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golly on the 'log
what is she posting
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Viciously complimenting her fren
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Cozy Glow is like 10 years older than Flurry at least.
Does it count if you spent those years frozen in time?
fanfic recs?
If you want something ongoing then https://www.fimfiction.net/story/536175/dawn-adopted . Dawn Adopted is amazing. Best version of adult Golly by far.
flurry grows fast.
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Castling and its sequel is a classic.

But that would depend. What good Golly fics did you read so far?
She was stoned though.
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/465888/cozy-glow-fiendship-is-magic is the best Cozyfic in terms of quality.
like clockwork and bits and pieces
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>only two buttons
She's posting BASED or CRINGE replies, of course.
Another Izzy moonbow thread
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Cozy Glow's punishment was too harsh, given how she was groomed into being a villain. It also defeats the principal that anyone (like Starlight) can be redeemed

Here's my proposed punishment for her, followed by rehabilitation:

>Be brought to the castle in Canterlot
>She will be led to the kitchen of the banquet hall
>There, she will be ordered to cook a large feast for the entirety of the castle guard, with minimal assistance
>The meals will consist of dishes based on bran and oats, beans, several green vegetables, lentils, cheeses,
>She will also have to carbonate a vat of sarsaparilla
>In addition, she will have to make desserts such as several gallons of ice cream, cakes, bread puddings, tiramisu, cheesecakes
>She will serve every single member of the royal guard, apologizing profusely for her actions and thanking them for their service
>After they eat, she will have to bus all the silverware and plates to be washed
>She will receive assistance here, because the window for the final stage of the punishment is narrow

The final stage of punishment, before rehabilitation:

>She will be shackled, tied, and chained to a log, on her belly
>Her head will be stuck through a Pillory
>Her mouth will be gagged
>After all the preparations are complete, the royal guard lines up
>Each one will look at her with contempt, before turning around 180 degrees
>Each guardsman will then press their ponuts to her snout and rip some serious ass
>Each guard was instructed to hold it in, and only deflate the balloon in her face
>This will continue for every soldier in line
>The only breaks in the action will be when she has to be ungagged to puke, or have her nostrils cleared when the occasional hershey squirt hits
>She will then be untied and brought to the royal bathhouse to be cleaned up.

The next morning, her rehabilitation with Princess Twilight will begin.
What if she posted something like this?
How many times do you plan on reposting this?
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Dont give that retard any attention.
would you be in line to punish cozy glow?
Just her future plans...
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Your Cozy Glow was missing something, anon.
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gurl thas a booty hole
Well yes. It's for dispensing the knockout gas before she takes you to her hideout.
Way too nice to her. Where's the pineapple to stuff into her?
Like her little ass when Shining Armor finds Cadance lacking in the tightness department.
Maybe the reason they had to stone Cozy Glow was to prevent everypony finding out what Cadance was up to...
Plushie fren from last thread, you still here?
Hellz yeah.
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Sleepy Filly.
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I want Golly to put clothes on just so she can take them off
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Find the Golly.
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easy finding the queen.
Sexy filly
the picture of cozy playing chess with tirek in a silent magic drained town is so kino
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anyone remember a green anon started where cozy was left free and under twi's supervision, asking anon to babysit her and he's traumatizing her into sending her to a psychiatric institute or something alike
How would anon traumatize Twilight like that?
demon butt
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it just is.
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She is posting scandalously intimate photographs of herself.
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how scandalous
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diabolical combination.
What would be a cozy secret? Maybe something like
>I add a dash of nutmeg to my hot cocoa!

This could be interesting, though the tags and rating do put me off.
It's certainly interesting.
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Can she fix her?
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>"I said, you know, like a liar"
Guess not
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>It was a warm sunny day when Flurry Heart was visiting her favorite aunt.

>Twilight wanted to give her some magic lessons as well as show her some aspects of ruling a nation.
>Apparently, Cadence and Shining thought it would be a good experience for the filly.
>To prepare the young princess for adulthood.
>Stuff Flurry found boring.
>So, being the bored little filly that she was, she snuck out from the castle before Twilight could fetch her for the lessons.

>Now she was taking a leisurely stroll through the castle gardens.
>The filly always liked walking around this place.
>It gave her a serene feeling which she always liked.
>Which was odd, given how easily bored she could get at times.
>As she went forward, she noticed one of the hedgerows that encircled a certain statue.

>That part of the garden made her uneasy most of the time.
>It's where the the Legion of Doom (as the media called them), were imprisoned.
>Supposedly, they were originally placed in a more open location, but once the media buzz around them settled down, Twilight had them moved to a private spot.
>Flurry could understand why. They certainly stood out.

