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Welcome to the North Park OC thread, a place to draw, create and discuss original characters for North Park, a South Park spin off. Feel free to read through the wiki for more information on the characters so far. Otherwise, draw characters and have fun!

Fantasy monsters edition

Previous thread:
Here is a list off most of if not all the drawn characters so far. If you want a quick way to start drawing them, use a random number generator (www.calculator.net/random-number-generator.html) and have a go at drawing whatever characters you get. You can even do it multiple times if you want to draw more than one character together. Feel free to look through the Wiki or ask in the thread for more info on the characters, although not all the ones shown here have Wiki articles made yet, as it's a work in progress.

Wiki link:
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Just getting this out of way first thing before Max contaminates the thread with his autism.
"Shut up, Max."
Okay, I'm done.
Shut up, Dizzy. I named you so I *Max proceeds to rape Anon using a Dizzy image* huh guess my subconscious is faster than my conscious thought,
Robert is an honest STRAIGHT character. Even VanHellsing is honest. Me? I want Vera under me, to control her, force her in my image, I want her to remove the dye by herself as she realizes she's got no choice. I'm a whisperer. You'd sooner put the dog down than let it in my hands to make it go good again. I'm the Cezar Milan of sociopathy/manipulation/teaching/control. My asian genes are showing, just like Russians are viking mongolians.
Aaahh okay.
I'm done.

Here's the voice and the actions I envision Max doing:
somewhere on the north park internet exists a crash bandicoot style Vera death compilation
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Danny: goddammit Leslie you always take this shit too far

the fact that this post is only 20 minutes older than the story itself is perfect
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From last thread

episode where Ada fears she being replaced with crush and they get into a competition about who's the most useful one (Crush really doesn't care she doesn't even like Asimov2 but messing with Ada pretty fun). the two just mess up a2 hideout trying to out useful the other.
The text not the image from last thread
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Where have the years gone?
what the fuck? you scramble one person brains and then they become obsessed with you. what this world coming to?
I'm not obsessed with you, you're obsessed with me after I was inside you.

You? you're not even worth being obsessed over. A pink haired money-grubbing vampire, both metaphorically and literally. You're like those blondes who waste their potential and hate being white. What's so unique & feminine about that? you tell me. You're a dime a dozen.
Now... an empath... to my socio-psychopathy... that's interesting... and something to obsess over. Way easier to manipulate and turn them into you because they copy so well mentally, not just physically at a surface level. They're like that little sibling who copy everything you do, but 1000%
Mac tonight's relationship with crush is like one of those lean on me situation where the adult has to try to reach the troubled youth. crush is oddly receptive to that and really respects him. their relationship will either end in tragedy or redemption.

since last thread there was that battle of the bands episode where Vera was able to teach Danny a bunch of instruments. Vera is actually quite a skilled musician (almost 100 years alone with a lot of free time will do that to you) and she uses those skills to try to show up Robert. every time those two daul musically its epic
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2 parter episode where Vera does the smart thing and has max pays her to be his underling and she wrings all the money out of him like an ethot and his parents and the moment he's out of money she goes back to being normal Vera. 2nd part Max's parents makes him get a job being meville's butler
Hey Lore Anon you compile all that bad end lore yet?
episode where linus loses his poetry notebook and Vera finds it and discovers that his poems make good country music lyrics and she starts a country band with Robert ( begrudgingly), ck (kid got pipes), fish boy plays the jug, and Axel who slays on the banjo.

meanwhile Lydia decides to be a good sister for once and he and her gang terrorizes the school to get his poetry notebook back they are unaware of the country band going on.
have a green room like plot shake up where the band is invited to play at a very small and shady setup like in the green room it was a neo nazi bar but here maybe something like a little pizza gate style shady pizzeria where they have to fight their way out of without getting trafficked
Crush steals stan the weed man's weed for her trashy pal weedo and we find out Stan is scarily competent and deadly when it comes to people stealing his weed. he hunts both them down and force them to either pay up or give it back
Weedo9000 doesn't know where she got it from and the moment he figured it out it's one of those oh shit you killed John wick dog and stole his care moment
we dead?
nah it's usually this slow
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over half of the thread is dannyanon
Yeah this is my regular output usually there's a bit more activity to dilude my posts also doesn't help that I've been tripfaging so you can see my specific posts
back during the holidays I was like half the thread at least for the art
This might make a good rhythm game but dam she is really into him
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if by into you mean crush his hopes and dreams? then yes I'm really into him
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What's the North Park equivalent?
we actually made a movie plot called the Short Shriveled and to the Left. Premise is that Nolan somehow locked Satan out of hell and also in doing so created Demon Hansel as well who is causing the town a major problem and T.T calculate this is actually one of the end events that she came back to stop
Vera tells them she got a plan shapeshifts into a badly drawn mouse and tries to escape through the green room window but Axel knowing she just going to leave them catches her they all are getting out or none of them are
it's 4/20 and no Weedo9000 or stan the weed man art or post for shame npg for shame I draw something when I get home tonight.
I imagine Stan feels similarly about 4/20 that Slappy does about April fools but this is one of his more busier days so he can let it slide
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I just realized that it's really a double 420 it 4/20/24 420 forwards and backwards so I'm going to have to write a special when I get off work it's probably going to involve the prime and no brainer Nolan au merging temporarily but everybody gets so baked they forgotten that it happened
nbn and prime Dr Cates are doing the same experiment with Weedo9000 and Robert Wheado both getting caught in the middle somehow. this somehow opens up a inter universal rift that is also spilling a fuckton of the Weedo pollen that into both towns given mostly everyone absolutely baked.

