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i want a boat dad
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> Bob Odenkirk will never be your daddy bf

Why live
Great start! 10/10 would let them call cum inside me and cum inside them too
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why's he wearing glasses in the sauna? his lenses must have been destroyed
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Good taste and even better gif
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Odenkirk enjoyer since day one, even moreso after he beefed up in Nobody
I want to watch Better Call Saul but I'm afraid I'll fall in love with him
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Paul Barbararo is a sexy god I wish I could marry him!!!
>>I want him to stuff my hole with those sausage fingers while I suck on his engorged nipples. I then beg him to fuck my throat and feed me with his daddy cum. Finally he bear hugs from behind and finishes me off after edging and choking me.
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It's too bad he never did more porn, although there is some stuff of him doing cam sessions online.

Least horny daddy enjoyer
Holy shit I never realised he was hot.
Post more
I'm too lazy to go through my unorganized pic folder, but check this out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-SgOrGK7-o&pp=ygUSdmluY2UgbWNtYWhvbiBudWRl
I know he's a literally monster irl, but I wanted to rim him so bad in the early 2000s
I think you're thinking of Chris Benoit
I fully believe that Vince is a bi power bottom and loves his ass eaten, 100%
Yes to the rimming, but Chris was a victim himself.
stop spamming and finish this one first >>2599966
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bros, has anyone found the uncensored carey birmingham yet? did he really have his cock out? i'm a sucker for those blown up belly dads
"daddy thread" is a decade-long tradition on this board we won't give it up for "old man love"
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tik tok daddy daniele ducati, I've been obsessing over him for months
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and some more
Jesus fucking christ, he's gorgeous. Does he post elsewhere?
Clearly not his tiktok anon, so you mind telling us where he posted this clip and pic?

Wow good find. Any of Roberto Cassarotto?
Fucking hell this daddy is so fucking hot
I need to know where to download more pics and clips
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I have no idea where he posts them or if someone's catfishing him. I've been digging around twitter and found this one too

he is often live on tiktok and lifting weights, showing off his bulge
Someone needs to convince him to make an OnlyFans. He would make a shitton of easy money. I know I'd pay for it.
he's ugly though
He has charisma and a nice cock. I'd pay if he was gay, but not if he's straight.
his tiktok is private... are you following him? where i can see more of him?
Short but sweet. Dat voice

>genitals censored
>swears censored
>gun is ok

america, never change
More daddies pls
tbf that's the least offensive looking thing on his person
should've censored the belly and face too
contribute then
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bolsonaro's hirsute arms
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Jay will always be my favorite
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daddies are made for breeding

beardedinkv on twitter
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bussy made for young loads
Sauce pls
Based. Too bad he let go and doesn't hold up anymore
He went by lakeviewman online when xtube was around. I think he's still active on bateworld
I still would even now
Which video is that from
Big Dick Daddy Club. Pretty easy to find a full upload from a search online.
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Thanks - he looks great there. Nice, tan, built and cleanshaven. This was peak Jay Taylor era
Send me to daddy day care
Ben Archer such a king! I want to taste every inch of his body!
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Of all the raunchy things that happen in that movie, I'm glad you clipped the hottest part - which is Jay being handsome as fuck. Based taste
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to those living in England, how common is this phenotype of devilishly handsome posh old man?
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They tend not to be very pleasant.
How many daddies do you think browse 4chan? Is this place too immature for them, or do they like shitposting too? I guess they are concentrated in boards like /vr/, I've not seen any on /soc/. Any idea how we can approach them?
holy based
not a single one, go outside to regular places like home depot, big stores and carpentry
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thoughts on butterfaces?

60-year-old Daddy here..plenty of us love this board. Free porn, are you kidding? And dudes our age are more comfortable with saving jpgs of porn instead of gifs or videos, since we grew up jerking off to magazines.

I've seen others on here comment who are over 70.

