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Previous thread >>10858314
i can buy some smelly socks and other feet garments
any used panties f/s? unwashed only
please im begging. looking for the MM Fleur OP as well. any color.
no offense but has anyone fulfilled an MM wtb on here in the last few years? these days, it seems like these type of sales and trades usually happen between friends and very rarely over /cgl/.
i found a MM dress through a cgl WTS post last year actually. it's rare, sure, but it never hurts to cast a wide net.
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WTB the newer version of Meta's Organdy Babydoll OP in black! I managed to track down the matching accessories, but still no luck with the OP

t. friendless gull who refuses to lose hope
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WTB : little squirrel plush bag
hope everyone gets their DDs this year. still looking for this
WTB: tiara rose op in black as well as sweet black wristcuffs
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I'm looking to sell my MM perfume bottle JSK in Lavender colorway. I was thinking around $250-300 AUD but I've been away from the scene for a while so I might be over pricing it
do you have a lace market or email? I am interested in purchasing. To answer your question that price is about how much the jsk sold for 4 years ago (more examples) but in 2022 one sold for 420 USD and 2 ops sold for 300 USD last year (according to lace market).
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I'm getting my account verified and will be uploading other classic items so drop your email and I'll contact you when I do.
is it all three colors of the bottom left JetJ print? i'll definitely buy that off of you if it's in black.
id pay 500 USD
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WTB Dream dresses! Finally got the Meta skirt after 6 years or something dumb.

Queen of Candyland, please, I beg.. put me out of my misery
Ok, thank you! Can I email you and ask if you have a particular item?
Yeah, it's all three colors. the black has been altered to have longer straps. I can get you pictures if you're interested
please do! i'm actually pretty tall so that would be an added bonus if it's done well.
girly put this up for auction, i know at least three people looking for it

what size is the clara OP?
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Clara OP is B:95CM,W:70CM,L:100CM
Comes with matching barrette
Brown colour way
Very good condition and recently dry-cleaned
Major ISO
$350 (plus ship + fees to the US if necessary) for my preferred colorway (brown) but I will also buy the blue colorway for around $280-300 probably
Please email me
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Still ISO jewelry jelly! lav in colorways pictured would also be welcomed!!
it’s going to be for sale on usagi next refresh
it's my dream dress
i hope you get it, good luck!! i just saw it on their story and thought of this thread
link? i have no idea what usagi is
then you're new and don't deserve it
it's the brown OP but not JSK tho
WTB low waist dresses that aren't black or gold/yellow/orange :( the cute girls buy them too fast
nayrt but usagi was out of business for years, it's reasonable for anon to not know about them.
it's brown? i thought op said it was a lavender jsk. nevermind.
the website also says they're not accepting orders right now right on the front page. I've never used usagi before so maybe they forgot to update it but otherwise idk what that anon was talking about lol
it's not brown, what are you talking about?
i regularly buy from them just fine

the usagi store will be listing the brown OP
The OG cgl poster has lavender JSK
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>the usagi store will be listing the brown OP
this isn't the brown colorway OR the OP. are you ESL or something?
thank you. do you know when they update? weekly?
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I know it's a long shot but I'm getting married next year and looking to buy one of Baby's MTO wedding dresses in white or ivory. My top priority would be one of the following-
>Marie de Lumiere
>Mariée Éternelle
>Le Poupée Mariée Rêveuse
>La Mariée Pre
but send me an email if you have any of the other releases as well. I will pay whatever you want. Absolutely kicking myself for not watching the market for them over the years but I never thought I'd get married desu
they'll probably do another MTO come spring
mistyped my email, it's correct in this post
you're right and I'll keep an eye out. As long as it's not another tea-length release I'll probably go for it
Is the JM jsk still available?
what's your budget? and congrats btw
which one?
Perfume Bottle is up on Usagi for 96k yen if anyone is feeling insane.
Thanks, I bought it. With the yen so weak, it's not that bad.
Looking for almost all of the older AP lucky packs in their special set cuts (Candy Sprinkle, Whip Factory, Dream Fantasy) and the ice cream headband!

