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Love your wolf 2hu.
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Behold! The flag that represents our three wolf girls perfectly!
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Daily Momiji. It's still really early (in my time zone), so she's still asleep!
Wolves are not for love. They are for serious games of strategy ONLY! Do not look away from the board for a second or all your generals will be gone!
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>Wolves are not for love.
A (((crow tengu))) wrote this.
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Daily Momiji! To celebrate Hololive's Holofes, have a Momiji as an idol!
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I wish I could just mate.
We all do! Wolf 2hus are the best!
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after mating cuddles with the fluffers.
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Cuddling with wolf fluff is the best. Also, wolves are loyal!
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As long as you stay on their good side that is!
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No reason to get on their bad side!

Also, Kyouko may not be a dog, but she sure looks like one. We love our doggos too!
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Well you know, they have a lot of energy and sometimes you just don't have it in you.
You think they would accept that or give us something to help with energy, that isn't a disgusting energy drink.
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I'm sure they could brew some tea.
Special tea for energy and hydration? The caffeine in regular tea just makes you dehydrated.
Sleep sounds good right now. More love for wolf 2hus. This extends to dogs too like Kyouko and Aunn!
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Daily Momiji: Eat well after a hard day of good work!
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i am sleepy doggo
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Give Up!
I love OL Wakasagihime
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Give Up what? Am I going to end up hearing "that" song again?
I should be doing homework, but all I'm doing is listening to 80s music.
wolf learning to love
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Wholesome and cute!
I love this artists stuff so much, their Mamizou is too cute
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>Look up the movie
>Spanish horror film
>American version made
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win she must
When I first saw her design I thought Enoko was a catgirl, am I a heretic?
No. It just means you're autistic. Elon Musk thought Kagerou was a cat after all.
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That artist hasn't done anything Touhou in forever yet the leads in his only ever manga look like Kyouko and Momiji
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World War 3 soon! Danger can happen! Enjoy Awoo now while you still can!
Imagine if you manage to escape to Gensokyo and then find out they've just started the Lunar-Gensokyo War 3
Gas the moonkikes, race war now?
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The cute youthful immortal cerberus
I still wonder how she can eat with those hands.
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Damn cool pic. Source?
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Not so fun fact: That building was demolished over a decade ago. The signs were preserved at least.
Thanks for this Anon.
Have you ever seen a dog use hands?
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this image was produced via an old bug(?) of some kind, when the source image, which is transparent save for the linework, is copy-pasted directly into steam from window's image viewing program. this phenomena no longer occurs in present day.
Wolf girl crotch mofu status?
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Hairless? It gets in the way.

Shaving Momiji is good.
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Why does Gensokyo have kerosene heaters? Aren't they advanced enough to have heat pumps? The World Health Organization considers kerosene to be a polluting fuel and recommends that governments and practitioners immediately stop promoting its household use as the smoke contains high levels of harmful particulate matter. I don't want Momiji to get cancer respiratory infections and asthma! :(
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Does Gensokyo have kerosene refineries? Do they trade with humans? So many questions.
I don't think those are canon. They would most likely use other sources of heat, including magical sources.

>trusting the (((World Health Organization)))
Rinnosuke has one that drifted in from the outside world which Yukari made a deal with him to provide fuel for, but that's it. Considering they can just snap their fingers and produce fire, they probably just do that
Maybe the kernosene can double as fuel for molotov cocktails.
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Local drink.
I thought the local drink was sake.
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Sorry, was a reference to an 80s song. I know many Touhou fans probably don't remember the 80s.
I like quite a bit of 80's stuff, but I never heard of that song.
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The song is from 1984. "All She Wants to Do Is Dance".
Ohes. Definitely not my type of 80s song.
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Good awoos want to make you happy!
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We just missed the full moon.
I'm more worried about the eclipse.
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There is a Momiji 80's song:
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Worried? It's just a short drive for me to be in the totality. Just want the weather to be clear.
Do you have a particular era of fanart that you're nostalgic for?
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Era? Hasn't Momiji only been around since 2007? It's all modern.

Or are you saying you like seeing her drawn like anime girls in the style of the 90s or 60s etc?
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What >>46470492 said.

Still, most styles are good. Only fanart that would be dog shit is any (((Western))) style fanart where everyone becomes ugly and a tranny (like the jannies).
File deleted.
There are some talented western artists of Momiji. (Image not related)

Let's go back in time.
Maybe the change is less significant than an era, but I feel like if you go back ten or fifteen years there's a different feel to it. Common artstyles change, artists come and go, stuff like that. Plus, with Momiji, I think certain details have been more popular at different times, like if she’s got a black undershirt, or strings attaching her sleeves, or bridal gauntlets, etc.
There's just a feeling of nostalgia for me in certain fanart. The stuff I saved back when I first started caring about her is special.
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>There are some talented western artists of Momiji
They must be rare.

