise to falun dafa day. Tuck the cuck was just on joe rogan spewing vile nonsense that no scientist believes in evolution. Legally tuck isn't a reporter of facts he is BS artist which is why he is allowed to say bullshit like evolution being debunked to his paint huffing fanbase of retards on joe rogan. There is a shen yun billboard in my town. I read there is a scene where a car crash victim is healed by prayers (lmao) the exact kind of shit conservatives are paid to believe when they go deny vaccines by their handlers. Conservatives are not free thinkers they are the farthest thing from it. They will confidently tell you nobody believes in evolution because tuck said so, or that covid was made in a lab. While having no papers for alternative models to evolution and no evidence for covid being man made except facebook minions memes. Right wingers chomp down on propaganda daily, what can you expect from people who belive ancient fairytale books over empiricism and scientific method. They literally pick and choose whatever they want to believe. Like sandy hook being a hoax. Conservatives are so intellectually dishonest i never expect a word of truth from their mouths. Just look at how god king trump is facing jail time for all his crimes. Tuck, trump and alex jones could all be legally called bullshit artists by a trial and court they will still believe them to their dying breath.
It's ironic how they self identify as libertarians until migrants move here and do the jobs they don't want to do for shit pay.
>Okay maybe some small government.
Liberty ends when they don't like the owners of the means of production under cutting their labor. Wow .... It's almost like anarcho capitalism is impossible and ayn rand was a welafare queen who had a socialized education and died on benefits.
Then the conservachuds go and cry about unions and worker democracy lmao. They claim to not be propagandized by they are so politically illiterate they vote for the opposite of what they should be voting for.
if you hate alberta so much move back to ontario
I was born in Edmonton in the misericordia. I have been Albertan before you turned 15 during the trump election and made it your personality to cry about muh "libruhls". I probably will move out soon as the province becomes more unhinged and retarded. I'll be protest voting for trudeau for the first time.
>B-but don't you know trudeau man ruined the economy, now we need to end all social programs!
>Not the pandemic, it was made in a lab anyway, you face diaper wearing babies!

Average Pierre facebook boomer rhetoric. Can't wait to never see another retarded conservative who believes in chemtrails.
This fag loves paying carbon tax and vacations for Trudeau. We are collapsing, retard. The cost of living is fucked. You must be a city worker or some shit
Hey bro,
Wanna be jerk buds?
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>22m asian crossdresser
>ON Toronto
>Looking to give bj to a top who can host and take some pics for me
I'm not reading all that but I want handguns unbanned again.
no thanks. I mentioned NOT wanting that because I got a ton of dudes asking about that last time I made a post
smol PP or milhouse as I like to call him isnt going to do shit. only boomers still have hope for the CPC. couldnt be bothered reading the rest of that tripe. youre still stuck in the boomer "mentality" I dont even watch TV i dont need to get second hand opinions to notice things getting shitty. You are coping so hard
even worse hes probably on disability being that fucking stupid. wants more money for his special ed programs
meant to put "blame fox news" in quotes thats so fucking boomer. who tf is watching cucker tarlson, guy is a fucking shill and just a scapegoat for waste of oxygen leftists. Its the fucking jews and always has been the jews.
>interest on loans
>race mixing
>uncontrolled immigration
>multiculti while they establish the ethnostate of israel
>trans atlantic slave trade
>critical race theory
>endless wars
all jewish all made to enslave us gentiles and weaken us so they may rule over us. jeets are jusy a symptom of their policies and they are horrible because they are all the most shabbos fucking subservient goyim of them all. They went after Hitler because he removed the jewish central banking cartels from Germany and actually cared about his people. Anyone who doesnt name the jew is a fucking shill that includes tucker, alex jones and all those controlled opposition retards. Boomers are just so brainwashed and stupid they make an easy scapegoat for stupid leftists to paint all right wingers that way. nobody gives a fucking shit about tucker except naive old people. I dont want my children to grow up in a country full of brown people that have refused to integrate and bully my kids for the crime of being white. Had my grandfather known what this country would soon become he probably would have fought for the other side. We live in the modern weimar republic and the people at the forefront of destroying everything our ancestors worked to build are all from a certain tribe that has been exiled over 1000 times through the course of history. Exiled over 1000 times and of course it was never their fault right?
f 306
looking for some1 to talk to im bored
reply with ur discord tag
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where in skatch? regina? stoon?
hes right tho
I want hand guns banned for good. It results in safer communities. I don't care if you feel unsafe around brown people. Conservatives are just cowards.

If you could read the prime minister doesn't control the economy also i love the carbon tax. I take the bus and it's about time cagers paid their fair share for roads and we built more trains.

I know you don't watch tv you get all your news and opinions from twitter and facebook like all conservatives. It's actually funny though how consoyvatives cope that their alt right talking heads aren't real mainstream media. People like crowder and tuck get paid millions to spew propaganda it's just funny how blue collar working boys simp for them.