I missed the Whip Factory pink special set that just got posted on CC but I remain hopeful this means more get put up for sale since everyone keeps selling the high waist cut
The gobelin one
I haven't listed it up yet as i'm not sure of pricing
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Feeler post, but is there any interest for a Kamikaze Girls paperback?
This isn’t my image but I have the exact same book, and I’m seeing it listed online for over $100 so I’m not sure what to price this.
Sorry, I meant hardcover, not paperback
It’s up on LM!
Thank you! I saw but unfortunately my dog is having an unexpected medical emergency and I’ll have to painfully pass this auction up to pay for vet bills T-T
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WTT, interested in Moitie and florals mostly, but will look at anything equivalent.
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ISO white Sugar Bouquet OP! 2005 version preferred, but I'll take the 2022 one as well.
Sent you an email!
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WTB BTSSB Mirabel JSK or skirt set in any colourway other than pink. Black or red in the JSK is preferred though.
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Not my listing, but I know some gulls like leopard print, so here's a leopard print corsage from Pink House to match your dresses
WTB Kumakumya rucksack, either the normal or jumbo size.
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putting out feelers. WTT ruby ekaterina for cameo rose ekaterina or other MM pieces.
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iso/wtb kumyachan’s christmas holly night green headbow
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wtb a brand spoon necklace for my jam themed coord
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I’m thinking about selling my 2005 Atelier Boz Claire Mini OP with removable collar. I have never seen it sold on LM. Would 400€ be too much for it?
There’s an AP one just up on WW right now, dunno if it’s too sweet for your taste though.
it is a bit too sweet, I'm looking for more of a vintage silver spoon vibe, but thanks for thinking of me!
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WTB AP's Romantic Night Princess Head Bow in Wine or Black!

Name your price + shipping to the US. I will pay it.
I got caught in the sudden hard rain and it completely destroyed the ribbon, please help me recover my favorite KC!
thought of you nonnie (it's gold tho)
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Desperately searching for Meta Crown Label Bubble Bath print. Will take any cut and colorway (skirt or OP preferred, lavender or turquoise preferred but again I love all of them)