>Common artstyles change, artists come and go, stuff like that
That reminds me, I saw a good picture of Bowsette and Booette drawn in the 80s/mid 90s anime style. It was kino and had soul.
Probably bluethebone.
what's up with the mmdshit in this thread
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Make sure you're eating properly!
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It's Easter. I am eating well!
momiji sus
Jannies making this a no fun zone.
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Huh? Oh well. Lol.
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Another momi monday!
Who is her imperial awooness of the Awoo Reich?
I may be biased, but Momiji. Kagerou can be the Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
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I wanna go back to bed
I think I need to start collecting pictures of Kagerou and Enoko to balance things out. Anyways, here is Momiji wearing Ben Garrison's hat.
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I wonder if I can repost this...Kagerou needs love too.
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Kagerou is embarrassed of her hairy legs!
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The golden rule is that if you can't see nips, clit, anus or labia, it's okay!
Been caught out before with stuff I thought was just borderline though.
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I meant because it was posted in another thread. 4chan used to be a lot harsher on duplicate files.
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Wolfers and Doggos Unite!
I want more sleep.
Wrestlemania? How about Awoomania??

Here's Momiji dressing up as New Japan Pro Wrestling's Tetsuya Naito, the leader of Los Ingobernables de Japon!

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Sunday floof!
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If you were able to see the eclipse, then hopefully you were able to enjoy it!
>t. texan
Today, Kagerou sexually identifies as Holo!
Texas is full of niggers, faggots, and jews these days. So fuck Texas.
So how many bitemarks do you expect on your first night with your wolf of choice?
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A lot? At least 22? At least I'll be marked by her!
>So how many bitemarks do you expect on your first night with your wolf of choice?
Yeah x3 >>46408505
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Studying for your finals this month? Momiji has your support! Ganbatte!

Also, if you have evil teachers, kill them! If you're in public school, your taxes pay for them, so they shouldn't have authority over you! Same thing goes if you're in college and university since you're paying their wages! Just remember that public school is socialism on crack!
I wonder if Momiji likes pon-de-rings...
Are you literally bumping every thread from the bottom of the catalog? Are you going to delete this post too?
Why are you doing this
We need a Kagerou version of this gif.
no we don't
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Why not?
Awoo can't sleep. Must be hunger.
>Why are you doing this
They do this to bump a certain general off the board once it passes bump limit.
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But that general was already active at the time, otherwise I would have pointed it out as the likely reason for it. That's why I asked.
This guy just went through 4-6 threads at the bottom of the catalog, bumped them and deleted his posts for no discernible reason.
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because we already have this one.
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I had no idea that was ben garrison's hat. I found that image elsewhere a long time ago, and I used it to make a series of shitpost pictures for reasons, like this one.
Miji living in the outside world!
Miji getting to go to higher education!
Miji getting to enjoy a career of her choosing rather than being dumped into dead end guard duty!
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Hopefully Momiji doesn't get a useless art degree or gender studies degree, but then again, thankfully that shit doesn't exist in Gensokyo.


I have no idea if it is the exact hat, but it looked like it. So I simply call it Ben Garrison's hat.
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ah, I see
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TF2 might still be a mess, but at least you can promote Awoo in the game!
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You know, I've always hated how Momiji got memed into being a Canadian.

Canada is a fucking shithole and I fucking hate Canada.

I rather post Momiji with the MAGA hat, and even if I don't post anything political here, the fucking tranny jannies will still delete it, because "omg /pol/" and they don't want us to post anything funny here.
Its not funny and it only attracts shitposter from other boards.
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/f1/ Grand Prix weekend? Here's Momiji and Aya racing around Monaco in the 1960s against Jim Clark and his Lotus.
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Brown Awoo Love! The only brown girl I like!
Wolf girls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dog girls
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They both good. No need for POWER GAP.
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this time the brown awoo gets to enslave the superior white fur one
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Kyouko deserves love too!!!
I love Momiji
dont forget aunn
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Aunn love! Even though she looks like she's in a Hawaiian shirt!
she's dressed like zun on vacation, but she's a good bakawanko.
Enoko love!
but Dog girls love you for who you are
they only love your bone
Dog girls should! They are loyal, just like wolf girls!

Dog girls love a big strong bone!
I'm throwing my bloodline to the wolves and nobody can stop me
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Honestly a wise choice. Especially if she plays the role of house wife/mommy figure once in a while.
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When you let them out, make sure they are prepared for rainy days~!