You can be a Baby Boomer and still enjoy juvenile 4chan humor

a fucking daddy introduced me to 4chan
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horrendous taste

Same. Daddy loved looking at porn while I blew him. Pretty much how we passed the time. lol
this board specifically? mainly boomers and gen x'ers
rarely any younger guys
>horrendous taste
>posts whatever the fuck is that fugly roasted and dried looking sausage
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> Be me, bottom (or so I thought)
> At the gym
> On a stationary bike next to the floor area where people do stretches, yoga, etc.
> Daddy next to me does some yoga pose where he's on his hands and feet, ass up in the air
> Big fat muscle ass right in my face with his cheeks pressing against the fabric so tight that you can make out his briefs
> Mfw

What's happening bros
it's a sign anon, go pound some daddy ass
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Daddies have had a LOT more experience in carnal ways, just sayin'
Who is this guy?
What do hairy men smell like?
depends on the dude. If you wash and aren't a nasty ass hairy dudes smell better, imo. But I'm not a sissy fuck afraid of a man that smells like a man, so...
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All musk and sex. Their pheromone is intoxicating and irresistible.
I'd let him shit on me

Nice body but his face looks like a woman's
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Yes Sir
holy shit!!! This is so damn true and now I can't unsee it!!!
I used to know his name! He sadly passed away in the early 2000s.
> His name is the filename, dipshit
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There seem to be about 82 different Daddy threads right now, but my faggot ass is here for it
he loves licking a freshly shaved stomach... and other parts
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i wanna marry oldje john so bad...
god I love all the oldje guys, wish they did gay porn
I like Bruno and Boris way better. Both of their cocks would destory me, but my god do I want them to be my Daddy! I used to jerk off to Rod Fontana and Dick Nasty all the time as a kid, but I think they both stopped doing porn in the last decade. Two of the most perfect cocks on the planet.
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turks are my weakness
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they keep coming
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older guys that can maintain an erection without viagra are hot, to me its like they have good genes that they're older but they're made for breeding so can still get a rock hard cock!
you can't just post a cock like that without telling us who he is
Try to get some fuck/cum vids
they are probably taking cialis / viagra / edex and just not telling you. The generic pills are cheap as fuck to get and 20mg makes you rock hard on 36 hours notice. I don't care what they take as long as they can stay hard enough to top me.

t. 10mg recreational cialis enjoyer and 28
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This is a REAL man
oh kid, does he know? he doesn't know hahahaha
does anyone feel like coming out as a gerontophile is 100x times worse than coming out as plain gay? maybe for a 30 year old who likes 50yos it's fine, but for a 20 year old who likes 60 year olds? it's so over
yeah, i mean there's always that stigma about pedophilia, grooming, and also sugar daddies and such, but it's not over anon, you do you and keep them guessing whatever the fuck they want

Yeah, just because a dick is hard doesn't mean it's that way "naturally". ESPECIALLY if it's being photographed
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20 year olds fags are THE most judgemental creatures in the universe. If your near-age friends are judging you for liking gray pubes & the cocks that comes with them, find new friends.
I miss Tumblr. It was such a nice place for daddy porn and anons posting baits of daddies
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I wish I could find more of daggwood on chaturbate, he’s so hot and has the thickest cock
How are the balls hairier than the pubis?
> tfw you will never suck on that big vein going down the middle of the shaft
it is, which is why after breaking up with my daddy bf I decided to only date guys my age. I'll still hook up with daddies but it's easier to have a serious LTR with someone my age
goddamn what a daddy
Fuck me daddy
So handsome and sexy
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ah, me too. so nostalgic
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or this guy, forgot his name
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>tfw no slender horny hairy mediterranean daddy to interrupt you when working

god i love ernesto
Anybody know the hot Daddy from this scene? Or the source?

God I wish I could watch my dad get fucked and treated like a whore by a bunch of young guys while I jack off to it
Think that's @timjimandflash on Insta
Yep, certainly looks like it. He has some nice strong legs, dayum...
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Forgot image
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His husband is way hotter. Look at those juicy nips
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I was just chatting with these two on scruff as they were in my city. Nothing ended up happening, but we shared a lot of pics. Really regret not pushing for a meetup...
anon do you know what kind of guy they like? i'm a twink top and i love fucking mature men like them
I'm a 185cm, 86kg/190lbs, fit and very hairy bottom. They're both tops.
Post pics you slut!
post em or gtfo

Dick Butkus, former NFL football player and later actor.
Post pics, especially of Tim
Anyone have him?

That mole right on his coccyx is like another nipple (EW)

Is that some kind of disease on his dick head tho?

No evidence of Daddyness
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I dunno, it's just a discoloration probably. Would still suck.

