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Camera-shy edition

Previous thread: >>4819760
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How tall do you think she is?
I think that road might be too small for her.
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She's about 4 times as tall as the tall building on the right. I'd guess she's somewhere around 500 ft.
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Rockin' perspective.
Love this. Super atmospheric.
I haven't been able to get these out of my head lately. Especially that super close up of Martina Dell'Anna. Incredible how a collage that took probably 15 minutes is so evocative.
>In other news, night collages make me want to walk into the ocean with a live telephone cable.
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Not that I'm complaining, but what's with Japan and their giantess ads?
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I dare not ask for I do not want them to stop.
I wish this girl had longer hair because without her chest, skirt, and socks, I would've thought she was a boy.
>Had a dream last night that I watched as a girl plucked a still-living ant that was in a pool, plopped it into her mouth, and started chewing.
I can't tell if my dream was meant to be erotic or disgusting.
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Yeah, I really fucking love that Martina Dell'Anna pic. Then again, I just really love lips in general. One of my ultimate size fantasies is being reduced to an imperceptible speck stuck to a girl's lip, whether I'm mired in a sticky sea of lip gloss, buried beneath her lip balm, or simply adhered by a thin layer of moisture.
love this so much
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all it takes to serve this beautiful goddess is one slurp and a gulp
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Any vore? Or Morgpie?
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Is this some kind of fetish?
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Sorry, fucked up the attachment
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A classic.
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Post your favorite collage of all time. Here's mine
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That's a hard one, anon. I'll need to think on that.
Good taste though. Love that collage.
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I love Nikemd's collages. I wish he still did them.
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I took a stab at something in this genre because I'm still obsessed.
Fuckin' WEW there
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I wanted to try too.
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go back to /r/destiny
Looks good. Love Leftist/Commie/SJW/activist giantesses, it's a great motivation for them to rampage/kill people, especially the authorities
Do you have more works posted elsewhere?
Agree! Glad you like it.
I don’t have much political stuff so far (just testing the waters given the climate) but I’ve got a gallery over on Deviantart. Mithridates24
Amazing, cute girl and I like the sparkles!

Yes I love a self righteous, left leaning, feminist, etc... giantess. Where they are normally peace-minded, now they get to impose their will through violence and physical power. She can literally destroy the establishment, crush the police, and rip the military apart.
Would you mind sharing the cut out .png of her?
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rich people get all the fun, not fair
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How might a photographer get "realistic," perspective pictures of a model? By that I mean, how would you make it look like...
>>4832907 you were one of the people standing on or near this girl or...
>>4832913 you were a future victim of this one.
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Not at all. Here you go anon.
Tell me about it.
On another note, nothing gets me nostalgic like a good Kristina collage. What a fox.
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Some people have been pretty successful with 'body as landscape' type photography. Not sure if it's super difficult or if the demand just isn't there because I don't see much.
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You're a real stand up guy, anon
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total longshot but does anyone here have/know this video im looking for? i think it was called something along the lines of "i don't love you anymore" or "we are not friends" etc etc and it had this tiny guy on the naked torso of a blue haired girl for like a minute until she flicks him off and rolls over. it was like a fetish video disguised as an artsy short film. wouldve been a decade ago give or take when i saw it and i just remembered it
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Footprints are highly underrated.
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I like the composition, wonder what he's thinking?
Disbelief, in awe, or does her know her and did he cause it?
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what are some small details you'd like to more of, or in the first place, in collages with megas? do you even look for then?

asking because ive got something in the oven at the moment. for reference she's about as big as pictured, a little more too
I always love to see people standing nearby, like pic related, though Im sure its pretty challenging unless girl and bg happen to be getting along really well
Depending on the scenario, missiles/bombs, military vehicles like tanks, to-scale tiny jets and helicopters (though scale accurate is hard because at a certain point they just become dots).
The perfect relationship, except he isn't really her boyfriend. More like a toy or a pet.
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And emergency food supply.
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A big Billie ... that doesn't quite work, but I liked the idea well enough to push it out.
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wait, what about it doesn't work? I've been looking at it for a minute and I cannot see a single major thing that makes it "not work." it's is clean as hell

following through like a responsible adult.
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Codi is a great giantess. Such a fun personality.
Not to mention the..."personalities"...
I think it works wonderfully. Really nice lighting.
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She really is. I love her giantess videos. I unironically wish she had done Pranzo videos before getting ultra mainstream. Need to see giant Codi rampage.
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Made a new Susu collage.

