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I fucked up the title of the last thread and put Anime Weekend Atlanta.

Anyone going to Momocon? Dates are Friday, May 24th through Monday, May 27th at the Georgia World Congress Center. Have any cosplay plans? Doing any interesting panels? Selling anything?
I'll be running a couple of panels this time around. Hoping to see some of the AWA boys there (especially Gendo). Was a lot of fun meeting /cgl/ folks last time so hopefully more of the same is in store for this one.
I'm hoping that I'll run into Neco-Arc this year (assuming they're here again) - I didn't run into her last year but saw a few pictures from afterwards.
i missed the AWA meetups since i couldn't get service and didn't see the times posted until it was too late, so hopefully i can meet some of you gulls at momo
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I’m doing Hell Divers & Gotchard this year. I was going to bring Limbus company this year but I don’t think I got the space for it. Last year was pretty fun, so I’m excited for this years road trip.
I wonder who's behind this post. Pretty narrow list of options. Also, Momo 22 had the biggest gull meetup (organized on the actual board) I've ever seen, so that's a promising sign
Hoping I can see that cute senketsu ryuko cosplayer from last year
I was in the Megumin shirt last time.
Looks neat so far.

Will be interesting to see what sorts of panels are happening this year. I know Momocon is less singularly anime focused, so I'm not too hopeful, but we'll see.
momo is usually a snoozefest so im probably passing this year
I wanna get fucked up but paying $500 for one night at a hotel is a little much
This is my first momo, been to Katsucon and Otakon most of my life. Going alone and have a panel. What should I expect?
expect normie shit and annoying security
That's why you go for the con-gamble of getting friendly enough with people in the few hours you're there that one of them will let you crash with them. You'll probably be sleeping on the floor, but at least it will be cheap. Worst comes to it you just go home that night or sleep in your car in a parking garage.
wtf is that how much a hotel near Momo costs now?
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I got lost in the artist alley for ages, otherwise it’s a fairly normal con. Decent for networking if you know what you’re doing at least.

I think this project is coming along alright.
You should expect
>The weirdest convention center layout you've ever seen
>Thousands of people in the courtyard at night
>Hopefully NOT Ed Sheeran fans showing up to fuck up the program (again)
The GWCC is right next to the Falcons stadium so every hotel within reasonable walking distance is a high end glass building

I think there's a holiday Inn to the south but is a couple miles removed
Be prepared for parking to be a disaster too. Parking downtown for Momo is always pretty bad.
Doesn't Uber basically exist for this exact purpose? A fallback so you can get comfortably hammered and not have to stress over being able to get back to your hotel if it's not directly on-site?

I'm planning on going to Dragoncon in Atlanta and that's probably what I'm going to end up doing since the actual Dragoncon hotels are all sold out already.
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My friends wanted to do a yearly tradition where we go to an Indonesian place for Sushi up the road, and that took about roughly 20~30 mins being grid locked including getting my car out of the Omni Center Valet. This year we've gotten a suite with a built in Kitchen and making a bullshit early Sams Club run to do our own daily potluck as opposed to dealing with that mess again.
Yeah, but I thought the idea was that anon didn't want to buy a hotel room at all, not just avoiding buying a room directly at the con.
Nah just look up GWCC parking and buy the momocon 4 day pass in advance. You can park overnight, it connects to GWCC underground through the bridge, etc... etc.. I'm not sure if it has unlimited in and out though, but I never tried since I would go in once a day ~12PM and leave around 2-3AM.

Even then, those aren't expensive $500/night hotels outside of event periods. Problem is with any con you miss the event rate rooms you get hosed on prices. I've seen this in even small cities.
Do you guys think my Mr. Popo cosplay will allow me to blend in with the locals downtown?
Reporting in. Depending on how brutally hot it is, I've got Doctor Strange and Shunsui Kyoraku on standby. My friends had panels but got after midnight time slots so they said never mind.

>Hopefully NOT Ed Sheeran fans showing up to fuck up the program (again)
I'll never forget that night when I was leaving the Red Deck right as this cunt's concert let out and people were pouring across the street with no security/police presence to tell them to stop so cars could get by at any point. Sat there for a good 20 minutes while people milled about in front of and behind our cars like a zombie movie. Wasn't until other drivers realized that we were on our own with this shit and we had to inch forward like we were ready to run people over. It was fucking nuts.
I also got an after midnight time slot. I sent them an email asking them to switch the slot, but if they refuse to I may just say fuck it too. I'm really curious to see how they prioritized time slots.
>after midnight panels
What the fuck?
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Idk about you guys but doing after midnight panels sounds like drunk wandering hours specifically. At that point I think I’d be wandering outside the convention center watching people fuck around or setting up a hookah.
i'll be going, i wanna meetup but i have no idea how to orchestrate that and i'm so unbearably awkward
>i have no idea how to orchestrate that
You post a "Hey, I'm here on my own, so does anyone want to grab drinks later?" in the threads sometime during the day and wait for people to respond. Anon are pretty much always willing to meet up with each other, and the hardest part is actually just tard-wrangling everyone to the same spot. Also, if you're worried about being awkward, just remember we're all here on 4chan together so you're in good company.
There's plenty of con-rate rooms available, you just have to not be fat and walk 1 mile. Max 2.
Literally create a sign saying “seagulls here.” Pick a bar or a place to meet and some of us may or may not show up. Personally I’m thinking about bringing a hookah to this year while I people watch during the evening.
okay what if im 18 though
I'll be going, bought my plane and hotel. Never been to Momocon, but I'm excited. What to expect? Anything that sets this con apart from others its size?
>anything that sets this con apart from others its size
the live wrestling show is unique and entertaining. and momo's game room has a great selection and is conveniently located right next to artist alley/dealer hall.

