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The wild and horny hermit
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more like wild and HUNGRY hermit amirite
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Built for Big Shota Cock
Self-inserting isn't healthy anon
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biggest copout in all of fiction
Who needs shota cocks and their immature sperm lacking nutrition
Just look at those THICC baozi built for DEVOURING
You two seem clueless here. The real reason why she fled from Gensokyo through the Hakurei barrier is not because of the search for her arm. She secretly kidnaps countless shota, takes their virginity, and then turns them into men without their consent. Most of Kasen's victims are afraid of mature women, they do not want to reproduce anymore. This is the real reason why the population of Japan is in sharp decline.
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Does her cup size increase by fusing?
The wind and horny hermit's panties!
not my kasen
she goes commando to tempt men but lectures you if you try to peek
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pink ho
>take possibly the most prudish character
>start claiming she's the opposite of what she is
>don't elaborate
Anticipating the question, I'm quoting "these guys"
pink lewd
I'll release my worldly desire inside kasen-chan!
You are going to get cucked.
Kasen told me I could cum inside of her for free. True story.
That's why when I do Kasen smut I have her prudishly lecture everyone on impropriety until her oni instincts overpower her sexual repression!
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I wanna try and draw Kasen tomorrow. How should I draw her?
Ass up
I'll never spends months/years training with Kasen, caring for her animals as we slowly develop feelings for each other. Why live?
To be wrung dry by her arm through the night as the pink buffoon bumbles about trying to get you to like her of course.
We did it!
Pic: me (on the right)
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happy, she deserves it
In loli (8yo) form.
Kasen if she snek
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i should've done this yesterday but I got preoccupied
i guess I'll try and do more sketches during the week if I've the time
looks good anon, how long you been drawing?
I've been drawing on/off for a while but I'm a slacker on persistent practice. Is why I felt like trying to motivate myseof someway.
Those sketches probably took a little below an hour in total, but I got busy inbetween.
>page 10
It's over for Kasen. Nobody loves her anymore.
Grimsokyoposter ruined everything
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well now I'm a little wary about starting a conversation about something because I know it's going to snowball back into grimsokyo arguing
I do like Kasen though, I think she's a good character
This, Im not even a Kasenfag, but so much grimsokyo posting gets tiring after a while.
Why Kasenfags are so horny?
every character thread is full of horny people
Yeah but it feels that all Kasen threads are about is hornyposting, like the Sanae threads.
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Kasen threads typical start horny then it leads to debating if shes a good person or not, arguing over the ending of WaHH, till finally no one is talking about Kasen but trying to rank who is the biggest hypocrite in Gensokyo, itll happen here eventually
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Pretty damn accurate.
Sometimes the horny part is skipped and it just straight to arguing.
Cant you guys just try to do what the Ranfags do? You know, ignore the resident schizo and try to stirr the thread back.
>Cant you guys just try to do what the Ranfags do?
Yeah but if she puts those bandaged fingers in my pooper it's going to smell rank for weeks.
She's just proposing to visit a tea shop together, there's no reason to decline
i hate tea
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You especially would know about that.
Who's the futa?
Neither, the arm is used to masturbate
all of them
Neither, I got them pregnant.
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What a slut.
You can't name your character the wild and horny hermit and expect that people wouldn't lust after her
>I think she's a good character
She's simultaneously a Sage of Gensokyo *and* someone who needs the most basic concepts of its operation explained.
Her character is a huge mess.
...wow, thanks zun!!!
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ZUN could (kinda) explain it if Gensokyo was really different in the past.
But we know ZUN won't elaborate nor use Kasen ever again.
lol did u tk kasen 2 da bar?
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I love evil kasen
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Woah... Ibara-chan really let herself go...
BSC (Big Shota Cock) bros...
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I bet she listens to really girly music in there
she probably even sings it really badly until someone gets in the car with her and she scrambles to put oni-approved music on instead
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Could Arm-Chan be redeemed if she wasn't sealed away?
I can fix her
Maybe but it'd be pretty hard
Yes in fact
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I like new Onikasen drawings but I always feel like we're cursed with people not realizing the real color scheme is black/gold
Last words before death
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If you haven't read it, the kirisame magic shop story give this problem a better resolution.
/jp/sies, is it true that hermit Kasen is strong vs. romance, weak to lewd, and arm-chan the opposite?
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Arm-chan will give you the best hand job ever!
