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Farm Boy (Caleb) Edition
>No solo dickgirls/futa
>Sissy content belongs in its own thread
>AI content belongs in its own thread(s)
>Try to keep it bumped

>Old Threads: https://pastebin.com/raw/7JkB8NH6
>Recommended Artists: https://pastebin.com/raw/xTuE4FYM
>Games: https://pastebin.com/raw/qEkEpJbh
(want one added? post a link AND a short description of the game)
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Please reply to this post with suggestions for the next thread's edition, bc I am running out of ideas.
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Just posting here, cuz the artist did say he was updating this art to fix an error
Wonderful start OP
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Anyone else actually start having sex with femboys/twinks and feel disappointed with the logistical issues of anal sex?

I didn't realize it would often take almost an hour for someone to get ready and sometimes it was flat out impossible even with effort. Having to set a strict timeline for anal sex really kills the mood and you simply can't do stuff like morning sex. It feels fucking great fucking a boy but idk if I want my sex to feel like a bank appointment
Tell the slut to keep it clean at all times and slap them on the face when you do it

Even better if you hold their face with your thumb in their mouth after. Press on their tongue it makes them twitch too
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>Anyone else actually start having sex with femboys/twinks and feel disappointed with the logistical issues of anal sex?
No, I'm too busy being outta shape for any cute femboys to find me attractive.
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I find femboys and traps super hot but dude voices are a complete turnoff for me. anyone else have this problem? what kind of voice do you want to hear from a cute boy?
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I've met gay guys who mostly do oral, and save anal for special occasions.
What is the ideal masculine to feminine ratio traits a femboy should have? Do you feel most femboys are drawn as too feminine? I know some people complain that many femboys are just drawn like a flat-chested girl with a dick.
i wish femboys were this cute irl
As long as it's not Paul Robeson tier deep I don't care
Not sure. There was a clip of some guy cosplaying Felix Argyle a couple years back. The cosplayer spoke and had a really deep and undoubtedly masculine voice. At first I found it turn off, but when see the clip now it turns me on.
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I actually have a thing for gay voice, not sure why.
I wish men were this curvy irl.
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This is what me and my bf do. It helps that we also both enjoy frotting and grinding etc. Sometimes it sucks not to be able to just simply fuck. But who cares, we like each other regardless.
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If you fuck a boy hard enough he sounds like a girl.

But you're still dating a man so you should expect a level of masculinity. Voice isn't a big deal
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any idea where to find that clip?
Apparently, this person is very popular on Instagram now.

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i'm confused
Imagine the deep voice moans as you make them cum from ass fucking.
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Seems the board is being spammed.
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Skkkkrtttt whip that dab
>be u
>be bad at being a f4gg0t
>also have nasty partners since you yourself are nasty

Dumbfuck I've been with two trannies and neither had an issue taking my 7 1/2. Never got poop on it either but did with Cis women. Try using lube (spit works fine) and be a real man that conquers holes, not a closeted f4g that probably is just a closet sissy in denial. Imagine being such a loser you w8 an hrs for mid femboy asshole topkek
Are you an idiot? Anon was bitching about how anal can't be spontaneous
Unfortunately, it's that time of year again when I have the urge to eat femboy ass.
Is it just me or has Onyx gotten a little plump recently?
Yup, he went from athletic build to thicc boi.
Heh, becoming boiwife material in every sense
No rules for what works and what doesn't, but I do prefer a femboy/cross dresser without exaggerated hips. Dross is good about this, especially lately. Men's bodies are kinda boxy without hormones (sad but true), so being able to still come across as feminine with that makes for an attractive mix.
>(spit works fine)
This is how I know you're lying
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Posting so we don't lose our thread because spam...
Alright lads I’m about to commission a femboy vtuber model. It’s around $400 for the illustration and $500 for rigging. Tell me, what do you personally find attractive about femboys? What will make you browse twitch and click on a stream to watch a femboy vtuber? What kind of personalities do you like? What are things you don’t like about femboys?

My personal taste are
>hair that can pass for a male or a female tomboy
>can’t be too feminine. If people know nothing about the character and can mistake them for a girl it’s probably a bad femboy design

This is probably by ideal face and body type.