expect it to take 20-30 minutes from the time you leave the bottom floor just to walk to the GWCC exits, though. it's a massive venue and the 4+ blocked up escalators are a total pain when you need to get some fresh air
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I'm not going to sugar coat it. I probably won't attend if that's the case. If I can't have a drink with a person without there being drama, I want nothing to do with them. But to give you an idea, make the sign anyways, pick a cosplay you're going to wear and just like pick a place like the Garden down stairs of the con or like the outdoor courtyard that everyone hangs out at.
Noice. I'm pretty psyched. You're the second person to tell me the game room is pretty good. Didn't know about the wrestling thing, that's pretty funny sounding.
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You mentioned in the thread from last year's MomoCon that she had a nose piercing - this might be her?

(From MomoCon's official Flickr page)
Last year some sperg in a spiderman costume hit the ring and started beating the shit out of the actual wrestlers for real. Momocon wrassling is always worth attending.
LMAO no way. Is there video of this anywhere?
It has to be on YouTube or Twitter somewhere
I can't stop laughing. What was he thinking.
I'm not sure if i'll find her here in this thread but-

>Few years ago (2016/17?)
>Me and some anons walking around the venue
>run into a young woman/girl cosplaying Pinkie Pie
>ask to take her picture
>she says yes

I'm hoping we can meet again.
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MomoCon 2016
that nigga has tard mannerisms lol they be ableist for kicking him out an sheit
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>It was his audition

You know at least the wrestlers tried to humor him.
No she was wearing the senketsu outfit with some regular converse shoes on instead of the boots. She had a great ass too.
If you see her again this year run up to her, crouch below her ass, and take a big whiff. Cosplay bitches love that sort of stuff and I'm sure it'll smell rank from a day's worth of walking.
As much as I would dream to do that, I think you are lying when you say they love it and I will actually get beaten up and arrested.
I'm from Atlanta. Never been to a con. Only engage with normie anime. I'm usually a reasonably social person though.
Is it worth my time to go? It would be either by myself or with my obese neckbeard friend.
It’s a pretty normie event tbqh. I think I’ve also seen job fairs at Momocon as well as Atlanta Samba folk.
There'll be more of your type there than anyone else.

Managed to get them to push my panel times forward a bit, but still nothing incredible. Will be really fascinating to see what they've gridded where.
>black and retarded
Literally a get out of trouble free card to anyone not a legit cop
I'm planning on going. I'm thinking of cosplaying as Kaji from Neon Genesis, Red from Mandy, and Professor Utonium. I'm going all 4 days.

I agree, look up the parking pass and its real easy if you get the red deck or blue deck. I did this back in Feb at the ATL Comic Con. The deck will have elevators that go up to GWCC, at least the Red Deck did.
You look and see a retard, I see a professional wrestling idiot savant. The tard has real potential. That was one hell of a Samoan Drop he attempted on the female wrestler.
Spoken like a true carnie
I would enjoy a yearly Momocon invitational where cosplayers step into the ring with the tard for a chance at glory. I imagine few would survive the encounter.
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Too old to be taking chair shots like that dawg.

Something's been bothering me for a month, who decided it would be a good idea to do Friday-Mon for a con, but have their literal after party event be on a Saturday night, same night as a rave? I'm coming from out of town, so I have to drive on a Sunday but that shit seems fucking weird to me.
Been wondering about this too. The usual schedule is Thursday-Sunday with almost no one doing shit on Sunday for both Momo and AWA. No clue why they've switched up now. I have to imagine Monday will be a wasteland.
Yeah I had to cut out a cosplay line up out because it was Fri-Mon, and my guy booked for Thurs - Sun instead of Weds - Sun. So I have to drive down from OH then instead. I hope this plays into next year's scheduling set up because that threw me off super bad.
Thursdays are usually dead until at least the evening at most cons. Makes me wonder what the Friday crowd will be like for this one. Will it be packed right off the bat?
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The first Momocon I went to was about as busy as Katsucon Thursday was, which is why I usually came on Weds. it’s dead Weds but when you wake up you actually see cosplayers and people pop in for thurs. Friday from last years memory is pretty bumping.

