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I admit, out of all the SDM members, I want to fuck Sakuya the most.
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its so over for Sakuya threads
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You sound like this guy
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I fear for my willy should I ever put it in her. Forget knives, her pelvic muscles would emancipate you if she so much as sneezed.
lazy slutty meido
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Nah, she's third on the priority list after Patchouli and Meiling.
there's a lot more to Sakuya than her sex appeal, you know
Yeah, her airheadness is pretty cute too
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She is a cool meido
Yes, exactly. There's more than just sex appeal.
She may not be as seductive as Koa, or not as big as Meiling, but I still want her the most despite that. Because there's "more" to her.
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>She may not be as seductive as Koa, or not as big as Meiling
That depends on who draws her.
Other aspects of her, that are just so criminally overlooked by artists, is that Sakuya can actually be quite cheeky, quippy and fun-loving. Unlike other servants, she isn't afraid to sass her own mistress either or even share her mistresses snacks with intruders in secret.
I find they tend to make her to overly serious and icy or even tsundere in a lot of fan works, when that couldn't be anymore so far removed from her more usually lighthearted, flippant self from the official works.
is Sakuya the kind of person who's open about her affection towards her lover or does she cold to her lover until they're behind closed doors
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Sakuya really is more the candid type, who isn't afraid to say whats on her mind. So she's likely be more open with her expressions and affections only she'd be more of a huge tease about it, like a real coquettish troll especially with her powers.
To add to that she's also kind of an oddball, so expect weird and at times a little concerning comments. Which is a plus for me.
Canonically she is a retard, has no filter and wants to cook Shimmy.
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Canon Sakuya is honestly amazing, far better then the stoic fanon one
What must I do to get a cute maid serving me spaghetti ?
I want Sakuya to try to seduce me so she can feed me to Remilia but she ends up actually falling in love with me and now she has to choose between me or her master
>I want Sakuya to try to seduce me
Me too man, me too
>so she can feed me to Remilia
Remilia only drinks blood. It'd probably be similar to donating blood
>but she ends up actually falling in love with me
A Sakuya in love sounds terrifying
>choose between me or her master
She'd simply find another human in this case
>She'd simply find another human in this case
That human would be me. But she falls in love with me too, so now she has to choose between me or the other anon.
But actually, I'm just trying to pump and dump! The other anon can't do shit to me and I'll win her heart at the end of the day!
>I'm just trying to pump and dump!
>pump and dump
You know this is Sakuya you're talking about right? You can't pump and dump her, escaping her is quite literally impossible for you
She asks for a passionate, hot kiss right as you're about to leave for work. *Puckers up* All of a sudden... Vanishes!
You grumpily start heading off for work. You just now notice... "What the fuck...? Why did it get so wet on my-- Oh. Goddammit!"

The possibilities.
Really makes you wonder where did that interpretation even come from? In SSiB she was already the airhead we all know with her classic opening up a window on outer space deal, and on her very first appearance she hits you with THAT face.
Who even looks at this and says "hm, she looks like a serious person."?
I bet I could fool her by using a fake mustache, a sombrero and calling myself AƱon.
She'd never figure it out.
But still til this day do we know she opened it knowing whether or not there was any air outside? Which as a result nothing happened, disproving Marisa.
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I feel like I could get used to displays of affection or lewdness using time stop.
Just a sudden hug outta nowhere with all the kisses she could want, that would be nice.
This sounds amazing
her thighs drew me in but her elegance kept me here
Between the thighs?
i couldnt possibly comment, i have no defence against a storm of knives
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sakuya you vapid numskull, you're going to break the tea set doing that
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She's a pro, don't be rude.
Sakuya's hand in marriage but you have to give up 5 liters of blood once a month to Remilia, do you accept?
You lack the necessary medical knowledge to present that question, anon.
losing 5 liters will fuck you up but it's survivable
Playing a horror game with Sakuya and retreating to her thighs on instinct when scared!
Sakuya's hand in marriage but you have to give up 5 liters of cum once a month to Meiling, do you accept?
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That would kill you even harder than losing 5L of blood.
Sakuya has hidden cameras on the mistress' room and all the bathrooms of the mansion!
