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Old Thread: >>10886934

Featured Idols: Signals (WOMP WOMP)
Well, there goes Pan. Apparently it wasn't on good terms. Hope everyone is okay.
Pan seems guilty as fk imo. Neither Signals nor the individuals have said anything publicly. Since they shared that they were blocked, Pan clearly wants this dragged out.
this group is good as dead now since pan did most of the legwork to keep the group moving forward
Ash has been passive aggressive on Instagram lol
Not from what I’ve heard. People believe whatever they want i guess.
Pan did most of the legwork? Where?
Have you seen their NWIF performance? Pan was the only one looking clueless the whole time. It's not suprising for a member to get the chop when they're clearly more invested in their own solo work to the point it becomes the group's detriment.
This. They planned a whole indie venue birthday live? That doesn’t just happen overnight.
pan did close to none of the work for NWIF due to their personal circumstances

Alexis is the one doing the most work imo but the other two are also doing their fair share as far as I can tell

pan is acting SUPER childish and making everything look like shit when clearly Signals wanted to keep it professional. Pan is being really immature and this has changed the way I view them entirely
This. Pan has put the lid on their own coffin with this act. Sorely disappointed in them.
where can anyone watch it?

I think they’re the weird harmony i kept hearing in the roselia song…
but isn't it kind of silly for them to paint things as amicable when pan is blocked from signals social media? they could have at least made the graduation more neutral sounding instead of being fake.
Pan got blocked from Signals due to them being caught spreading that it wasn’t amicable already. Check Signals statement on twt.
If anyone’s fake it’s Pan lmfao they’re just mad they got caught talking shit. The other members seemed really surprised that they saw it as not amicable. Imagine if you saw someone you considered your friend bashing you when they thought you weren’t looking.
I know people make accusations about who’s posting on here all the time, but it’s almost too obvious that most of these posts are being made by Signals.

I thought Pan looked bad saying anything but you 3 have dug your own graves after these posts on social media today. Not everything needs to be public and not everything needs to be responded to or dragged out.
You all look like immature children.
who brought the problem to the public eye first? if signals didnt respond it would mean they are ignoring the situation and the narrative is different and now they do reply and its immature as if pan making a server announcement and pinging everyone and turning the issue into what it is wasnt the biggest catalyst for all of this. to be honest none of this should have happened and its pans fault for making it a public issue when they could have just ranted on their close friends without signals on it but signals were still on their close friends so pan is just upset they got caught and signals is upset they tried to talk shit in their faces

>inb4 signals member slash whiteknight
you have the timing of things backwards anon

> Alexis prepared the graduation post, sent it to Pan for approval
> Pan complained that the photo Alexis chose was ugly but said it was fine and to post it (including the caption. Pan approved the caption saying things were amicable.)
> Alexis goes ahead and posts it, trying to keep things professional
> Pan went ahead and dragged everybody through the mud by saying it's not amicable, vaguely implies bullying that didn't happen. Posts on their close friends insta story calling Alexis out specifically for the grad post even tho they approved of it, a third party thinks Alexis deserves to know so forwards it to her
> Alexis, Ash & Aibi are hurt one of their close friends is dragging them through the mud so they decide to block Pan for their own mental health

everyone is hurting here, I'm not trying to downplay Pan's mental health situation but they are for sure being the immature one here. they're handling all this so poorly and have chosen to permanently burn bridges with people that cared about them
Pan was literally the one to bring it to the public first and so signals has the right to defend and address it. It is clear to anyone that pan is the immature one.

>you 3 have dug your own graves with these posts on social media.

the posts:
Alexis, Aibi, and Ash all just shared the statement they made as a group and nothing more on twitter. Ash may very well be passive aggressive on their socials but if all of this is true, then they have every right to be angry.
You need to go look at social again. The statement is garbage filled with ugly language and not at all professional.
Ash made more than one bitchy statement- we can all see this.
All of them talking on their socials like this makes this statement looks worse.

By no means take this as defending Pan- this was bad on their part too and just plain stupid. They would have been the only one to look bad if the other members actually used their brains here and didn’t post at all- but they found a way to look even worse.

AYRT Are you gonna post proof or keep talking out of your ass? I know what I see.
>new overseas idol thread
>it’s clearly the other members of signals self replying to drag pan through the mud
Everyone seems to be forgetting the part of the story where other members of Signals told Pan they resented them and called them selfish for needing help after helping them out. This didn’t need to be dragged out in public the way that it was, but if true, that’s horrible that it happened to them.
signals is not beating the ganging up on pan allegations by posting that massive statement lmao it looks like pan just spoke their truth and moved on
>the only retweets are all the current and one former member of signals retweeting all the post
yikes bad look
very true

what is the point of retreating the explanation when the only people who would care would be the people already following the group page? that's just making things, again, bigger than they need to be because no one really gives a damn. They don't even have 100 followers kek

what is the point of an ex member throwing their two cents in? that person wasn't in the group when things unfolded and is just trying to be a part of the drama.
The efforts you pan white knights are making to try and turn this on signals is quite honestly really fucking weird and a huge stretch. No idea what you've been seeing cause all I see is professional statements and honest reactions? Like what are you talking about?? This whole situation is stupid yes but dude when an ex member goes off the rails and starts spreading shit you don't agree with you really think that group is gonna just silently take the trashing? You anons (seemingly ONE...hm) want pan to be victimized so bad. This only looks bad on them for getting the boot and even worse for clearly being two-faced. Like if this is just a peak into what bullshit went on behind the scenes that I can see why theyre gone now. And you "anons" only have the blind finger pointed at some other randos pointing out the obvious and saying "omg signals is posting this how shitty" as if that's the only thing you got to try and give them smack.

Until more information is given, there's nothing defending pan other than pan being the reason this is now a public fiasco and trying to drag their own past group into the mud because they "ganged up" on them which...please. Because you're the one thing everyone has a problem with that automatically means they're cliquing on you? I'd like to see the receipts of these conversations because I guarantee that wasn't the case and they just couldn't stand being in the wrong.

Inb4 signals white knight/member. I'm not. This is just clear if you've got eyes.
I don't see any retweets for pans posts either what's your point? Lol this ain't the type of shit people feel the need to spread around. You're reaching.
This. Pan felt the need to share it with their audience, why should the Signals members not do the same? Just because someone has been bullied before doesn’t mean they can’t be wrong ever.

Either way, I hope everyone will be okay and that Signals and Pan will move forward from this.
>inb4 pan whiteknight
It's sad to see them go like this. There was something clearly wrong with the group dynamic at NWIF so it was only a matter of time, really.

I'm really surprised that this isn't a point being talked about more in here. I heard credibly that Pan was in such a bad mental place that they were thinking about taking their own life leading up to NWIF and trying to get help for that. They've also been pretty private about the specifics but have said before that they struggle with mental illness and have been in therapy for a long time.

Signals isn't responsible for Pan's mental health, but telling someone you claim is a good friend in that situation that you resent them for it and that they're selfish for taking your help is so messed up. It's so hard for people to reach out in the first place, why make it harder?

These are both so true. In my opinion, it was stupid of Pan to shoot from the hip and make a statement at 4 am but the statement Signals made is so cold, having all members and even the ex-member that wasn't even there pile on is not helping the group in regards to the allegation that they ganged up on them, and subtweeting Pan in public on their personal accounts seems like another way that they're trying to twist the knife.

Isn't the ex-member that left last year the one that was kicked out for bullying Pan? It's kind of awful of Signals to rope that person in here.

I hope they'll all be okay and can move forward. It looks like Pan is either unaware of what's happening or is being quiet since they seem to be back to regular posting.
Posting publicly on personal or group accounts in any way was a mistake, itll never read as professional no matter what corporate ass wording you use. All youre doing is drawing more attention to a situation most people didnt know about and forcing them to have an opinion on it. You all need to learn how not to post on social media when youre emotional and grow the hell up. Every single person involved looks bad in this.
If any of you had worked a real job for 10 minutes, youd know the actual smart thing to do would be to ignore it.
Last time I checked, a corporate job and a friend-based kaigai idol group are different...goofy comparison.

> most people didn’t know about
> pan posting on their public twit

Make it make sense. I can agree that maybe everyone sucks here. But to just take Pan’s word at face value and not even consider the other members side of the story? Pan gets to tell their side of the story but if Signals does, it’s making a situation worse. If Pan posts it’s okay, but if Signals responds it’s not okay. If Signals ignored the statement this thread would be singing a different tune. What if the ex-member just hopped in because people they care about are being lied about? Why does everything have to be “Pan is so poor and defenseless and they’re always right” ? There’s a lot we don’t know at all.

tl;dr If you’re going to whiteknight pan, don’t claim you aren’t kekw
Is there any solid proof that Signals called Pan selfish or are we going off he said she said because that's all this is. Why is Pan's word law? Why do they always get out of controversy without accountability? They have leaked so much sensitive information to people who then post about it on this thread. I'm not saying Signals is innocent but I'm saying that Pan is not the innocent person everyone thinks they are. Where is the evidence?
yeah, honestly this. desu my first thought seeing pan’s OWN posts and hearing these clique allegations was group project gone wrong. it’s a classic case of someone (or in this case, someoneS) doing all the work to cover for a person. either you’re a pan white knight or you have eyes and critical thinking skills.

feeling helpless in your mental health sucks ass, but other people aren’t responsible for your wellbeing. signals’ tweet was less professional than i had expected, but it’s clear they were really taken aback by pan’s outburst and were affected emotionally, which leads me to think that they truly did believe it was amicable. my guess is that the members tried their best to support, realized it wasn’t sustainable, and asked about future steps. everyone is put into a tough situation at this point. pan proved they were hurt once they were out. sucks for everyone.

obviously we don’t know for sure and need receipts to confirm, but at that point if it gets dragged out and both sides keep going at each other, they’ve all lost my support.
Never said what Pan did was right. I dont think it was. But if youre gonna talk about whats professional and best for the group in the long run, its not about getting even.
Agreed. So people should stop acting like theyre a corpo idol group in a scandal and deal with their friend problems on their own.
It is He said, She said bullshit. Clearly, there is something missing.