Been spending the past few days on pepakura and attempting to make a Gotchard helmet. I’m going to be fine but I need to size up the damn thing since I forgot to account for puzzle mat thickness, and the pattern is scaled for 5mm thickness. I think I’ll be fine for Momocon, kind of pumped for it.
Anyone setting up a meet up here? I'm down to go. Also does momocon allow people to sell their tickets? I want to buy from people, who cant refund their tickets and get them at a normal price not 100$
I'm down for a meetup. I'm planning on going all 4 days. I'm not too sure about if they're allowing people to sell their tickets. I mean you could email them or something. I had emailed them about a question a few weeks ago and they got back to me real quick.
Has anyone been to a cgl meetup before? Ive never been to one and Im curious as to what they are like, Im too shy to take part of one
...Not since Ohayocon 2012.
I will be there all days I believe and would love to have a seagull meet and grabs drinks
I went to a cgl meet up at momocon 2022? it was fine it was maybe 15 of us 2 girls bunch of dudes it was a fun time, most of the guys were early 20s, so all that dumb boy energy was pretty charming plus everyone finishing bottles at the red deck parking lot lol. I live at Georgia, but not Atl. I don't mind rallying up everyone here. If someone is from the area choose a bar to drink at if not ill still be bringing bottles and beer
I'm in the metro area but do not know any bars. I will be bringing drinks however and would share amongst yall if we meet.
Der Biergarten. Three of you from the 2022 meetup (if I remember right) joined me there for drinks
I'm game
Do we wanna meet at the venue or outside somewhere
Tbqh. Just do courtyard between CNN and convention center, that’s where basically everyone meets up. Pick a day and a time. Also Gotchard’s coming out alright. I was gonna do Mecha Travis but on a sub 30 day time limit that is extremely cutting it close, and a fucked up form of cock and ball torture. So Hell Divers & Kamen Rider it is.
So sick. Will you be at the toku meetup(s) anon?
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Probably. It was going to be Saturday but since my room wants to stay for Sunday too, probably bringing Gotchard to both and Hell Divers for Friday.
ehh, not really.

I'd say if anyone has parking at the parking garage we meet up there to pregame. if not courtyard will be fine,, just because of all the cops and children during the day. I'm not sure how bold of y'all are pouring bottles in broad daylight. Then we can continue after pleasantries at the Der Biergarten.

what day/s? I'm good to meet up all days I'm sure to have gaps everyday.
I'm thinking about doing 1 day overnight but can't decide if I should go Fri-Sat or Sat-Sun

Also there's an afterparty Saturday night at some loft place southeast of the stadium
I’m popping in on Thursday but I’m probably stopping by a Sam’s club outside of town before I check into my room to grab some supplies. I’m alright with a pre thurs meet up somewhere if I’m there early enough. Otherwise like mid Friday.
I'm new to cosplaying and will be going to Momocon for the first time, I'd like to get some professional photography done of my outfit (I'd be paying for it of course). How do I go about locating a photographer at this con? Something I should search on social media? I tried that, but didn't find much. Do I just look around and ask one if I see one, or is that considered impolite? Help appreciated!
I'd imagine a con that size would probably have a photography booth with pros doing shots like an Olan Mills. I've seen similar things at smaller cons. You may wanna check the website to see if they're on the vendor floor.
I gotta do the wiring on this helmet when I get back from work. But after fixing the eyes and doing the antenna, it ain’t looking too bad.


Social media, idk if Facebook groups are the way to go or Instagram is for that but if you’re new to cosplay, you could probably get a random free lancer who has decent equipment to shoot your stuff. I’m an iPhone shitter, good angles , decent location and a good source of light matter more than equipment imho.
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Something done from up here in Ohio a few months back on iPhone. If you’re insistent on a pro photog though, just find a random hallway dude. I know a few east coasters from like the Katsu-ish region go. Decent time to network anon.
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Wish you luck anon, but from what I've seen recently cosplay photographers' pricing is getting ridiculous. $150-250 is bad, but then saying that you can only choose 5 photos to keep is just stupid. I constantly offer to photoshoot friends for free or maybe for lunch/dinner because I don't want them throwing money in a hole.

