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Not polished yet: https://close.city/

It's an interactive map to show the best places for transportation and walkability.

The default is Grocery + Library which makes the map really really narrowly defined and there's no real way to weight the options, so I recommend disabling Library and/or using just one at a time. But it does an incredible job of highlighting walkability and would make a great tool for deciding where to develop or move
>year 2024
What sort of delusion is this?
If you don't have libraries in walking distance, you don't live in a real city. It's one of the main determining factors separting the 1st world from the shitholes
>deciding where to develop
you mean where to invest. if you control where to develop you can control more of the variables. but yimbyism is about ROImaxxing for developers so of course you would disingenuously conflate the two

t. boomer nimby cagetroll brownoid
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I looked at the three cities/towns I'm intimately familiar with and this mapping tool does a decent job generating time-to-bike plots that factor in elevation. But it can't differentiate between neighborhood streets and 6 lane arterials, or recognize differences in land use patterns, so the results don't really match up what it's like to actually bike or walk in those places.
It thinks school playgrounds closed to the public are parks where I'm at.
Dude it's year 2024, public municipal libraries are literally negative value.
>Close.City kills the cagie
I don't spend much time on /n/, just swing by for aviation threads now and then, can someone explain why people who love bikes/busses/walking constantly seethe about cars nonstop? It doesn't even seem like they have a particular dislike on them in cities, hating the entire concept just seems to become the focal point of their whole personality. Is this just board shitposting?
Given this is a city, why does it omit crime, niggers, and homeless bums?

It’s like ignoring a confounding variable on purpose when you’re trying to find causal effect
Cars are genuinely just shit. It was a pretty cool invention that was useful in some places but it instead of allowing transportation innovation to continue, our kike governments decided in the 40s that we have to cover every square inch of our cities with a meter deep layer of concrete and only rely on automobiles despite how unsustainable they are. Fuck cars and fuck car lovers. Day of chain soon
Car-free, or even anti-car, is a valid identity because many of modern society's problems come from automobile dependence. The car enabled social isolation through the nuclear family model. The car segregated neighborhoods by building highways straight through them and red lined neighborhoods. The car enabled Big Oil and Big Auto to gain more power than the government which allows them to continue to push anti-people policies that is destroying the environment and our health. The car enabled the Banks to enslave the gullible through debt contacts. The car enabled suburban sprawl which enabled the existence of commercial real estate investment companies and trusts which is causing the real estate crisis. The car deconstructed America's railway logistics network by shifting the majority of freight from rail to trucks. The car is a mistake.
Having a car is nice. Needing to use the car every day to get to work, sitting in traffic, all because cars are a highly inefficient means of getting people to a regular meeting point on a daily basis, is retarded and soul-crushing.
>New feature: a high density of barbershops and Popeyes lowers walkability rating
Because zoomers who live with mommy and daddy have been segmented by social media algorithms into a little bubble where they can rage about proxies for mommy and daddy aka "the nimby boomers", who they resent for reasons typical of angsty adolescents. As a result any internet space ostensibly aimed at discussion of transit, bikes, or equivalent, instantly gets shat up by screeching about the nimby boomer housing crisis cagetrolls. It's been like this for about 5 years now. Anti-car knee-jerkery has always been a thing but it used to be just a feature of these spaces, now it's the overwhelming theme, because these people have nothing of value to contribute, because they have no personal experience riding transit, or using bikes or walking to get around. To them, it's just a fun internet argument to get into, because they've got nothing else to do.
You're either an illiterate nigger or an NPC.
Try taking a bicycle on a ride mate, and after dodging hordes of dumb women, truckolds and faggots you'll want to ban cars.
You are a NPC of you think that place to get books in the year 2024 is municipal tier library. Today these things are just nostalgic waste of resources.
>n-no u!
Eat shit.
This. Entire cities and their European heritage, bulldozed to fatten the auto industry (((moguls))).
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library is a place for using drugs, not reading
>Today these things are just nostalgic waste of resources.
Not even close, some local libraries have special tools for rent, others have maker spaces with woodwork and 3d printing equipment for use, and these days your local library could have access to rental accounts for streaming services. Libraries also host an archive of newspapers from the before times and I mean the before-before times. They're a useful service
Yeah, the other replies make that more than apparent
Don't worry, I've got plenty of space to ride on my 10 acres
What the fuck would you possibly need a library for? They became obsolete the second home internet access became widespread, aka decades ago.

