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Remember to take it easy.

Previous: >>46607118
How are my fellow NEETs doing today?
I'm the guy from the last thread and I failed to get my degree so I'm neet again. Should I just end it? Will my parents have to pay my school debt if I kill myself? Any games or something I can use for escapism to last me until I get my degree?
If you're american and you got indebted because of studies I hope you are studying engineering or something really usefull with plenty of job oportunities, if not then why bother studying
It's biology. I was not smart enough or too lazy for engineering type degrees.
>Will my parents have to pay my school debt
If it's owed to the (US) government: Yes
If it's owed to a private company: No
Genuine relief, thanks.
I don't know man, I studied civil engineering and I kept rejecting low paying positions because I graduated as first of my class years ago and instead went for the family business which is unrelated to my field. Last year the business went broke and now I'm desperate looking for a job but nobody wants me on my field because I have no experience and I've aged. My ego was my downfall and now I've spent like a year without a job just trying to drown the anxiety playing vidya all day and spamming applications for available low or beginer positions.
Sorry for the blogpost but I have no friends and I really wanted to get it out.
Not too well. I'm moving soon and people need to see the house we're selling today, including my room. I have to hide my power levels (otaku posters, daki, mango, tapestry, stickers on stuff) and clean up the garbage all over the room and it's a complete mess. cables everywhere, the bed isn't also where it should be and it smells like your typical neet room. shower reeks of piss too, since I'm still too lazy to do it in the toilet these days, it's awful. Wish me the best anons
there are sometimes even ants lately for some reason, it's that dirty. Take care of your rooms anons and dont end up like me
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should have gone with a life skills degree anon
This is the easiest thing to fix, though. Just take an hour or two and clean it up, wash stuff, vacuum, etc.
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doing okay, just woke up. girlfriend's having a mock exam today so I wished her luck after breakfast.

probably gonna cook myself another ribeye steak and play some Cyberpunk, or watch some tv shows.
I'm so lonely it hurts.
It's gnawing at my insides
I hope there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
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When I was younger I thought the world was super complex & interesting & deep. But over time this perspective has been scrubbed out of me by proxy. Most people view the world in a really simple & boring way, and if you spend time around them that effect can't help but rub off on you. For example, see how in 90%+ of movies music is used to tell you exactly what emotion you should be feeling. I feel like almost everyone is guilty of this, of wanting to simplify and dumb down reality and it makes me sad. Conversely I've found a few voices who can appreciate all this complexity in life and listening to them really brings me closer to happiness
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procrastinating, I need to get my ass to the gym it's been a while
>a few voices
I had no idea studying for Poli Sci could be so based
I'm never ever gonna work, out of principle. I will keep burdenmaxxxxing, I won't even bother to arrange my funeral details, let the wagies deal with my rotting corpse lmao
Get the fuck out
How do you fuck up as a civil engineer?
kill yourself failed normalfag. summer break isn't being a NEET. also you sound underage.
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how can you arrange your funeral details if youre dead?????
NT/jp/ie but for me it's the voices in my head
You still can put your business experience on your resume, while telling how it'd help on what you're applying for
You're already ahead of others inexperienced in civil engineering ffs
Not an hour but actually a few days (including rest) if it's gone bad, which is still not long at all
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Nta but we're not on wizchan fellow anons, we don't exclude people cuz they have gf.
Before and after getting 2 engineering ones I'd say serious biology is more difficult
By doing in it before dying?
Fuck off
i want to die
Go back. Fuck you
behold, the NEET thread
it's more miserable than r9k
mods, come back and nuke it again!
Might as well allow people who are employed or in school.
I've started watching through all the Ultraman shows starting with the showa stuff and I haven't felt this childlike glee and enjoyment in something in a long
in a long time*
based as fuck, I've been watching through showa kamen rider for a few weeks
>High schoolers are now going to call themselves "NEETs" over summer break
Fuck no.
Inflated ego and trying to justify all my sacrifices during university and my overachievements made me a bitter and arrogant man, I had tons of offers but I rejected them feeling that they were too low for someone like me when I finished university and went with my dad making lots of money in the construction business and almost 10 years later I have no competent experience for jobs that require minimal experience and in interviews they straight up told me that I'm too old for positions that require no experience.
I've done that several times and even tried to bullshit my way into the position but they always say that there are thousand of other better suited waiting out at the door, I really don't know what to do anymore and I'm kind of depressed at such amount of failure that this past year and the current have given me and specially since I feel that it's all deserved, the worst part is that I never made close friends during university and at work I was always in charge with family and much older people so I have no friends to confide stuff or play something to keep my mind away from negative thoughts.
I sometimes think that I'm at the end of my rope but I'm too proud and Christian to give it all up.
>mods, come back and nuke it again!
What this board needs is more touhouslop
you should go back to wherever they talk like that
skibidi toilet will be mine
nope, im 24. probably gonna cook myself another steak rn. i love being a NEET.
You sounds like a prick or a terrible person in general
I was arrogant, but never considered myself a bad person. I helped a lot of people through university expecting some help in return in the future, which never came by the way, but I changed through the years. I matured and also fell face down from my podium with everything that happened since becoming unemployed, but I don't think that I ever hurt someone and always gave a helping hand when I had the chance. My dad taught me well in that regard that all the good you do in life is returned back someday, I'm still waiting for that.
File deleted.
My parents want me to disappear. They never say it to my face, but I can see it in their eyes.
It's because you're a vile frogposter. Do it. Disappear.
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i never really cared about what my parents thought of me as or what they did. probably from the amount of abuse and trauma I've went through. don't really hold anything against them for it now, just hard to care when I always have more money than them kek.

