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the floods are over edition

New things on the agenda this year:
>Someone let me know if sherman pass is in drivable condition it was still fucked last august

Potential route change:
>Driving to Kernville the long way around instead of taking the pass then taking 155 -> Jack Ranch west to fountain springs
can I bring my bicycle?
someone give me a ride I don't have a car
Is the mandatory all boy bath still going on? It was pretty gay last time.
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no, not even with dubs
bring a woman then. the hotels there have enough space to fuck and enough space for everyone else to watch
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Can I bring my van
We will consider a policy exception this year to allow girls (male)
Do one in socal Goddamnit
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Ayy... finna drive to Zion next week, will hit up Sherman's Ass (from the back bby) and report back how rough the ride is ;)
Lone Pine is in the southern half of the state. It's also way faster to get there from LA, literally half the time. Wtf are you whining about?
if its farther than 1 tank of gas its too far
get a car with a bigger tank and suddenly the world feels a lot bigger
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>bypassing the death valley twisties
>get a car with better mileage and bigger tank
>Suddenly the car turns into an econobox and isn't worth taking to a car meet anymore
Hi can I come
only if you have a car
>get pulled over
>Chp conducts roadside smog inspection
>jeep immediately impounded
Come please lmao
Can I bring my boyfriend
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Can I bring my rv
Only If I get to fuck you in the back of it
No niggers allowed at this meet.
Only if you fit my spare fursuit
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You guys think it will be like the last one?
Where's this
The last meet you autists did by the coast
Wasn't there
this is not from any of the last 3 meets
Is this a MegaMotors buy-here-pay-here lot or a "car enthusiast" meet? Not a single car from within the past decade...

Even random grocery store parking lots in the ghetto have better cars, at least there everybody flexin a new Benz or Charger
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Can I bring my bolt
that picture is nearly ten years old
My girlfriend is nearly ten years old
My Pinoy import just turned 16!
will i be made fun of if i bring my superduty?
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Ummmm Vibe Check

>will my 1.8 Caltrans Special pontiac make it in the tiwsties?
Gomma Drive all the way from Philadelphia BTW
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Oh yes and I'm going to have a lot of sex inside of it with my Filipino girlfriend on every stop.
I'm going to unload a super duty on your chest
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Shermong Pass ded. The road into California Hot Springs from Tulare has lots of rocks and potholes.

Only if you bring John's Roast Pork. And a couple nice girls from the Main Line that we can share
I stopped being Chaser after the incident
Thank you for your service
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Made it out of Pennsylvania I am now in Ohio. Feel free to join the Caravan
Requesting coordinates for rendezvous, to convoy over the pass

Sonora Safeway 12pm?

There's Panda in that parking lot if people hungry. Walmart for last minute condoms
Who cares just meet at that one scenic piss spot. Every time you asshole meet at Safeway you spend literally 2 hours there that could be spent up at altitude looking at the mountains and snow and trees and junk.
Can I bring my 5yo kid?
Only if they're sexy
No, ages 6+.
Find a daycare
Lmao does no one on this board actually have a real enthusiast car?
I have a 1995 Ford Ranger with a skull shifter
I'm not sure what you mean by enthusiast car? What cars do you want to see at the meet? Is everyone on the /o/ board present in that 10 year old photo? What car do you drive?
any car you'd find in any old copy of gran turismo
r34 gtrs
shelby mustangs
911 gt3s
enzos or f40s or diablos, the typical stuff car enthusiasts like
i think you misunderstand. this is more of a driving around having fun type of thing than a car show. 99% of the owners of the vehicles you mentioned do not drive their cars hard ever, because they can't really afford anything to happen to them. i think r/cars does meets sometimes that would be a lot closer to what you're looking for!
I think YOU misunderstood.
I want you people to bring a r34 and a f40 and a mclaren and a bunch of ferraris and porsches so I can enjoy looking at them.
I will bring my moms Camery and stay in the back

Just go online and look at pictures of Ferraris you idiot.

I go online and look at pictures of your mom for free
Can I masturbate in my car?

Anybody who identifies as female is welcome to see and participate execpt naru
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I've been waiting here for hours where is everyone
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I saw two humanois get into their discs and hover away. And now I'm being followed by black SUVs and yet no sign of /o/
why would anyone bring an EV to a car meet
care to dragrace me?
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Remember this happened at the last one? That was fucking hilarious, shit was so loud
who dies this year
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ran into a random otist at a sketchy motel along the coast. too bad not enough horsepower to make it up mountains

Did u plan ur charge stops?
I got a app for that
you fucking soulless commuter poorfag bitches
suck the back of my dick
if you judge cars based on their MSRP, you are basically admitting to viewing them as status symbols. low income household mindset.
niggery diggery doo

im calling CHP on you
imma show up if I can finish this diesel swap in time
Anon, drinking is bad for you.
that's a myth, it's actually good for you
not if i call them first
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we have suicide drivers ready to take out chp cruisers
that only makes it worse (except the 1 series)
Just called in a Bomb threat to CHP. Thank me latter boys.
no way that's 216 miles of just lone pine roads
Reminder for noobs: there is NO WATER once you cross the mountains. Stock up on at least 10 5-gallon jugs in Sonora so you can have water to drink and bathe with. Or else you'll have to "conserve fluids" with the other dudes who forgot to pack water. That means showering together and drinking each other's piss to not die of dehydration (it will be hot)
Think the nearby Indian reservations have pussy? Indussy, if you will?
Non white hands typed this post
>any car you'd find in any old copy of gran turismo
yes i have a Real Enthusiast Car(tm)
V6 Accord coupe is not bad
good morning
Are indian people allowed or should i stay home
Actually i dont think i want to go anymore saars.
are gay people welcome?

I daily a '23 Rubicon
the whole meets gay youll b in good cumpany
yeah make sure and bring some rubber ducks for the rest of the jeepers
Your 150k mile base level model 3 won’t have the range
real tawk, is there charge stations in the land of the Long Penis? where do all the LA yuppies driving up for Smoking Woman charge

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