99.99% of all books ever written are available, to you, for free, right now. You could in less than 60 seconds choose virtually any book you could think of, certainly any book that might be found in your local library, download it, and be reading it. In the time it takes you to make the 15 minute walk to your library, I could download every book written in the past century. Anyone with a pc and internet access could do the same.
nta but where do kids go to study these days? I went to college in the early days of the internet, there was broadband in the dorm rooms, which was not a common thing for most households, but everyone still went to the library because you could study there without distraction, and they also happened to have a lot of books and stuff, which came in handy sometimes.

Like did you just not go to college or have things really changed that much? In my mind I'd have a pretty rough time studying if I ever went back to school because it's hard coded in my brain that library = the place to study and home = the place to fuck around and shitpost on 4chan.
Ok so after reading about this on a bunch of websites, there is still high demand for libraries but the services and hours are being cut for a variety of reasons. I guess when policy is set by people like foxposter we end up with a culture that considers reading to be an outlandish concept that only exists in cartoons. No doubt exacerbated by the fact that a non-trivial percent of the population believes that any library containing any book containing the word "sex" (aka all of them) is automatically a pornographic theater and should be burned to the ground and replaced with a church.
Should have cared more about the libraries than defending drag story time or "Timmy's First Sodomy"
So do you have any reason to protect bad Jewish NIMBY legislative practices other than "DURR THE ZOOMIES HATE IT SO I HAVE TO LIKE IT". kys retard
And the other thing I've noticed is that the new type of screeching about cars is often totally shameless about supporting far right stuff >>1990429