wonder what it's like for some of you guys to feel like you're a burden on others?
Guess if I have children I should abuse them so they feel free from the shackles of filial piety
I'm taking it easy
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Sex with neet boys. The only way us neets can become non-virgins is by having gay sex, preferably dressed up as touhou characters.
I'd rather have sex with a neet girl, or with my favorite 2hu when I move to Gensokyo.
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We're now over five months in after that new years thread, how much has everyone progressed? Do you regret neeting now? Can things continue as they are? How much university debt do you have?
>dropped out
If all /jp/ies died - I wouldn't cry.
still can't find a job and I'm gonna drop out into a real NEET when I'll be bankrupt, homeless and won't be able to study
If you're homeless get a dog
so we'd fight for scraps? pass
It's so nobody can set you on fire in the dead of night, food is plentiful anyway people throw away so much shit
Dogs eat literal fucking garbage and roadkill man
You aren't competing with your dog for food
I eat dog food tho
what song is she playing bros
in Ohio, at the tiktok rizz party, 3 rizzlers got in.
at the ohio waffle house, 1 rizzler got out and half a rizzler got in.

at fanum Ice Spices house 1 rizzler got out

how many rizzlers are in the ohio tiktok rizz party?

Zero, the answer is zero. Because there are no rizzlers in ohio on gawd no cap dem niggas got no rizz blud be fumbling gyats
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pretty bad. not sure how im gonna meet rent at the end of the month
neet hardcore ironman (homeless immigrant)
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I scurry like a cockroach when I see sunlight
I want something genuine.
anime if it was real
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Once I had a near death experience and on the other side it was like a world where anime was real, those were the thoughts in my head at the time I was like "woah I'm in a world where anime is real" for a brief 1 minute I was the happiest anon ever, then I returned to my body and so quickly felt like the unluckiest anon. Now I'm sad
you know they do those with radios its the same as a lot of different experiences
24, never worked.
This year, I've applied to a dozen jobs so it's a progress compared to other years where I did almost nothing, I got a few job interviews but I still stutter a bit too much in front of the interviewer. Also I'm taking one shower every two days instead of one every week, and I got to say, the effect it has on mental health is underestimated in a good way.
I went to university 2 times when I was 18 and 20 (dropped out after 6 months each time) but I got not debt because they're almost free where I live.
Going well...
The "world" and it's potential beauty and complexity depends entirely on where, and how you look at it. The world of man is unbearably basic and crass, I don't think you even need a philosopher to tell you this. But peep under the curtain and you will discover something more (seasoned mystics belonging to a real tradition will tell you it's ultimately simple in the end, but rather than disparaging this they find comfort in it's completeness)
I have a mental status evaluation for my neet bux I hope it goes well and they arent anal as fuck
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you are useful
did you get your neetbucks
oh its on the 21st wish me luck
For what mental illness are you going for? Expect nothing if you don't get most of the symptoms of a specific one.
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gl bro, I hope you get ur neetbucks
As much as I'd like to wake up today and find out the past 10 years of my life were a dream, I know I will never get the time back.