>Still, she could not help but visit them whenever she was around here.
>She wasn't sure why. Looking at them made her feel uncomfortable.
>The filly sighed, and went towards hedge wall.
>"Instincts are weird." She thought.
>As she reached the statue, Flurry couldn't help but sigh as she looked up.

>"Must have been some villains." She said to herself.
>Twilight had, of course, told all about her past adventures with her friends, including ones involving these three.
>It still felt hard to believe how dangerous they are.
>Especially that pegasus filly.
>Flurry stared at the frozen pony.
>It always weirded her out how she seemed to be around the same age as her (technically), yet she was imprisoned alongside the two much larger villains.
>The filly refused to believe Twilight's word about Cozy not having any superpowers.

>She then noticed something on the stony filly's shoulder.
>Bird droppings.
>Flurry winced, unable to help but feel a bit sympathetic.
>The statue was cleaned regularly once a week, but that was on Fridays and today was only Monday.
>Flurry knew that she probably shouldn't be feeling bad for the supervillain, but couldn't help herself.
>There was still a pony in there, after all.
>After a bit of thinking, she focused her magic onto Cozy Glow's part of the statue, with the intent on rubbing the mess off.
>Gross, but its not like she was touching it if its just her magic.

>As the magic enveloped the other filly, something unexpected happened.
>Cozy's part of the statue started to glow.
>And crack.
>Flurry's eyes widened as she looked away.
>Until she heard a short scream.

>She looked back to see the filly part of the statue gone.
>Replaced by a real, clearly panicked filly.
>Flurry Heart had accidentally freed Cozy Glow.

>And she had no idea what to do.
LFG new cozy green
Imagine reformed or pre-season 8 finale Cozy going out on Nightmare Night in that.
>"Wh-what's going on?! Where am I?!" The newly freed Cozy Glow asked herself in-between panicked breathing and frantically looking around.
>Pretty much what one would expect from a suddenly petrified, then recently released filly, as was her situation.

>Meanwhile, Flurry was in her own bout of panic.
>She still didn't know what to do.

>She wasn't even sure how she released Cozy. Her magic just sort of did that after it enveloped the statue.
>If the princess were to think straight, this would have been a realization as to why Twilight wanted to teach her magic so bad.
>To help her control it.
>Unfortunately, that wasn't the case, so there were a myriad of thoughts in her young royal head.
>Chief among them was them was one particular worry:
>She was going to be in so much trouble.

>Fearing potential punishment from Twilight, or Celestia forbade, her parents, Flurry started planning out on what to do with the frantic pegasus.
>Turning her back to stone was a no-go. She'd be in a different position, making it obvious that she was freed at some point.
>Also she had no idea how to turn somepony to stone. Neither Twilight nor her parents taught her that particular spell.
>Engaging in conversation now would be bad. It may take too long and anypony could come and hear them.
>No, she needed a quick solution.

>So, right as the still very confused Cozy Glow noticed the other filly nearby, Flurry did the most logical thing she could think of:
>Without warning, she tackled the flying pegasus from the ground and just as quickly teleported them both away.
>... To her room.
>Or at least the one Twilight had reserved for her in Canterlot.

>Almost immediately upon arrival, Cozy pushed Flurry away and backed off.
>"Hey!" Flurry shouted in indigence.

>Cozy just pointed a hoof at the filly and shouted:
>"Who are you! What's going on?!"
>Flurry winced. "Not so loud, somepony'll hear us!"
>"Wh-what..." Cozy was about to say something before she paused.
>Everything was now coming back to her.
>The final battle, the almost victory, the rainbow laser, and then...
>Her breathing visibly quickened.

>She looked at Flurry once again, who could only look on as Cozy was slowly piecing everything together.
>Both fillies stared at each other. Flurry trying to decide where to go from here, and Cozy analyzing the alicorn.

>"Who are you?" Cozy carefully asked.
>"F-Princess Flurry Heart." Flurry tried to say with as regally as possible.
>She no Celestia, but she was still...
>Well, she may have been a princess, but she could not take up a mature princessly look.

>Cozy didn't seem to care about that though as she kept muttering Flurry's name to herself.
>Then her eyes widened.
>"The only Flurry Heart I heard of was a baby."
>The other filly pondered for a bit before saying "Not anymore."

>Cozy went back to staring at Flurry for a bit, which the princess did not know what to do about.
>Eventually, Cozy put two and two together.