>it’s a classic case of someone (or in this case, someoneS) doing all the work to cover for a person
It seems like it was in this one instance for NWIF which is understandable given the situation. Forgive me if I'm wrong but in the time I was a fan of the group, Pan seemed to be their primary artist, financial handler at NWIF, owned and managed their website and discord server, did video editing, created graphic design, drove the creative direction of the group, and handled a lot of connections to events and event organizers.

Pan seemed to have left Signals at the beginning of this month, left the fan discord server, and then the group instantly locked it down right after and then nuked their website. Maybe they were on good terms before that, but it seems like Pan leaving was not as amicable as Signals wanted people to think.
Signals's statement was no less "cold" than Pan going behind their back. And it definitely doesn't read as cold to me. It reads just disappointed. Sounds like you're taking this personal.

And like other anons said why are we taking Pan's word for it when it's clear Signals doesn't agree and was caught off guard. Y'all asking for receipts but then would just go back to calling them out for dragging out the situation. But if they don't, everyone gets to take Pan's word for it and slander them? There's no winning in that case.

However, you’re taking Pan’s word as fact. Signals, although acting emotionally, did what they could to calm any speculation. Wouldn’t you want to clear your name if you saw/heard someone was lying about you?


> deal with friend problems on their own

As many other nonas said, Pan made it public first. They seem to have tried to fix it privately, and Pan went and posted it. By the way, if you look at Pan’s post, it has over 50 likes. Signals had around 15. This is far past dealing with it on their own.
It probably would have flown under the radar if Signals didn't bring so much attention to it. Pan may have brought it into the public and sent it out to their own fan Discord but Signals brought it to everyone's attention by having all the members retweet it and share it around.

It's not professional that Pan did that but you can't only look at likes and retweets.
>someone was lying about you
So... you're taking Signals word as fact. Post your proof that Pan is lying.
i mean, obviously i don't know for sure either, but my impression was always that pan, aibi, and alexis did art (via ig), and i always assumed alexis spearheaded a lot of the creative direction work. she looked the most put together at NWIF along with the other two members. i have my doubts that someone who was the primary person of a group would be so unprepared.

anyway, that's not to bash on pan not being prepared, because like they said, they had been struggling mentally at the time. i just have a hard time believing they were doing THAT much.

like i said, it seemed like a tough situation for everyone. i doubt it was all rainbows and roses. just a shame it came to this.

>can’t go just by likes and retweets

Ok then let’s go by time of posting. This is what I can see and I will only be using facts I can see. Pan’s post went up 12:33am. They then retweeted and added to it at 3:06am. By then it would have reached quite a few people on their following list. At 3:45am they added to their thread with a screenshot of Signals blocking them. Something they didn’t need to do mind you. At 4:34am they added another tweet about the matter. Signals did not respond until 1:34pm the next day. Pan quite literally and singlehandedly brought all the attention to it. If Signals added to that, oh well.


I clearly wrote the word “if” and I also said “There’s a lot we don’t know.”. Can you not read kek
> it's not professional to post on social media
> keep your informal friend problems to yourself

Let's nuke the internet while we're at it shall we? The only person I blame for posting is Pan, and not only that, but not removing Signals from their close friends lol. Signals responded, as they should. They'd be beyond stupid not to address it. There's so many PR examples of that. Even a "no comment" would have been better than not saying anything.
How do you know all the roles that Pan took on? (genuinely curious)

I can't speak on the other roles cause I don't have privy knowledge to the insider workings, but I thought the artist role was at least shared between Pan and Aibi? Alexis seemed to do art once, but all the art for the re-introduction slides/prints seem to have been done by Aibi.
Before they left, I think their old red member did the art and graphic design and laid down a lot of the foundation for what they have now?
>Why do they always get out of controversy without accountability?
Ah yes, such controversies as getting sexually harassed, being proud of themselves for completing a tour, and having a bad performance. Not to defend Pan but those aren't really controversies.
AYRT My knowledge primarily comes from following Pan's art streams where they openly talk about their processes and answer questions, specifically a stream where Pan was working on merchandise for Signals. I also went to see them perform at NWIF and have been a fan since they were Shiawase Signal.

>art/graphic design/artistic direction/editing
Their old red member and Pan worked together for the foundations and then Pan took over on art direction after they left. Pan also created the final "character designs" for how they members represented in art. To be fair, these things are almost always group effort and roles are shared so just because Pan didn't do a specific piece doesn't mean they weren't involved in any capacity.
>financial handler
At NWIF, they were taking payments and handling transactions.

>website/discord owner and manager
iirc they mentioned this on an art stream because someone had asked a question about carrd/discord management

>connections to events and event organizers
Pan volunteers for the organization that runs NWIF, staffs for Otakon's idol events, and maintains a professional relationship/association with people that run idol culture events in the northeast like Aniwaza and AniParty. This is something that they're pretty transparent about and it's easy for anyone to find if they look.

If what the nona said about Alexis running the grad post by Pan is true, then Alexis is not just the creative direction and leader but the graphic designer.
To be fair, the red ex-member didn't make her own graduation post either when she left. Pan made hers.
Not what I was referring to but stay delusional and kiss Pan's feet some more. Sorry that happened to them but you cant ignore that they leak sensitive information to everyone that then ends up on this thread and keep shitty people in their circles when they've been warned multiple times.
Id love to know how you know the Signals members weren’t removed from
Pans close friends. Seems like something only the members would know. Are you saying they were talking shit about it in a public space or that you are one of them?

The same goes for so many statements on here. Why do “so many” of you know how the members felt about things or exactly what they were doing if they weren’t openly shitting on Pan somewhere, or if, dare I say, you are them?
It's called I can read: >>10903612

And deductive reasoning from what Pan shared on twitter: "The reason for this block is because I spoke about my side of the story in a private space."

Either a member was truly left on like anon said (likely an actual insider), or someone tattletaled.

Also, I love the deflection from refusing to acknowledge Pan's actions as immature by accusing me of being an insider (which I'm not, if that even matters) as if that proves anything. People need to be realistic.
Idk y'all when Sakura Hana comes to your aid it looks pretty bad lmao
be so ffr rn sakura hana orbits drama so she was probably brought to their post by this thread lmao not pan’s fault
That doesn’t answer the question. How did >>10903612 # know? How do any of you know most of this “insider info” when it’s not findable publicly?

It’s very suspicious that this thread was created right before Signal’s responded on their public account, and then had a bunch of inside information dumped inside within the span of a few hours. Something’s not adding up.
You’re asking the wrong anon for that info. It’s obvious that insiders from both Pan and Signals’ side are posting. But who cares? That’s the whole point of a thread like this. Expose yourself if it’s such a big deal to you. I just think it’s stupid Signals is getting unnecessary heat for something that could have been done so differently.

>right before Signals responded
>thread starts at 9am

Another anon observed that Signals posted their response at 1:30pm, you can’t be this stupid genuinely. Some of you cannot read and want to blame anyone other than Pan it’s really funny.
This. Why would signals participate in a 4chan thread when they didn't want it to be a public spectacle in the first place
Hi, as someone who has seen screenshots, but does not have the actual files, here's the truth:

Signals is full of scumbags. The previous member, Q/Dulce, was confirmed by Pan to have bullied Pan so badly that they were kicked out. Q is Alexis's best friend... suspicious immediately. I have seen the physical screenshots of Signals saying horrible, awful things about Pan, as well as Ash threatening to sue Pan on their private account. Suing someone over a fucking fallout? Be fucking for real Ash, get a grip. Just because you go to law school doesn't make you Elle Woods. The other Signals members, including Q for some fucking reason, have all vagued Pan on either their professional or private Twitter accounts. They're all immature children. I've worked w/ Pan personally, and yeah, call me a whiteknight, because Pan has been nothing but kind and humble.
Because they're the same drama hungry cunts who always participate in these threads? It's always the same with the kaigai idol comm. The same 5 or 6 people "call someone out" over literally nothing or cause drama, and then they themselves don't get called out because they scare their victims with legal threats (looking at you Ash).

me when i lie. either cough up the screens or stfu.

> was confirmed by Pan to have bullied them.

Then why would they have made Dulce’s post. So much isn’t adding up especially from the Pan defenders imho
If Q really did this why would they have been allowed back into IIN as staff??? Make it make sense

Like yeah IIN isn’t the end all be all but Pan is in staff and I’d like to assume if this was right Q wouldn’t have been allowed so close to them?????
This. If dulce was so much of a bully, would pan not have made a big stink about it to the head admin? It really isn’t adding up.
And this is why no one takes overseas idols seriously. This drama makes all of us look like a joke.
All this he said she said drama aside, there’s no argument that Pan was the most popular member of that group by far. Alexis has a lot of talent, but does not get close to Pan in terms of popularity. That must sting. And then the other members don’t have any recognition either.
It’s not surprising at all that there would be jealousy and resentment in that group.

It would take a lot to get Pan’s fans to turn from them. If they were a flake or emotional, that’s so easily forgiven compared to bullying allegations. Maybe at worst people won’t want to group up with Pan after this, but no one wants to support or be associated with people with a reputation (earned or not) of bullying.
Pan has claimed bullying from that group how many times now? If the bullying issue was that bad then they would've left earlier so I don't think signals are bullies, I just think pan sucks at putting their foot down and makes too many promises to a million things. Pans in like five other organizations and groups so signals probably let them go because they were too busy to commit and pan took that as they're bullying me and ganging up on me. If the bullying issue has affected them that much then why are they still modding on IIN with Q and signals? It doesn't make sense.
I think pan is bullshitting and calling them bullies because they got caught. There's no public evidence. Signals isn't guilty and neither is pan however pan did bring this matter to the public first.

Let them resolve this on their own or not. Nobody is guilty, but someone did start the fire and their partner who makes it really obvious it's them had to come in here to sperg because they couldn't handle the heat.

