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/legwear/ - Female Legwear Thread

females only!
Are you new? Timestamp please!

Holy fuck I want to nibble on those nylon toes and have that ass and thighs smother my face.
Any femanons in the Christmas spirit and feel like taking requests?
>another OP without any rule reminders
Just use the format of an existing CW thread you fucking moron.
yes, it me

perhaps, if they're reasonable
Oh great you are back femanon ! You are taking requests today ? I would love a sneak peek at your legwear of the day today
Sheer tights please Cy.
Just wanted to echo my previous request of sheer black pantyhose and perhaps a stocking tied tight between your teeth as a gag
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Some femanon post pictures in shorts like these. please.
Why didn't OP make a new macro for cy's hot ass posts?
Wait are you not sick, seems like everyone is rn lol. Throwing a boots and fishnet request for the baby jesus
Ooh got any white tights? Total weak spot for white tights.
Second never see white tights in the wild.
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Absolutely stunning, can we get a front shot with your pushing your short on the side please ?
Would rape
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Like this?

You're trash
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>that smol white thong
please spread with that on
Done for today, sorry anon
I'll be back next week (maybe)
killing me with that tease
o well thanks for posting
Absolutely! Thanks a lot !
Can you do another one like your last one and pushing your panties on the side ?
Kek still better than a whore , and still would rape.
Fuck the hater. These are perfect. Would love to see more. Pantyhose without panties perhaps. Also a fan of Public flashing if that’s your thing
These remind me of American Apparel.

Apparel Chan?
Aaaaah! So fucking hot! The things I'd do to those legs and feet. Wholesome things and unspeakable things.
Timestampp pls
After posting on here for 10 years? Ain't no way
>Apparel Chan?
That's Cy
Are you proud of that or something? That's kind of embarrassing.
Why shouldn't she be? It shows dedication and loyalty to your audience
Never said I was proud, did I?
The point was I'm not new.
But no, I'm not embarrassed. If it's embarrassing to be a CW, then it's also embarrassing to be a neet who consumes CW content.
always good to see you around Cy
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nice. can you put on some high heels and do some standing poses?
It's becoming so hard to distinguish the traps from real women that I'm starting to think pussy + timestamp should be a requirement here.
or at least a cameltoe/frontal wedgie pic that clearly shows the pussy outlines.
>I'm starting to think pussy + timestamp should be a requirement here
Good luck with that when the meme OP keeps squatting the thread. A reminder he's been outed as a contactfag and paypig so it's blatant trolling at this point.
Next time the thread dies, I'll start one with a proper opening post that follows the usual format.
Bump for pantyhose and timestamp
>Next time the thread dies
Never going to happen as long as he's squatting it, the thread will be nothing but him bumping it before it dies
Such is the state of cw/ these days
You fags ruined everything
I love these shorts on women they are so fucking sexy
thongs are cringe embrace the fullback

This is a great shot, I keep coming back to it even though I need your ass in this specific thong (or one similar) to cum. If only you followed this post w/ that thong on from the back (showing off your ass), holy fuck. One can only hope you come back in a similar thong (stringy ideally) and show off your as in the future. I don't get on 4chan too often anymore but I've been checking more often lately just to see if you post again!
commonly referred to as hotpants or dolphin shorts from what I understand
>Says the serial harasser that has been named by several CWs as the reason they stopped
Go away, Swede
dude, stop. there comes a point where one has to acknowledge that it's over.
not being a homosexual makes you a loser?
He's never going to stop, he'll just keep making the same shitty threads with ancient macros that are frequently from when CWs were underage, something he should have been permabanned for several times now
>from when CWs were underage
wut. when did that happen?
One of the boob threads he made using a macro of Smiley from when she originally posted, she admitted in cgt a year or so back she was only 15 at the time
There's alot of girls who use to post here, that turned out to be underage. Dubs is a good example of that, and it's kinda odd that the spam-artist OP is only fixated on posting these older macros.
Use to make macros for these threads, but idk what to really do about this OP, anons need to just stop posting itt. /legwear/ needed to go on a hiatus a year ago, but if anything someone could probably make another threads since mods obviously don't give a shit about moderation here.
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i feel like it's kinda rare to see stirrup style leggings in this thread! but they're cute and that should change. so here :)
It's perfect. And so are your legs and feet.
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thank you!!!
Thats perfect. Can we see more of your body on the next one?
You posted it even before i asked, thanks. You are so hot.
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hehe read ur mind
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No thank you. Sheer perfection.
Dont do this so suddenly,you are going to make me cum before i can request more. I love your hair btw. Can you spread your legs?
May day is so much better
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of course!! sorry bout the bad lighting
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ur the sweetest!!! have the best day ever
You need to be protected at all costs. Magnificent.
Awesome tits. Vid of you squeezing them please?
Good to see you still have the bush
You are so fucking hot, thanks. Im going to cook something, hope i can see more of you later.
Hey you're back and it looks like you have got more tattoos.