I think the fact that a lot of the yimby shit comes from austrian school/chicago boys types of characters on the internet explains the sudden affection for rightoid weirdness. I find it interesting to see them go off about da joooz since "jewish landlords" has been a mainstay of rightoid conspiracy theories since forever, and now here they are simping for landlords who must not be very jewish since jews are bad and developers are good
Imagine writing that much to say absolutely nothing. Your first defense of NIMBYS was that zoommers hate it and now you're moving your target to right wingers while still making zero actual fucking points. Are all carbrains lobotomized or just you?
And ignoring the fact in the first place that the vast vast majority of the anti-car crowd comes from the far left
I don't get it. Some of these supermarkets are in the colored regions and some aren't. There's even random orange bars by themselves.
Take off libraries and replace with schools or restaurants. I don't know why he set that to a default parameter
Alright. The 25-30 minute range is like 10 for me. how do I turn off handicapped mode?
I mean. If you are going to have library. Post Office should be on there too. It's a better measure of the middle of town.
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Oh. I see the options now. Pretty good heatmap of what places are completely fucked.
A word that immediately tells me your post is well worth ignoring
It's the umbrella term for faggots using legislation to block sensible urbanism retard. Zoning legislation is one of the core reasons American cities are so shit
The far left hates cars. They want to get rid of the word private. Cars? Use the bus. Housing? Here’s a pod sized room with shared facilities. All in the name of efficiency and “fairness”. They want us living packed up like bees in a hive, a totally unnatural and unhealthy way to live. A reasonable man would conclude that a mix of sense urban accommodation and less sense housing on the outskirts is the way forward but these chumps only think in terms of surviving on what you “need” only, which funnily enough drives up profits for developers who can make far more money off sell/rent larger numbers of smaller apartments for far more than they can ever hope to get from larger family sized offerings. It’s an utter charade.
>where do kids go to study these days?
Either at the uni itself or at home/dorm
Definitely not at the public library lmao
From what I've seen, public libraries are used almost exclusively by very old women and street children who don't have a computer at home.
>lives in a place where school playgrounds aren't open to the public on evenings and weekends
>nearby shoe boutique is labeled as supermarket but drugstore with full grocery is nowhere to be seen
definitely needs tuned up. at first glance the map look about right though
When I was young. My school's playground would be opened and closed at random. So it wasn't something I could relay on.
Needs to be global not just muricuck only
My local library rebranded as coworking with latte and smoothies, and also hosts a lot of courses, though mostly for kids. It's a good public space.
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I heard recently that it's now cool to be dumb as bricks, so much so that people now avoid using grammar and find it offensive.
You're not the first one i've seen wearing their stupidity as a badge of pride.
I'm personally embarrassed by how little I read.
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>decades ago
>99.99% of all books ever written are available
hahahahahahaha you are a moron
>it's not library but let's call it library
Small libraries are dead, chud, deal with it. I can understand national level library that keep really rare books (though those should be all scanned and made net available too). But small municipal libraries? You don't find anything beyond censored ESG slop there. You would be 9000% better if you donwnlaod these books from the net.
Currently in hospital recovering surgery after cager attack. Not the first time. And by far not the first injury or crash caused by cager attack. Ironically my father, terminally cageoid himself, just weeks before my recent incident, broke a leg and ankle in a cager attack. My grannie, cager herself, just months before that, got her car flattened by a lorry. Miraculously survived. My aunt, survivor of a prior stroke, was riding shotgun when hit by a speeding cager loosing control, lots of injury and pain for her.
And none of this tells of all the indirect collateral damage motorists cause to society and environment. Health, climate, flora and fauna, stress, obesity, loss of empathy, messed up markets for housing and crippled cities to name just a few.
Sure, in general and in most peoples experience the automobile is a very useful, empowering and convenient technology, for those who aren't ashamed to be dependent on crutches like a cripple. This experience tho can suddenly and drastically shift. It does so for few, maybe it wont for Anon. But if it does it's usually tragic.
Maybe the correlation noted here has more to do with the similarities if not identity of the traits of motorists and certain people ? You know, blatant disregsrd, even disdain for fellow man, laziness and low drive, mental weakness that rivals that of the body, total lack of responsibility, raging consumerism and terminal addiction to comfort and the easy way ... to name a few.
You know, if it's happening to you so frequently then it's probably not the cagies that try to get you under their wheels.
And here he comes, that one guy that will now fail to span the gap between 'it's accidents, it's not like cageoids do it on purpose' and 'I would never cause such incident while piloting my murdermachine'. Choose one.
in the US, public libraries in cities are used as places where homeless people watch porn on public computers and hide in shelves to sleep in
As someone who lives in the Sprawliest states that is highlighted next to Texas. The problem comes down to the fact that some people desire car free and some desire car lite. The main reason between the two is obvious. In America with perhaps exception to the Midwest and East coast, is largely car dependent. Everything was built for the car and when you realize how inconvenient to walk to the grocery store or visit a restaurant without having to walk long periods of time to go to a restaurant, or to the grocery store and then walk all the way back, it takes 30 minutes to an hour total. Remind yourself it's convenient to get there by car, but all other modes are fucked, it's by design. Want to to get Ice Cream, well you have to drive there! You want to go to a Restaurant you have to drive there! Unless you are lucky, none of this is nearby you at all and you will constantly need to drive 15 minutes to a place, 5 minutes to another, and another 15 minutes to the other place.

Besides 30 minutes of walking could easily be 15 minutes, in fact everything you need could be much closer without having to drive all the time cutting down the trips taken as a whole if you made it less for the Car with parking garages, asphalt for parking, long stretches of road and balanced it out for Cycling, Bus and even when convenient a Light Rail. Walking outward 10 minutes and you can pass 10 Restaurants, 3 Gyms, 4 Dispensaries, a corner store, 1 grocery store. That is what Cars take away from people, the ability to just not have to drive and do shit constantly.
You guys always mention idealized scenarios where you live next to ice cream parlors and brewpubs, coffee shops, nice independently owned restaurants, record stores, and so on.

In reality most of the shops near you are going to be vape stores, cell phone stores, check cashing, rent-to-own furniture stores, shitty convenience stores, some chain fast food places, and quasi-retail like laundromats, insurance agencies, real estate offices (places that are needed but you won't necessarily ever be patronizing them).