None of the conservatives could even provide a proper rebuke to any point because being conservative requires thought termination and a lack of education. Not even going to reply to the sperg who went on a rant about jews, transgenders and feminism. The conservatives love israel btw watch how conservatives here are glad police silence protestors. Reading comments about the crackdown on the calgary student protests baffle me. These were the same people who cheered on those schizo truckers.
crowder is a closet faggot milking boomers for simp bucks and conservatives dont conserve anything. fuck conservatives you little retard I want fascism I want little queers weenies like you in camps. I would gladly accept communism if it meant stalinism and we got to shoot all you art students and leave you in a ditch. You havent created anything youre a leech who spews his brainrot on others. Youre a consoomer jacking off to a picture of bernie sanders onto an anime figure. You are dead weight that is of no benefit society and we would be better off without you or your type.
felloutofthetree on disc. I’m also from 306.
b.orche on discord, m 306
Add me latina sexi telegram @valen189
>wahhh i need the state to violently enforce a hierarchy because im so much better wahh
get a grip faggot hahaha
any mtf in the 905?

kik nuallain
33/m/AB (403)
I just want to rub my big thick veiny cock against a nice little femme one. drip pre all over both of us and use it as lube
kik leaky.pipe
>If you could read the prime minister doesn't control the economy also i love the carbon tax. I take the bus and it's about time cagers paid their fair share for roads and we built more trains.
I am one of the railroad workers who maintains the infrastructure for the trains you want... the carbon tax directly fucks me over because I need to drive to work.
The carbon tax is a necessary evil to stop over consumption and destruction of our planet. It's a necessity some eggs need to be cracked to make an omelette. Then again most conservatives deny global warming is happening. Also in places like china with adequate public transit this isn't a problem. Also a carbon tax would encourage people who need to be cagers to downsize their car sizes. In alberta everybody drives a pick up even though 90% of people don't need one and would incentivize consumers and manufactures to make smaller cars. Upset about gas prices? Can always buy a hybrid corolla or another car in the compact class. Our gas prices are actually subsidized.

Car owners and suburbanite boomers take way way way more out of the system they put in. Read about strong towns. Way more than trudeaus civil servant wage at that. In all honesty somebody like me who takes the bus even though i probably make half your wage is subsidizing the roads you use. It's just time cagers paid their fair share. Don't like it take a shuttle to camp or get a hybrid. The carbon tax actually benefits low to middle class earners because a lot of what it makes will be from corporations who pay a lot less in taxes than they did 30-40 years ago. Which will pay for social programs and infrastructure development that benefit everybody.
Libertarian retards quickly revert to fascism because the capitalist hierarchy requires threats of violence to enforce. It's anti democracy. Well except in places like Alberta that are thoroughly brainwashed. Right wingers are all for liberty and small government until they want all the homos and brown people rounded up and killed. Then they want some authority and some rights taken away. There's a reason ayn rand was a full retard who died on welfare. Anarcho capitalism will never work.
I work nights, message whenever, get replies whenever.
other 306 homies with no expectations welcome to add
holy fuck you are annoying you have grown up your entire life brainwashed and you have fallen for it so hard youre now a tranny. People driving cars is not killing the planet dumbass. You are what is called a useful idiot and once your usefulness is up you will be shot in the head and pushed in a ditch with the rest of the morons. You are the carbon they want to reduce. You're so fucking brainwashed you think average joe just trying to make a living is killing the planet while your idols fly around in private jets and ocean cruiseliners pump out more emissions than entire cities. This isnt about saving the planet its about punishing regular people just trying to live. Corporations always pass costs onto consumers and its naive to think otherwise. You zoomers are the most hopelessly retarded generation buying everything your masters shits out hook line and sinker. How many covid boosters are you up to now retard?
I've literally seen this response and the one they're responding to word for word before, is this site really just bots now?
Chuds are retarded and I'm not saying you do support Trudeau but he's literally indefensible bro has so many scandals.
>Province/Region/Area Code
>About You
Just a regular guy from Asia whole like the public transport.
>Looking for
Friends in general
>Not Looking for
Anything goes really, just keep politics to a minimum
>Contact info
Discord: tristar4590
That's just conservative media propaganda.
>Oh no justin trudeaus charity received donations from the chinese Communist party
This upsets cucksoyvatives because like i said before they belive falun gong propaganda. Trump and the conservative party are way more crooked. Trump faces jail time but he is a god to the alt right, trudeau has a charity. Worse than hitler. So many trump fans in Alberta.
Like one of trudeaus controversies is stopping the schizo truckers from embargoing highways over vaccine denialism. Meanwhile the same conservative retards who wanted more people sacrificed for financial liberty cheer on Calgary police throwing flash bangs into peaceful student assemblies.

