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You have been abducted by aliens and they are telling You that you are going to be dropped onto an uninhabited planet with an Earthlike atmosphere and and an ecosystem identical to the pacific northwest.

they have given you a set of thrirteen empty boxes whose interiors is 1 foot tall 2 feet wide and 8 feet long, you may request anything you want for on the planet and you have a weight limit of 35 pounds each (not including the box itself) you will not be leaving the planet, no rescue is coming

One box will come with you the other 12 will arrive in six month intervals

What do you pack?
How do you pack it?
Which do you take with you initially?
I’m gonna fuck an Ayy cougar

that mountain lion looks like a fent head
1911 and one bullet
i have 4 questions before they drop me back on earth to fill the boxes.
#1: am i going to drop in shorts and a t-shirt, or can i drop in in combat gear? 1.1: if combat gear is a yes, can i fill the pockets and pouches?
#2 can i pick where i will be dropped at?
#3 will any other survivors ever be dropped to the same planet? madness has a higher chance of ending me then a damn bear-like creature.
#4 can i get a book or even pamphlet on what berries and plants are poisonous and what arnt?
1x2x8ft size box and limited to 35 lbs? Gonna be packing fucking air I guess that’s like fuck all weight for that much volume
>onto an uninhabited planet with an Earthlike atmosphere and and an ecosystem identical to the pacific northwest.
When you say identical I'm taking your word for it.
>Temperate year round, barely snows, abundant fish, shellfish, deer, rabbits, and no seriously dangerous wildlife.
>blackberries grow literally everywhere providing even more free food
Score, this is fucking ez mode. Assuming I get to keep the clothes I'm wearing right now.

to start we'll go with:
Stainless steel pot (5 lbs)
Ruger MkIV lite +4 magazines (2.5 lbs)
350 rounds .22lr (2.5 lbs)
2 tarps (1 lbs)
5 moraknives (1 lbs)
200 feet of paracord (1lbs)
2x folding saw (1 lbs)
2 large wool blankets (2 lbs)
potatoes (5 lbs)
seeds (squash, tomato, cabbage, onion, garlic, rosemary, dill) (1.5 lbs)
fishing line + hooks (1 lbs)
rubbing alcohol (1 lbs)
flashlight + fuckload of AA batteries (3 lbs)
waterproof jacket+change of clothes (3 lbs)
Gransfors Bruk scandinavian forest axe (2.5lbs)
1lbs of bic lighters
extra socks+underwear (1 lbs)

That is everything I "need" and then some. Potatoes will be cut up and planted when ready. Going to rely on fish and rabbit traps primarily for food to begin with, fishing line is primarily to make snares since actively fishing is a waste of time. Might take it up for fun though. Luckily I am familiar with essentially everything edible in the PNW and foraging won't be a problem at all.

Next box will be parts for a still and bottles. Have to be a little creative with the size limits but it'll work. We're going to make vodka, blackberry brandy, and so much more. After that will be my raifu, ammo, and a shitload of doujinshi so I can avoid raping a deer hopefully. More and more seeds of various plants I don't have yet as well as spare boots. Different varieties of potato. A few different styles of saw. Fertilized chicken eggs, probably around box 6.

The only shitty thing is no coffee. Way too labor intensive and it won't grow in this environment anyway.
How small do you think 1' is eurofag?
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>1 foot tall 2 feet wide and 8 feet long 35 pounds

I don't understand anything about american units

However my superior Italian mind understand that the dimensions are quite limited.

Being an intelligent person, I understand that raw firepower can't fix everything. I will need to integrate or dominate a foreign society in order to live and not simply surviving.

