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Previous thread hit image limit

Post sexy cut cocks <3
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a little OC since someone posted me in the other thread~ cut 2 months ago ;)
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and what's left of my frenulum ;)
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Slowly coming up to a year being cut and I barely can remember what it was like having a foreskin

Yeah you start to brain-fog being uncut after a while
nice and free balling
got before and after clips or pics?
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Awesome circ. You'd look really hot with a pierced nipple too
brainwashed masochists
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Like the body hair
How do you guys handle being with an uncut guy? I can't think about anything other than cutting his cock to the point where I'm only able to fantasize about giving him the snip.
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thanks, I'm really happy with it ;)
and I'm considering getting my nipples done actually, still on the fence about that though
why'd you get snipped?
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mostly aesthetic reasons, and because my fren was too short
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Great cock, very nice bush
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i have an urge to get cut, purely for aesthetics, but not sure how to raise it with my partner. he'd be against it and try to talk me out of it. anyone share their partners reactions to their cut?

If you wanna get cut that’s your decision. Your partner should be supportive
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I do but not gonna post them publicly sorry

You own your body not your partner, he should be in the discussion sure but at the end of the day you have the final say, why would he be against it?
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have been circumcised for almost three years now. sometimes I miss it, but it was necessary so it's all good. prefer it visually now too

Damn they really stripped that kid back

yeah, hope they did the same to his frenulum <3
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Most uncut guys seem to be generally wary of the idea of circumcision, just because the heads of their dicks are so sensitive that foreskin feels like a necessity to provide protection and make jerking off possible. What makes me curious is, for guys who chose to get cut as adults, just for personal preference and not a medical need, how did you transition from that mindset to suddenly desiring to have your head exposed all the time and constantly subject to touching from clothing etc?
I told my partner I wanted it done not too long after we met so he knew I was planning it, and was supportive throughout
he loves the result now
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damn what an improvement <3
I never had that mindset, I couldn't understand people talking about how painful it is for bare glans to rub on clothes my glans has never been so sensitive to be painful, I then proceeded to live with a permenantly retracted foreskin for a little bit and then decided to tie my frenulum to make that easier, no pain associated with any of this. After about a year, I decided it was time to just get it removed. Aside from aesthetics, my main goal was to make me take longer to cum and take away the temptation of a quick release, done low and tight, it does take longer to cum now but I'm still as horny as ever.
I love how you put it. Circumcised guys really don’t have the option for a quick release. Everytime I see a video of cut guys cumming I love to think of how long they’ve frantically rub their dry knob just in hope to release. It really is desperation at its best.
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This just isn't true. I can run one out in like 2 minutes no problem. Why are you blatantly lying like this?
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i’m curious, does removing the frenulum have an impact in how sensitive your dick is? i’m cut but i still have my fren and it’s a pretty sensitive area to the touch, like i could probably cum just by rubbing it. do you lose all this feeling when you get it removed? cause i’ve been thinking of doing it for aesthetic reasons and to last longer too

I don't think it changes anything

I don't have a frenulum and i'm plenty sensitive where it would have been
I'm cut for three years now, got my fren removed with it as well. The area where my fren was doesn't have a lot of sensitivity left, it's really different now. overall it still feels good though. I last a lot longer now too
i'm the anon they're replying to and it's mostly fetishists, but also everyone's sensitivity is different, it's not a struggle for me to cum but 2 minute would be quite fast for me nowadays, somewhere in the region of 10 minutes would be comfortable for me whereas when i was uncut i'd be comfortable cumming in a couple minutes if I really wanted to, now being low and tight I would need lube and to use a death grip or some shit to cum that fast, let me guess you're a high cut with potentially minimum some frenulum remnants?
Do you ever see a douchebag and think to yourself, "Damn, I'm glad he's cut"? I think about that a lot. Hot gymbros that are cut are something else.
I think a lot about that a lot. I’m just happy they can’t cum as on demand as I do.
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The more cock and macho he is, the more fun it is to know that his dick's been tamed
what was the change in sensitivity like
So low...

I would love to tease him about it. Oh, bro, you lost a LOT of skin. How does it feel? Yeah, I bet you use a ton of lube, don't you? Haha, that stinks, I hope you never run out!

Especially when you can see their helmet through their gym shorts
I haven't noticed any change yet, if anything I'd say I feel more sensitive right now (especially at the scar and around the area where my frenulum used to be)
I'm told I should expect to lose some sensitivity over time though, so I'll have to wait and see how it turns out in a few months

Shit that's a low cut too, they got him good

Chances are he'll tame his son/s too
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>coming up to a year being cut
>I can barely remember what it was like having a foreskin
That's hot. I wanna get cut but I always worried that I'd be constantly be comparing what it was like before and after. I'd love to get to a point where being cut feels as natural as it does to someone who got it done on day 1 and never knew anything different.