It's because conservatives get all their news from facebook and wikipedia. Plenty of shills who want to destroy canadian leftism. Not nearly as much leftist talking heads on the internet who talk about conservative controversies.
Like Donald trump diddles kids but there is a wikipedia page about how trudeau accidentally elbowed another politician, like 8 years ago. That is the level of scrutiny ohr prime minister faces. Meanwhile a teen girl was abducted from trumps resort and put on the epstein express. But consoyvatives are upset trudeau elbowed somebody by mistake 8 years ago
Trudeau was literally fired from his teaching job for sleeping with a student and got off scotts free because he's a laurentian elite. The only party not populated by absolute psychos in the fed government is the Bloc. Instead of crying like bitches over the Bloc, other provinces should start their own province-specific parties and MAYBE we'll be done with those Liberal/Cons/NDP nutjobs
you need to take your meds. trudeau diddled a kid way before he was PM and paid the family hush money. dont know why you keep bringing up trump though the guy is a wall kissing faggot just like every other president but hes broken your brain so you cant shut the fuck up about him. fuck zion don and fuck koshervatives. also most your lefty pals are finally coming out against the clot shots too so you really need to get with the times. Your political enemies are all strawmen you cooked up in your schizo brain, please start taking your meds again and its time for another "safe and effective" booster.
>i hate the corporations they are all greedy and le evil
>jab me harder daddy thank you for your benevolence pfizer
you really are a brain broken retard. capitalism and communism are two sides of the same shekel my dear brainlet.
Looking to bottom for a domme with a strap-on, or a cute dominant ts.

Montreal // 514 // QC

Hit me up on Kik @ Antagonists7 and we can take it from there and see if it fits.
god you are so annoying. This is supposed to be a hookup thread but all you can croak about is "TRUDEAU RUINED LE MY COUNTRY" how about you get some bitches on your dick
I can't get any bitches on my dick because
trudeau and ever other left voting asshole ruined my country
34 m Southern Ontario
Bored wanna be sissy beta male looking for kinky chat with likeminded men and women add me on telegram if you want to chat! Cheers
Move to the US then and leave Canada to actual decent people you miserable fucking right wing piece of shit.
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20 Female Perky Sexy Medical Nursing Student
Half Filipina / Half Europeian

Snap|Kik|Telegram: shannaplays
You move to russia or china you communist
actually you faggots started it crying about alberta.
>wahhhh alberta is le racist
racism is a bs term invented by trotsky.
26, M, Montréal

I'm straight and looking for something serious. I like going out during the day or night and just walk around or bike, nothing too extreme. I sometimes hang out with some friends and watch movies or go to bars with them but most times ill just be doing it alone. I am around 170 cm tall and 58 kg, I have long dark brown hair, brown eyes and a beard/moustache. I work long shifts on weekends so if you can't hang out during the week or late at night on weekends it probably wont work. Ideally i would like to meet someone of a similar age to me that speaks french (i dont like speaking english in public). My preference are brown hair, brown eyes and similar height but those are not absolute necessities. Rest doesnt matter to me except i am not attracted to overweight women

Contact is medivor on discord. It's an alt account, I dont want to post my real account here.
Not communist, just believe everybody should have all basics provided. Food, shelter, health care (everything).
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hey would any of you have sex with picrel :3

if you wanna fug or snug, drop a contact btw :3c

also im EXTREMELY kinky!!! be forwarned!
also also im bordering on nymphomaniac when it comes to sex drive, i will likely leave you feeling like a fucking dehydrated raisin, I can and will have you fuck me for hours :3c

also also also facially i've been told im rather cute so >w>
anyone wanna chat about canada dm let’s chat

> 32 White Male
> Nova Scotia / Halifax / 902
> Looking to build something we can both be proud of. I've got the land. Just need the partner
>What you're looking for
A woman to help me escape the matrix
Unvaccinated women only
>What you're not looking for
Feminism, dudes
>Contact Info
Kik - EastboundAround
>About you
Lonely person looking for human connection. I like nature, birdwatching/insects/foraging, hikes and walks.
I'm also into philosophy board games, books and movies and history.
>What you're looking for
People to hang out with/share a hobby/friends
>What you're not looking for
>Contact Info
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That is communism
No, it's socialism. Communism is where the gov't controls all. I don't if there are rich people, that's fine. I care that in one of the *ahem* greatest countries in the world there are people homeless, hungry, sick.
22M Vancouver (technically UBC lol)

Generic quirked up whiteboi college student with a touch of autism and a bunch of random obscure interests. Aka every other half well adjusted imageboard user on this site... But in Vancouver!

looking for cool ppl and perhaps cute girls to explore the underground music scene in Vancouver with more... Need to escape my dorm before I go insane

I'd be down sometime!!
You're pretty autistic, even for 4chan.
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Love thick girls, and live in the KW area.