Mostly a combination of not being totally happy with the pose (I got lucky with the buildings for her feet, but I don't really think it "works" for her to be sitting on that building like that), and not being happy with some of the shadowing. Couldn't make my mind up about how I wanted to do bits and pieces. I don't hate it, but I don't think it "works" like I had hoped.
Top tier work here.
I saw the buildings, and thought they were a little off, but nothing that broke "immersion" for me. I get why they frustrated you, through.

Also, wowza, susu
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Nice one!
God bless these collages are really getting cranked out lately
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Had to downscale a bit. I guess 8mb is the limit these days :/
How so? She has an extremely feminine face. If most men looked like that, I might become gay, eh? Ha! Heh heh!
one slurp and a *glurp
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What do I have to do to get more citypop giantesses?
more what?
>She has an extremely feminine face.
It's just me, but I didn't quite see that as an extremely feminine face. That being said, I would still prefer it if she had longer hair.
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Some new material for anyone who's interested. Feel free to add more pics for collages.

Thank you for sharing anon. These are great! Gives me an idea for a little series.
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Kinda heartwarming how Susu has embraced sizefags... in a way
Also kind of sad how Susu has embraced AI. Very sad.
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A true goddess
So what? She still posts her real photos and never posts AI images on her socials. Since you said this I looked up her AI and tried it out. Turns out it can texts roleplay giantess scenarios and make images.
Fuck off with this shit.
You’re the one who brought up the AI shit for no reason. At least the image is on topic.
>blurred faces
Fuck off cuck
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I think it's supposed to be like Google Maps
Correct. https://twitter.com/Kmann880/status/1701026112267018729
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These are great! OC?
Yes, I finished them today. Thank you!
fuck I want a movie like Cloverfield to get made but replace the monster with a chick like this. same tone, lighting, budget and all.
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Probably never going to happen but I still hope and pray for such a film
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I agree but without a sad ending like the humans killing the monster. I can imagine the evil antagonist humans try and fail to kill her. A happy ending where she is just relaxing in a destroyed city rubbing her tummy and picks out an assault rifle from between her teeth.
I'd want a somewhat dreadful ending that inspires false hope for the protagonists. I would want the whole movie to just be terrifying for the average viewer that isn't diamonds when he sees one of the side characters get brutally crushed under her heel or plucked up from a group and swallowed whole kicking and screaming the whole time.
This. I just want a “serious” violent kaiju movie with a hot chick as the monster.

Idk why, but picturing a mega giantess crushing/walking on/standing on trees and forests is awesome. Like she is trying her best to avoid destruction while being huge, so she flattens forests with every step. The idea, sound, and imagery of acres of trees being pulverized along with untold number of deer and other wild animals in an attempt to limit a giant girl's impact on a tiny world is awesome.
I like to imagine a giantess who's a lot smaller than those pics, like 100 or 200 ft tall and lives in the deep wilderness. Maybe some hiker would go out one day and here trees being snapped and bulldozed along with a booming sound that gets gradually closer before she comes into view, picks him up and brings him back to her lair for him to never be seen again. There'd be traces of her existence like gigantic foot prints, trampled strips of forest, and massive piles of feces scattered throughout her territory. The US government would know she exists due to satellite tech, but would never inform the public or do anything about it, trying instead to keep her a secret and keep hikers and campers out of her hunting grounds.
Giantess vs nature is underrated. Flattening trees under her shoes like they were blades of grass. Forest creatures and the ecostysem itself are victims of her existence.
Yes. I want a giantess movie to have legit horror movie vibes.
That's a giantess porno ending though. That's not how you end a serious, violent, horror style giantess rampage movie like >>4846918
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technically.... GORZIRRA my nigga hey! (At least in some movies she Godzilla Gojira is a woman, a female of her tribe)
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Quick OC today.
Bump. Slow thread
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Whenever I see images of random girls at the beach or something shooped to be giant, I always wonder if any of those girls have randomly stumbled across the collage.
I mean, it's a catch-22. We're on the nicher end of a niche internet fetish, so it's super unlikely that any person is going to be *randomly* stumbling upon collages of themself. So if they do see them, it's probably because they already have some interest in the fetish (the reaction has a greater chance of being positive) ... or it's because someone with low social awareness decided to send the pics to them (the reaction has a greater chance of being negative). Unfortunately, I imagine the latter must be much more likely.
>niche internet fetish

lol no
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You might be spending a little too much time online if you don't think that this is still a relatively niche internet fetish for the vast majority of people.

