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so what was it?
this music unironically is a waste of time/space.
Total annihilation of the universe
seems perfect for you then
schizophrenic delusions. i wrote a whole ass play about this song when i was in high school. good times good times. i remember almost the entire song off by heart

Is this the biggest fraud in all of pop-music?
He has like 3 decent songs. The rest are absolute trash.

It's actually insane how shit he is. Not just his overrated "rap skills", the music itself is almost anti-art, and I don't mean that as in rap isn't music or anything. He just sucks. As an artist he has nothing to say.
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you forgot, besides the more popular ones:

Bad guy
As the world turns
Deja Vu
Not alike
You gon' learn
Still don't give a fuck
Stay wide awake
he still has a lot of crazy wordplay and technically he is just insane. i liked him on this one, dissing MGK before the beef really started. there is just nobody who comes close to the density of layers that he brings in basically every song he makes:

>Still don't give a fuck
the songs build up into the burying guns in the mud line hits so hard. masterpiece of a moment.
He is the rapper equivalent of a virtuoso with no talent for writing. Kind of like Zappa. Pure technical proficiency, no soul or songwriting ability.
D12 was great, My Band was hilarious. I also like Just Lose it.

>Taylor Swift
>Kendrick vs Drake

So this is the state of /mu/ in 2024
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euch that's toe curling but i know 'based' etc also originate from ironic use so ok, i can see it
/mu/ is a gay board
I use kino on other boards for things that aren't film.
that wouldn't make sense though. kino is a feeling of awe at a sequence of images or concepts. the 'now this is music' feeling is different
I guess. I get that feeling from other mediums also, I think. And kino is used pretty liberally these days even on its original board.

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Drainbros...where the fuck are you at?
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>if retarded faggots and women say Blade-e
is thaiboy a retarded faggot?
>is thaiboy a retarded faggot?
do you really want an answer to that?
he has a smoking hot wife and a kid, kys
this song is actually so swag

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Do you guys actually unironically listen to the Kendrick vs Drake slop?
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That's pretty funny desu thanks for sharing
i find the whole thing boring and it feels like the last desperate fart from the dying corpse of hip hop.

its indicative of how much it isnt music, only gossip about how drake is a chomo or something
Not music so no
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I do it to piss you off
I am not a black teenager and don't aspire to be one, why any self respecting white man chooses to listen to and try to unconvincingly act like one I can not tell you.

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one day i'm gon' marry a pornstar
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I think this album is insanely overrated. I listened to all Kanye records up to "ye" except "Watch the Throne", and it ranks in the bottom three.
I flip flop, I think MBDTF is so objectively good though that it's not all that interesting. There are duds like Gorgeous and Blame Game though.

Ye, Yeezus and Late reg are my top 3
>There are duds like Gorgeous

I think I get what you mean. I think its because he is trying to impress people rather than doing exactly what he wants in Yeezus
I think Gorgeous is actually one of his best songs. Definitely his best-written one. But it's not nearly enough to save the album for me.
Blame game is beautiful thanks to AT

These fags boast about how experiemental this shit is like no one's put a amen break behind melodic vocals in a metal song before
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>LARPing as DIY independents (END) while secretly working with BTS' agency HYBE while on a label ran by Ross Robinson and Ghostmane
>HYBE is closely tied to a Korean suicide cult that's been censoring and influencing artists to promote their beliefs
>the band tells them to fuck off
>whoops they're shareholders in the label
>havent been able to drop anything for a year because of it
>now drop music behind their back and start twitter feuds with some literal who band over using their album name
Wtf is their problem
Breakcore can be good when it’s actually breakcore and not mislabeled atmospheric dnb.
It's pretty obvious that I meant the first one dude. "BROSTEP" or whatever. Avicii and shit too beyond like memes.
Nu Metal isn't coming back no matter how much the Crazy Ass Moments whatever guy shills these shitty bands
what the fuck is this godawful noise

someone who enjoys street sects

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Where do you get your flacs in 2024?

zoom zoom zoomin like a racecar
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from the cds i rip
what's a cd gramps?
Use EAC and rip them to flac (use a GOOD optical drive from LG or ASUS), for storage, if you need a device, use either an external enclosure plus a WD Red (or similar seagate NAS drive) or just plug into motherboard and psu.

If you mean strictly sites, HDTracks is kick ass! And there are others that are great too. Keep in mind many releases are only in 44.1 at 16, even if streamed........

Also for a program in general, try the Sony Music Center program, it is great at organizing once you learn it.
Quit acting like a faggot. You know exactly what that means. You probably a zoomer yourself seeing the fact you don't know what soulseek or RED is. Don't bother trying to join RED by the way, they don't allow zoomers, it's an offical rule.
bandcamp has flacs of pretty much everything.

If I'm looking for a freebie of vinyl I already bought
hdmusic dot cc

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This thread is for asking any questions you may have about music theory, expressing opinions about topics within, and participating in answering questions if you have knowledge to share.

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will Dua make the top 10 next week?

Taylor Swift - The Tortured Poets Department 602m (1,784b)
Ariana Grande - Eternal Sunshine 105m (1,664b)
Benson Boone - Fireworks & Rollerblades 74m (839m)
SZA - SZA 73m (7,794b)
Future, Metro Boomin - We Don't Trust You 71m (766m)
Beyoncé - Cowboy Carter 65m (962m)
Rels B - A New Star (1 9 9 3) 66m (66m)
Olivia Rodrigo - Guts 61m (3,047b)
Bad Bunny - Un Verano Sin Ti 59m (16,325b)
The Weeknd - Starboy 59m (13,956b)
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I Lover
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he literally saved rock, biggest hit of the year (picrel is US only)
I had heard a song but I didn't know it was him, I would have thought it was a song by a well-known rock band, it really is good music 10/10
More like the tortured LISTENER department

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Based. It’s an unbelievable album and never grow tired of it.
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Based and Cavalera pilled. Have you heard this updated remaster? Fucking crushes. https://youtu.be/XMRDX1I4TJQ?si=Udrfxq0BagOHh8o1
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how do you rise above technical mediocrity in music when people are too nice to give you objective criticism?
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No memearrow therefore you look like that and say that
Go to Newgrounds
Make stuff that doesnt sound like Newgrounds
The key to escape mediocrity is to become shit but more soulful and then skill up from there
>objective criticism
There's no such thing
Listen to music, I'm talking other genres, subgenres, countless styles. Let the sky be the limit. Learn to play to all of it. The technical stuff comes with the territory of more complicated pieces. You'll do fine if you keep pushing yourself ever harder than before. And if you're stuck on a particular thing, grab a teacher for your instrument or program. Learn how samples or you instrument should play that idea out, the foundations behind it, and keed learning. That's the key (take it from a great drummer, you keep learning and never stop everything becomes EASY) and you can even improv stuff you didn't think you would ever in your life on the spot effortlessly man!

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One of the best rap mixtapes of all time, not just drill
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why the fuck are his lips so big? What evolutionary purpose does such a feature serve?
built for buckbreaking
heat dispersion

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Fofty has a trolling addiction and will always just say what will get him the most negative reactions. He thrives off of it. Marshall just played a troll on TV 20 years ago and can't actually take a joke or say anything that isn't politically correct IRL.
Kill shot was sick
He lost to MGK
Would be funny if in Em's new album he drops a line that pisses off either Drake or Kendrick and it starts a beef with them.

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What a joke of a website
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Americans love WWE
They were bought by Condé Nast years ago what do you expect
they were down the shitter years before that
I didnt know how BIG this thing was. The Public discourse?!

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