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A thread about the throbbing, quivering, leaking, aching, maddening PLEASURE of being denied pleasure.
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last one i have, hope at least some lurkers enjoyed it
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where do you even find content for this?
the "orgasm_denial" tag is one way to do so, it's what I usually do

there's also other thing related to orgasm denial such as "chastity", "chastity_cage", or "chastity_belt"
Do you guys get denial/deny yourselves irl?
I like to edge myself if that counts
i lovehate when my domme gets me super exited and decides to stop it for the night.
Those faces
Where does this trope of "urethra blocked therefore you can't cum" even come from
Are all artists female or something?

A ruined or blocked orgasm is not the same thing as no orgasm, the entire point of orgasm denial is the idea of building up pent-up tension, if you "waste" it by allowing the orgasm to happen and just making it unsatisfactory then what's even then point
Yoooo thats one of my commissions lmaooooo
>if you "waste" it by allowing the orgasm to happen and just making it unsatisfactory then what's even then point
Denial of Pleasure
Some males find denial of pleasure in males to be desirable, even if done upon themselves. Might not float your boat.

For me it's more the idea of power dynamics that one gets by truly holding someone's path to pleasure in their hand which makes it erotic.
I mean, it's hentai logic, it's just a case of "doesn't actually work in reality, but can work in fiction"

or in simpler terms, "separate reality from fiction"

it's used in "orgasm denial/no orgasm" very frequently within hentai simply cause people find it hot and is/can be used as an alternative method for said fetish, not because "people/women don't know how male orgasms work" like how you're implying, again, it's just hentai logic, although I don't know where it came from or what popularized it

like here for example, as it's pointed out in the dialogue box at the bottom >>10964320

I just think it's a silly thing to nitpick about, it's like saying "where does "cum inflation" even come from, that's not how anatomy works" imo
>like here for example, as it's pointed out in the dialogue box at the bottom
I mean when there's something explaining it as magic or whatever, then fine. Same with shit like cumflation, or any kind of inflation in general, it's a fantasy fetish.
I just find "orgasm denial by urethra plugging" to be weird because orgasm denial, by itself, is not at all a fantasy fetish - but then you see this really weird approach to it, usually with zero explanation of magic or anything else, just assuming it works.

If it's like a separate fetish (blocked urethra fetish, or something) then I could understand, and I have no issue with people being into that. That's not the same thing as actual, real orgasm denial though.

Same for ruined orgasms, I know that's also a fetish in itself, I just didn't think that was the point of this thread.
I see, so the problem is that it's not fantasy/different enough in comparison to standard orgasm denial

In that case I can offer some points that allow it to differentiate in comparison

One of which is you don't have to worry about accidentally cumming, orgasm denial usually involves slowly edging/teasing em non-stop, constantly keeping them right at the edge but not enough to send em over it
(Examples:>>10959759 >>10974083 >>10958846 )

masturbating but stopping right before they hit their climax, letting them cool off for a bit, and then continuing
(Examples: >>10958261 >>10958563 )

Or just straight up restraining em while leaving em in a very horny state
(Examples: >>10979345 >>10958480 )

But with a blocked urethral + hentai logic you can furiously pleasure em as much as you want and as hard as you want without ever having to worry about em accidentally cumming, you could argue this is also even worse (or better depending on how you look at it) as this also allows you to technically send em over the edge yet still deny em an orgasm regardless due to the fact the only exit for their release is blocked, you can even restrained em to a machine/vibrator, block their urethral, and continue to go about your day elsewhere without having to worry about the victim cumming, cause you know they can't as a result of their urethral being stuffed full (example: >>10981655 along with the picture I'm providing)
Another case that allows it to differentiate is that you send em over the edge, cum fills their urethral, but due to the exit being blocked and left with nowhere else to go it ends up going back into their own testicles, increasing in size while still denying release

Although this is a lot more niche as I don't see it often, pics below provide an example

>Cock rings preventing an orgasm for who knows how long
>Lust eventually reaches an all-time high as waves of cum surge through the urethral and finally breaks the cock rings
>As soon as Reimu is finally about to burst with pleasure and finally release her urethral is blocked off
>With nowhere else for her cum to go it inevitably all ends up swimming back into her own nuts, flooding em and swelling up in size
>New set of cock rings are reapplied, resulting in Reimu's lust being in an far more worse state than before in just a few seconds
>Leaving her and her testicles far more achy, swollen and needy than ever before, with no sign of proper release anytime soon

I apologize for the paragraphs/essays, I have a bad habit of going into lots of detail sometimes
Edging my thread archival
>want to be teased and denied by gf
>so porn addicted i cant get it up for her even when she's touching me, let alone get excited enouch to be edged
I fucking hate this
sounds like you need some detox time
Ngl if it reaches point where it gets this bad, then yeeeaaah I would advice abstaining from porn for a while
>blessed taste
>dead thread
a shame, really
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