Some ppl trim their pubes but it's harder to trim balls (those some shave balls & leave pubes--lots of varieties of manscaping)
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RMRL (Real Men Real Life) is a great place for very good-quality photos of mostly Bears & Daddies. Used to have a great Tumblr feed but Tumblr wussed out. Has Twitter page but it mostly posts selected pics from his pay site, I think.

The photographer's name is John Orbit & you can find things under his name, too. He loves to pose w his Daddy models, often playfully touching their dicks
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I know this guy IRL and came across his spreads on RMRL...casually dropped into conversation once that I loved his RMRL pics, caught him off guard LOL
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Damn I would worship that cock and him as well 24/7. looks like he'd be a stern master which makes me Diamonds
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half bald 50 year old men with hairy arms hnnnng
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been to the beach lately?
Name or more?


now if anyone can pull more videos from camvideos()me please share
Olderbutwiser on Twitter

Any sauce on this huge cock?
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I want name/sauce
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how are you supposed to be straight when men like this exist?
gorgeous men can exist without you being attracted to them the same way i feel nothing towards hot women
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you have autism
hot women aren't the same. when you see big boobs you want to play with them. when you see a big cock on a daddy you bend over by instinct.
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have you ever gotten into a hobby for a daddy?

Uh, no--not all of us are bottoms.
But what I WILL do is get on my knees for it
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Imagine getting to pull down those pants...
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Wish this damn pic was about twice as large.
I have been to "Bear pool parties" JUST like this (except they don't all line up on the edge like this)
How do I score an invite. Can I hook up at the pool in front of others or is it just kissing and then you go find somewhere private with your bear.
Daddy took me to a pool party once. I just started blowing him then eventually other guys started coming over. I didn't say no. lol
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As the one who posted this, NONE. These are strictly "friend" parties & anybody who tries to get sexual at all is told it's not that kind of party & if they persist, they are kicked out. I mean, there's always some playful dick grabbing ("Bear handshake") but no sex--several are couples.

Of course, I've heard of other Bear parties that run the gamut.

Sorta cute, but his face looks like an elf LOL
is there any porn of old men like this? just hairy handsome men smiling and tumbling about being sexy

Lmao yeah, Jay Crew is definitely giving hobbit vibes. He's still hot though, he fucks hard with that big cock

Yep, try to find siterips of MyBestFriendsDad. It's done in a JAV sort of way, interviews with cute english daddies about their lives who then strip and jack off/have sex afterwards. Try to find Alan Audley's vids, he's cute/hot/sexy
>have friends
I'm fucked ;( and not the way I want to be.
this is just pure cringe circlejerk fest
>These are strictly "friend" parties & anybody who tries to get sexual

Unless you go to a private party specifically for that, which are awesome.
>I'm fucked ;( and not the way I want to be.
I feel for ya, dude. I was lucky to have met my daddy young. I wish it's wasn't so damn taboo. Though if it wasn't I probably would have never got married and had kids.
Well that's fucking retarded. What's the point of throwing a nude pool party with a bunch of horny people if orgies aren't allowed?
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I wish my country gets attacked by Russia so that Jose Andres comes
hide the pain harold

French Sephardic Jews are the DILFiest.
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>Well that's fucking retarded. What's the point of throwing a nude pool party with a bunch of horny people if orgies aren't allowed?
Some kind of weird group edge torture kink?
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He knows he's sexy as fuck, even at age 75.
As a straight 50+ male, married for 30+ years, but celibate for the last 3yrs, I'm ready to accept this as my future. Either end. I need a discreet fuck buddy.
that sounds kinda sad anon :(
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Yes, obviously--I was talking about my specific experiences w my friend who has the pool
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Because it's fun just like any ther pool party would be, but it's all gay guys and since it is, suits are optional. Not everybody gets naked but most do, and that increases the more people drink.
I'm one of the few who gets naked before I even get in the water because why get your suit wet if you're just going to take it off?
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I mean, I do understand the concept but for me it'd just be a severely blueballing experience lol. I haven't been to many nude parties but the few I've attended were less about partying and more just excuses for group sex. Not that sex was mandatory or anything but everyone attending were very much aware that things would most likely escalate. The one pool party I've been to, the hosts were pretty chill about sex and many people would casually go off to some corner to fuck. Quite a lot of pool sex going on too (it was the first time I ever fucked in a pool as well).