I don't give a shit about signals or pan but all this drama out of nothing is so stupid. Just ask either of them yourselves if you give that much of a fuck about some nobodies in this comm.
When I was at Katsucon's Super Idol show, I saw Pan talking to Ash and Aibi on the side. Couldn't hear what they said, but saw Pan hug Aibi.
Seemed amicable at the time so I'm inclined to believe that the group was hurt/caught off guard when they saw Pan's tweets/stories.

Pretty much agree with this anon though
Notice how the ones who like to call out others all the time turns out to be the problematic one.
Literally where has Pan called Q/Dulce a bully? Speculation other people made on 4chan? I’ve only ever seen Pan say that they’re no longer friends but really respect Q/Dulce as an artist meanwhile Q/Dulce has done nothing but be vindictive in private against them.

Where is Pan even saying Signals ganged up on them? In private where the issue seems to remain?

Pan is also literally the only IIN staff member working with their NWIF for their community partnership. Pan’s also one of the few staff members doing anything with IIN as an organization.

>inb4 partner posting on 4chan
Isn’t their partner in the hospital right now?
this. pan’s grown a lot as an idol within the 2 years they were apart of signals because they kept making content and trying to improve. alexis is very talented but makes 0 regular content. the other 2 members aren’t very active either. at nwif, most of the audience’s penlights were orange. if it is true that the other members of signals started to push them out at nwif, then jealousy may have been a factor.

if this is true, it’s really suspicious that they’re trying to tear pan down everywhere they can meanwhile pan seems to be quiet and just doesn’t have more to say. it seems like pan stepped out of line with the narrative they wanted to tell that they’re all still besties. that’s not pan’s actual signature on the graduation post, it’s confirmed that it was alexis copying it and if you ask pan, they have the proof to back that up. clearly, they weren’t on good enough terms to even ask them to make a real asset for it.
>inb4 signals member
>Inb4 signals whiteknight
No I just hate stupidity and you all are very stupid.

you guys are literally pulling shit out of your asses it's incredible. If you wanna keep tinfoiling take that shit to lolcow.

It looks like pan has the privilege to put out content because they probably don't have any other financial responsibilities. Their tour was funded by dead grandparent money. Crazy thought but people have real life responsibilities and bills to be paying and not everyone wants to shell their money on something that hardly gives back, let alone a mediocre original song they didn't even put any soul into

actually kind of insane you'd base them being jealous on a number of penlights in a room that is some retard level assumption to make.

And the others haven't even been trying to tear them down everywhere? They look like they're busy with their own stuff so you're just trying to make them look bad for the benefit of pan. If your source is only pans side and pan alone then you're biased because you haven't even heard the other side.

Seriously you pan ranger whiteknights have the IQ of a rock. No intelligence, no cohesive thought process. I think you guys need to go back to school and pick up on those critical thinking skills because your brain is rotted

Genuinely it's interesting that everyone keeps posting about the private accounts of signals. So pan is allowed to be angry and vindictive in a private space, but signals can't? The double standard once again remains. Not saying it's okay, but just saying recognize when your idol does that shit too.

Just admit pan fucked up. That's it. There's nothing wrong with making mistakes and that's fine. If you're doing this much damage control on an anonymous thread you need to genuinely seek mental hellp .

Fuck signals fuck pan ranger. Sop beating a dead horse. If you're only going to listen to one POV then your word is as good as nothing. That goes for both.
There’s too many details only the people involved would know. This all reads like Signals decided to make this thread to discuss Pan, got caught, and are now doubling down.
It sounds like this is a very messy situation where there was a falling out, Pan made a series of stupid choices and other members of Signals overcorrected hard lmao.

>”not everyone wants to shell their money on something that hardly gives back”
>acting like overseas idols isn’t a glorified hobby and money sink
This came out of Pan's mouth, you dumb faggot.
What part of "does not have the actual files" can you not read, you fucking retard? I do have the one of Ash threatening to sue Pan though, and some others.
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Literally it's 3 bullies vs 1 victim. If we're assuming IIN votes by majority rules, of course Q would be allowed back on staff - literally the majority says they could be. Plus Q is Alexis's best friend. Use your fucking brain.
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>no lock next to the name in the screenshot
>mfw he posted this in public
he privated this account now
He didn't say he was gonna sue pan or anyone else in this screenshot be for fucking real and stop cherry picking.
>”he didn’t say he was going to sue pan”
Then why say he needed to consult a lawyer about the situation if not to see what legal action he could take?
You can consult a lawyer for reasons outside of idol stuff too so trying to grab this screenshot to be accusatory is kinda bull. Not defending ash. Just staying neutral

Also pan being bullied? They are almost 25. An adult. Kek.
>pan is almost 25
>25 is an adult
>adult don’t get bullied
anon, are you retarded? genuine question.
Ash, just admit you got caught red handed. I hope >>10903785 has more screenshots.
Not ash but nice try. just someone who wants everyone to shut up and move on already.
not retarded but just saying if you're an adult you can stand up for yourself. They should've left if they were being bullied kek maybe pan is the real retard here.
Thank you for the free entertainment, idols! This thread is a dumpster fire.
>pan should have left if they were being bullied
well they did… allegedly because they were being bullied lmao
>pan should stand up for themself
>pan should have left
pan did that and stood up for themself, and now signals is having a ragefit over it
Notice how the pan wks are just ree-ing and a good majority of everyone else posting is pretty much levelheaded and looking at the actual present evidence.

> Signals is bullying Pan because Pan said so.

So once again their oshi cries wolf and they come to the rescue and post in here. These children are insufferable, it’s been a couple of days now. Just move on. No one cares (except the pan wks apparently www)
How was the Super Idol Show?
Pan never even said they were bullied lmao.
>inb4 whiteknight
I literally only want to make the evidence provided have make sense. The only evidence we have here are screenshots of Ash implying that they might take legal action against Pan that doesn’t help their optics, the statements from Pan and Signals, and witnesses from NWIF seeing Signals treating Pan differently at the event.
Are we just taking Signals’s word that Pan is faking it because Signals said so and we don’t like Pan and vice versa?
Let’s not forget there’s an eyewitness from Katsucon which was last weekend as well.

>NWIF eyewitnesses
The one person assuming the group dynamic was off? That’s an assumption not a witness.
Sorry this makes no sense, if Q was put to a majority vote the Signals people on staff would still not have had enough to be the majority? and even then Pan would have needed to side with Alexis and Ash to have made that a majority. That’s 2 people out of like what, 5? 6? Which if Pan and Q truly had such an issue why would they have voted FOR bringing them back? And as another anon mentioned, if bullying truly did happen why would Pan not alert Ruu the head admin?

Pan defenders really are working overtime to nitpick at anything Signals related to make them look bad lmfao
Make it two eye witnesses. I saw Pan get up and approach them too. Seemed friendly, but guess not. Its really unfortunate the way this is going. I loved Signals. I hope they can resolve things desu as silly as that sounds

It was okay. Only a handful of original acts and mostly project sekai. A lot of the acts should be in the masquerade next time imho. The show also ran thirty minutes late so it was hard to keep interest towards the end. Pretty average over all.
>Three eyewitnesses
I actually overheard the conversation and was walking the same way as Pan on their way out. It looked like they waved Pan over as they were walking out, Aibi apologized for “the way things happened”, Aibi hugged Pan, Pan didn’t accept the apology, said goodbye very politely, and looked like they were trying really hard not to cry when they got out of eyesight of them. Ash stood there looking really incredulous or pissed off. I couldn’t get a read. Maybe a 5 second interaction at most.

From what I saw, it seems like everyone involved knows it wasn’t an amicable split. Pan seemed really distraught after talking to them. I think the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
First eye witness here.
I’m going to call bullshit on you overhearing them because that room was loud af with the performances going on and they were standing off to the side near the wall with nobody near eavesdropping distance of them. They were also huddled over there for a few minutes it seemed like, not 5 seconds tops.
AYRT Yeah, I’m gonna call bullshit on you claiming it being “huddled for minutes”. Pan was leaned over talking to some other people in their seats for a bit and then when they were talking to Signals, Pan stood a fair distance away and guarded, and they were all talking pretty damn loud over the sound. Loud enough that I caught the conversation while going around them.
its so weird that you people are analyzing a seconds long to minutes long interaction between strangers that you saw out of context at a concert

overseas idols at their finest
> four eyewitnesses

I was a chair in the room and I saw Ash punch Pan in the face, then Pan morph into a dinosaur and roar at Aibi. Aibi cried so hard staff had to mop up her tears.

Clearly some people wanted in on the fun of witnessing this interaction.
I hope Signals disbands and Pan actually offs herself for bringing this cancer into this thread.
Instead of being an autistic cunt you could just idk bring another topic into the thread?
Pan and Alexis are embarrassing stains on overseas idols. This drama proves it.
>inb4 alexis wk
>inb4 hi alexis
>inb4 signals member
Pan brings a private issue public and brings this issue to speculation and drama and Alexis is…existing? She’s only posted the Signals statement and she’s not mentioned anything following that. I’ll agree with Pan, but Alexis is not doing anything and anyone can see that.

Pan is so obviously the drama.
> inb4 wk/signals member/alexisstfu

Pan: shades signals behind their back, brings the drama public for speculation, proceeds to mention they were blocked by signals, goes off about it more elsewhere

Alexis/Signals: explains why but wishes them well regardless and ends it at that.