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if you asked to hold arm-chan's hand, she'd completely melt into a mess of stammering and blushing and she'd be thinking about it for the next month
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What if I wanted to romance the hermit, proving my worth by overcoming her strongest point?
what if i did it first
You're already too late anon...
you can't do one without the other. If you want The Kasen Experienceâ„¢, you have to strongly court the hermit and gently court the arm.
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Boogie Woogie
How do you start with either?
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fuck, marry, breed
Starting with arm:impossible difficulty
You'll have to find a way to breech her sekai, either trick Kasen or sneak in and steal the arm. Then, assuming you defeated or snuck around her animal guards while she's out, you'll have to break the potent seals on the arm.
After you break the seals, armsen will rise in all her glory. After this, I hope you brought some offerings, Armsen will 100% some good old oni smash and slaughter.
If you can survive all the above you have a snowballs chance of hell of courting the arm.

Starting with Kasen: very hard difficulty
Memes aside, Kasen has little actual worldly desire aside from a weakness for sweets and propensity to get caught up in shenanigans. She has no interest in searching for male attention, and likely doesn't know how to approach it aside from raping/murdering men in her oni days. You'll be doing 100% of the work in this stage, and work you'll do indeed. Kasen likely has high standards, and you'll have to fill them by training under her and enduring Kasen’s lectures. Otherwise, you'll have to train under the tao or some other training regiment that would forge your body and mind via someone else. This option can have you snagged up by someone else, so be careful!
After listening to her lectures, going through harsh training, taking care of her animals, and gaining her complete trust can you even hope of getting a word of her inner troubles out. After this point your next death flag will be the awakening of Armsen, how well you've trained to tank an oni's worth of inner demons, and your silver tongue.
Left breed middle marry right fuck.
>training under her and enduring Kasen’s lectures
Thats my goal romance or not, shes probably the best person to train under. You could finish training to be as strong as a regular human could be in Gensokyo.
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disregard smelly hippie
acquire tall jock
That word doesn't exist in Oni language
They aren't going to understand you
That means I can't say "No!" to Kasen.
Leave the premises if you wouldn't make Kasen your wife.
both of them made kasen their wife though
they just also fucked kasen and bred kasen
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What drink does Kasen like best?
Let's not be mean...
Pure Alcohol that would make anyone else disabled
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A tanuki can and has outdrank her.
Probably something sweet. Maybe another Anon here is more versed in alcohol than I.
>a tanuki can and has outdrank her
uh, didn't kasen outdrink mamizou in WaHH?
If you cut off her arm, maybe.
It was the other way around, Kasen even deliberately drank hers on the rocks so she was having less per glass IIRC.
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No, Kasen won by tricking them into drinking oil mixed with sake. She does acknowledge that it was cheating because she was pressed for time and say that they should have a proper drinking competition later though.
that said Kasen is still an oni, or at least has an oni's body, so I really doubt anyone but another oni could beat her in a drinking competition.
Guess I did not, in fact, remember correctly. All the same I'm not sure. Maybe it's just off of a vague feeling but I honestly doubt Kasen, short of attaching her arm, would even be in the highest bracket of alcohol tolerance in Gensokyo.
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I dunno, Mamizou's line in >>46957954 about not even noticing when Kasen swapped the sake for oil because she was already smashes suggests that Kasen was already winning beforehand and just didn't feel like sitting through the whole thing.
Slightly earlier in the chapter, you can even see that Mamizou's got exaggerated drunk blushing going on while Kasen's not even phased. And Mamizou might have been cheating too because she even mentions sneaking drinks to her underlings if worst comes to worst in her inner monologue before they start
Kasen is so fucking hot, doesn't like being so fucking hot, and that makes it so fucking hotter.
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talk to the hand
Instructions clear, I am now married to an arm.
Tell me how you did it
I opened up a strange looking box and an arm popped out. I ended up talking to it as instructed, and it followed me home. After a couple weeks I came home to an entire oni being there, instead of just an arm, and suffice it to say I wasn't given the option to not become her husband.
Is this how the arm took people's lives in the outside world too?
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This artist likes making Kasen seem like the prettiest 2hu
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She is, it's just that Sirogitune happens to be the artist that best captures that fact.
This guy gets it, that hermit is just too wild and horny
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Elegant and gorgeous were the words I would've chosen, but I suppose if her arm is attached, those two work too.
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Why do kasen gets drunk faster than other onis?

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