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Anon's Doll Edition XIII

FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books: https://mega.nz/folder/iFd3wapa#B70grHUe4xsTkLU_s8Ag_Q
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing

Community Events:
Current Photo Challenge: Keeping Cool
Previous Photo Challenge: Reflections
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing
Next Meetup: Thy Geekdom Con | May 24th-26th | Saturday

Other Doll Threads:
BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>46712840
Azone Thread: >>>/toy/46537974 (Dead) (but you can post here, too.)
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/10951232
Miscellaneous Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/10979380

If your doll is for sex, go to >>>/jp//ona/
Same photo challenge? How often is that changered?
Every other thread or so. Sometimes I forget. Today I forgot.
It's okay. This is a fun photo challenge.
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If I had a nickel for every doll named Silvia, I'd have two nickels. Not much but its strange it's happened twice. At least your girl has a silver colour theme going.

Does salon day count? Hibiki is nonplussed over the whole process. I feel like putting some bows on top of the wig, something dark blue would look nice.
Now I'm curious. What kind of shampoo is good for dolls? are different shampoos good for different types of wigs?
>nonplussed over the whole process.
I'm sure the plastic bag over her head doesn't help with situational processing.

Dark blue with white polka dots would be cute as hell on her.

I've always used the stuff volks makes since I have a bottle of it and you don't need very much even for longer wigs. Plus it smells nice and makes the wig shine. I haven't tried it yet, but I'd bet money that Mane 'n Tail would work wonders. I use their detangling spray on doll and cosplay wigs when they get a bit unruly. It doesn't smell as nice but is still pleasant and also helps with shine.
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I had to put the wrap entirely over her head and tie it off to keep the stuff from falling off. Maybe next time I'll put a wig cap on to keep it in place. Either way, modern cling wrap sucks.

Still needs a bit of tweaking. I feel like you can see a bit too much of the wig cap.

I assume that most anything for cosplay wigs can be applied to doll wigs as well, aside from the ones where the wefts are glued to the cap rather than stitched.
give your doll a hat
hair problem solved
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Back with some more pics.
My apple tree was blooming, so I couldn't resist taking some pictures with it.
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She promised me she'd be careful, but it was still a bit nerve-wracking to see her hanging on that branch...
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My yard fills with Common Violets this time of year. All purple with white centers.
But there's one little spot where they grow white with purple centers. This is one of them.
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This is the last pic for now. I've got about 5 left, but I don't want to spam the thread.
That's so cool anon, thank you for sharing not just your cute doll, but also your neat flower variant! And don't worry about spamming -- it's hardly off-topic, and your doll is always a pleasure to see.
Cute photos anons.
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Cute pictures. Original doll pics are always good.
Where did you get that graphic hoodie, its very cute. I know doll delights has some, I have some of his newer ones. I plan on making some shirts myself but Im always looking to buy more if I can.
At Amazon. Search "dollfie dream clothes". it should show up.
NTA but toocute.club is the mecca for things like that. They're a bit pricey and they do MDD/MSD sizing via pre-order due to their primary customer-base being DD and SmD, but they make good stuff.
Thank you anons
It's on aliexpress for $8
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thanks you for baking...
Thank you for posting!
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Posting the last 5 pictures before I go to bed. Goodnight, anons.
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She is very curious.
Her eyes are amazing! The 'slightly displeased' faceup is another charm point. You have a wonderful doll, anon.
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I like doing these little bouquet/flower arrangement pictures. They always seem to turn out well.
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How did it escape me that there's a 2023 snow Miku DD? I want the dress it's so lovely
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Last one. I hope you guys enjoyed seeing these pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them!
Looks like there will be Volks LA dolpa this fall. What is it like? Tea party lottery entry? An actual tea party? Do they sell rare items like tan girls there? [Spoiler] Will I die from embarrassment going solo? [/spoiler]
I went to the 2019 show. It was alright. Not as much to do as other doll conventions but still a solid experience. Lots of beautiful dolls you wouldn't get to see otherwise available to purchase (lottery) as well as an actual room to buy accessories and parts freely. Pretty nice for shopping. There's a tea party, but entry is lottery style. You'll know if you get in or not a couple of months in advance, so you have enough time to come up with backup plans. You're in California, so there is shit to do (you can take nice photos at the very least). This year's show is in Torrance. You will not die from embarrassment going solo. Most people were solo. It's a great place to make new friends, but it's also a great place to be solo as well. It's too close to another trip I have planned otherwise I'd go again. You should give it a try!
Cute! That flower really pairs well with her outfit
So I wouldn't recommend Tea Party unless you like resin, it's for resin collectors.
>Do they sell tan girls there?
Likely. They will show majority of the lineup but they always bring surprises. Expect it to be regimented like a japanese convention.
>Will you die of embarrassment?
There are tons of other people from DoA who go to these every few years. Very good place to meet people. So, unlikely. You will get normies looking but its the same as an anime convention honestly.
>The downside:
Iit is EXPENSIVE for potentially no upside. Usually everything you can get you can get via normal Volks means. I would only recommend it if you are really, really in the hobby. The hotels are gonna cost you around 500-700 and then there is food and transport. You are in the CA area with things to do but if you are alone you need to be self-motivated to go out and do things.
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This lucky ogre-sama got to have tea with this cute doll
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Anzu musters her courage and faces the dark and poorly lit tea cabinet
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Breaking up the tea cake by repeatedly sitting on it. This imparts pleasant puffy shorts aroma. Ogre gets the water ready because fire is bad for dolly
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Smashing the fragments with her tippy taps! *Crunch* *Munch* *Crunch*. This enhances the flavor
You might have to criss-cross the hairs in the front to cover the cap, I've had similar issues when tying wigs into twintails. It might need some product to stay put but it should cover the wig cap if you weave them carefully over each other
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Your tea leaves are ready master ogre-sama~ What a helpful young lady
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Secret tradition of bribing the tea serving girl with a silver coin for special service
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She takes the bribe and now adds the girl's used sock. This further enhances the tea aroma
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Enjoying fragrant tea with this puffy shorts doll!
GIWTWM. Nice photoshoot ogre-sama, show us your favorite bag to kidnap dolls with.