KIK: ReturnOfTheBoomBap
they certainly aren't helping the situation
edmonton for the week
want to try to suck a cock for the first time.
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27/m/richmond hill 416 toronto

looking to fuck this week i just got on new meds and have been horny as fuck

hit me up if you're FTM or a femboy/mtf i'm down to try out some bussy

and on the rare chance a women reads this, hi lets get coffee

Hello my loves, how are you? I come here to tell you that right now I'm a little bored and I would like to have fun, taking advantage of the fact that I'm horny, but if you can help me with something, I promise to please you, you will like it, if you are interested, look for me on telegram and kik, my telegram user: @Emma_0987
And this is my Kik user: Emma_Figueroa
33/M/ Kamloops (250)

Bi,Daddy dom type into bdsm and abdl stuff
Women and fembois/femmes

Kik: Lockheartersatz
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Karolane Blais From Toronto
Hr worker and complete slut
Getting fucked and creamed by stranger
Her snap karxo23
Kik cgrey207 more her
My God if I had my way with you we would both be dead on the highway within the next hour.
M 30
Southern Ontario

Looking for women to talk to, work alot and don't socialize very much

If you wanna meet up and possibly get food or walk at the river

Kik Puffnhaze420
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if your still looking
im 6'3 tall and fit as fuck reply and ill send my discord
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18 looking for females from europe

Join the OG Canadian 4chan Discord

EST 2016

21 F
>Province / Region / Area Code
>About you
>What you're looking for
I'm looking Friends to have fun
>What you're not looking for
Bored ppls
>Contact Info
Kik dianakela19
25[F4M]looking for a submissive and sub message me on kik divalee001

Telegram @katemille304
Discord: mistresskate0405
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Looking for bussy in Edmonton, love crossdressers and sissies
34 white, 6'4 210lbs, 7"cock.
Age range 20-40,smooth preffered
Tested regularly, and condoms
No hard drugs
Kik edmotop
why? I am the same dude as made the post the other guy replied to; I just used my other phone to reply to him

or did you mean to address the other guy?
that is still communism
if you want charity join a church
You're even more stupid than I imagined, can't even tell the difference. Sounds like you already found religion.
29/transgirl/ canada - oshawa
>About you
I'm 5'2, 105 lbs with dark-blonde hair, amber-greenish eyes and slim with a big butt, i look far younger than i am and have a strong euro accent.
I'm into nature, old vidya, anime, night walks and music.
anything else just ask me on discord.
>Looking for
A long term relationship with either a man or woman from canada, who ideally wants a live in gf before or by the end of may. I'm open to older people but any age is fine.
alternativly a room mate might be fine too if you have a place.
>Not looking for
anyone who wants hookups or nudes
The liberals got infiltrated by the communists years ago. Every policy they make is intended to harm the country.
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21 yo horny femboy
looking for anyone to goon all day n night with to anything you like ;) (prefer trans or fem but anyone welcome!) i’ll share pics of myself all night n jerk off together, n show off my toys n cute outfits!
kinks: futa,trans, incest,cumplay, ass, tits, pegging, femdom, bdms, orgasm control, n a ton others i’ll share
limits are scat piss gore vore
trade hentai, irl or any sort of porn, just let’s break eachother and edge all night long
don’t unadd me after once convo is all i ask :3
discord: subsissyboy
snap: femboy_noelle
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KIK: ReturnOfTheBoomBap

Love thicker girls.
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33 / m / Montreal

>Province / Region / Area Code
QC 438 514

>About you
full stack dev, jazz and metal drummer, year-round cyclist

i get what it's like to have anxiety. i've come a long way from who i was at 18, browsing r9k in my mom's basement.

>What you're looking for
looking for people that are fun to talk to. my favourite people are sensitive and aren't afraid of (sometimes) finding humour in dark places. no, not just edgelord humour.

i like talking about feelings. it's an interesting thing to me to figure out the why behind my thoughts and i've found it really helpful for not being that hateful, afraid 18 year old.

i have a partner. we're both short gingers. we're doing a bit of a poly thing. yeah, it's vague for now. i'm not just looking for people to fuck, thanks.

>What you're not looking for
i have a hard time with people who just infodump without any awareness of my engagement. just ask me a good question now and then, you'll be fine.

>Contact Info
what? .w.

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20 Female Perky Sexy Medical Nursing Student Pinay

Snap|Kik|Telegram: playmshanna

Any women want to see my penis? I have had a shit day and could use some positive attention :)

Kik: anonymess1
Different anon, 33/m/North
Wouldn't mind chatting, see how things work out. Cute stockings ;3
kik: thesteams
Female 22 y/o from UK . Looking to have fun? I'm up and available!

I love to expose myself here and drain your balls!
I'm available in sext, joi, customs, sph, cei, gfe and cam show FaceTime, hmu!

Telegram : lilyfreak
Kik : preciousasiann
Your foil cap is too tight, and obviously given to you by the Cuntservitive party.
{F4M} Are you ready to be trained and explore more kinky lifestyle. Need a Loyal submissive sissy Slave

Text me on KIk:

catfish seller
like all the other kik and telegram users
What city?
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its the long weekend lets watch movies, fuck, eat pizza, etc
I'm going to be moving to Downtown Vancouver in a couple weeks
Anyone from around the 905 here?