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Sakuya would absolutely sexually abuse (You) after work to relieve stress and tension. Then afterwards she'd give you a ton of aftercare and cuddles because she wants you to stay.
imagine trying to wrestle Sakuya off of you as she insists she only had one glass
"C'moon jusht a quickie~"
"I'm not pisht you're pissh'd"
"Who gibes a crap if someone seesh it's not a big deal..."
"Maids aren't allowed to be drunk, so *hic* I'm not. Drunk."
"Sourpuss" [Followed by maniacal laughter at her own attempt at comedy]
>imagine trying to wrestle
I'd rather imagine submitting instead.
The artist of those doujins makes berserk look like a breeze
Can you explain?
So do the other members of the SDM.
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My bride.
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I admit, out of all the SDM members, I want to BE Sakuya the most.
Come on bro, you've got like two threads for your fetish already.
and then she passes out in your arms
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Must be a lot of work, throwing all those knives
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have you not read them?
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Sakuya has TWO (2) threads!
One for lesbian Sakuya!
And one for straight Sakuya!
Both are rapists!
Sakuya has THREE (3) threads!
One for lesbian Sakuya!
One for straight Sakuya!
And one for cool Sakuya!
Only two of them are rapists!
Meiling no longer has three threads!
Sakuya has FOUR (4) threads?
One for lesbian Sakuya!
One for straight Sakuya!
One for cool Sakuya!
And one for ????
Only ? of them are rapists?
Meiling is deceased.
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Inside Sakuya are two women:
Knaifu waifu with three braincells
"Closeted" lolicon maid living her dream life
Both are rapists.
do not sexo the meido.
its a trick they use to force you into indentured servitude.
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Akitsu "I'm a samurai" Karasu is so good
Sauce please
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I have been trying to get access for 2 years, still no dice. Can you give me the name?
(Reitaisai 14) [Kuroshiro Desire (Akitsuki Karasu)] SakuNuki! (Touhou Project) [English] [desudesu]
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Cheers, thanks Anon.
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holy reimoo, ELEGANT! SHE IS ELEGANT!!!!
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cool meido
Honestly with sakuya and time stop I. Have a feeling she would clean up after any act of lewdness
Imagine having the sensations of 30 minutes of sex rush into your cock for 10 or so seconds cumming buckets of jizz into the hallway through your pants

Then the next thing you know your clothes are extra dry and warm and have been through the wash and dried with no trace of whatever happened beween the two of you present in the hallway
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Just imagine being randomly molested in TSP all because deep down Sakuya is a raging pervert whom you "Accidentally" got addicted to your sperm, and you didn't think through the consequences of having a crazy maid girl-friend.
True, but I like the idea of Sakuya being naughty on propose, expecting to be "punished" later.
Sakuya is NOT a pervert, she's a sweet and innocent maid who would not dare violate someone like that, I would never misuse my powers like that
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sakuya sweep
Looks like there is a story in these pictures: She carried Remi to her room and put her to sleep, went back and silently invited only you to drink with her.
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she could gain some weight
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Anon knows what's up!
whoops didn't mean to reply.
I know reisen seriously messed her up in 8 and she never recovered from the lunacy, yet she somehow holds on "seemingly" unphased.
Maybe it was a removal of mental inhibition and that made her an even better maid for remilia?
I don't recall any mention of Reisen doing that, when it was staring directly at the true full moon that had the lunacy effect which was only supposed to be temporary. Despite the red eyes, It wasn't noticeable in Sakuya case but Youmu actually required treatment from Erin in the endings.
Guess Sakuya was either naturally immune to the insanity or is the more disciplined minded of the two.
Is it really immunity if you were pretty strange before though?
Also it would tie in pretty well with Sakuya having Lunarian blood in her. To the best of my knowledge they aren't actually distinguishable from regular humans that well, assuming you think it's okay for humans to have powers and shit.
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It is true that Sakuya is one of the only humans without powers directly derived from divinity, Meikai/spirit world or magical artifacts, being entirely unique in her own abilities.
Aside from being recognized be Erin, It's also interesting that both Reisen and Kaguya understood the nature of Sakuya's time powers, Reisen also alluding to something regarding them that was never brought up since.
Even Aya was left confused by her "knife tricks" and "teleportation" in STB.
I was under the impression that Eirin recognizing Sakuya was just a surface level reference to Sakuya's name being a reference to the moon
Sakuya is a former captive of lunarians for experiments.