I love dolls with flowers so much
I don't remember Shinku giving this advice
your doll is ultra adorable anon
thats a big cup
anon, my heart can’t take this much cute!
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Nice setup, ogre teachad. I need to get Akira a proper doll sized yunomi
So cute, I love her so much! Glad to see this come to fruition, and her little cup is so cute too. What cake did you indulge in? Posting as I sip on some kyobancha
>favorite bag to kidnap dolls with
No bag. Prefer to feel them struggling against my greasy ogre fingers
I still want Shinku to give me one of those tiny slaps in the face
!!I need to swipe Akira's wardrobe!!
It's moonlight beauty/yueguang meiren. It's a nice tea
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Something to break up the beige box monotony with.
I need to get my shit together and earn more money...
I desire for ball-jointed Kasane Teto
>new dolk collaboration
>one of my favorite characters ever
>it's $1400 that I can't spend right now
i am in pain
Oof. I'm not really into male dolls, but if I was going to get one, it'd be the medicine seller.
The Medicine Seller, as well as Ginko from Mushi-shi, are some of my favorite characters. I have to think long and hard about how stupid I want to be...
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Very pretty. Always appreciate the Akira posting.
With the rising popularity of Teto over the past year, it might happen.

How do you stop your doll from having a part that shows too much forehead?
I dunno man, I barely know a damn thing about this hobby haha.
the ultimate tool to defeat them all. the stick
The ultimate tool to prop her up when I don't feel like getting the stand out of the bag
the true trick was the stick all long, if anon gets a stick his life will finally get together!
Looking fo a way to add a magnet to the inside of a vinyl doll. Would hotglue work or is there any risk of damage to the vinyl from heat or chemical reactions?
I tried hot gluing a magnet on the lower back outside and it fell off twice. Tried hot gluing smaller magnets on the inside of the head cap and they too fell off. I can't really tell i tried it in those spots but they're hidden. Not sure if I'm just dumb but I couldnt get it to stick.
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I need to watch Thunderbolt Fantasy again. It's so fucking good. Also saw the dolls they use for the show a few years back. They were surprisingly huge, way bigger than the marionettes Thunderbirds and what not used.
someone should get their dolls together and make them cut each other and then record in a highly fluid animation with sound effects and voice acting.
hot glue is common, as is sticky tack/poster putty/etc. hot glue is a pretty mild adhesive compared to something like acrylic glue, so it should be fine.
>it's the whole scene
I use white poster tack in my dolls. That's how tI attach their earrings.
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I made a liner for a suitcase. Its pretty rough but was a fun project for the new sewing machine, definitely learned some stuff.
that guy's doll has rooted hair
Reminds me of roller coaster seats.
i’m terrified of spiders, but that purple is gorgeous!
if it helps anon, i used to be scared shitless of spiders but over time and through learning about them and seeing them more (i live innawoods,) i've gone from being histrionic about seeing one to actively handling them for fun. you can get there too, anon!
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Nicely done. I'm jealous how portable smaller scales are. I signed up for the volks con this fall and need to figure out something similar.
I used to be terrified of most bugs and arachnids when I was younger, I now have 6 tarantulas and regularly handle spiders in my house. Learning about their biology was a big stepping stone for me, they're fucking awesome and the monster girls are even better.