For this reason I will have 7 female dwarves with ak 74u and mags in the boxes.
This decision is based on pragmatism, and not on fetish. (I don't like women)

1) The race needs to survive, and with 7 women I will have a good start
2)I need an army, a small, army
3)Being taller than the others, and the only male the natives will understand that i am the one in charge (also i will have a normal size ak 74)
4) Dwarves are usually less mentally ill than the averange person, their women don't have crazy standards and they are well grounded.
Anon, that's 16 cubic feet. That amount of stacked Tupperware weighs several hundred pounds. Or dirt. Hell, I have a bag of extremely basic hand tools that's 12" x 24" x 12" and weighs more than 25 pounds. His weight requirements are fucking retarded for the given volume.

Also the PNW is very poorly-supplied with both accessible metals and flint, which is going to make things like basic hand tools and weapons incredibly hard to improvise, repair, or replace.
>well grounded
also that's a pretty short list of demands, it'll be a small task for the aliens to fulfill but not sure if you'll be allowed to bring another living being though but surely they'll figure something out
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>Also the PNW is very poorly-supplied with both accessible metals and flint
oh no this region with extensive historic volcanic activity doesn't have readily accessible flint, whatever will you do? Pic related, the superior option dug up from my back yard.
>which is going to make things like basic hand tools and weapons incredibly hard to improvise, repair, or replace.
You have 12 shipments of tools to choose from though.
>accessible metals
it's not like you're going to be setting up an industrial steel plant, are you? PNW has ample bog iron which is one of the easiest kinds to process in a primitive manner. Do you really plan on fucking mining, solo?
But i'm not abducted by aliens???
>let me tell you all about that blue-haired faggot calling himself "Maverick"
12 boxes of 35lbs plates and 1box of collapsible weightlifting bar
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>an ecosystem identical to the pacific northwest.
A P90
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Fucking arirals and their pranks, I sweat to god!
Ok, once I stole their purple melon-pumpkin thing from their picnic, but that doesn't mean they get to harrass me to no end. I thought they had abandoned it, I didn't know they were watching me in stealth-suits.

They already spray-painted my house and threw rocks at my window.
>you may request anything you want
Matter replicator/recycler
I'll either end up building my own fetish holodeck or a space ship to leave this dump.
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rate my setup

a selection of curated seeds (i already have a compendium of 75 seeds irl)
books on survival & crafting that'd be able to be done anywhere, as in stone tools, shelters, traps, baskets, etc
some books for entertainment
a bible
some titanium camping cookwear
some enameled cast iron cookwear
a set of clothes that would cover each season
some axes & knives
a singlejack & a sledge hammer
a titanium spear & a couple extra heads
some firestarting kits
some titanium poles
a fuckload of 550cord
some titanium animal traps
some titanium fish traps
1 Savage A22 Takedown rifle & 3000rd of 22lr
1 scout rifle & 1000rd of .308
a 22lr rifle cleaning kit & a .308 rifle cleaning kit
a couple mirrors
some antibiotics & general medical supplies
flashlight & batteries
and some rations

i'm assuming this set of things is probably cutting it close on weight, if not, just add more shit to the pile i guess
i'd also have to see the stuff in person to actually pack it by what is needed from short term to long term
the crate i'll take down with me will have some clothes, an axe, a knife, a firestarting kit, camping cookwear, the A22 with 400rds, a few rations, medical supplies, vitamins, the titanium poles & tarp to make a basic shelter, 550 cord, a fishtrap, a couple small animal traps, some seeds, a small mirror, and a flashlight with some batteries, i'm guessing that'd right at the max of 35lb
for the 2nd supply drop, i'd like it to be the .308 & 400rds of ammo, some more clothes, the two cleaning kits, some books, some seeds, and maybe a few other things like an enameled cast iron pot
i mostly just want the important stuff out of the way, that way i can be able to build a camp & learn the land
i imagine if i can make it past the first year, the 2nd will be much easier, though i'll most likely start getting quite malnourished, so during the 2nd i'd like to create a farm with some essential staple crops

i'l probably die by winter though
This is the autism I come here for
OP, can these boxes contain living things?

