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Mobile poster attempting to cobble together a simple civ thread (without letting it immediately die as with other civ threads.) Going to keep it simple as there's already an extremely detailed nation builder on the board atm to satisfy anyone looking for complexity.
>Races are limited to those made out of sticks and stones
>Vote on a race and location, first to three wins

Construct, Living Moon
Myceanea Mana Wastes

Mana Spores are Go
Funny little shrooms
Following a mass cataclysm, extinction event, or in this instance, an eldritch blast wrought upon a former lunar paradise by a senile Lich seeking to regain his sanity with a fleeting grasp of magic; fungus tends to be one of the first organisms to recolonize the barren; polluted soil to settle the land to their liking.
This is the case of your fledgling village of Myceanean people as well; grown from a small swamp surrounding a stagnant lake sizzling with residual mana. At one point it was a quarry, evident by glittering minerals and piles of rubble that litter it's steppe walls, despite being barely visible beneath the oily purple water. Staring too long into it, or mycelium forbid- consuming the water induces insanity; which caused some earlier Myceanea to wander off babbling, never to be seen again.

There are 20 of your people; all of which were named by one another as there wasn't an elder at the time of your spawning. As the population grows and rumors of monstrous boars stalking the swamp increase, your people need a leader. They decide to:
>Elect a leader (Democracy: More political intrigue)
>Make the biggest 'Shroom king (Monarchy; less focus on internal politics- can change if players request)

After that is settled; your people decide to
>Cultivate more turf
>Scavenge your surroundings
>Construct housing (or some other structure)
>Send a group of Shrooms to hunt the monstrous boars
>Send a group of Shrooms to explore the surrounding area
>Write in

>Three votes wins, or whatever has the most in a day. Will check back periodically to update.
>Make the biggest 'Shroom king (Monarchy; less focus on internal politics- can change if players request)

>Scavenge your surroundings
Going to throw some context out there before things get rolling
>Didn't want to alienate the first poster, so I thought a living moon turned mana waste would be a fun compromise
>Expect frequent dice rolling so that things don't get stale; for example, a d20 for a simple action that doesn't outright decide the outcome (except a critical failure or success) but rather decides an additional event to occur as well (negative or positive depending on the roll.)
>Don't expect to get much trying to scramble things together from raw resources- the entire moon has been magically nuked and nearly stripped bare of life; but those who lived before left a lot behind for anyone willing to pick through the cursed landscape to find it.
>Make the biggest 'Shroom king (Monarchy; less focus on internal politics- can change if players request)
Early on we should have a strong central power and focused goals, we are only 20 strong and know nothing, the biggest clearly knows something the others dont or else how else would he get so big?
>Send a group of Shrooms to explore the surrounding area
1 in each cardinal direction, dont take any risks only observe and report, bring back something we can expect to find in the area and give us a rundown
>Change politics: monarchy
Three cheers for the shroom king!

The cardinal directions sound fine for starters.
OP ? c'mon man
its a civ thread we do this to ourselves everytime we vote in these fucking threads, QMs for Civ threads have the attention span of goldfish and half the time the threads are made deliberately to abandon
the real problem is at some point someone will make a legitimate one but get no players. Thankfully the other fantasy civ quests are still going
Rolled 3 (1d20)

Apologies, I frankly did lose attention after not getting replies for awhile. Considering the interest though, and your dedication to shroom' civilization. This quest will continue as promised with more frequent updating (as long as there are players present.)
>Make the biggest Shroom' king
As you were all born together; there is little differentiating your kind in terms of wisdom; however- King Squeakcap towers over your kin; twelve feet tall and offering him the best vantage point to survey potential threats and opportunities. Unfortunately, despite his towering size from his nutritious patch of turf- he has an unusually high pitched voice that lent him his name. Despite this, he's easily the biggest- and as such he's king!
>Explore in the cardinal directions...
To be continued in the next post; roll determines outcome.
>Explore your surroundings! (3; near-critical failure.)
Unfortunately for King Squeakcap and his kin, they are entirely unaware as to what "cardinal" directions are- nor how to safely explore or survey their surroundings. They do however, know how to meld together- holding hands to share information through telepathic spores and incidentally enjoying a flood of pleasant endorphins in the process. The king gathers a dozen of his kind to meld; telling them all to scatter and reconvene with what they find. Stumbling off in a stupor, pairs of mushrooms hold hands to continue the pleasure of melding as they explore- which unfortunately impairs all of those involved. A variety of walking truffles stumble in circles throughout the wastes, erratically avoiding pitfalls and frantically running from unusual noises in the distance. It offers little in terms of geological information, threats, or potential resources- but your people get a vague idea of their surroundings after melding with their king.
>North: A big lake! Like too big, it gave us a headache the closer we got to it, there was this soft stuff near it too but it hurts walking by it. There's big fish walking around and they have a clubhouse.
>South: Some sort of city with really sick people walking around, we think they're really sick because the gate's fallen off and no one's fixed it. There's this poor bedridden man in the center of the city kept on display that keeps babbling and screaming. We really wanted to help but the city looks scary.
>West: Some sort of forest thingy, except the trees are made of metal and oh I think Mychel got sick breathing in this green fog stuff over it.We heard pigs, and big dogs too.