I don’t know where else to ask. There’s an entire board for vtubers but they have shit taste when it comes to femboys. You’re the only guys whose taste I actually trust.
Yeah definitely not too feminine, that's just lazy. Flat chest (cute button nipples optional), low muscle definition on skin, no fat but not anorexic thin. Soft skin, small feet, the best femboys tend to already be naturally boyishly cute and androgynous, reduced masculinity without increasing femininity. No extra puffy pecs for faux tits, no unnaturally porno thicc hips/thighs/ass, no puffy cocksucking lips, basically don't make him look like a whore.
Girly accessories can be cute, like hair clips/bands, subtle earrings. Not skintight clothing but definitely ones that hug the curves he's got.
Which I guess is just the long way of saying tomboy with even less girl.
Anyways you're a madman, I wish you luck.
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something looks off about his taint or is it just me?
>ai garbage looks off
I wonder why...
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I've been bottoming for 15 years. It does not take an hour to get ready unless you're planning a fucking marathon. I can be in the shower and out in ten minutes and have zero issues for upwards of an hour of anal sex. I do prefer to plan ahead by eating lightly during the day, but all you really need clean is the colon and the best way to clean that out is to use the hose of the shower head with lukewarm water, clench around it, hold it for 5ish seconds, go empty out then repeat the process two or three times, then use fully silicon lube afterwards.
>silicon lube
Do you need to clean it after the act?
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I've always been told that silicon lube makes a mess.
Kissless turbovirgin detected
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I need a boiwife with pubes that I can bury my nose into and take a big whiff, while I deepthroat him.
all femboys should be caged
He's beautiful! I need him to be mine <3
why are you even here you closeted angry homosexual
You'll generally be washing afterward anyway, but stuff it gets on will need an actual wash since it doesn't come off with water. Which is kinda the point.
The major annoyance is it melts anything else made of silicone.
Anyone who pushes the idea that femboys should be forced to wear cages should be shot on sight. That is just my opinion, tho.
Wasn't this more popular in the sissy threads? I think most of the people here prefer uncaged.
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I wish Alice would let me suck his balls and eat his ass until he cums, I want my mouth covered in saliva, cum, and stray hairs.
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cages are boring as shit unless it's a control thing during actual sex
even then floppy is better desu
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So I discovered this dude recently and I think he makes the best 3D animated femboy porn to date. The free videos will give you the ultimate blue balls though since the good stuff are locked behind a paywall.
This is just an ad.
Didn't mean to make it look like an ad. If someone shares the decryption key, I'll gladly indulge myself and redistribute it like a good pirate.
Why is 99.99% of all gay porn violent, degrading, and/or masochistic? There's like one (1) artist who does somewhat wholesome content and even then it's always so emotionless, even a simple kiss seems to be a taboo.
Femboys should be treated like the cock sleeves they are.