Kik nuallain
>Province / Region / Area Code
>About you
I can't wait to leave Vancouver but I have to stick around here for another year. I like nature, hiking, rowing, animals/dogs, reading, writing, music and movies. I'm a bit introverted and physically have been told I'm pretty cute (green eyes/dark brown hair).
>What you're looking for
Just someone semi sane to talk to and eventually chill with. Wouldn't mind a hiking partner or someone to go to concerts with.
>What you're not looking for
Gay men/trans/Indians or BBW/plus size women.
>Contact Info
Telegram: mellowmoonlight604
My kik MalaveVictoria F20
40/m/204 (Winnipeg)
Looking for local guys to chat with maybe more.
disc: quixoticat
kik: quixoticat
My chubby friend sells. Anyone want to buy a share?

Kik Jean_Valjean13 - share your PayPal e-mail. If I get a price from her, I will hit up whoever responds to this notice with an invoice for an equal share of the cost. With enough guys, we can keep individual cost low (under $20 per guy) and get something good.

Say what you want from her. I will see what I can do.
No one is going to crowd source nudes from a braphog in 2024 my guy
you'd be surprised
Small bump, snap is same, edmotop
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Those big unpleasant British girls were opening at like $100 for a set of basic nudes too. Do you people not understand the collapse of service work now upon is? We have genuinely hot girls selling dropboxes for $40. Long calls with face for $40. This has to be your girlfriend or someone you have a cache from because it's just an unreasonable suggestion in today's marketplace.
notice how everyone trying to dogpile you has no actual arguments as to why you're wrong. Keep it real bertabro.

I'm in Vancouver and personally I'm sick of all the the normies that endlessly vote for more brown people - no matter what you call me for saying it, mass immigration has caused our housing crisis (1.3 million new residents last year and ~250k housing units started in same period), increased competition for jobs and thereby reduced wages, and will cause Canada to become an unrecognizable shithole in our lifetimes. Argue with me if you will.
Except for every girl that makes money selling, there's 50k girls who wouldn't even cover a 1-room apartment's rent with it. Of course, no fucking girl doing that will tell you they make jack shit because being "popular" is part of the meta too.
>about you
im lizzy, i like vampire the masquerade and buffy the vampire slayer
>what you're looking for
irl people to play vampire the masquerade with because i want to run it but can't find players, friends
>what you're not looking for
contact is @lizzybyzzy on discord im stupid
Have you seen the state of Canada?

Crime up
Housing prices up
Homeless up
Amount of poors up
Foodbank usage up
Scandals up
Ethics violations up
You mean the emergency wartime powers that he was not legally justified in using?
You're totally brain-dead
>Also in places like china with adequate public transit this isn't a problem.

They pollute more in a year than the last decade of our pollution you dense fuck

The carbon tax is just redistribution of wealth where several billion dollars has been skimmed off the top by the corrupt upper class pals of turdeau
>I want hand guns banned for good. It results in safer communities. I don't care if you feel unsafe around brown people. Conservatives are just cowards.

They were always banned, the exception was license holders

Gun crime has gone up not down since the ban
If it actually made things safer, I'd agree with you. It doesn't, the criminals have always illegally possessed guns and will continue to do so regardless of whatever feel good news headline "ban" gets promoted to the public

Consider maybe every police chief of all the major cities said it wouldn't help them deal with crime at all... They'd be the most inclined to like it if it fucking actually worked
Can we make it days?
23/M/ North Edmonton
Discord: sillygewce
Kik: asillygewce
fitness, gaming, tv shows and movies, hanging outside daily
>What you're looking for
people to hang out with in the area, people to play games with, friends and maybe more
Retarded to accept this framing, The Government should not have the monopoly on violence. We should be able to have what guns we want because we are not chattel slaves.
And if you think the Cunty's will improve this you are completely fucking delusional. It all started with Mulroney and made even worse by Stephan Herpie.
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26 M Winnipeg Manitoba
>Province / Region / Area Code
Manitoba/ Prairies / 204
>About you
I enjoy online communities, building cool buildings in my Minecraft server, and deep people that have a story to tell :D
>What you're looking for
Terminally online people, Doomers? People who want to have interesting conversations.
>What you're not looking for
>Contact Info
I'm only active on my personal discord

Imagine thinking Trudeau did nothing wrong keklmao

Man literally did blackface and fiddled a high-school student

No conservative would ever be a politician with those skeletons
Does it really matter? It will never actually make things safer lel
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Female 19 Perky Natural Asian
Medical student in training

Kik/Telegram: ladybabes69
Snapchat: flowergirlkiffy
koshervatives have completely broken your brain. like how many times do you need to be told red team and blue team have the same owners. You sound like a union government worker spinster cat lady spouting off like that. PP isnt going to do shit canadians tell him were sick of immigration and the guy is out there campaigning to bring in even more jeets. I guess I shouldnt expect anything intelligent out of you when the HRT dropped your IQ 50 points. You are an actual retard angry about some strawman your teachers and service union leaders cooked up in your simple brain. Things have been made even worse under trudeau and youre stuck in a boomer cat lady mindset. stop being such a simpleton binary thinking faggot.
Left wingers are the drugged up communists.xwjtm

Looking for a jerk off buddy. Someone to edge with, watch porn, talk bout chicks we know. Prefer older men 45+.

theyre so fucking delusional and naive to boot. real communism would only ever work in a society where there are more givers than takers aka white society. when you have dei hire jeets making 6 figures at TD bank scamming our foodbanks it should be blatantly obvious a system like that could never work in practice. they all think under communism we will hold hands singing kumbaya and everything will just be hunky dory.
I hope you've enjoyed the long weekend!