>a selection of curated seeds
Could be useful if you have experience gardening. Do you?
Why both cast iron and titanium? It's redundant, and given how precious weight is cast iron cookware seems very wasteful.
useful, but man that weight cost....

The rest is fairly logical, but I'm seeing some really obvious shit you're missing: containers, a saw, binocs or similar, soap, salt, water purification methods (redundant, just like methods of starting fires) sewing supplies...
>do you have experience gardening?
>he asks the seed collector
I would wager anon has fostered a sprout or two
this guy works in a warehouse
420 lbs of pregnant cats and rats. I may die but I'm ruining your planet's ecosystem along the way.
anon, there's tons of "preppers" who have zero experience and just consoom things on a checklist. there are tons of companies pushing "survival seed kits", and lots of retards who buy them thinking they're all set for doomsday but in reality have no idea which of those seeds will grow in their area, when to plant, how deep to plant, etc. I didn't want to make assumptions, hence my question. Seeds are great to pack if you know how to plant them. If you don't then you need to learn before they become useful.
a Styrofoam warehouse maybe.

pigs and mosquitoes would be a lot better.
Mosquitos is good but pigs are heavy.
>Could be useful if you have experience gardening. Do you?
i do, and currently am
>Why both cast iron and titanium? It's redundant, and given how precious weight is cast iron cookware seems very wasteful.
the cast iron is for long term, and the titanium is for short term / travel, because imagine if you had to live the rest of your whole life cooking from a glorified tin can?
>useful, but man that weight cost....
i wouldn't want to use a axe as a hammer, its both dangerous & wasteful
though, thinking about it, i should have chosen a maul instead of a sledge hammer, more use
>The rest is fairly logical, but I'm seeing some really obvious shit you're missing: containers, a saw, binocs or similar, soap, salt, water purification methods (redundant, just like methods of starting fires) sewing supplies...
containers fits for the plants i have, bushel gourds will to the job
saws don't last forever, but i guess a few wouldn't hurt as they don't weigh much
binocs are give or take to me imho
soap is taken up by soapwort
water purification is taken up by boiling, but i guess some tablets & a canteen would be good
and i actually forgot to add sewing supplies, but i guess i could scrounge some from the medical supplies though

my collection started as a 50/50 of merely liking plants & "prepping" because fallout (the fps ones) was super interesting to me
so from like 2008 onward i've been making my own little list of seeds, though its not about prepping as much as it is about being self sufficient & eating healthy now
if you'd like, i can post the list in image form
>because imagine if you had to live the rest of your whole life cooking from a glorified tin can?
I love cooking so that absolutely bothers me. And I love CI cookware. But it's just too damn heavy when you only get a very limited amount of weight to bring over.

>saws don't last forever,
No, but they're much more efficient than an axe for many tasks, and you can always bring a saw file so you can sharpen them. That kind of file is both tiny and lightweight.

>if you'd like, i can post the list in image form
I don't really care about the list, I just wanted to make sure you were learning to grow your seeds. The more you talk about making lists and the less you talk about actual gardening the more worried I get. But if youve been growing stuff since '08 you're on the right track.
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i'm mostly imagining after some years of living on the planet that i'd just devolve into a stoneage agrarian lifestyle (basically just an injun lol)
the few things i'd have that would be metal or plastic would merely be there for pure convenience, thats why i'd have a good solid cooking pot that'll last me a lifetime
though i'm more accustom to surviving in a desert environment, i imagine i could tough it out long enough to parse the books i'd have brought along
i think the biggest worry is disease more than anything else, i'm gonna be alone & if i get 1 bad fever or gangrene, i'm dead, theres just no helping it
Op here im going to clarify some things after some thinking

Yes living things can be put in the boxes
I miss typed the box dimensions its suppoes to be 5 feet not 8( numpad fatfingers)

any volume not occupied by your chosen items will be stuffed with an edible non toxic and highly nutritious, filling, sweet and savory flavored and flammable packing material with anti depressant propeties