I was going to do a thing where while everyone is high as balls both universes ula true personality comes out, demon Hansel and whatever nbn demon variant are causing trouble, and some super version Asimov Prime is created by two Asimov Primes merging, the frog people comes to invade and the time cops coming to stop this huge freaking anomaly but since they stepped into the pollen they all get high as balls and almost destroy time by keep going back in time to keep eating the same tacos Infinitely.

I think it would be funnier if that is happening and being taken care of in the background and we are watching Charlie and Drew veging out on a couch watching random episode of random sitcoms and overly black and white surreal French films with commentary and every once in awhile we get an update or what's going on on the more exciting story for 4 hours and 20 minutes
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What a SPLENDID Idea
I shall write it down for later
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At least they're not dealing with Weedsimov...
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Blenny would have been in the big list of threats but he was too busy trying to kill the other blenny that was talking shit to him through the orb they both killed each other and forgot about the whole thing
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I know we have done how canon would react to no brainer but here a interaction with mostly how would No brainer character react to

NBN Weedo seeing canon Weedo would give the NBN Weedo a better reason to stay off

NBN Nolan would get traumatized by Canon Nolan but he already knew how fucked up the American Military can be

Farmers Hansel would be glad not to have a demon but I'm not certain if farmer Hansel can still reunite with his sister like canon Hansel

Letting Rhobhert visiting the canon universe would probably not be a good idea. I guess canon T.T learns that to not have a doomsday ending in this arc, just don't let the town be on Rhobhert bad side.

I don't know exactly how slappy to a live bongo but in a way, I can see slappy wanting to see bongo again

I don't think canon Neil would survive No brainer Neil.

I also think NBN Leslie would most likely avoid canon Leslie just not to give her a allergy

Actually I might possibly add some few more ideas and art of the No brainer timeline
>I shall write it down for later
You dumb fuck, out of anyone, you are the worst person to write anything. You said there was no evidence 911 and that it is impossible to use electricity to power anyone and didn't write anything about the 1984 book that we studied for English class
> Canon Neil tries to take nbn Neil place but nbn Neil kicks his ass

> nbn chaz and Zach tries to pull a switcheroo with their Prime counterparts since they're in juvie

> both of Dr cates are trying to untangle the universes but I can see nbn dr Cates at first trying to cognitively distance herself from Prime Dr Cates before doing the God of War Ragnarok Valhalla DLC God of fools speech to her after realizing this is who she used to be and then Prime Dr Cates is pissed that her counterpart is the one getting a character Arc off her and not the other way around

> my idea for nbn Vanessa helstad was she actually starts out loved by the town since almost everybody knows monsters are real now and are a problem she actually dealing with them and was trying to get the cates paranormal investigation agency shut down but after they reveal to the town how Vanessa's been staying around for so long hopping body for body she is canceled but kind of is still popular among some radical people and is rebuilding the Halsted clan

> my idea for Dina Digby is since dr Toades was exiled before she came to town she never got transformed into a dino though she was bitten by werewolf so she has to deal with that every full moon
nbn les playfully teasing prime tt, Vera, Danny, and les about being the ones that killed her

> prime Lydia bullying nbn depressed Lydia
Alright final info dumping on nbn from me for now

calamari is pretty much the same except he now Co owns the barbershop with catgirl Barbara after Vera was forced to sell it to them to pay off back taxes there is much debate about who is better and I imagine they are very catty (no pun intended) but good friends.

nbn les after seeing her Prime counterpart (in the past when they killed her) kind of felt sorry for her so she decided to grow up metaphorically speaking and just kept moving up in grades till she is just accepted as one of the adults despite not changing at all. She opened up a flower shop on the same day that Heather and Martin did and les' shop won out due to better customer service (also Vera may have bought a lot more flowers than she needed to) les was nice enough to hire Heather and Martin when their business failed.

