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>With a hint of exaggeration we can say that cars today are made to completely disintegrate the moment the warranty expires. The car producers don’t even want to make good cars; they just want to make money, so they make absolute crap that looks very nice and is very comfortable, and is very “environmentally friendly”, and then when a few years have gone by they want you to buy a new one (and the “environmentally friendly” car that they spent a lot of polluting energy to produce becomes polluting garbage). There is more money for them to do it this way than it is for them to make good cars.

>Another problem with modern cars is the one you as a consumer have when it breaks down (and it will, at least when the warranty expires). It is close to impossible to fix anything in a modern car. You can barely change tyres yourself, and you can certainly not change a broken light bulb; you need a professional car mechanic for such a task – and the money to pay for this complex operation.

>To sum it up: modern cars are designed to break down after a short while and you can not fix them yourself when they do. They are mere consumer goods.

>The Soviet Union was a Communist regime, with very little talent for making money or for having the type of Capitalist ideas that car producers have today. The Soviet Union was also famous for caring more about the military than for anything else, so whilst people in general apparently had very little, the military cruised around in high quality vehicles (well, at least in vehicles made from high quality materials). Further, they made these cars for soldiers, in other words; they made these cars pretty idiot-proof! Even the average conscript was supposed to be able to fix things that broke.
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>Knowing this I figured I would solve my problem with cars by buying a military car made in the Soviet Union. Not a military car designed in the Soviet Union and made in (Capitalist…) Russia, but a care made in the Soviet Union. So I went ahead and purchased a Soviet-made UAZ 469b military 4×4, as a family car: it has 7 seats, it is idiot-proof and it is made of steel of such high quality that it is completely rust free, even 25 years after it was made! Even parts where the paint have fallen off have no rust whatsoever! Compared to my (Capitalist) Russian-made Lada Niva this is a dream! My Niva even rusts standing dry in my garage (and I am beginning to give up keeping the rust away with acid, sand paper, anti-rust paint etc.)!

>Now, the UAZ 469b is not a typical dream car. Some don’t like it… Pretty much everything in the car is (high quality!) steel, and there is no insulation whatsoever, so it is the most noisy car I have ever driven before (and I commonly drive a Lada Niva…). The comfort is… absent. There are no seat belts for the back seats, but I plan on installing some of those. The door handles don’t work very well (who am I kidding? Only one of them actually works as it should…), and if I turn on the wind-shield wipers it sounds as if I am sitting inside the engine compartment of a jet… it is a little bit thirsty as well, and the gear box sounds as if someone has thrown a handful of rocks inside it if I go faster than 50 kph, and maximum cruising speed is around 70 kph… I might stay away from the motorways in this one.
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>Even I — a writer/musician, a "filthy wrenchlet"— can fix just about everything myself, and the parts are so cheap you laugh every time you pay for them (and you don’t often need to do that either). My 25 year-old Soviet car is still in perfect condition. It has no warranty. Close to no electronics. It is made for the Soviet military and insane offroad driving, and I use it as a family car on the road. It will last forever.

>How the average Russian drives his UAZ:

>My own UAZ (with freshly repaired wind shield), pic related.

>Buy only old and used cars when you buy a new car for yourself. The older the better. The more primitive they are the better; the less fancy features they have the better (remember: “Whatever can go wrong will go wrong”). Always repair old cars if you can rather than buy a new one. It is that simple. If you do this you will suffer so much less from car trouble than if you buy a new car. Let the car manufacturers sell no more of their modern garbage! Force them to either start making good cars again or force them to go bankrupt! HailaR WôðanaR!
How come Varg after being in jail for all those years for daring to defend himself from a murderous commie still hasn't been broken and has more of a spine than the average p/o/ster who is ready to part with his money for some spyware-laden appliance that finances the same people who want to enslave him?
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Yeah but he's a millionaire who probably drives less than 5 miles a day to buy baggeutes and foie gras

If you drove that one the autoroute it would explode
>he's a millionaire
Really? I don't think that's the case at all, middle class income tops.
Normies are just built weaker in all sorts of ways, ready to part with their freedoms at the slightest hint of inconvenience, forgetting how much blood and sweat has been spilled to achieve them in the first place
Today's million is not even close to the million of the 90s. Nowadays a house can be a million dollars. Not even a cool mcMansion, just _a_ house.
Millionaire just isn’t what it used to be. In this day, if you somewhat older and not a millionaire, you are essentially poor
I get that he's a Europoor, but really all of his complaints can be addressed by just buying a well built car from the 80s or 90s like a Crown Victoria or an old Buick Park Avenue or something. Even old cars from the 70s can be pretty easy to repair with widespread parts availability due to standardization. I'd include 80s cars too, but some of them have some wonky electronic systems.

In my crown vic if a headlight bulb burns out I can go to autozone and get a replacement bulb for 5 or 10 bucks and I can change that in the parking lot in 10 minutes. I also get a decent suspension system and air conditioning and mostly modern comforts.