I need to make it my mission now, its imperative I seek to end the neet life, move out and get a job.

also abandon creepy family members
I want to get out of the US one day it's turning into shithole but I'm living on gibs and I don't how to proceed
On one hand, kinda alright. On the other, just horrible.
I'm going to an event where I'll be able to talk to Japanese people in Japanese, so that'll be cool.
My sex drive has been really weak since the end of last year. It doesn't matter all that much since I'll never get a girlfriend, but it still sucks. I feel like a cripple, like my body doesn't work how it's supposed to.
Another day and not s single of the jobs I applied to calling back, 8 months unemployed and already running out of money and motivation. At least my parents have enough love for me to let me stay and try to cheer me up but I'm too old for this shit.
Also after a campaign last year I realized that working can also be fun and enjoyable.
Working a campaign? You mean political stuff?
No, and exploration campaign with geologists
I'm a rando from a few threads ago who was "about to lose benefits."
Somehow I made it through the interview. Just got the letter two days ago that I'm "still disabled". I swear the last two times this happened I had to fight for it again.
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you're not supposed to actually talk about being a NEET you idiots
>electrical engineering degree
>11 months and no job
it's over
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>4th child in the family
>everyone has a good job but me
>being a neet for nearly 4 years and no one cares anymore
>family still loves me
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my penis is 5 inches long
>someone in that bread said a women's cervix is 9 inches long
>you cant punch a women's cervix with your penis
it'll go fine, takes 0 effort to get approved.
after doing it myself and knowing several people who have gotten through their evaluations to be approved. I've learned to not trust any of the FUD I see about getting money as a NEET, neetbux most of all.

they don't really evaluate "most" of the symptoms of a mental illness if someone's using it to make a claim on neetbux. the evaluators barely talk with you for 10 minutes at most.

in fact, you aren't faced with having to speak to anyone who's well informed about psychiatry at all throughout the entire process. most of the process of getting neetbucks is boiled down to them reviewing your cited diagnosis's from the past and your reported monthly income.
the only time you do come across anyone who's a psychiatrist would be at the evaluation of course, but it's a joke. most of the psychiatrists evaluating people are doing it for the money, they can't be bothered enough to look deeper into your medical history or ask you questions beyond the scope of what they read off of a packet.
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how do i make this scenario occur to me irl?
Go to SEA
But the women in that image are attractive
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Windows 11 is so fucking good, literally solved all of my performance issues. Better 8khz polling rate support for mice and improved performance with CPUs that have hybrid architecture.

Dragging windows from monitor to monitor no longer causes the window to hang between the border of both screens. An issue that's been present since w7.
Everything is so much smoother, I FUCKING LOVE THIS OS.
Its tough, but my life is slowly improving.
Really? Is there anything else you like about it?
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You would be crucified for such a post on /int/ thougheverbeit.
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made a soldier76 main seethe so much he began to flame me in the chat for killing him so much. his entire team was playing hitscan and they couldn't even knock me out of the air as pharah LOL.
im 30yo
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made everyone ragequit in the next game except for the healers. they were all hitscans too WTF.
>playing Memewatch

