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Post birds, appreciate birds
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I learned of the Hoopoe recently when they went a bit too far North and became a rare but welcome sight in the UK. I love it
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Awesome photo
Is there a reliable way to get rid of owls without harming them?
These ones probably have the coolest mating rituals
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Recently found a cockatiel on the street. Doesn't talk nor sing but after a couple of weeks of constatly being bitten, we're frens
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THE Cape May Warbler
They get in my roof and run around and scream all night.
Finally my birdies started to eat alone (zebras, 6th week). Handfeeding can be very stressful.
Don't bother. They totally fucked up Risk of Rain 2.
move out to a place without owls
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Sandhill Cranes have been moving through....
My bedroom is a converted loft. A while ago I noticed the same birds flying near my window, I kept it closed so they don't get in and they quieted down for a month. Now I've been awoken every morning at 5am by the sounds of screaming hatchlings. I can't sleep through it and adjusted my sleep schedule to sleep earlier. It's so fucking irritating and carries on throughout the day. I like birds, like all things, in moderation but this is too much. The worst part is it's loud enough for me to hear since my hearing is sharp but not loud enough to record. BTW I'm not a schizo, the recording has the bird sounds but they're faint compared to the background white noise, and I'm not bothered to edit the audio to isolate and amplify it. I can't bitch about it irl every day without sounding deranged so I'm posting here.
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THE annoying Killdeer
You won't get any help here. None of these birdfuckers have jobs or routines. Find where the nest is and put it in a shoebox and move it somewhere away from where you sleep and safe from predators. Don't let anyone see you, best to do it just before dawn when the parents are awake and starting to forage.
I shot a squirrel with my air rifle as I usually do and it looked dead so I left it. The ravens know the gunshot sound and always fly over to check out if I killed one. So whichever one flew over made its "found some food" honk and in a couple minutes they both (male+female couple) came down to eat.

Well fuck me it was still alive. It started squealing and rubbing its eyes but looks like it couldn't move its legs so the ravens started caw-ing at it a lot, pulling it around, and pecking it in the head for like 15 minutes until it finally gave up the ghost and now they're doing the usual, picking out all the meat and I guess the female one keeps bringing some back to the nest.

I've seen them eat many squirrels but never a live one. I love my ravens.
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>feed me faggot
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THE African Harrier Hawk
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What is this fellow called and does anyone have a picture of it stained with blood? It was face profile picture iirc
The Long Wattled Umbrellabird
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Bearded vulture, Gypaetus barbatus.
House wren found the bluebird box

It's over
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Black capped Chickadee
They're pretty cute.
That's actually awesome. Good that you rescued him
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the lads
Left one is coolest
Seems unusual to have Baltimore oriole and pine siskins at the same time
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I live around Latinos.
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they'll see you at home
when you feed the hens
the boorras will come
they can be your frens
if you give them some
they came for the food
for that is their wish
just not fruits or grain
they eat meat or fish
over it they coo
they will bring some pals
give some to them too
or the beaks will clash
you can pet them too
just don't be a jerk
the king of the bush
demands some respect
when he breaks the hush
expect no concert
this bird cannot sing
but they'll laugh with you
if some food you bring

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyU7I-rbS08
(vid not mine)
sorry to hear that
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posting some of my faves
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funky birb
Poor fellow, at least it seems chill with you!
He lovin the black & yellow color scheme
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the neck is long
Anons, I would love a pet BIRD, but I can only love animals that are SMASHED and SLAMMED.
I will name him CUMSTACK.
That there is a perfect name for a fancy pigeon.
the chickadees keep kicking up the seed i put out. they make a giant mess, like a toddler eating cheerios in the back seat of a soccer mom van. maybe they can't distinguish seeds too well in a pile, so they have to spread it out. they're cute, but i don't know what's their problem.
Is it some cheap garbage mix? They are probably digging for just the good ones they want to eat.
Female bluebird seems all alone
She's sitting in the house, came out to eat sunflower hearts this morning but that's it. She made a sad little call at the feeder then flew away. No male in sight, no male singing anywhere. What the fuck.