>4 Dispensaries
Drug addicts? In my neighborhood? YES PLEASE, says the urbanist.
Anti-urbanist here. I agree with a lot of what you said but dispensaries are not the problem, it's skeezy unofficial "smoke shops" calling themselves a dispensary that are the problem. Actual dispensaries require an ID, your ID gets scanned into a database, they take your number, the inventory is behind several additional layers, you order through a touch screen, robbing a place like that would not be effective. Those shitty smoke shops, their "security" amounts to a camera and a remote controlled lock, and sometimes a gun. I've never heard of a dispensary getting robbed. Those smoke shops, there's shit happening all the time. There's a reason everyone hates those smoke shops when the dispensaries it's mostly the "think of the children" pearl clutchers who don't understand that a regulated market is better for everyone.
why would an app that shows a slower, less efficient way to get places negatively affect cars?
I can't tell if you're talking about cars or black people
weed should be banned. legalized weed is associated with increased crime in dozens of peer reviewed papers from all over the world. its linked to violence in males and most violent criminals are weed addicts
>In reality most of the shops near you are going to be
sorry, I live in the good part of town
>sorry, my parents live in the good part of town
There's nothing wrong with being poor but seething this hard about the middle class is pretty cringe
zoom zoom
It's unlikely you're less than 10 years younger than me
You have agency anon, you can choose to live in a place with all that. I live in a place with all that. I have an awesome Jamaican restaurant next door, 3 breakfast/brunch spots within 1/4 mile, grocery store across the street, good ice cream half a mile away.
Based. Thank you OP for enraging these obese schizophrenic trolls.
If all you do is get into accidents then it's not the cagetrolls that try to literally murder you in cold blood as you blow the stoplights from behind an obstacle.
Obese schizophrenic troll OP samefagging because his nature is leaking out.
>You guys always mention idealized scenarios where you live next to ice cream parlors and brewpubs, coffee shops, nice independently owned restaurants, record stores, and so on.
I am the original poster you responded to. The irony is this exists in the East and in various places in the Midwest in America. A ton of it is mixed use, certain places in the Midwest and in the East are returning back to that. The Southwest is beginning to realize it's not sustainable as a whole as well.
>In reality most of the shops near you are
Most areas in the Midwest to the East are not even like that, you are cherry picking bad areas that have this, the irony is though most of what you mentioned exists in poor sprawl areas i have been to, none of them are walkable or mixed use. Besides people can choose not to live in bad areas or if they hate the area they have, they should allow things to improve in those areas.
>Drug addicts? In my neighborhood? YES PLEASE, says the urbanist.
lol you have to be trolling now. Even in my state which made it legal a few years back has a good security officer that checks your ID, sign in on a tablet, get your supply and go back home.
You're kind of stupid aren't you ? How comes you're assuming this ? I have not ome single recollection of an accident with a cager where I did not have the right of way. Not to speak of all the countless incidents where I had success avoiding a collision with a cager who did not have the right of way through evasive action. Guess what, like most cyclists I stick to all the traffic rules, stop at lights and stops, yield where others have the right of way and so on.
It shouldn't surprise you that cyclists have greater motivation to do so, actually.
And yes, its the degenerate cagers who take blind turns, dont understand roundabouts, merging, intersections in general and so on. Sometimes they're clearly on their phone too. In any case, they never look and many even go and tey to hit people after making eye contact. I have not more, probably less critical crashes when comparing myself to colleagues, many of which have a shorter commute or compromise and use motorized transport at times.
It is the cageoids.
Also nice strawman. Both of you. You did either not read or comprehend the post you're replying to but instead trying to insinuate bullshit.
I live out in the middle of Nowhere King County. Two blocks to a library. Three to a grocery store. Seattle has a long way to go to catch up.
isn't it depressing? tools like these only reinforce my cynicism. imagine, in a better world, how good things could be. imagine if amenities drew good towards them, rather than bad.
Yes, you're completely right and totally innocent and it's the cagers that run you specifically over and over again at every opportunity unlike every other cyclist that somehow manages to not get himself literallykilled by cagers.