Heterosexual finance bro
Discord: analystandy
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Alberta M 29

Looking to find anyone who recognizes my ex so we can both cum our brains out to her

HMU on Kik

Real communism just never works, humans are flawed inherently and that system has never had safeguards against corruption
Contact me at HannibalKirk97. I'm looking for a jerkoff buddy
Canucks welcome but not if ur gay or liberal or brown
Hello, you should join our silly friends server for banter among other chan losers.
NEETs, chuds, troons, oldfags, and the mentally ill are all welcome!
Join if you like maps, geography, history, nature, music, animals, or if you have hobbies you'd like to discuss.
Fat women encouraged to join!
WHITES ONLY and please no Christians or other Abrahamics.
18+ ONLY
Nice honeypot, fed.
really wish more canadians would post
also would like to see more from alberta
24 Male Latino

514 Montreal

I am looking to find someone to date and ultimately a relationship. I am not having much luck on my own. I'm not a degenerate and I am not extremely ugly.

I am devoted to being a good partner and a good person. I like playing music, going to live things. I also like anime, running, working out, etc.

I would like to find a nice girl on here if that's even possible.
21F i'm horny someone online to have fun on Kik dianakela19
Oh silly me I forgot my contacts again:
For discord...
32M with 27F couple looking to swing on the 30th near Edmonton. looking for another couple
32/M/416 (Toronto or North York, ON)

Married guy with an adultery kink. I'm not looking to uproot my life, but sex happens to be my vice. If this offends you please block me, I am not here to engage with those who abhor adultery.

The primary reason for my being on this site is to find and connect with a woman for exclusive, on the downlow, productive and fulfilling meet-ups. I'm looking to burn off the sexual fire that I don't have a consistent outlet for.

Some general things I enjoy: power imbalances, taking things outdoors, age gaps (either way), copious amounts of foreplay, witty banter. Consent is key for me, I am into anything from mild to wild (CNC included).

More specifically:
I'm keen to find a younger, shy/reserved/conservatively-raised woman who wants to undergo "sexual corruption." I'll happily explain what I mean by that if it is not obvious.

I am seeking NSA, discreet fun. Could be a one-off, or once a month - let's chat about it. I'm open to MF couples as well.

I am fit - I workout/run several times per week, and I appreciate those who take care of their health.

Kik: JJtheTOguy
SC: buttfudgen
contact me jonathan_cyr24 on snap
I am an immature gayfag 40 m
also my number - +1 (438) 468-4163
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26 / m / Montreal

>Province / Region / Area Code
QC 450 438 514

>About you
Chill non-judgmental bi working in tech. I like video games, movies, music, some anime, hanging out, getting drinks, horror stuff in general, some other things too

>What you're looking for
Looking for some fun people to talk to, maybe even hang out or get some drinks. People who want to tell me about their latest obsession too

>Contact Info
disc: cretaceousfish
Mid 20s / m / quebec

Hot twink type guy, looooove having my face sat on

Kik: boiiwife
kinda got a craving to suck some dick.. 32 m 604 in downtown Vancouver. Anyone want to come over? post your snap or disc
F22 latina
I like guys from Canada, they are usually very flirtatious and I find them attractive, I am a chubby girl, I like to play and hard cocks
Snapchat: bunny_liss
Kik: liss_chilk
Telegram: @Lisbb20
catfish has been the ages of 22 to 27 within the last two years


I’m 31 Latino fit chill and just looking for some chill time. I like taking walks, gaming, hittin the gym and just chilling out. I’m easy going and just looking for a cool ass girl that’d like to just chat and see how things go?

32/M going to Anime North this weekend. Looking for a good time with a woman

Anyone going?
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KIK: ReturnOfTheBoombap

Live near KW region, lets talk.
I don't care about safety, I care about right.
35 Male

Anyone know any glory holes in the Oakville, Ontario or surrounding areas? M for M ideally, or others are fine too.

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32/m 905 region looking for size queens. Leave your discord/kik/snap.
Any girls in berta want to cuck my wife?

38 fit male looking to talk to any ladies in or around Windsor. Let's have fun

Kik: WindsorDILF
Male 29

Not even sure what I want desu. Just feel lonely all the time.

I'm interested in women, even though I've never had a woman interested back. I'm pretty fat and when I posted my face online to be rated, people told me I was ugly.