Be so fr. Pan is the drama.
Yikes, we suibaiting now on the anon thread? You're a fucking pussy, get your fat ass outside.
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4chan users when someone vents about how they were horribly bullied in a private space
It's wild how everyone here was sucking Pan off just a thread or two ago. WTF happened???
This fighting is so annoying but pan defenders posting within minutes of each other is funny

Anyways on to shit that is actually worth talking about, what do we all think of paidas new song? I really like it.
Regardless of pans lies, you defenders need to fucking accept that pan got triggered by suddenly getting blocked because of their shady actions and then PAN BROUGHT IT PUBLIC FOR SPECULATION IT IS LITERALLY THEIR FAULT. LMAO it doesn't even matter who's the real victim here!!! It's pans fault!!! :) MOVING ON
I watched her perform it at that SoCal fest last year, it was amazing and I’m honestly really glad it’s out for streaming now!
Oh wow really? So she's had it done for a while now. Makes me wonder...do you think it takes away from the hype at all to have performed a song way before official release or do you think it helps? Or maybe doesn't matter
NAYRT but I think performing it but not having it available to stream makes it much more rewarding when it does come out.
can I also just say that I like to see an idol make really good music and they don't even need to have a fancy music video to go viral or be successful. Although that future town video has 100k views now which is incredible.
Perhaps a hot take, but I think PAIDA's new song is just okay, nothing will beat ABDUCTION or FUTURE TOWN imo.
Just listened to it and I can agree. I think it could also use maybe some more layers cause the mix sounds a bit lacking to me. But her voice is really nice and I like that she's got a consistent sound. It's honestly just refreshing to have listenable music from a kaigai idol.
Calm your ass down Ash/Alexis
agree, I'm laughing so hard over this pure entertainment
what is this? local new channel 6? lmfao
I will say that Q's interactions as a mod with others in the IIN discord has been condescending. Them being a bully wouldnt surprise me. I don't have screens, but I just noticed it some time ago when I was more active on there. I haven't even seen them dance before nor does their art or anything they do relate to idol culture? it really looks like Alexis just tried to allow her friends be a part of it just because. Other staff should have a stronger vetting process if they're working with people they don't know themselves.
Q and Alexis founded the group as a duo and then they opened auditions iirc
I don’t blame Paida for wanting to interact with Australian idols more. Less drama and real effort.

Americans will continue their crabs in a bucket mentality. It will be their downfall.
I ended up stalking a bunch of the people that replied and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit jealous
After this drama, I don’t blame her either. I might begin distancing myself from American Kaigai idols. I’m done with constant disappointment and childish behaviors.

Thai and Filipino idols have been grabbing my eye recently. Any soloists or groups to look into that aren’t from America?
you also have to remember that if you're not in Australia yourself, you're not seeing what their messes are.

Largely, the Australian idols congregate in Sydney and have access to low cost venue rentals, public transportation, and have a crowd who actually likes 3d idols and not love live.

meanwhile, America is so big, the wota are scattered. the only place that seems to have a good understanding if idol culture is southern California, where asayoru maid cafe operates. it also helps that there is a large Asian population there, much like Sydney. Asian kaigai idols understand things better and generally are more hard working and less entitled.
>doesn’t have screens but trust me

If you dont have them just say you hate Q and move along
As an Australian, we at least keep our messed behind the scenes and don’t air out dirty laundry every week.
I don't hate them but they did not leave a good impression on me as a member of the server they are a mod of
any new good songs or covers from kaigai idols to check out? and please dont reply with paidas or clovers singles. not a fan
These threads used to be great for ausidols, until someone posted on the aus wota discord telling the idols to stop abusing each other on 4chan. It's been downhill ever since.
did anyone get to check out the idols in the dance lounge at Katsucon? super idol was meh.
I did the same thing, they seem to focus more on in person shows than online though
>Pan's Lies
>Hi Signals
Genuine question but what would they even have to gain from lying about being bullied and drawing out drama for a literally who group? Something like that would realistically only hurt their indie event.

It was meh. They need a better sound system. You could barely hear anything.
Who would else care about public speculation other than Signals? This is over.
Why are we still talking about this lmfao blaming signals doesn’t make pan look any better and vice versa, but the only ones who seem to care to bring this topic back are the pan wks. it’s old news let it die
Not really.

>cringe asian fetishism shit that asian women work harder and are quieter
Agree tho that SoCal has a solid idol culture. On the east coast, the DMV also has a small but dedicated group of wota with a good understanding but barely anyone catering to them outside of a handful of idols.

Saw a video of people doing lifts at Katsucon. We need more of that.
who said asian women are quieter? look at all the Asian kaigai idols, barely any of them are as cringe as the white girls. even most wota who are serious wota are Asian. you gonna deny that Asian people aren't better at a genre that is literally theirs?
Any recommendations of Aus idols to follow? Actual talented idols with original music only pls, we have enough fatties doing love live dances
It also helps that theyre usually skinnier and prettier and dont look like men kek
I feel like A Muse Project are probably the best we have in Australia. Wooly down in Sydney seems to be pretty good too.
I hope more American fans ditch American kaigai idols. Hell, even supporting idols from Canada and Latin America feels more rewarding.

Quality is out there. You Americans don’t need to settle for the slop you’ve been dealing with for years.
Thing is tho is if you're American, you have to deal with what you got here cause it's the only performances you're realistically able to see in person.
Realistically, this has never been an issue for western idol fans. You don’t need to see performances in person to be an idol fan so you don’t need to “deal with what you got here”. You simply put your priorities somewhere else.

Americans really hanging by a string if they need to make gaslighting style excuses like this.
what if fat chicks make me like diamonds?
Berry seems to be making an MV for her original song. Anybody have an opinion on that?
Saturday seemed to be better than Sunday imo, don't know if that was just because of the amount of programming that day or not
this board is for tourists, come join us on mu
Berry's not making an MV yet, she's begging for donations first. You'd think she'd put her money towards her MV instead of a new jirai kei wardrobe.
Is it begging for donations if she's offering rewards?
Crab alert
wooly looks cute and i like her concept but she cant dance for shit and in her debut song her song sounds so forced into that high pitched loli wannabe voice.
more mvs more growth
oh lol

I've only seem clips and she seemed alrigt.

We really don't have a lot of good idols in Australia. I'm ok with someone being bad and watching them improve, except most don't seem to improve?
I couldn’t agree more, nonnie. She seems like the type to do that.
I don't mind if an idol asks for money to fund their content while also spending money on their own interests. the mv isn't something that only helps her, but it's something her fans would want to see. they get something in return for donating money, so it's not like they're throwing money at nothing. besides, new clothes gives her more different things to wear in pics/build content around, which are things her fans want to see. so that's not for nothing either.
I rather watch wooly than an American
id say so far amuse is still the best
faeble and etude have stayed stagnant in quality but i guess that’s better than getting worse
ah yes as if Japanese idols don't do the same exact thing
fair. im fed up with those fat american cosplayers dancing shit and calling themselves idols
i didnt say anything abt japanese idols
Nayrt but it's weird to discredit wooly for that when actual jpop idols do it all the time for their music
you didn't, but it's funny to single her out like that for doing something that so many jp idols do kek
again, we talked about wooly who is a kaigai idol and not a jpop idol. then name another kaigai idol who forces their voice like that
And the point is that they're emulating jpop idols. What don't you get?
I find a difference between the forced uwu voice and the natural sounding uwu voice (even if it is forced)
you just have a Japanese fetish
well yeah, probably.

I didn't explain it properly, but you know how you can get the really fake uwu voice? that's shit.
Quartesque announced at Swampcon that they are becoming an online only cover group. San and Nayo will be rebranding under a different name since they're the only ones performing live most of the time. This also seems to not include their member Rey who occasionally joins them for live performances.

I think this is a decision that should have been made a while ago. Doesn't seem to change too much. Unless San and Nayo end up bringing on new members for this group rebrand which I'm not too sure they will do.
Same anon, forgot to add that Auracle said they have another new song in the works that they had teased at their meet and greet. Their songs have been pretty mediocre at best so far, so I don't feel much hype beyond curiosity.

I didn't watch every performance at Swampcon so if anyone has other things to add go for it.
why is it always obese idols who openly call themselves cute???
Care to share? I can't say they are all for me, but the crowd seemed pretty hyped. I think it's fair to be curious about their next genre.
Share what?
Sorry, I meant this one. What kind of song are you hoping to get? They seem to be branching out a bit.
Because of their branding I suppose. Starting to realize a lot of them choose ‘cutesy’ for their image.
Just say who you’re talking about anon lol
Maybe something that actually fits their theme for one.
berrybeanpie most obvious example
People like that go viral off of people calling it gross along with backhanded support and it's so obvious
Ngl I don’t really follow the Australian idol scene. Her dance moves are clean enough but her singing voice sounds a little forced imo
Maybe also Little Pastel Idol lol
She is pretty cute tho
well not really in her case... when i look at her posts its a bunch of people hyping her up for everything
They wouldn't hype her up so much if they didn't pity her
something i noticed in this idol community. there are some actual talented (in more than just one asprct) & attractive to some extent kaigai idols that are probs seen as competition and i dont see those hyped excessively by other idols
Agree. People think pretty idols don't need support simply because they're pretty and talented and can get it on their own somehow. They hype up the ugly and untalented ones because they think they're "so brave" for putting themselves out there and they get the added benefit of making themselves look morally superior in the process. This community constantly uses each other for their own benefit so it's not surprising they ignore anyone who makes them feel insecure.
Back when I was in to Japanese idols, part of the thing was watching idols who weren't good but were constantly working on and improving themselves, so you got to see them get better over time.