Yeah it's a weird feeling desu

It's just the dick i've always known. I can't imagine what it'd be like having a foreskin
>I always worried that I'd be constantly be comparing what it was like before and after
I've only been cut for just over 2 months, but haven't looked back a single time
looks better, feels better, and I don't find myself missing my foreskin at all
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Would serve
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Dubs and ill suck today
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The one on the left needs fixing
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Cut cocks are hot in isolation, but something about seeing them in groups just drives home how universal it is

Especially when it's large groups and multigenerational

You see pictures of like 9-10 guys and they're all cut and it's like shit... they really do get all of them
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Pic source?
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Can you imagine the other three holding him down and fixing it for him? I wish I could be there.
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No need to worry about sand getting trapped when you're circumcised on the nude beach
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I love how it's permanently lubed up now
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>You see pictures of like 9-10 guys and they're all cut and it's like shit... they really do get all of them
>It's just the dick I've always known. I can't imagine what it'd be like having a foreskin
There must be locker rooms in high schools all across America where everyone is circumcised and they don't even know it. Every time they change they've all seen each other's exposed heads, scars, two-tones, and for years they're just thought it was normal. Imagine the day that they learn about it for the first time through sex-ed class, online, or because a younger sibling gets it done. It must be such a mindfuck. "Oh yeah, you and everyone you know had an extra bit of skin on your dick when you were born, but we all paid someone to trim it off before we brought you home."
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One of my favourite views of a cut cock
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Really want to get circumcised!
Hit me up to chat. Kik: soc436

>It must have been a mindfuck

Can confirm it was very mindfucky when I learned I was cut
>Can confirm it was very mindfucky when I learned I was cut
Does anyone actually talk about it though?

Not really. Despite how common it is you really don't hear people talk about it hardly ever

Usually only comes up when somebody is having a boy
I've been massaging shea butter into the scar to help soften it, it's excellent lube mixed with some precum ;)
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The debate seems to go on and on. But in reality, the only people who can really judge are the ones who lived as uncut as a teen or adult, then for whatever reason became cut and has lived as a circumcised adult. If you haven't lived as both, you really don't know.
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Best way is to just enjoy what you have
Totally agree anon - good summary
Totally agree - good summary
Best pov
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I got cut 6 years ago. Best decision ever. I love how the skin pulls tight around my dried cock head.

Pic is me edging. Got a little cum leaking out to lubricate my tip
Can you talk about the change in sensitivity on your new cut cock?

Just a question. When it comes to glans exposure, how much do you feel exactly? Like in the sense that dickhead is touching your underwear or pants. Is it like a tingly feeling?
Coming up on three years circumcised. I've always wondered what it was like to grow up cut and find out later you'd been altered. Guess I'll never know.
I miss giving American girls their first foreskin. Something about their shock and disbelief was really hot. But everything else feels fine. Masturbation isn't as good but I think it looks better.
>I miss giving American girls their first foreskin
>was really hot
>Masturbation isn't as good
so your sex life is noticeably worse but at least you think it looks better
>caring this much about another man's penis
get a life dude
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My thick cut cock

More? Take clearer photos. Got any of the backside?

I didn’t lose any sensitivity. If anything it’s better because there’s no foreskin to get in the way. The skin pulls tight and my cockhead swells, feels like it gets all of the attention.


Certain types of clothing and excessive moment can cause rubbing and sensation, but nothing painful or over stimulating. It’s really not a big deal.
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Asked the surgeon to cut me as tight as possible. Said he cut me ultra tight. What do you think? Jacking off without lube isn’t impossible but it’s annoying.
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It’s your stupid fault your annoyed - should have left your dick as it was uncut dope head
love chatting about circumcision and cocks
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Imagine being triggered over another man’s cock
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Damn! So fucken hot bro!
Fucken sweet bush and junk bro
Damn bro that a sweet ass buster!
Dangerous weapon you got there bro. You could ruin a guy!
Damn fine bro
Yeah. They did an awesome job! He’s trimmed and ready to party!
I want to watch him breed my latina girlfriend
Wtf man
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No foreskin, no underwear, let the head breathe
Let's not forget about MENA guys

>Be born
>Look down

Your foreskin was over before it began
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I feel like there's two elements to why I like cut cocks: the physical and the psychological, but I can never fully articulate the latter. The physical is easy because cut cocks just look hot with their heads exposed all the time. The psychological though, when I see them they seem to represent something, part of me wants to apply some meaning to the nature of being circumcised, but I can never quiet put my finger on what that is. Is it hot because it's a naked display of sexuality, something intimate and personal exposed at all times, always interacting with the world? Is it hot because it's a modification from the norm? Is it something more sinister, might there be an element where the fact that act is something that men were forced to submit to, and that they can never change, that makes it hot? It's so confusing. What does a cut cock represent that appeals to everyone else?
you're just feeling the same irresolvable fascination with your own trauma that other people so frequently do with theirs. the feeling to need to make meaning from something awful that was done to you unwillingly. it's never quite attainable, which is why people who have been abused so unerringly end up perpetrating that abuse on others later on in life, because it's the ultimate form of 'trying to understand' and 'coming to terms with' what was done to themselves. thus the abuse perpetuates and the cycle begins anew.