>Not everybody gets naked but most do, and that increases the more people drink.
And no one tries to fuck, not even when drunk? That's actually impressive lol
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It's because this is a group of friends outside of the pool environment. The one who owns the pool is a super extrovert who seems to know EVERYBODY, and while it wouldn't surprise me if he has hooked up w a few, most are couples who either don't play or not among their friends group.

It's really just because he has a privatepool that people get naked--for the first years he had it, there were no trees for privacy so you had to wear suits, like you do with any other pool party. Then parts of the yard had privacy, so you could take off your suit in the pool but couldn't walk around like that--now finally the trees are tall enough that it's a skinny-dipping palooza.
I mean, I think most people prefer swimming nude to wearing a suit, if they have a private pool. Since it's all-male, and all gay, it's truly no big deal to be naked, and of course people are checking each other out, but the age group is 50+ so we don't get boners at the drop of a hat like 20somethings do :)

Atmosphere is more like pic related (but with more naked) than a sex party posing as a pool party (which I acknowledge definitely goes on)
>And no one tries to fuck, not even when drunk? That's actually impressive lol

Nobody gets stinking drunk either--they wouldn't be invited back if so. And sometimes new guys do try to push the boundaries, but the host will politely (at first) tell them it's not allowed and make them leave if they get too drunk OR grabby. also once one guy started taking photos and & called out & not invited back.
That does make sense. To be clear, my original comment was tongue in cheek. I guess I'm just way too much of a perv (and not in the age range) to enjoy something more casual and relaxed like what you're describing lol

I admit that if it were a bunch of 30-yos, I believe it would be hard to keep "innocent" ;)
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I wish Miyamoto-san would show off his arms more.

eiji aonuma clears him
Aren't you boys forgetting THE Squaresoft dilf?
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Rich Burns
heyrichray on instagram
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Look boy, you gave Daddy a boner...what are you going to do about it, boy?
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Pretty sure it's this guy
Thank you so much. New obsession
God lord this mfer is especially hot in this era. Once he got older he lost his hotness.

absolutely horrendous tastes. literally never post in older threads ever again
Lol I thought I was the only one who thought he was hot. But yeah he's the perfect definition of a daddy. Amazing body, plus he looked so fucking sexy in those suits
>Bullshit ! This picture was taken at a gay camp ground in Indiana.
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walking up to a random döner and kissing the arm of the daddy slicing the meat
Anyone have this daddy thot?
There was a fucking tiktok trend I stumbled upon where it was just some guy saying "you're such a good boy, daddy's so proud of you, such a good boy" and it made my dick hard as diamonds.

What the fuck is wrong with me. This must be diagnosable, right?
>There was a fucking tiktok trend I stumbled upon where it was just some guy saying "you're such a good boy, daddy's so proud of you, such a good boy" and it made my dick hard as diamonds.
Dude, this is my kink. Anytime Daddy told me I was a "good boy" I'd practically cum on the spot. Ain't nothing wrong with a Daddy kink,
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>make a deal with a daddy i've never met that we'll meet on saturday on tuesday
>he texts me today saying "where are you? too bad our agreement ended"
>retarded dating site in my country only allows 50 messages in the inbox at the time so we both deleted the tuesday messages
>we don't know who's in the right (i know because i looked for bus times for saturday that day)
>he now thinks i'm unserious and won't give me another chance

it's so fucking over.
> not exchanging numbers or WhatsApp contacts outside of app
> missing out on that fat uncut daddy dick

You cooked yourself
i offered him to call the next day if he wanted to on tuesday, but he said nothing
Apologize again and give him your number to show that you’re serious and not a flake. Then fuck him and take videos
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never mind he gave me another shot we will be meeting tomorrow :)
Fucking get it anon. Is he fucking you? What are you guys doing?
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I suck this grandpa every couple of weeks. His cum is super thick. I'll have to see if he lets me take another pick when we get together later today.
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Got before and after photos. Not a lot of difference, just still a little bigger after and still some spit on his cock. Another tasty load from this grandpa.
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Here's the after photo.
reminds me of the special needs agent or special agent, Chris that lives right next door to me in anchorage
what does he taste like
Did you guys fuck or do we have to file a missing person's report
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Is there a way to remove the edit he put on his face?
the man i used to be is gone
im now his cocksleeve
Story time the encounter and post pics/videos
i've followed keirsraan since 2016 and i don't recall ever having seen his face. i think his wife found out about his online presence and got mad but they're still together
sorry, yes we met but he was uglier irl which was a shame. we still massaged each other and his cock was great enough that i didn't mind the rest lol

