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Casual Edition

Previous thread: >>4329248
Post more of Evangelion's best girl!
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*points at you*
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*sucks finger*
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You guys really filled the last thread up quickly huh?
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It usually goes faster
She looks cool like this
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>posting fake slav squats
Asuka can do the real thing.
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She always looks cool
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she nom
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What is she singing?
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Something laden with slurs I hope
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She dive.
How about y'all stop posting the same pictures over and over again?
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I need to spend more time looking for fresh Asuka pics
Hello The Evangelion Chronicler, DeathlyPrice
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Already up
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sfw Footsukas are hard to find
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asuka stew
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*sips the Asuka soup*
Oh spicy
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I want a taste
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Big Energy
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This one's hella cute.
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She has a booboo on her knee :(
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i love Piedisuka
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Cute frilly bikini
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>Anno said that "there may be plans" to continue Eva
Some people just can't let it go
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This artist showed up on my feed today, his Asuka art looks really cute.

Anno's said that a few times in the past, hasn't he? I'd be fine with new content as long as it's of high quality, but the story of the main cast has been thoroughly explored unless they do some sort of 2.5 movie to be what Q would've been.
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I would like to see a movie or mini series about the alternate reality from Episode 26 where they just have normal lives. I know there are games but it's not the same.
If it's another "retelling"/sequel then I'm not interested
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Based, I wholeheartedly agree with you and I know Anno would probably say that goes against the point but fuck him, he's a pseud and a hack.
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Just some cute slice of life stuff with the core cast would be nice, they definitely earned it after the series. Frankly, as long as whatever content they do decide to make is of quality I'll be happy to watch it.
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>cute slice of life stuff with the core cast
No. Absolutely not. I don't need to see a "Will he choose Rei or Asuka" anime where he chooses neither and friendzones them both while Kaworu floats in and out of the show for fujofanservice.

Utter cancer.
He should choose Misato desu
Gundam UC crossover where theyre all child soldier pilots in the OYW and die brutal meaningless deaths.
This desu
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Asuka has the prettiest legs
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> but the story of the main cast has been thoroughly explored
The problem is you can’t really go too far away from the main cast because at a certain level Eva IS its cast. It’s not like gundam where the robots are the main draw. I just feel like if you made a new story with a new cast and some weird lanky robots it all starts to sound sorta generic. Asuka and Rei are the main two reasons anyone gives a shit.
The obvious answer is a continuation from EoE, whether that takes shape in the immediate future or after a timeskip of some duration.
90 minutes of Asuka and Shinji just wandering around in the post Third Impact world
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A minimal dialogue exploration type thing, or I’d be open to a point and click style game with weird otherworldly imagery like Cat Soup.
how does she smell
strawberries and blood
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forgot the image, damn
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if you don't mind asushin, sono go no evangelion (the epilogue of evangelion) is an old non-h doujin dedicated to basically that. it's a bit lighter in tone than what you're probably thinking about but i enjoy it quite a bit
with her nose
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This Sukas booty is poppin!
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Fresh official Asuka tummy just dropped
Nice nice nice
@Dude_doppelgang ITT
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She's also wearing her striped bikini
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I love her so much
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>mfw sundresssuka
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yellow sundress Asuka is best Asuka
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Anyone know the source to this?
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*breaks finger*
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Did you guys do anything fun for Memorial Day? Felt nice to have a long weekend again.
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What's memorial day?
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It's like Veteran's Day for the ones that died. In reality it's just an excuse to grill and go swimming.
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why is there no Asuka day
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wdym? Every day is Asuka day
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Ah so it's an American thing, gotcha
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Found an Assuka
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is she aware that she's wearing a very flowy, short dress when doing this?
breathe in
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It's rude to look
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But I want to look
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She will kick your ass if you dare
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It's alright, she's a strong girl
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