I want to like go poke some mealworms through the entry hole and see if she takes them but she'll probably just get scared.
go keep her company
Man... A bird just hit my window and died, and I feel like shit.
It happens unfortunately, I’ve seen birds hitting my windows occasionally but they all survived, one time it was a rare Canadian warbler but it flew off after a bit just fine
Question: Anyone have one of these oriole feeders? would like to try to attract orioles in NJ, and wanted to know what works best for attracting them.
example of the feeders im looking at.
fuck im high, im sorry
Like the other anon said, chickadees don't like millet or any of that stuff. So if your seed is a mix they are digging for the sunflowers. Black- oil Sunflower seeds are what they love.
They work, but I think the reward of seeing a few orioles before they go off to nest and have to put out such messy stuff that attracts ants is not worth it. They don't really benefit from feeders it's just for humans to look at them. So decide how much seeing an oriole is worth.
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anyone have a system of recording their bird feeder while they're out the house for work etc? a system of recording, transferring, editing down and converting/exporting?
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here's another
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so pretty, the tuft on its head really finishes it
Yeah just a regular IP camera mounted on my house, the feeders are all on my deck. I have many feeders so it's not close up on any of them but I got one with decent resolution so I can determine which species there are.
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I have the Nature's Way all in one feeder and it's great. Removable cups for the jelly make cleaning easy, plus it has a built-in ant moat and bee guards.
Do you guys make your own jelly, or is store bought good enough?
Store bought grape jelly works fine. The bird jelly that costs 5x as much is just a ripoff.
Trying to listen to the wood thrush and stupid house wren won't shut up
Eaglet was saved recently

>muh interfering with nature
Eat shit
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wood pigeons waddle about below the feeder for any scraps that fall
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I love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
I used to kind of resent them for being 80% of the birds I saw when I started birding in PA. But I acknowledge now that they are cool little dudes.
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Does this look like an indigo bunting? Or maybe tree swallow? In NH.

I only saw it in low res on my camera, looked like this deep azure blue with a darker head and tail, maybe white/lighter underside but it was hard to tell. About finch/sparrow sized.
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I come to you in a time of need /an/

My cats found a bird's nest and they keep bringing in baby birds. Now they've brought one in alive. I can't get to the nest, there aren't any organisations around who can help, and all I've been able to think to do is leave it by the tree in a box hoping the mother collects it or something.

Looks like pic related.

Anyone have any better ideas of what I should do or is it SOL? Mum's gonna get impatient and let the cats out again soon and I want it off the floor before they find it again.
Tell your mom to stop hating the cats and keep them inside.
And that bird is a goner.
If possible put the box in a tree. Probably won't work and it will melt in the rain eventually but not much else you can do.
I just heard(and saw) this bird outside today
I did this once, put a catbird fledgling in an empty bird feeder and hung it on a tree near the nest, parents found it within minutes and it was gone.
It might have flown out, not sure since it never flew away for the hour I had it in a box trying to decide what to do with it. Or maybe the mother carried it out somehow. It wasn't on the ground nearby so I think it must have gotten somewhere safe.
I sincerely appreciate not only aviators yet aquatic and terra firma animal kingdoms. In other words those that fly swim and run. If someone really appreciates them I would respect the very bodies we take from our common stores to rejuvenate our's and realize that "Animals are humans simply in a different way" and refrain from taking pictures of them. How would you like to be a guinea pig? Did you know that 3 common brown house canaries and a platypus equal the average human being? Put up a simple algebra math test to prove it! I know. Mister Strict here—there's no ritual involved really. Be like them and only "eat when you're hungry" to average out the score.

Fact: There are 32,301% Humans 200.4% Animals & 56.1% Plants throughout Earth (2024)

It's a great thread though. Wanna know one more interesting fact? Aquatic animals are going extinct! Here's another one: The Sycamore Tree has been extinct for the passed 3,000 years!

Well. I'm doing my best to respect the Animal Kingdoms and Plant Worlds etc. etc. .. You can't expect me to laugh about nothing.

Sry if tl;dr.
As long as you let the cat outside the birds will die. This bird will die now.
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Saw some birds today :)
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This little bastard made a nest right on top of our outside lamp. Any recommendation for a camera that can capture what goes on in that nest and that I can stream on my phone and/or laptop?
Slap a few bird-safe decals on the offending window, problem solved. Indoor plants or trees/greenery being reflected in your window make it especially tricky for a bird to tell whether it’s just a window or not. Like an illusion.
>magpie found a piece of old white bread
>hooded crow chases magpie until it drops the bread
>crow takes bread to pool of water to soften it up
Catbirds seem really good at finding their yearly nesting site / natal site.
Other migratory birds seem to just show up for a day or two then leave as they're passing through, and it takes a few weeks to see if anyone is staying to breed/nest. But the catbirds seem to come here intentionally like they know it's their place. Welcome home :)
first step is to ask for his permission to film at all, next step would be to negotiate an appropriate place for the camera respecting his privacy. the next step will be to check up on him after a couple of days to make sure everything is still okay, mentally prepared to immediately remove the camera if he expresses any concern or discomfort, as the priority here is to respect his autonomy and sense of safety
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great tit
He didn't ask for permission to set up camp in my territory so why should I ask for his permission to record him?

