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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: left.jpg (482 KB, 1804x1030)
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It really really really sucks when you find a cosplayer who is genuinely cute (left) but then photoshops their face into looking like aliens (right)
Please please please for the love of god rely less on editing
Both those pics are shooped to hell and back
Yes but the left one looks human and attractive
This is far from the worst I've ever seen, and heavy levels of editing seem to be accepted and normal with Chinese, South Korean and Japanese cosplayers. Although most of the worst examples all seem to come from China.

Also both pictures are almost similar levels of editing, it's the color choices, lenses and wig in the right one that make it seem faker than the left one.
It's really popular to do this for old women even outside of China, because sex with old women is disgusting and they know it's true, so they try to trick you. We need to be vigilant. We're in hell.
Bro at this point I would gladly take it.
Kek all that shoop and she couldn't remove that big ass tag sticking out of her costume?
You just think that because she's showing more skin.
It tastefully covers her armpit.
Id bang an old lady.
didn't know shoop works irl too. What a time to be alive.
Also if you can't tell if something is shooped to hell and back you deserve to be disappointed by reality.
On the other hand, there's a tendency for people to overblow how edited Asian cosplayers are on Western media. North-east Asian cosplayers obviously have the superior facial features to match the appearance of typical anime girls, so a big part of that is self comforting/cope from those with Caucasoid features that don't want to believe it. Understandable, since if you ever go to a cosplay event in East Asia, the difference in authenticity is very stark. Some of those cosplayers look literally like an anime girl come to life, something that you will basically never see in the West.
File: cgl bait.jpg (182 KB, 999x1500)
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well, looky here if this isn't bait
no it's because she doesn't look like a Grey Alien

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