something about cute east asian grandpas just makes my heart melt.
Oh really, how did you find that out? He recently played with another guy
>does anyone feel like coming out as a gerontophile is 100x times worse than coming out as plain gay?
Absolutely. In my late(ish) teens my first bf was 30 years older than me. No one knew until I was about 25, and even then, with the exception of very few, any gay friends I had thought I was super weird for only being into older men and constantly made fun of me for it like fucking mean girls.
he posted about it on tumblr, he took a break from posting
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Anyone know if he still posts on Reddit on another alias? He deleted his account
The type of dude who spends a good half hour in the locker room in a jock strap or naked just faffing around
ok and whats exactly the problem
Younger top aggressively/ affectionately fucks daddy on the bottom:

I know you will think I am joking, but the taste is a little 'nutty.' It is somewhat similar to walnuts with a kind of 'earthy' taste. That's probably since he only cums every two weeks or so when I suck him. Maybe I'll try to get with him sooner next time to see if there is a difference.
If we're talk about actual "nut" here, guys are gonna taste like their diet, regardless of age. Everyone's a little different but they're all salty delicious.
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hot hairy legs & nice uncut fat cock
Deep voice is so damn hot.
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i just got this ad on tiktok... for once i am thankful for personalized ads.
Someone teach my feed to start feeding me Daddies.
damn this daddy is so cute
thick mature cock a big bonus too
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Good taste. I wish he posted videos
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Nice ass or?
Rules on this will be very party-dependent. And getting invited can be tricky depending on where you live. You have to network.

There are also many gay campgrounds across the US that anyone can attend, no invite needed. There is generally a "no sex in the pool" rule. Which is both for hygiene and to keep the vibes welcoming for all. These campgrounds generally have play areas you can scamper off to, (or go to your trailer/rv/whatever).

Which campground? It's not Buckwood or Stag. Not aware of others in Indiana
there's a difference between being a nudist and whore (no judgment on either)
>>2612923 I'd suck and swallow that for sure. Nice cock.
A well-dressed, petite East Asian senile man with the face of a kitten is the only thing that could drive me to even consider to rape someone.
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Sucked him again this morning. Taste was similar to last time. Load seemed a little thicker, but that could just have been because I had less spit in my mouth.
That’s clearly FaceApp…. That’s obviously that Cuban guy with a sunken chest with an old filter on
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Very hot
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Right! Im just a 20 yrs old who is crazy for men who are 40+
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i love their hairy salt and pepper bushes
i love their musty dad scent
i love their low hanging saggy nuts
i love that they still dress up for everything
i love how they come from a time when testosterone levels were still high
i love that their sperm likely brought forth one or two generations
i love how bitter their cum tastes
i love how they have all the wealth and power yet i'm on my knees with their saggy musty nuts bouncing on my face reminding me that i'll never afford a house
i love how they are kind and mature but also don't give a fuck
i love when they lecture me and my life choices unwarranted like a dad

Just hooked up with an older man off Doublelist and this is very accurate. He was a lot older than I was expecting, like probably in his 60s and I was expecting 40s. Wore a suit and tie and clearly does well in life and obvious stacked. Had a salt and pepper beard and piercing blue eyes that you don't really see anymore. Immediately began criticizing everything in my rental home and was quite rude. I don't think even realized how rude and entitled he sounded but fuck it turned me on so much. He just radiated natural dominant energy. He got annoyed by the way I tried to undress him "you're a man and you don't know how to undo a belt?" and ended up just unzipping his trousers. He would look around looking for more humiliating comments like how small my room was and thought I owned my house lol. It took him a long time to cum so I had his salty hairy powerful cock in my mouth for at least an hour. After nutting down my throat he unzipped and walked away like it was nothing. Just knew he was entitled to get drained. The world is his.
that is just obnoxious, to each their own ig
I'll be meeting this daddy tomorrow for my first time ever bottoming and his first time topping. hes double my age and I'm going to let him cum in my ass
shit, forgot pic

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