the problem with western idols, they don't seem to put in that effort and stay stagnant and expect that same level of support.
One thing about the "community" is that people tend to hype up their friends more than others. If groups don't network and stay to themselves they remain mostly invisible in the scene until they show up at a con and impress an actual audience. For example Non Sweet, they hardly get any attention positive or negative because they mostly keep to themselves. Did a ton of performances last year but 1/100th the attention that pan/alexis/etc get because no connections and no drama. Paida's kind of like that too even though she's more conected in the scene.
it feels like we got to watch reso make that effort and get better with every release but people would still hold them to their old quality. lemonade and blueprint were so much better than the rest, but people couldn't stop bringing up how awful goddess was or how they messed up in the first live performance
less attention? their social media numbers and engagement are so much higher than the other people you mentioned. you sound like you're stuck in a u.s. view. so much more people know about nonsweet who have never heard of those others.
Wow you finally notice this? I’ve tried pointing this out only to be called a moid. Never change idol comm.
Maybe a controversial opinion but I think part of the reason people picked them apart so much was how desperately they worked at seeming professional and above other idols in the community.
ive always noticed this but wasnt on 4chan at that time probably. you were always right soldier
nonsweet and especially paida have a pretty huge following so i dont see your point at all. paida literally gets worshipped for every post and song she puts out.
She's also an overweight, black idol(minority) that isn't conventionally cute. Not the best example.
but she actually has decent music that matches today's trends, can sing well, and has a strong brand/aesthetic. paida blends more between singer pop artist and idol. plus she has years of being in the community, nearly 10 years
Yeah and with that, obviously you will have gotten a following. Plus her song went viral is the main thing. Not saying she doesn't deserve it, but you can't say that a lot of community support wasn't bulk virtue signaling.
you're saying that as if there aren't a lot of black people who actually wanna support a fellow black person kek.
Anyone is allowed to feel good about themselves bruh it's not that serious
same anon, which I wouldn't say is the same as virtue signaling. that's just supporting someone relatable to you. are you saying that overseas idols loud support to her is virtue signaling? that's a stretch. you just sound racist lmao. if anything , it's cloutchading. paida had numbers and isn't hard to access/communicate with so if you want to leech off if her, it's easy. she's getting smarter about that though.
speaking of paida and all, anyone heard any news about coco idols network? i think theyre dead
You’re blind if you don’t see kaigai idols supporting Paida as virtue signaling. No one gave her the time of day before she went viral either. I’ve seen so many talk shit, to all of a sudden praising her after taking off.
There was also that contest where everyone in the community was trying to push her ahead of the other Asian idols and pressuring everyone to do so.
If they are dead I'm not at all surprised. Why make a network based solely off skin color??? That always strikes me as weird as fuck
well i dont see a big problem.. its just a representation for black idols and a way for them to connect since theyre a minority in this community
people in the anime and jfashion community are still racist af. I liked seeing the black idols band together, but I chose to support the ones I actually was impressed by, not just blindly supporting everyone just because theyre black
I’m late but were there any other good acts at Swampcon besides Auracle and Ququ?
Sadly no
Still an overflow of cosplay "idols"
Noticed how the support started when she got a major opportunity. It’s been silent since.
people are still loudly supporting her. if anything, it's become steady
Kitsune Metal finally debuted. What the hell was that
net dreams music kind of sucks
Discordfags every time
Wooly actually has a pretty high-pitched voice irl, so it suits the uwu cringe
net dream sounds too close to wet dream so I never took them seriously
All that hype for nothing. lol
if you dont see how paida gets worshipped for her stuff then idk what youre seeing
lets be so real. nobody ever gaf about kitsune metal
they are giving adult furrys
They pretend to be so professional but everything they do is lowkey bad lmao. The art, their mixing, and the voice acting in their introduction videos is actually laughable. you would think since they pay all their staff then their staff would actually be good but ig not.
bffr though,,,
and their DID side is so weird, like 5 of their members are alters?
not discriminating but i dont want to see and mental health stuff integrated in this idol culture. like keep it to yourself. professional idols dont do it so why should kaigai idols who are already seen as cringe enough
in general i feel like this community really has some reflection and cleaning up to do in order to actually reach people and fans that are not involved in this culture. cant stay as a niche forever when theres some acts here who are striving for mainstream stardom. problem are the cosplayer love livers and the cringe people who cant dance and sing and think some anime ripoff idol persona is gonna be the gateway.
you have to stop worrying about the community by large because outsiders who never heard of kaigai idols but became fans of nonsweet, for example, are not going to look at kitsune metal and suddenly stop liking nonsweet or lose interest in exploring more kaigai idols. Each person is only responsible for upholding the quality of their own act. besides, the good idols usually only interract with each other so outsiders will find them by proxy and probably not run into the real cringe of the community.
yeah thats true, but look at kpop for example. its another dimension compared to kaigai idols yes, but it is an industry that started out from nothing just as any other other industry. now its huge and im sure most kpop fans do not know one group or one artist only. i think thats the case for kaigai idol followers too who dig a little deeper than just looking at one group for the group and not the community. fact is, kaigai idols is a concept the mainstream is not familiar with, so of course people are not gonna stop being intrigued after just finding nonsweet for example. like the berry hype attracted lots of teens into this community, i think having an overall polished and professional image to the already existing, at least big, idols we have is gonna do nothing but good.
striving to do better definitely doesn't hurt.

It would be fucked up if a youtube commentator normie made a video about "the world of overseas idols: non japanese girls who want to be japanese idols." but if that happened and featured in it was a mix of the cringe and a mix of thr good, the cringe won't diminish the quality of the good. if anything, it makes the good look even better. but also I've just given up on worrying about others and praying people would stop embarassing themselves. I just focus my attention towards the good ones and forget the cringe exists.
I get where you're coming from with the k-pop comparison, but it doesn't really work because the Korean government funded the entertainment industry as a way to boost the economy since korea can't rely on natural resources to export. They started with nothing like how trump started with a small loan of a million dollars lol.

a closer comparison would be things like punk rock and indie music scenes that were very underground and d.i.y. that ended up birthing bands that became mainstream successes. fallout boy bursting out of their bubble could be an example because although rock is a genre that has been around for decades, they were bringing about this new emo genre that older rock fans thought was cringe. I'm just a casual fan so I could be missing some details though. Their success did allow them to pass on some attention to their small labelmates but as far as the other bands in the scene who were crappy, that didn't cause detriment to fallout boy's success.
Why did serena songbird make a song about a hazbin hotel character (that got like 3 seconds of screen time lol) and then complain that her song got no traction lmao. she blamed it on fatphobia and ableism...maybe your song was just bad
as someone on the inside, its made it worse lul
all the catty bitches aint using the anon outlet to let off steam or get their goss so theyre worse to deal with in person. at least when it was here it didnt come up so fucking constantly irl.
are you really comparing a government funded industry to indie foreign jp style idols? you are extremely out of touch. the community is not big and never will be. period. tiktok numbers aren't an indication they skew so differently from other social media that 1 mill is basically nothing. even in jp, the most famous signed idols aren't household names.
>cant stay as a niche forever when theres some acts here who are striving for mainstream stardom.
I disagree it will always be a niche because even in Japan idols are a niche. The indie to pro pipeline in Japan has changed as well, and not for the better, it's harder to get scouted since everyone with a phone thinks they have talent. Anyway my main problem with the community is that, like most things, it's mostly full of weeb perspective, but also many women trying to be idols don't understand what the implications of that are. Idols are otaku culture, by and large. They are rooted in the same escapism fantasy that has had a chokehold on Japan for centuries. People in this community don't have real idol ambition. None of them. Because they don't really grasp what idols are, why they are, what they're for. And they never will. Why? Because idols aren't for you, or for them, they're for male otaku. End of. And male idols are for female otaku. There is nothing wrong with liking women idols as a woman, but you're not the demographic. If you want to understand go to the /jp/ thread for indie idols. This will never be that, not even close. Plus, there is zero structure for the community to become mainstream anywhere to begin with, it's just not possible.
>even in Japan idols are a niche
I bet you watched a season of love live and the first episode of oshi no ko
not the same anon, but it's true. Being big into idols is like being big into anime. Yeah the average Japanese person is familiar with One Piece but that doesn't mean all Japanese people are anime otaku. Many know about AKB and their songs are mainstream, but not all of those people would call themselves wota.
>she thinks all japanese people love anime and idols as much as western weebs do
Serena songbird sounds pretty desperate most of the time and i don't vibe with her. like yeah she doesn't get attention but maybe the issue lies in her content being unattractive and uninteresting, not people being fatphobic and whatnot. if people were so fatphobic they wouldn't support paida alexis or pan Ranger either let's be honest.
Thank you for proving my point that the community doesn't know what it represents. Even former kaigai idols who were directly involved in the Japanese community will acknowledge this. Don't even get me started on the gravure idol/hentai VA to mainstream idol pipeline, which has admittedly gone down over the years due to social media allowing for easier recruiting, but was the standard for decades. But another point is that social media really causes a misunderstanding of popularity. Look at kaigai or indie idols or even popular pro idols popularity vs a famous Japanese mainstream singer and you will understand. And that's not even considering indie western pop singers. You have a warped view of how idols are received and their popularity due to you seeking them out and getting fed their content, while the average Japanese person will only know AKB48 and probably only from commercial features. Being in denial of the actual purpose, fanbase and reception of idols really just hurts the community and sets people up for disappointment much in the same way that inflated numbers on tiktok do. It's disingenuous.
Adding to this, it's mainly the level of interest and intensity of one's involvement that makes them an otaku. Anime in Japan is a good example because it includes mainstream shows(many for children) and also otaku media for adults that mainstream adults do not generally watch. And even if someone enjoys an otaku program it doesn't mean they are going to buy merch and make it a mainstay in their everyday life especially if people view it negatively. The music industry is much the same enjoying songs idols put out doesn't mean you're a wota and those kinds of people turn off mainstream public from openly being fans. All in all I have never liked the sentiment that being kaigai would lead to any real fame in Japan when it's nothing more than a hobby. Being a hobby isn't shameful anyway. Hobbies still have community, you can still grow and create goals for yourself, hell, you can even accept money, but that doesn't make it a career or mean you're famous or should be striving for those things.
this MIGHT be the yap god guys
She's bitter and jealous of other idols who actually create good content and have a history to warrant their following and she reduces them all down to just having pretty privilege.
You also sound like someone who talked to one Japanese person and based your entire knowledge off of them. Equally as cringe as anime weebs.
I'm haffu and lived there until i was 12. Sorry you are so upset that you feel the need to ignore what I'm saying and instead are just trying to insult me to feed your own delusion. You need to grow up.
>I lived in a culture I barely understood as a child and clamp my small worldview my experience as the majority
Idols in Japan are seen as regular celebrities just like in America. There’s no deeper meaning. Maybe don’t sensationalize like a western journalist. Shut the fuck up.
being involved in foreign idol comm makes you a weeb. hell, not realizing the fanbase of idols is drooling jp neckbeards makes you even more of a weeb. the only thing that sets jp idols apart from a western girl band is they are male pandering with cuteness instead of sexiness. you sound like (and infact are) one of those weebs who thinks everything from the nihon is a normal part of every day life. why do you think the only other thread about idols at all is on fucking /jp/ of all places? those are the average fan. i feel bad for you.
Haffus always think they know more about Japanese culture than real Japanese person.
nta but they're really not. far from it. and many actual japanese singers consider being called an idol a huge insult.
>said by a non-japanese white weeb
>im going to believe random anon with no proof claiming their haffu
>accuses someone of being white for telling truth
Racism is alive in kaigai idol
This is extremely racist, anon. I'm not even that anon, this just really rubs me the wrong way. If someone lives in Japan and is haffu they are more cuturally Japanese than a full Japanese person from outside Japan. It's like saying a biracial black woman isn't black despite being raised in a black community.This toxicity is the exact problem with this community. I'm ashamed of people like you.
kek that's not even what you said. in fact you're assume they're telling the truth and putting them down for it. the only racism is coming from you. assuming you're white is fair because if you're not, you should know better.
this you insulted anon by saying HAFFU don't know anything not that she wasn't haffu don't try to push racism now racists ALWAYS try to point fingers like this
Anon is probably bitter about haffus for just existing. Most weebs usually are.
ESL here. Considering how they’re typing, it’s giving ESL. Kaigai idols tend to be pretty racist and intentionally misunderstand people who can’t convey their words in English correctly under the guise of advocacy.
honestly they could be plenty worse. in terms of currently active virtual kaigai idols they're in the upper tiers for me.