On a more serious note, I know there are some cats who sometimes walk on our patio so I'm a little worried about them gong after the hatchlings when the time comes
Don't have any camera advice, but while they're fledglings, you need to somehow pressure the cats to fuck off. They WILL try to kill them.
Automatic water Sprinkler, a dog if you have one or repellants. Best to trap them and shoot if you can stomach it.
I lost an entire young family (except Mom) of green woodpeckers to neighbor cats a few years ago.
One of these big bois (common pheasant) is 'singing' under my window every morning at dusk. I think it's looking for some cloaca
Why would you need to buy some piece of plastic to feed orioles oranges? Stick them on a fucking branch.
Why aren’t you raising it?
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I love pictures of birbies roosting on their little birdy babies
Bird-related question (kinda sad):
I had a batch of 30 Tennessee-red quail eggs for hatching. Of those, 25 were viable. 5 died before lockdown. 8 hatched unassisted, and 2 had to be coaxed. 8 of the remaining 10 eggs had pipped, and seem to have drowned, I assume from high-humidity (incubator isn't very well regulated, have to tune it by hand every day).
Since then, 5 of the hatchlings have died at a rate of 1 every 2 days. They all appeared to be eating & drinking, running around, and putting on weight. Brooder is much better regulated for temp and humidity, food is ground-up high-protein chick starter and water has the same probiotic/electrolyte mix in reverse-osmo water that I've always used, and I've never had a die-off as bad as this.
I fear this is a sort of canary in a coal mine situation. Should I be worried about disease or air contamination? I just replaced my CO detectors and air filters, no alarms or black mold.
I've raised bobwhites in the past, but this is my first time trying Tennessee reds. I thought this was supposed to be a robust breed. I can't pin down anything I've done differently that could account for the mortality.
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Baby robin that left its nest this morning.
It let me get close enough to stroke its tail feathers.

I'm pretty sure it's part of a brood that's been making nests in my eaves for about 3 years now.
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Also from today.
Caught this one because it built part of its nest out of some kind of plastic mesh.
It got caught in it's own trap and I had to untangle it with some scissors.
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And an owl that I found the other night standing in the middle of a gravel road.
Not sure what was wrong with it but it was alert and hopping around. I'm not an ornithologist so I just helped it get to a safe part of the grass. Not sure what else I could do for it.
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That's wild
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Holding it was even crazier.
You wouldn't be able to tell just be looking at it, but the body is roughly the size and shape of a Cornish game hen, and weighs about the same. I don't know what I expected when I picked it up, but "Puffy chicken" wasn't it.
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pic rel
They just sploot like this and die.
I'm really sad.
That looks like a spotted owl.
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I believe it's actually a barred owl.
Spotted owls have more prominent "eyebrows" I think.
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forgot to say thanks for the reply
i now have a simple tripod that i mount my phone to, charging cable connected, and a bluetooth device that starts/stops recording when pressed. so I can sit a little out of the way with the feeder in view and record for a minute or so at a time while reading a book. i want to catch them landing and taking off in particular. the length of these webms are determined by the 4mb limit.
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can someone help me id this one? is it a type of sparrow?
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solid, liquid, and gas
I got a pair of binoculars but the cemetery with a good bird population kicked me out for loitering. I am pissed
lol it’s the same bird, that’s a spotted owl! Barred owls are larger
>work at local cemetery
>freak with binoculars sits on a bench and looks around
>other visitors are giving him funny looks
>go over and ask him to stop, it's bad taste in a place for the dead
>he mutters under his breath and waddles away
Wtf even the birds are dirty in your country
It's a Barred Owl. And the bird anon posted pics of is also a Barred Owl.
holy hell, that is one oppressive ass feeder, but nice vid anyways. seed spillage sucks.
be careful when handling birds. their bodies secrete a special waterproof oil which is difficult for them to produce to begin with, and human hands have their own oils which muck things up for them. wet birds can't fly, but i can only assume you live somewhere arid, so it's just something to keep in mind for later. anyways, thanks for sharing your unique experience, anon.
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oppressive how
Who the hell gets kicked out of a cemetery
>out walking in the park, feeding the birds
>see a wallet on the grass
>haha empty wallet let's check it out
>it's full of cash
>got cards and a phone number as well
>call the dude, he doesn't pick up
>look up his address
>it's the local drunk who lives on the same street as me
>put the wallet in his mailbox and text him about it
evil part of me wanted to take all the cash before delivering it
dumb niggers trimming trees all over town in the middle of nesting season