The packing material can be dissolved in water and smeared on wounds as a highly effective pain killer antibiotic and healing booster (halves healing time)

these properties only appear when its dissolved in boiling water
after the first year additional people will be dropped on the planet with the same terms, they are not guaranteed to be human, but are guaranteed to be team players

They will be dropped within 5 miles of your camp where ever it is and one person will arrive every two weeks for a year and then it will stop for 2 years start again for a year stop wait 4 years start for a year and then no more

The boxes will be delivered via being thrown out the back of a speeding dropship with a parachute and smoke device attachv8syed, within 5 miles of your camp

when all of the boxes have been delivered you may once request as much as you want as will fit inside a single stardard cargo container
>after the first year additional people will be dropped on the planet with the same terms, they are not guaranteed to be human, but are guaranteed to be team players
>They will be dropped within 5 miles of your camp where ever it is and one person will arrive every two weeks for a year and then it will stop for 2 years start again for a year stop wait 4 years start for a year and then no more
i am NOT coexisting with any damn spaceniggers

i change my first crate to have clothes, a camping kitchen set, a knife, a canteen, water purification tablets, an axe, a file, a tent, and a flashlight & batteries
and the second crate will contain an AR10 with 5000rd of .308, more batteries, and the seeds of kudzu, rosa multiflora, japanese barberry, and black locust
with the third crate being filled with a whole a 50/50 set of ticks & mosquitos
and after that, every other crate i have is filled with cobalt 60
I rape the aliens
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Dead Thread
hypothetically speaking could i bring a girlfriend
a girl would fit in the box
Initial Box (35 lbs):

Folding Tent (5 lbs): Provides immediate shelter.
Water Purification Tablets (1 lb): Makes water safe to drink.
First-Aid Kit (5 lbs): Essential for medical emergencies.
Multi-tool (2 lbs): Versatile tool for repairs and basic construction.
Fishing Line, Hooks, and Sinkers (2 lbs): Enables catching food.
Metal Pot (3 lbs): For cooking and boiling water.
Fire Starter Kit (2 lbs): Flint and steel or lighter for fire creation.
Seeds (5 lbs): Choose fast-growing vegetables and herbs for immediate planting.
Waterproof Notebook & Pencil (1 lb): For documentation and planning.

Box 2 (6 Months): Heavy-duty tarp, rope, saw, axe (shelter improvements & tool creation).
Box 3: Water filtration system, water storage containers (long-term water security).
Box 4: High-calorie, long-lasting food rations (emergency backup food supply).
Box 5: Books on survival skills, gardening, and local flora/fauna identification.
Box 6: Solar panels, battery pack, inverter (for basic electricity generation).
Box 7: Sewing kit, fabric, needles (clothing repair and shelter construction).
Box 8: Metalworking tools (hammer, anvil, small forge) (advanced tool creation).
Box 9: Seeds for fruit trees and grains (long-term food security).
Box 10 - 12: Livestock breeding pairs (chickens, rabbits) (sustainable food source).
Anon inadvertently creates the Squats from 40K.
What a fucking legend.
It’s a Puma
8 changes of clothes two for each season
Hand axe and Hand drill
Sharpening stone
Topical antibiotic and painkiller
Sewing kit
Canvas tent and wood stove
a 357 revolver 2 speedloaders and a sack of loose rounds
this makes things more interesting, not having to worry about meds or immediate food supplies.
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Box 1: Your average well-made survival kit, we all know what goes here. But with extra stuff
>blackpowder flintlock rifles
>Civil war Minie balls

Box 2: Preindustrial construction tools and chemistry equipmemt. More BP and balls.
Box 3: Books on every technology from prehistory to industrial era. Especially chemistry, metallurgy, and ore identification. Biology books too for local flora and fauna. More guns
Box 4: Minie ball molds, mining equipment, tongs, anvil, hammer, crucibles, etc.
Box 5: Seeds; corn, wheat, fruit, potatos, etc. More guns
Box 6-7: Animal husbandry. Fertilized chicken eggs for incubation, maybe rabbits if enough can be stuffed inside for a genetically stable populations
Box 8-9: A pair of small cute young girls with good genetics and fertility, they'll grow into strong women fit to take my dick and bear many children
Box 10-13: Equipment for an in vitro fertilization lab, solar and hydro powered. Human eggs and sperm from good genetic stock. Won't last long, but at least enough to start the population bomb a la Interstellar. I'm a biologist so I think I know what to do.