hiss hiss kys
Lucky you, you have 3 backup wagies you can burdenmaxxxxx off.
Why does this thread attract so many outsiders?
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Why don't NEETs purchase any of the following peices of equipment and use them to make money?
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no fucking way, I made another DPS quit HAHAHAHAHA. his teammates told us how he was screaming in VC for them to heal him. it was an Ash and Widowmaker main
mom gives me money
Because they don't know how to use them, don't have money to buy them, qnd many neets are socially retarded, so they don't know how to get or even talk to customers.
meh, I don't need it. I already have money.
i search exclusively for blacked doujins.
I am 33 years old and I have never had sex before.
It ok anon-chan, some men were just not meant to get any 'tang. Even great men like Newton, Einstein, Tesla and Hitler died virgins.
three of the men in your list had sex with their relatives.
im 24 and ive had sex over 300 times
have all that and make my own stuff
never getting a job for fake government paper btw
build linux from scratch with optimized flags for your cpu and openmp+polly and it will be about 100 times faster
use wayland with vulkan
same but 30(soon to be 31)
same but 29...
if it provides any relief; 28 and 29 were much worse years for me mentally than 30
Most of those things require a home or a backyard, also extreme amounts of noise that make them unable to use in apartments or shared housing
Who's "we"?
also wizardchan's been dead for like a week. Honestly would not be sad if it stayed dead, the current admin's a dumb shithead that allows genuine cultists to enact indoctrination on real users of the IB, and bans anyone who objects to their inculcating posts. I wish the true wizchanners would just come over to jaypee and repopulate the board. Then maybe we could take back /jp/ from the vtumours and idorufags once and for all
I don't want to be annoying if this seems obvious but a lot of times you can only get an interview scheduled if you call them soon after applying, like a day or so later
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>also wizardchan's been dead for like a week
Good riddance. That place was always a blight, operated by incompetent, malicious faggots. Nothing like crabs in a buckets congregating to put down anyone trying to improve themselves.
I know, that's why I keep applying to new jobs every week trying to refresh my options
>put down anyone trying to improve themselves
Something tells me you weren't around for the original wizardchan. Current WC's userbase are mostly immigrants from /pol/ spreading dogma, and failed normalfag wage slaves shaming NEETs for not working. Wizchan's userbase in ye olden years were outsiders too different for /r9k/, and homeless NEETs that got advice from fellow no-homers. It used to be a comfy community where virgins sought solace from their fellow hikkis. Some threads still have that spirit, but true NEET communities in general are pretty dead now, probably because unless you have a trustfund, really understanding parents or a cool internet friend to bunk with, your only option is homelessness/death.
Also anon, I don't think you should post in this thread. If you want to escape neetdom and "improve", try uboachan's /rec/
NEET is literal. Not in education, employment, or training. Being a NEET really isn't an excuse to live in filth or to become deathly sick. Hell, some NEETs even have girlfriends, though its exceedingly rare.
I never used the original Wizchan and had/have 0 intention to, but I know some of its history, like Hotwheels, Glaive, and its rules and whatnot. It was a pit of misery.
Like many imageboards, its incredibly conformist, both implicitly and explicitly. Its only comfy so long as you don't step out of line and/or act too boldy. Yeah sure you can tell them to fuck off, and that's usually what I do rather than conceding, but when the majority is like that there's little point to sticking around in a place where you're not going to have a good time. This does not refer to deliberately annoying posters, trolls, and/or the disingenuous.
Perhaps it a tired topic, but most people can improve themselves. Simply cleaning your room does wonders for your mental and physical health. Kicking out everyone that's doing well or trying to reinforces the negative elements of NEETdom and the community. Giving up is the true, absolute death of a persons life. If there's anyone you should listen to regarding improvement it SHOULD be NEETs/ex-NEETs that are trying/have succeeded.

If its going to be a permanent lifestyle then that's fine too, but, would you rather be playing vidya and fapping in a filthy, stinky room, or would you rather be doing those things in a clean room? It doesn't have to be absolutely miserable, and usually it shouldn't be.
im glad you were able to find yourself after 29 bwo
>It was a pit of misery
How do you know that if you weren't even there
>Simply cleaning your room does wonders for your mental and physical health
No it doesn't
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'fe is still around tho
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does any femneets want to meet up and rp this scene with me
how do you guys sustain this financially
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fumbled my state sponsored programme and now i'm a NEET
i thought what i studied was my dream but i guess i didn't want it hard enough
now i don't know what to do. Nothing else really interests me
all i do now is stroke my penis everyday.
same but like for 30 minutes....
erm even if he's 1% white he gets the pass
oops sorry wrong bread
Suicidal ideation doesnt stop man. Thinking of dying and getting the remote chance of appearing in a better place feels so good
degree on what?