>I’m an iPhone shitter, good angles , decent location and a good source of light matter more than equipment imho.
This. I know someone who spent serious money on all the fancy toys last year and is trying to ask for at least $100/hr now. Buying the equipment doesn't make you automatically make you a professional. Pic related I took last year because I thought it was cool.
Anyone know if Pokemon card trading is a thing at this convention? I have a bunch of random duplicate promos, EXs, Vs, VMAXd, trainers, etc. that I'm looking to trade. Not really interested in selling, I just like trading. Is that a thing?
If anyone needs a room in the main hotel for Momocon hit me up. I had two dropped out and I need at least two people Drop me a discord if anything
I might be interested. Are you either a femboy or willing to put on cat ears and fishnets?
Are the parking decks pay at the door or do you have to prepay in advance? I want to get on silver deck but I'm not sure if it's full


might be sold out. search momocon

There are still other options open
I agree with >>10912872 that site is the best thing to use. Even if you cant get like the red, green, or blue deck, the yellow deck isnt that far of a walk and plenty of them park there and make the walk, so you wont be the only fucker there walking to the con in cosplay, if you are cosplaying that is.
If you get totally screwed on parking there's always MARTA too. It runs until like 1:00 AM most days and it's pretty cheap.
Which one of you poor bastards got stuck with a Sunday 1AM schedule for an ace combat panel
Any news on the after party at the loft?
Also for the gang who wants to do the meetups are we doing multiple days? I'm free all week starting from Thursday night
Small bump on this question. Didn't see anything on the schedule but might have missed it. Is there a specific panel this might happen at? Is it even a thing?
If it's anything like Magic the Gathering trading is like at literally everything those people are at, it should be as easy as bringing a binder of everything you want to trade and just going to the tabletop/card game area
I assume Pokemon will be the same way, and I wouldn't be surprised if even vendors are down for trades.
Gotcha, thanks! This is my first time at a big con. My local con doesn't really have this kind of scene. Thanks man!
Assuming Pokemon and MtG are similar when it comes to trading, I imagine you'll have a good time. The usual way I see it is people passing around and pouring over binders, with lots of "I like that one, lemme tell you what I have that's similar in value"
Trading isn't my thing but I can tell people who are serious about it enjoy it for the experience
2 weeks away!
Looking forward to this momo more than usual. I'll be running a harem anime panel this time around. Maybe if any of you fellas are interested I'll see you there.
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I think I already have that on my schedule but it's conflicting with something else if it's at 11:30pm on Friday. Might see you there, anon.

Also weather report is starting to take shape.
Geez just like Atlanta weather. Hope it changes cause I was only able to get the yellow lot for the 25th and its gonna be a walk.
Which day?
>pics that go hard
Friday, 11:30 PM.

Not gonna lie it’s pretty fucking gay that they’ve changed the way badge pick up works for panelists. Last year I got to pick up my badge at will call and now I have to wait in line. Very sad

Lines for registration aren't really a problem at momocon, they really nail this part of the con
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I’ll see you next week
Why isn't the panel schedule printable outside of Google drive
Are we having a meetup at the con too other than the bar we were saying earlier? If so, what days and where at the con? I might not be able to go to the bar meetup.
What panels you guys going to?
I've got a dozen photoshoots I'm going to and my friends have a late night panel but I'm really looking forward to the Ed Edd n Eddy panel on Monday of all things.
Discord: momocon_cosplayer
femboy here wanting to make friends, maybe more depending on how things go
what are you going to cosplay as, if you are going to cosplay?
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I went to momocon last year on Saturday only and the con was like a ghost town after 9. plus there seemed like no places to vibe like the courtyards at awa or the ballrooms at DCON. is momo just a day con, or do I have to try and finesse a room party or even worse pay for the shitty after parties.
That kung fu panel on Friday could be good
I wonder if I'll see the Mirko I meet at the Senpai Squad after party last year

Okay I sent you a friend request. Thanks for showing interest
people hang out in the courtyards all night
A few different ones, but hoping to find something lewder I can wear to buy at the con, since I can’t exactly ask my parents for something like a bunny suit/reverse bunny suit, or other skimpy cosplays.
if you bring/buy something you want to see me in, i’ll wear it (as long as it’s clean)

haha, jk… unless?
last year was just weird because the ed sheeran fans called the cops on partiers in the courtyard. should be fine this year - no crossover events with normies.
that doesn't make any sense. Why would ed sheeran fans care about that? The courtyard isn't even visible from the stadium area.
Anyone staying at the Hyatt on the northeast corner?
If this is who I think it, you should see about putting on some pounds. Don't do a Karen Carpenter
I hope so lmao because after being used to awa nights, momo nights were like a slap in the face.
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is trap sushi or wild leap the move for the afterparty. I'm looking for a rave type vibe more than a club. Trap sushi also looks like it markets only to blacks since I want a pic related.

If you want a real rave, warehouse vibes only a few miles from the con look up Brainworld on Instagram. It's on Friday though, 10pm-4am.