There's a single casualty from the exploration; but it goes unnoticed as the team that returns from the east arrives with one of your kind that went insane from drinking lake water earlier. He's not much better after melding; but he understands that returning from where he came means spiders. He's placed in a small cave with Mychel; resting away from the others as he babbles about "pig friends".

What does King Squeakcap decree?
>We must scavenge our surroundings
>We must construct (something)
>We should explore (direction)
>Write In
>We should explore (north)
I have forgotten the cornerstone of civilization; reproduction- in addition to the earlier recommended actions; I also recommend
>Cultivate more turf
>Cultivate more turf
Mycology is the beginning of rejuvenation, and frankly everything our friends found seems like its dead or dying, we must expand in order to begin the process of fixing our world
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>King Squeakcap mogging his brothers while waiting for them to sober up and make a decision
>>Cultivate more turf
Spread spores far and wide
Update to come in 4-5 hours (Viewing the eclipse) If no further votes are placed before then, turf will be cultivated; with an unlikely tie being determined by a dice roll instead.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>We must cultivate more turf
Rolling for results
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>We must cultivate more turf (Slightly negative bonus outcome)
King Squeakcap decrees that the lands beyond your territory are too dangerous for now; and that it will take many more Shrooms to explore these lands. Your people set to work doing what comes naturally; frantically shaking and spasming over barren strips of land as to spread their spores. Mychel sits out, but the insane wanderer manages to cultivate some turf himself- albeit with strange results; the spore covered ground tainted with the same purple hue of the lake; hopefully his spawn aren't as unstable their predecessor. The land surrounding the lake is entirely converted from barren, toxic stone to a verdant carpet of multicolored fungi.
>+10 'Shrooms in 2 turns

Following this, the nameless lake-drinker from earlier scampers off with excitement towards the sound of stalk chilling grunts echoing from the rest, shouting gleefully about his "pig friends" Rolling for results-
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>13 (Positive Results)
It isn't long before the insane mushroom returns to introduce the rest of your kind to his friends, and thankfully- only one seems to have visited. For the gutteral, absurdly loud sounds it's capable of producing- it's disproportionately small; a perfect mirror of King Squeakcap's predicament. However, that is not to say it isn't intimidating- slightly shorter than him yet many times larger than the King himself and likely just as capable of gnawing him to pieces. Yet with all of these terrible qualities; the unnerving hellboar whose flesh crackles with mana stood docile next to the diminutive babbling mushroom next to it. The spectacle comes to an abrupt halt as it makes the earth shake with a stomp before snorting aggressively in the lake drinker's direction- he looks towards the king with embarrassment. "It's hungry."

How does the king handle this?
>Banish the insane one and his boar to the wasteland
>Sacrifice Mychel to the boar
>Convince the insane one to lead the pair into the lake
>Write In

Shroom' Resources:
>Population 20 (+10 in two turns)
>More to be added as they're discovered

Following this situation, what does King Squeakcap decree?
>We must cultivate EVEN MORE turf!
>We must scavenge our surroundings
>We must construct (something)
>We must explore (direction)
>Write In

1st to three (or the most votes in 24 hours) wins; will check periodically to update.
>>Banish the insane one and his boar to the wasteland
We are of one! This creature may give us great power, I concede, but it could just as easily destroy us. We can never trust it, as it is not from the Mycelium. It is not from the turf. Our fledging society cannot yet accomodate those we don't trust, nor those who vouch for outsiders over our own safety.
Oh, and we:
>need more turf
Turf is life.
>>Convince the insane one to lead the pair into the lake
There's food in the lake. Go Fish.

>Construct humidor
A building that moderates temperature, humidity, light, etc to maintain an environment ideal for spores to inoculate and fruit,
>Sacrifice Mychel
Its no biggie, Mychel is just doing his part for the natiral cycle, plus the boar is a useful ally this early, this is the beginnings of domestication and a hearty breed at that
>Construct Something
The snuggle dome is a domed structure in which we can all sleep starting off, later on we make other abodes and make the dome into the mush palace
My argument against first anon is he may not be of the Mycelium but with the ingestion of Mychel in his frail state he may be able to rewire the boar especially as this "insane" mushroom walked him over no big deal, I think we should look into this insane fellow more and see if his insanity is more shamanic/druidic in nature
>Convince the insane one to lead the pair into the lake

>Construct humidor
>op says he'll cont the thread
>starts a super interesting quest

major sadge
Any Quests with that damn OP image (or any variation thereof) are pretty much guaranteed to die. Using OP's image is basically an indicator that the QM has no ideas and is going to flake, so it'd just save a lot of time and effort if everyone on the board started ignoring them entirely.

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