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Post those sweaty stompers ITT
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Kik is thrws
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Cute, now peel those socks off and show us your bare soles~
Reminder that most anons here are a bunch of fat ugly pigs with horrible feet, anons with actual cute feet never show them off
This thread is for real men. Blurry trannyfeet under pink light don't count.
public footjobs with lewdsole
You are schizo, seek treatment, retard
Rubbing lewdsole's feet after he gets home from work
glazing lewdsole's toes!
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Playing footsie with lewdsole :3
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restraint is for suckers I say
Oh god the stirrup and toe ring combo is deadly. <3 Thank you for sharing.
woof please more!
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21YO Femboy looking for a foot master! Men with sweaty, smelly feet are my weakness.

Kik: Strawberry4114
Discord: pinkyc0rn
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You like jerking it to my hot foot?
here's something twice as nice
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or maybe this is more your style?
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gay bro here
I wanna have my DMs flooded with feet will rate if asked too
also will send pics of my friends feet if asked
kik davidortaga
This camera angle with the shiny ring gave me a wet spot on the front of my jeans, I hope you're happy
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19 m bi
Love having my sweaty feet licked and sucked

Telegram @brickmorter
Discord @latesttwink
discord user broke my guy
begging to be tickled with those stirrups and toe rings
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I am, got another one in ya?

Do your worst
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Fuck. Keep my dick warm in your stirrups please. <3
Just one? I still remember that time you talked about how you play with the rings all the time and rub your feet together, it pops up in my head at random
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another one
Do some pedal pumping in these
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from a while back
Anybody interested in humiliating and making a "straight" man get off to their feet? Will also share foot pics if interested. Am masculine and ungroomed, slim build.

Kik: Purple.Case
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You got some really good looking feet, very smooth and long too~
Wow! You got really gorgeous looking feet, so lovely and soft. And you look really great too~
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why thank you
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Ty anon
You’re welcome. Very cute looking feet and I bet they feel smooth. This is really great shot of your feet and love your butt too~
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You’re very welcome. Love how you look in this pic, I bet your feet are really soft . Would totally rub them and rub that butt of yours
Heheh very niccce, such great butt and lovely feet. Would spend hours playing with ya ;)
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another butt pic
Damn that’s perfect. Great angle of that fine butt and love crossed feet poses.
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Man your tops look really lovely and so smooth, heh would be hard for me to not want to rub and feel all over your feet
hey i don't normally do this but...
do i have nice feet or am i trying to hard
cute feet
Snap is richie_unger
<333 They look shapely and wide! A+ Please stomp me until I run dry.
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Can anyone make a cum tribute video for my feet and send it to me via Telegram? I will send more custom videos >,<