I wouldn't waste your time with the other after parties promoted by Momocon. Shit is lame and only runs until 2am, you might as well just hang out at the con..
iirc the walk back from the stadium to some of the nearby parking garages took a large group of concertgoers by the courtyard, and the sight of cosplayers and furries being 'drunk degens' led them to call the cops. that's the story that kept being repeated, anyways. i wasn't outside when the cops showed up, so it's hard to corroborate what's true. the ed sheeran fans were a huge nuisance no matter how you spin it, though.

your experience last year was atypical, but if you expect AWA-level partying at momo you will be sorely disappointed. the courtyard is fun, and there's usually some people near the arcade pulling some late night shenanigans. but it's not AWA-style open container craziness. you can still have a great night, but momo is the least party-oriented of the big 3 atlanta cons.
Visiting a friend in Atlanta this week, just saw the billboard for this con on the 75. I've only ever been to AX and ALA, is this a good con to visit on a Friday? I would go Saturday but I fly out that day so that's a no go. Also what should I expect parking-wise?
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>mfw reading the Anime Central threads
I hope none of you are on that level of retardation
No. The Midwest is far and away the worst "scene" in the entire country.

t. knower
Suicide, assault, rape, gay sex and lots of shitflinging
is a bunny suit, a reverse bunny suit, or a clear bunny suit the best of the three on a femboy? want opinions
i don't think i know you, who do you think i am?
don't think you're going to be able to wear anything but the bunny suit to AWA..
you mean momocon?
woops yeah lol
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Looking just about ready over here
Alright we gotta start confirming timings on meetups. Maybe something in the middle of between like 4-5PM each day? Anyone have any good locations in mind to kinda congregate?
I'm probably not going to be able to do much Friday if work makes me stay until 4 to handle a drop-off. What is everyone doing on Saturday?
anyone know if the food court in the cnn center is permanently closed ever since they moved headquarters?
I've heard a rumor that it's "half closed" but not a solid answer.

I know last year they were still open fairly late like around 9PM-10PM because of the events going on specifically. One of the few places to easily get a beer too.

According to google maps that still seems to be the case, but a few staples have closed down like Taco Bell, Chick Fil A, probably the dunkin donuts/starbucks too.
I remember someone wandering around outside during the after hour stuff and again at a REALLY late night game of Truth or Dare. Then after I checked the thread and saw a bunch of posts saying "I'm a femboy dressed as Astolfo". This was in 22
Nigga doin the work for me. I love wandering event nerds. Easy to jug. Making it easier then the furries last week.
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If you told me to put on pounds out of concern, thanks, but that's my normal healthy weight. I don't have anything like an eating disorder.

height/weight? didn't know we had based anachads here
Not anorexic.
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Jeez you weren't larping about the femboy shit, those are some stats...

But yeah looks fine to me. Not to far off my bmi
I’m pretty proud of it. Thanks for worrying about me though.

Come say hi if you see me in the courtyard or if there’s anything fun people are doing.

>Not to far off my bmi
Is anybody hanging out at starting party tonight. Also for the meet up I'm good to go almost anytime. Name the place and hour anon
kickoff party, sonic boombox, trap sushi, rave

any of them worth going to?
Nah, just a skinny dude

I rather take it easy today because I'm going to be going hard rest of the weekend so kickoff is off the table.

The others seem kinda lame and I prefer to stay at the con rather than leave for mid parties.

Though the Momocon rave on sunday is worth just because it's only ~$10 and it's onsite..

Otherwise the only thing I'm contemplating is >>10916314

they usually throw good shows and it goes until 4AM so no reason to hurry off at like 10PM.

Unless someone comes up with a concrete plan might just be impromptu posts of people saying they're at the courtyard between x and y hours
Is this the con where like orgys and stuff happen or is that dragoncon

There are orgys everywhere for those with the eyes to see

i.e. not fucking really, but I'm sure some group of people are getting freaky but it's on you to find those weirdos they don't advertise
I always go courtyard once it hits night.
The linguistics panel on Sunday sounds cool
Would also like to go to the Ace Combat one but 1:00 AM is crazy
I'll be there Friday morning and throughout the day. Other people mentioned the courtyard as a good meeting spot, but I attached my email for if anyone wants to hang out.
I have an apartment abt 25min away from the con. Doing cheap hostel thing for anyone who wants to budget a place to stay since I have a few extra beds
Another year of shaving my taint despite knowing that I’ll get no action at Momo. At least my friends like me!
kek same
It's usually more fun just hanging with the bros than trying to cruise for pussy at cons anyway. Some people can do both though, shoutout to the extrovert gulls
it feels better anyway so nothing's lost lol
Heading out from West Cobb as soon as traffuck dies down a little bit
Arcade is huge this year, apparently 12 trucks worth according to a friend
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We couldn't get a better time but I promise I'll do a good job anon
are there any meetups? I’m coming from the midwest and don’t know anyone here except two people lol
Lmao @ the Spiderman gag at the end of wrestling. too good.
Finally made it after an hour of dead stop traffic
I'll come if I can
Hi anon, I'm the co-host. I told him your response and he told me to reply that your a cuck. Hope to see you there :)
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Anybody doing anything this evening or are we all waiting for Saturday
Harem anime panel at 11:30. Hope to see some of you fellers there. I hope it’ll be a show worth attending.
This was my first momocon and holy fuck I'm exhausted. Brain visual overload. Really puts the small cons into perspective. Also, damn there's some hotties here.
Any idea what I should look for
I ate there for lunch. The only chains open were Great American Cookie and Subway. Beer was available at TJs. About a half dozen spots were open. CFA is open next door to the college football HOF around the corner if you're willing to walk about 7 minutes.
anyone wanna buy my sweaty feet bandages? I was in asuka all day.
trade you for my sweaty tucking kit
Whoever thought of putting a con in this labyrinth of a building was fucking retarded. One walk from registration to the vendor hall and I've made my 10k fitbit steps for the day.
Saw a very cute Marie rose cosplayer.
Where the fuck else are they going to put it? It's not like Momo had any input on the design of GWCC nor could they put the vendor area in the lobby.
Let me know when
I'll be wearing this and probably be running very fast if a anon wants to chat.