It's totally not because you're the problem and deserved to be not in the hospital but in prison for being a danger to yourself and other drivers that go out of their way to try to dodge your nuisance ass.
>like most cyclists I stick to all the traffic rules
>most cyclists
take your medication
This site is blocked in my country lmao
Second chance. Still not a single argument presented, so far only evasive action and fallacy. Cageoid confirmed.
lurk moar
Shouldn't you be the first to pose arguments? I see nothing in your posts except schizophrenic screeching about "cagers" who are trying to kill you, and unwarranted insults. It frankly doesn't match with anyone's perception of reality.
Yeah sure thing. There's literally people (or likely one guy samefagging) insinuating that it is acceptable for a cager to endanger others while breaking the law, say running people over while cutting across the victims lane, while turning, merging, entering a roundabout when it's occupied etc. etc. and it would be the victims fault for not being defensive enough and going out of their way to anticipate the cageoid violating the law so they can react to it and evasive action on their part is always enough to avoid a colission. That person probably also supports cagers who actively try to run people down, for example by running them off the road or making contact to the rear quarter of the bike, unless said person is literally braindead and doesn't have much experience in traffic at all.
Speak fucking English, you demented tard! I'm not going to have a conversation using terms you've invented/redefined to fit your outrageous worldviews.
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Because of criminal justice reform, any commercial concentration with a bus stop quickly turns into a shithole. There was a guy with multiple past offences attack a bus driver the other day for not stopping where he wanted.
Still not a single argument. Nice retard.
I did too. Wouldn't buy a house there though. Property crime is high, schools aren't great, property taxes are higher than surrounding areas. Fun when I was younger though.

>it's not sustainable as a whole as well.
"Not sustainable" is just a code for "I don't like it." I don't take it seriously.
>you are cherry picking bad areas that have this
Wrong. Chic neighborhoods are the cherry picked examples.
>Besides people can choose not to live in bad areas
That's why they live in subdivisions the minimize through traffic and are away from commercial/retail.
>lol you have to be trolling now.
You're bragging about having a business that attracts the clientele that necessitates a security guard on the premises.
jewwww white Chinese, the shit hole racist pedo American white pigs, experience Pearl Harbor again and be slaughtered and exterminated!

from japan
They would if discrimination was legal. You'll notice white flight to the outskirts of cities happened immediately after the Supreme Court decided you can't discriminate and schools had to be integrated
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Not sustainable means it sounds good but is short-sighted. Urban walkable neighborhoods (white) aren't cherry picked examples.

It's an environment to grow, connect with a community, raise kids safely, and help or even start small businesses that get traffic from passerbys on foot or bike rather than people driving straight to their goyfeed "restaurant" or Walmart. The reason you have that that image in your head of them being "chic" is that it's an environment where someone can open a small successful clothing shop or a craft brewery in the first place. When your street looks like pic related, these are your only choices of destinations
What do you mean "at the uni itself", like on the campus main lawn? In the admin building? Inside a classroom? Like did they just abolish university libraries or are they really just for homeless people to take drugs like foxposter claimed?
I like jews and I hate a lot of Yimbys. I also live in a very old suburb that still feels walkable and has lots of trees. I think the ressentiment of many Yimbys is palpable and is a clear turnoff.
How's college?
STILL no arguments.
When you use "goyfeed," an argument isn't merited.
>cagers use this thread as an opportunity to disclose the fact that hate libraries and reading

The car is the best mode of transportation. People decide to focus on them because people like them.
>The car enabled social isolation through the nuclear family model.
The nuclear family model is great and only commies seethe about it.

>The car segregated neighborhoods
That's a good thing.

>allows them to continue to push anti-people policies that is destroying the environment and our health.
Nice conspiracy theory retard.
People like cars, so people vote for pro car politicians.
Cars aren't a separate species you idiot. Pro car policies are pro people policies.
Climate change is a scam, Florida was supposed to be underwater 20 years ago.
Cars are the most efficient way of transporting people.
Get off the road, you belong on the sidewalk.
>my family is full of blind retards
Yes. It is the sum of their personality.
>Walking outward 10 minutes and you can pass 10 Restaurants, 3 Gyms, 4 Dispensaries, a corner store, 1 grocery store.