Telegram: aliyah0292
lmao that looks so similar to this pic I found while digging up old memories
post disc or session I'll take more feet pics just for you
>those splayed toes
Physically compelling
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rawanon420 kik
hnnnng.....I love crossed ankles and bare soles
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would totally tickle
Contact I'd love to see more <3
Add me cutie <3
dronson71 on kik
I only have discord
my username should be olronno
Sweet I'll add you <3
Step on her, anon
those are some gorgeous toes
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Who wants to taste 'em >,<
ty ;)
Mmm absolutely gorgeous, would love to play and tickle those feet for hours and hours.
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hope it's not too hard to see
Oh not at all it’s perfect! Love how cute your feet look and you’re looking quite cute yourself ;)
Beautiful as always
I'd do more than taste
Beautiful! Would rub and worship for hours
What size are they?
didn't work :(
Damn... I'll bite.
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Are boys with dusty, dirty feet like me aloud to post in here lol? I love going barefoot desu! :d
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*allowed, autocorrect baka. But any guys that would love to rub and massage my aching, filthy soles need to be careful- 'cuz ya might end up getting stomped on like this poor bug on my sole. ;p
I'd risk it :p
what the FUCK
>>32997611 so hot <3
best in the thread, fucking hot. can anyone do better?
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perfect boyfeet
Nice series there, would def love to see some more, keep them flowing ;P
Crush me like a pathetic insect, Giant God
Cute collar :3
Fuck that’s hot. M-moar?
Why hello cutie, those are some really lovely feet you got there. Love the strapups you’re wearing too, makes you look super cute
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can't find ;/
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Posting my cum traps =3
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Freshly bathed and soft
Tributes Wanted
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Holy shit, moar?
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Fucking perfect. What a hot body !
One more ?
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here's my feet hope yall like
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someone MAKE OUT with my soles
Gladly would if I get to make out with your asshole afterwards
I'd love to
You got discord?
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Thought I'd spoil some peeps
Modic is that you ^^
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fag fin sub here please make fun of me and i can havdle eextremme cbt kik hahaewlmao
You never message me back :( on disc
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Any chubs or bears willing to post their socked feet? Please? I'll beg.
my Kik is niterie btw
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this thread sucks
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discord is bohemia__k
Hahah Feet from playing soccer always barefoot in the street
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Wish someone could paint my nails better
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there's shit on your asshole
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Kik - Matrishqueen 18m hmu to j for more pics! Looking for tribs
Still can't stop coming back just to drool at these ones. Perfectly shaped, personal favorites. <3
nice feet...love to see moar ;)
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Have an oldie
Very nice
woah. any chance of sharing contact info for someone looking to worship?
I watched some mouse crush vids for the first time and they were actually pretty hot.
The real question is how bad your feet stink guys. I want some real room clearers
Mine just don't really. Shit sucks.
New question for you: can a guy's feet stink so bad that it turns you off? I don't think that has ever happened to me in my life
if his feet stink that bad I just need him to hold me down.
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OC, let me know if you wanna see more
Moar pls
where is lewdsole and that toering anon
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Here's mine, feel free to add me on snap if you want to see more or just talk!
There he is, my hero. I hope you're having a good life.
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size 13
I was the cameraman for that one, he's flattered but isn't looking for that kind of interaction
Ayy, twinkle toes, I was wondering where you were at
Kitty Pls Come Back^;W;^
19 m

Discord: whhoaa

cute, post more!
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would you?
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I would, you look really cute~
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Def would I gotta lot of sole
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best itt. post more :p
Very cute do you have disc or kik??
not me, someone i know
foot fags are gross and disgusting
I swear the guy in the pics looks familiar
he sometimes posts on /lgbt/
would anyone happen to know if the @ for the pics guy is like stinky dinky or something like that?? Reminds me of a cutie I sexted with with that username. Would send tons of pics too. The hair would be a giveaway but they never sent face only body pics
he's posted his face before. i don't think it's him.
Damn I wish I could say for sure
You're probably right
Def moar, tops/soles/arches :)
I will find you, and I will lick your toes.
crush me flat pls
im so glad i just got my gun licence
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24yo femboy with love for older / pervy guys. Also like rp, dares, making and selling pics, my feet seen as a sexobject, outdoor stuff and more.

Kik: foxysok
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My feets!!
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Sadly most of the stuff I have isn't anywhere near as well lit
So so hotttt. Can i worship them please
I want to be him…
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I.. I don't want to get a pedicure or anything...

Kik sissykate72
Telegram sissykate72
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Awww ofcoars you can ^^ come give my toesies a kiss
18M with a fat ass looking for someone to rape and abuse me.
I love worshipping your cock, balls and butthole while you do nasty shit to me.
ALL fetishes welcome