I think this size suitcase would work for 1/3s if you take out the foam shelf mine are sitting on. If you want to fit more than 2 you probably would need a taller one to stack 3 standing side by side. I've only seen larger ones a handful of times so its hard for me to gauge. This suitcase could fit mdd's standing up but I needed more padding and small storage spot.
What are the best eye movers for dollfie heads? I heard the ones sold by Volks aren't good.
Gentlemen. I find myself horny for the dolls once again. What do?
get a doll?
I have several.
then i bet you know what do
Then I will have my fun.
>want to take doll photos outside
>remember I live in a shity /suburbs and other people exist
Maybe one day
Honestly anon it will almost certainly be fine. Stay close to home to start with if you're worried. You don't have to even take photos today, just go for a walk with her in your bag, baby steps.
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>still no official dress up darling collabs that isn't shitty Azone with painted eyes

I wait
Would make a wonderful opening image for the next /tea/
I think /tea/ would enjoy an occasional tea-adjacent dollpost.
>jpdollfag has a secondary account with bonus from his lovely dolls and backstage shit
>Had access to it until I couldn't find it anymore, thought he had deleted it
>"Umm noo chowwy I just cleaned my account..byee"
and fuck you too nigger
Im done trying to befriend these jp fuckers, 90% of them want you dead. My friends are Taiwanese or Korean now. At least I snatched some goodies. *tch*
jp people of all stripes are notorious for deleting fucking everything at the drop of a hat, it's the worst and it's why i compulsively save content.
Sounds no different from your average twitter user. I'm more annoyed that they generally don't tag properly so it's impossible to search for old content or filter out pictures of food.
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shes turning to a life of crime!
dunno just looks like she's planning to have a fun time
>first-party AP normal underwear released
>miss it by days
>2/3 colors sold out
fuuuuck it's so hard finding underwear that fits them as it is
I can't believe I am actually resisting the gigantic draw of cigarettes just by thinking of the doll socks I won't be able to buy
>I'm more annoyed that they generally don't tag properly so it's impossible to search for old content or filter out pictures of food.
Wabi-sabi senpai, enjoy the scrooling or you will never be a true nipponjin desuyo
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Playing maid game with my maid doll
I need to find a way for her hair to get less messed up when transporting her.
Braiding? It kind of works for a few of mine, alongside placing a plastic bag over the doll, though then it's static making the hair messy.
He didn't delete it, it was a secondary private twitter account, he "cleaned it" as in kicked some followers out (me). I'm surprised I got access to it in the first place considering how elitist they are, had to do a bit of work to get there, still I snatched some really good stuff in the meantime so operation successful.
Also I'm 99% sure this guy had me hidden from his feed, since he never liked/retweeted anything even things I retweeted from other ppl. Why follow me then right? these autists are so weird
incredibly gay
Based on how entitled you sound, I wouldn't want to befriend you either. There are plenty of native jp dollfags who are nice to foreigners and open to friendship, even people who only speak English, but you choose to focus on one retard
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Can anyone ID this doll?
You mean y'all don't have a second Twitter account where you larp as a middle-aged Japanese doll collecting man?
Yes, I'm entitled to your doll pictures
ALL of them
Looks like a custom 2B
the constant actual deletion of content is more wabi-sabi
worst offender I can think of is tkmiz, back before I gave up paying attention, median art tweet lifetime was about 5 minutes
yeah that's extreme and clearly tkmiz has/had actual issues and I hope he/she/they/it get/got they help h/s/t/i needs/needed
Which teas do dolls drink? I imagine they prefer fragrant oolongs and upmarket raw puerhs.
lately I got into sewing so I could sew clothes for my dolls, and I started sewing stuff like bags and potholders for practice. I've realized that sewing regular sized clothes costs a lot more than if you just buy cheap shirts and stuff because of how much you spend on fabric, but it saves you a ton of money for doll outfits
I think 2B has a more plump mouth and bigger eyes, but I can't ID it either
Yeah I've been using socks and old shirts for doll clothes, even fabric samples have given me outfits
ALso I think tkmiz is doing there was a pop up store earlier this year
I know some ID'd it previous, and I can't find the link. Hopefully said anon is still around.
I always bring a small comb with me when taking my dolls out, helps to neaten up wigs fairly quickly. would recommend!
nta but iirc they said it was this https://www.angell-studio.com/kelly-the-royal-knight-version-of-as-18th-anniversary_p2052.html
Salt ahead.
Making a sewn wig has to be the single most frustrating, time consuming, miserable activity I have ever partaken in. I should have just bought a pre-made wig. Every step forward I have to take two steps back, because either the machine, the paper, or the hair itself won't do what I want no matter how simple.

It won't bend, it won't stay still, it won't stick to the lines I sewn. It's a giant clump of tangled strands I can't even untangle as they get even worse. Saran was too curly and refused to straighten out, now the new hair I got is too straight and refuses to bend in half. As if it wasn't enough, my sewing machine is constantly trying to push the hair off itself.

How does anyone do this for a living, much less for fun?
I think the shops that make them have industrial equipment that makes it easier. On the plus side, you get exactly what you want, for possibly a cheaper price than a custom, at the expense of many many hours
Touching grass is hard but doll pics make it worth the pain
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I thought these were promo photos at first. You've come so far anon.
Very cute.