So fucking what? I'm commuting to work not sightseeing. I don't give a fuck what I pass.
I'd rather be there in 15 minutes in an AC'd car than walk for thirty minutes in the rain/snow.
>walk for thirty minutes
Walking is way less convenient than a car then that,
Have you even tried actually walking in a city? It's absurd walking means almost being crushed by a car, it happens almost every day by some half-asleep phone-staring driver. Over the past century, the auto industry made sure America became car dependent by deconstructing rail so the oil and automobile tycoons could ensure their legacy by using their capital to own the government and get them hooked on oil addiction.
>I'm commuting to work not sightseeing. I don't give a fuck what I pass.
Cagers kill small business
You're supposed to cross at the crosswalks.
Yep, anon confirmed for never walked. The majority of vehicle to pedestrian collisions happen at the crosswalk because drivers primarily look for other cars, not other people. It's just the human nature of self preservation.
>human nature of self preservation
How does that connect to everything else you just said?
Cars at an intersection would generally rather hit a person than get hit by a car so their awareness is focused on not getting hit by incoming traffic as first priority and not injuring pedestrians second.
>Cagers kill small business


It's literally the polar opposite.

Go ahead and look up how small businesses feel when they removed the parking spots in front of their store for bike lines in San Francisco
Lol my suburb is more walkable than the urban shitholes around me

Still gonna drive cuz quicker
>using a declining city for your argument
Those small businesses in SF were doomed before bike lanes
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Lol, you stuck your foot in your mouth again.
>(or likely one guy samefagging)
It’s one guy, I recognize him
The post all this is about pertains to San Francisco specifically. But thanks for the pre-pandemic screencap from an unknown source.
Small business owners typically don't understand how most of their customers reach them. In the US, most of those business owners drive so they assume everybody else drives. That's not actually the case except in rural and postwar suburbs because small business tend to do better in denser areas with more foot and bike traffic, IE older streetcar suburbs and city centers. More people stop and patronize when they don't have to spend 5 minutes searching for a parking spot. Dr*vers don't even smell the fresh food or see the window displays to begin with, they're just on auto-pilot trying to reach a destination, which is why strip mall suburbia shops either get a huge following out the gate or die in 6 months. I've personally seen 3 promising new restaurants within a mile of my suburban office die in the past year because there's nothing around them, just commuters going in and out of the city during rush hour.
>A business failed in the suburbs
>This is because of cars
Okay anon.
It is though. With cars, everything has to be a destination. You don’t just spy something mildly interesting on your way somewhere and stop to check it out like you would on foot. If you’ve committed to getting in your car to go for lunch, you probably have a good idea where you’re going.
Anon makes a point, I don't know how many times I notice an interesting place and randomly decide to walk into the shop and walk out 30 seconds later with a coffee and chocolate croissant
>You don’t just spy something mildly interesting on your way somewhere and stop to check it out
Good lord anon listen to yourself lol