what the fuck can't they do this a month earlier
I saw some robins trying to have sex today. It was a male on female. I hope.
you're lucky, I wish I could get this close to an owl and just hold it gently
Aren't you lucky, Uncle Ben just uploaded a video of him playing with barred owl chicks. They're so fluffy.
Spotted owls are also rare as fuck because barred owls keep pushing them out of their territory. They're a threatened species.

Probably shining a light in its eyes didn't help it relax either.
>Probably shining a light in its eyes didn't help it relax either.
To be fair, I needed to check how conscious it was and see if it was bleeding. I couldn't think of a safe way to do that short of shining a light on it and inspecting it.
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motor/sp/ort here.
can anyone help us identify this bird?
location is Speedway, Indiana, USA (the Indianapolis Motor Speedway)
>link doesn't work
Innit just a robin?
Turdus migratorius carrying something in its beak. I thought you flyovers were supposed to be more in tune with nature?
Bird report

Just seen a Baltimore oriole eating some suet. First bird to use the perch I put on my suet feeder. I don't put out oranges or jelly but they will probably use hummingbird feeders.

Wood thrush was singing last evening, had a weird song, kept doing this harsh "pit-pit" call in between the tunes like it was feeling extra territorial maybe. Or a young one that's not good at singing yet.

Pine siskins still here in large numbers. I think it's rare for them to stay this far south so late, I'm not in their breeding range but they don't seem to be moving on.

Found a dead pine siskin with wing torn off, partially eaten. A few looked sick with salmonellosis which they are very susceptible to, so it could be anything that killed it if it was on the ground at night. Raccoon perhaps. Better off dead than sick and dying I guess.

House wrens will not shut up. At least 3 are in my yard singing all day. There's a few chickadee/wren houses up they can use. One is right outside my window.

A few hummingbirds are here, at least one male and one female. It's a bit slow year for them, but I don't have many plants in bloom right now so maybe that's why. By June lupines will be blooming then bee balm and they will be much happier.

Bluebird is still nesting in her house. I checked on the nest but she built it so high that when I open the door on the front, it tilts inwards at the top and covers where the eggs would be. She sits in it with her face poking out the hole. So I tried to take pictures through the hole with my phone but they all came out too dark. Next time I check I'll just feel for them or use a flashlight. They should be hatching within a week or so.

Oh and yesterday I saw 2 female rose breasted grosbeaks eating together, a male over in another feeder, and then heard the male singing. They're nice birds but I kind of think of them as just different colored cardinals.
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I love bird chicks, they're nothing BUT fluff
It's good that you can just put them back in their nest and they'll turn out fine for the most part because, from what I remember, some birds will just leave the nest alone forever if they detect predators have touched it which basically means the babies you just saved will now starve
How do you even get a picture this close?
>Walk outside to get fresh air
>Accidentally spook one of the chicks in my backyard, causing it to force fledge
>Its parents swooped in and started yelling at me
I feel bad, but the research seems to indicate that he’ll be fine. Especially since his parents know where he is.
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telephoto lens + teleconverter(s) + high res full frame camera + cropping
House wren got stuck in my vinyl greenhouse today. I was going to release it but it got spooked when I went for the zipper and found its way out.

Silly wren.
Ditto, I found a house wren within a hole in my hammock singing while it’s mate flew over, these birds must be out and about now they’ve arrived at their breeding range.
>pair of woodpeckers nest in a tree right across from my balcony a month or so ago
>just this morning the municipal men showed up to cut down the tree, probably because some dickhead neighbour complained about the barely audible drumming
i hate it here
They're not supposed to do that if a bird is actively nesting in it. At least in just about every western country.
I'm so anxious about the bluebird nest. I am very invested in her success. It's not the best spot being right next to my driveway and she flies out of the box whenever a car goes by or people are near.