Be warned, GR15 might be broken
Told you we was coming nigga. Yellow lot had the shiz last night. Time to feast tonight!
Shootout to Zeb for referencing sun and steel
Hand holding adults should be banned
So are anyone meeting up or not? Haven't really heard concrete time/place shit yet.
Anyone trying to smoke?
I'm at the weightlifting table rn
If no one says anything, wanna just meet up around the arcade around 6
I'm down. I'll be in a t-shirt and slacks desu. changed out of my cosplay, thought I was going to have a fucking heat stroke ngl.
I might head there around then
I'll be with two other guys all in plain clothes
Going to walk there now. Thinking about somewhere next to the tournaments sign above.
On my way. Cowboy hat guy.
Anyone there yet? Struggling to find anyone
well, I'm here. wearing a yellow shirt and a backpack, no idea what you guys look like.
By pinball machines.
Bro all these zoomers passed out and napping on the floor is so weird to me. I thought people would be doing coke or Adderall in the bathroom to keep going
were gonna grab a drink upstairs if anyone wants that
They broke
So what's the story with the night stuff apparently everything closes early but I can't imagine all these people just staying outside
I have a drunk idea for the Ace Combat panel. I’m taking the back left seat and anyone who wants to join can follow my lead
That's been a thing forever
I think I RSVPd for that trap thing, but I think I'll be disappointed.
did anyone see the demoman cosplayer and have her socials?
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>mfw shittalking Gojo at the debate panel and forgot the 2nd half of my grievance because people talked over me
>Didn't find any parties to go to
It's over for me bros...
Nice seeing you shen:)
The sperg at the Ace combat panel was annoying, I feel bad for the hosts LOL
Kirby shirt host guy here. There's always one autist like that at these. Honestly he couldve been way worse.
True. I loved the memes and panel information though! I'll definitely be attending it next time if you decide to host again.
Dang, I guess I have to do it again.
You should definitely cosplay an ace combat person next time though, it'd be sweet.
Bellydancer nami and robin finna make me goon
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couldn't even leave the parking deck until 4 a.m. because some nogs threw a party at the top of the deck across the cnn center and blocked everyone from going in or out. I saw a bunch of people were pissed and called the cops.
"How could this happen in Atlanta?"
Well that was the first con I've been to in several years without any girls approaching me guess I'm officially ugly now.
As for the con itself it was kind of a letdown awa with all its flaws was more fun.
I really wanted one of those hip hop parody shirts but nobody was selling
I think I've realized I prefer small cons. Shits too crowded, too fucked here. Let me chill at my autumn 8k max attendee con and I'll be good.
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Not a bad con, pissed I had to fly back to LA Saturday so I could only go on Friday but oh well. Maybe next year I'll actually try to make conversations with ladies in cosplay. Nice to branch out to cons outside of the So-Cal ones.
>I personally think momocon had cuter cosplays than any AX I've been to.
Anyone still here?
>tfw no cute cosplay gf
It hurts
There was some lorecana or trading card game event happening at the same time so it had to get moved to Fri-Mon
shoutout to the hooters girl from the other night; too bad some of you guys didn't get lucky
Ole Miss hat today. Don't be a stranger.
Then don't go to AWA or Otakon. Similar size.
I should've gone to the afterparty
Anyone trying to pregame for the rave?
Anyone alive
Puyo puyo anyone?
I’m just putting it out there, if someone’s trying to get their clit licked by a fat dude who showers and has friends, say something qt pie
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Leaving out, gimmie a shout if you see a Sonic backpack
I thought AWA was a lot smaller?
Did anyone take any cool cosplay pictures this year?
awa and momocon had the same attendance in 2023
Not really. Mediocre portraits mostly, and I suspect the long exposure arcade shots turned out like shit.
That’s surprising. AWA usually has shit guests.
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I managed to link up with some dorohedoro cosplayers by total chance and it was pretty cool
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Also rare JuliaStunts encounter
Momo in my opinion is always just something to tide you over until AWA. Unfortunately AWA is moving to the same venue as Momocon.