Can you do a webm of stroking your legs in this pose pleas
Beautiful bush
Who diz??
I hope you don't mind that I want to rip those leggings open and start burying my nose and tongue in that bush.
Amazing. Hoping for some tights vids
/gifs please.
Some slut report for duty, its been a boring day.
Sound ridiculous but I really needed this, thanks anon
This is such a good set, thank you for sharing. What shoes are you wearing with those?
Come back stirrup anon, my cock wants moree
This picture converted me into a female legwear enjoyer, before I was like meh but I'm curious, now I'm like WOW that's so hot
That's a dude.
Why do all trannies and cross dressers pose the same way
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And she never returned.
She's probably just sick again.
How about you neck yourself, contacfag.
Are you in New York? I’ll take you out to any dinner you want!!
Yeah mb, I'm a liar
>mfw Cy is still at the top of her powers
because anime girls do that
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Hey! you cute
No, the cutie is u hehe
It's always nice to have a positive interaction on the internet haha. I needed that!

Thanks for posting, you are a cutipie
There's more i could post on here. Hopefully something more put together than this lol
That would be great! Looking gorgeous in those over-the-knee stockings. (I don't know how to call them in english sorry lol)
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Damn. Your skin looks so smooth and soft
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So sweet, kisses
Melting here. I need to kiss those legs rn
give ownership of them legs to me!!
i need them in my life
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U deserve a treat
If you keep going like this your legs will live rent free in my mind for the entire weekend. You need to take responsibility for that lol
I wanna watch you squish something with them slowly
Unfortunately, I do not have such videos in my camera roll haha
Sorry not sorry, have a good weekend cutiepie
Well… could make it later and send me on discord or something
Even if you wait a few months in between posting, people aren't going to forget you're a tranny. Fuck off.
I'm not a trans person, what is wrong with you?
Aaaaaand back to the same, old, internet. Just live your life and be kind to people. You might get some kindness back you know?
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Probably last treat of the day, idk if i should post anymore. Transvestigation failed, im a cis woman.
I volunteer to verify :^)
Lovely thighs still and hopefully the girl attached to them feels better
i do hehe, my camera roll is running dry
fuuuuck I wanna squeeze them between my face, it’s not fair
Your zoomed in pictures with the same insipid pose screams "tranny". Look at the other two girls who posted in the thread and look at your pictures. There's nothing flattering or feminine with the images you posted. You don't even have to get naked to look like a convincing cis woman. Try harder.
Is this some power play you do to make people feel worse? I like to sit with my legs crossed like that. I am a woman, and nothing is going to change that, did porn rot your brain anon? I hate this, I don't want to post anymore. I am a woman, it doesn't change the fact that I am a girl. Stay mad asshole.
Whether you're a woman or not doesn't change the fact that your posts are extremely low effort and just shitty in general. I'm tired of these below-average posters who think that they deserve a fucking medal for posting the most average and uninspiring pictures. If you don't like the harshness of what I'm saying, you really don't belong here. Go somewhere nicer. I'm not the only one who feels this way. I don't care if you stop posting. I know you'll come back in 4 weeks, post the same lame picture, and hope that someone gives you attention. It's all so fucking tiresome.
I do not owe you anything, it's sad that you rely on 4chan for entertainment like this. I post of my own volition because I want to, I don't need your opinion anon and I don't have to perform for you.
It's only you who has such a visceral reaction toward me, no one else does. If u want fun just go to the bozo circus, you'll find your family there.
Sure that's fine and all, but just remember that you're posting in a camwhore thread on 4chan, where "performing" is usually expected.
A beautiful expression of sexy DNA :D
Keep posting please, I immediately noticed you're a girl because you have thick thighs.
No thanks, I don't think I'm welcome here. I'm sorry darling.
im gonna laugh if that actually was a cis female and all you faggots just shot yourselves in the dick
If they wont prove it theyre a tranny simple as
Please keep posting, your legs are so nice!
They weren't posting anything remotely attractive or interesting. It doesn't matter if we were right or wrong. Nothing of value is being lost.
>that otk sock and shoe combo
Just ignore the trolls. Or show some cleavage, that will make them shut up.
Great but shave
>Great but shave
Yeah, no. We should be grateful that she's not one another one of those boring whores who remove their hair.
Stop simping jfc
Don't worry, I'm very aware of the parasocial simp/whore relationship. I don't ever submit to women and never will. My attention has value, and if a whore doesn't value that, she ain't worth my time anyway. Just saying a bush should be appreciated.
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You sound like that fluoride faggot. Get help.
Why are you responding to me with a picture of a middle-aged disgusting overweight man wearing a hat?
Not sure who the fuck you're talking about. Was there anything I said that went over your head?
Dear Lord what has happened to these threads
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Checked and fucking awesome
those are amazing. could we see you sitting criss cross with tights?
Amazing tights, and a beautiful pussy
this is awesome. could you do more poses where your pussy looks very coinslot-y
forgot to mention... and higher tights like as high as possible
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You're unbelievably hot, wow
this is a great shot, i second the "up-high" camp as well. There's something very attractive about seeing them pulled up to the crease between the thigh and your body. I think it makes them look longer?
great pose and nice toso. perfect breasts, big ones are so played out
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The red leggings are really doing it for me and I have no clue why
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Your ass and loegs ar so sexy, i wish i could have my head right here
I love your pink puss, could we have a front leg spread?
love it thanks.
fantastic shots and body. maybe a few pics how you put them on and pull them up?
Mmmmmm the fucking red thighs and cute pink pussy… I would love to hear you moaning as you play with that cute little kitty
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Any Femanon here willing to post with white Thigh Highs like in pic. Bonus points for white seethrough Underwear.