go back nigger

>appearing in a better place
in current year? LMAO
In another world
You learn a lot over the years. It wasn't hard to know.
sometimes it only takes me 5mins
Nothing went through your head when you picked that degree.
If you thought
>I will become a radical gene editor! I will create human chimeras and eliminate aging!
You were retarded
If you were thinking
>I will dissect mammal cadavers to find the next "beaver anus"-tier biochemical ingredient we can put into our foods as flavoring
You were on to something maybe.
Note you'd be a lowly paid lab rat.
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bros I have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow, last month I told her I would be studying for a CCNA but all ive been doing is taking my vyvanse to wake up in the morning then doing jack shit, should I tell her im making progress, I dont want her to think im a failure
When do you wake up?
I used to to wake up late around 11-12 am however 20 months ago I started getting into the habit of waking up between 6-9 am because my parents temporarily restricted my internet access.
Autismbux, i'm actually able so save a little money. (because all my hobbies involve pirating media)
The last person you should be lying to is a mental health professional.
When are you going to start working? People are worried about you, trying to help you find solutions. Why don’t you try to change? I know too many NEETs including a family member and I don’t know what to do
oh god i need to tell her im a failure
Around 2-4 pm most often, but my sleep schedule frequently rolls forward by an hour or two due to "nights"(mornings) on which I can't fall asleep even if I lay in bed for hours, which is annoying because I like to be awake at night when I can walk through the house alone, and I have to make myself stay up later each night for like a week to get back to that ideal schedule because I can't make myself fall asleep earlier.
The entire point is to be honest about your struggles so they can support you.
Perhaps you and your mhp can figure out together why you're having trouble with studying and look for a solution.
2am, 2pm, noon, 8pm. I'm all over the place.
the only thing psychiatrist can do is leeching off your autism bux from you.
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I'll work when my bux will be over, around this summer.
>When are you going to start working?
When I find a job that's enjoyable and doesn't require 2+ years of experience.
>trying to help you find solutions
All they do is say "you need to get a job"
Ever talked to one?
impossible, not because i don't want to meet them, but because i don't pay them,
fuck off
if you live in america over the age of 25 and a neet for over a year, you can get free health insurance than can cover for therapy/psychiatry/medicine
seethe loser
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travelling to another country soon. friend paid for my ticket. excited to see what it's like.
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nobody tell him
you guessed right, i'm white. i search exclusively for blacked doujins.
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not him but you don't need to be 9 inches to punch a woman's cervix. 7 and a half inches works just fine. it's fun as fuck too lmao.
tell me what, im literally getting free meds and therapy rn
>im literally getting free meds and therapy rn
same ;^)
really what meds are you taking bwo
ketamine, mdma, cocaine, adderall, kratom
I'm 8 inches and will never have sex