Very nice. Sexo.
it was supposed to be a quick pic for /o/
still took 2 hours to take & edit
Thank you anon
This is why doll gods make customs anon. A custom would probably be better than the official anyway.
Many such cases... always gotta fiddle with it after taking the shot, then suddenly several hours have passed. It was worth the work, though!
Human blood tea. Now go to sleep, you are very safe around the dolly
My doll would only drink greens as her master would want of her
I've been planning a custom Marin build for a while. I have her standard outfit mostly picked out. Just need to find an faceup artist to commission.

I usually like to buy official things when there's the option. It's nice to know that there exists replacement parts and support if they're needed, or replacement dolls if the worst happens. They're rarely as high quality as customs, but the peace of mind is worth it.
Her left hand is so cute.

The background is mixing a little with her hair and hoodie. The sandals fit surprisingly well with the sexy outfit. I like doll pics with items from others hobbies, those stickers are nice.
Ridiculously lewd.
>maid game
great hand for ball fondling
with her joints for all to see. what a lewd doll
the skimpy bikini is cute but i think it would be more teasing if she used the card to hide it instead
>Ordered from CoolCat last month
>Got airmail because other option was stupid expensive for what I ordered
>Get tracking info, estimated 2 weeks
>Arrives in the US, tracking info stops
>Last update on the 6th
>No package

I'm not getting my wig, am I
Don't awaken anything in me please
customs can take a long time, especially the Chicago and New York incoming. I waited three weeks with New York one time. Don't give up hope, it's just typical inefficiency.
>The background is mixing a little with her hair and hoodie
yeah there was not great separation to begin with, tried to fix it, gave up and went the other way instead and crunched the colors
I'll take some more pics tomorrow just for you
all hail mandarake once again, forgot they stock AP stuff now until I saw it in my RSS feed
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Momoko is done. Her extra arms will have to wait a while. Her m bust that I dyed today is darker than the rest of her but clothed it doesnt matter and should lighten to a similar shade hopefully. I still need to adjust her wig some more, dont have any styling wax and I dont think the wig is even on the side parts. Pretty happy with her faceup, the highlights on the fangs arent great and the purple was not forgiving with erasing but i think I covered up those spots with some pastels. Is anyone has some ideas to get her mask to stay on more reliably itd be appreciated. Shes very self conscious of her mouth and would prefer it be covered. Mizuka will have the same uniform.
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Heres the completed faceup by itself.
She's cute, I like her a lot! I love a unique doll. I'd hesitate to recommend white tak for the mask, as I'm sure it'll be too close to her wig, but maybe a tiny dot of it near the bottom behind the earlobe to keep the mask on?
Maybe twist ties around the mask straps, under the wig, 'round the back of the head?
i never had someone take my suggestions seriously before. i feel honoured
ooh the bangs covered the best part. or is she shy to exposing her other eyes?
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nice work anon! maybe you could chain a few clear mini hair elastics to the mask to fit around the back of her head like >>46905101 recommended? i find that these are pretty handy in general for strapping random stuff into doll hands too.
Cute!!! (Nice Galacta Knight btw)
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can you anons tell me what dolls are those? they are so cute
I only recently learned about BJDs after researching sex dolls
but now i just want a cute bjd
The first doll is probably a Mini Dollfie Dream with a custom head made by someone on Yahoo Japan Auctions. The second one is owned by an anon /here/ who can properly identify her, but I think she is an Azone body with a stock head from Parabox. Welcome to the hobby, anon!
what the other friend said plus https://twitter.com/f29983694/status/1786956418743963852
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plap plap plap
I see this thread is getting naughty, once again.
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have some wholesome headpats
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on that note, very excited to welcome this little one home yesterday! surprisingly fast 2 day shipping with DHL from Mandarake to the northeast US. she doesn’t have her own clothes yet, so she’s borrowing nines’ sweater for now.
These threads always have an underlying feeling of horniness. It just leaks out occasionally.

Oversized sweaters is such a good aesthetic.
She's so charming and sweet, congrats! Volks dolls always look so much better in owner pictures than any stock photos too....
>These threads always have an underlying feeling of horniness

No complaints. It's one of the things that keeps me around.
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thanks anons!

yeah, the photos on Mandarake were especially iffy, but i love her so much seeing her in person! now i need to make some clothes and figure out how to style a wig like this…
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Tanto Cuore. It features a lot of eroge artists.
There still a meetup this saturday at thygeekdom?
What's the over under on them delaying the launch like they did last time?
wrong thread, sorry
Yes. I'm preparing a post updating on the time/location.
based fellow fortnitetard also appreciating dolls
i might cry holy christ this is the cutest thing i've ever seen
this is beautiful!!!!
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At momocon
looks pretty cute, and from what i read its basically dominion but with maids so its also pretty cool
whoever i saw the box for 50 on amazon and a game of the same name on steam for 10
i wanted the box but its not really worth it for me since i would only play when i go to events since i have no friends
but the game have positive reviews on steam and i can play with ai so i might buy it
Photo I planned for this post didn't pan out so have an unexciting update on the meet this weekend.