>If you’ve committed to getting in your car to go for lunch, you probably have a good idea where you’re going.
That's normal
It's a well known fact. Target, Applebees, Dennys, and other miscellaneous shartmarts thrive on car dependence because when you're driving 80 km/hour, you're only going straight to your destination and if you do stop spontaneously, it's at a place you notice only because you're very familiar with it. There's so many nice markets in a 3 km radius around my house that cagies have no idea even exist
This is an interesting new cope. Double down on it.
Where's the cope?
"Drivers use their cars to drive places. Places that I personally don't like."
Yes retard-kun the point was made about discovering new places which doesn't happen when you have your destination in mind already
"Drivers actually go to places they intended to go to. In. Cars. Can you believe it?"
Please keep doing this it's the stupidest idea your side has come up with yet
Are you just illiterate or trolling? I'm talking about discovering small businesses and markets you've never been to and not going to the same shartmart everyday.
The place you regularly shop at but pretend you don't
I don't retard-kun. It's quicker, more convenient, and healthier to ride to the local fresh
>I don't
Yeah you and everyone else
It's not the default outside of America.
Are you retarded?
Do you think I would go there if I was on foot?
I'm on my way to make money, not spend it.
Bike lanes are even more beneficial in San Francisco than the rest of America.
Yes anon, many people walking from the station to their office stop at a cafe or bakery for a coffee and pastry. This is actually a normal thing.
Maybe if you didn't spend all your money on your rager cage you'd have extra money to not worry about spending
Not that guy, but if that's the case absolutely everywhere that isn't Shartmerica, then what are Aldi, Lidl, Tesco, etc.? I wouldn't call those local fresh.
Or are you just specifically referring to a type of big box store that also has a grocery section?
Liberal maypole wasting of other peoples money, always.
stupid fucking nigger go look up what a road is and come back with your desperate masturbation of how fucking independent and free-thinking you are once you stop paying taxes for them
In Seattle that means "homeless shelter" so it's a big negative to be within walking distance of one.
Then fucking remove the homeless and it won't be a negative anymore.
Literally nobody does that.
maybe if I didn't live in a socialist shithole with 50% tax rate and extremely expensive fuel I would have more money to spend
>50% tax rate and extremely expensive fuel
sounds more like a (you) problem, you could effectively cut down your tax, fuel, and maintenance costs down to near $0 by riding a bike or train
Bikes use the roads so they should be taxed as well.
ok let's tax proportionally by damage to road and cost of infrastructure, tally it up and
>bikes: a few dollars a month extremely generously
>regular cars: about similar to now
>giant compensation truck: hundreds of dollars a month
that sound fair?
They already are. Most of the money that goes into roads comes out of property, sales, and income taxes at the local and state level. Gas tax at federal and some states' level doesn't come close to covering state and interstate highway expenditure, and the resulting deficit comes once again from property, sales, and income taxes.
You need to be licensed, registered, and insured if you wish to use the roads.
you realize the reason car owners have to do that isn't just so the evil government can oppress you it's because your vehicle has the capability to kill dozens of people right?
But it's just a few dollars a month! >>1996039
There's also the accountability, but cyclists never mention that since it would have to apply to them.
Accountability of what? Cycling into a schoolbus and killing the kids onboard? Losing control of the bicycle, crashing it into the brick siding of a restaurant, and killing the diners? You have cars doing hit and runs all the time, where's their accountability? Every angle you put it, cars are a blight on society.
Nice straw man arguments. Did you make them yourself?
>things that have actually happened
>”strawman arguments"
That doesn't make them not strawman arguments
This isn't plebbit
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t. assblasted
Or I can vote right wing and make my country normal like USA.
Honestly the lolberts are right. If the state mafia stops pay paying for roads, you'll get private alternatives where you pay based on your need and cagies will finally have to pay their full share
And bikies will have to pay their fair share for bike lane construction
>pay for cycling paths in my city
>they get built
God I wish
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>.t doesn't know how .t works
t. still assblasted
Registration doesn't make anything safer.
You're making my week. You posted the most mind numbingly dumb bullshit imaginable >>1996049, got mad when you were called out on it, got madder when you were called on your shitty comeback, and you're STILL here trying to damage control. I'm having a great time here xD
>Using km
Fastest way to out yourself as a soi boy
>got mad when you were called out on it
That's you
>still making my week better one post at a time
Bless your contribution
Car-dependency promotes goyslop consumption
Walkability promotes local farmers and quality produce
Thats why Americans fight it so hard. Walkability is an attack on their entire lifestyle and belief systems.
For individual needs, yes.
For a typical urban work cycle, absolutely not.
Walkability and anti-car is a leftist ideology. But I'm actually positively surprised that even some rightoids are getting into it, even if they bring undesirable prejudiced opinions with them.
In the end, paving the way for more walkable, humane cities just like the old days is a conservative point, if anything. It's also progressive because it makes people more united and open-minded.

In the end, people complaining about the discourse are just a bunch of centrist neolibs who suck the dick of the status quo. And that includes (You).
Thankfully, just like every status quo sucker, you will be trampled by the zeitgeist. You people are in the wrong side of history
they're poor

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