Vera is broke in this timeline she had to sell all her businesses to pay for taxes only the bar remains which ula is taken care of. she is basically living and check the check from what cates is giving her and ula is giving her an allowance. and all her diploma she gave herself have been revoked and she forced to go through the entire school system to get her high school diploma they at least pushed her into the fourth grade Danny happy he's not the shortest kid in class anymore.
I forgot but the entire time mayor Kiddy is trying to find principal Kiddy to warn him about the mister smiles imposter but they never find each other
Jonesy Alexander in nbn timeline is working with Vanessa helstad she basically the J Jonah Jameson for all the supernatural characters in town
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No Brainer Atticus after Rhobhert distort something about him
I can't decide if Jonesy is a 6th or higher grader or a 2nd grader

pros for 2nd not many 2nd grader characters, funnier when she goes full pycho, a better fitting journalist rival to toddler Nancy, the characters can't physically confront her without her proving her point.

cons for 2nd grader: why would anyone listen to her? not physical imposing to Vera in her first and only prime timeline roll,
nbn arc where ula's actual children come to town to take it over after finding out she's alive they also want the hidden vampire Arcane secrets in ula's head to cement their place as the supernatural top dogs of this town and since they aren't under the contract so they're just feeding on anyone they want they're a problem that needs to be taken care of.

also they did some sort of ritual to make Rhobhert their familiar and obey their commands Dorothy, Leslie and Ashley are trying to free him so he can kick the leaders ass.
how would miss chariot react to this
Would Jonesy ever had a design
I think it would be nice she don't have to have a Wiki page or anything kinda like Chatterbox or Moore
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North Park Police Department has released a statement, claiming there is a "second Ko-Rider, we do not know if it's a different one, or the same one in a different costume."
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During the entanglement both château were very lively nbn savannah and prime Danny spent most of the time keeping things at bay Danny found out that this Savannah is somewhat better than him dealing with the paranormal mostly on the magic side. who knew giving Savannah proper medication, and engaging her interest she actually blossom into something helpful to society
to be honest I'm not sure either
Fewer posts, more pics. I'd like this thread to stay on the front page for at least 3 weeks.
I wonder what happened to /co/, we originally moved here cause jannies moved our threads and we started drawfagging so /i/ felt natural, it was incidental that /i/ is slow as hell enough to require at best 1 bump every month to not 404.
You say this without posting a picture so they expect us to do the heavy eh don't worry I got you after this post because I just woke up
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I saw old production art of the grim adventures of Billy Mandy and knew I had to do this
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Nbn Danny and the other members of the cates paranormal investigation angancy are helping the cates untangled the timelines and stop the baddies
I got two Ko-rider episode ideas

episode in nbn au where Jonesy is turning public perception against ko rider Nancy ( toddler) and Vera who are use to dealing with her are helping him with pr

and prime universe for about a week every time Rider wants to deal with a monster it's defeated by Danny and Wendy. he eventually confronts them ( vera or Yashu is translating) and they tell him that they just are about to go on vacations and need to take care of as many monsters as possible but if he agrees to do their share of the work for their two week vacation they can sleep happy so he agrees and finds out they've been using the orb of knowledge to predict when new monster attacks are going to happen to beat him to it tricking him now he has to work clothes deal with two work loads so he needs help
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I like the idea that she’s only slightly smarter than ula and Lord is it over her in the most respectful way she can
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North Park team epic
imma watch that child vampire horror movie tonight might use it for some vampire Society inspiration if it's any good.
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I love drawing these two like this it feels right
I think Vera really hates Flynn and Flynn thinks they're friends
The North Park Stupidity effect in action
OK I got one

some poor vamps intruding on the vampire Society turf kidnapped Vanassa and she starts picking them off one by one
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Last one
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>North Park Stupidity effect
Maybe you shouldn't live in a town with the motto of "Now wif 20% lezz led in the wahter!"
nah dude, the town literally has a stupidity field
Isn't everyone in the sp universe kinda stupid though

desu when i write North park I treat North Park as it own universe
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I think Addison thinks there’s something between her and Danny
It doesn't help that Fiona uses Danny to send her helpful advice so Addison thinks he cares for her unbeknownst to her that it's really just her dead great aunt
request the new Twitter meme a Foghorn Leghorn lecturing different anime characters but it's with no brainer Lydia that she push her friends Away by being too controlling and attacked them.

I would do it myself but I'm too intimidated to draw Foghorn Leghorn and I have no photoshopping skills
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contexts I don't believe what the wiki says
ruh roh
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episode where a mysterious movie rental store opens up in North Park and when the kids go inside they are transported into Classic Movies

It's anthology episode but parodying Classic Movies movies also page master being overarching parody of the episode
thanks this is great anon
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main timeline cringe kid calls her crying child
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home-r is where the heart is
Welcome back to the world of the living anon
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I fear what main timeline Max would do if you found her

I'm pretty sure Maxanon said max didn't like the whole Multiverse thing so he simply chooses to be a background character in no brainer he is reference but never seen
Let me clarify

I'm pretty sure Maxanon said max didn't like the whole Multiverse thing. so he simply chooses to be a background character in no brainer he is reference but never seen