The meet at ThyGeekdomCon will be this Saturday at 12:00 Noon. I've not been to this con before, so I don't know what the locations look like, but going off the published map, plan on the meet being at the end of the Artists Alley by the Main Events entrance. I'll have a better chance to scope it out tomorrow so I'll post another update if I find a better location.

As per usual, I'll be walking around with my dolls (Akari and Himari if you remember them) visible all weekend so feel free to stop me and say hi if you see me.
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I got my other set of volks clothes, so now Momoko and Mizuka are in their uniforms. The bags are really nice, I fit one of the folded books and a gun in it. Really like the skirt as well, more than the other volks skirt I have. I need a lot more socks.

Thanks anons much appreciated, I’ll try some of these suggestions out.

Yes shes very self conscious about her spider features. I have good bit of lore to them that I said I’d post it all once Momoko was done so I’ll try to do that tomorrow/this weekend.

Looking forward to it
monster girls are the cutest but the monster girl + hime and glasses combo is even more
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>it would be more teasing if she used the card to hide it instead
here u go
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and more
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of course since this is Elle it turned out this way
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tfw doing this shoot

unfortunately won't make it to either one
work trip next week, too tight with having to pack to go on that
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what an adorable little thing, I can't wait to see her fully styled
wow I really like how Momoko turned out
did you already dye her additional arms?
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aw shit that was the cropped one for insta sorry
>it can't be bargained with. it can't be reasoned with. it doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. and it absolutely will not stop...ever, until you are dead!
late night lewds with the teasing master Elle-san
now i want to look down there
she really likes the attention huh what a
lascivious doll
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>what a lascivious doll
she's an AP, it flows in her blood er vinyl
I'll pass on the compliments
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High caffeine content
Sugar overload
Addictive properties
Cardiovascular risks
Sleep interference
Heart attacks
Stomach aches
Anxiety inducing
Kidney damage
Does anybody know what MSC smells like? I kept spraying some perfume to test if my mask works and im covered in perfume (it worked, didnt smell at all and now I smell like marshmallow) but I'm paranoid I have MSC smell on me. It's around 45% humidity here too. Idk how long to wait for the next layer
anon what’s your insta? your photos are amazing
Doll hobby is high risk
MSC smells a bit sweet, it's similar to the smell of spray paint. Kinda fruity, banana-y or mango-y but in an artificial chemically way. You'll know if you do smell it. I sprayed a couple times with an n95 and a scarf over my face and got a couple small whiffs so I got a proper 3m mask and don't smell it at all now. It shouldn't have any scent once it's dried, and even if it's landed on you and flakes off that's not really an issue - the dangerous part is the stage when it's aerosolized. If you're worried, keep the mask on for a few minutes or so after you've sprayed to make sure it's not in the air anymore. You should try to not get it directly on your skin as a general rule but it's fine if some mist lands on you from the cloud that comes out. You should wait at least 15-20 minutes between coats, ideally 30 or more since it can dissolve itself if it's not dried enough before the next coat. You shouldn't need more than a couple layers for a base layer and one between layers for your painting. 45% is fine, just don't go over 70%, ideally below 60%. If you do too many coats it might start to get cloudy or crack, so try to keep it under 8 or so.
No I've been waiting for them to come back in stock. I also need to 3dprint a little abdomen to hold the 4 shoulder joints I took off extra torsos. Unsure of if I'm going to make them all purple or black or a combo striped pattern. Might 3dprint 4 black tips instead of having to dye a million hands purple. It'll be a process to assemble it all but she will have them eventually.
>instead of having to dye a million hands purple
there's what, 8 pairs of stock MDD hands?
just do a full set and put a different hand pose on each arm
Thanks for all the tips anon! This is super helpful. I have one of those 3M masks with twist in filters. It seems to work but during one of my perfume spritz tests I moved and smelled it but shifted the mask and stopped smelling it. Hopefully it's ok, I'm probably going to get a different one.