And last night a raccoon was around I was so worried it would climb up and eat the eggs so I gave it a bunch of cat food to hopefully become full from that.
>every western country.
that's the catch, I'm eastern european.
could've also been cut down for other reasons and they didn't know there was a nest in it, but it was the only tree that was cut down, so i doubt it.
Man did you have some sort of oxygen deficiency during birth? You feed the fucking thing and it will 100% be back, you're encouraging it in fact.
Use strong scents to keep them away, cayenne pepper and such, and each time you see them, you chase em away. Sometimes you need to get aggressive, I shot four cats who were fucking with my robin last year, one of which was clearly my neighbor's.
And in the future encourage safer, undisturbed and more viable nesting spots instead of inventing some death trap. Never ever feed the predators, it's counterproductive.
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I want to FUCK that bird
Ravens have been known to hunt surprisingly big game, but they're smart and prefer the easy way most of the time.
>literally dabs to attract a mate
Humans are just copying birbies now
Just bought a sony a6700 and a 200-600mm lense to take photos of birds thanks
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I feel seduced and I'm not even a bird.
How to electrify my suet feeder to zap starlings?
Kill all coons on sight. It’s better in the long run for everyone, yourself included.
If somebody returns my wallet, I don’t mind if the cash in it is gone
The cards/ID is such a hassle to regain
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I extended an olive branch to you, the bird so persecuted. Scum, nuisance, plague, some say.
I never chased you away, stopped putting out food you ate, even allowed stray cats to ambush you. I pulled one of your kin out from under a tree after getting tangled in undergrowth while dazed from ramming into my shed. You never gave me a reason to hate, you got along well with the other birds, kept to yourselves. You hopped around playfully in the yard, enjoyed yourself at the water I provided, lived a life of luxury others tried to keep from you.

You respond in turn to this privilege by dealing death. I provided nothing less than the finest bird feeding experience to you, and it wasn't enough. One sparrow dead in the yard, eyes gouged out, neck broken. I immediately thought of one of the aforementioned stray cats. I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Today, a dead finch, one I personally watched fledge mere days ago. One I watched grow from egg to independent creature. One that meant no harm, one that was curiously watching the others in the yard and attempting to learn from them. Brain leaking out of its fractured skull, eyes missing, neck limp, beak barely full colored, downy feathers scattered under the feeder. You staring at me on top of her with your beady, empty, yellow eyes. Dead eyes, like a doll's eyes.

I admit the mistake is mine, I had an open heart. I looked for the best.
Not anymore.
Suffer not the grackle to live, TOTAL GRACKLE DEATH.
I have finches nesting, or preparing to nest, right under my roof and above my window. They're pretty wary of me but they're still taking care of the nest; I cannot tell if there are already eggs.
My issue is that magpies also come everyday to hang around and play in my garden and last year, finches had made a nest in the same spot and those magpies ate all the babies.
What can I do ? I cannot reach the nest and I'd rather not hurt the magpie but I don't see how to protect the nest. I've been making noises to chase them away when I hear them laughing as they attack the nest but I can't pay attention 24/7 and I'd rather avoid stressing the finches
Veery started singing as of last night. Such a cool song.
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I love these things :)
Thanks for visiting
Coooouuuuooo cooo coooo coooooo
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Polly want a gracker
>Suffer not the grackle to live, TOTAL GRACKLE DEATH.
I’m thinking we’re back???
I'll snipe a few for you when I'm doing starling patrol.
My favorite bird is common swift, their sight and cries as they race in groups in chase of bugs among buildings brings me great joy.
I think the bluebird babies might have hatched. I saw dad bird go in and then come out with a small white thing in his mouth, I'm thinking fecal sac.

House wren is still singing over there but I haven't seen it go in the house. A phoebe landed on it and dad bluebird chased it away but I don't think it meant any harm.
I trap and kill them. But I don't always have the trap set, I usually only set it the day after I see one around. I got that one that was here a few days ago yesterday morning.

They cause a lot of destruction when they're trapped. I have it secured around a tree with a cable lock and they tear up the ground and all the saplings around it. I used to have it around a deck post but one chewed off half the side of a plant box and I thought at least they didn't chew the post itself and damage the deck, but that was a bad spot.
I saw a grackle at my feeder today. He had these weird small, grey, featherless circles around his eyes. I tried looking up to see if he is sick, but none of the results looked anything like it. His eyes weren't red or puffy or swollen or anything like that, and it was only around both of his eyes. None on his beak whatsoever. He also didn't appear lethargic or puffed up or skinny.

Do you guys know what this could be? Should I take down my feeders or is it just some kind of weird feather anomaly?

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