I try not to let any of that get me down though. I just like to live my life one day a time until my inevitable demise.

London area, 519
kik: anonymess1
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19 Female Single Asian
Filipina / German Nursing Student

Kik/Telegram: ladybabes69
Snapchat: flowergirlkiffy

Introverted white guy living alone in a house in the city. I work in tech from home. I'm into gaming, listening to music, guitar, archery, comic books, solo travel, and trying to keep active.

>looking for
Anything. Close friendships. Conversation. Someone to game with. Maybe future travel companions.

Ottawa F 18 i wanna see u get hard and cum to me idkidk discord: rosemarykennedy
Anyone at AN?
27 f canada
i like things where im submissive since im into bdsm like rape or breeding or both but i just want to coom and move on
not keen on sending pics, im not a photo vending machine
yes they absolutely are
im s o fucking bored

24 f toronto

>About you
i like books and art and movies and shit like that. i like to draw and read and write. i also like cooking and driving and working actually

>What you're looking for

>What you're not looking for
more than frens

>Contact Info
plssss if ur interested drop ur disc. i cannot deal with a million adds who never reply thank you
>this is why i went huh, alberta
>i am in the military, and well.. i an el lonelly and hate tlaking to all these dumbasses online x3
>someone preferably Asian or lives in the same province so i can visit, visisting irl is a key thing because i am tired of being called a trannie so see me irl lol
>annoying people, browns or blacks, atheists, and people who cant vc
> “Basilica.” With the peorid
Highly mentally unstable tranny catfish.
i'm 31/m in manitoba, into movies etc.
disc: dorkbag
do you have discord?
discord- hopefulpea
>offered to visit
> “you trannie catfish”
they really write themselves
Kind of boring idunno. Most people on this website are dogshit at actual conversation wcyd
why do people call you tranny (note: not trannie)? you write like you're unstable or low iq though
Youre not female okay male catfish is that better.
>low IQ
He is low functioning autist that sounds like a baby when he talks.
Stopped reading.

You are a parasitic faggot.

Go suck some indian dick or something
Where you located ?
Me too
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Looking for F down for gardening together or going for a weekly hike or bike ride. I'm a chronically depressed fat urban lumberjack. Also down to chill with pretty much anyone, drop me a line for some Timmies and parking lot hangouts.

Discord: ManicDeleter
holy fuck you sound Canadian

what's "37 times in the chest" mean? tally of cumshots on your titties?
I'm guessing that is their discord.
It is a reference to a youtube video called llamas in hats
Where carl the llama is a serial killer
And one of the first quotes of carl the llama is him admitting to stabbing a guy 37 times in the chest.
She is likely completely insane or hates men if that is her discord handle
A long shot but hoping to run into some guy who also knows/jerks to this one hot Turkish babe with a fat ass living in Toronto

Kik: frozencrows
are you retarded, that was a big meme in the 2010s and she's 27 so it's just related to her age. can't even have a fucking meme name on 4chan without a retard assuming you're insane or hate men lmao
“caaarl killing people is bad” is just as quotable
i’m saying chick is nuts for choosing the “killing people” part (something no one remembers because the joke is caaaaarl!)
a better quote from the same time is
"let's all go to candy mountain"
from charlie the unicorn which was made by the same youtube channel
>About you
in the psych ward one lady called me "everyone's favourite fruit" no homo
>What you're looking for
a drinking buddy, someone i can go to shows or occasionally barhop with or even just go to a pub and have a discussion, debate etc
>What you're not looking for
criminals, poor people, political extremists, horndogs, neets
>Contact Info
disc: dorkbag
306 lfg
added you, also from ottawa
ON/Hamilton/905 gym bros rise up

Hmu and let's chat about how shitty the Crunch Fitness on the mountain is (some hotties there tho) or random nerdy shit if you're into gaming/anime

Disc: paladinofzeon
canada hay guy!
Late 20s F Montreal QC
>About you
Crunchy /pol/tard. I like to craft stuff like soaps and preserves and clothing, weight lift, and mess around in nature. Been a bit of a shut-in for years due to circumstances and it would be nice to meet some people.
>What you're looking for
Friends, a husband, someone to bitch with, suggest books, teach me how to do homestead or pepper type skills, share hobbies with, etc.
>What you're not looking for
Leftists, faggots, non-whites, glowniggers, people not interested in sending long paragraphs and getting them in return.
>Contact Info
Drop your telegram or protonmail.