watch this
wtf im taking 20mg of vyvanse and im scared im gonna become dependent on it one day
dependency only lasts a week lmao
how much meth do you take for a therapeutic effect bwo
bout 3.50 nigga
sometimes I get a tingling sensation in my arm throught the day, should I talk to my dealer about it?
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over for you bwo
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but my dealer said its normal
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uh oh stinky
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if I take my meds right now will you disappear
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time to find out
I don't even have a job let alone a 6 figure job to throw tons of cash into
NEET threads always end up getting the worst kind of tourists.
I hope you all die.
is your mother hot?
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/jp/ has nothing sacred anymore, also devoid of moderation it seems
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bros I talked to my psychiatrist today told her the meds werent helping me get out of being a neet and she gave me an extended release this time
Do psychiatrist really help you? They won't just laugh at me and tell me to leave if I tell them I'm too fucked up to study or sit down and apply for like 1000 jobs like a brainless drone and that's why I don't have a job?
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if you dont think you have the will power to get out of neethood and have insurance, I would recommend one. Once they determine youre not a drug fiend, they are on your side no matter what failures you tell them. I had nothing to lose, the worse that could happen is that they give me free meth.
i love being a NEET
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exact same setting here
>your age
>how many years of NEETdom so far
5 (never worked, only studied 2x6months at university)
I love being a neet too, but that doesnt get amazon to deliver to me...
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neetbros, inflation is getting a little high...
Why are NEET threads always filled with crossies and normalfags?
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my parents have been on my back about finding a job for months years, but whenever I look I just get reminded why I am a neet
It feels like even applying for online shit is made to filter autists
i have a lot of these things in the garage, i use them when i need them for something
whenever I feel bad about being a neet, I just reminder myself there are people out there doing worse thins out there than being a neet, then I feel better about myself.
its always weird knowing i have higher net worth, quality of life and disposable income than the average without lifting a finger, debt and materialism really messes people up
same as my food costs a day
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26 next month
about 14 years of NEETing
I was forced to drop out of school when I was 10 due to getting into fights with other kids, my mother homeschooled me for like a year before giving up, and I went to junior high school for a year before dropping out again because I missed too many days of school and slept through classes every day.
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congrats neetbro you won the neet lottery
Simple answer. Because /jp/ isn't actually NEET.
im trying to graduate from being a neet WHY CANT YOU BE HAPPY FOR ME
am i a neet if im studying to get a job, but actually im not doing anything and i am just pretending to do so, so that my parents dont actually tell me to go get a job?
the exam is next month and im gonna fail, so this 2 year charade is probably going to end badly for me
when everyday is a vacation, sometimes it just doesn't feel like a vacation anymore...
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i get amazon deliveries every week as a NEET, skill issue ig.
when the fuck did neet general became this shit
holy shit shut the fuck up. so much normalfaggry in one post, why are you talking like a nigger? order yourself a gas mask, hose and something to poison your lungs with.
animecore and all that lame shit. just post actual lolis and talk about scat/gore to scare them off you should know the drill by now.
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Being a hikikomori/NEET is trendy nowadays among normalfag zoomers even though they don't know what it truly means. Most common example I see is when they call themselves NEETs and then say they go to school or work (but its only for a few hours so im still a NEET teehee!).
unmedicated club be like
The fight continues
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10 they should give me a diploma in NEETdom, bet you're all impressed
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airbnb looks pretty nice.
i love being a NEET and travelling the world.
haven't noticed, the more inflation goes up the more money I gets for free. LOL
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ayo peep this twin
I love being a NEET trapped in the room trapped on this island spending the last bit of my twenties and last couple years of youth laying on my bed thinking about how everyone is better off than me before my health testosterone libido neuroplasticity quality of mind start to plummet to unrecoverable levels upon reaching 30.
/r9k/ got linked here and they still haven't left. also when the neet threads turned into a general.
schizophrenia be like
how do we get them out? plans anon, need em.
yo someone should make a goon journal and post about it in these threads everyday. that'd be mad sick.
woke up so late i woke up at a normal person time today. woke up at 6 am
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i'm not gonna leak my goon techniques here
stop making threads back to back. this is the only way to get /r9k/ out and return these threads to pre-general quality.
woke up so late i woke up at a normal well adjusted invidividual time today.

applied for mcdonald's again before i deathgripped my semi chub one shotter again.

pondered the state of western civilization before i rolled around in anguish at the state of my life. these meaningless outlets of escapism surrounding me serve nothing to the help me in the longrun.

i need to heed my nordic ancestral calling and work as a mcdonald's manager again. my prussian psygionomy is going unwasted.