I had a decent time this year but the real lack of anything to do but browse around the vendor hall was disappointing.
The arcade is good this year. Spent practically a whole day playing just rhythm games, and if you go for the less popular ones the lines weren't bad
Galleria and AWA mogs GWCC and Momo. Really assmad that they're in the same venue now. The way the dealers hall is set up this year is alright though.
It was shit, like half the games were old or broken.
Found a lot of cool one piece cosplays. The boots everyone was wearing looked uncomfortable as fuck though.
How was the rave?
Very cute cosplayers this year.
Based on the empty dark area next to the vendor area they could have put vendors one whole section earlier in the conspace.

No idea why they didn't.
First Momocon and time in Atlanta. Had fun. Nice to meet some of you guys
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I remember her, she was with the powerlifting booth

Kinda disappointed how the Nanami guy teased lifting 5pl8 and then bailed on it
I only went Saturday but I have a few photos I can dump once I sort through them.
Con was alright. Not bad but not great either. Seemed like there was barely any volunteer presence. No panel attendants to help out; my friends' panel room was trashed when we walked in. I'll still keep going to Momo since it's fun with friends but AWA is better.
Where the fuck do people get ribbons on their badges? Can I buy ribbons to give to people?
Haven't been to momo in a few years, first time back was fun. Organization was pretty shit, but I enjoyed it all the same. Makes me mourn for what awa has become though, I genuinely think the move to the gwcc will kill it.
I know there was a booth in the artist alley selling a few. They're usually stuff like "certified gay" though.
yea,it came from science-fiction conventions. literally make them yourself with a machine or order them from etsy or ebay and customize them
>Makes me mourn for what awa has become though, I genuinely think the move to the gwcc will kill it
It's easy to blame the Braves stadium but I really want to know what factually caused such a bitter parting with the Waverly/Galleria. People kept talking about boohoo too crowded but last year was unironically one of the better ones as far as crowd control. Going to hate to see AWA at the GWCC which really felt like being in an airport rather than the close to home feeling of the Galleria. I disagree with the Big Attendance = Good mentality some people have. The lobbyconner issue should've been dealt with a long time ago.
A move to a bigger and better place isn't going to kill it retard.
>I disagree with the Big Attendance = Good mentality some people have
>A move to a bigger and better place isn't going to kill it retard.
The duality of man. (It's the first one, just for the record)
AWA will see a drop in attendance this year not from moving venue but the date change. Regular normies that don't post here will have to change their usual schedule to block off Halloween which disrupts their yearly planning. When conventions move dates by several months they generally see a 15%-20% attendance drop. It goes back to normal if they stick with the dates.
There's also the added bonus of competing with Holiday Matsuri
holmat is dead.

The whole point of holmat is the resort hotel experience. Without that it's just another shitty florida con with no night life and overly strict convention centers.

t. holmat enjoyer of 5 years.

AWA is going to suck the life out of whatever chance it had imho. Also freeing halloween weekend will probably help more than it hurts, normies would choose their halloween parties/get togethers over a con.
Why such the bitter parting?

People going full retard and acting like wild animals on top of the sluts and trannies sneaking in naked at every opportunity they could.
GOOD. I'm tired my anime conventions being filled with crunchyroll subbers.
>gwcc will kill it
A lot of the rules that suck for Momocon -- such as their crusade against 18+ stuff, lack of alcohol, weak late night content, and minimal concerts -- is because of Momocon's organizers, not the GWCC. AWA can be good still, but it will depend on them and their contract.
Momocon doesn't want to be AWA because AWA caters to a more adult crowd and a bit higher power level fans, but that's a slightly smaller market.
>I personally think momocon had cuter cosplays than any AX I've been to.
AX cosplayers are either very weak or THOTs peddling onlyfans. There's basically no in between and no one is doing it for the love of the game.
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To that bitch in the domo hat in the social games
I saw your unkempt armpit hair and I wanted to instantly grab you and fuck the dog shit out of you!
I would impregnate the hell out of you!
Any of you gonna try Dragoncon this year?

>such as their crusade against 18+ stuff, lack of alcohol, weak late night content, and minimal concerts -- is because of Momocon's organizers

Yeah, I've stopped by atlanta comic con a few times at GWCC in the past, not saying it's great or anything but they had plenty of on-site vendors selling booze, seems like the convention center is more than happy to make money off alcohol if they can.


AX is security hell, being in a cosplay and carrying a bag around is such a massive pain. God forbid your cosplay have weird parts.
The GWC has hosted porn star events before. It has hosted events that sell alcohol of all types. They will take anyone's money, it's all about what the contract for the venue says is allowed.

Momocon is vanilla because it WANTS to be vanilla. They sell it as the big family con and that's how they want it.