It was revealed to me by Doremy
There are not enough words in the english language to accurately convey just how erotic I find this image for no particular reason.
I want to imagine she's just killed no fewer than three people in front of me and is staring at me to deternime whether or not I'm stupid enough to try and be another threat to her.
And then we make hot steamy sex in a pool of the blood of my former co-workers, leading me to suspect she gets off on the sight of blood.
Up your file size limit already /jp/!
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I guess knives weren't enough
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What you anons opinion about sakuya with british accent?
1950's british I can imagine, 1890's is even better, but I refuse to for a second picture her with the fucking thick as mince essex accent going "OI REMILIARRRR YO' KNICKERS ARE IN THE NEXT SET OF DRAWWWWS"
God I fucking hate essex.
I always imagined Sakuya to be from Spain personally.
Why? Doesn't really fit her
>1950's british I can imagine, 1890's is even better
Write some sakuya sentences with this I want to see
What is this from? I've used seven different image search and nothing pulls up.
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Eh? Patchouli has the biggest sloshers.
It's starraisins. Image search doesn't work well on cropped images.
He tends to draw the 'hous very chunky however.
Koa and Mei are close too.
I don't want to shatter your worldview but Sakuya has access to both time and space manipulation. She's the one who keeps the SDM huge on the inside, and uses it on her chest to make her job easier. She would otherwise not be able to hold a broom properly.
That's actually a very convincing conclusion behind all the perceived 'inconsistencies'. All this time Sakuya was truly a monster, titty-wise, she was just modest enough not to flaunt it. Being too nonchalant however, she never cared to recreate the precise size she was when last seen since for her it's like changing hair styles,
hence all the frequent accusations from the carping peanut gallery. So her powers still continue to create problems for her, always following her no matter the world or time she's in. Well that finally slams the door on that horribly drawn-out mystery.
Would steal her boots.
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I just can't stop thinking about her, whenever I close my eyes, I see this smile
Someone have the edit in which her autism is cured?
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Ok i found
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Somehow this image seems cursed
Drunken, sexy Sakuya thread rip
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Cursed is the original
Airhead maid.
you wouldn't take advantage of a drunk maid, would you?
No because she would take advantage of me.
Bayonets aren't great for throwing. They aren't even good all around knives.
Artist just thought it looked hot.
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>but you have to give up 5 liters of blood once a month to Remilia
So you die?
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You do not need to give it all at once, its just that the month quota is 5 liters.
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Why not ask her to step on you with said boots?
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This thread is shit
But this isn't a Sanny thread.
This picture causes me spiritual unrest but I can't stop looking at it
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Lethal amount of blood lost is like 4 liters man, it takes six weeks to regenerate lost blood. Unless her plan is to take the last sip to turn you too this will not end well.
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Sakuya is pretty cool
Anon, god dammit you stupid fuck, that amount will kill on the spot. The maximum amount of blood you can "donate" are 500ml, blood will be restored in 24hs, but the red cells replenish in 4-6 weeks with a 8 week wait between blood donations
Wait, those eyes...
Wrong order.
Why did you tell him? It was always obvious when that moron made the same retarded comment before and you knew you can ignore him. Now his shitposts are going to be less comically stupid.
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I've only asked that question once though
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cute meido
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Sakuyan Russia
Anyone played the recent Sakuya h game?
Otsutome Sakuya?
Yes this one!, man that was hot.
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My family heirloom.
Why is this sakuya so horny for rinnosuke's cock?
Ratio of men:women too unfavourable. She's got to try as hard as she can to secure one of the only penis-havers in town.
God damn Sakuya has some nice figures.
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god i wish she served me some juice along with cookies, of course lavish meal is a bonus
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Has it ever been stated anywhere if Sakuya has a normal human age or if she is like a century old?
Just that one comment from Remi stating how Sakuya's worked under her for so long, she couldn't even remember when she started since it felt like forever or whatever.
For someone's who's live as long as Remi to say that would have to mean something.
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That she's been working with them all for so long that Remi wonders if it's really right to call her human anymore. Then Sakuya says something to the effect of she was a human, is a human, and will die as a human. Then Remi shrugs and goes "whatever you say, lol."
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I admit, out of all the SDM members, I want to hug Sakuya the most.
Well when all the other men who aren't generic villagers are really not human or left to go get milk well...
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