>"Oh Golly." She whispered to herself.
shouldn’t have tried to fondle the statue flurry.
Why not?
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I think she could get along well with cozy... just saying.
I'm liking this
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what NFL team do you think golly would root for
i think she would be a falcons fan. or maybe the raiders.
None, but she's autistic about chess tournaments and has read all the books by Stony Clawsparov, the Griffon chessmaster.
>As Cozy started rubbing her head, clearly in deep thought, Flurry decided to speak up.

>"Um, hi?"
>Cozy looked up. "What's going on?" She asked bluntly.
>Flurry settled on just telling the truth. "I accidentally freed you."
>Cozy blinked. "Freed me?"
>Flurry nodded.
>"It really did happen then."
>"How could they?" Cozy asked, anger creeping into her voice.
>"Well, you were a villain and-"
>"How dare they!" Cozy shouted in rage.
>"Not so loud!" Flurry scolded. "Everypony will hear."

>Cozy glared at the other filly, but did not scream any more. She was smarter then that.
>"What do you care?" She asked in a dejected tone.
>"Do you know how much trouble I'll be if they find out I broke a criminal out?!" Flurry asked.
>"I'll be punished!" The filly whined.
>Cozy tilted her head. "And how is that my problem?"
>"Because if I get caught, you'll be too, and if your caught, you will be turned back to stone!"
>Cozy winced at that.

>"So stop being so... noticeable and work with me here." Flurry demanded.
>Cozy frowned. "Fine." She said. "But if we get caught, I will find a way to get you into as much trouble as possible." She walked up to Flurry and pointed a hoof on her chest. "And I'm very good at getting ponies into trouble."
>Flurry frowned back, but nodded.
>"And I want my freedom guaranteed by the time this is over."
>"But how-"
>"I dunno! I am not letting them do... That to me ever again!"

>With Cozy's demands clear and the possibility of getting into trouble with her parents, the young princess, in all her youthful wisdom, saw no choice but to work with the unintentionally released prisoner.
>Because just telling Twilight was obviously out of the picture.

>"Now then." Cozy started. "I assume you have a plan?"
>Flurry shook her head.
>Cozy facehoofed.
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All of them.
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>cheering for Washington
>after the Redskins name change
she would never
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The better question is, as a Vikings fan, what mare do I end up with?
>4th highest win rate in the league
>Only team to have more than 3 players in the Top 50 players of all time (some have none, only a few have a couple and even then they're rarely play at the same time)
>Had SIX Top 50 players ON THE SAME TEAM
>Hit the league running and dominated the first decade or so
>Absolutely nothing to show for it, having been cheated out of 2 Super Bowls of the 4 they lost, robbed in a trade with Dallas that gave them their dynasty, screwed out of two appearances by shanked kicks, and robbed of a definite ring by Bounty Gate.
>31 Playoff losses, meaning 31 years they made the playoffs.
>Literally any time they're doing well, it's illegal for the announcers and sportscasters to have anything g positive to say about the Vikings
>Sportscasters always jinxing them
>Last team to win and hold the Ed Thorpe trophy, the trophy for winning it before the Lombardi
>Also lost the trophy somehow and got cursed - a trophy made in the honor of a referee, whose spirit now also compels referees to routinely fuck over the Vikings

One of the most successful, talented, winning franchises in the league - one of if not the most punished fan bases in all of sports. And I'm one of them... fuck me. At least this off-season and draft is looking to truly turn things around for once.
the obvious answer is kerfuffle.
the controversial answer is chrysalis.
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Needed to check some clips since I haven't seen the movie. She's even more adorable. She has the accent but it's not a blatant flanderization. I'd fill her with foals and carry her around since walking eith the additional weight on 3 legs would be exhausting.
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anonfilly and cozy would make the couple of all time
Imagine them as parents.
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>"Great, so were stuck here, close to being caught with no plans whatsoever." Cozy complained. "Why did you even release me?"
>"As I said, it was an accident."
>"How does one "accidentally"" Cozy said with air quotes. "Free somepony from being encased in stone?"

>Flurry shrugged. "I dunno. I just wanted to clean you a bit and-"
>"Clean me?" Cozy interrupted.
>"Well, there was bird po-"
>"Eeewww" Cozy stuck her tongue out in disgust. "They just let them fly on me?"
>Flurry rolled her eyes. "Twilight has ponies cleaning you once a week."
>"I mean, you were a statue and-"
>"I'm not a statue!" Cozy angrily argued.
>"Were." Flurry repeated. "And speaking of cleaning ponies, they come on Fridays and today is Monday, so we got around 5 days to figure this all out."

>Cozy calmed down at that as she thought over the situation. "And if somepony notices by then?"
>"Nah, pretty much nopony visits you three besides me, so I don't think that'll be a problem."