Kik: cxntwet
more tickles~
uh hey I'm that
post more daddy. without socks too
oh my, you really like seeing me exposed like this?
Mine can get like that in the right shoes
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Hot. I'd love to rub and kiss those feet!
give me your pose requests or more compliments please!
>give me your pose requests
on your knees from behind
hot. 10/10 would worship if you told me to.
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20 m looking for a dom to own my soles
such girly feminine feet should be locked away in a stockade
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I found more
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like this?
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Who wants this on their face?
My toenails as in bigtoes are kinda fucked up so what is the best way to regrow them in a healthy way fast and also my bigtoes are swollen I think so treating that would help aswell.
Kik - bicuriousfootfanatic
yeah but with your toes closer to the camera
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So long as someone with a big ego, a nice dick, and a penchant for manipulation is locking them away
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Any more socks pics? Soles or tops, I'm not picky. You wouldn't happen to have any other kinds of masks, do ya?
Can you do some pedal pumping?
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Wish I could sniff your soles
Fuck I'm glad you're back <3. How about an up close crossed ankles pic? Also please smother my face...
omg you need to post your kik i ned moaaar
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hi :)
kik inadaze1
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sweaty stomper
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Hhhhhgg! OH GOD! <3

10/10 would beg to rub and kiss.
still in need of more guys with room clearing feet. REALLY nasty smelly feet
love the roundness of your toes :P
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My feet sweat a lot and my feet/socks can clear a room after a few days wear in dirty sneaks.
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Anybody who likes boys' feet can do whatever they want after massaging them >.<
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Would massage with my tongue and then give them a creampie.
Also trips checked
>Also trips checked
Tributes? When ;3
I don't have a second screen to do them on, unfortunately. They def deserve some tho
I hope someone will >,<
Super hot, finally a man, have a twitter or anything?
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Cute! Would eat that ass and lick your soles
best itt. more !
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no socks, but have another
lots of great stompers in the thread but these are my favorite by far, i knew i was weak to stirrups but now i know im also weak to toe rings as well lmao
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Saliva on it :3
can my saliva be on it next
and tongue

and the rest of my mouth for that matter
Of course it can ;3
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hope my stompers are to your guys' liking
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i never expected taking pictures of your own damn feet to be so annoyingly difficult desu
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alright im done footposting for now

dont mind the awful censor edits, my face accidentally peeked through my toes
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actually i'm a dumbass and uploaded the wrong one just then, oh well bonus slightly different pic i guess
don't got one lol sorry
just felt like contributing to the threat a bit with my humble feets
feet are hardly threatening
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yeah alright
sorry i take that back, im already threatened by those beautiful black toenails
19 f doing rates n tribs all night
playoffslut69 on kik..
soles please
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they're a mess but sure
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and again
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Kik friprell
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>Kik friprell
Pic didn't load
I would really like to be doing that for you
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What size foot are you? Nicely proportional with nice round toes.
same desu, also bump
It's my birthday, requesting scrunchy toes :3 or more lewdsole whichever comes first
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im a size 11, and thank you~
i love those beautiful long toes <3
and those are some nice big soles
Best picture posted so far
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i'm a bit late but happy birthday, my splayed toes are your present
thank you!!
God I wanna blow a fat fucking load on those soles.
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Bump ;)
post ur feet

Yes! BTW, have you posted here last year? You look familiar.
25[F4M]looking for a submissive and sub message me on kik divalee001

Telegram @katemille304
Discord: mistresskate0405
My mouth needs to taste these!
>always wanted to put out in these threads
>never do
>now definitely can't because gf
they're just feet
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one of my toes on my right foot has an unfortunate sore at the moment but my left sole is still presentable at least

on a very much related note i really wanna see more stompers with cute toe rings and stirrups, i've still been thinking about that one guy earlier in the thread >>32986282
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lovely pair of feets, would suck them toes and lick those soles
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thanks! have another~
please use my face as a footstool

god i love those long big wrinkly soles and round toes, i cant get enough of feet like yours
dam id get deep in that ass bitch
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glad you enjoy <3
if you have any requests I'd be happy to oblige
I'm about to nut to those feets can I c that ass too
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im pretty hairy right now, hope thats ok! if youd prefer i have some earlier pics clean shaven. let me know when you finish~
I came real hard
both feet spreading toes please! and jesus christ that webm is hypnotic <3

also what shoe size are you?
glad to hear!
Its hard to get a good angle of both of them while holding a phone cam, I hope this is good. I'm size 8
I need to empty my balls in that pussy boi
So hot. Any socials?
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nope :( sorry anon
Stroking my shit
Let's see that hairy cock
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dont worry, it's more than good~