Much Love for you girls!
that is really a 10/10 shot of pussy, very atistic and seductive

can you do a pose like >>32939111
, maybe in the mirror if it makes it easier, with you standing flat footed, and subtly trying to make the biggest thigh gap you can?
idk, are you a biological woman?
the fact that you had to ask is kind of nice, idk what i’m doing here, sorry
So, are you admitting that you like to intentionally confuse people? Is that why you post in these threads? Genuinely curious.
>Is that why you post in these threads? Genuinely curious.
i want to know how far or close i am to passing
Interesting. Regardless, these aren't the threads for that and it's a bannable offense.
yeah that’s reasonable, i deleted my post anyway, it’s kind of stupid of me to do it, sorry for the trouble, have a nice day
No it isn't, you're just a loser
>Respect the gender of a thread. If the OP specifies women, only women should reply with images (and vice versa for men). tl;dr: Men, don't post pictures of yourself or your nether regions in female threads.
Where were u when an actual tranny was in the thread? >:^(
Kill yourself faggot, you will never be a woman or remotely pass as one. Why post in this thread where there’re many places in this board for faggots like you but you have to post on a thread for women huh?
That was a reply to an actual tranny. Look at the images.

They get off on confusing others.
That’s a real cis woman anon, not every girl on here wants to show their tits and pussy out, or else the user/post would be deleted by now. Legwear really is a hub for tranny bait
I miss Penny
All other women can pack it up and stop trying. This is literally the most perfect woman on earth. More than a 10/10.
Does Sika still post in these?
Nobody posts in these threads anymore :(
Cute, big soft tights on cute short legs, very very sexy. You can proud of them. Thank You for posting.
Reminds me of my wife
How is this fucking thread still alive

It's joever fellas. I've resigned myself that OC doesn't happen here anymore.
Anyone who can give some advice for wearing stockings and garter belts for longer than just sexy times? What brands and materials and cuts do you like for that?
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hi there omg please timestamp