I can't help but think that Varg is just going for an aesthetic here. And there's nothing wrong with that. But surely there were reliable European cars from the 90s that he could have bought instead, no? Even if he went Japanese...a 90s honda civic or accord will last a long time with proper maintenance
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I don't live near Europe so a Soviet car isn't really practical. Living near Asia it's better to run a car that's popular in my third world neighborhood. They'll be fixing old Suzukis until there's no more gas.
throwing aside the troll nature of OP

Well the sentiment is right and wrong, for many reasons and many aspects on both sides.
I hope he doesn't get in a mid speed accident with his kids in that vehicle. Much rather get hit by a truck at 30MPH in my modern-ish shitbox with side airbags than a full steel military not-a-jeep.

A plug job on my engine takes 4 hours or so, but that's 4 hours for 8-12 years depending on yearly driving. Far from a bad tradeoff considering modern engines have modern spark plugs that last 120-150k miles, his russian military special was designed for 30k plug life.
Headlamps (the entire unit) aren't too bad either, bumper has to come off but that takes less than 15 minutes including jacking the car up and taking the wheels off. Half hour total, 8 screws for both light housings. Not bad.

I do believe cars should be simplified, easier to work on, and intentionally designed to be longer lasting. At the same time nothing is perfect, everything wears out and needs to be replaced on a long enough time. Kinda big doubt a russian military not-a-jeep can hold up to everyday regular use without it's own set of necessary fixes.
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don't care
still voting trump
still driving a diesel truck
>A plug job on my engine takes 4 hours or so, but that's 4 hours for 8-12 years depending on yearly driving. Far from a bad tradeoff considering modern engines have modern spark plugs that last 120-150k miles, his russian military special was designed for 30k plug life.
>Headlamps (the entire unit) aren't too bad either, bumper has to come off but that takes less than 15 minutes including jacking the car up and taking the wheels off. Half hour total, 8 screws for both light housings. Not bad.
Anon, that's not even wrenching. That's changing BASIC consumable stuff. What about something like a timing belt replacement?
UAZ 469B lets you do without a mechanic. It's like Varg says, even a filthy wrenchlet can pull it off.
Dude is definitely not a millionaire, more of a starving artist. His wife is definitely on welfare with all those kids. He bought a house in the middle of nowhere and the cheapest car for a reason. He probably had a good chunk of record sales in the 90s but now it's all being pirated or slow trickle of income from online song sales. He releases new obviously quickly made songs often which shows he needs more income.
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He's a welfare advocate as a means to starve the ZOG, but he's stated he makes too much to get welfare so he can't follow his own plan. His income also comes from books and RPGs besides music royalties.
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Yeah, I'm not reading all of that, lol.
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Sorry for your loss
Because he doesn't have a spine, he just became useful to his rulers by being a race traitor
>Raah ragh burn churches!
>Christchurch? Oh no no no! My poor precious innocent harmless muzzie wuzzies noooooo!
One of the only based posters here
How is he a race traitor? How does killing a bunch of muslims to do Israel's bidding and disarm the populace help save the white race?
Tarrant was a mossad operative, don't be so retarded.
I can smell your jew breath cocksucker
Go back to nein, retard. To this day jews honor Baruch Goldstein who did the exact same thing as Tarrant except using a knife instead of guns and being a kike instead of a shabbos goy.
you sure seem to know a lot of the inner workings of how jews operate, anon
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Shalom moshe
Hardly their "inner workings" when even Wikipedia has it documented
wikipedia says that the Christchurch attack was explicitly done to further the jewish conspiracy?
No, it says there's pilgrimage to Baruch Goldstein's tomb every anniversary
>Baruch Goldstein who did the exact same thing as Tarrant except using a knife instead of guns
He was a shooter, you got tour terrorists mixed up.
Yeah but he doesn't have to drive to work everyday.
The future is cubanized 2000-2010 Era Japanese cars
Toyota makes lasting cars
Why does he live in France if he's a Nordic ethnonationalist?
I think reverse cubanization is the way to go. Think LS swapped model S.
The true French are of Nordic stock
Because he'd much rather live with brown people than his fellow whites
Because of his beautiful French wife who obviously has a Nordic genetic makeup
>the cure for planned obsolescence is unplanned obsolescence
How is what he described obsolescence?
I don't know, I didn't read OP's post
>I'm a faggot with a worthless opinion
Good to know
Thanks for summarizing OP's post LOL
They have the best welfare.
>implying Soviet vehicles didn’t get corner cut at every opportunity due to corruption and people trying to skim off the top
>implying modern cars don’t last longer than ever, with good companies like toyota easily making 300k miles
>implying parts for a 25+ year old soviet shitbox that wasn’t sold in the US are easier to find than any modern car
What a retard
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Varg is a low caste white