Thank you ayys for letting us humans start a new colony. My thought process is whatever is in the cargo hold of those 1600's colony ships like the Mayflower, stuff needed to start a self sustaining colony that can work on the tech tree from there using info from the books. (e.g. blackpowder will be synthesized in situ from nitrate rich rot, lead from mined galena). The lab will only need to last long enough until a genetically stable human population can sustain itself. The girls will be constantly pregnant from my seed or have female test tube embryos implanted in them. Then their daughters will be impregnated, then their granddaughters, etc. etc.
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In that case, I want my cargo container to be filled with a fuckton of frozen human embryos, a fully equipped in vitro lab, an ob-gyn clinic, and as many drugged sleeping fertile cute girls that can be inhumanely stacked inside.

I'll change my boxes 8-13 to have more colony-building supplies, livestock, seeds, equipment, etc. to increase chances of survival

>i am NOT coexisting with any damn spaceniggers
Hear hear. Humanity will outbreed the xeno scum

P.S. I'll replace box 3 with a cute girl that suits my preferences. For the sake of my sanity, didnt think of the timescale of the whole operation spending years without human contact will suck. Bump the box of books down the queue. Send her in with reversible contraceptive implants so we can fuck all we want while we're busy setting things up. Then I'll put babies in her once the population bomb kicks off.
Same as this guy
minus the meds
plus a laptop and solar panel
and a pair of well fitted clogs
Same as this guy but add an extra thick hunters blanket
Chickens, basic hand tools, and a .22 rifle in the first load. Rest of the shipments will be 35lbs of .22 ammo and fucking air I guess.
First box
Rope Cloth Axe and handdrill
Other boxes idk ; its cave man time/
dead thread
Crazy and proud answer: ask for nothing. There will be no negotiation with alien terrorists. I will die on the planet, reïncarnate, work and get eaten ad perpetuam and feed the world until they reïncarnate as my own and we form alliances on our own terms. Then when the aliens come again and take one of us away, we'll have the compounded knowledge in our souls for starting again on a different, maybe harder planet, and the aliens will be not scary, but mere intergalactic taxi drivers. Maybe they'll even think 'We're proud of you, human. Bazinga-zonga.' Survival of the spirit is more important than bodily survival. A broken spirit will never survive, but a cripple can survive if it has spirit.
>t. Keyboard survivalist
Brb, going to feed my spirit
>doesn't have the drive to survive
>this is somehow a chad move because muh new age hippie thought pattern
It's living on your feet or bending to aliens as emperors and accepting that they helped you get going, always being in debt. I'd rather live on my feet.
Schizoid thread
>all kinds of debt to all beings are to be avoided at all costs

you wrote this with your computer and uploaded it to the internet, dunce. you talk about "survival of the spirit" but your goal is to sit and rot. you are a hypocrite, and i believe your decisions are based in fear.
>There will be no negotiation with alien terrorists.
>accepting that they helped you get going, always being in debt
So which one is it, contrarian? Are they terrorists through their actions, or will you be in their debt through them?
not the anon your addressing, i do not see how these are contradictory statements

Also hes being unreasonable
Imagine you're kidnapped. You're not "in debt" to your kidnappers if they feed you to keep you alive.
i dont think he gets that
>box 1: 1 gun, a rifle (probably a lightweight .308 build), 3 mags for the rifle, 90 rounds for the rifle. lightest 1 person tent those alien fuckers can find on amazon (thats about 10lbs down).
Fill remainder with one lightweight nalgene waterbottle (refillable), one knife + edge straightener, one water filter, set of ultra lightweight insulating clothes, some lightweight footwear. remaining 5 lbs are filled with the highest calorie shelf-stable mush those alien bastards can whip up. one box of 200 matches to top off.