>Cozy looked somewhat solemn at that. "Nopony?"
>"Yea, apparently you were a super popular tourist destination for a few years after they beat you, but then creatures stopped visiting and Twilight moved you three to some private spot."
>"Oh." Cozy looked away.
>"Good thing too." Flurry continued, not noticing Cozy's change in mood. "It gives us time to figure something out."
>"Y-yea. I guess." Cozy said, before looking back to Flurry as if she realized something. "So why-"

>A knock on the door.
>"Flurry Heart! Come on out for your lessons!"
>It was Twilight.
>The two fillies looked at each other, neither saying anything.
>Flurry quickly pointed to her bed. "Under there." She whispered.
>Cozy nodded and jumped under it.

>"Flurry?" Twilight asked as she opened the door.
>"Oh, hi auntie Twilight!" Flurry greeted, trying her best to hide her nervousness.
>"Flurry, you knew your lessons were up. Why did you sneak away like that?"
>Flurry forced a smiled. "I, umm... Wanted to get some air?"
>Twilight shook her head and gave the filly a long lecture about attentiveness and the importance of her lessons.
>Boring stuff that Flurry forced herself to listen to.
>She could only imagine how agonizing this must be to Cozy.

>Eventually, Twilight finished with a sigh.
>"Come on then, Flurry." Twilight walked out of the room.
>The younger alicorn knew to follow, so she did.
>She took a glance back at her bed, seeing Cozy's head poking out from under it looking back at her.
>And soon closed the door behind her.
>She could only hope that the other filly wouldn't do anything stupid while she was gone.
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Pretty good.
Rape that mouth.
This. Fantastic stories.
This one? https://www.fimfiction.net/story/540868/an-unexpected-ally
An Unexpected Ally
good one
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>almost page 11
Off you go
I really wish that would continue.
An accurate reflection of her true self, obviously.
Unironically, did Cozy deserve Tartarus and stone?
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Cozy deserves headpats all day and bedtime stories at night
That wouldn't be it.

There's that Cozy one where Starlight frees her and sends her to a pychward Starlight is in charge of or something, and Anonfilly is one of the other inmates who's there because she claims she's actually an adult human man in a filly's body.

Last chapter was Anonfilly making fun of Cozy's dead mom and Cozy going absolutely apeshit on Anon, beating her to a bloody pulp before being dragged off of her.

Wish I could, but I've yet to come up with a good plot moving forward. I kind of want shit to hit the fan and Cozy's life to be put in danger so she and Anonfilly need to make a run for it, Anon freeing Cozy from the magic binding her to a cabin.
Problem is I can't think of a good threat. Maybe some group of ponies against Cozy's release track her down and try to kill her? Seems out of character for any pony though.
>There's that Cozy one where Starlight frees her and sends her to a pychward
Funny thing is, there is an older story that sort of has the same concept, though not that great. It was one of the first Golly redemption fics though.

>I can't think of a good threat
Well, assuming this is a high profile sort of ex-villain, it would make sense for there to be some more extremist individuals trying to hurt her. I think it shouldn't be just ponies though. Like, a group of various races, including ponies, which would be a very ironic threat given the last two seasons emphasis on various races coming together. Not a lot of ponies would be willing to go that far, but when you add creatures to the mix...

Alternatively, if you don't want to write extra characters for that, you can just have it be some natural disaster. Maybe explain it away as a byproduct of the windigos earlier arrival or something leading them to need to flee, only to get lost in the woods or something.
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Depends on how much people the whole magic takeaway thing ended up killing, if any at all.
She didn't deserve stone if she's still conscious for it, but an unconscious stoning is somewhat deserved as she did attempt regicide and multiple other murders.
In the Alternate Universe from the comics where all the good characters are bad and vice versa, we see good Sombra and Chrysalis.

What do you think good Cozy was like in that world? Just a regular filly? Maybe she was the adopted daughter of Good Tirek who doted on her all the time.
>What do you think good Cozy was like in that world?
Ruthlessly bullied by the Blank Flank Barbarians.
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She just needs boops.
How old is she, anyway? Is she older than Sunset Shimmer?
Friendly reminder that Twilight Sparkle did the exact same thing as Cozy Glow in G5 flashback, and yet she was not punished. All ponies just fucked off from her kingdom, but that's hardly the punishment.
I would love a story where Cozy gets released as a result of losing magic, somehow and confronts Twilight about it.
this one?
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>"I'm just a kid, sooo."
Probably not.
Cozy would totally Dox someone over an internet disagreement
That one was so good.
She would win the argument first.
Still cute..
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Why she mad?
Why wouldn't she be mad? If you were smart, you'd be mad too.
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Cyborg Golly.
Would she work in G5? Could she save it?

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