But even if it was mainstream, the same argument applies. You're probably not going to have random unaffiliated women stumbling into threads like these, so the chances of them "accidentally" finding collages of themselves are very small.
Goddam that is a nice one holy moly.
Giantess is the most popular and searched fetish online statistically. Anyway everyone knows about it now due to TikTok and social media, it’s pretty well known at this point. Giantess related tags have over a billion views on there. Maybe it was niche 20 some years ago but it’s borderline mainstream by now.
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>Giantess is the most popular and searched fetish online statistically
Damn bro, this is Giantess City levels of delusion.
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>nooo everything I disagree with is le giantess city!
Look it up sperg, I don't write the articles. Even if it's not it's quite well known among even normies at this time.
More than feet, BDSM, voyeurism, etc?
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I know the articles you're talking about, and they don't say what you think they say. They're almost always talking about relative increases in search hits, not absolute hits. The first big example of this was years back when a video sharing site popular among giantess fetishists was shut down. Everyone suddenly moved over to PornHub, so their yearly statistics article showed a massive (but artificial) increase in the number of people searches for "giantess". And when these sorts of articles are not talking about relative trends, they're talking about localized interest (e.g., "last year giantess was in the top 10 PornHub searches for Tennessee"). I think "giantess" was in one or two such lists for continental US last year? Hardly "the most popular and searched fetish online statistically".

But this is so silly. Anybody who is online enough to know about the giantess fetish -must- understand that there are tons of more popular/visible fetishes around. I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to use Google Trends to compare "giantess" against other popular fetishes like "feet", "furry", "BDSM", etc.
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>bro wrote a thesis on giantess porn
In all seriousness though, you're probably right in terms of total popularity but my point still stands. It's not an obscure niche thing anymore. Personally I don't mind that it's getting more popular, just more potential content for the gts community.
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>you will never have a clumsy insecure giantess gf
>you will never sit on her shoulder trying to convince her that she isn't "an amazing colossal freak"
>you will never point out all the beautiful giantesses in media to make her feel better about herself
>you will never have to pull out an umbrella when she cries about being so gigantic and clumsy
>you will never get a cake she painstakingly made to be "normal sized", which despite being smaller than her pinky nail is the size of a wedding cake
>you will never get accidentally crushed under her feet as she rushes up and then looks around saying, "Anon? Where are you?"
Well that took a 180. Spending the whole time trying to comfort her just to crush her. How you gonna do that to your giantess gf?
Nice, I love a cute giant gf that doesn't realize her own godlike power

Any idea where all the giantess uploads moved to now? There used to be new ones every day on spankbang but there's none now and I can't find any new source.
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I have no idea, sorry. I didn't have much interest in the sorts of videos that were being uploaded to the PornHub-type sites, so I never keep/kept track of any of it.
cambro.tv has done me well
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I found a half decent source for city pictures from an unusuial place: the U.S. Customs and Border Protection flickr account. Ocassionally when looking for ilegals with a helicopter over a major american city one of the fedboys will go "PHWOR!" lean out the window and take a really good picture.
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try thisvid, that's been working for me
The more you know, huh
well I'll be
Ah sweet, manmade horrors beyond comprehension
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another one of the World Trade center complex. Heck just searching "[City name] From above" on flickr gets good results. if you use the imagus extention you can "Borrow" images even if the author has disabled downloading. it makes me wonder what sort of untapped goldmine of government employee pictures are out there
Are these in a particular album on their flickr or do I have to go hunting for them?
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unfortunatley you'll have to hunt and there aren't many to be fair. check albums with helicopters on them or words in the title like "Operations" and/or "field" there is also this flickr group of a bunch of government agencies with varying levels of consistancy. most are the typical "album with 19 pictures featuring "people in suits shaking hands/standing behind podiums"" and then there's the US navy going "Fuck it, album with 2700 pictures of ships! enjoy fuckers!" i found this one on the US Forces Korea page