I also keep smelling the perfume which is also kinda fruity. Luckily I'm spraying in my yard so it dissipates quickly, even with my mask I run away from it after I'm done spraying. Does it still smell after it's dried?
Just did the third spray, and the second spray for the head cap and another head I got. Doesn't look shiny so hopefully it will come out well and I'll wait til tomorrow to start faceup stuff.
didn't even mention the high risk of breaking one's wallet
As long as the filters are the ones rated OV/P95 they should be good for it. I usually test the seal by placing my palm over the exhaust (the little circle part on the front) and exhaling - if the mask puffs out a bit, then it's sealed on your face; if you can feel air coming out the sides, bottom, or top, adjust the mask until you can get it sealed and seated properly! MSC won't smell like anything once it's dried and it'll be safe to handle - generally I would say have clean hands/gloves if you're touching the face to avoid getting skin oils on the doll but that's not really about safety, just general good practice with these things.
>Human blood tea
I use lancettes to give mine a tiny offering while I drink royal milk. Though I was alone.
About to take the plunge, /BJD/bros. I'm torn between a 40cm and 45cm body though. Is there any appreciable difference besides height? I.e. easier to dress, find clothes for, etc.
40cm is a more standard size and will be a little easier in most instances to deal with. But the heart wants what the heart wants! My favorite scale is 50cm, which has no standard measurements (between DDP, Azone, and Angel Philia girls there's a lot of variance) but I still make do -- and so too shall you. Congratulations! I hope you post your doll whenever they arrive!
Post doll when you get her
Damn, you're talented.
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Come to ThyGeekdomCon. We'll meet tomorrow, noon, at the divider wall by the food court.
Fuckin rotate
here to the rescue
did a whole 90 just for you
Thanks frien. Much appreciated.
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Here anon, hope this helps. I can't make it to the con this time around, but I can't wait to hear how it goes!
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I saw this backpack a couple months ago on the GeekJack store which has a pouch meant for plushies. Based on the dimensions provided on the product page, I thought a MDD might fit inside it, so I bought one. It came the other day, and it's perfect for a MDD! If any of you are also hololive fans and are looking for something that can show off your (MDD) doll while you carry her around, it's still in stock on both GeekJack and the hololive store (search "holokatsu"). It's just over 50 USD plus shipping.
Very cute, does she sit pretty secure? Did it have any static/mess with the wig?
I haven't done a lot of testing, but she does wobble a bit when i shake the bag, so she would probably need some support to make her more secure in a real-world situation. As for static, I haven't noticed it affecting the wig at all so far, but I can definitely hear it when I try to wipe dust off the plastic with my hand.
Oh yeah I messed with it a little bit more and I can see some single strands of hair being attracted to the plastic now haha.
If you see a kirby backpack and a purple suitcase feel free to say hi, hope to see some anons tomorrow.
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I haven't bombed the thread in a while, I did a set this month themed around school dances.
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The vibe for Merida was the girl forced to go, so she's supposed to be posed stiffly.
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then slouching alone in the corner lol
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last one!
Nice set I like megane's outfit the most
Thank you, but I don't have a doll named Megane. If it's the one you linked, her name is Emma. Not that I expect you to know their names lol
megane is JP for glasses
oh, I didn't know that! Good to know!
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new imomodoll girl
anons..should i order her? i heard some things going on with their nun dolls especially in the faceup department and different hair, but maybe this will be a game changer.
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Careful anon, dolls are very susceptible to caffeine addiction...
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bomb full of cute posing with prom dresses and atmosphere
her fixated gaze staring upon my soul has a nice feminine charm that i do not know and makes out a nice picture with the light contrast
atleast its zero sugar so her figure wont be damaged unlike the table
she should use a mat to prevent water rings on it
it looks like a nice table
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seeing this pic sparked my obsession with buying my own doll/s.
Is that actually any good, or is this a joke? Zero sugar always tastes worse, because they usually use fake sweeteners, so I'm curious.
*Also, cute.
modern zero sugar drinks taste pretty good, not like old nasty fake sugar drinks. I like zero sugar dr pepper.
I have to agree with everyone else that zero sugar monstar actually tastes good. I'm personally a fan of the orange and strawberry flavors. So are my dolls. We're all hopelessly addicted to caffeine.
I’ve never wanted to be a dollfag. But I’m afraid it’s breaking me.
I keep looking at various bodies, and have cute outfits/wigs bookmarked.
My AmEx is about to feel some pain.
A lot of zero sugar drinks taste quite different from their zero calorie alternatives
Buy a doll already faggot. We want to see what you get.
What I really want is a Dollfie Dream Miku.
But I’m headed to Japan in July to close on some property so I’ll just look while I’m there so I don’t get raped by online markups with gaijin tax.
Vilks online store doesn't charge taxes and is cheaper than its USA counterpart. even after factoring shipping, handling, and maybe customs, it's still cheaper.
Anything sweetened with stevia is garbage imo. Over powers any other taste in a way that's worse than even the most syrupy drink. Wish actual sugar would be used more than corn as well
I’d still rather shop in person. I like to touch and smell items before buying.
If you come to a meet you can touch and feel others dolls and buy online.
Alright ThyGeekdomCon people. I'm at the meet location near the food court. Look for trigun cosplay with the black bag.
>trigun cosplay
BASED have fun anon!
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I've never liked diet sodas but I actually prefer the zero sugar flavors when it comes to monster. Dolls would rather get their calories in the form of candy anyway, so it's a win-win.
Rest assured I only moved the coaster out of the way for pictures!
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>pic rel
I would say "just search the tags" but that site is truly garbage I don't know how people find new stuff on it

>the chaperone
nice nice nice
I like these ones particularly
the de-inflated balloons work really well

monster doesn't do with/no-sugar versions of their flavors, it's either one or the other so there's nothing to compare the taste to