Btw, how do I get actual wolf pet? I already have wolf waifu.
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Enjoy your weekend! If you're struggling with something your loyal doggos and wolfers have your back!
thanks doggos
What an adorable wolf.
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"Keep it up Anon! Ganbatte!"
Its the fangs that do it
Awoo will be your lifeguard when you enjoy a dip in the river!
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Is your spoon too big? Are you a banana? Is your anus bleeding? That's no issue for loyal wolf and dog 2hus!
I want Hatate.
The last day Kagerou could use her legs
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Hide and seek
I need an Awoo mommy right now. Especially to help with cooking and cleaning. I am so fucking sore. Ow. Awoo mommy will also help me sleep better!
Is that picture supposed to suggest she married a shota?
Wolves are dangerous...
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When shotas are failed by their parents, a beautiful motherly wolf replaces them.
dangerous? he lives in his own home
motherfucker is better off than most everyone and he has an eternally young yook wife on top of that
Mating with wolves
Surprising wolves with a hug!
>Aya hugging Momiji
Okay what's the catch?
You didn't notice all the bandages?
Well I did, but Aya always looks down upon Momiji and doesn't treat her well (especially if the crow tengu thread that was up was something to go by).
I swear, I wish Momiji's name wasn't associated with maple leaves, because I'm currently raging about hockey and I don't want to go onto /sp/ atm (although I'll probably go there now and get a temporary ban due to racial slurs and the jannies doing it for free).
How does the pups of every wolfhu behave?
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Like any other baby/child I suppose. At least they won't have mommy or daddy issues, because wolfhus are good mothers!
Tengu would unironically be fantastic mothers
they have a culture that builds family values, and have immortality on top to build up oodles of experience
Miji has over 300 years of cooking and cleaning under her belt through providing for herself. a gaggle of pups would be nothing
>Miji has over 300 years of cooking and cleaning under her belt through providing for herself. a gaggle of pups would be nothing
>300 years of cooking
As shown in pic related.
Remember to bathe every day, Anon!
Bathe sex
I love them all!
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I want to hug the Awoo.
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Imagine the smell?
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i'm imagining
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the big bad wolf is floating over to gobble you all up
you better start running
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I REALLY want to fug wolfhus
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You're not the only one!
Supernatural wife
Happy life
Always work hard for your supernatural wolfhu waifu.
>>46842755 (Checked)
Cuteness, checked.
Momiji would be a good mommy to everyone!
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>>46852255 (Checked)
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What working late at night does to a nigga.
Enjoy the weekend!
i will!!
Momiji? Tengu. White wolf is only a subtype.
Enoko? Half breed mutt.
Step aside for the only real wolf girl.
If its brown, flush it down
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kagawoo's dna
stop posting this pic, you schizo
burn alive
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Stop being retarded. Momiji, Enoko, Kagerou, Kyouko, and Aunn are all good here. All sorts of wolves and doggos are welcomed!
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Kagerou being saggy feels so wrong. She doesn't sag!

I would still seggs Kagerou though. Even if she is all tanned up.
she italian
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>she italian
Time for the pizza pasta, ahh!

Drinking? One of those days?
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i piedi
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It's a goofy drawing, they aren't suppose to be accurate.
おはよう ユ---ロプ
I salute Kyouko!
>Kagerou being saggy feels so wrong
Her outfit is maximized for saggy breasts though
for those about to woof, we sawoote you
Kagerou is a yook though. yooks have eternal youth and unparalleled fertility
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Momiji innawoods?
why is Aunn so rapeable compared to the rest of the entire touhou cast? yes even the fucking faries

The fuck? Maybe it's the colour combination.
Page ten gem
I wish I can repost this, since this is race day. Monaco Grand Prix, Indianapolis 500, and the Coca Cola 600. F1, Indycar, and NASCAR. But I hate NASCAR.

Here's Momiji as a race queen instead. Something that we really need back in F1. Even if it's just regular grid girls.
I forgot the picture, since I'm retarded.
>Something that we really need back in F1
i stopped watched F1 when they took them out. it was already became a bore, so i guess i was more in need of an excuse. anyway when there's no race queens around you just know they're just a bunch of boring losers, unworthy of your time.
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Good morning! Or is it the afternoon or evening where you live?

Nonetheless, I hope you had a good breakfast to start your day! No, goyslop cereal doesn't count as a good breakfast!
Good food is needed.
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It's getting hot out there, but hey, beach episode soon!
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how does she smell?
With her nose
What does she smell like?
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Would Momiji eat dank chicken nuggies? What about Kagerou? Kyouko? Enoko? Aunn?
kyouko and aunn for sure. momiji and kagerou are probably more picky regarding meat.
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New computer build. The pain of cable management commences! Kagerou can relate to that!
but compact and denser will just overheat
Agreed. I admit I like the compact size of ITX builds, though. Good luck putting a decent GPU in that.
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It's been an exhausting past few days. I just want to lie down and chill. Some wine would be nice too.
same, but change days with years.
I just heard the phrase "smells like wolf pussy" for the first time from my dad lol. how does he know what wolf pussy smells like?
it's used as a slang, in latin, for whores.
But he doesn't speak latin
then he's a lycanthrope
Winter clothes? In June?

It's for the Anons in the southern hemisphere! Especially Australians! Strewth!
Are you telling me that there are actually wolf creatures posting in these threads?
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And I forgot to post the picture, because I'm a retarded abbo poof.
its a doggy dog world

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