Just saying Maxanon didn't put the lore down there I don't know what he wants to to do with him in nbn I don't want to put words in his mouth
First: Welcome back.
Second: Dorthy looks pretty in this.
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Double the Vera double the glory for slaying her
Trisha: ya know when I told you to go fuck yourself I didn't mean it literally
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The cat girls get lost in the mystical forest when dr Toades put a trap door in his lab that was a pipe leading direct to a river.
Pedophile thread?
Pedophile thread.
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The Druid's hut, where she's remained during the Snow Day event, for she was inflicted with multiple throat ailments.
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Les the cockblock
I keep getting jump scared whenever Canon max shows up in south park
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Nbn Les design update
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North park collectively agrees to drop him off there on the weekends since South Park has shared custody of him
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>Dorothy's hat
Cute and practical for her kind at the beach
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it looks like kenny and blenny are kissing
I accidentally remade the Aristocats will they come across Li playing the piano with chopsticks?
Danny: Savannah stop! and Agatha stop!
>Sabrina looking at the comic, absolutely bored: CK's way bigger than that.
>Everyone looks at her
>Sabrina: What?
the same thing happened to ula except she caught on fire mind you it wasn't because she a vampire it's because she an albino
episode where Lydia gang Minus penny and Danny are launched into a mysterious island on lake bloody murder ( the lake on the cheatu property) after Danny was forced to row for them (he was on row boat duty for the day they rented him out ) and penny decided to jump in on the opposite side as everyone else. they find a silent hills type abandoned town none of them heard of and weird spooky borderline lovecraftian shit starts to go down as they try to find a way off the island
they find put the town Pleasant Point was a scientific hub in an alternate timeline a group of scientists who look suspiciously a lot like Danny, Lydia, Savannah, and Addison claims to have opened a portal to an unknown dimensions soon after the town was cut off from the rest of the world

during the merger event Neil challenged his nbn to a roast off and loses spectacular even mute looked like she chuckled slightly Neil is left broken
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>"Hey Kyle."
>"Hey Leslie."
>"Enjoy your weekend Max."
>*Muffled pleading to be released and slurs.*
whenever the mutations that roam the town see them they go on about "how they dragged them to hell" or "they shouldn't be able to escape everything comes back to Pleasant Point"
>cartman when he sees Jeremy Friedman
>Vera when she see the vamp kids wannabe
>Bebe when she see how rich Melville is
>PC principal when he hears Atticus's opinion
>towline when he see weedo
>city wok guy when he see Agatha being Japanese
they have wannabe vampire kids in North Park too so she wouldn't care really maybe a little surprised there aren't any real vampires amongst them.
Wendy telling the I wouldn't go down that road guy kindly but firmly to stop warning people about the cheatu or face a lawsuit " I wouldn't go down that road seeinghow you're not Canon and all".

I can see Danny and Craig talking about how the both were victims of the yaoi craze and which town is weirder
>Relax he has no powers here.
>He puts on his fancy blue beret
>Her frilly squeaky voice suddenly turns into Jack Nicholson.
>He hypnotizes Wendy and turns half the boys gay when he wiggles his ass in those tight black shorts and those loooong legs. dem legs. Did I mention he can sing too?
>speedruns Wendy in 5 minutes before he dumps her and then fucks Stan, making Wendy jealous and a cuck. Also dumps Stan and takes Kenny, making Cartman slightly jealous.
>Stan and Wendy turn emo together trying to forget Max, but they both accidentally moan his name when playing pat a cake.
>Max covers his nether regions by putting on a black suit and combing his hair back and takes off his gay beret... only to hold both Kenny and Butters in his proverbial hands and literally having his arms around their shoulders and backheads like a pimp. Except he doesn't let anyone touch his blondes. A pimp who believes in the blonde revolution.
Max, you can stop now, you don't keep playing "god", what you did 5 years ago was 5 year ago, I know you think fix the mess you caused after you burned the town down, but one wants you to, you've caused enough trouble.

PC principal when he hears Leslie
he just have Nam flashbacks also Canon max appearance
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Yashu comes to kick Danny's ass because he heard he hit his cousin with a newspaper Danny proceeds to beat Yashu with a rolled up newspaper turns out rolled up newspaper Danny is op not even Wendy can stand up to him
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They wait till he fall asleep to take away his precious newspaper and then everyone he fucked with comes for revenge
or it rains and the paper falls apart.
or he tries to go after Les
>He tries to go after les

the paper doesn't even get wet just all those years of patiently putting up with everyone else's BS just leaks out and pretty much this just happens

Charles would fit here too
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One of the thing he fears the most
Danny in a panic tells les he'll do anything to avoid her wrath and she tells him to throw her another tea party and all the people he fucked with are invited
Danny, Dressed up like a maid: More tea sir/
Yashu, accepting with a grin: Maybe I should franchise into a crossdressing maid café, Agatha and her fujoshi friends would probably spend all their money on it!
Danny, about to say something smarmy until Les gives him a death Glare: I'm sure it would be a very popular venture sir...
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I wish I had seen this before drawing this
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Ula British Heritage makes her a natural tea connoisseur outside of blood it's her favorite food
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This is 4 (You). Especially American to British or Australian or Canadian.
what are you trying to say anon that I write funny? I know I should be putting things through Chat gpt especially with Ula dialogue before posting but I get a bit excited got to get it out as soon as possible
Lore Anon, have you compiled the bad end lore yet?
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I wanted to draw them all but I forgot Frederick
I think he got banned or something, or maybe he's dead
they got em
Does anyone got other than me got something add today? I kinda feel bad being the only one contributing.
My personally philosophy is that its okay for the thread to be slow sometimes. I'd rather quality over quantity, if you're worried that you're filling up the thread all on your own, you can always slow down yourself. With this board's speed the thread isn't gonna die early or anything.
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What do you mean "they got him"?
Danny: "I like him too used to share his cheesy poofs, good guy"
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Just an easier character to draw
Please respond to my DM. Please. I know you think I’m a creep but you mean something to me. I’m sorry about what I said earlier cause I know your grandma died (sorry i had to bring it up here I just wanted you to know i’m sorry) but that’s no excuse to treat me like this. Please check discord. Be safe.
Sure, I know the north park citizen are reading this but they don’t know who I am. If you are Max, I’m letting you back to town in secret away from South Park. Just be sure we don’t get caught
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somewhere the infinite North park multiverse
I imagine this with wendy and Leslie