after i get out of work I will dine on some fine simple carbs, white bread, msg and sugar galore. my testosterone levels begin to soar.
no can do partner.
Moderation works when it's trigger-happy over fucking nothing
NEETbros I slept for 13 hours and I woke up with a headache....
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>all these NEETs with undergrad degrees
NEETbros I slept for 4 hours and woke up wth a migraine... fuck I hate my office job
why were we born, just to suffer?
suffering and fapping
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any neets with a gf
i got married so i could become a stay at home neet. i clean and do laundry and stuff.
god I love femdom so much neetbro, ur so lucky
no, of course not. are you sure, being on the right board, buddy?
erm this neetbro just said he has one >>46905248
are japanese woman psychotic?
i have been watching a japanese female vtuber stream for the past three month. she plays FF, DRD and DBD and i don't mind it. I like watching her because she is interactive. two weeks in out of the blue she perma banned me. i private msg her asking why, and she said it is because i stayed on her stream for a long time without talking (lurking). so i told her i will change and chat with her often, and she unbanned me. we sorta became online friends
and things went well. fast forward to yesterday she changed her username and blocked me again.
>slept through classes every day.
ahah are you me
pinching her pubescents tits
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yes, I am a neet wizard with a gf. We just do sexcam so I am technically still a virgin. She is really hot and we both met on discord in a neet server when she was 17 we just chatted back then but then she said she had feelings for me. All this came after I shared some photos of myself because she wanted to know what I looked like.
She said I was cute and wanted to be my girl, I said I was just a loser neet and a virgin but she didn't mind at all so here we are now, she is 20 now and I am 31. It's long distance but I don't care, seeing her do things for me on cam is next level.

I am thankful to God for having put her in my life.
Hearing about my cousins graduate reminds me it's been a year since i graduated, and i haven't even started looking for a job.
How far does she live from you?
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mine lives in france. have flown out to fuck her a couple of times.
where do you get the money to fly without a job?
Bros what should I get from ubereats today
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get some korean fried chicken nigga
can I be a NEET and a delinquent at the same time?
I lift and I like to fight
no, you must goon 24/7.
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the globalists want you to goon and be happy for eternity.
corrupt the NEET, devour them all. sacrifice them to the greater good. not on my watch.

how about i shove my foot up your ass globalist-tan.
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neetbwos hows my breakfast lookin
i like watching these types of videos and act like im in some sort of adventure, very comfy

As a NEET I fuck so much pussy with my free time fellow NEETbros gonna meet up with gf #3 and #5 tomorrow for threesome and then later go out for a nice dinner date with #2 it's been a little while since I last went out with her cause I've had my hands full with #9 lately plus the wife has been begging me to fly back to Japan and stay with her a while life is tough but that's what being NEET is all about amirite
#NEETlyfe #truNEET #just/jp/things
looks good nigga
me when I have a meltdown
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that looks so comfy...
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bwos its here!!!!!!
that looks so yummy
how do we burn this bread to the ground and restart a new
light yourself on fire
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>you walk out of your goon cave and see this
what do you do
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>you walk out of your goon cave and see this
what do you do
turn around and walk back in my cave
any neets from africa?
I want something genuine.
work at mcdonald's then
I'm not from africa but I wish I was. I'm white and I exclusively search blacked doujins.
people from africa are too busy trying to survive, neets can only exist in first world counties
Yeah I used to help people too. But I realized that no one will be there for you.
I have no friends either, and it sucks, because if we lived in a just world, people who helped others in need should had tons of friends..
You wanna know how it feels to be a burden? I just give you a glimpse. I bought a state Of the art computer with my own money to play with, and I returned it in two months because I felt too guilty of it, like I don’t deserve to be happy.
I also have one tooth that I need to fix, but I am living through the pain, no pain killer, through the end. I can pay for it, but it’s kinda expensive (2k) and I can’t make myself pay for it.
There are a lot more, but I think these two are enough
Nah I rather just stay a virgin
African NEETs definitely exist in countries like Morocco, Algeria and Egypt, leeching off their well off parents.

t. seen plenty in steam
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I thought meido killed this blogposting shit years ago. Have jannies just completely given up on /jp/? It's a fucking wasteland of generals. Generals are cancer made by and for redditors who need to go back to the subreddit pits they crawled out of.
weird, I went thought the same exact initial progress as you. They would whip me, abuse me, and shame me when I was a child when I didn't meet expectations, which would throw me into a depression for the forseeable future. All that abuse stopped when I entered highscool, they depression still remainded, but even after I turned 18, they didn't abandon me. They housed me, clothed me and fed me for years. I went onto being a neet until I was 25, when I could call myself an independent by law and get enough financial aid for a free BS in CS. I graduated, and became a neet again. I'm not sure if they really despise my presence or not, but they're willing to do anything to help me improve my prospects in life and for that, I am greatful. So until I stop being a neet, find a job, and pay my taxes so another neet csn have a chance at life, I can't help but to feel like a burden.
30 next year and never worked after quitting school at 16