AWA is okay with alcohol and with a big booth of dojinshi, but most cons are not. In fact, if you talk to the vendors selling lewd stuff they will note they've been banned from all the big corpo cons. AWA is the last of a dying breed on that front.
The barves stadium isn't what killed it cause if it was then by that logic the Benz would have nuked momocon from orbit in 2018 (I miss when Atlanta United was good). Iirc momo moved to the gwcc like two years before the Benz finished, and at its peak Atlanta United games were regularly cracking 70,000+ attendance counts. I can also guarantee that the Waverly cranked up prices for hotel rooms during awa higher than they ever have for baseball games, even the one year they had a world series game across the street the same weekend as awa. Honestly it's actually kind of a head scratcher that the Waverly didn't cut them a discount to keep the con in the same place but still change the date to winter. They could theoretically double dip at that point, making bank off baseball games in the summer and then getting a nice hit of cash from the con in winter.
Honestly I think it's gonna come down to marta. Nobody fucking likes to take that shit on a good day, and wearing cosplay on marta in winter to the gwcc would suck. If by some miracle they get their shit together and overhaul marta for the world cup in 2026 (please God let this happen), it would definitely be a huge help to awa in the gwcc.

On a tangentially related note, need more food options down there, the CNN center is dogshit now, the restaurants inside the center are comically overpriced, and I'm too fucking lazy to walk down to Margaritaville for a burger.
There was no metro and less parking around the waverly, people still did that shit. MARTA would be nice, but it's not a huge deal. There's ample parking and it's about the same price.
The food issue is also about the same. The waverly and marietta/NE atl in general has garbage food. The mall's food court was okay because it was cheap, but that's it. At least downtown is not super far to good food elsewhere unlike the galleria. Hell, Summerhill ain't far and has decent food. But yea, in walking distance to the GWCC is nothing of note at all.
During Momocon we just had the parking pass so we could enter/leave the lot and ate elsewhere. There's a million good restaurants within 15 minutes of the area, unlike the waverly. It was trivially easy to go grab food in the evening.
The biggest loss of the move is that Round 1 isn't in walking distance any more. RIP.
>Honestly it's actually kind of a head scratcher that the Waverly didn't cut them a discount to keep the con in the same place but still change the date to winter
The argument that I always make is they could just shift the con to the first weekend of November and no matter what, baseball would be over.

>need more food options down there
We never even made it over to the CNN center for food. Just assumed it would be a shitshow over there. I did run a $50 and $60 tab two nights in a row at Der Beirgarten and Los Bocas though, but I was hellbent on not paying $15 for shitty Papa Johns in the dealers hall.
CNN center food kind of sucks, too. The best food in the area for a decent price is probably in and around Peachtree Center. A little further south is some breweries and restaurants as well. If you rent a scooter you can easily get to Krog St/East Side. Assuming you don't have a car.
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It's always a bit weird how many cars they have at Momocon. I've seen a lot cons with them recently. I guess they are good photoshoot locations/meetup spots? The movie cars are definitely out of place.
Once you leave your McDonald's job you usually get Memorial day off so it was better to have it on a Monday that a lot of people, even if not all people, get off than on a Thursday that most people do not get off. It was actually decently busy on Monday too, about the same as a Sunday at AWA.
Holmat being less crowded wouldn't be a bad thing, it was pretty hard to move around last year and god forbid if you weren't staying onsite. Walking around in Momocon kinda sucks but at least you have room to move between booths
Marta is actually getting new trains next year, might help it. In the end it's still public transit but what can you do
I stayed at the signia and used Grubhub often. I also had cups of noodles, Lunchables, and granola bars.

25% of the CNN Center was dead.
On the fence between AWA and one the Texas cons in the fall. Is AWA as good as people itt say, or just better than Momocon?

Depends on how much you care for night life and the night side of con. AWA is the best by far for that.

BUT we have no idea how things will go this year in the new location and timing..
AWA is my favorite convention. Take some random anon's opinion however you want.
You know what's out of place? The fucking pro-wrestling matches in the middle of the exhibit hall.
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That shit was dimes though. They were putting guys through tables and letting fans do chops. Also the first actual cage match I've seen in person instead of TV.

I guess you could call it out of place but considering cons are letting military recruiters set up booths I'd say it's a more welcome addition
Is there a reason why the Momocon FB group terrible at spreading safety awareness? My post about how my female friend caught covid during the Kick Off party was declined and I tried posting about it to spread awareness and like wtf? Last time I try spreading awareness. The con itself was shit anyways despite that though the fun parties I got invited to and cool friends I made made it tolerable
covid isn't real.
Are you genuinely shocked that someone got sick at a con?

lol, lmao even
Hell no I love those. My local scene used to have them but doesn't anymore so it felt like coming home when I first saw them at Momo two years ago. Plus it gave us one of the lulziest moments of last year
con crud is pretty common.
Young people don't know about it because their first cons were when masks were enforced and attendance was down. Now that shit's gone so con crud roaring back.
You're not real
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I caught it at Momocon and was tested positive :(

But here I am at a Colossalcon spreading the good lord el covie to unsuspecting people especially the villas :)
Pretty underwhelming year.
>tfw some con people have been psyopled so hard they still wear masks in 2024

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