dont get me wrong you're entitled to your fetish and all, but almost all sexual interest in circumcision stems from this pattern. i would guess the rest (people who are not circumcised but who are turned on by circumcision) are just simple sadists.
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>Is it hot because it's a naked display of sexuality, something intimate and personal exposed at all times, always interacting with the world? Is it hot because it's a modification from the norm? Is it something more sinister, might there be an element where the fact that act is something that men were forced to submit to, and that they can never change, that makes it hot?
Yes to all this. My dick works fine, but I totally get off on the idea that cut guys can't cum, that they're permanently locked in chastity cages and unable to release their sexual urges.

Nobody cares, go to a different thread.

Part of it is definitely the fact that it just gets done to you and you can't do anything to undo it

Your penis is permanently placed into a tight skin-prison and that's just the way it is now
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It is fascinating how entire societies have just decided collectively that they're going to snip the protective covering off the dicks of their entire male population, leaving their sensitive heads exposed and their remaining skin pulled tight over the shaft, like they're in a permanent state of sexual arousal from day one. And they develop all sorts of crazy devices to do this, turning it into a industry, where parents willingly hand over their boys "please screw down this surgical steel clamp and crush his skin, before severing it, so I can take him home with a raw tip that'll rub against his diaper for weeks until it heals, and then against his underwear for the rest of his life, by which time he won't even feel it anyway." And then these men grow up and strut around naked in locker rooms, with these dark brown scars around their dicks, that instantly identify them all as part of the same tribe, yet they never consciously acknowledge it or question it. You can't look at that and not read something into it. There's a whole long history that went into every circumcision.
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Actually no. I hooked up once with an Egyptian guy and he had foreskin. He said because he could keep it because he is Christian
wow that scar and vitiligo combination is really aesthetic. the shapes are so irregular and interesting. and rare to see a euro being cut
Love a circumcised farm boy, knowing their cocks have been docked just like one of the animals.
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Sun-drenched circ
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This is moronic psychobabble. There is no trauma from infant circumcision.

There is however huge envy among those who were left with that nasty foreskin. Foreskins are disgusting.
Damn fine fuck stick my dude!
Nothing like baggy short shorts to let the boys catch a breeze and maybe a hot guys eye. I’ve gotten a couple of airport bathroom quickies by sitting just right like in this pic. Hot!
Hottie! Do you bottom?
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Anyone know any adult content creators who are happy do do customs where they talk about being cut?

MiloMiles posts some decent content on his timeline where he goes into his experience.

Tyler Wu seemingly wants to get cut and will talk about it

But I dunno if he’s ever gonna do it at this point
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These guys on OF all got circumcised as adults and give the impression that they're into the kink of it.

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Foueteur here, can confirm I am into the kink aspect of it ;)

How come you got cut?
the biggest reasons (besides thinking it's hot) were the better look, and to get rid of my short frenulum
very happy with the result, just wish it was a little bit tighter :3
>There is no trauma from infant circumcision.
seems like an odd prior to have. If I presented you with a modified example of an infant being tied down and having his ears cut off without anaesthetic, you (and all sane people) would allow the possibility that might be traumatic. somehow this is impossible when it comes to nonconsensually slicing off part of the most erogenous organ of the body, though - though none of you can ever explain why this specific form of baby rape is immune from ever causing trauma.

>There is however huge envy among those who were left with that nasty foreskin
why would I be envious of having less penis? you literally have less cock than I do and you're proud of it for some twisted reason.

what's nasty or not nasty is relative to what you're used to. what's evil or not evil isn't relative at all. holding down an infant and chopping part of his cock off is evil, irrespective of whether some weirdos 'like the look' better or not.
Dude shut up and move on. You're weird talking about infant penises this much
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I feel like if you're cut from birth then that's just normal for you, so it's probably not a big deal in the grand scheme.

What fascinates me is for guys who get cut as adults and how they adjust to that. You go from a situation where the head is an internal body part that only comes out on specific occasions, to the head being an external part of the body 100% of the time. Even if you live with the skin pulled back for a while (I've tried this) you're still aware that you have the option to cover it up again. How do you get used to an external head being the new normal, and I wonder how long it takes before you stop thinking about how it used it be? Part of me wants to get cut solely to answer that question.

>If you're cut from birth then that's just normal for you

Yeah all of my friends who were cut at birth don't think about it. It seems like your brain gets circumcised as well

>How long it takes you to stop thinking about it

I haven't really stopped thinking about how I got cut but I honestly can't remember how it used to be now

I was cut 16 years ago
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>Yeah all of my friends who were cut at birth don't think about it.
I'll always find that hot

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