told my mum shouldn't have allowed me to technically repeat a year in school (1/10k rarity basically) if they expected me to become a contributing member of society. so i call myself a delinquent now instead of autist

reasons why i'm a youth delinquent:
quit school after middle school
never cared about rules and social expectations and etc
strangled and bit other kids
slightly criminal physiogonomy (like u know the kinda evil eyed grinning mooks in animes and etc)
physically underdeveloped in every way, + gracefully aged since neet, so can still excellently pass as youth delinquent
a lifetime of causing pain and burdening society

i'm not sure what delinquent stuff to do yet. the youth here have very ruthless autism radar so maybe it's not a good idea. and not to be racist but i don't really want to be in some gang with ethnic ppl either
Why are we here.
looks like you're gonna have to cope & seethe for a while longer nigga
/jp/ - my friends are here
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can't stop chipping #1 against my #32 sealant
is it normal for your teeth to touch each other
All the NEETs itt off their meds and on drugs
i nEED answers
yes me, im white and I've been off my lexapro for 3 weeks. i've been exclusively searching for blacked doujins to cope. each time I goon smaller dribbels of spunk teeter out of my chub. please help oh god.
I think i get what you're trying to do now.
wish me luck on my goonventure mate
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>Of the art computer with my own money to play with, and I returned it in two months because I felt too guilty of it
lol same, my computer's worth $3,500+ USD
not gonna return it tho. fuck feeling guilty.
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why is wizchan down?
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badmouth your local police with a yakuza accent
Anyone else struggle to find cool shit on the internet now?
Back in the day it was so easy to go down a rabbit hole from the surface web into very obscure pockets but I feel like that's impossible now. you have to know what you're looking for because everything is curated by algorithms now & the old web of links is gone. it seems like everyone is being forced to look at the same stuff nowadays
no, you're just a boring faggot lol
But that’s gay, nigga •_•
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Erm dumbassfaggot-sama….. a gals g-spot is 2-3 inches long or something, which is why sho's would do a better job than a regular fella, the whole size meme is only pushed as a shit test
so what's it like having a 3 incher anon? tell us your experience
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so when did you realize that you're just some goofy ass from ohio?

what was bluds cookin with this one?
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AI nacho is so cute
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Erm what the fuck is blud yapping about
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what is blud waffling about?
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Gonna be a need with graduate degree to make you proud
just to suffer
>all these niggas here are just trust fund babies with no jobs
nigga you wish I was a trust fund baby hahahahaha
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>raped a team with a soldier and widowmaker main so hard that the tank told his DPS to never play soldier again

goofy ass niggers
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this thread died so quickly. y'all niggers boring asf.
Fuck you normie
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>what meds are you talkin daily

30mg prozac, 1mg xanax, 40mg vyvanse, 10mg adderall topup
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half a gram of racemic ketamine freshly extracted from a bolivian hospital room and 96% pure southern american coke
bake the /neeg/ bread
A buddhist quote that has stuck with me was "First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is"
the way I interpret it is that you initially see how things really are until you dive deep and explore its complexities. you get so completely absorbed into the system you have created that the system is all you see. however, once you get down to the essence of things then you once again see something for how it really is.
any neets here get their student loans all forgiven by biden?
im more of a classy guy
nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine for me
you don't even need biden to have free tuition lmao. pell grant and neetbux worked just fine under trump's reign. lolololololololol.
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yeah I got the neetbucks and pell grant for a free ride then 100k in student loans thats gonna be forgiven
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Konichiwa dude
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nope, pell grant and neetbux doesn't give you any student loan debt lolololol.
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I dont have debt either, still got that 100k in the bank.
It was like 160k loans. Why didn't the faggot forgive all of them?

any good ntr mangas where the cuck wins at the end?
another day spent edging.
Is it actually happening? I know last year they said it was gonna happen or maybe it was year before, but then it didn't happen.
what did you edge to neetbro
lol retard
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finna go travelmaxxing soon. i love being a neet.
bros were on page 10 someone bake the next bread

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