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Day 6 of my surveillance on the individual known as "Fish Boy." I'm increasingly convinced that he may be a spawn of Dagon that eluded my purge in Innsmouth. I will continue to monitor his movements closely to gather more information.
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Jokes on you, there's nothing but Edwardian era historically accurate women's undergarments under there. Classic bloomers and a petticoat.
Difficult...but not impossible
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Day 12 of surveillance on the individual known as "Fish Boy." My attempt at his extermination was thwarted by his "family," known locally as the Yangs. I suspect he exerts some sort of mental influence over them, and may have even enhanced the physical abilities of the son, Yashu, and the mother, Honoka. For now, I will divert my focus from Fish Boy, as there are bigger fish to fry [* 1 uninterrupted minute of laughter]. However, this is far from over. I am not done with them yet.
I mean he technically is a magical creature, what with it being explained that all the fish that Li and Bobland catch are spawned thanks to Les, and then Li proceeded to pull a https://files.catbox.moe/g4u1dd.webp with one of them thanks to Missing Honoka and then Fish Boy popped outta the river nine months later
>Missing Honoka and then Fish Boy popped outta the river nines month later
Wait, Fish boy and and Li Honka are River's children since pregnancy is like 9 months
a river not the river
Vanessa helstad would go after anyone whose not fully a natural human ( cybernetics get a pass) or a normal animal Bobland, cindy, the catgirls, the dog boys ,Dr toades, Dr cates, miner guy, drew, slappy and Dr dogman are on his list
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>Day 1 of attempting to infiltrate the time, cop organization.
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How scandalous
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>no scoops?

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
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Day 3 of attempting to infiltrate the Time Cop organization. God, how long can one girl talk? I felt my brain turning to mush just listening to her inane chatter. Anyway, Cassandra, who's apparently a Time Cop Deputy or an honorary member (though I've only heard rumors and have yet to see any evidence), wanted to go shopping, and guess who had to foot the bill? Me. She tried to make it seem like I had offered, but I know I didn't. And when it seemed like I didn't believe her, she switched tactics, suggesting I would be a bad friend if I didn't pay. Her gaslighting techniques are remarkable. I must stay mentally sharp and on my toes.
Mandy cunny
what about it?
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I crave it
Chocolate sundae
Oh good heavens! How naughty!
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Day 10 of attempting to infiltrate the Time Cop organization. I couldn't stand being around Cassandra any longer, so I decided to gamble the fate of the mission—and my ultimate plan of purging all monsters across time—by directly asking her if she was a Time Cop. To my surprise, she said yes, and even offered to show me their HQ. Yes, I'm almost there. I can feel my destiny manifesting before my eyes. But even better, I will no longer need to endure Cassandra's company any longer.
Can't tell if this a counter manipulation from Cassie or not
Kind of to get her to buy her more things but she doesn't know what Vanessa really is she thinks she just some naive kinda wealthy lonely homeschooled girl
>naive kinda wealthy lonely homeschooled girl
we are talking about 'nessa right?
Imagine if other kids think this is Gretel
Vanessa is only pretending to be those things except the wealthy part ( ironically the one thing Gretel isn't) she has a lot of money from the Halsted fortune and collecting treasure from the monsters she slain for over 100 years
Vanessa would at first use it as cover then get pissed her hard-earned accomplishments and Menace towards the supernatural is being attributed to Gretel
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Day 10.1 of attempting to infiltrate the Time Cop organization. ...A second Cassandra... of course, of course there is. But there's also an Elemental Phantom who appears to be that Thompson boy; he seems rather melancholic and docile... for now. I'll keep my guard up around him just in case. Also, another version of that time traveler girl the town folk call "TT." I'm familiar with her since she and that putrid pink-haired girl—who I didn't know at the time was going to be my immortal enemy—showed up at Helstad Manor in the summer of 1899. They told us that a vampire from the Red Dusk Gang was still in North Park, which led to me being the last Helstad and set my life in motion. But this one seems to be some alternative "TT," an alt-TT (note: workshop this name later). She seems to be onto me. I better stay cautious.
Addendum to the last log: Since I suspect Alt-TT was eavesdropping on my log (how rude), the Cassandras took me on a tour of the Time Cop HQ. There are many things here that pique my interest. I plan to slip away once we reach the technology division and study their technology so that I may begin my takeover of Time Cop HQ.
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Day 10.2 of attempting to infiltrate the time cop organization: I managed to successfully sneak away from the torturous tour group after I cleverly exploited Alt-TT's growing resentment towards the Cassandras, sparking an argument among them. I escaped amidst the chaos. As I was leaving earshot, I heard the Ice Boy trying to calm them down, seemingly to no avail. I made my way to the technology division. Time was short, so I needed to quickly understand how this future technology works. Surprisingly, it took less time than I anticipated. Now, all that's left is to take control. I suspect my absence has already been noticed I must work quickly.
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what kind of heartless whore steals a guy's pen?
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End of infiltrate Timecop log