>shanghai doll in kirakishou cosplay
aaaaaa I want to be there

awww, they’re lovely, anons!! someday, i hope to make it to a meet…
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Doll and cat enjoying Sunday afternoon
But if I go shopping in Tokyo, then afterward I can go to that bar where you get to make out with a girl wearing a JK gym uniform and for a few extra thou ¥ she’ll spend a little while doing aerobics in front of you so you can get the authentic sweaty gym class girl experience.
the table is safe but that lollipop doesnt seem sugarfree
with every step there is a new danger
princess and her maid in knee-high boots
very fluffable
that monster can. wow those are big girls
id like to see the owners imitating their poses now lol
>See the owners imitating their poses
I assure you that would be very unflattering.
Speak for yourself
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this scene was 100% accurate
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Shes very proud of her.
Thanks for saying so, this was a lot of fun putting together, I'm glad people like them.

Whoa, good turn out! How fun!
monster can for scale was helpful. is there just no convenient means to carry a 90+ cm bjd around a convention hall?
The tallest doll in that picture is gonna be about 60cm tall, the littler ones should be around 40-45 cm - all of which you could fit in a decent sized bag. A 90cm doll would be very hard to bring around indeed!
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Thank you so very much to the two anons that came to my meet. It was a lot of fun to meet the one of you and to see the other again. I hope to see you again at the next meet. I'll be posting the photos I took as I get the chance to edit them over the next week or so.

No new plans for another meet yet. Will be deciding in the next couple days. It will likely be in either July or August.
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Thanks for hosting, had a ton of fun again. The doll booth was really nice to see and chat with those creators was fun too. I didnt take a ton of photos but will post the rest of what I have.
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Crunchyroll’s mascot doll cosplay.
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Cloud is cutoff since I was focused on the smartdoll cortex
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They had a nice variety of dolls on display.
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I just liked this doll’s props.

I forgot to take a photo of the asuna and 2b they had on display. They also had a couple books set out to flip through like newest volks 103 and a volks 27 from 2008.
dnd sure is mainstream nowadays, i remember when people used to legitimately call me a nerd for playing it
that side eye made me remember that one doll that came alive and appeared in the news
did you use your gun?
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nta, but to be fair it’s called “Thy Geekdom Con.” never been myself, but i would be surprised if there was no dnd! i think it’s cute, also god help me that i have this saved to my etsy favorites list.
>that side eye made me remember that one doll that came alive and appeared in the news
Wh-what? Also, I have a couple of the dolls in that set and they're so fun to photograph because of how extreme their followme eyes are, they're ALWAYS making eye contact even at absurd angles - and they're cheap! There's a local weeb shop that stocks them for about 20$ each
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I did bring the guns, they fit in the volks bag very nicely. I think every convention Ive been to since 2013 has had a dedicated space for tabletop rpgs/games. I havent played dnd/rpgs at any but its definitely a major focus for a lot of people.

I was eyeing a couple of the blindbox bjds and after seeing them in person im definitely gonna pick one or two up.
>props of that detail in this scale
Thanks for the find, gonna add that to the QnA if I haven't already.

Congratulations to everyone who got to attend the meetup! It's so cool to see all the dolls and everyone's photos, too.
Off-the-shoulder and loose sleeves is a nice combination. Her dress looks very soft.
Red hair frenzy is slowly taking over me.
They are so cute!!!!!
With some research it seems if I allow for a $1500 doll-budget during my trip, I should be able to put together a decent “starter kit”, or maybe $2k if I want to get something licensed/limited.
Miku for the UK folks. No outfit or wig, but if you just want the face this isn't bad.

Blank DDH07 on an old DD2 body for anyone looking for a project or a cheap entry point into the hobby. Head is SWS, body is WS, so if someone needs a WS body this is a good opportunity. I don't see them too often. US seller.

Tan Mochi-Ashi MDD. Kind of expensive, but on the other hand, I've never seen a tan mochi-ashi girl. US seller.