and size 8? honestly i was expecting you to be 10s or higher, my feet are size 11 for comparison

honestly im just impressed, and maybe a little jealous cause i think they look better than my feet, speaking of which btw here's the last pic i had on hand

honestly i feel you, taking pictures of your feet with your phone camera is a pain in the ass at times
Any chance we could get some with your soles scrunched up?
you and i both know that's not true
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Um does anyone like a lot sole?
yes YES Y E S

love those big soles and that toe ring is so fucking cute
post more please
I'd like to request more scrunches!
My mouth is watering
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yes sir!
M 19

Discord - whhoaa

I really like pretty feet :)
Someone post their feet so I can bust a fat n thick nut 4 them
that's a lovable heel to suck on
this shape makes me melt
it made me melt too man
such good feet on him

really pretty feet to match that pretty face, good sized soles and toes i couild succ for hours
God damn, you're a big boy :o
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its just camera perspective in that pic, its not huge
if you have cute feet and shaved legs hmu on kik: everybodyindaclub
Damn, your body hair is really sexy. Age?
post webm fag
nice, more like this please, if I can see hole, balls, and feet all at once imma bust
fit and tall 23 m size 12 ee
drop your discord tag and i can help make you pictures/videos to get off, not even into feet but i like helping horny nerds..
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heres an old pic, ill try and take some more with all 3 in frame today
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damn these came out kinda grainy, might reshoot another time
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I wanna get in those cheeks n give it to u
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Not into feet but I hope you appreciate mine.
I love soles + hairy hole like that, hnnnggg
my kik is maglor.isilra please hit me up
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glad you like! here's some more of that then
The toe curlies, I'm in love dude

Also bump! And a question, has anyone seen that honey feet webm that was posted in one of these threads
Yes I do since 2022.
I need to get dick deep in that pussy n hear u moan
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Wow really? I love your boy feet so much, you have no idea! I dunno if you have Discord or not, but please add & contact me. My Discord is ChaosDevin!
I believe that once I've added you on Discord. Unfortunately I don't use Discord anymore, I am on SimpleX in these days.
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I've found a one from my archive for you :3
God I want to cum on those
Imagine you start to suck my toes from little toe. Also, imagine the smell >,<
Any feet fantasts here?

Thinking about buying some nail polish, never tried but I'm horny and intrigued to try. Suggest a color and I'll try n provide pic.

Also, my Kik is : onetwo8
Me 27yo femboy looking for tasks, outdoor woods indoor etc, my feet and socks being used in most perverted ways

my telegram: catelyn42
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thanks <3
what was the webm?
my discord is bitchrays
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18, bi, sissy femboy
disc: fingeremoji
I've created my kik account, add me: @moniren019
Good boy pussy
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All these big manly feet of y'all drive me fucking crazy. I wish mine looked as hot as that, 'cause damn... it'd be a dream to have a mutual footjob with some of y'all here.
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Sissy here looking to serve big, manly feet
Snap: ashygray24
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i didnt post this no im not an 18 bi sissy femboy

it was funny for the first 5 or 6 adds its not funny anymore
Stomp stomp
Kik? Need to sniffff
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Sorry zoomie, idk what that is
why did you make me gay
Love it! Thank you! BTW, I tried adding you on Kik. You username was not found. My username is ChaosDevin.
It was a guy putting his feet on a plate I think, and pouring honey over them while curling his toes. v erotic, but I don't know if it was a poster here or someone just posting porn
That was Lewdsole. Definitely a top tier webm, need everyone in this thread to do a webm just like it. <3
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My feet :3
M23 with soft perfect soles looking for dominant bulls who wanna take advantage of them or femboys or sissys to play with our feet :)

Kik anonin83
Needing more like this showing off pussy
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Kik: yvonne321deins
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Gorgeous looking feet you have, would totally give them a good rub
Gorgeous soles. Kik/snap?
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Anyone willing to eat my foot dust?
Snap: crittycamp

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