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Fr fr fr
2020 and before only, please, thanks
Big retarded hair like that is a huuuuge turn off. I can't even look at a bitch from the 80's, they all look like male glam rock singers to me.
>sees woman with voluminous hair
>he thinks about hippie men
Good goy...
Saving the Kiki from 404
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Hi there
Lost all her stuff last year in HD crash.
Looking for her tea party set with two celeb friends. Think she's in a blue dress. Will give -5000$
Is it hot kiki summer yet?
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She is genuinely one of the prettiest actresses out there, I wish Sabrina wasn't such a god awful show.

you sure it was a tea party? i thought i remembered her doing a tea party as well, but it was a Ouija board thing instead and it's her friend that's wearing something blue:


it's a vid and not a set, but the wink she gives at 57 seconds is crazy
She always had weight problems. I remember a picture of her as a teen in auschwitz mode sitting outside on a porch begging for food in a green dress
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Sex Legs
Are we getting excited for her cameo in Twisters? Speculations on the horrible death she will be dying?
>excited for her cameo
I'm excited for her cameltoe, tho.
It's certainly not natural and yes the women of the 80s literally looked like the men. I didn't choose that, they did. Look up any pic of Kelly LeBrock around the release of Weird Science. Absolutely fucking ghastly. Square jaw and everything.
Yep... she ruined her mouth. Super sad.
Normal mouth- so much better.
She might have fucked up her lips but her mouth is still in mint condition
>the women of the 80s literally looked like the men
>look up this only example and ignore the thousands of feminine girls from the same era
Yeah keep telling yourself that tale, fairy
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The Amazing Adventures of Pink Bimbo.
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Anything like that without other people in the pic?
Her lips are normal in movies and TV shows, she only has these puffy monstrosities in between projects. She's using a lip plumper - a makeup that has capsaicin, bee venom extract, or other chemicals to force a temporary swelling reaction.
The Bogdanoff sister.
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Thin body and big head.
Just look at those smooth pale legs, they deserve to be wrapped around a muscular Black man as he ejaculates deep inside her, breeding her with a strong African warrior on the first try.
I wish this was true but I cant verify it for myself. It's more of a huge text wall of cope that she was stupid enough to ruin her face
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You can't use your eyes? She posts in between films. Her lips are thinner when she's filming. Anyone with at least one functioning eyeball can verify it.

Catastrophising despite evidence is a sign of mental illness.
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She's kinda hot whoever this is
>Implying he doesn't know the name of the waifu destroyer Kiki
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>the AI retard has his terrible attempt at turning Kiki ugly pictures still on his HDD
What a loser
Big hair is gross and you failed to prove otherwise, you literally just shifted to "Look up girls who don't have big hair" and think that proves your point. You lost. Forfeit. Conceded.
>No guys you dont get it, she only makes her lips look retarded for high resolution photography that we post on here, so its a non issue
Fuck you.
Yeah, I'm thinking BOGGED.
how is her tummy so perfect
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>her mouth is still in mint condition
I'd pump that mouth so hard while pinching her nipples
You guys think Kiki ever tried anal?
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She's a literal furry ANIMAL
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(her virginity)
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Kiki knows
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This is the face she made when it was taken >>4870661
She's pure and didn't have sex yet
i didnt know selma blair was that short
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Would suck cocks for Kiki
you'd suck cock for anyone because you're a faggot. shut the fuck up and go back to your containment board.
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Ella Hollywood lol
Faceblindness is a sign of being gay
kek this guy is still on /b/ from before 2020.
my list
2:emma watson
3:kiernan shipka
4:mckenna grace
5:someone with big boobs
kek your brain has degraded
Says the dude on the coomer waifuboard defending a bogged-up D-lister.
you're here too, dumbass.
suck this L like you do your drunk daddy's dick.
bump because ive been too lazy to save some of the images still
I got a new list
2:Emma Watson
3:Kiernan Shipka
4:Kathryn Newton
5:Mckenna Grace
6:Two babes with big boobs

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