The big issue IS the chemical interaction between silicon and toys/condoms, but I don't fuck unless I get a fresh std panel from them, and I'm not a big toy user.
I prefer this guy's femboy art than his futa for sure.
Alice is best boy, I'm happy lewdua has been doing more art of him.
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Agreed. The contrast of a gorgeous femboy, but wields such a hairy monster cock is such a hot concept to me. I just want to snuggle with him!
good pics
it’s not. look for fujo twink porn, gay men are into disgusting shit and bi men barely make any gay stuff
I'm exactly the same. The moment a trap/tomgirl/femboy animation has a male voice actor it is garbage to me.
"Voice acted by a woman" is the type I always imagine from them. I view them as dudes that are categorically female.
I like a little masculinity to the voice. I don't want a high pitched anime girl, I wanna tell I'm screwing a guy. But, I'm not a fan of like, extremely deep voices, personally. I guess that's my stance on things. Though then again, I like femboys with masculine attire, so I may just be a faggot who likes stuff like big asses on boys and what not
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You can have a male voice and still sound feminine.
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i like my femboys with masculine male voices
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I get the appeal of a footjob, but I will never understand why people want to lick/suck feet.
But it's still obviously a male voice. And that turns me off.
When it's a woman's voice, even if she speaks masculine and has a husky voice my brain still registers it as female. And that's my fantasy for traps/femboys; Men I categorize as female.
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Then I will never be understood by you. My primary interest is actually not anal sex or anilingus, it's worshipping a cute boy who has cute feet. Usually, as innocent as foot fetish content is (I legit don't know of a more innocent or benign or inoffensive fetish), it's not welcome in these femboy threads. I remember seeing a Bridget picture recently in one of these threads and because his feet were obviously in focus, people complained about how it belongs in a "containment" thread. Well there is no containment thread or board for foot monsters who like boy feet, so at least this one >>8181074 got by.
There used to be male feet threads. That's probably what they meant.
It's not though? Or at least I guess it depends on where you're looking. It's not too hard to find doujin with some cute lovey dovey stuff.
Man, Tekuo does some good boys. Nice balance of muscle.
Need more content of really big femboys being the bottom.
why aren't there any of those anymore?
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Idk, I've never been in one. Best guess is the person who made them is busy, or didn't get enough of a response to make another one.
sounds about right. man, why do almost all the male threads die off? is it because most anons are straight men
Partially. It's also that most guys have a lot of unconscious homophobia of the "this makes me uncomfortable" variety.
Personally like seeing femboys struggle with their cages during foreplay
Actual sex though they should be uncaged
I will deal with manly voice but girliest looks over girly voice but looks like me, any day of the goddamn week.
Believe it or not, there aren't as many gay/bi men as the internet would make you think.
>Straight femboys exist
This fills me with dread.
Maybe they'd be more tolerant on /y/?
I went there once and saw all of the bara shit and then left. So idk if they'd tolerate it or not.
/y/ is a three way war between baras, femboys, and twinks, it seems to be. Unsure on the status of chubby boys in that grouping, but they exist on /y/ as well, seem to keep to themselves. also, /y/ doesn't care too much for /d/ level subjects, so a lot of male threads for certain kinks would not work too well there.
>femboys, and twinks
I tried posting femboy shit there once or twice and was told that it wasn't welcome on /y/. It was years ago, but I thought it was weird bc not everyone who is gay likes masculine dudes.
well it would but if there wasn't a condom
The condom's not there because he's going to fuck you in the ass. It's there so that once you're done pounding his prostate into mashed potatoes you don't have to change the mattress from all the cum he shot into it.
yeah, it's very weird. there are twink and femboy threads on /y/ these days, but from what I have seen, the three crowds do not like each other too much
I was going to say something similar to the kin of measuring how much he cums.
he better cum hard then. speaking of; anybody else think the act of cumming is kinda cute?
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Goooooooood... we must get gayer.
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It's never gay to help your bros.
Very true. but sometimes, it's nice to be a lil homosexual with the homies
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That’s a shitposter from lolcow/crystal cafe. She gets banned if you report her trolling. Nobody likes her or cares about what she thinks. Post whatever you want there as long as it follows board and global rules.
so you're telling me all this craziness was the act of one person? damn.
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What if he gets fucked so hard that his boner breaks the cage?
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It often seems like that's the case.
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I'm working on this image of everyone's favourite two lovebirds and was thinking about doing several different outfit variations. Besides the obvious nude, gerudo and frostbite, what do you guys recommend? It doesn't have to be from Zelda specifically.
Zelda's outfit maybe? Let Link be the princess this time and enjoy himself. Maybe even give Ganondorf a Link hat or something to make the roleplay complete.
That's a fun idea. I'll definitely do something along those lines.
When this got it's anime announced I didn't expect people would jump on the elf boy so hard. A pleasant surprise.
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Chihiro, my beloved.
heaven is femboys~
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Gloves and a condom. Got to appreciate fan art that takes canon into account.
Bussy so good that it'll kill you.
I wish there was a femboy feet thread, that would please me more than anything else. At least as online content is concerned.

Anyway, just wanted to chime in and point out that /y/ is disgusting. It's almost entirely bara, big hairy, steroided neanderthals that wouldn't look out of place in a Gears of War game. The /y/ fanbase,/audience seems exclusively interested in bara/bears. From what I've seen, it's a hostile place for twinks, femboys, or anything remotely beautiful. Fuck /y/ and it's vile userbase.

/aco/ femboy threads are where it's at. Ironically delivering infinitely better yaoi/boylove content than /y/. Unfortunately, the femboy threads don't allow foot fetishist pictures, and neither do the general feet threads on /aco/ allow boy feet. If you post such content, they go genocidally berzerk. 4chan is so limiting for me, but other inageboards, like 8ch, have little activity on them.
Didn't know /y/ was so bad. That aside, I mean I don't think anyone would really be too opposed to a boy's feet being in a pic. Or a footjob here and there. I think most like the full package of cute boys. You can post boy feet. But you should also understand that only anons deep in the fetish are going to like the overly detailed feet types. That's always a sticking point to remember. Other than that I imagine you could post some just fine without much issue. Heck, looking back to the one post that seems to have made you think otherwise on this thread, even that one really didn't get any flak. Just someone expressing it's not really for them in a pretty polite way considering the site were on. Yes, you may not find too many as interested in feet as you may be, but you probably won't be insulted out or something.
I don't think many people are gonna throw a fit if you post some feet focused pics. However, I feel /d/ is probably best the place if you want an entire thread dedicated to that.
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Thank you for the inspiration. This was really fun to draw.