there's a lot of room for them to improve though, especially with their harmony planning, mixing, and japanese pronunciation. i'm excited to see where they improve from here

speaking of virtual idols though, i hope idolusion makes more stuff. i thought idolusion revolution was really fun and the vocalists are all pretty talented
I think the word "hobby" isn't strong enough for some people. In my case, I see idol stuff as my passion project. A hobby of mine would be something like knitting. I don't plan to make money, gain followers or accomplish much through knitting besides personal gratification from learning something new. For idol stuff, I have bigger goals and the feeling I have for it in my heart is much stronger than I feel about knitting. Could we say nonsweet and paida are doing idol stuff as a hobby? nah, it's more than that. But, being grounded in the idea that you are a niche thing is a safe way to go about it.

Also, Japan's gendered view of idol culture is a reflection of the county's high gender gap. I think idols in america who take jp idol culture and turn it into something of it's own in america can find some kind of small devoted fanbase. but the idols who want to keep larping as an anime character or charicature of a japanese person will be forever stuck in the anime convention weeb bubble.
Yeah, it was definitely something. Kitsune Metal has a lot of heart and spirit. Some of the members do put the effort and soul into the group. The problem is that what was released was pretty much a really mediocre tiktok dance compilation. all recorded vertically, barely any backdrops, just at their houses. It barely looks coordinated in any sense. The group wouldve gotten way more engagement by uploading each of these individually on their socials over the course of however long this debut took. Instead we have this mess.
I feel bad to be honest. Hoping that the response to this doesn't discourage any of the members from pursuing future idol stuff and improving because jeez it's looking bad.
they are definitely better than some of the virtual idol groups out there, but groups like idolusion and nibiru make them look bad. i guess i would just say they're mid for a group with paid staff and such active management, you would think they would be better because of how serious they make themselves out to be.

also true, we need idolusion back lol
i wouldnt say they wouldve gotten much more attention like that. each members' dancing, regardless of them being passionate or not, is subpar at best and needs an incredibly big amount of work. the choreo or the way they edited the clips do not even synchronize or fit the music. the quality, both video and talent-wise, is lacking and im not saying this to be spiteful, i watched their debut video neutrally and this is just my 2 cents.
plus, ill go as far as say that groups like this, who dress up as personas and do not sing at all, arent something that has potential to grow big in the kaigai idol scene. some attention here and there yes, but its really not attractive currently. these kind of groups, next to cosplay dance groups of licensed characters, are very oversatured.
i think a passion project is usually for people doing unpaid side projects relating to their careers, but i get the sentiment. to me hobby is fine because it distinguishes it from a career. investment in hobbies varies from one person to another and even normie hobbies tend to be extremely expensive and time consuming. think of someone learning guitar and posting their covers on youtube, that's still a hobby even if passion is involved. i also think anon's point was more that many people in the comm are goal oriented towards going pro, which isn't viable. in my opinion groups shouldn't be driven JUST to become popular because, in practice their actual skills suffer. you have many groups trying too hard out the gate that end up quitting because they don't get the reception they want immediately, even tho that comes with years of being active. sorry for the rant, this stuff just makes me sad. as a community engaged in a hobby/passion project whatever you call it, we shouldn't be so cutthroat like we're competing against each other. the comm can grow together.
In my experience, working with people who see it as just a hobby are the ones who aren't dedicated enough to know their material enough in time for rehearsal, don't care about not keeping up with the rest of the group, and generally lack the same level of drive. But it's a balance. A person saying they want to be famout but has no follow through are just as bad. using nonsweet as an example again, the reason why they are successful is because each member wants the group to be a professional idol group, so they act as such. yeah it's a goal others might not think is possible, but holding onto the hope that the dream can come true is what keeps them motivated to do well by practicing frequently, caring about their appearances, and so on. When I get the feeling that someone sees this as "just a hobby" I'm out. At the same time though, you need to enjoy the process of it all. You need to enjoy singing and dancing even if no one is looking in order to last doing this stuff.
*don't care about keeping up
I think the pokemon dance video posted by alice was pretty cute. we need more videos like this in the community
i think the point is the word hobby doesn't have the negative connotations you're giving it and anyone claiming it's "not just a hobby" is taking things too seriously the other direction. cosplay is a hobby and many people spend heaps of time and money on it. instead of vilifying the word vilify bad attitudes. groups that are only motivated by lofty goals are the ones who will ruin the community after a while when they realize they're not possible because they will leave. personal growth is more important overall than pretending this will lead anywhere.
im so jealous of mimi being on a team with kira
i dont understand the competition between a lot of groups, at the end of the day all of u are bad so why fight about it
>kpop for example. its another dimension compared to kaigai idols yes, but it is an industry that started out from nothing just as any other other industr
K-Pop had the Korean government funding it, especially overseas. Did you think that Gangnam Style blew up randomly?
literally name one group that is competitive because i for sure dont know any
After the contest was done it was pretty quiet until she got a couple of viral videos when she made japanese translations of classic english songs in a cool R&B a e s t h e t i c style. Popped off enough that random weebs outside of the idol community were noticing and boosting them. If she had done more of those she could have really blown up but it looks like she felt the style didn't fit her and she wants to do the kooky space girl hyper energetic pop instead.
It's like they say that you can't choose what goes viral and often the little side thing you do for fun in a week ends up hitting it big and the thing you put months of effort into flops.
>gendered view of idol culture is a reflection of the county's high gender gap
This is really selling short all of the male idol groups in japan currently active both as 3D, 2D, and 2.5D. They absolutely have their own massive culture and fanbases. We just don't see it here because dudes overseas don't see the male idols as inspiration in the way that girls see female idols as role models. The rare cases of groups covering male idol songs are nearly all girls cross dressing.
I sometimes wonder what it would take for western cosplayer or drama club dudes to get that hunger for the weeb stage. Maybe it's telling that the chika/underground idol scene is almost exclusively female. Admittedly my perspective is limited not being in japan but I've never see a male equivalent of WACK or BMPQ15. I guess the men tend to become producers instead of idols? Maybe male fans are more willing to support amateurs rough around the edges while women want a more complete and polished experience from the male idol groups?
>girls see female idols as role models.
i fucking hope not, what freaks. there's a reason idol girls are popular with men, sexualizing purity and innocence isn't role model behaviour. the average japanese woman thinks they're creepy as fuck, both the girls and fans.
theres so much more to being an idol than whatever you listed there. youre the one reducing the idols down to their body right now. theyre entertainers. while the japanese idol industry has many dark sides, the idols are really role models when it comes to portraying manners, passion and hard work. just cause some fans are crap doesnt mean the idols arent worth looking up to bffr.
If this how you feel about idols, why are you here lmao

This pov is a decade or two old, female idol groups have so many female fans these days (yes, in japan)
So then how do female idols want to become idols in the first place? Every female idol just craves male fans attention? I think there are probably some that exist out there but look at groups like ones produced by women who have large women fan bases. (=/me, =love) Some definitely consider idols role models.
It’s funny you mention WACK because they literally did have an all-boys group with a very publicized audition that unfortunately disbanded in under a year. They seemed as popular with the male fans as the female ones, but I wonder if that was just a symptom of being a WACK group.
Went to ScottyCon Idolfest this past weekend.. genuinely the worst idolfest I have ever been to. Dancers were all low energy and sloppy, some fat cosidol in a blonde wig was painfully out of breath the whole time.. It was a huge cringefest. The only good and professional act was Alex Pinku. Even they got fucked by whoever retard was running the mixing board though.
Someone let eburin know lmao
average idolfest at an american convention.
eburin is living in her own world. girl is really out here calling herself an idol machine while only having had horrible performances and constantly romanticizing dating bans
You bitches are quiet after getting called out by Heidi
Literally where did she even call out people
Aurora sundae getting bothered by people misgendering her but she has no pronouns listed on her social media. How are people supposed to know?? People aren't going to ask every person they meet or know what their pronouns are sorry. Make it easy info to find and maybe you would have more reason to be pissy.
I saw that. Made me laugh.