beginning of new story
Well even if they saw the Cassandras are fucked
* if they somehow win the Cassandras are fucked
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That moment when you get rid of Dagon but the Yang family is still "normal".
Vanessa: see they're crying tears of joy job well done Helstad
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let’s days of future past this bitch
This method of time travel runs on the clock is always running in San Dimas rule time is equally running in the future as it is in the past also you're not swapping bodies you're taking over the other one while yours is in a coma the original conscious experience a blackout when it's happening
God I need children. Not just want them, but need them.
Heyyyy you watched that movie too with the time travel medicine pills. I can't even remember what it was called.
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children are a delight
I'm sure you'll be a great mother one day
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I have never seen that movie.
How many of them would have known she was going to take over time for a genocide in like 3 weeks from then
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Woah, it's like that movie, The Matrinceptionix
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I think it more like everything everywhere all at once
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each of their farm tools have a name
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can someone tell Lez that it's not the 90's anymore
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100th image
Vera, Danny, tt, and Rosalind tried to get her to modernize didn't end well for them.
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The 90's may never die, but you did.
she got better though
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reminder les really fucking hates Vanessa
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>cat ninjas
the fuck those jobbers gonna do
Do you have any reference photos for Dr toads lab
>the fuck those jobbers gonna do
what else? They're going to job like they've never jobbed before.
I should start numbering and labeling these because I'm going to be honest this is going to be very long and very complicated especially since I'm improvising the whole thing
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When are you going to finish your previous comic?
when I get back home I'll start npd once again but I'll switch formats to single panel I don't like doing multiple panels takes way too much time
eh maybe 3 or 4 panels at the most
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Just so we remember this was the last spot we were in
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Npd is back
I'll admit I was phoning it in by the end of the first batch outside of work and occasionally hanging out with some friends making npd was literally all I would do and I think I burned myself out i learned my lesson

Honestly I'm surprised how easy it was to just slip back in and doing it
who is this bitch?
>no freckles
you disappoint me, see me in my office
God, I remember this, you got my Adults Only and For Kids idea I pitched a while ago?
Woah, what is going on here? I need context my dude.
He just REALLY loves his daughterniece
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Stealing your format, Hansel anon

NPC stands for North Park Chronicles. It was returning that or North Park adventures but since NPD kind of sounds like NPG I just kind of kept The pseudo rhyming shtick going with npc.
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I noticed the mistake in the last speech bubble so for archival purposes I fixed it
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That reminded me I should do some more of my own
Should have called The Ghostbusters or Charlie's Angels I mean the Black Berets AKA the Maximals.
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Fiona is kind of a freak, makes sense since she talks to bellboy all the time
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>fish boy thinks les is a lake goddess which makes les uncomfortable (I think she doesn't take being praised well)
She technically is, as she's the reason North Park's rivers have fish from all over the world
The All Blue… is real!
I wouldn't go as far as saying she's a god she an elemental ghost
also being necromancy ( ghost fall under here) is kinda against holiness
fair, I was just saying that her magic is responsible at leas in part for his existence is all
Maybe she's the reason why he's in Colorado and not Taiwan.
He's Japanese and was sired in America.
Sorry Leslieanon, man you never getting that lore back
Or we can play with it a bit, everyone has conflicting stories on where he comes from, he never brings it up or ignores everyone's question.
it's not up to me it's those other anons you gotta convince I wish you luck
Not as funny as Li fucking the Fish bruh
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Alright folks, which one are you betting on?
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>"Where is she?! I'm not leaving until she comes home right now!"
>"If you want to find her, then you'll have to go through me..."
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uhh, you seem to have made a mistake. You called it bass to mouth, when the correct term is ass to trout
amber sweating in the background
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Li yang returns the favor
I just imagine him being stomped with dr Cates, dr dogman, the cat girls fish boy cindy and the dog boys are they human are they animals are they both
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The orb could always talk
I really don't like the way Mute is looking at asimov there...
According to Li's creator it's a mix of one and three.
He did use that fish to pleasure himself, but fishboy only happened thanks to magic bullshit
Do you see the vision?
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Yeah you see the vision
It really depends on what you ask it if you ask for direction or guidance it will tell you if you ask her to show you something it will show you maybe it'll give extra context by telling you something
Dogman: "Yeah, I know this is a tough call, but you wouldn't want to break the law, would you? You've got to ditch the bear. Don't worry, I'll take care of you and your daughter until you get everything sorted out. In the meantime, could I trouble you for some wine?"
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Where is the ILF part? no sir, I'd rather fuck Cindy's mom and Jerry's mom together.
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+0.5 Mult for each Jack played in a hand
Is this a picture for ants?
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there won't be more npd till I build up a backlog of at least 3 or 4 days so hopefully by Monday I'll post more