I have telegram but I'm also not rawdog posting it on 4chan.
Get out of MTL you racist bitch
Quebec for the french you cuckolded race traitor.
We got lots of canadians, love eating poutine and watching hockey

30/m toronto. I ilke reading and films.
kys lol
This is hilarious since Québeckers were once considered the niggers of Canada.
Stfu nigger
Nah quebec has always been the nazis of canada.
If the had their way the would murder everyone that spoke english
They literally make laws about how big french words have to be on any sign with another language on it.
If you don't comply you get a fine,
pretty sure if they could get away with it they would arrest all tourists that couldn't speak french abd put them in camps.
>If the had their way the would murder everyone that spoke english
Anglos are the biggest jew enablers, so yeah, you all deserve it.
The french literally gave the jews the biggest excuse in the history of man, France's Clemenceau is directly responsible for the way the Nazis got so popular by refusing the Terms in the Treaties until America and Britain agreed to have Germany indentured to France indefinitely through unreasonable reparations. America, and Britain, along with the rest of the Allies in WWI agreed that it would be a bad Idea for the french to do what they did and would lead to another war. The French, being French said fuck you I will scream and cry and keep the war going until you agree with me. The rest of them didn't want a war, so they agreed, and Lo and Behold! 15 years later the Nazis took power. No the French have always been disgusting and bad at managing a nation. It's probably why their empires collapsed so quickly.
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KIk: ReturnOfTheBoombap

Live in KW region
Also the French are notorious for ignoring the needs of their citizens. Look at Paris, the people are burning it down because the government won't listen to them. At least they have the fucking courage to do something about it, you animals in QC are literally so weak and irrelevant that you need to make laws to have people even look at your own media because it is so fucking ass. Along with French dying out in traditionally french territories in favor of native languages, and it is even in trouble in France itself due to influences from spain, and germany. French won't be a language used much in less than 200 years.
In one term of the Liberals foodbank use went from 700k visits to over 1.5M visits in Canada and under the liberals the Foodbank System in Canada is starting to Collapse.
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life wasn't hard enough, no I just HAD to be born in this shithole. Everyone just makes fun of me because of my accent or downright avoid talking. Meanwhile online other cursed people just make me embarrassed to be associated with them. When am I gonna catch a fucking break.
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19 mtf (3 years hrt) Canada
>Province / Region / Area Code
>What you're looking for
someone who wants to get to know eachother online and maybe be a bit lewd x3 I'm a really big bottom lol.
Open to meeting up irl and for relationships
>Contact Info
Into the homesteading and related topics.
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>32 M Downtown area
>6'1, hazelnut eyes, muscular, brown hair
>reading manga
>Runner up Sexiest IT Man Alive 4chan 3 years running.
>Ex fireman and professional puppy saver
>Travelling the world breaking hearts

If you like a fireman with a big hose and like to get wet then what are you waiting for
Discord: aeo1is
Racism is really cringe guys why hate people for their ethnic background?
29f toronto
brunette, decent ass, a bit chubby (155lbs)
kik: cchloekk
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Got discord?
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college student with no limit ready to help you with your hard rod and fulfill your fantasies
KIK: ziasky19
stfu it's a lot more nuanced than that but I wouldn't suspect a literal midwit to understand.
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obvious obese bitch
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34/M/southern alberta
just a guy whos a hermit, looking for some based bros or nice girls. I live on a farm and mainly hunt and shoot.

Kik: DylanSA999
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Generalized statements are made by the ignorant and the mentally stunted instead of talking specifics
Hey Canadian dad, would you like a Latin girl totally submissive for you?

Snap: Lalita0334
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>Generalized statements are made by the ignorant and the mentally stunted instead of talking specifics
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Nobody wants to join your server mate
spamming the board isn't going to change that

Looking to meet up and have my throat and ass fucked. Taunytaun is my kik
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Quebeckers were still considred niggers a whole six decades after Canada aboloshed slavery. Imagine being so niggerish, that you're white and still a nigger.
Oh shit!

I regularly run VtM for my friends.

M30 from Niagara
Niagara 905/ M / 33

Bear looking to M or F to top/bot in Niagara Falls. Not really looking for anything other then hookups, open to most fetishes. Down to chat as well if that's all you want.

Kik: Niagarafet
Discord: missrizzle91
kik serioushanger
BC, uncut and hung
looking for other dudes with huge dicks to compare and trade with
uncut is a plus, big loads are great too
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KIK: ReturnOfTheBoomBap

I have a huge breeding fetish, live near KW region.
Dude started bringing up rape and blocked me when I said I wasn't interested??? Weirdo
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>As long as we all uphold those values Indians won't "take over" they naturally just integrate.
They won't need to integrate if they arrive in huge enough numbers to overwhelm the native demographics and culture. Their sheer numbers will turn Ontario and the rest of the country into their 'New Bharat'.
Who in Brampton? Tonight
Why did you post your face in response to my based comment
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gay boy looking to suck dick
disc : cyber03259
youre exactly who the image was referring to.
Nah you definitely posted a selfie
My kik MalaveVictoria F20
Where do you meet them?
All I find are basedboys and idiots
sadly all the woke left wing liberal socialist communists think
that everyone more right wing than them are propagandized
when in actuality it has been them that has been brainwashed
Is there anyone in Calgary who wants to idk.. smoke weed or something? No seggs
Where in calgary are you ?
I don't smoke.
I'm in the nw

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