Need shipping to the US
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I don't even know if the Miffy set is out yet, but I'm shooting my shot
WTS CC Cat Rainbow Doll House JSK in L + Apron + KC. Will throw in CC Cat pink bow ring.
WTB my dream dress, pic related. At this point, I'd trade several of my MM pieces for it.
There’s no price check thread but what’s a good BIN price for a full hospitality doll set (like the blue one that sold on lm, same accessories included) I don’t like having auctions because 7 days to sell something and flood of dms about it annoys me
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name your price and i'll pay it. will take green too
jahrhundert is that you
what color? anything under $700 seems like a loss, idk anon. auction would be better, you can just say you won't answer DMs about it
1. What colorway?
2. How do I convince you to skip the listing and sell it to me instead lol
just do the last auction's final sale price as BIN. That's the easiest.
Anon you single handley convinced me to never bother trying to sell any of my sought after pieces, fuck these dresses I don’t even wear them anymore and they’re rot in storage because dealing with this new wave of flakey and stupid lolitas isn’t even worth it
just list it for 1k and ignore messages, someone will buy it within a few weeks. list it at 500-700 if you want it to sell instantly. that is as long as if flake-chan didn't ghost you because it was in bad condition
Fuck that anon. Name price, i'll grab.
don't let your dresses rot anon, I will buy them
What's a reasonable price for this lil fat guy these days?
And for this slightly demented lil friend?
Toy fantasy jewellery goes for $100+
Price check?
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please sell me your angel rose birdcage jsk. doesn't even have to be the pink short version, will look at any color and length as long as it's the jsk.
Post you email~
What's a reasonable price to pay for memorial cake these days? Last one on LM went for 500 but that seems wild
Anyone looking to sell Wonder Cookie? Pink, white, or sax.
WTB VM's Lace-up doll OP in lavender
its a long shot but I'm looking to buy extremely damaged brand or bodyline dresses for sewing projects, pls email me what you have and what price you'd take for it. I'd especially like peices that have bleach or dye damage or other damage where the dress itself is in tact but the print is fucked up. also single sleeves, messed up or damaged accessories, honestly anything brand that has fabric, I'm interested.
WTT Metamorphose Gobelin Print set in brown for blue gobelin print in any main piece cut or set only
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Why do I have to own another set in the brown colorway as well RIP
I have an extremely good condition pink twinkle mermaid op, thoughts on price? I was thinking 350 but I haven't bought or sold on pp and have no idea what the going rate is.
Is it the pink OP with the blue illustrations? If so, I'll buy it for that price
You should put it up for auction with 350 starting bid, I’m sure people will duke it out for it
I bought one for $250 last year, would have paid maybe $300 at most.
Price check?
Looking for old school and floral socks in wine, dusty pink, brown or anything similar to picrel! I don’t check my email daily so if you email me a reply to this post would be appreciated :)
Have been away from lolita for awhile. Rebuilding my wardrobe. Looking for sugary sweet AP, nothing new please. I like 2010s dresses, favorite colorways are pink, mint, sax. Feel free to send me accessories, blouses or socks as well
Email me if you’re interested in trading, looking to trade one of my blue bouquet print dresses.
Looking for Whip Jacquard Beret in ivory
I’m not sure which cut I’d like to get rid of first
You’re welcome to email me with more questions, I can send times tamped proof photos
Forgot to mention I’m mainly looking for Angelic Pretty solids in pink, or pink x white.
Oops I’m sorry I typed in a rush
Which cut/release?
what would be a decent price for this AtePie jsk?
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price check on iw trump rose skirt in blue? i rarely wear it. maybe i should just trade it (putting out a feeler i guess, feel free to email).
price check on AP chandelier print OP? i've been out of the fashion for a while and am finally getting around to selling my shit, no idea what anything goes for anymore lmfao. there's one for sale on LM right now that's damaged but listed for 1000 and surely that can't be a good example to gauge the price
i'm actually interested!
my email is floralsfloralsflorals@proton.me if you'd like to sell:)
do you have lacemarket? if not, I'll email you later this week. thanks!
i do have LM, but i'm a little nervous about putting it in the thread for privacy reasons lol. whenever you're able to shoot me an email i can give you my username and we can move to lm if that's more convenient:)
hope to hear from you soon!
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wtt: langue de chat chocolat tuck flare skirt for the other skirt type. would also trade for the JSK version and pay money as needed.
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WTB in red or black (preferred), only the 4 tier version as I already had the mini and didn't like the fit
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I want this stupid little thing. Please message me if you have it or anything similar (like the older bear rucksacks). I will pay good money.
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Preordered this Verdure Mallory Long OP back in October from VM on the WW website. I paid around $300? Asking $200 shipped within the US (Willing to ship internationally). She’s new in package, never tried on or anything. Shoot me an email if interested!
will pay literally any price please please please. looking for a few other MM pieces as well. if you have MM to sell, please offer.
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dropped pic
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Looking for this specific Cornet JSK (unsure the year and name, cant find on lolibrary) and the Maxicimam cross embroidery JSK. Not against paying a bit more if I have to. They're big big big needs for me at the moment, if you're looking to part with them.
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WTB this Bodyline blouse l523
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WTT for the ivory colorway. Preference is North America, but open to international trades.
Leave your lm or email address if interested!:)
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Anyone interested in selling this Meta Gobelin Princess OP? The BluexBlack colorway preferred but am fine with the lighter lace too.
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looking to trade my Arabesque Rose short version for the midi version (other colorways considered) and my Jupe de Chapelle for the JSK version (either colorway/size)
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Any interest in this MAM OP in the pink colorway? Would trade for more OTT gobelin/shantung/jacquard/velveteen/lace monster pieces, interested in old school sweet, gothic and especially Meta's monstrosities. Located in EU, will ship worldwide.
sent an email
Hospitality doll set is up in fril tn
Okay, chinese-scalper-kun. Thanks for the heads up that it's 20k yen, too.
the physical drop one?
are you interested in selling?
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My wife is really upset because she accidentally ripped this dress on a doorknob. Can one of you people tell me how I'd go about buying her a duplicate as a surprise?
I am! I'm thinking of putting it up for auction soon, but feel free to make an offer
I could only find the OP cut, but it's the same print and colorway, so maybe it'll work?

Closet Child ships worldwide and accepts direct payment, so you won't need a shopping service. Here's their how to guide on how to make an order:
Thank you, I really appreciate your help. Unfortunately I think she was attached to the specific cut that she had. I'm guessing it's no longer made and I'd have to buy it from someone on an exchange site or whatever?
Yeah, it's a 2013 release, so you can only get it secondhand. I tried to do a quick search for it and the OP cut was the only one I could find, unfortunately.
Checked on Xianyu as well and only got more OPs. Sorry anon, I tried :(

It's okay, thank you for trying. We're going to see of a local seamstress can do anything. She looks very pretty in that dress so I hope it can be fixed.

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