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i did one earlier in the thread! but here is a new one :)
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taking requests?
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if they seem fun then sure!!
Damnnn this was hot can u put it somewhere and ride it?
keep going for sure
pls tell me we can post contacts in this thread fuuuck
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back view n spread it
will do just gimme a minute :*
How tall are you?
hello lovely !
Hawt hawt now ride that dildo while your both hands are on top
what do we call you? do you have a name for /flt/?
pleeease that butthole is pristine
oh my god you are literally the perfect woman. can you reveal what genetic/ethnicity you are, keep it as vague as you want. i am only asking because i love this phenotype. not trying to stalk you. are you scandinavian?
can you any pose that maximizes your pussy looking like a deumure innie?, e.g. legs together front view pov mirror shot?
This again with panties pulled to the side? And maybe a separate request for a pussy wedgie?
Huge faggot you are
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:) here ya go
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i think im like 5'5 or 5'6ish!
no, i dont have a name here! probably because i post so infrequently... oh well lol
awwww!! thank you! & yeah mostly scandinavian and north-western european
sit towards camera with ur legs spread and use the dildo
can u do that?
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& the wedgie!
thats really really hot, your anus is flawless!
can u show both nude feet and pussy in the same shot
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better one!
omg u have the perfect mound
can u do another riding video from the front with ur tits out?
Dude fuck you ur so hot
Requesting shirtless leaning forward picture, so that tits are sorta hanging down
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this is flt! the socks stay ON!!
stop posting such hot pics im bout to bust
also i think we can break the “feet showing” rules a bit
can u do the same pose with ur tits and feet out
Amazing. Shame you're not getting any more replies. Good reminder to the trannies and faggots that this is what a REAL female looks like.
Fuck yes! thanks so much
super nice legs, and cutie socks
god damn

thanks for posting and doing all the reqs ! you're very lovely and much appreciated
can u do a pic of hugging a stuffed animal
mirror pic hugging a stuffed animal or pillow, but bottomless
Any possibility of playing in pantyhose?
Pussy looks so juicy can u spit on your pussy?
Looking good.
fuuucking glooorious
I'm going to cum so hard to this thread. You girls are all fantastic. Wish I could cum tribute you.
How many times have we told you this is a female only thread. Fuck off
bro i've posted in these threads like 4 times how do you recognize me. do you lurk in every single thread and do QC like a reddit mod?
It's easy to spot a man >>33056829
id hope so, you can see cock
i cant believe how old this thread is
This thread has hottest girls by large margin
>120 days ago
>299 replies
There has been so much spam ITT the real post count is 519 replies...
I came here expecting to see 0 stirrup, you are a treasure.
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Post pussy or you are a tranny
>super pretty tat'd cutie is back
niceu hope you're doing well
those tights are nice
also requesting some butthole
Piss off already
Your response is only digging you deeper kek
You just don't have feminine hips
Seconding the request for butthole, and bush if you've been growing it out lately. Have you ever been given a moniker while posting on soc?
Missed you, Bike.
could we get some shots of you sitting on that bike in those tights?
Females only. Why do all trannies pose and dress like this? It's so obvious.

Come back, bicycle beauty!

Do you own other toys?
I'm someone else entirely, you people are just annoying. Wtf is the point of these threads if anytime a woman posts you're going to investigate them and demand pussy pics
I can't believe this thread has been up since December 26th and only three actual women have posted. Pathetic.
>I'll be back next week (maybe)
A True CW promise
More please
cute moles
Seriously troll OP, why do you shitpost camwhores and never ask for requests?
>Troll OP got banned
Jannies, please make sure he stays away. He has a history of witch hunting camwhores and made a few stop posting.
It's now 574
23 y
if you wanna see some cute feet text me on kik:
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first time posting here lolz >,,<
Timestamp please.
Time stamp and gusset please
can’t find my thigh highs for the life of me >.<!!!!! just used regular tights instead :p
Lovely thighs
do you have any photos with panties
yummy can you point your toes at the camera or do ass on soles?
damn what a view
Can we get some photos of you standing up please
Can we get something like this? Would love to see your entire body covered in pantyhose
But why the cleanliness
(I gained some lbs cause I was immobilized for a couple months, so pls don't flame)
No flame here Cy. Hope you are better now.
Not sure if traps are allowed but your fake silicone breast seem isn't covered. You can see the seem and color change on your neck.
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my tits are 100% real lolz :3
gonna try posting more pics/requests soon everyone<3
Can we get pantyhose without panties under please?
I'm not convinced - Better take that bra off, so that we can be sure those puppies are real.
Timestamp and legs?
Feet in sandals or open toed heels if you may
Seconding this, and also black pantyhose. The more sheer the better
Still waiting
Let's see more of those leggings good girl
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Female 19 Perky Natural Asian
Medical student in training

Kik/Telegram: ladybabes69
Snapchat: flowergirlkiffy
Why u put a condom on your toy tho
easier to keep it clean
Absolutely gorgeous small tits, I fucking love the petite frame.