"Just ask people their pronouns"

Fuck off, I'm not asking everyone I meet their pronouns. I'll call you whatever you want, just tell me.
one ez google search told me their pronouns are they/them i dont even know the mf
Good job.
This must be that special American reading comprehension because pronouns are clearly listed on all their socials.
They legit weren't a few days ago. Looks like they finally fixed it on Twitter but yet not insta.
100% they're reading this thread and realised they didn't have it in there.
It's right next to their name on IG, in the special designated spot that IG has for pronouns.
Not on my end.
That's on you.
Definitely weird I can see people's pronouns on other profiles but not hers.
Omori refrence?
do you follow them? there's ways to set it so that only your followers can see your pronouns. we had this same conversation with charlie from reso
who tf is charlie from reso
Ohh I didn't know that was a thing. I don't follow them. Might be why then.

They were the black male character they had in early resolucia days. They weren't there very long.
yall should just leave dead drama dead baka
Thanks for killing the thread
before this begins a long slide to page 10, have some actual news
Paida is going to be a guest of BabyBeard when they appear in Australia! She's finally making some real strides and getting recognition she deserves for her music
paida is finally going to be with idols that can keep up with her lol
australian idols are on another level
Who are we talking about? because I can only think of Melody Parade and they're gone/ are not as good as Paida lol.
are you perhaps deaf? melody parade was only visually pleasing. they’re dancing is average and singing horrendous
are you even australian because amuse and faeble singlehandedly outmatches melopara in every way…
Her music is good but (and I'll probably be crucified for this but) every time I see her perform it's seemed so lackluster? And at first I thought maybe she was just saving her energy for singing, but even in videos she doesn't have much of a presence. I'm happy for her that she's gotten so much positive attention and connections, but I kind of expect more.
Calm down nonnie it's not that serious.

i) I'm not Australian, so I was asking which groups as I'm unfamiliar with most.

ii) I said "Melody Parade is not as good." I do not think they were good performers.
she definitely lacks fire and power in her lives. her style is more soft and cute though but if she was more physically fit, she could probably have the stamina and endurance to give more.
its been a long time since i paid attention to the scene. is anyone using ai generated songs yet?
"their dancing is average" if theyre average then paidas dancing is simply bad. she cant even dance her own choreographies well
seems like she wants to stay fat forever just like berrybeanpie and alexis
they get more clout that way
Just like most of their fanbases consist of lol
Oh dear not Phoebe playing a sexualized loli vtuber...
Finally found a reason to drag her down the crab bucket? Stay bitter instead of working on yourself I guess
Do you have any receipts to the character being seen that way? No? That’s what I thought.
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Oh but it only takes a quick look at the Twitter account to find this. :)
Imagine being this much of a miserable jealous cunt
Imagine being a pedo bait apologist. Couldn't be me. Sorry your fave messed up.
If only you have real abused children this much attention. Your fake virtue signaling won’t save real children
Allowing this kind of media to be normalized is harmful. It's not okay just because your sweet precious Phoebe is behind it. You're just as gross for defending it and I sure as fuck won't be taking any advice from any pedo defender.
hi phoebe!
youre literally braindead because you try too hard to defend your kyute wittle phoebe chan. yall fail to hold people accountable because you pick and choose who can be labelled as problematic and who cant. average 4chan incel behavior
Oh sweet lord—

Has she gone this low to make a quick buck? Damn…
You're all retarded.
Uninstall tiktok and relearn some critical thinking skills.
Anyone has seen the recent posts/stories from Emily and Jessica from Non Sweet? Do they have the same boyfriend? What's going on ?
>yall fail to hold people accountable because you pick and choose who can be labelled as problematic and who cant
Huh doesnt this community do the same thing? There’s so many problematic people in power in the idol community yet you turn the same blind eye.

Fix your own issues and reflect on the state of the community before opening your mouth.
Go somewhere else if you think this thread is above discussing problematic idol behavior and gossip. You're screaming into the void.
Phoebe is one of the biggest names in this community and we're supposed to shut up once there's problematic things happening? You whitenights ought to stop dickriding your oshis it's pathetic
Who says the anon you replied to turns a blind eye on other problematic creators in the first place? Your reply is giving kpop stan attitude
Sorry im dumb but who is phoebe?
[Autism switch on] 1/2
Honestly it's really puzzling me. At first I thought it was a photog they're working with. Then on emily's post she put couple emoji so I was about to go congrats on the bf but then I saw she replied to a comment about her phone case but not to a comment trying to confirm the BF...

Then Jessica shows up in the guy's account instead of Emily or even the whole group hanging out all together.
And then the guy's account is pretty new and the last post has a cryptic message that's kinda a like reference to a song lyric. and it looks like a one sided love which makes absolute zero sense if he's actually already with Emily...
If he's waiting for a response from Jessica, then... he's two-timing? But it would be obvious to any of them if that was the case.
And a lot of the other posts.... well, the text reads A LOT like what a girl would write while thinking "this is how men talk". "These were bomb, thanks again babe" is kinda sus. And without even tagging your girl? And no pictures of his car? gaming rig? completed sketches?
The whole account feels more like a simulation than a real person.
And most of his older posts are liked by Miyu and Jessica but not Emily? And Emily only liked the post with jessica in it? And Nina is the only one of the whole group that liked the "Stay by my side" post?
And then his profile description directly references the 5/24 date which is Non Sweet's one man live with the words "Everything will be fine" - meaning... the BF isn't real? Or he is real and Emily will graduate to get married? Or a new member will be revelaed but it's an actual male member, making Non Sweet a co-ed group? or a they/them or trans new member?
And then today on twitter there's an obvious plant account @diaLOVE_0524 that's getting retweeted by the official non sweet account.
I'm smelling a strong scent of ARG or lorebuilting or marketing stunt for a new song release or other announcement for the May 24 concert. All of the member's reactions around the supposed BF have been waaaaayyy too vague and noncommittal.

I'm really intrigued now about the whole thing but I feel SUPER SCARED and too awkward to comment about this in public on the possible BF/ARG/story because I don't want to end up looking like one of those creepy parasocial fans that dig too deep into their oshi's lives and get upset and burn merch when an idol reveals a BF.
PS. ok at this point i'm 99% sure it's all fake/bait and i'm kinda sad that it's clearly not getting nearly as much traction and interest as the girls probably hoped but I'm also relieved that the actual fanbase seems to be supportive of the bf and they're not getting Twitter's eye of sauron on themselves because this kinda thing could easily turn into an unpleasant incident.

>>10913049 Hi girls~ didn't expect to see you here lmfao. Good luck on the concert!
I was the one who started to talk about it and I'm definitely not Non Sweet ahahah. But I got the same vibe, I didn't saw the stuff on twitter but I'll go check! But that makes sense, that's what I was thinking, tho I was wondering why there was just one photo of Jessica on his instagram! The little captions on the photos really seems like a girls thing to type as well! Thank you for confirming my thoughts!
and if that is jessica in the photo (which it’s safe to assume) it’s an old photo because she’s had long dark roots for a while now, but only posted 2 days ago
Yeah i was confused if it was jessica or emily at first because of the hair color lol. Looking more at the "BF" account nearly all the followers are bots
Kaigai bump
Nigga youre on 4chan of all places, /b/ used to have literal cp threads
What are idols doing being public about having boyfriends, what the fuck
Lmao you drama hungry bitches fell for non sweet marketing tactics
Obviously it's an ARG that's teasing the new song / album releasing the day of their concert.

Call me cringe for following the lore, but it's not rocket science.
What's your guys favorite group? What's your favorite thing about them?
My favorite cosplay idol group rn is lilium stars, my favorite original group was probably reso.
I love lilium stars because they put so much effort into their projects at it always turns out really cool, I miss reso but their music was always super cool and I loved them a lot, sad about the disbandment
A muse is cool
Hi Sarah
See ker looks cool, and melancholiaah is there so it’s a stacked group
Non Sweet, because of their original songs and they're good singers live. I haven't had much exposure to other groups though
For cover/dance groups there's a couple around here that have skills but they don't really promote between cons and don't release much content online
I was really into idolusion, but they haven’t released anything since nwif so idk
Not me, sorry
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As annoying as I found Marmalade's whole "hey I moved to Japan without teaching English, I support myself making clothes" and trying to sound like she's so successful, and even just a couple of weeks ago she was like "moving to Japan saved my life", I kinda feel bad about her breaking down in her newest video. Yeah I get it's edited and she put fucking sad music behind it and shit, but I'd feel sorry for her if she runs out of money and has to move back home early. I can't see her making enough money through commissions alone to support herself though.
It's so hard for me to feel sorry for her. She just lives such a privileged life. I believe she worked hard for herself to save up money to do the move, but the fact that she doesn't know how to budget and doesn't realize the true cost of living alone (because it's so naive to think you can live off of commissions when you don't have huge amount of clients) just means that she hasn't had to really struggle HARD before. Her fear is to work a job that she hates? Welcome to the real world. English teaching in Japan as a white conventiontionally attractive woman will be much easier compared to other jobs. It's also so difficult to feel sorry for her crying about not instantly having a crowd in Japan when she's only performed once or twice, doesn't post in Japanese to attract more japanese fans, and is literally in competition between thousands of idols in the japanese TOKYO idol world. It's this delusion that makes me understand why melody parade thought it was a good idea to put out an original song without releasing song covers and regularly singing live. That's why it sounded so bad. It explains why they aimed so high for a professional first music video without working on smaller music video projects leading up to that. high expectations because you assume things will work out easily? where does that mentality come from?
I feel the exact same way anon. It's the feeling of entitlement towards people's adoration and money simply because you exist, and unfortunately this mentality is much too common in the overseas idol community. So many untalented white girls watch Love Live and think that chasing your dreams is all you need to get fame and recognition, and move to the almighty weeaboo land without any realistic expectations or intention to actually work hard, only to get a sharp wake up call. I also feel no sympathy towards her. What did she expect?
Marmalade is quite a good performer though. Maybe vocally she could be stronger, but her stage pressence is strong, her dancing is clean, and she looks attractive. She just needed a little reality check I guess. She's only in her mid 20s so she's still relatively young and has much to learn in life, like most people in their 20s.
Honestly Love Live set the overseas idol scene back by at least a decade.
if they really put effort in, they would all go on a diet. a bunch of fat whales flubbing around to love live is nothing new kek
Nobody saw the post that Non Sweet is gonna perform at Tokyo Idol Festival? This is as big as Paida touring with Babybeard. Maybe kaigai idols are actually gonna fucking make it in 2024
it’s really big but also it’s not that far of a reach considering their affiliation with shun in japan
any other kaigai group could never reach tif if they didnt have connections like nonsweet do
most people who actually support talent in the community and want to see people go far don't hang out here
Wow it’s like being talented and knowing people outside of your crabs in a bucket friend circle actually works?
This being said, I’ve seen in the past people comment on groups just being bad performers.