With NPC there's no obligation to do it daily so Ill post when i finish one
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Here's a better version
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I honestly want to do an Everett True style comic with wendy but I feel I would need to level up as an artist to attempt it maybe I'll do it somewhere down the line in npd
episode where Hansel and Gretel eats Lon cheese of the month while crashing at the Chateau they have 5 hours to get him more or they'll be hunted down.
the catgirls are also out looking to steal all the cheese for a dr Cates scheme and the dog boys are out to stop both parties since Hansel and Gretel are known trouble makers as well
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Les ( she’s so tired) and her idiots Danny not included
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Ula learns she can multiply herself downside her already minimal intelligence is divided between the copies
If you listen closely... You can hear the static.
bros...that latest digital circus episode kinda sucked. Guess I'm fixated on north Park again.
I thought it was good
I had an idea cringe kid inherited his cringiness from his mom but she is good at hiding it ( her main fixations are homestuck and Hetalia) like that one anime where the girl is social butterfly in public but a bratty Otaku in private infornt of her brother. she was the cringe kid until second or third grade then after a super embarrassing incident she learned to hide it and change her identity entirely. most people assumed whoever that girl was moved away and then Barbara moved to town. Barbara isn't her real name only les, Dr cates, and Vera knows that that old cringe kid is Barbara. Danny knows les and Vera has some dirt on her but isn't sure what it is and it's always trying to figure it out. Whatever Barbara's original name is it still Infamous in town for the incident there are many different retailings of it no one's really sure on the full details but people got the main details down
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>Hansel... where did the cartoony wheel of cheese go?
shit taste, that episode was much better than the pilot for allowing everything to breathe.
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I'm kinda surprised there isn't more catgirl/hansel interactions considering the cat vs rat dynamic
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I was going to do this one, but for some reason, I didn’t feel like inking and just did this >>781492
not even Bobby knows her terrible dark secret. her first name should be Cadence Cates and she willing to take extreme lengths to hide that information
no one remembers Cadence's last name but everyone in town knows the Cadence incident. Vera was extorting Barbara to keep that a secret starting her down her long history of debts
>I imagine Gretel was indignant at first not even going to do it but when Lon transformed into his true form ( we don't see it but we can infer that whatever it is is fucking massive and very scary) and told her if she doesn't she's going to get hunted down she looked pretty spooked by it

> Ion gave them a list of everyone in the cheese of the month club he knows is wasting the cheese the cat girls got the same thing from Dr cates

> I imagine throughout the entire night they keep accidentally destroying the cheese until one wheel is left and a hot potatoing the wheel until the five hours is up and Lon in his true form just takes it we still don't get to see it but everyone is terrified by it
Another connection I don't think I have seen yet is the fact that besides the cat girls, Gretel is the other actual ninja in town (with the benefit of proper training from actual ninja assassins)
I liked it.
We still need to know the other Cheese of the Month club members
I said in a previous thread chuck, Vera, and Dr cates
I think black cat is the only one that stands a chance in a one on one with her but if it's a three on one or a 2 on one Gretel is getting jumped
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they are so getting jumped by the catgirls
Barbara: how much you want you damn monster... 10,000!? 20,000!?

vera: I only wanted like 300 bucks but those are some good numbers
whelp we're passed the bump limit time to go nuts
>It was a snowday video game instead of a ninja video game

Every catgirl still gets each of their ass kicked by Niggerman ... cause they're not white and those are considered eldritch abominations. Hmm in fact I think I made Max OP against "minorities". So only other white people can stand a chance against him.
This is the fourth time we've been over this they man made abominations (also blackcat is made form Naggerman's dna) their disabled status as failed experiments negates their minority status equaling it out so at the end of the day there's three 12-year-olds cat people trained ninjas versus a single 10 year old whose good at a martial arts I forgot (I think it was deleted and that bio you had written)
* three 12-year-old trained ninjas cat people

also since max is a meta entity that's kind of like an Eldritch abomination in their universe and since black cat has Naggerman dna in her does that make her strong against him?
reminder this happened and is cannon
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It's up to us to make that ninja game happen.
How we doing it?

Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)
vanilla virgins need not apply
(tablet died again, goddammit)
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>"How about a truce, Tits McGee?"
>"Y'know what? Sure, you skank."
this ain't poggers
i hate women so god damned much
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black cat: there’s been a lot of talk about us being jobbers so why don’t we show just how top tier we are in this ninja game
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CK is so fucking lucky bros
Strong Danny Energy in this post.
CK is too much of a softboy to hate women
we've been bullying max alot lately and all I got to say is good he's had it too good for too long
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Don't play with Danny guys, he's a woodpecker and a parrot.
Danny you're lucky if I don't grab your art and shove it in the AI and replace you with a robot.