i forgot to mention Wikimedia Commons lol you can find good stuff by looking up names of cities or names of it's tallest building like this one i found by looking up "CN Tower"
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There's not a single video on there worth watching that isn't private
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What's this thread about? Is it sexual? How do you enjoy giantess women if you can't even hold them, do things or even be alive around them because they will crush you.
a giantess could hold you, take care of you, stuff you in her ass, pussy mouth etc. all depends on what your favourite size is for a giantess and how gentle/rough you want her to be.
I don't understand the stuffing feel.. Doesn't sound like a good place to be in. Breasts and pussy so big, you lose the seuse of size and space.
I honestly feel bad for people who just can't comprehend sexuality beyond the concept of putting their ugly 2 inch dick into pussy.
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Shizuka is hot, i wish there were more places to get her stuff then fanta. their system sucks ass
A blowjob can feel great, why can't a full body blowjob feel great? Being gently sucked on by a hot girl with a clean mouth and nice lips should be easy to understand as enjoyable. Even just getting kisses from a giantess would be amazing, her massive warm fruity lips enveloping your entire body. There are so many possibilities with the giantess fetish because it's almost entirely fantasy, and the range of how big the girl is and/or how small you are is almost completely different for each individual. Some want to be completely dominated and crushed like a bug and others just want a gf that's a few feet taller than them and everything that would come with that.
there's always at least one of you
just somethin really wholesome n sweet bout this one <3
Yeah, now let's get some degenerate n chaotic pics <3
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Damn I love Megan Jones
She's so fucking good
There is currently a giantess video thread over on /gif/. Everyone go check it out: >>>/gif/27143162
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Messing around with the Atarashii Gakko girls.
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Oh I love this one!
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Charlotte Valis makes me diamonds. Any giantess in the community that actually has a fetish for being huge in general makes it so much hotter
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Speaking of, anyone else have any favorite models/content/video creators in the community?

Personally, I'm a really big fan of Sasha_Curves.
Me too, shes insanely hot for a giantess and puts on a believable performance in most videos. I remember seeing the tinder Vore video by MaryRoseLove and thinking she was amazing, but after seeing more of her videos I realized she mostly just burps a lot for all her videos, giantess or not. I guess that's the fetish she caters to primarily. There's plenty of decently hot girls that make their own giantess vids/customs, but few know how to act the part and get those great money shots and angles.
Lanie Love, her unaware content is great
I want to give a shoutout to Fae D'cay. I think she's great.
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I'll always be partial to Suzie Lorraine and Velvets. And another couple amateurs from the old city days whom I sadly can't remember. Still find myself looking fruitlessly for their vids sometimes.
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Fucking around with two-part collages
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OG Katelyn Brooks is still one the greatest.
I’m gonna be real, Katelyn has grossed me out from the beginning.
Like different strokes for different folks but I wish I got her appeal some times.
When she first started, I didn't like her but mostly because her haircut was not great. But I think she's so fucking hot now.
Her very original aesthetic wasn't my favorite, but I'm not so much into the "alt-girls" look. That was like 15 years ago though. I think her aesthetic since then has generally been hot, although sometimes she verges a little too much into "artificial porn star" territory (fake boobs, fake nails, gaudy porn outfit, etc).