This is a pretty good explanation, but when you are watching a kaigai idol what do you think they absolutely need to do to be a good performer and what are your performer red flags/things that make them look shitty ?
good performers look prepared and confident on stage. they don't look like they're thinking about the moves and they don't look like they're being held at gunpoint being up there. They look happy and you can tell from their energy that being an idol means a lot to them. Even if they make a mistake, they can laugh it off.

singing and dancing skill can be improved overtime. if a person can sing well but struggles with the above, it's not my favorite kind of performance.

tldr; idol magic and charm is #1
why are some idols so obsessed with berrybeanpie? seems to me like theyre hysterically hyping her up because shes fat, conventionally unattractive and not a strong performer. this community is lost
It's pity support. The people that make fun of her boost her into the algorithms and then she gets an overwhelming amount of pity support following it.

Also, off topic but if I see one more strawberry trapper guilty kiss cover at an idolfest I'm gonna yeet myself off a building. I wish people would move on to some new or different shit.
Seems like the only ‘idol’ stuff people ever mostly perform are Love Live and ProSekai. There’s WAY more other stuff than just those franchises, but people don’t like actual variety lmao. Wish other idol franchises could be recognized for once.
Did anyone see that Signals was still dragging out their drama on lolcow? Does anyone have more information?
Honestly I could care less at this point. That drama is tired. Last thing this thread needs is another shit fest upon its arrival. Let them scream in the farms.
Who did strawberry trapper recently?
Right! If you can tell there’s passion there it makes the performance fun to watch. I especially love seeing how those groups grow over each performance.

Whereas groups that you can tell hate each other or want to outshine each other are really painful and cringe to watch
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i’ll oblige but only because this is new information:
>anon on lolcow brings up signals
>anons bicker and shit up the thread
>one anon starts asking for actual proof to be posted instead of making unsubstantiated claims
>anon claiming to be alexis’s friend posts how they have the truth, claims to have “hundreds of screenshots” and that alexis will send anyone screenshots if they would just dm her
>anon is clearly either dulce or alexis herself
>other anons push for screenshots
>alexis’s friend anon says they don’t have them anymore but will come back when they “can get access to them again”
>comes back with screenshots of lists of tasks each member did leading up to nwif 2023, presumably made and sent by alexis
>lists include tasks unrelated to the group like “staffing the iin booth on friday”, minute tasks such as calling a restaurant to make a reservation, and things that each member would have had to have done anyway for themselves individually like making flight arrangements under alexis, ash, and aibi to make them look like they did more
>one anon takes it upon themselves to “investigate” to get more proof and emails/dms nwif, iin, signals, and pan from a burner
>anon comes back with the responses they received after a week
>nwif gives canned response
>iin gives a professional response in regards to staffing issues at their booth
>pan does not respond/leaves anon on read
>signals replies saying they want to share their side of the story and are compiling screenshots, pic related
>signals either stop responding to burner anon or tell burner anon they can’t provide the screenshots anymore
>thread moves on

the anons on lolcow went looking for actual proof. signals came out looking bad because of alexis or her friend posting screenshots and signals responding that they’re willing to feed an obviously drama-seeking burner email.

all is still up to see on the other board. can we move on?
Mixture of pity support and some genuine fans. She’s not a bad dancer or performer, she’s just very fat.

Signals doesn’t seem to do anything. They don’t perform. They barely make content. Their bridge with a former member that has money and connections that would allow them to do more got burnt. Is this old drama the only thing they have going for them so they drag it up whenever they get a chance? I don’t get it.
the only people who care about this are the friends of the members. I don't even think the members themselves care. reporting them to the con is HILARIOUS.
The community is mostly girls so they feel threatened by actually pretty and talented idols. Exceptions are idols with a lot of clout like nonsweet and phoebe. Those who are attractive and takented but don't quite have as much clout yet are looked over and threatening to others. Maybe more males could make a difference but also males can have moid brainrot.
Anon most likely is relating that whole thing to Aquarius since they included the song on their set list at a recent performance this weekend.
same with that suki suki suki song or other love live stuff. short dance covers on social media are fine but in idolfests that shit gets so old. especially since 90% of them dont even bother singing the songs
I mean, what did you expect? The members and their friends made this thread to air their drama in the first place LMAO. Probably a good thing their former member left to if this is the company the members keep. The American kaigai idol community is a crab bucket.
sign wa b too
You want signals to be the villains so bad huh
AYRT My only impression of this group is their drama and basically nothing else. I think they should put out actual content instead of wasting their time and energy monitoring 4chan and lolcow and responding to obvious burner emails. What is Signals as a group other than a space theme and their drama?
Non Sweet at TIF and Paida touring with Babybeard after performing and recording in Japan. Not to mention small victories like Idol Party: IN LA announcing at-home cafe’s idol unit alongside kaigai idols and promising more Japanese guests, ADEN bringing a few kaigai idols over for their last taiban in Japan next month, and Taberu Gumi, Steffi, and Heidi all being kaigai idols experiencing modest success in groups in Japan. More livehouse events happening in North America like Non Sweet’s solo event at the end of this month. 2024 looks like the year kaigai idols break through and become legitimized.
>What is Signals as a group other than a space theme and their drama?
It hurts. It’s unfortunate that this is what’s left of the group. They were really promising with their 5 member lineup redebut 2 years ago. They missed their hype window and probably pissed away their good will by staying involved in drama. I stopped supporting after they said they were re-re-redebuting with their most recent cover.
This is said every year and then some internal major drama sets everyone back.
not really. The kaigai idols above have never been involved in actual drama because they're focused on their craft.
I really hope this is the year.
only the tryhards and fat love live cosplayers have drama. the ones with actual talent and looks dont really get involved in drama. yall sleep on so many skilled soloists just because they dont get hype drama or hate.
please share some soloists we’re all sleeping on. i want to stop sleeping on them if they’re good.
all of the reso members have posted covers since disbandment and no one seemed to care about them, just want to be sad the group is disbanded

@wooly_chan - really cute album and has a whole album on Spotify that’s rlly good
@bunni.sings - come out of no where wish had more stuff but love the ado covers
@flowerfairytoriinn - CCE ‘23 performance was extremely good
@keirabat - super talented singer I think lot of people know or are familiar but don’t give as much credit I think should be deserved
I think cause in most cases people like the concept of a group rather than the individual members. Not that they don't have their own following, but they definitely don't get the same attention.

Speaking of groups though, San and Nayo(known for quartesque)are slowly revealing their new group look with illixcite and the visuals are amazing so far.
I just finished reading the thread. It’s all very funny and messy. The
>Alexis always has screenshots at the ready, you guys! Did you forget?
is so stupid. It sounds like she’s trying to make people stop talking about her group.

I am curious about the alleged false racism allegation against Cafe Kira Hoshi’s management their one member started. Did that actually get spread at Metrocon?

Everyone except for Wooly, all the idols you listed are varying levels of inactive. All very talented, though. Keira is very talented and attractive but I personally find her “savage” personality to be unbearable. She tries to insert herself into drama constantly, which is a big turn off for me. Wooly is great and very professional. I think she has a manager or producer which helps.
>I thought Ash admitted she made those up?
Yeah, this is true. Ash used to be part of Cafe Kira Hoshi as Maid Kumi. Ash was partying at the con and started telling people that the cafe is racist, that they don’t care that it’s not true, and then told people to spread it. It got back to Kira Hoshi because they told some active maids to spread it, too.
As someone who knows Ash through signals, this doesn't surprise me. They're one of the most vindictive people I've met.
I'm guessing they probably got kicked out of the cafe for causing drama, and now they're doing the same thing with signals.
I think they parted ways on neutral terms, actually, but Ash said were upset with Pengy for not inviting them back to be a maid at the final Kira Host event during Metro too so take that as you will.
Texas idol fest is doing a pride event
lililovechu, lylaharp, bextheidol, enmarinrin, elfoxu, fairiedogdances, marilumique, arisan_aidoru, royalbuckss and some others who dont really call themselves idol. theres other great soloists but these are some overlooked ones that popped up. if any of these have been in drama spill it
Which of these soloists have their own songs?
>half of them are new

lylaharp does
What’s the drama threshold at which you stop supporting an idol? Is it if they have a pattern of drama causing behavior or if just any drama follows them? Is there a ratio of content vs drama involved in you’re willing to tolerate?
TIF has gone downhill ever since the creator left
No improvement, involved in drama and two-faced behavior. So I stopped supporting most of this community a while ago.
That's pathetic
same as >>10917290. i also weigh the severity of the drama, their actions and behavior in it, and if they drag out drama for months or hold grudges. there are idols i follow that have had drama blips discussed on here but i still support because they moved on and do interesting/unique things with their project. it’s not an exact science.
I’m looking forward to the seeker subunit. I’m not opposed to a pride themed event.

It looks like the only member of Signals that doesn’t get involved in drama is the yellow member. She really needs to jump ship quick before being associated with these people tanks her.
most of them have been around for multiple years but okay
There are a couple of good soloists I found through the BabyBeard line up.
Wooly and Tea stand out to me as having strong stage charisma and seem to keep professional. Eucaly is a good dancer.
I have a hard time believing she isn’t aware of their behavior or isn’t cosigning it in some way. Signals replied to a drama seeking email from their group’s business email ffs.

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