>had it too good for too long.
Maybe you want 300 Max pics to pop out of nowhere where he truly is a Gary Stu. And I'll use genuine starving artists in pain, not a robot.
>Not my fault you're married to your job, woodpecker. Just sell the chateau and actually enjoy life you damn Cinderella. Cinderella at least had an evil godmother and her dumbass father didn't divorce on time, what's your excuse? you got a literal invisible chain and ball attached to you?
>Rich people married to their jobs can't enjoy life. Americans and Japs can't enjoy a chill life. It's a fact.
>Danny you're lucky if I don't grab your art and shove it in the AI and replace you with a robot.

i dont care you're acting like I don't change my art style every week

And you never answered the question Max is blackcat strong against the Eldridge being known as Max
You have a pretty recognizable art style, dude. I bet you can't copy Leslie's style and he can't yours.

Max has 0.001% of alien DNA in him according to Mineral Anon or whoever came up with Schroder.. He's a dimension hopper which goes in line with 4th wall breakers. So no Niggerman wouldn't be effective against this psychic fairy type.

And here's a song for Blackcat just for (You):
> Maybe you want 300 Max pics to pop out of nowhere where he truly is a Gary Stu. And I'll use genuine starving artists in pain, not a robot.

I could use a challenge for my soon to be total Danny domination Hanselanon and Leslieanon has been putting in the work but they're are no match for my speed and dedication
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Danny:that’s liable me and my lawyer could sue you
>If Danny & Pals was a 60s show
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I’m not sure where you’re going with this parrot analogy
Damn good stuff, she truly is a joker.
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you can stop the red menace by picking up your pencil dear anon
They're definitely no match for your paw hands and chicken scratches, Woodpecker. ;)

One thing artists never understand is that tracing is good if you learn to draw from eye. Copying is how you learn, as long as you don't absent mindedly copy.
Most people however learn just one thing and stay on that one thing forever.
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Episode where the song get popular and Blackcat seems depressed about it and her sisters and her friends try to cheer her up but she just feel so bad for whoever this song is about. the fact that is about her just flew over her head ( her mom did her abandoned her yet and her sisters love her, so it can’t be about her).
*didn't abandoned her yet
I imagine in Universe Dr toades made an ai to make that song. a sub plot of Asimov 2 taking over the Ai to try to get it to write songs about all the citizens of North Park to get them they killed themselves
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the past few months in a nutshell
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Made the other clowns.
From left to right:
+1 Mult for each Ace played in a hand
+1 Mult for each King played in a hand
+1 Mult for each Queen played in a hand
+0.5 Mult for each Jack played in a hand
damn I wanna know dammit
Now we need some contex to this. He doesn't sing his own songs or he has a grown ass woman's voice to fuck with people when he sings?
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If Ula drinks enough human blood her body can revert to its original form
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POV you kidnapped her for an autistic pee drug plan and got off on technicality but because everyone now thinks she autistic because of you she’s stalking you to slowly drive you insane or get you to kill yourself .
what if through a legal loophole of us declaring ourselves as spin off to South Park Paramount owns North Park. they decide to gives hire us to make an actual show for north park they give us three seasons and a movie off the bat. there's only two stipulations it has to be suitable for tv and it has to be different enough from South Park what do we change?
make it an anthology series where each episode is North Park taking concepts introduced in South Park and reinventing them or adding to it
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His worst nightmare
is there a reason why you gave Crush Zach's jacket?
Originally the purple part of the jacket was supposed to be like those big Mega Man forearm glove things but then another artist interpreted as part of the jacket and I just kind of went with it instead of correcting it because I like the better
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In Alty’s timeline she liked being around the cat ninjas (who were taken under Elmer’s wing sometime after the abandonment and eventually became his successors) that’s how she found out about Dr. cates. no one knows what happened to Dr.cates on that timeline
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They found that neil boy’s dog for some reason bobland doesn’t like him
what is that, ghost loogie?
>but if you're into that kind of thing
she's a freak
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Nbn Ula likes to tease father goodfellow since she’s openly a vampire and he frequent her establishment. Also just the government supplies it with blood pre-frequently stays in her ture form.
I don't know how I fucked this up but this was supposed to be a reply to this>>781639
Complete serialized storytelling of no-brainer universe
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Revive gum OP pls nerf
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he hurt himself today to see how it will feel

Vera: you can’t keep doing this Steeve. we all miss gouupa too but you gotta move on. you know they wouldn’t wanna see you like this.

he loses his ability to see ghosts and his other psychic abilities until the spit dries and the ghost becomes unseen again He describes it as being sort of being half blind
Steeve Vera interactions are fun, I wonder if she was around after he got kicked out of the Magical Forest, because before he found the Wall Secrets Steeve was a lot less nice than he is now, and considering how much of an ass he can be now I feel bad for Old North Park.
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What does she wish for? How does it go wrong?
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I imagine their relationship is that they are always at each other's throats but for some reason they really care about each other
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>Episode where Momo mistakes Vanessa for a monster fucker like herself
There's a rabid werewolf that Vanessa is trying to hunt down and momo keeps getting in her way
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Her fragile Edwardian mind couldn’t comprehend the Momo monster love
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