Gives me a fun collage idea though: a mega/giga giantess battle between Young Raw Authentic Katelyn versus MILF Pornstar Katelyn.
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I think Katelyn is super fucking sexy. The things I'd do to get pegged by her...
Anyone know about Marceline Leigh? She's pretty good at the roleplay.
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I don't think I ever posted this one. It's from one or two Yogiles ago.
Damn, nice work anon!
This one's great. Especially how the ground looks around her heels and the one heel in front of the other prints behind her. I wonder though if modern asphalt roads would really be smushed like that under a gigantic plastic high heel of a 200ft tall woman. I think it would crack and shift with the soil underneath being revealed. I love what she's doing too. Reaching for a car, but for what reason? It gets my imagination going to all sorts of places. Also an extremely hot model used. Would love to disappear between her lips and down her throat.
GirlOnTop880's video "Giantess Discovers Tiny Village". Highly recommend.
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fuck if it wasnt painfully fatal being smushed between her heel and buttcheek like that one guy would feel amazing
Can't imagine a better way to die tho
Being swallowed alive by a pawgzilla like that is definitely my number 1, but damn that's an amazing ass.
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I saw Katelyn Brooks randomly pop up in some non-giantess porn I was watching and it was crazy. I didn't think she existed outside of size smut.
Katelyn used to do femdom videos with AstroDomina, who also does really good giantess clips.
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The combination of swimsuit and winter hat is super cute!
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Thank you!
What an absolute cutie
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They really set themselves up to be the new size It Girls.
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Is it even possible to find giantess videos form the old era of internet anymore? Or did they all die with Pornhub?
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A quickie
Fucking nice
Depends on what vids you’re looking for. Media impact, sizefetishzone type shit is still pretty easy to find, along with Roma, canadian giantess, etc.
I guess I'm just looking at the wrong sites, every now and then I get a craving to re-visit the old stuff but it's nowhere to be seen.
I remember Spankbang was getting tons of size videos at first but now they've got pretty much nothing. In fact I think they're taking down size videos bit by bit.
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Honestly I think that's one of the most "fun" size ranges for a giantess, even if she can't knock down buildings or crush entire neighborhoods. Also makes me think of a scenario I once thought up where maybe like 1 in 1000 or even 1 in 1 million girls grow to be giantesses by age 20 and the world just has to facilitate their happiness and health since society is naturally inclined to protect and provide for women anyways. Assuming they are somewhat evenly spread out across the world, each one would be a massive celebrity in their respective countries with people constantly trying to get a picture with her and we'd have to have manufacture giant clothes for her like in this pic.
I like to imagine the implication of grow rays being real. There would undoubtedly be some crazed macrophile that hits a local babe with it set to the max setting, inadvertently triggering a really sexy apocalypse wrought by a colossal naked college girl or something
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More of her
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I love pictures of giantesses using roadways as walkways. just ignoring the plight of the drivers as they walk to their next rampage destination
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this one is fun
based ice spice enjoyer
>thread gets one post every couple of days
It's so over.
This fetish is finished. Time to find a new one. Any suggestions?
The fact that it’s just the occasional collager sharing their work to a deafening silence probably doesn’t help.
I’m surprised they bother sharing here
Become a clown guy. That’s kinda having a Renaissance. Embrace the clussy
>Embrace the clussy

.....got any giant clown girls?
Is that a challenge anon
Motherfucker I’ll do it
Yes it fucking is. I didn't know I wanted to fap to giant clowns, but because of you, I've started and it's good.
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I know this thread is geared more towards giantesses, but here's some news. They're making a new gender swapped version of My Little Lover.
Big if true!
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>The fact that it’s just the occasional collager sharing their work to a deafening silence probably doesn’t help.
>I’m surprised they bother sharing here
These threads have always been slow. Luckily /hr/ is a slow board in general. It's just a takin'-it-easy giantess thread. :)
Love these!
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Finally, we are awakening to the glory of giant clussy
Good idea. Terrible effort.
I like it. The building rubble perspective is the main thing that sucks. The bloody craters/footprints? behind her are too blurry. Should have just made actual footprints instead IMO
Mega version
>ywn be trapped in a giga neon catgirl's fuzzy legwarmer
S o o n
Gold star. Simple but very lovingly executed.
Feels bad, man.
Entrapment in general is really fun.
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Some poor shrunken woman autist on giantess-city was having a meltdown over that decision.
I remember a few years ago there was a spate of clown porn in general but especially in the giantess community. But I guess the meme went away.
Why not haver her in character and a Thrones castle?
Be my guest
no u
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Tism demands to know how big she is here. All I have to go on is that it's Tokyo, but I can't find this exact place in Google Earth.
That's Moscow.
She's about 75 km according to some quick measurements.
Any more of these Asian schoolgirl giantesses? I prefer them over other ones.
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New thread:


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