I wish they’d build a bridge to France so I could crush his fag Slav jeep with a proper white mans truck
>wasn’t sold in the US
Varg is in Europe, that's irrelevant to him
Is Varg's excuse for taking welfare that "he's destroying the ZOG globohomo system!!!" when in reality he is broke because he doesn't produce anything of value to anyone?
>I can't help but think that Varg is just going for an aesthetic here.
LOTS of Americans and europeans right wingers love the idea of "it's actually better BECAUSE it's shittier!" or "It looks like shit but that only means underneath it must be really good!"
He doesn't qualify for welfare though, his advocacy for overloading the welfare system isn't based on what he does in his private life.
I swear to God all these cuckservative larper rusaboos wouldn't last a day in this shithole. they have no idea what this shitty country actually is like and how grateful they need to be that they weren't born here
One doesn't need to be a russiaboo to appreciate the AK-47 of off-road vehicles
Ok, but this is a thread about easily maintained cars which don't have unnecessary microchips in them.
Flawed comparison, the AK (the rifle) is reliable
So is the UAZ
I live in the "diagonale du vide" and I'm pretty active in the metal scene, some people I know already spotted Varg's shitboxes in the wild lol
Have you owned one?
Pretty based, fren
I drove one for years in the army
How much daily maintenance was required for it to run? Were you cannibalizing other UAZs for parts?
Just the same as how varg is to the first world
So why haven't you killed him yet?
Ah, so you had someone else fixing all your fuckups for you, on the taxpayers dime
It's not the taxpayer's dime, tax belongs to the government not the taxpayer
Which was stolen from the taxpayers under threat of violence retard
The "threat of violence" is for the freeloaders who want to avoid their duty. Decent people pay their taxes because they understand they're better off with a government to protect them rather than living in an African dystopia like Somalia. The lack of a government is the real threat of violence.
The founding fathers didn't support an income tax and income taxes as a permanent default condition of living in the US were unconstitutional until the 20th century.
They collected all kinds of other taxes though, also America isn't the civilized world or representative of it, no one cares about your founding boomers.
>protecting something besides its own interests
>he says while enjoying public services and having a social security policy as a fallback should anything bad happen to him
I pay or will pay for that on top of my taxes. Also everything "public" is generally shitty, so I usually pay more for some commercial alternative. If there's no commercial alternative, it's usually even more shitty and pricey because no competition.
I am capable of defending myself. The government only protects criminals from us.
Somalia isn't somalia because of the structure of government, or lack thereof, it's Somalia because it's filled with 78 iq niggers.
Almost like societies above room temperature IQ realize having a government is the way to go. Shocking I know.
You're just a dumbass leftist who read too much Stirner and hates order.
News flash, we aren't individuals in a vacuum. We live in a society.
>Paying 30+% of your income is moral/normal because tariffs and sales taxes existed.
Social security will be banrupted 30 years before I'm eligible to receive it despite paying 10% of my income into it each year by threat of imprisonment.
Anon, social security isn't just a pension. It's also unemployment insurance and a myriad of other things. It provides, indeed, SECURITY.
That's being taxed twice and isn't moral, but don't pretend the immorality is income tax. Having income and other taxes at the same time and or having sky high tax rates (excess burden) is what's immoral.
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You say he's spineless but its the an/o/ns I see lacking a spine here, not Varg
Huh, it's pretty rare to come across an honest to God ZOGbot. Usually it's just gay larp
So how come he isn't backing up his claims by killing immigrants?
What would that exactly accomplish? Getting the public to side with the "poor victims" and getting the politicians to pass millions in reparations for them and disarm the populace just like they did in New Zealand? All you get with random acts of violence is more immigrants flooding your country courtesy of your (((leaders))). Neinfags, when will they learn?
I think the cure would just be to invest in mass transit and let cars be a product for nerds.
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>oooh i'm too coward to put my money where my mouth is a bloo boo boo! :(((
>if you don't serve the zog you are a coward
Not an argument.

is the Cure
Who are you quoting?
*VTEC grenades itself*
pshhhhh... nothing personnel... kid...
>still spreading FUD
Seems like the post they're replying to
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It's a shame Varg's channel was nuked. I learned how to change the oil and filter in a T3/T25 thanks to his wholesome video.
Not that I couldn't have figured it out myself by looking for the drain plug but now I don't have to.
We need a circular economy for cars if we truly care about the environment.
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(((Modern))) "cars" were a mistake. Ted was right about everything but his methods.
>no windows
Have we gone insane?
well clearly they realized they had, because apple canned any of their retarded plans to make cars
Just buy a honda fit from 2010 or so. Solves all these issues and isn't a rushed old dangerous hunk of barely driving soviet shit.

Varg just needs to admit he did it for the aesthetics.
>electronic injection and other black boxes
hard pass
Kys weebcuck
I'm different anon and haven't worked with UAZs, but I've seen many times others do UAZ maintenence and I owned the Volga 24 (almost same shit by engine). They're sure easy to fix, but they're fucking unreliable. Considering the quality of commie spare parts, you will repair them every day during active use.

I also worked with ZIL-131 6x6 truck with 7.0 OHV V8, and they also fucking unreliable like everything gasoline powered that the commies made. When we were given the diesel powered Ural 4320 it was just a miracle after that ZIL, it was so reliable, but much more complicated.

If someone tells you otherwise, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a Varg or a russiaboo from America, know that this is a blatant lie. As a resident of an ex-commie country, I can tell you that simplicity is overrated and owning a Japanese, European or American car from 80s to present times with EFI is a blessing from God.

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