Anytime somebody posts femboy content on /y/ there the thread is filled with spergs raging. /aco/ is definitely the place for femboys imo.
>I don't think many people are gonna throw a fit
you'd be surprised honestly
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>I don't think many people are gonna throw a fit
How new are you?
Now that's a pretty hot adaptation of the classic Zelda dress for him. With all the special jewelry and trimmings to match. Link getting to be the princess himself and be spoiled is always fun.
If you have a big dick they don't care that you're fat
>If you have a big dick they don't care that you're fat
Then it's over for me then.
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>I don't think many people are gonna throw a fit
this is 4chan, you're gonna see someone gripe and bitch about something
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You could try frotting instead
that never happens UNLESS someone spams his personal fetish or acts like everyone has the same taste as he does. But an occasional feet pic never annoyed anyone anywhere
You're completely wrong and maybe even outright lying. In the last Femboy thread, there was one (exactly one) picture where Bridget's feet were in focus and the immediate reaction was someone griping about how it belongs in a containment thread. Nevermind the fact that, as I pointed out above, there is no femboy feet containment thread, not a single soul approved. On top of that, whoever posted the image didn't spam and didn't push back. Just took it, because this is 4chan and 4chan culture sucks. Anybody can go back to that thread and see for themselves how utterly wrong you are and how it makes your defense seem like you're a naive newfag or you're deliberately lying to portray 4chan as friendlier and more positive.
Just looked into the post you were referring to. I was expecting some kind of rage post reply chain going on about feet, but all it is was one post saying to keep it to a containment thread. That's nothing. That's barely even a blip. You're making mountains out of mole hills.
I really do feel some anons exaggerate the amount of complaining that goes on these femboy threads. Half the people complaining aren't posting pics themselves so they can stfu anyways.
>Doesn't contribute a pic
>Complains about others not contributing
Put your duncecap on, sit in the corner and shut your fucking filthy welfare parasite mouth up.

>Will come up with any lame excuse or justification to cover up for being a piece of fucking shit liar
Put a duncecap on and go join the other fucktard in your containment corner.

Holy shit, you two are retarded beyond belief.
>Didn't post a pic once
>that must mean you don't contribute to the thread
You fucking smooth brain. I've mostly been posting pics whenever the thread hits page 8/9. I've been doing it for the like the past 2 threads.
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Cody is best boy.
need to drain that cock
Yeah, i think Cody is Dross' most popular OC. Either him or Jade.
tranny logic detected
I find jade kinda overrated desu. I would much rather pick ash or taylor.
very cute. jealous of you guys
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don't overreact, at least it's clean, i think that containment from piss and shit is more crucial
My faves are between Caleb, Jamie, Rin or Onyx
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Breeding Thistle!
post more breedable elves
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No ai art in this thread. There's plenty of others you can share it in.
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Been getting into drawing femboys lately. hoping to draw more again soon
Looks great, Anon! I've had some ideas for femboy designs recently and been thinking about picking up drawing as a hobby.
That's beautiful. Link in a maid costume is peak male performance.
I want to suck off a femboy until they cum so hard they can't stand. No homo tho.
nah, homo as fuck. homo for your homies. the ultimate culmination of your bond with your femboy bro, your fembro, if you will
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that's cute but the weird micropenis looks uncanny as hell though why would anyone draw a cock in this manner
Sorry I only think about sucking cock in a heterosexual way.
I just assumed the artist likes submissive femboys with small cocks.
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>I just assumed the artist likes submissive femboys with small cocks.
Yeah i guess but actual small cocks are mostly just short and wide they don't look like a pencil lol

Anyway here's some more Astolfo
>Sorry I only think about sucking cock in a heterosexual way.
fair enough. sometimes you don't wanna go too far with your homies
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small peepers are so based
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They are good. Especially with cock size difference.
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I wish we had more black/brown femboys. Not a huge amount of content for it.
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You can use this for inspiration
My favourite boy from andava
Also, is andava and lilandy the same author?
Especially when they are moaning, almost crying from merciless buttfuck
Why did you reply to me with that? And why are you sharing ai in a non ai thread?
Let me at them and they'll be bi before long
I feel that
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I have this bizarre little notion in my head I'm utterly charming despite the fact I look like Danny Devito.
And I don't mean with the ladies, but it seems like I just charm guys without trying, so it makes me wonder if I can charm the straight femboys, too.
Delicious chocolate femboys!

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