Perfect ass! Gorgeous little flower pussy!
Timestamp or fuck off
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Absolutely gorgeous, I’d love to see more!
Implies the existence of an unnatural Asian
sit on my face pls and thx
holy shit you look perfect
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I name you “Palindrome”!

Pan camera a little lower to dispel penis rumors?
Females only

>Bare room, nothing on walls
>Weird angle and shit lighting
>Man hands and man feet
It's just another man trying to see if he can pass as a woman.
>Bare room, nothing on walls
took pic in front of bare corner as to avoid ID
>Weird angle and shit lighting
same reason. also a matter of personal opinion
>Man hands and man feet
i'm a size 6 shoe

so confidently incorrect. lurk more. i've posted proof in other threads before. won't be back here though.
>won't be back here though
aw, don't let one person ruin it :(
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i've been slowly growing it back out since shaving it a while back :) i think it's pretty much back to how it was before at this point.
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love this request! hehe
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have another
Can I spoil you?
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the dildo just has a white stripe on it.. it's not actually a condom :)
Oh damn you're back love the outfit and that cute bush
Obligatory requesting a dildo on bike seat
holy hell you're so pretty
love it when you post
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thank you anon this genuinely made my day a little better. been feeling insecure lately.
well hope you get out of that funk, you're always appreciated here even if it's mostly for the noodles lol
but feel better, you're terribly cute and nice enough to post for us, so wishing the best for you

butthole possible pls and ty?
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you are lovely :)
God I'd let you into my life knowing full well you'd eventually go, leaving me a hollow husk of a man, alone forever.

Also more boobs please, Bike.
Hmmmm bush.
Wasn't ready for the plug surprise to be honest but I definitely appreciate it, wouldn't mind seeing this without the plug.
You seriously look amazing though you literally just woke up one of the slowest threads on soc
no u!
thanks so much, going to have to cum to this
one with no plug too plls?
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keep ur head up anon!
Wow so hot
You take request?
You have me rock hard and i want to cum for close-up spread bushy pussy pleaseeeee <3
can my face be your saddle?
Wd love to have a ride
I'll keep my eyes up too hoping I'll see you at a café someplace. ;)

Hopefully nowhere near a road. Or else people driving might be paying more attention to you than what's in front of them.
Cyclist girl you are jawdroppingly pretty. Your pictures have such a quality to them, I just appreciate each shot so much.
Not sure what on earth you must be insecure about, but you're gorgeous! You should post more often

Hi..... Quail(?) did I get that correct? :P

Hottest /soc/ poster for almost 2 years and going.
would bang wouldn't last a second
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ohmygoodness thank you so much!! <3<3
i'm going to make an effort to! flt has its issues, but i really like posting here and interacting with you guys :)
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omg i tried to do this but it was so awkward and did not make for any good pictures unfortunately haha
goodness gadzooks dem legs
nice to see you hope you're having a nice weekend
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jfc has it really been 2 years... AHH
your body is nice. I wish could bite :(
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happy saturday anon! and happy first day of june!!!
nom nom nom :]
holy cow that's a sex pic
would cut a hole in the crotch and have your bush peeking out
I wanna eat ur asshole so bad ugh
>happy saturday anon! and happy first day of june!!!
thanks! you tooo going to do any bike riding this summer? lol
cute daisy in your hair hard to notice cause of those tight buns of distraction
>ywn never be that bike seat
do you wear tights while biking out and about?
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hell yes! & thanks haha it fell out shortly after taking those tho :(
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butthole!! sorry bout the bad lighting, i'll take better ones soon i promise lol
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yes but always under a skirt haha and only if i'm just cruising around town. i definitely prefer bike shorts for longer rides
ugh I wanna eat your ass. :( Frick you for being this cute
Can you do a leg spread? Those look so good on you.
very nice I hope you get fantastic weather for that
>flower gone

that's so much this is a great pic!
>I'll take a better one

and this is very nice would stroke those legs and your hair
Your back looks strong. Do you lift weights?!

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