I should be able to live in the lightweight tent and hunt / scavenge for food with the gun / knife. Water is taken care of. the main purpose of the gun is because PNW has grizzlies, I am not gonna fuck with those.

box 2: 5lbs more of water purification crap. a pot, more filters, some matches. I can begin to move off of filter reliability and start to boil my own water. military style cot, tarp, down blankets. knife sharpener (the edge straightener will likely start to have diminishing returns at this point) and replacement knife.

with this I can set up a more all-seasons solution to living there.

box 3: fleshlight, basic supplies similar to box 2, except stuffing all the spare space with food to prepare for winter.

boxes 4-13: food
>80% of the vegs from those seeds have barely any calories
>only one corn type
box 1 basically an alone loadout + some calories + .22 rifle

after that i'd have to think on order but i'd want survival, construction stuff, food production next

survival stuff, like a big metal pot, lots of paracord and rope, big fishing kit, tarps, several water filters + extra filters, lots of plastic bags to store things. lots of multi vitamin bottles.
then remainder of my summer / winter hiking stuff
construction equipment, screws nails, tools, saws to mill lumber.
5 books on both pre and post industrial technology.
6 pistol, rifle, ammo, optics
7 and 8 high calorie foods
9 seeds and farm equipment. foldable shovel, pickaxe
10 solar chargers and batteries

i think it'd be pretty easy if you got all 12 boxes each a week apart. 6 months i don't know there's a fairly decent chance you die early. if you could get to box 2 and 3 you'd be ok.
Dead thread
Well fuck. Honestly I don't think humans would survive, so my goal would be to follow kinship altruism to its logical extreme and try and introduce as many earth species as possible.

I'm thinking grasses, ants, cockroaches, pigeons, black rats, english ivy, roach fish, zebra mussels etc. Just whatever has the best chance to survive. The more earthling DNA gets to propagate, the better :)
Oh, and if I can request anything I want to be in the crates, how about some of the planet's native species, infected with virulent and deadly plagues that will wipe out large parts of the native populations?
35lb is approximately 16kg. Sorry to rain on your parade, but your misunderstanding of the units of measurement that your people came up with has forced the aliens into giving you toddlers - at best.

Depending on your disposition, and what you meant by "I don't like women", you'll either be dismayed or overjoyed.
Holy kek
1 shotgun and bullets, water purifier, sleeping bag, ropes, machete, knife, various vegetable seeds, lighter, nail clipper, fleshlight, penicillin and various medicines, metal pot, soap
2. Winter clothes, tent, sleeping bag, blankets, flash light, batteries, vitamins
3. Tool box, concrete, glass panels,
4. solar panel, a gaming laptop with 600 terabytes of porn stored in external drives, 600 terabytes of pc video games, 600 terabytes of farming, survival, hunting, cooking books,
5. New knife, another gun and more bullets, paper, notepads and pen and pencil filled to the brim
6 more soap and medicine, concrete, bullet proof glass pannels
7 more solar panels, concrete, glass pannels, vinyl wrappings
8 More vegetable seeds and medicine, fertilizer, spear gun, fishing gear
9. Replacement solar pannel, more batteries, replacement wires, replacement laptop
10. Various books with various pictures and diagrams. Filled to the brim
11. More vegetable seeds and fruit saplings, new machete, more bullets
12. The dog robot from boston dynamics
13. New laptop and more porn, more video games, vitamins, more solar panels, wires, lights, etc

My plan is to build a shelter in the first 6 month, get cozy and watch porn and play video games until death.

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