This concludes the noteworthy listings for today.
you can get a complete dollfie dream and a fuck ton of clothes for $1500, dream choices (which is a doll you customize in store) are like $400 and generic base dolls are like $300. make sure you bring your passport for tax free. unless you only want miku who you can only buy secondhand rn, she would probably go for $1000 or so complete
Yes, good, let the redhead frenzy flow through you. Also, if it's not already, a group of redheads should be called a frenzy going forward. It fits.
I really would like the Miku. There was a “reboot” version which implemented a better internal structure, correct?
But I figure Miku or otherwise, I might as well buy a decent accompaniment of wardrobe and wigs while I have the opportunity to do so in person.
Do you think our dolls get jealous of us looking at other peoples doll?
Depends on the looking's motivation.
>not having a doll harem
I don't have any dolls
Wonderful. Show more.
oh it was just playing around with my new polarized filter
also to get a little more use out of the pose, since she's just been sitting like that on my desk for over a month and needs re-posing
can you paint directly onto vinyl without any msc first? then msc afterwards?
I mean you CAN do it as you can do anything but you probably shouldn't - there's a couple reasons why you should probably have a base coat or two first. First, it protects the doll from staining from your materials - if you make mistakes or want to redo your faceup down the road, it's much better to have sealed the head under the paint, as removing stains from vinyl is a pain and some may never come out. Secondly, it gives you a better surface to work on - the vinyl surface is smooth and thinner paints may bead on the surface, pastels may fail to stick or stick unevenly. Sealing the head gives you an even surface with a more paper-like texture that allows paint and pastel to cling where it's applied to the surface. It's also recommended to seal between layers (ie. seal between doing your blushing and acrylics, in case you need to use water to correct a line or blush application and don't want to remove blush and create an inconsistent spot in the blushing).
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Still a few thing to do but at least the outfit is mostly together.
Looking good so far!
Really cute outfit
i completely forgot the fact that you all went to a geek convention
cute and dangerous
any fool that tries anything is gonna get new holes in his body
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panties over panties
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Sup /BJD/?
>>46917849 here
After poring over the guide and reading a few other resources I decided on one of the Parabox 40cm full custom sets and a simple summer outfit as a starter.
Will post pictures when she comes in, but here are the stock photos.
R8, H8, appreci8
very cute anon! look forward to seeing her!
This made me realize I need to get casual sandals like those for upcoming summer activities.
Looking forward to pictures. Are you going to name her?
>Are you going to name her?
Probably not. It's not really in my nature, but I might depending how deep into the hobby I get.
>Filled 32GB SD card of doll photos
It'll be a hot minute before I post ThyGeekdomCon photos
The 128s were on sale recently, might still be!
I have some. I just had a couple 32s empty and available for this con. It's more the point that there's 32GB of raws to get through for posting here. No clue how many actually turned out half decent yet and still have to do some minor edits.
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took my daily dose of blackpill
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What should one use when a traditional wig cap has not preformed adequately.
Google lists the following alternatives [adhesive velcro, sticky/blue/poster tack, grey mounting putty, pittato ring, toupee tape, silicone cap], but I am ignorant of each and the potential side effects of extended use on resin. Any perspective would be greatly appreciated.
>mom I frew up
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Alright heres my doll lore dump, wanted to add the last bit of stuff floating in my head. By no means a writer in any serious sense.

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it's a bit short notice and unlikely anyone's in the area, but I'm in RI for work until the end of the week if anyone wants to meet up

oh, what camera are you playing around with this time?
I just got a 6x6 from a friend so I'll be trying that out in the next few months
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wish i could be this stylish
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Took a couple photos of my dolls' last poses before I change their clothes.
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Turns out you don't need to correct colors so much when you have somewhat decent lighting.
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I was resenting Yui a bit because once assembled she was very far from what I initially wanted.
But I really like how she's looking in this pose.
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Old eyes, new eyes
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It's wild how the old eyes are the same size, the iris is just enormous.
I want to fuck a doll anon
Her new eyes brighten up her face so much, good work anon.
anything specifically you didn't like?
any lighting can be decent lighting with enough exposure
I tend not to do much if any color correction (even white balance) on my photos because most of the time I just want to accurately capture what I'm seeing (like >>46952121)

it looks like the smaller irises also reflect light differently, which helps with definition
the old ones kind of blended into her faceup
nice hairclip btw

how many meetups you been to huh?
>anything specifically you didn't like?
I wanted her to "match" my other doll but also to have a listless expression. Since I couldn't find anything on YAJ using Obitsu's base faceplates, I went to parabox and got that which, while not bad, is a different head size, and the eyes aren't even similar (that was a tough act to match, specially with how reflective Shino's eyes are). Although I like how good the "looking at you from any angle" effect is.
And finally there's the wig, first I ordered some the wrong size and even this correctly sized one is too stiff for what I envisioned (but that might still be fixable).
When dollfie auctions say they shaved the back of the eyelids with a Xmm eye sizer (like 22, 24), what exactly is the sizer?
Never mind, they are sold on volks' site if anyone else doesn't know.
quick, he's here, someone bake!
no worries, i've had the thread locked and loaded.

New Thread
ah yeah I can see the wig being a frustration
maybe it needs more aggressive iron application?
how much was it, would it be worth getting another so you don't risk ruining her only wig with a more aggressive attempt?

oh yeah I should probably do that for Yuzu
well, it's a lower priority than her faceup

im following all of you anons here and i want you to know, i think you're great and i love you.
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Waiting till bump limit to post socials so not all of China knows you're here.
ah yes yes very smart actually just shy
You needn't be. Your work is very good, anon. Stand by it proudly.
it don't have to make sense sempai
Fake it 'till you make it is real and works unironically. Be bold and uncomfortable and eventually the fear really will be gone. The world ends with you! You've gotta push out those horizons just as far as they'll go. But only when you're ready... you're doing just fine, anon. Thank you for permitting the people here to follow you.
yeah that approach has worked pretty okay so far

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